Fakultät Maschinenwesen | Institut für Energietechnik | Professur für Technische Thermodynamik Institutslogo Lecture Series at Fritz-Haber-Institute Berlin „Modern Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis“ 7.12.2012 Impedance Spectroscopy Old Technique – New Applications Cornelia Breitkopf For personal use only! Outline o Why old technique? o What mathematics necessary? o What measurement principle? o Which applications in general and in heterogeneous catalysis? Papers and citations concept of electrical impedance was first introduced by HEAVYSIDE in the 1880s Transient methods – general approach Black Box disturbance analysis TAP …temporal analysis of products concentration change in Porous solid pulse shape of pulse FR …frequency response volume Porous solid modulation sine-wave Porous solid voltage modulation see former lectures pressure at FHI detection EIS …electrical impedance spectroscopy MS detection = f(t) of reactants and products Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) … …. is now established as a powerful tool o for investigating the mechanisms of electrochemical reactions o for measuring the dielectric and transport properties of materials o for exploring the properties of porous electrodes o for investigating passive surfaces Reflections on the history of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. D. D. Macdonald. Electrochimica Acta 51 (2006) 1376-1388. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) The power of the technique arises from: o it is a linear technique and results are interpreted in terms of Linaer Systems Theory o if measured of an infinite frequency range, the impedance delivers all information from a system by linear electrical pertubation/response techniques o high experimental efficiency o validation of data is quite easy via integral transform techniques (Kramers-Kronig) that are independent of the physical processes …however, EIS data interpretation requires a high level of mathematical skills Reflections on the history of electrochmical impedance spectroscopy. D. D. Macdonald. Electrochimica Acta 51 (2006) 1376-1388. Mathematics behind…. …. some examples Electrochemistry basics behind…. …. some examples Introduction to impedance o EIS - Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy o measures dielectric properties of a medium as a function of frequency o permittivity: interaction of an external field with the electric dipole moment of the sample o characterization of electrochemical systems o impedance…complex electrical resistance Principle – Representation of Complex Impedance o Impedance …ability to resist the flow of electric current without limitations of Ohm´s law o Electrochemical impedance measurement applying an AC potential to an electrochemical cell measure then the current through the cell analyze via Fourier series o General principle similar to TAP, Frequency response (see lectures for diffusion) Black Box Sinusoidal Excitation Response Analysis Principle – Representation of Complex Impedance o electrical resistance – ability of a circuit element to resist the flow of electrical current R= o Ohm´s law • E I R resistance E voltage I current ideal resistor valid at all E, I levels R independent of frequency AC current and voltage are in phase • ideal capacitor AC current and voltage are completely out of phase, current follows voltage Principle – Representation of Complex Impedance o ideal resistor o ideal capacitor 𝑑 𝑅 = 𝐴 𝐶= R d A resistance [] electrical resistivity [ cm] distance [cm] area [cm2] conductivity 1/ 0 𝐴 𝑑 C capacitance [F] 0 electrical permittivity of vacuum (8.85 *10-14 F/cm) relative electrical permittivity of material [-] water = 80,1 polymers = 2…8 vacuum = 1 Principle – Representation of Complex Impedance o replace the simple concept of resistance/capacitance by impedance o impedance is a more general circuit parameter o it takes the phase differences between input voltage and output current into account Impedance can be defined …as a complex resistance …realized when a current flows through a circuit …composed of various resistors, capacitors or inductors. …it is valid for direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). Linearity of electrochemical systems o systems can be viewed as linear and non-linear systems o impedance analysis of linear circuits is much easier o definition of linear systems (by Oppenheim and Willsky in Signals and Systems): …A linear system ….is one that possesses the important property of superposition: if the input consists of the weighted sum of several signals, then the output is simply the superposition (weighted sum) of the responses of the system to each of the signals in case of an electrochemical cell: input is potential, output is current o electrochemical cells are not linear (doubling voltage = double the current) Pseudo-linearity of electrochemical systems o at small AC signals (1 – 10 mV), electrochemical cells become pseudo-linear o linear systems do not produce any harmonics of the excitation frequency o thus, presence and absence of significant harmonic responses can be used to check for linearity Conditions for measurement o systems being measured must be at steady state o systems which change with time may cause problems in standard EIS measurements o reasons for being not at steady state o adsorption of solution impurities o growth of an oxide layer o build up of reaction products o coating degradation o temperature changes …however, these problems may be solved by faster detection techniques (see applications) and thus open opportunity to follow such phenomena Principle – Representation of Complex Impedance o for small excitations a pseudo-linear response results with characteristic phase shifts o excitation signal as function of time Principle – Representation of Complex Impedance o excitation as f(t) Et = Eo sin(t) Et E0 f o response signal potential at time t amplitude radial frequency = 2p f frequency It = Io sin(t + ) It I0 response at time t amplitude phase Principle – Representation of Complex Impedance o expression similar to Ohm´s law Z Et Eo sin(t ) sin(t ) Zo I t I o sin(t ) sin(t ) Z Z0 impedance magnitude o E(t) on x-axis, response I(t) on y-axis Lissajous figure Principle – Representation of Complex Impedance o EULER relationship exp(j) = cos+ j sin o representation of impedance as a complex function Et = Eo exp(jt) It = Io exp(jt - i) Z () = Z ( ) 𝐸𝑡 𝐼𝑡 Et Eo .exp( jt ) Z o (cos j sin ) Z Re jZ Im I t I o .exp( jt ) Principle – Representation of Complex Impedance Z () = Z0 (cos + j sin) o Z() is composed of a real and an imaginary part o plot on x-axis real part o plot on y-axis imaginary part Nyquist plot Principle – Nyquist plot Each point on the Nyquist plot is the impedance at one frequency impedance is represented as vector with length IZI negative! angle between vector and x-axis is phase angle high frequencies low frequencies Principle – Nyquist plot Nyquist plots ….. are based on …….. o semicircle is characteristic of a single time constant equivalent circuits Principle – Bode plot BODE plot as another presentation opportunity. It shows frequency information. absolute value of IZI log frequency phase shift log frequency Models and analogs interpretation analogs tools to interprete impedance data physical models o analogs which always take the form of electrical equivilant circuits o aim to reproduce the phenomena of interest o simply reproduce the properties o account for the mechanism of the processes in terms of valid concepts o do not pretend to describe physicoelectrochemical properties of the system Electrical circuit elements o Equivilant circuits serve as analysis/evaluation tool for EIS data o EIS data are fitted to a model representing an equivilant circuit o common circuit elements: resistors, capacitors, inductors* o properties of basic models determine the dependency of frequency * Basics of EIS. www.gamry.com Physical Electrochemistry – Electrolyte resistance o solution resistance is a significant factor o resistance in ionic solution is determined by ionic concentration, type of ion, temperature, area of cell o k as conductivity of solution (see standard textbooks and tables for data) o problem: uniformity of current through an electrolyte area Basics of EIS. www.gamry.com Physical Electrochemistry – Double layer capacitance o existance of electrical double layer on the interface between an electrode and its surrounding electrolyte o double layer forms by "sticking" ions on the electrode surface charged electrode is separated from charged ions formation of a capacitor o value of double layer capacitance depends on electrode potential, temperature, ionic concentrations, type of ions, oxide layers, electrode roughness, adsorption of impurities…. Basics of EIS. www.gamry.com Physical Electrochemistry – Polarization/charge transfer o polarization occurs via electrochemical reactions at electrode surface o mixed potentials o amount of current depends on kinetics of reaction and diffusion of reactants towards and away from electrode o example: corrosion o single kinetically controlled reaction causes a charge transfer resistance o no mixed potentials o example: metal substrate in an electrolyte o charge transfer speed depends on kind of reaction, temperature, concentration of reaction products, applied potential Basics of EIS. www.gamry.com Physical Electrochemistry – Examples …for combination of electrolyte resistance R1, charge transfer resistance R2, double layer cpacitance C R2 R1 C demonstration examples Physical Electrochemistry – Examples …for diffusion and kinetic controlled electrochemical reactions (dependencies between rate constant k0, transfer coefficient a, bulk solution concentration cbulk, diffusion coefficient D) o reaction control by kinetics or by diffusion demonstration examples Physical Electrochemistry - Diffusion o diffusion creates an impedance which is called WARBURG impedance o impdedance depends on pertubation frequency at high frequency a small Warburg impedance results at low frequency a higher Warburg impedance is generated Warburg impedance appears in Nyquist plot as diagonal line with slope of 45 ° Example for mixed kinetic and diffusion control o Warburg impedance is the diffusional impedance for the diffusion layer of infinite thickness which is characterized for the macroelectrode o W is given by with l as relative parameter of charge transfer k and diffusion coefficient D with kf and kb heterogeneous kinetics on electrodes and D as diffusion coefficient o RANDLES cell: equivalent circuit with mixed kinetic and charge transfer/diffusion control Physical Electrochemistry - Diffusion o Randles cell – equivalent circuit o electrolyte resistance Re (4700), charge transfer resistance Rct (44000), double layer cpacitance Cdl (5*e-9), l =7 demonstration examples graph with Warburg impedance according to values History – some important theories and names o concept of electrical impedance was first introduced by HEAVYSIDE in the 1880s o improvement by KENNELLY and STEINMETZ via use of vector diagrams and complex numbers representation o Warburg (1899) determined impedance of diffusional transport of an electroactive species to an electrode surface History – some important theories and names o Kramers-Kronig transforms (1920s) o validate data consistency o independent check for validity o originally to treat optical data o based on Cauchy theorem which provides theoretical basis for causality from: Reflections on the history of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. D. D. Macdonald. Electrochimica Acta 51 (2006) 1376-1388. History – some important theories and names o introduction of double-layer theory by FRUMKIN and GRAHAM resulted in use of equivalent circuit modeling approach by RANDLES (1947) from: Reflections on the history of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. D. D. Macdonald. Electrochimica Acta 51 (2006) 1376-1388. History – some important theories and names o coupling of electrochemical reactions with diffusion by GERISHER and adsorption by EPPELBOIN o important electrochemical processes and reactions could be described for the first time hydrogen and electrode reactions metal dissolution passivity corrosion from: Reflections on the history of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. D. D. Macdonald. Electrochimica Acta 51 (2006) 1376-1388. History – some important theories and names o effects of porous surfaces on electrochemical kinetics theory of porous electrodes developed by de LEVIE in the 1960s from: Reflections on the history of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. D. D. Macdonald. Electrochimica Acta 51 (2006) 1376-1388. History – some important theories and names o de LEVIE from: Reflections on the history of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. D. D. Macdonald. Electrochimica Acta 51 (2006) 1376-1388. History – some important theories and names o data analysis improved by further development of mathematical methods o improvement of computer and measurements techniques in last 40 years o new applications: dielectric spectroscopy analysis of conduction in bulk polymers or cell suspensions, surface corrosion kinetics, analysis of state of biomedical implants Example: gas diffusion in porous systems Matysik, S.; Schulze, K.-D.; Breitkopf, C.; Papp.H: Impedance spectroscopy on solid sulfated zirconia catalysts Computer and Experimental Simulations in Engineering and Science CESES. 4 (2009) 145. …possible to describe also gas diffusion ? Example: gas diffusion in porous systems Matysik, S.; Schulze, K.-D.; Breitkopf, C.; Papp.H: Impedance spectroscopy on solid sulfated zirconia catalysts Computer and Experimental Simulations in Engineering and Science CESES. 4 (2009) 145. …and comparison to TAP results ? 373 K Methan 30 25 Ethan 2 Deff [cm /s] Neon Propan 20 Butan 14 3*10 Moleküle/Puls 14 1.5*10 Moleküle/Puls 15 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0.5 1/(M ) Knudsen diffusion of gases over corund determined by TAP (C. Breitkopf) Example: gas diffusion in porous systems Matysik, S.; Schulze, K.-D.; Breitkopf, C.; Papp.H: Impedance spectroscopy on solid sulfated zirconia catalysts Computer and Experimental Simulations in Engineering and Science CESES. 4 (2009) 145. o comparison of surface modified samples o modification with pyridine o loading of sample with n-butane o remeasure properties as time resolved responses example: gas diffusion in porous systems Matysik, S.; Schulze, K.-D.; Breitkopf, C.; Papp.H: Impedance spectroscopy on solid sulfated zirconia catalysts Computer and Experimental Simulations in Engineering and Science CESES. 4 (2009) 145. o equivilant circuit Example: gas diffusion in porous systems Matysik, S.; Schulze, K.-D.; Breitkopf, C.; Papp.H: Impedance spectroscopy on solid sulfated zirconia catalysts Computer and Experimental Simulations in Engineering and Science CESES. 4 (2009) 145. Example: gas diffusion in porous systems Matysik, S.; Schulze, K.-D.; Breitkopf, C.; Papp.H: Impedance spectroscopy on solid sulfated zirconia catalysts Computer and Experimental Simulations in Engineering and Science CESES. 4 (2009) 145. Literature example: The rate of hydrogen and iodine adsorption at Platinum o aim of study: evaluation of adsorption rate of hydrogen in presence of iodine in solution on the surface of crystal Pt(111) and polycrystalline Pt by EIS o why interesting?: - former investigation of adsorption of hydrogen on Pt, Rh in acid solution - using iodine can increase adsorption of hydrogen on the surface R. Oelgeklaus, J. Rose, H. Baltruschat. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 376 (1994) 127-133 Literature example: The rate of hydrogen and iodine adsorption at Platinum (experiment) Sample - single-crystall Pt(111) and polycrstalline Pt with 10mm in diameter - electrolyte: alkaline: KOH addition KI with pH= 13; 14 Set up of experiment - carrying out in standard electrochemical cell - using 3 electrodes: counter- (Pt sheet), working (Pt or Pt (111))-, and reference electrode Method - cyclic voltammetry (CV): check the surface orientation - electrochemical impedance: evaluation of hydrogen and iodine adsorption Standard electrochemical cell R. Oelgeklaus, J. Rose, H. Baltruschat. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 376 (1994) 127-133 Literature example: The rate of hydrogen and iodine adsorption on Platinum (equivalent circuit) o • for reversible adsorption (Langmuir) and irreversible adsorption (Frumkin) equivalent circuit for adsorption control: (Fig. 1) CD- double-layer capacitance RadH, CadH- resistance and capacitance of hydrogen adsorption Re-solution resistance Figure 1 R. Oelgeklaus, J. Rose, H. Baltruschat. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 376 (1994) 127-133 Literature example: The rate of hydrogen and iodine adsorption at Platinum (results and discussion) 1. Single-crystal Pt(111) - evaluation of several series and parallel equivilant circuits - adsorption of iodine is very fast (Fig.3) - adsorption of hydrogen is slow (Fig.3) R. Oelgeklaus, J. Rose, H. Baltruschat. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 376 (1994) 127-133 The rate of hydrogen and iodine adsorption at Platinum (results and discussion) 2. Polycrystalline Pt - rate of iodine adsorption in polycrystalline Pt < Pt(111) - structure-activity relations with respect to water dissiciation R. Oelgeklaus, J. Rose, H. Baltruschat. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 376 (1994) 127-133 Literature example: Impedance spectroscopy on porous materials: A general model of lithium-ion batteries Aim of study - general model to fit electrochemical impedance spectra experimental data considering adsorption of species at the electrode’s surface of lithium-ion batteries Reasons - essential information about processes at graphite electrodes from electrochemical impedance: charge transfer at interface, diffusion inside, adsorption at the interface, geometric limitation. - understanding of limitations in order to obtain maximum performance of electro-active materials Fabio La Mantia, Jens Vetter, Petr Novak. Electrochimica Acta 53 (2008) 4109–4121 Literature example: Impedance spectroscopy on porous materials: A general model of lithium-ion batteries (experiment) 1. Structure of cell (Fig.4) - working electrode: prepared from graphite powder mixture with binder - reference electrode: lithium - current collector: titanium wire - counter electrode: lithium - electrolyte: ethylene carbonate (EC) mixture dimethyl carbonate (DMC) in 1M LiPF6 2. Approach EIS: using a Potentiostatic/Galvanostat by Princeton Applied Reseach at 25oC, DC potential of 1.5V, frequency 100kHz down to 10mHz, amplitude 2mV Cyclic voltammetry: potential between 1.5V and 0.9V at sweep rate of 0.2mVs-1 Table 1 3. Materials (Table 1) Fabio La Mantia, Jens Vetter, Petr Novak. Electrochimica Acta 53 (2008) 4109–4121 Literature example: Impedance spectroscopy on porous materials: A general model of lithium-ion batteries (results) o o Figs. represent the modulus of impedance spectra with different graphite materials in Bode plot impedance correlates with irreversible charge consumption on SEI layer (solid electrolyte interface). (processes cannot be analyzed from these diagrams) Modulus of the electrochemical impedance of a GN44 electrode in EC:DMC at 1.5V vs. Li/Li+ influence of the BET on impedance impedance of KS sample at low frequencies significantly different Modulus of specific the electrochemical impedance for different graphite samples in EC:DMC at 1.5V vs. Li/Li+ Fabio La Mantia, Jens Vetter, Petr Novak. Electrochimica Acta 53 (2008) 4109–4121 Literature example: Impedance spectroscopy on porous materials: A general model of lithium-ion batteries (expressions of model) A general model interpretation of EIS experimental data: • Based on resistivity of both electrolyte solution and electrode, eq (6): d ln Ap RT Cw S E x dx x FC (1 2t ) x a. A S p • Describing the behavior of a porous electrode, mass transport equations, electrochemical reaction at the surface, eqs (19,20) S E d ln Ap RT j x dx x FC (1 2t )Cw a S C t • (6) x 0, x d ln Ap 2 D(1 t ) dx x x 0, x x (19) Electrical equivalent circuit representing the current lines and reacting sites in porous electrode (20) Eqs(19,20) be used for AC response of porous electrodes with assumption in timedomain and steady-state by eq (45) l cosh(k l ) ZT ( ) NAp k l sinh(k l ) 2 (45) with S2 E2 ; S E 2 S . E S2 E2 Fabio La Mantia, Jens Vetter, Petr Novak. Electrochimica Acta 53 (2008) 4109–4121 Literature example: Impedance spectroscopy on porous materials: A general model of lithium-ion batteries (Fitting experimental data with model) o equation (45) used for fitting experimental impedance spectra o impedance spectra were analyzed using Kramer-Kronig transformation Nyquist plot of electrochemial impedance of GN44 electrode in EC:DMC at 1.5V vs. Li/Li+ Fabio La Mantia, Jens Vetter, Petr Novak. Electrochimica Acta 53 (2008) 4109–4121 Applications of EIS (current and future) o impedance of electroactive polymer films with respect to their special properties such as flexible solution and melt processability manufacturing, blendability with commodity polymers, ambient stability, unconventional electrical and optical properties new materials in value-added industrial and consumer products as electroactive inks, paints, coatings, and adhesives electrochromic smart windows electrically conductive transparent and corrosion-protective films supercapacitive materials conductive high-performance fibers electrochemical sensors, enzyme-modified conductive polymers from: Impedance spectroscopy – applications to electrochemical and dielectric phenomena. Vadim F. Lvovich. Wiley 2012. Applications of EIS (current and future) o impedance of industrial colloids and lubricants reduction of friction processes in industry and automobiles opportunity by EIS to resolve a complicated lubricant system both spatially and chemically to analyze specific parts of that system o cell suspensions, protein adsorption, and implantable biomedical devices o insulating films and coatings o electro-rheological fluids o impedance of metal-oxide films and alloys o corrosion monitoring from: Impedance spectroscopy – applications to electrochemical and dielectric phenomena. Vadim F. Lvovich. Wiley 2012. Modifications of EIS (current and future) o AC voltammetry o potentiodynamic and (fast) Fourier-transform impedance spectroscopy o non-linear higher-harmonics impedance analysis o local EIS o scanning photo-induced impedance microscopy (SPIM) from: Impedance spectroscopy – applications to electrochemical and dielectric phenomena. Vadim F. Lvovich. Wiley 2012. Thanks for the attention ! Questions please send to: Cornelia.Breitkopf@tu-dresden.de