Impedance technique (Impedance spectroscopy) Impedance techniques is conceptually totally different from other transient techniques where rather large perturbations are applied to the electrode. In impedance technique, only a very small periodic perturbation is applied either at equilibrium or steady-state, and the frequency of the signal is scanned typically in the range of 0.1Hz…100kH; the amplitude of the signal is ca. 10 mV. As shown in the picture below, the system causes a phase shift δ between the input and output signals. All the information of the system is included in the phase shift and the amplitude Î as the function of the angular frequency ω. input E = Ê sin(ωt) system output I = Î sin(ωt + δ) Z=E/I Z = Z(ω) Z ≠ Z(t) Î = Î(ω) δ = δ(ω) ω = 2πf If the input and output signals are plotted as the function of time a picture like one aside is obtained. Presenting data in this form is, however, rather pointless since periodical signals repeat themselves and all the information can be extracted from a single period (cycle). Therefore, data is presented in a polar coordinate presentation (next page). Polar coordinate (complex) presentation: Impedance Z = imag ωt + δ Eˆe jωt Iˆe j(ωt +δ) = Zˆe − jδ ; j = − 1 = imaginary unit Y = Z −1 = admittance Î ωt + δ Ê real Note that the time dependence is explicitly lost! Impedance (and admittance) is a complex quantity. Consequence: the analysis must be carried out in the frequency domain. Laplace (Fourier) transformation converts a function from the time domain to the frequency domain. Primer of complex numbers: z = x + jy = re jφ x = Re(z) = r cos(φ) = real part y = Im(z) = r sin(φ) = imaginary part r = z = zz * = x 2 + y 2 = modulus y φ = atan = phase x z* = x − jy = re − jφ = complex conjugate e ± jx = cos(x) ± j sin( x) Euler' s equation Consequence: non-linear equations need to be linearized → ac signal amplitude must be small (≤ 20 mV peak to peak). Problem: What is the polar coordinate expression of 1 ? jω Basic impedance elements • Resistor, R: E = RI ⇒ Z = R • Capacitor, C: I =C • Inductor, L: I= dE 1 = jωCE ⇒ Z = dt jωC Combination of elements Z1 Z2 ZN In series: ZTOT = Z1 + Z2 + ... + ZN = Σk Zk 1 1 Edt = E ⇒ Z = jωL ∫ L jωL • In electrochemistry, resistors represent the solution (ohmic) resistance and the reaction (kinetic) resistance. • All electrodes have a double layer capacitance (Lecture VIII); the cell itself may include a parasitic (stray) capacitance. • An inductor is found in corrosion problems, but also as a parasitic element coming from the wires connecting the cell and the measurement apparatus. Z1 Z2 In parallel: YTOT = Y1 + Y2 + ... + YN = Sk Yk ZN Why are electrodes (interfaces) capacitive? Total electric current = Kirchoff’s first law: Jk = transfer of species k (mol/cm2s) 2 ∂ φ IT = IF + IC = A F ∑ zk Jk − ε0εr ∂x∂t k zk = charge number of species k A = electrode area IC IT φ = Galvani potential C IF ZF Electrode reaction = Faradays’s law: rk = rate of reaction of species k (mol/s) IF = nF ∑ rk n = number of electrons in the reaction k Electrode reactions and transport are of different tensorial degree and coupled only through the mass balance. Example, one reactant: nr I zk ( Jk )x =0 = k = F Here, zk = n A AF Formal derivation of the electrode capacitance δ IT δ = A F ∫ ∑ zk Jk dx − jωε 0εr [φ(δ) − φ(0)] k 0 δ = A F ∫ ∑ zk Jk dx + jωε0εr E k 0 IT ε ε A = YT = YF + jω 0 r = YF + jωC E δ Faradaic admittance (impedance) is derived considering the kinetics of the electrode reaction and utilizing the mass balance. Any impedance can be presented as a serial combination of a pseudo-resistor Rp and pseudo-capacitor Cp: Z = Rp – j/ωCp , hence Re(Z) = Rp and –Im(Z) = 1/ωCp An ac bridge was the first experimental technique to measure impedance. It can still be used and it is very accurate but slow to operate. I1R1 = I2 (Rp − j / ωC p ) I1R2 = I2 Z R1 Rp − j / ωC p = Z R2 An ac bridge. R1 = R2 ⇒ Z = Rp – j/ωCp Kirchoff’s 2nd law Impedance presentations Nyquist plot: Bode plot: Electrochemists prefer a Nyquist (or an impedance) plot because several issues can immediately be seen from it. Angular frequency ω is not explicitly seen in the plot. Process control people prefer a Bode plot. Main concern is put to the amplitude of the impedance vector, phase angle has a smaller significance for them. Desibel dB = 10·log|Z| Recipe for the derivation of impedance: 1. Linearize the current-voltage equation. 2. Solve the problem in Laplace domain. 3. Remove non-periodical components of the solution with the relation ( ) fac = lim s2 + ω2 F (s) s → jω 4. Z (ω) = In practice, replace s with jω and leave terms not including E (η) or I (I) out. E (ω) . Note! No inverse transformations are needed! I(ω) This very simple method becomes clear after the following examples. This method is not presented in any electrochemical textbook. ( ) Linearization of a multivariable function at point x1* , x2* ,..., xN* : g(x1 , x2 ,..., xN ) ≈ g(x1* , x2* ,..., xN* ) + N ∑ ∂g ∂x k =1 k * (xk − xk* ) N * ⇒ ∆g ≈ ∑ ∂g ∆xk ∂x k =1 k Linearization of the current-overpotential equation at the equilibrium: i = 0, η = 0, cs = cb. i cRs αfη cOs (α −1) fη = e − be ⇒ i0 cRb cO ∂ i ∂ i ∂ i 1 1 = αf − (α − 1) f = f − = = ; ; b s i b s i ∂ η cO ∂cR 0 eq. cR ∂cO 0 eq. i0 eq. i cRs cOs i cRs − cRb cOs − cOb cRs cOs RT − + ≈ − + fη = b − b + fη ⇔ η = b b i0 cR cO cR cO nF i 0 cRb cOb Now this linearized equation in time domain is transformed to Laplace domain, and the surface concentrations are inserted: RT i cRs cOs RT i i i ; i = I ; A = electrode surface area η= − + = + + A nF i 0 cRb cOb nF i 0 nFcRb sDR nFcOb sDO 1 1 RT RT RT η + 1 1 + 1 1 ⇒ Z (ω) = RT + = + 2 2 nFAi0 n2F 2 A DR cRb ξcOb jω I nFAi0 n F A DR cRb ξcOb s The impedance thus is Z = Rct + W = Rct + Rct = σ (1 − j) where Rct = charge transfer resistance, W = Warburg impedance ω RT 1 1 RT σ= 2 2 + b b n F A DR 2 cR ξcO ( )α (cb )1−α n2F 2 Ak 0 cOb R The total impedance with the capacitance and the solution resistance is given by Randles’ equivalent circuit: Cd 100 Rs Rct W -Zimag / Ω 80 In a Nyquist plot aside, characteristics of an impedance of a simple electrode reaction is shown. At high frequencies, the plot intercepts the real (x) axis at Rs; the diameter of the semicircle is Rct; the slope rising with 45 degrees angle is characteristic to diffusion. Depending on the element values, the diffusion slope overlaps with the semicircle. 60 40 20 0 Rct Rs 0 50 100 150 200 Zreal / Ω 250 At an arbitrary potential the faradaic impedance is obtained as follows: [ ] I ∆I (s) = kox cRs − kred cOs ⇒ = kox ∆cRs − kred ∆cOs + α kox cRs + (1 − α)kred cOs f ∆E (s) nFA nFA ∆cRs (s) = − ∆I (s) nFA sDR and ∆cOs (s) = [ ∆I (s) nFA sDO ] 2 2 n k k s s ox red = αkox cR + (1 − α) kred cO F A ∆E (s) ∆I (s) 1 + + RT sDR sDO Z= 1 + λ / jω λ RT ⋅ = R + 1 ct 2 2 s s jω n F A αkox cR + (1 − α)kred cO λ= kox k + red . DR DO The average surface concentrations cRs and cOs due to the dc current can be solved as follows: ( cOb cRb DR cR (s) + DO cO (s) = DR + DO ⇒ cRs − cRb = ξ cOb − cOs s s s s ) ( Realizing that the rate constants kox and kred can be expressed as kox = k 0θα and kred = k 0θα −1 where θ = exp nF E − E 0' RT Idc s α s α −1 c c = θ − θ Butler-Volmer equation becomes in the following form: R O 0 nFAk Combining this with the expression in previous page, it is obtained: ( ) b b 1−α ξcOb + cRb + ξIdc θ1−α / nFAk 0 / nFAk 0 s θ ξcO + cR − Idc θ and cO = cR = 1 + ξθ 1 + ξθ s Provided that the kinetics is not very slow and the measurement is not done at high dc currents, the Idc term in the numerator can be neglected, and the surface concentrations become ( b b ξcOb + cRb s θ ξcO + cR and cO ≈ cR ≈ 1 + ξθ 1 + ξθ s ) The charge transfer resistance finally becomes as Rct = 1 + ξθ RT ⋅ θα n2F 2 Ak 0 ξcOb + cRb ( ) ), Accordingly, the Warburg impedance can be derived into the form ( 1 + ξθ k 0θα k 0θα −1 1 − j 1 + ξθ)2 RT RT + = 2 2 ⋅ (1 − j) W= 2 2 0 b b ⋅ α ⋅ b b θ DO 2ω n F A ξcO + cR DO 2ω θ n F Ak ξcO + cR DR ( ) ( 50 2500 40 2000 1500 'W' 'R' 30 1 + ξθ 'R' = α θ 20 1000 10 500 0 -200 0 E - E° / mV 200 0 -200 ) The plot aside tells why measuring impedance at potentials far from equilibrium does not pay off: the increase of the Warburg impedance is much stronger than that of the charge transfer resistance and we won’t see anything else than the effect of diffusion – again. ( 1 + ξθ)2 'W ' = θ 0 E - E° / mV 200 Plots of the dimensionless charge transfer resistance and the Warburg impedance.