BREATHING APPARATUS INSTRUCTOR Course Philosophy This course is designed to increase the skills, knowledge and methods of instruction of delegates to a level from which they can competently deliver training to other watch members. Both the practical and theoretical aspects of Breathing Apparatus (BA) will be covered. Course Aim On completion of the training, delegates will have gained the necessary skills and knowledge to be able to plan and prepare BA exercises and be able to deliver lectures on all aspects of Breathing Apparatus equipment and procedures. Course Objectives On completion of the course, the delegates will have developed a practical and theoretical understanding of: Practical Sessions Theoretical Sessions Observation exercises Syndicate exercise – Obscured vision defects Syndicate exercise – Live fire conditions Instructional technique Briefing and de-briefing Wearing ability Monitoring BA crews/Crew safety procedures Exercise planning and risk assessment Set description BA malfunctions and Exercise planning Observers and Safety Officers Heat and humidity Guideline procedures Confined space Entry control procedures Risk assessment Working in smoke and darkness Fire behaviour BA procedures C0018 v1 16.02.02 LC Learning Outcomes On completion of the course and having satisfied the aims and objectives, each delegate will have developed further skills, increased their knowledge, and collated sufficient information to enable them to undertake the role of a BA Instructor. Assessment Objectives The assessment process is designed to ensure the delegates provide an understanding and application of the relevant theoretical and practical knowledge as detailed within the subject objectives. There are two main objectives applied to the assessment methodology. Firstly, it enables the delegates to demonstrate their level of competence in the subject areas covered. Secondly, this demonstration validates the course content and methods of instruction. Assessment Design Assessment will take the form of both subjective and objective written examination, based upon course objectives. The course also incorporates practical assessments which will assess the delegate’s ability to prepare and deliver a presentation of 15 minutes duration on a Breathing Apparatus related subject. In addition delegates will be assessed on their ability to create, plan and conduct safe and meaningful breathing apparatus exercises including live fire training sessions. Delegates will receive both theoretical and practical results, with these results being collated to provide an overall grade. Tutor System A tutoring system will be in use during this course, involving both group and individual tutorial periods. The aim of the tutoring system is to provide (or arrange) feedback, guidance and support for the students during their time at Barmston Mere Training Centre. Course Criteria The course has been designed to qualify the delegates, who are already breathing apparatus wearers, to breathing apparatus instructor level. The course is both theoretically and practically orientated, delegates must be capable of preparing and delivering lectures as well as practically demonstrating BA wearing competence in hot fire-fighting situations. Delegates attending the course should be physically fit. It is advisable that they should contact their doctor or occupational health department for a physical checkup, as this is a physically and mentally demanding course. Duration 10 days C0018 v1 16.02.02 LC