Briefing Paper: For Information (Meeting 6 – 13 May 2010) Agenda

Briefing Paper: For Information
(Meeting 6 – 13 May 2010)
Agenda Item 3
In 20 years time, will our Parramatta River Catchment vision be achieved?
What are we doing (and not doing) right now towards achieving our vision?
The discussion will be led like a brainstorm session, to start thinking about some of these issues
and encourage all PRCG members present at the meeting to contribute to the discussion.
The aim of the PRCG is reflected in many of our foundation documents:
PRCG Vision (2009)
“The Parramatta River is one of Australia’s greatest and best known waterways. Its catchment is
valued and celebrated by the community for its rich history, healthy natural environment and
vibrant outdoor spaces.”
PRCG Implementation Plan (2007) and Terms of Reference (2008)
“The Parramatta River Catchment Group aims to lead efforts to improve the condition and
ecological function of the Parramatta River, its tributaries and catchment lands by improving and
coordinating effort in natural resource management in the local government areas of…”
PRCG website (current)
“The PRCG is a regional organisation of local councils, state agencies and community
representatives whose aim is to work together to improve the health of the Parramatta River
1. It has been a few years since the formation of the PRCG and it is a good time to review how
we are going. The actions identified in the PRCG Implementation Plan are due for a review this
year. This roundtable discussion, with the full PRCG group, is the first step in this process of
reviewing the PRCG’s actions and focus for the coming few years.
2. Some pre-review issues have been raised about the action list in the Implementation Plan (see
the attachment):
a) There are a considerable number of actions to implement, under each theme.
b) Some of the actions are general and broad, more like overarching objectives rather than
specific actions to be funded and completed.
c) Some of the actions are beyond the capacity of the Sub-Committees to enact
d) Some of the actions are on hold awaiting the release of information or documents from
other NSW agencies.
e) Some PRCG Sub-Committees have been able to progress, whereas others have found
delivering the Implementation Plan actions challenging. In June and July 2010, both the
Biodiversity and Stormwater Sub-Committees will be reviewing their objectives and actions
PRCG – MEETING #6 13/5/2010
This roundtable discussion with the full PRCG group has been initiated to help guide the review
process, by addressing as a whole group, the following questions in relation to the PRCG vision
and aim:
“The Parramatta River is one of Australia’s greatest and best known waterways. Its
catchment is valued and celebrated by the community for its rich history, healthy natural
environment and vibrant outdoor spaces.”
“The Parramatta River Catchment Group aims to lead efforts to improve the condition and
ecological function of the Parramatta River, its tributaries and catchment lands…”
What can realistically be achieved by the PRCG?
Where and how can we collectively make a difference, as a group?
Are our current actions and projects the right ones to lead us towards our vision?
How should we focus our efforts and budgets over the next 2-3 years?
What are the 2-3 main actions we should focus on under each theme (Estuary, Stormwater,
Biodiversity and Communications/Governance)
The Attachment contains the full list of actions from the Implementation Plan. Each of the PRCG
Sub-Committees has been responsible for implementing a group of these actions.
PRCG – MEETING #6 13/5/2010
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Briefing Paper: For Information and Endorsement
(Meeting 6 – 13 May 2010)
Agenda Item 4(d)
To receive endorsement of the attached draft document PRCG Community Representatives - Roles and
The PRCG currently has six nominated community and landholder representatives, who contain a wealth of
knowledge and information about their local areas in the Parramatta River catchment. These community
representatives are also members of other groups and community networks:
Bidjigal Reserve Trust Board (Wendy Goonan)
Blacktown and District Environment Group Inc (Wayne Olling)
Western Sydney Conservation Alliance Inc (Wayne Olling)
Callan Park Bushcare Group in Leichhardt LGA (Tim Baker)
Ryde Hunters Hill Flora and Fauna Preservation Society (Frank Breen)
Darug Tribal Aboriginal Corporation (Lorraine Sullivan)
Lake Parramatta Reserve Bushcare Group (David Rabbidge)
s Bay Bushcare Group in Canada Bay LGA (Andy Doldisson)
These positions come up for renewal every two years, with the next application process due in November
The roles and responsibilities of the PRCG community representatives need to be clarified for the benefit of
the community members and the rest of the PRCG group.
In January 2010, the PRCG Coordinator met with four of the PRCG community representatives to discuss:
− How their knowledge and experience can best be utilised in the PRCG (thus making involvement
meaningful for them, and the whole group)
− How to appropriately distribute the information circulated within the PRCG.
Out of this discussion, the attached draft document has been developed.
That all members:
− Endorse the document: PRCG Community Representatives - Roles and Responsibilities.
PRCG – MEETING #6 13/5/2010
DRAFT for consideration at the PRCG meeting May 2010
PRCG Community Representatives: Roles & Responsibilities
The Parramatta River Catchment Group (PRCG) aims to lead regional efforts to improve the condition and
ecological function of the Parramatta River catchment by improving and coordinating efforts in natural
resource management across the local government areas of Ashfield, Auburn, Bankstown, Blacktown,
Canada Bay, Holroyd, Hunters Hill, Leichhardt, Parramatta, Ryde and Strathfield.
The PRCG is made up of members from various organisations:
• Staff from local councils
• Council elected representatives (councillors)
• Staff from state government agencies
• Nominated representatives from community and environmental groups
• Nominated representatives from non-government organisations
• Nominated representatives from major landholders and land users
The role of the PRCG community representative is to offer insights and observations from the community
perspective that has not previously been considered. Specifically to:
• Speak on behalf of the community organisations or network represented.
• Be a voice for the rights of all people in the community to live in a healthy catchment (present and future
The responsibilities of the PRCG community representative are to:
• Act as a two-way information link between the PRCG and the community organisations or network
• Share relevant local knowledge, contacts and technical information.
• Provide input and advice to sub-committees when requested (such as grant submissions, community
education projects, site specific projects etc).
• Provide updates to the PRCG about the activities of the community group or network represented.
• Follow the PRCG Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct, which apply to all PRCG members.
• Be a representative of (and therefore) part of the public face of the PRCG.
It is the main endeavour of the PRCG to achieve the consensus of the whole group on decisions and
strategic direction.
During PRCG meetings and business, occasionally a vote may be required to reach a decision. In these
instances, the voting rights rest with the local councils and state government agencies who contribute funding
to the PRCG (Terms of Reference, page 5). The PRCG community representatives, like the other
organisations represented that do not have voting rights, are still a valuable part of the dialogue and meeting
process between all PRCG organisations.
PRCG – MEETING #6 13/5/2010
As members of the PRCG, the community representatives have access to the ‘Members’ webpage (login
required) on the PRCG website to receive meeting papers and reports relevant to the business of the PRCG.
The purpose of this information is to keep all PRCG members up-to-date and informed about projects,
initiatives and issues requiring input and decision making.
Because some of this information may be in draft format, to stimulate discussion or ‘for consideration only’,
the distribution of this information outside of the PRCG needs to be managed responsibly to avoid
misinterpretation or mis-use.
Some of the information placed on the ‘Members’ webpage is unofficial in that it documents ideas and
discussions put forward, but with no formal decision yet made. Without the relevant context and background
information, this sort of information is open to misinterpretation, misrepresentation or being taken out of
context, which may then create negative consequences for the PRCG and the organisations involved.
For this reason, certain types of information are deemed appropriate and not-appropriate for wider
distribution outside of the full group of PRCG members (which includes the nominated community
Appropriate information for distribution outside of the PRCG
Minutes of the PRCG full group meetings twice a year (only distribute the PDF versions that are placed on
the ‘Members’ webpage, which have been adopted at the previous full group meeting.)
• Sub-committee progress reports distributed before the PRCG full group meetings (only distribute the PDF
versions that are placed on the ‘Members’ webpage, which have been adopted at the previous full group
• Power point /PDF presentations of speakers at PRCG full group meetings (where it has been indicated on
page 1 of the presentation that the information can be circulated).
• E-newsletter for the PRCG.
Not appropriate for distribution outside of the PRCG
The login password for the PRCG ‘Members’ webpage
• Draft minutes of the PRCG full group meetings
• Briefing papers distributed before the PRCG full group meetings
• Minutes of the PRCG sub-committee meetings
• Studies, policies and other similar documents that are circulated in “draft” format requesting comments or
endorsement by PRCG members.
PRCG – MEETING #6 13/5/2010