Master`s Programme in Mechanical Engineering – Course descriptions

Master’s Programme in Mechanical Engineering – Course descriptions
MEC-E1001 Mechanical Engineering in Society (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Sven Bossuyt; Heikki Remes
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Common Studies (compulsory)
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: I-II
Workload: intensive seminars and workshops in the first week 46 h attend and report on department
seminars 4 * 2 h = 8 h lectures and exercises on communication skills 16 h lectures and exercises on
creativity in engineering 8 h exploration of learning portfolios 8 h development and finalization of own
learning portfolio 24 h presentations of project work 4 * 6 h = 24 h mega-trends in mechanical
engineering 3 h
Learning Outcomes: After this course,
1. students appreciate the breadth of the mechanical engineering field, both in academia and in
2. can demonstrate their own development as a mechanical engineer with a learning portfolio
3. can articulate how their own unique professional profile equips them to contribute productively
in any setting
4. appreciate the economic, environmental, and societal context in which their work is important
5. value the importance of collaborating effectively and of communicating their ideas clearly and
Content: The course consists of intensive seminars and workshops during the first week of classes,
followed by research seminars of the department and workshops presenting results of the project
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Active participation in the seminars and workshops
Evaluation: pass/fail
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is tightly integrated with the project courses MEC-E1002 and
MEC-E1003, focusing on transferable skills and the development of students’ professional identity,
whereas the project courses focus on integrating engineering skills from the different common studies
courses and their application in practice.
MEC-E1002 Applied Mechanics Project (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Heikki Remes
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Common Studies (compulsory)
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: I-V
Lectures/exercises: 10-30 h
Independent work: 90-110 h (project work, study material, etc.)
Final report/portfolio and presentation: 15 h
Learning Outcomes:
The project course teaches the principles and methods of problem solving in topic groups of Solid
mechanics, Arctic Technology and Marine Technology. Learning is accomplished through (1)
course-related tasks and (2) a portfolio that demonstrates and reflects on the skills development of the
student. The course teaches especially the skills needed in solving engineering tasks, in performing
systematic analysis, using computational tools, and making critical engineering judgement.
After the course, the students are able to:
Understand the principles and methods used in the problem solving in applied mechanics.
Apply the specific topic-group-related knowledge and tools in solving typical engineering problems of
that group.
Demonstrate his or her professional growth and current status of his or her professional identity
through the studies and reflection in a portfolio.
Content: The course consists of two parts: the tasks related to the courses of the Master’s program
and the work on a portfolio that demonstrates the professional identity of the student. Portfolio
includes the task reports and reflection on the skills development (4 ECTS on the engineering tasks
and 1 ECTS on the professional portfolio). The schedule of the project work depends on the study
path of the student.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Report on engineering project work (80%) and learning portfolio
Study Material: Lecture notes, selected articles, and book chapters according to the study path of the
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-24.3100 Ship Conceptual Design (Marine Technology)
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E1003 Machine Design Project (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Sven Bossuyt
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Common Studies (compulsory)
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: I-II
Workload: initial concept 20 h building a prototype 40 h detailed design of components 40 h testing
20 h documentation 10 h project management and organisation 7 h
1. Learning Outcomes: After this course, studentscan relate theory and exercises from other
courses to practical issues in machine design
1. can iterate a design from the initial concept to a working prototype
1. can organise and document their contribution within a team-based effort
1. are familiar with typical issues in project management and teamwork, and ways to address
those issues
Content: Students, working in teams, will be given a specific mechanical design task to complete,
representative of mechanisms used in machines. They will develop an initial concept, build a prototype
to demonstrate its working, carry out more detailed designs of critical components, and test the
prototype. Project-based learning in this course will be supported by the theory and exercises taught in
the courses from the common studies, taught concurrently.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The course grade is based on meeting the deadlines set for
milestones in the project, and on students’ individual contribution to the team effort.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is tightly integrated with the MEC-E1001 “Mechanical Engineering
in Society” course and with the other common studies courses in the Mechanical Engineering Master’s
programme: in this project, the transferable skills learned in the MEC-E1001 course and the
engineering skills learned in the other courses are put in practice.
MEC-E1010 Dynamics of Rigid Body (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Arttu Polojärvi
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Common Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: I
Workload: Lectures 24h, excercises 18h, independent work 95h
Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to:
- Employ the most generally used coordinate systems in effec-tive derivation of equations of motion for
a particle.
- Express the quantities required in describing the motion of a rigid body in most commonly used
coordinate systems.
- Deduce the equations of motion for a rigid body starting from the definitions of its mass properties
and quantities describ-ing its motion in most commonly used coordinate systems.
- Apply effectively Lagrange’s formalism and the quantities re-lated to it in derivation of equations of
conservative and non-conservative systems.
- Apply MATLAB in solving problems related to rigid body dy-namics and particle motion and in
presenting the result.
Content: Rigid body motion in three dimensions and Lagrangian formalism
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exercises, assessed group works, and an exam
Study Material: Lecture notes and a course book
Prerequisites: A dynamics course covering particle and rigid body motion on a plane.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E1020 Fluid Dynamics (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Tommi Mikkola
Status of the Course: Mechanical engineering, Common Studies
Energy technology, Common Studies (compulsory)
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: I
Workload: Lectures and hydrid sessions: 32h
2h Introduction to the course
10h (1x2h/week, 5 times) Description of flow phenomena, the associated physics and their
mathematical treatment
10h (1x2h/week, 5 times) Analysis of the phenomena using relevant mathematical derivations
and solutions
10h (1x2h/week, 5 times) Synthesis of the weekly topics and of the cumulative understanding
Exercise sessions: 10h
10h (1x2h/week, 5 times) In-class problem solving and support for homework assignments
Independent work: 90h Reading the course material, doing the homework assignments, revising,
preparing for the exam
Exam: 4h
Learning Outcomes: • Ability to describe the phenomena and the physical background for
fluid-body interaction and jets such as boundary layer development, flow separation, vortex streets,
spreading of a jet, frictional and pressure resistance
• Ability to explain the physical meaning of the fundamental flow equations and of the terms in the
equations, how the equations are formed and to apply the equations to describe simple flow cases
• Ability to describe the fundamental characteristics of boundary layer flow, to form the equations for
boundary layer flow taking into account heat transfer and to apply the equations to study the behaviour
of boundary layer flows
• Ability to solve simple boundary layer flows numerically
• Ability to explain, what turbulence is, what are the fundamental concepts related to it and how
turbulence is typically modelled
Content: • Basic concepts and how these are applied in fluid mechanics
• Navier-Stokes equations
• Solutions of Navier-Stokes equations
• Boundary-layer equations and a stability of the boundary layer
• Turbulent flow
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Assignments (1/3), exam (2/3)
Study Material: Kundu and Cohen, Fluid Mechanics, 4th edition (available for students via Knovel)
Substitutes for Courses: Ene-39.4031 Viscous Flow
Prerequisites: Bachelor studies on fluid mechanics
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E1030 Random Loads and Processes L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jani Romanoff
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering
Level of the Course: Master’s studies, Doctoral studies
Teaching period: I
Lectures: 20h (2 x 2h/week, 10 sessions)
Instructed exercises: 5 (1 x 1h/week, 5 sessions)
Home assignments: 50 (5 x 10hours/week)
Studying materials: 50 (5 x 10hours/week)
Preparing for exams: 10 hours
Learning Outcomes: The aim of the course is to introduce the student to theoretical treatment
random (stochastic) processes such as loads due to wave and wind on structures. After the course the
student knows basics of probability concepts and how these are applied in mechanics; knows the
random variables and how various probability distributions are connected; can apply time-domain
measurements and convert them to frequency domain to define load spectrum in (spectral analysis)
and can estimate the probability of exceedance of certain load from the load spectrum (extreme
values). In addition the student can define the response (e.g. stress) for linear system (transfer
Content: General description of random variables and their properties and continuous and discrete
probability distributions. Introduction to random vibrations. Fourier-transformation of for random
vibrations. Single degree of freedom system in frequency domain. Gaussian signal in time domain.
Random vibrations of beams and strings. Peak and extreme value statistics.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The course utilizes problem-based-learning concept. The aim of
the course is to identify, categorize, analyse and synthesize the random loads for selected engineering
application. Tis goal is acchieved through 5 steps which include the identification of the problem,
characterization of the environment, analysing the response for random exitation, definition of the
short and long term responses and statistics (fatigue and ultimate limit states). Each week we define a
subtask to be solved, lectures will be given and we conclude the week on question hour where
students can ask questions related to their projects. Each week the student groups (3-5 persons)
return a written report showing in the form of living document that build the course report in steps. The
weekly submissions will be graded from 1-5. The weekly submissions will contribute up to 40% of the
course grade, while the final summaririzing submission gives 10%. The remaining 50% of the grade is
defined by the final exam. The grading is based 50% on technical contents, 20% on using techical
aids, 15% on reporting and 15% on reflection previous studies.
Study Material:
Lecture notes
Selected articles
J.J.H. Brouwers, ”Stochastic Processes in Mechanical Engineering”, Eindhoven University of
Naess, A. and Moan, T. “Stochastic Dynamics of Marine Structures”, Cambridge University Press
Substitutes for Courses: Course Homepage: MyCourses
Prerequisites: B.Sc. studies
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E1040 Dynamics of Structures L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Kari Santaoja
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Common Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: II
Workload: Lectures 33 h / 25 % Independent work 101 h / 75 %
Learning Outcomes: This course has goals related to knowledge, attitude and skills. The
knowledge goals are associated with understanding of concepts and principles,
the attitude goals are associated with development of a mindset for solid
mechanics, and the goals related to skills are associated with abilities to
solve problems in solid mechanics. After passing the course, a student
understands the background and assumptions behind the theories and models
developed during the course. After passing the course, a student understands
also, in what kind of applications the results obtained can be used. A student
passing the course can analyze simple problems in structural dynamics.
Content: The basic principles in dynamics of structures are introduced by
studying first one-degree of freedom systems. During the course, these skills
are extended to multi-degree of freedom systems and continuous systems.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Passed homework assignments. Either final exam or two
midterm exams.
Study Material: Course book: Inman, Engineering Vibration 2nd/3rd/4thedition, Prentice-Hall
Solutions for the homework in MyCourses.
Substitutes for Courses: Replaces Kul-49.3400 Dynamics of Structures; lectures and exercises (5
cr) P.
Evaluation: 0 - 5
Registration for Courses: Oodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E1050 Finite Element Method in Solids (5 op)
Responsible teacher: Jouni Freund
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: II
Workload: Lectures and exercises 36h Independent work 100h
Learning Outcomes Student knows the concepts and principles of the finite element method, is able
to apply engineering paradigm in structure and machine modeling, derive the element contributions of
the beam and plate models, build the equilibrium equations of structures from element contributions,
and solve the equations for the nodal displacements and rotations.
Content: Introduction to the finite element method. Displacement and stress analysis of machines and
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lecture assignments 10% / 50% of the maximal points is
Home assignments 30% / 50% of the maximal points is required
Examination 60% / 40% of the maximal points is required
Study Material: Lecture and exercise material of the home page
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-49.3300 Finite Element Method I
Prerequisites: Basics of solid mechanics, linear algebra, and variation calculus
Evaluation: 0–5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E1060 Machine Design (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Kaur Jaakma
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Common Studies
Level of the Course: Master studies
Teaching period: I (Autumn 2016)
Workload: Lectures 20 h (2x2h/week, 5 times)
Preparing for lectures 20 h (2x2h/week, 5 times)
Computer exercises 20 h (2x2h/week, 5 times)
Group assignements 75 h (15h/week, 5 times)
Learning Outcomes: After the course the student recognizes basic elements, concepts and methods
of machine design. Student knows and can utilize computer aided tools in mechanical engineering
Content: The process of machine design including study of existing solutions, mecha-nism design
including kinematic, dynamic and strength analysis, dimensioning and choosing of machine elements
and power transmission components, wear and lubrication. Utilization of computer-aided tools such as
Creo, NX, Teamcenter and Mathcad.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Course contains weekly lectures, computer exercises and group
Course Homepage:
Evaluation: 0–5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Course components are valid until the next time the course is given.
MEC-E1070 Selection of Engineering Materials (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Sven Bossuyt
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Common Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: I
Workload: independent study of textbook 30 h tasks computer exercises 30 h class discussions 12
h seminar on state of the art in engineering materials 12 h final assignment 40 h prepare written report
of final assignment 8 h verbal presentations of final assignment 5 h
Learning Outcomes: After the course the student can:
1. Utilize systematic methods for materials selection
2. Is able to compare and choose materials on the basis of the design requirements.
3. Criticize and compare alternative materials solutions for designs.
4. Examine the product life cycle phases.
5. Identify major trends in the evolution of the state of the art in engineering materials and their
implications for mechanical design.
This course introduces students to the process of material selection, with emphasis on materials
selection in mechanical design, and teaches basic knowledge and skills about material selection
criteria and their use in systematic material selection. A brief overview of the state of the art in
engineering materials is also included, with a discussion of major trends that affect mechanical design.
During the course students will learn to use a computer aided material selection program, Cambridge
Engineering Selector (CES).
The course consists of independent reading and computer exercises, class discussions and a final
assignment where students apply what they have learned in practice.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Students must complete tasks related to the independent
reading and computer exercises, as preparation for class discussions. These are graded pass/fail, and
must be passed. The course grade is based partly on participation in the class discussions, with extra
credit for exemplary preparation, and mainly on the written and verbal presentation of the final
Study Material: Ashby, M. F., Materials Selection in Mechanical Design
Substitutes for Courses: Kon-67.4120 Rakenneaineiden valinnan menetelmät
Prerequisites: KJR-C2004 Materiaalitekniikka (the Bacherlor level materials science course) or
similar knowledge on materials science
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is intended to support project-based learning, through close
integration with the MEC-E1002 or MEC-E1003 project courses. For students in the Mechanical
Engineering Master’s degree programme, the final assignment for this course is a subtask of the
common studies project.
MEC-E1080 Production Engineering (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Juha Huuki
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Common Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: I-II (Autumn 2016)
5 cr
Lectures 18 h
Demo/laboratory exercises and seminar work 32 h (contact hours) + 84 h (independent study)
Learning Outcomes: After the course the student:
• Knows the methods and devices used and the opportunities available in modern production
• Understands the principles of production systems and automation and the impact they have
on product structure.
• Has the ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
The course will be a seminar on focusing on production themes and trends.
Seminar course consisting of topics in the field of production engineering offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. The topics change yearly. Also include guest speakers from industry.
The course deepens the knowledge acquired in the bachelor’s level Production Technology course.
The course covers a broad range of topics in modern manufacturing, including topics taught in most
advanced production engineering courses, such as manufacturing methods and trends. Variable
topics include: robotics and automation, digital manufacturing tools and software, and production
planning and scheduling. Student will write and present a seminar study, critique each other’s work
and revise their own writing in light of other’s’ comments. Attendance at the seminars is required. The
course has varying focus areas each year.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
• Approximitely 6 compulsory seminars
• Literature research
• Seminar presentation
• Acting as an opponent in one seminar
Excercises and / or groupwork
Study Material: Manufacturing Engineering and Technology. Serope Kalpakjian, Steven R. Schmid.
Substitutes for Courses: Substitutes for the course Kon-15.4101 Digital Manufacturing
Evaluation: 0-5.
Registration for Courses: WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English.
Further Information: The course is targeted at students who are specialising in production
MEC-E1090 Quality Management and Metrology (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Kalevi Aaltonen
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Common Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s degree course
Teaching period: I-II (Autumn 2016)
40 % Lectures, pre-examination, learning diary
40 % Laboratory exercise, group work, case study rehearsals
20 % Company visits
Learning Outcomes: The objective of the course is to improve and to broaden the bachelor degree
basic quality engineering studies. The course gives to the students some practical quality
management tools. The statistical process control with different control charts and practical
applications are in focus. The course helps the students to understand the importance of the quality
costs. Students are aware and they are capable to use the quality standards and quality award
criterion in their future engineering career. The students know the principles of dimensional metrology
and are familiar with modern measuring equipment.
• Introduction
• Total quality management
• Quality philosophies
• Quality standards
• Quality awards
• Metrology organization and calibrations
• Dimensional metrology
• Measurement equipment and machines
• Statistical process control, Six sigma methodology
• Summary
Assessment Methods and Criteria: lectures, pre-examination, learning diary, laboratory exercise,
group work, case study rehearsals and company visits
Study Material:
Oakland, John S., Statistical process control (6. ed.), Burlington, MA : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008,
Dotson, Connie, Harlow, Roger, Thompson, Richard, Fundamentals of dimensional metrology,
Thomson, Delmar learning, ISBN 0-7668-2071-8,
lecture notes, quality standards
Substitutes for Courses: Substitutes for the course Kon-15.3122 Quality Management and
Prerequisites: Basics of probability and statistics, basics of product design and production methods
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration for Course via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E2001 Ship Hydrodynamics (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Zong, Zhi
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, advanced studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: II
65 hours
20 hours
Studying materials:
30 hours
Preparing for the exam: 20 hours
In total
135 hours (5 cr. = 135 hours)
Learning Outcomes:
(1) Ship resistance: Remember, can describe and classify the flow phenomena responsible for ship
resistance. Knows how to apply equations of flow motion in dimensional analysis. Knows how to
assess the effect of hull main dimensions and that of the particular features of hull on hull resistance.
(2) Ship propulsion: Can explain the principle of action of propeller and that of the water-jet propulsor.
Knows how to apply gained knowledge in estimating the required power of ship. Can describe the
effect of flow parameters on propeller cavitation and can apply this information in the preliminary
design of propellers.
(3) Ship seakeeping: Can describe the Six Degree-Of-Freedom motions of ships in linear waves.
Knows how to apply dimensional analysis and model tests to determine the RAO (Response
Amplitude Operator) of a given ship. Know how to find the spectral response of a ship in irregular
(4) Ship manoeuvring: Knows the basic indices to describe ship manoeuvring and the testing
methods to assess ship manoeuvring performance. Knows how the rudder works and determine the
ship directivity and turning capability.
Content: Ship’s resistance. Propellers and propulsion of a ship. Interaction between hull, propeller
and main engine. Ship seakeeping in regular and irregular waves. Ship manoeuvring and rudder
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Intermediate examinations or examination and compulsory
Study Material:
Lewis, E. V. Principles of Naval Architecture
Newman, J.N. Marine Hydrodynamics. MIT Press, 1977.
Volker Bertram, Practical Ship Hydrodynamics. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000
In-house lecture notes
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-24.3200 Introduction of Marine Hydrodynamics
Prerequisites: Basic studies in Fluid Mechanics
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E2002 Ship Buoyancy and Stability (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Tommi Mikkola
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, advanced studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: II
24 hours
44 hours
Studying materials: 64 hours
3 hours
In total
135 hours (5 cr. = 135 hours)
Learning Outcomes: The student at the end of the course can describe the physical phenomena
affecting ship stability and can interpret the background and origin of ship stability rules. The student
can apply gained knowledge in own ship project analysis, using a critical approach in assessing ship
intact and damage stability. Team work experience and laboratory work experience can be
approached by the student.
Content: Applications of hydrostatics to ship floatation. Stability of the intact ship. Roll motion and
introduction to the transfer function concept. Ship subdivision and damage stability.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Examination. Compulsory exercises. Compulsory laboratory
Study Material: Matusiak: Laivan kelluvuus ja vakavuus, Otatieto 557 (Buoyancy and Stability of a
Ship, in Finnish), Lecture notes (in English), Additional materials (in English)
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-24.3300 Ship Buoyancy and Stability
Prerequisites: Basics of physics and of ship geometry
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E2003 Passenger Ships L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Pentti Kujala
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, advanced studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: II
The course utilizes guided problem-based learning concept. The content is cross-disciplinary and is
suitable for students of different backgrounds (arts, biz, eng). Lectures introduce topics which are then
considered with respect to the projects. Work is performed in cross-disciplinary groups. Some topics
are introduced by visiting lecturers from industry. Progress of the project is checked on bi-weekly
basis. The final project is presented in the end of the course to experts from industry and academia.
Lectures: 20h (2 x 2h/week, 5 weeks, 10 occasions)
Instructed workshops: 6h (1h/week, 6 weeks)
Group work: 55h (10 hours/week, 6 weeks)
Independent work for the group project: 55h (9 hours/week, 6 weeks)
Learning Outcomes:
After the course, the student:
Understands the current trends, business developments and future markets for passenger ships
Can define radically new architectural design of a passenger ship
Can apply the user-centric design in passenger ship context
Can define general arrangement of a passenger ship based on broad set of design requirements,
specific for passenger ships
Knows the passenger ship safety requirements and current regulatory requirements, how to attain
them or how to go beyond them, if necessary
-Introduction to shipscape
-Creative ship design
-Design criteria, functions, and features
-History of cruise ships, design, and architecture
-Modern technologies in passenger safety, comfort and entertainment
-Rules and regulations
-Cruise ship of the future
-Innovation, creativity in yacht design
-Mentoring by industry experts
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Project report and presentation
Study Material: Selected journal and conference papers; Lecture notes in English
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-24.4350 Passenger Ship Architecture
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Cruise & Ferry Experience www-pages: sekä Facebook
MEC-E2004 Ship Dynamics L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jani Romanoff
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, advanced studies
Level of the Course: M.Sc. / D.Sc.
Teaching period: III
22 hours
66 hours
Studying materials:
44 hours
132 hours
In total
135 hours (5 cr. = 135 hours)
Learning Outcomes: Can assess and explain the meaning of the general model of a rigid body
motion in 6 degrees-of-freedom and it’s applicability in ship dynamics. Can describe common
approximations to the general model known as manoeuvring and linear sea-keeping. Can assess their
applicability and deficiencies. Can describe the general theory of surface waves and modelling of
regular and irregular waves. Can assess, using the learned mathematical models, the dangers
associated with ship operation in irregular surface waves.
Content: Ship theory in terms of seakeeping and manoeuvring. Surface wave theory. 6 degree of
freedom motion dynamics of a ship with rigid body assumption. Strip theory for motions and hull girder
loads. Equipment for motion control. The non-linear effects of surface waves, ship dynamics and
motions and loads. In the assignments students assess the manoeuvrability, seakeeping and internal
hull girder loads of their concept ship.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Intermediate examinations or examination. Compulsory weekly
exercises and assignments for which at least is 1/2 of maximum points is required.
Study Material: Lewis, E. V. “Principles of Naval Architecture - Motions in waves and controllability”,
Vol. 3, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Chapters 8 and 9
Lloyd, A.R.J.M, ”Seakeeping – Ship Behaviour in Rough Weather”, John Wiley & Sons, Chapters 3-4,
8-14, 18-24
Rawson, K. J., ”Basic Ship Theory - Ship dynamics and design - ch.12 Seakeeping & ch.13
Manoeuvrability”, Volume 2
Matusiak, J., ” Dynamics of a Rigid Ship”, Aalto University
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-24.4140 Ship Dynamics
Prerequisites: Basics of physics; recommended to attend MEC-E1002 Applied Mechanics Project –
course or equivalent
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E2005 Ship Systems (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jasmin Jelovica
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, advanced studies
Level of the Course: M.Sc.
Teaching period: IV
The course utilizes guided problem-based learning concept. Ship system requirements are identified
in beginning and the lectures evolve around them. The course project is to select, describe and justify
the choice of certain equipment. Each lecture introduces certain type of system or equipment and
students afterwards consider that topic for their projects. Some topics are introduced by visiting
lecturers from industry. Projects are carried out in groups of 3-5 students, preferably the same as in
Applied Mechanics Project – course.
Interactive lectures: 20h (2 x 2h/week, 5 weeks, 10 occasions)
Instructed workshops: 6h (1h/week, 6 weeks)
Group work: 30h (5 hours/week, 6 weeks)
Studying materials: 60h (10 hours/week, 6 weeks)
Preparing for exams: 20h
Learning Outcomes:
After the course, the student:
Can describe main systems requirements in ships
Can define and justify the ways to fulfil systems requirements
Can create a concept design of a machinery system by selecting appropriate components, guided by
principles of energy efficient design
Can apply current regulatory requirements for ship systems and understands what it takes to go
beyond them
Knows the utilization of automation systems in contemporary ship designs
Can describe how adverse environmental effects of ships can be minimized, below the current and
known future requirements
Content: Ship system design and its integration to ship design, Energy sources and fuel types in
modern applications, Modern motor types, Exhaust treatment systems, HVAC systems, Heat balance
and heat recovery systems, Energy efficiency, Electric systems, Propulsion systems and manoeuvring
technology, Ship automation and control systems, Fire safety equipment, Communication and IT
equipment, Selected topics on special ship systems (e.g. arctic/sub-arctic conditions), Environmental
impact and legislation, Design methods and tools (CFD, 3D-CAD, NAPA etc.)
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The project is assessed weekly, contributing to 40% of course
grade. Comments will be given on the assignments, which will allow for the improved submission in
the form of a final report, giving another 10% of the grade. Final exam will be second 50% of the
grade. The grading is based 50% on technical contents, 20% on using technical tools, 15% on
reporting and 15% on reflection to previous studies.
Study Material: Lamb, Ship design and construction, SNAME, Chapter 24: Machinery considerations;
Taggart, Ship design and construction, SNAME, selected chapters, Van Dokkum, Ship Knowledge,
3rd edition, Dokmar, selected chapters; Lecture notes, additional up-to-date materials (journal and
conference papers etc.) to be announced
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-24.3400 Ship Machinery Systems; Kul-24.4410 Laivan
konejärjestelmät II
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Visiting invited lecturers possible
MEC-E2007 Ship Structures and Construction L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Heikki Remes
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, advanced studies
Level of the Course: M.Sc. & D.Sc.
Teaching period: IV
Lectures: 24h
Instructed exercises: 14h
Home assignments: 50h
Studying materials: 40h
Preparing for exams: 10h
Learning Outcomes: The aim of the course is to introduce the student to how the first principles of
mechanics are applied to the ship structural design. After the course the student knows: how the ship
structure affects the safety, production and maintainability of the ship (function of ship structure); how
the ship is constructed from plates and beams (ship construction method); how the structural design is
linked to the other ship design disciplines (structural design principles ); how loads, response and
strength are connected and when these can be assessed separately for different hierarchical levels
(strength analysis of ship hull) and how the principles of mechanics are utilized in ship structural
design rules and what are the limitations of the rules (limit state analysis in ship structural design).
Content: General design aspects; Loads on marine structures; analysis of stress and deflection of hull
girder; load-carrying capability and structural performance; Reliability; materials and production.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exercises, assignment, mid-term exams
Study Material: A. Mansour & D. Liu, ”Strength of Ships and Ocean Structures”, The Principles of
Naval Architecture Series, SNAME 2008; Richard Lee Storch et al. Ship production (Selected
chapters), SNAME 2015, lecture notes; articles
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-24.4120 Ship Structural Design
Prerequisites: MEC-E1030 Random loads and processes (recommended)
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E2009 Marine Risks and Safety L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Pentti Kujala
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, advanced studies
Level of the Course: M.Sc. / D.Sc.
Teaching period: I
Lectures, 2 h/week, 12 hours
Exercises, 4 h/week, 24 hours
Group work, 24 hours
Studying materials 50 hours
Preparing for the exam 20 hours
Learning Outcomes: The aim is to introduce the student to the basic concepts, frameworks and
methods of risk and safety analysis as applied in the maritime regulatory environment, and related
decision making. Focus is on ship design, but the frameworks are also applicable to other maritime
systems. After the course, the student has a basic understanding of maritime risk analysis, and can
apply a number of basic methods and tools for this.
Content: Risk and safety: basic concepts, Formal Safety Assessment framework, Goal-Based
Standards, Selected risk analysis methods (Event Trees, FMEA, Bayesian Networks, Human error
analysis methods), Decision criteria, Uncertainty analysis, Probabilistic damage stability.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The assessment will consist of weekly exercises, the group work
and the exam. Weekly exercises are related to the topics presented in the lectures and they will give
the students skills to conduct the important ship design related tasks. Group work will be some
practical case study to apply some of the methods described in the lectures. It can also be a group
work related to your own ship under design. On the final grade group work is 30 % and exam 70%
Study Material:
Lecture notes
Selected journal papers
Selected chapters from following books:
Papanikolaou, A., 2009. Risk-based ship design: Methods, tools and applications. Springer Science &
Business Media.
Meye, T; Reniers G. 2013. Engineering Risk Management. De Gruyter
Prerequisites: MEC-E1030 Random loads and processes or equivalent, MEC-E1002 Applied
Mechanics Project (recommended)
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E2010 Computational Fluid Modelling L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Tommi Mikkola
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: M.Sc., D.Sc.
Teaching period: I (To be organised for the first time during academic year 2017-2018)
Learning Outcomes: • can understand how the mathematical model depends on the physical
setting of the problem
• can apply common turbulence models, study the influence of the turbulence model on the
simulation results and can relate the observations to the characteristics of the turbulence models
• can make justified choices in terms of a modelling approach and modelling details for a flow
simulation project including grid generation, turbulence model, discretisation schemes and linear
system solvers
• can estimate the uncertainty of a simulation prediction, identify the sources of the uncertainty
(discretisation, iteration, round-off, modelling) and can study the validity of a simulation prediction
• can perform independently a realistic flow simulation project from the problem statement to the
reporting of the simulation results and findings or alternatively can program a simple fluid flow solver
start-ing from a continuous mathematical model
Content: The main part of the course is a computational fluid mechanics project which can stem from
the personal interest of the student or can be offered by different research groups. The course relies
heavily on a learning-by-doing approach. Introductory lectures will provide you with a general
understanding of the various modelling aspects. The students get to present and discuss their projects
in a final seminar. The topics covered on the course include
• From conceptual model to numerical solution
• Turbulence modelling
• Fluid flows in various application
• Verification and validation: uncertainty assessment and simulation validation
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Simulation project, seminar presentation and project report,
working diary
Study Material: To be announced
Prerequisites: EEN-E2001 Computational Fluid Dynamics or equivalent knowledge
Evaluation: 0-5
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E2011 Ship Design Portfolio (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jasmin Jelovica
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, advanced studies
Level of the Course: M.Sc.
Teaching period: II (starts in 2017-2018)
The course utilizes problem-based learning concept. Starting from concept design developed in
Mechanical Engineering Project course, students outline the drawbacks and improve the ship design
(preliminary design). The skills and knowledge, accumulated during M.Sc. studies are utilized.
Students demonstrate independent work, critical judgement, engineering thinking and good team
working. Assignment is carried out in groups of 3-5 students, preferably the same as in Applied
Mechanics Project – course. The final project is presented in the end of the course to experts from
industry and academia.
Workshops: 12h (2h/week, 6 weeks)
Group work: 30h (5 hours/week, 6 weeks)
Independent work on project: 54h (9 hours/week, 6 weeks)
Reflection on own work: 12h (2 hours/week, 6 weeks)
Presentations and preparations for them: 27h (2 h/week, 6 weeks; + 15h final presentation)
Learning Outcomes:
After the course, the student:
Can justify the decisions made during the preliminary ship design cycles and explain
benefits/weaknesses of few different design choices
Has demonstrated the ability to use skills learned during MSc studies to create comprehensive
preliminary design of a ship
Understands own professional strengths and weaknesses
Has prepared own professional profile portfolio and personal development plan
Content: Students, working in groups, critically assess and improve the design of a ship which they
created during Mechanical Engineering Project course and consecutive specialization courses. For
that they use the most relevant tools and skills learned during the MSc studies. The assignment is
guided by definition of the main dimensions based on mission, hull form and associated calculations,
design of general arrangement, hull structure, limited weight- and cost calculations. Students
demonstrate independent and critical thinking towards various aspects of ship design. In addition,
students individually prepare a document (learning portfolio) showing their professional profile as an
expert in certain sphere of marine industry. The document is a reflective description of past
experiences and future development directions and life-long learning.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The project is assessed weekly, contributing to 60% of course
grade. Comments will be given on the assignments, which will allow for the improved submission in
the form of a final report, giving another 15% of the grade. Reflective learning diary and final
presentation will be 15% and 10%, respectively. The grading is based 40% on technical contents, 20%
on using technical tools, 15% on reporting and 25% on reflection to previous courses and starting
concept design.
Study Material: The Principles of Naval Architecture Series, SNAME 2008; lecture notes; articles
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-24.4110 Ship Project A
Prerequisites: MEC-E1002 Applied Mechanics Project or equivalent
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The course starts in academic year 2017-2018
MEC-E2012 Computational Marine Hydrodynamics L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Tommi Mikkola
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: II
Lectures/learning session:
50 hours
Group work:
20 hours
Studying materials:
20 hours
Project/learning work:
45 hours
Learning Outcomes: Knows the governing equations of free-surface flows. Knows the numeri-cal
methods for solving free-surface flows with focus on RANS method in the framework of Finite-Volume
Methodology for bulk fluid and Volume Of Fluid methodology for free-surface tracking. Knows the
mathematical formulations for four typical ship hydrodynamic problems, that is, re-sistance,
propulsion, seakeeping and manoeuvring. Must be able to apply commercial software to solve these
four types of ship hydrodynamic prob-lems. Knows how to evaluate ship hydrodynamic performance
based on CFD simulation results. Knows the governing equations for potential flows with applications
to ship wave-making resistance, ship-propulsion, ship seakeeping. Knows the Boundary Element
Method for ship hydrodynam-ics in the framework of potential flows.
Content: General description and characteristics of free surface flow problems. Mathematical
formulation (governing equations, boundary conditions). Numerical modelling in the context of
RANS/Euler equations. Numerical modelling with potential flow based methods. Mathematical
formulation of ship resistance, propulsion, seakeeping and manouvering. Hands-on training of using
commercial CFD software to solve the four typical ship hydrodynamic problems.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Learning sessions, Group work, Individual learning exercises
Study Material: Volker Bertram, Practical Ship Hydrodynamics. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000
In-house lecture notes.
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-24.4520 Computational Marine Hydrodynamics
Prerequisites: Bachelor studies of continuum and fluid mechanics, MEC-E1020 Fluid dynamics or
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E3001 Product Development Project L, V(V) (10-15 cr)
Responsible teacher: Kalevi Ekman
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: I-V For practical reasons, the course lasts for the whole academic year. The
introductory lectures and getting started with the teams last for first period. The project is completed
during periods II-V.
The basic course stands for 10,0 ects. The credits can be extended up to 15,0 ects by participating
extra workshops and/or when selected for a team leader. That process will be explained at lectures.
Introductory lectures 24 h
Checkpoint meetings 14 h
Project planning, execution, reporting and exhibiting the results 240 h
Learning Outcomes: After working in an interdisciplinary team, the students are familiar with project
working from idea to prototype, including prototyping, testing, finishing and reporting. They understand
the challenges related to this kind of development work and are better prepared to choose proper
methods and tools for tackling such challenges. On individual level, every students has better insight
on his or her own expertise, both strengths and limitations. The course offers a lot of chances to
enhance the existing skills, or to learn completely new ones.
Content: Students form interdisciplinary teams of ca. 10 individuals. The teams learn product
development by completing a comprehensive learning project from idea to prototype in partnership
with companies. The teams are provided with a budget in order to complete their prototype. The
results are exhibited to the public in the Product Design Gala during Aalto Festival week in May.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The assesment is based on four criteria: final result, project
working, applying of proper product development methods and tools, and communication. The
teaching team evaluates the project plan, execution, checkpoint meetings, development process,
prototyping and testing activities, final report and the demonstrations at the final gala. The feedback
from the industry partner is concidered, as well as the self evaluation from the team. The final grade is
agreed with every team in the last meeting.
Study Material: Lecture slides. e-Handbooks and other instructions shared at MyCourses.
Ulrich-Eppinger: Product Design and Development (any edition).
Substitutes for Courses: The course substitutes the old course Kon-41.4002 Product Development
Project (10,0 ects)
Prerequisites: No exact prerequisites. However, the course is designed to be taken at the final stage
of studies.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi. If for any reason the registration through weboodi doesn’t work,
one should contact the professor directly.
Language of Instruction: English.
Further Information:
The course is designed for any student, who is interested in development of consumer or investment
goods. In order to form interdisciplinary teams, students from any Aalto Schools are warmly welcome.
Although immaterial components, e.g. services and business concept are often included, the focus is
in development of tangible products.
The popularity of the course has grown systematically, and in theory we may need to limit the number
of participants for practical reasons. Shall that ever happen, the selected numbers of participants from
Aalto schools are
ENG=60, ELEC=30, SCI=30, CHEM=30, BIZ=30, ARTS=30
In selection, the earned credit units will count, but only within the school cohorts.
More information about the course:
MEC-E3002 Methods in Early Product Development L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Katja Hölttä-Otto
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: II
Lectures and active learning sessions 2x2h (6 weeks)
Outside class team work 24hrs (approximately 4 hrs per week, includes e.g. homework and seminar
Outside class individual work 82 hrs (approximately 12 hrs per week, includes e.g. homework and
reflection journal)
Seminar 2x2,5 hrs (only once)
Learning Outcomes: After completion of the course the student:
• Understands the different product development process models and its phases
• Is able to use need finding methods
• Is able to apply user centered design methods
• Is able to apply concept design methods
• Is able to define proper requirements and constraints
Content: This course will cover product development (including Design Thinking), the process and
iterative nature of it as well as a selected methods in it. This class will be an active class with in class
discussions, hands-on activities, etc. Active participation is essential part of your learning and is thus
required. You will also apply the learings immediately as part of the homework. This course directly
compliments and supports other project based courses such as ME310 and PDP.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
The course consists of active lectures as well as individual and team assignments. Some assignments
will be graded in class only and some will be handed in for grading. This will be specified separetely
for each case and applies for both individual and team assignments. The reflection journal is an all
semester individual journal assignment that is graded as whole at the end of the term.
Yuor grade will consists of the following components:
Individual homework
Team assignments/seminars
Reflection Journal
Active participation
Literature: Ulrich & Eppinger (2012) Product Design and Development. ISBN 0073404772
Study Material:
Ulrich & Eppinger: Product Desgin and Development, 5th edition or newer
(note: if you have an older edition, please obtain the modified and missing chapters. The 5th edition
includes an important updated compared to the 4th)
+additional reading
Substitutes for Courses: Replaces Kon 41.4001 Product Development Project (Note
also MEC-E3003 System Engineering Design (L) can be taken instead of the old Kon 41.4001 Product
Development Project course).
Prerequisites: The course is open to all Aalto wide, but priority is given to those who major in Product
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Please use WebOodi for course signup. Students are expected to commit
to the course in the first two weeks. Student still signed up for the course after the first two weeks will
be graded even if they are not present and no signups are allowed after the first 2 weeks without a
special permission from the instructor. This will help with the team assignments.
Language of Instruction: English. The Journal can also be submitted in Finnish.
MEC-E3003 System Engineering Design L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Kevin Otto
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: III
Lectures and active learning sessions 2x2h (6 weeks)
Outside class team work 24hrs (approximately 4 hrs per week, includes e.g. homework and project
seminar preparation)
Outside class individual work 82 hrs (approximately 12 hrs per week, includes e.g. homework
andproject work)
Seminar 2x2,5 hrs (only once)
• Learning Outcomes: After completion of the course the student:Understands systems
design, engineering and validation testing
• Understands the different product development process models and its phases
• Recognizes the consequences of the design choices, made in the early phases, to the latter
product realization and manufacturing phases
• Is able to utilize multiple product development methods
• Understands economic factors related to a product development process
Content: This course will cover the product development process, with focus on the latter
engineering, build, test and verification phases. Learn to use a suite of design methods including test
planning, design principles, safety, robust design and reliability.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
The course consists of active lectures as well as individual and team assignments on a course project.
Some assignments will be graded in-class only and some will be handed in for grading. This will be
specified separetely for each case and applies for both individual and team assignments.
Project (replaces exam)
Study Material: Otto & Wood, Product Design. Prentice Hall + Additional readings
Substitutes for Courses: Replaces Kon 41.4001 Product Development Project (Note
also MEC-E3002 Methods in Early Product Development (L) can be taken instead of the old Kon
41.4001 Product Development Project course).
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Please use WebOodi for course signup. Students are expected to commit
to the course in the first two weeks. Student still signed up for the course after the first two weeks will
be graded even if they are not present and no signups are allowed after the first 2 weeks without a
special permission from the instructor. This will help with the team assignments.
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E3100 ME310 Team Based Design Orientation L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Katja Hölttä-Otto
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’ studies
Teaching period: I
The course will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays with a semi-regular schedule. As needed some
events may happen also on the other days, including a one week trip to Palo Alto. The course consists
of lectures, challenges, reviews and significant project work. Below is an estimate of the workload per
Lectures/workshops: 4 hrs
Small group meetings: 2 hrs
Teamwork: 10 hrs
Individual work: 4 hrs
Learning Outcomes:
After completion of the course the student:
Will be able to reframe a problem taking into the account the different stakeholders as well as the
societal impact
Will understand how to design with incomplete information
I able to apply user centered design
Will understand the value and apply iterative prototyping
Will be able to make well justified design decisions in an ambiguous design environment
Will be able to communicate fluently orally, by writing as well as by visual and other means
Will be able to work in international interdisciplinary team
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi (please note separate application before registration)
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
This is part of the ME310 course sequence. Students are expected to take all of the following courses
as a sequence during one academic year.
• MEC-E3100: ME310 Team based design orientation, 5 ECTS
• MEC-E3101: ME310 Global Innovation Course 1/3, 5 ECTS
• MEC-E3102: ME310 Global Innovation Course 2/3, 5 ECTS
• MEC-E3103: ME310 Global Innovation Course 3/3, 10 ECTS
In addition, students are expected to take (or to have taken) the following course:
• MEC-E3002: Methods in Early Product Development, 5 ECTS
More information:
MEC-E3101 ME310 Global Innovation Course 1/3 L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Katja Hölttä-Otto
Status of the Course: Mechanical Enginering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s Studies
Teaching period: II
The course will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays with a semi-regular schedule. As needed some
events may happen also on the other days. The course consists of lectures, challenges, reviews and
significant project work. Below is an estimate of the workload per week:
Lectures/workshops: 4 hrs
Small group meetings: 2 hrs
Teamwork: 10 hrs
Individual work: 4 hrs
Learning Outcomes: See MEC-E3100
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi (please note separate application process before registration)
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
This is part of the ME310 course sequence. Students are expected to take all of the following courses
as a sequence during one academic year.
• MEC-E3100: ME310 Team based design orientation, 5 ECTS
• MEC-E3101: ME310 Global Innovation Course 1/3, 5 ECTS
• MEC-E3102: ME310 Global Innovation Course 2/3, 5 ECTS
• MEC-E3103: ME310 Global Innovation Course 3/3, 10 ECTS
In addition, students are expected to take (or to have taken) the following course:
• MEC-E3002: Methods in Early Product Development, 5 ECTS
More information:
MEC-E3102 ME310 Global Innovation Course 2/3 L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Katja Hölttä-Otto
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engnieering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s Studies
Teaching period: III
The course will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays with a semi-regular schedule. As needed some
events may happen also on the other days. The course consists of lectures, challenges, reviews and
significant project work. Below is an estimate of the workload per week:
Lectures/workshops: 4 hrs
Small group meetings: 2 hrs
Teamwork: 10 hrs
Individual work: 4 hrs
Learning Outcomes: See MEC-E3100
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi (please note separate application process before registration)
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
This is part of the ME310 course sequence. Students are expected to take all of the following courses
as a sequence during one academic year.
• MEC-E3100: ME310 Team based design orientation, 5 ECTS
• MEC-E3101: ME310 Global Innovation Course 1/3, 5 ECTS
• MEC-E3102: ME310 Global Innovation Course 2/3, 5 ECTS
• MEC-E3103: ME310 Global Innovation Course 3/3, 10 ECTS
In addition, students are expected to take (or to have taken) the following course:
• MEC-E3002: Methods in Early Product Development, 5 ECTS
More information:
MEC-E3103 ME310 Global Innovation Course 3/3 L (10 cr)
Responsible teacher: Katja Hölttä-Otto
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s Studies
Teaching period: IV
The course will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays with a semi-regular schedule. As needed some
events may happen also on the other days, including a one week trip to Palo Alto. The course consists
of lectures, challenges, reviews and significant project work, more so that in the previous sections of
this same course. Below is an estimate of the workload per week:
Lectures/workshops: 2 hrs
Coaching: 4 hrs
Small group meetings: 2 hrs
Teamwork: 20 hrs
Individual work: 12 hrs
Learning Outcomes: See MEC-E3100
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
This is part of the ME310 course sequence. Students are expected to take all of the following courses
as a sequence during one academic year.
• MEC-E3100: ME310 Team based design orientation, 5 ECTS
• MEC-E3101: ME310 Global Innovation Course 1/3, 5 ECTS
• MEC-E3102: ME310 Global Innovation Course 2/3, 5 ECTS
• MEC-E3103: ME310 Global Innovation Course 3/3, 10 ECTS
In addition, students are expected to take (or to have taken) the following course:
• MEC-E3002: Methods in Early Product Development, 5 ECTS
More information:
MEC-E3999 Product Development Course with Varying Content V(V) (1-10 cr)
Responsible teacher: Kalevi Ekman
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Evaluation: 0-5 or pass/fail
MEC-E4001 Winter Navigation L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Pentti Kujala
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, advanced studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies / Doctoral studies
Teaching period: III
On the final grade group work is 30 % and exam 70% contribution, in addition there is a minimum
amount of weekly exercises (50%) the students have to conduct to get the permission for the exam.
Lectures: 2 h/week, 12 hours
Exercises: 4 h/week, 24 hours
Group work: 24 hours
Studying materials: 50 hours
Preparing for the exam: 20 hours
Learning Outcomes: The aim is to introduce the student to winter navigation system in the Baltic Sea
and basic principles for ship power requirements and hull ice-strengthening. After the course, students
understand the definition of various ice conditions and their effects on the ship design, hull shape,
power requirements, navigation in ice and safety of ships. Power requirements needs a
comprehensive knowledge of the various methods to calculate the ship resistance in varying ice
conditions such as level ice, ridged ice and ice channels. For the hull design, most important is to
know how to calculate the ice induced loads on the hull. In addition the principles of model scale
testing in ice are introduced.
Content: Winter navigation system in the Baltic Sea, definition ice conditions, ice mechanical
properties, ship resistance in various ice conditions, propulsion in ice, power requirements, ice
induced loads on ships, ice strengthening principles for ship hull. Excursion to an icebreaker operating
in the northern Baltic Sea.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The assessment will consist of weekly exercises, the group work
and the exam. Weekly exercises are related to the topics presented in the lectures and they will give
the students skills to conduct the important ship design related tasks. Group work will be based on the
full scale observations conducted during the visit to the icebreaker in real operations and the idea is to
apply the theoretical to simulate ship performance in ice and compare those with the full scale
observations onboard the icebreaker.
Study Material: Lecture notes in English, A. B. Cammaert, D. B. Muggeridge. Ice interaction with
offshore structures. In Finnish: Talvimerenkulku opetusmoniste
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-24.3500 Winter Navigation
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E4002 Ice Loads on Structures L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Arttu Polojärvi
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: IV
Workload: Lectures 24h, excercises 18h, independent work 95h
Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will understand the basic aspects of:
1. Mechanics related to ice induced loads in different loading scenarios: loads due to intact sea ice,
loads due to ice ridges and ice rubble, ice breaking process and ice-induced vibration.
2. Analytical and statistical models, and standards related to ice loads on off-shore structures and in
ice breaking process.
3. Basics of numerical modeling of ice loads on off-shore structures and in ice-breaking process.
4. Full- and model-scale experimentation on ice induced loads.
Content: This is a course on ice loads on structures and on ice breaking ships. The students are
assumed to have prior knowledge on ice mechanics and basic knowledge on solid mechanics.
The course concentrates on sea ice loads and provides knowledge necessary for understanding ice
loads on off-shore structures.
The course is aimed for master’s level students in mechanical and civil engineering, but all other
students as welcome as well.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The exam, the exercises, and the project work are assessed.
The grade is based on the exam, the exercises and the project work.
Study Material: Lecture notes, parts of the books: On Sea Ice (Weeks, W.F. 2010. University of
Alaska Press) and Arctic Offshore Engineering (Palmer, A., Croasdale, K. 2012, World Scientific),
scientific journal and conference articles, and other material discussed and handed out during the
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-24.4310 Arctic Offshore Structures L
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge on solid mechanics and ice mechanics.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E4003 Ice Mechanics L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jukka Tuhkuri
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advances Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: I (Autumn 2016)
Lectures and Exam 23h
Independent work 64 h
Project work 48h
Learning Outcomes:
After the course the student will remember and understand the basic aspects of:
Occurrence, formation and structure of sea ice,
Different types of ice,
Mechanical properties, failure, and modeling of sea ice as a material,
Crushing and contact of ice with structures,
Properties, deformation and strength of sea ice sheets / fields,
Bearing capacity of ice.
Content: An introductory course on ice mechanics. No prior knowledge on ice mechanics, but basic
knowledge on solid mechanics is assumed. The course concentrates on sea ice mechanics and
provides knowledge necessary for understanding key problems in ice engineering, especially ice loads
on ships and marine structures. The course includes lectures and a project work. The course is aimed
for master’s level students in mechanical and civil engineering, but all other students as welcome as
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The examination and the project work are graded. The course
grade is based on the exam, the project work and activity during lectures.
Study Material: Lecture notes, parts of the book Weeks, W.F. 2010. On Sea Ice. University of Alaska
Press, papers and other material discussed during the course
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge on solid mechanics.
Evaluation: 0 - 5
Registration for Courses: Registration through WebOodi. Please see WebOodi for the registration
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E4004 Model Scale Testing in Ice L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jukka Tuhkuri
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, advanced studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies / Doctoral studies
Teaching period: II
Lectures: 16 (8*2h)
Study material: 32 (8*4h)
Instructed exercises: 10 (5*2h)
Home exercises: 25 (5*5h)
Group work: 35 h
Exam: 18 (15h+3h)
Learning Outcomes:
After the course the student:
Is familiar with physical scaling approaches, And their role in model-scale testing
Is aware of basic measurement technology, data processing methods, measurement system setup
and its impact on the experimental outcomes
Is aware of model ice preparation methods and the significance of certain physical processes that
govern the model ice production
Understands the requirements and possibilities to model different ice conditions in the model testing
Understands the limitations of up-scaling model-scale tests and challenges in model testing
Has demonstrated the ability to plan and conduct an experiment in the model ice basin (work in small
Can apply ice model tests for a ship design project
Content: Scaling methods, measurement technology, basic (model) ice physics, ice conditions, ice
resistance, propulsion in ice, ice model testing, experiments for performance assessments of ships in
ice, sources of information
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Assignments (individual work and/or group work), experiments
in Aalto Ice Tank (if possible) and calculations, seminar presentation, report, exam
Study Material: Lecture notes, additional materials (selected dissertations on related topics, related
journal articles and conference papers etc.) to be announced
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-24.4610 Ship performance in ice
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Visiting lecturers may be invited
MEC-E5001 Mechatronic Machine Design (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Kari Tammi
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advances Studies
Level of the Course: Master’ studies
Teaching period: III (first lecture 3.1.2017 at 8.15!)
Workload: Learning activity: Workload calculation (hours), Remarks
- Lectures: 6x2 h, First/second lecture has preliminary exam
- Directed computer exercises: 6x1,5, Matlab exercises, contact teaching
- Exercises: 3x2 h, Practical exercises, twice during the course
- Home assignments: 6x3 h, Based on contact teaching exercises
- Reading materials: 20 h + 20 h, Reading for group work + Reading of peers’ group works
- Group work (project work…) 3 person/group, assignment to study scientific writing on mechatronic
machine and make review: 20 h, Produce summary & slides
- Learning portfolio (learning diary..): 6x0,5 h, Quiz after lectures
- Preliminary exam: 20 h, Test on the prepared material ~20 pages
- Wrap up (project gala): 3 h
Learning Outcomes: The student
1) can recognise mechatronic machines and analyse the fundamental functions of mechatronic
machines: sensing, actuation, and control (should be already achieved and pre-exam is to check it).
2) can analyse the prevailing physics in common mechatronic machines including rigid-body
me-chanical systems, basic electrical systems, power transmission, and control.
3) can design and realise control systems for mechatronic machines.
4) can work in a team carrying out design and numerical simulations of a mechatronic machine.
5) can evaluate scientific publications on a selected mechatronic system
6) can report and present functionalities of the selected mechatronic machine.
Content: Week) Lecture, Exercise, Remarks
1) Introduction to the course and background of mechatronics, Mechatronic design process Learning /
re-cap of numerical methods with Matlab.
2) Physics based design of mechatronic machines, Computational methods for machine design,
Physical model creation, computation of specification, Preliminary exam deadline.
3) Mechatronic devices and their numerical modelling: static and dynamic models Data acquisition,
filters, Ideal and non-ideal models in Matlab, Release of project work
4) Mechatronic control, hardware, theory Controller design: PID, basic of advanced controls, and soft
computing, Laboratory exercise: Signal acquisition, actuation, PID controller
5) Mechatronic machine design with case example, Visiting lecturer. Mechatronic system
simulation Laboratory exercise: programming of a control hardware
6) Summary of the course, Students’ reflections: what we learnt? Mutual feedback. Project work
Assessment Methods and Criteria: - Preliminary exam: pass/fail
- Grade from lecture quiz: weight 20 %, scale 1...5
- Grade from exercises including lab exercises: weight 40 %, scale 1...5
- Grade from project work: weight 40 %, scale 1...5
Study Material: Material prepared for preliminary exam, lecture notes, scientific articles. Supporting
book: Mechatronics in action: case studies in mechatronics: applications and education” by David
Bradley, David W. Russell.
Substitutes for Courses: Kon-41.4151 4 (cr)
Prerequisites: The course has no prerequisites. A multidisciplinary background gives a solid
foundation for the course. Strongly recommended courses are:
- KON-C2004 Mechatronics Basics 5 cr
- ELEC-C1230 Säätötekniikka 5 op
- CSE-A1141 Tietorakenteet ja algoritmit Y, 5 op
- ELEC-C1320 Robotics 5 cr
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration through WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: First lecture 3.1.2017 at 8.15! Lecture presence is strongly recommended in
order to be able to answer lecture quiz.
MEC-E5002 Mechatronics Project (10 cr)
Responsible teacher: Petri Kuosmanen
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: III-IV
Workload: Contact teaching 24 h
Project work 170 h
Documentation 76 h
Learning Outcomes: After completion of the course the student is able to design and build a new
mechatronic product or test equipment according to task description. He/she is able to work
systematically in a multidisciplinary team and to analyse different alternative solutions and to make
motivated decisions on basis of this. After completing the course the student is able to choose the
essential methods, practices and components to design and build a mechatronic machine.
Content: The aim of the course is to introduce the student into demanding mechatronics machine
design and building using a practical project assignment. The projects are carried out as group
assigments. Typical assignments are planning, building and testing of research equipment to be used
in ongoing research projects.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The course is built around a practical research project
assignment including a literature survey and project results presentation. The project results are
documented in a scientific paper.
Substitutes for Courses: Kon-41.4160 Mechatronics Project
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E5003 Fluid Power Basics (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Heikki Kauranne
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: III - IV (Spring 2017)
5 cr
Lectures 28 h (2 x 2 h / week)
Laboratory work 4 h (2 x 2 h)
Voluntary calculation exercises 12 h (6 x 2 h)
Autonomous studying and working on research assignments 91 - 103 h
Learning Outcomes:
After the course the student is able to:
- Describe technical fundamentals of hydraulic and pneumatic systems
- Describe general characteristics of different pressure mediums
- Analyze the behavior of pressure and flow in hydraulic and pneumatic systems
- Describe the operation and control of hydraulic and pneumatic components, the factors affecting to
the operation, and the effect of the components to the system
- Calculate the characteristics/properties of hydraulic and pneumatic components and systems
- Analyze operation of hydraulic and pneumatic systems
- Analyze and draw up diagrams of hydraulic and pneumatic systems
- Use firmware/software packages to calculate and analyze hydraulic and pneumatic systems and to
draw up diagrams
- Build simple hydraulic and pneumatic systems
- Document hydraulic and pneumatic systems
General knowledge of fluid power systems
Theoretical background (hydrostatics and hydrodynamics)
Basic components of hydraulic and pneumatic systems
Seals and sealing
Modeling and simulation (basics for the Research tasks)
Measurements and analysis (for Laboratory exercises)
System construction
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Two research assignments, group work (2 x 50 %)
Voluntary calculation exercises (bonus points)
Study Material: Announced separately
Substitutes for Courses: Course substitutes Kon-41.3023 Hydrauliikka ja pneumatiikka
Course Homepage:
Evaluation: 0 - 5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: For course news & updates please check MyCourses.
MEC-E5004 Fluid Power Systems (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Matti Pietola
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: I - II (Autumn 2016)
5 cr
Lectures 12 h (6 x 2 h)
Laboratory work 4 h (2 x 2 h)
Simulation exercise 2 h (1 x 2 h)
Autonomous studying and working on research and design assignments 117 h
Learning Outcomes:
After the course the student is able to:
- Describe technical fundamentals of different valve and system technologies, characteristics and their
typical targets of application
- Evaluate critically the applicability of different system technologies to applications representing
different levels of standards
- Use catalog information to analyze the characteristics of components and to define values for
parameters (static and dynamic characteristics) needed in dimensioning/system design
- Analyze component characteristics (static and dynamic) by measurement results
- Calculate the effect of components on system characteristics
- Design and dimension an energy efficient hydraulic system that fulfills the required functions and
whose technology is appropriate for the application in question and choose the appropriate
components (by required static and dynamic characteristics) and fluid for the system
- Design the control needed in the operation of the system
- Use firmware/software packages to design, calculate and analyze hydraulic systems
- Analyze the quality of existing hydraulic systems considering functionality and energy efficiency and
make well-founded suggestions for improvements
- Analyze characteristics and operation of hydraulic systems (including condition monitoring, fault and
damage diagnostics, safety and environmental risks) by measurements
- Combine information from different sources (criticism of sources) and create well-defined and
comprehensive system documents
Techniques in brief
- On/off technique
- Logic element technology
- Digital hydraulics
- MR technique
- Water hydraulics
- Electric/electronic control technology
- Proportional and servo technology
- Pump and motor controls, secondary control
- Energy efficient systems
- Mobile hydraulics
- System design
Modeling and simulation (for Design and Research exercises)
Measurements and analysis (for Laboratory exercises)
System construction
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Two design assignments, group work (2 x 20 %)
Two research assignments (2 x 30 %)
Study Material: Announced separately
Substitutes for Courses: Course substitutes Kon-41.4040 Hydraulijärjestelmät, Kon-41.4029
Course Homepage:
Prerequisites: MEC-E5003 Fluid Power Basics or equivalent content
Evaluation: 0 - 5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: For course news & updates please check MyCourses.
MEC-E5005 Fluid Power Dynamics L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jyrki Kajaste
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: I - II (Autumn 2016)
5 cr
Lectures 16 h (4 x 4 h)
Laboratory work 4 h (2 x 2 h)
Modelling and simulation exercises 28 h (7 x 4 h)
Autonomous studying, working on exercises and assignment 87 h
Learning Outcomes:
After the course the student is able to:
- Describe the principles of modeling and simulation and the potentials of these in system design and
- Use some modeling and simulation environment/software (Matlab ja Simulink)
- Identify (analyze) dynamic structures of hydraulic systems
- Create models for static and dynamic elements (hydraulic and pneumatic components and systems)
and run simulations with them
- Identify (analyze) parameter values for models from component catalogs and measurement results
- Analyze dynamic characteristics of hydraulic systems with the help of measurement data (step and
frequency responses)
- Analyze the operation of hydraulic systems by modeling and simulation
- Evaluate critically the quality and deficiencies of a component or system model (i.e. validate the
model using measurement data)
- Design and tune an electrohydraulic position, speed and force servo by using modeling and
- Estimate the quality of an electrohydraulic position, speed and force servo by modeling and
- Create well-defined and comprehensive modeling and simulation documents
- Describe the principle of real-time simulation and the special demands of it
Theoretical background
- Flow dynamics
- Pipe dynamics
- Component dynamics
- System dynamics
System design
Measurements and analysis
Modeling, parameters, validation and simulation
Control technology
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Modelling and simulation exercises (40 %)
Research assignments, group work (60 %)
Study Material: Announced separately
Substitutes for Courses: Course substitutes Kon-41.4027 Hydraulijärjestelmien mallintaminen ja
Course Homepage:
Prerequisites: MEC-E5003 Fluid Power Basics or equivalent content
Evaluation: 0 - 5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: For course news & updates please check MyCourses. Number of students is
restricted (max. 24). Admittance in order of registration.
MEC-E5006 Vehicle Mechatronics L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Kari Tammi
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies, Doctoral studies
Teaching period: II (first time in autumn 2017)
Workload: Learning activity: Workload calculation (hours), Remarks
Lectures: 6x2
Directed computer exercises: 4x1,5 h, Matlab exercises
Home assignments: 4x3 h, Based on contact teaching exercises
Reading materials: 20 h + 20 h, Reading for group work + Reading of peers’ group works
Group work (project): 60 h, Produce summary & slides
Learning portfolio (learning diary..): 6x0,5 h, Quiz after lectures
Wrap up (project gala) 3 h
Learning Outcomes: The student
1) can recognise the mechatronic systems in mobile machines, heavy duty, and light vehicles.
2) can design and simulate vehicle mechatronic systems such as: lift systems, electrical power
transmission, brake control systems.
3) can break down a selected vehicle mechatronic system, study its functionalities, and present it.
4) can work in a team designing a selected mechatronic system for a vehicle.
5) can evaluate, compare different realisations of mechatronic systems, and compare own results to
scientific results.
Content: Week) Lecture, Exercise, Other
1) Introduction to the course and background of vehicle mechatronics Mechatronic vehicles
manufacturing in Finland Learning / re-cap of system simulation with Matlab
2) Vehicle power transmission systems: power production and usage Vehicle dynamics
models, Release of project work
3) Energy storages, Power conversion (e.g. waste heat recovery) Powertrain models
4) Powertrain design and control: robust methods, Control models with case examples
5) Vehicle design with case example, A visiting lecturer. Project work deadline
6) Summary of the course. Students’ reflections: what we learnt? Mutual feedback Project work gala
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Grade from lecture quiz: weight 25 %, scale 1...5
2. Grade from exercises: weight 25 %, scale 1...5
3. Grade from project work: weight 50 %, scale 1...5
Study Material: Lecture notes, scientific articles. Supporting background book to be selected
Prerequisites: Required: MEC-E5001 Mechatronic Machine Design The course is following
Mechatronic Machine Design course that is required to enter the Vehicle Mechatronics course.
Additionally, the students are recommended to build an own student profile in mechatronics learning. It
is assumed the students are the most familiar with ENG MSc programme. Therefore for ENG
students, the courses from other schools are emphasised in the profiles below. Examples of student
profiles and the corresponding courses are:
Power transmission
- ELEC-E8112 Hybrid powertrains in vehicles 5 cr
- ELEC-E8405 Electric Drives 5 cr
- ELEC-E8407 Electromechanics 5 cr
Control theory and dynamic phenomena
- ELEC-E8001 Embedded Real-Time Systems 5 cr
- ELEC-E8101 Digital and optimal control 5 cr
- ELEC-E8103 Modeling, estimation and dynamic systems 5 cr
- Kul-49.3400, Dynamics of Structures; lectures and exercises L (T03), 5 op
Control hardware and software
- T-106.5300 - Embedded Systems
- T-106.5740 - Project in Embedded Systems
- T-106.5840 - Seminar on Embedded Systems
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E6001 Engineering Metals and Alloys L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Risto Ilola
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: III (Spring)
Lectures 12-24 h
In-class/laboratory exercices 12-24 h
Independent work
Exam 3 h
Learning Outcomes: After the course you will know classification, heat treatment, and properties of
engineering metals and alloys. You will know the metallurgical phenomena in the main heat treatment
and processing methods. You are able to carry out basic metallurgical characterization and indentify
microstructures. You are able to relate microstructure to performance.
Content: The course introduces the most important ferrous and non-ferrous alloys used in mechanical
engineering. The emphasis is in applications in transport, energy, and process industry. The course
teaches how the performance and properties are related to alloying and microstructure, and how the
microstructure is tailored with different heat treatment methods. Also, the effect of service
environment and temperature are taken into account. Theory is connected to practice in assignments,
in which the students will study e.g. hardenability of steels and precipitation hardening of aluminium
alloys, and characterize microstructures using optical microscopy and hardness testing.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Evaluation is based on exercises (50%) and exam (50%). The
exercises are compulsory. Also, the course activity has an influence.
Study Material:
Applicaple parts of the following books:
H.K.D.H. Bhadesia and R.W.K. Honeycombe: Steels, Microstructure and Properties.
I.J. Polmear: Light Alloys, From Traditional Alloys to Nanocrystals.
M. Ashby, H. Shercliff and D. Cebon: Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design.
Journal papers and other scientific literature announced on the course.
Substitutes for Courses: Substitute for the courses Kon-67.3101 Physical Metallurgy of Light and
Colour Metals (3 cr) and Kon-67.3110 Structure and Properties of Steels (4 cr).
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E6002 Welding Technology and Design L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Pedro Santos Vilaca da Silva
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master´s studies, doctoral studies
Teaching period: V
• Workload: Lecture = 21 h
• Independent work = 50 h
• Laboratorial exercises =40
• Preparation for exam = 26
Learning Outcomes:
After the course the student can:
-Identify the main joining mechanisms within welding technology;
-Address the fundaments of physics of electric arc and metallic transference in electric arc welding;
-Implement an applicability analysis of SMAW + SAW + GTAW + PAW + GMAW + FCAW + LW +
EBW + Hybrid joining techniques
-Address the fundaments of solid state welding techniques and joining techniques for advanced
materials: polymers; ceramics; composites;
-Make a weldability analysis based on the welding metallurgy;
-Apply the fundaments of design of welded structures
Content: Welding technology plays a critical role in almost every industry sector - is critical to the
world’s ability to cope with the continuous development demands. Whether joining the smallest bio
implants or welding the world’s biggest components, welding makes significant contributions to the
global quality of life. Welding technologies, whether conventional or advanced, and welding engineers
and operators, are thus vital elements to improved quality of life for all. In fact there is a huge demand
for welders in the industry. Welding is an extremely important component to many industries in Finland
and worldwide. In fact, without specialized know-how on welding, many construction projects, bridge
building, vehicle manufacturing processes, computer electronics plants, plastics manufacturing and
even our space program would come to a standstill. In the present course, the fundaments of welding
and joining by fusion and solid state are reviewed preparing the students for the introduction of the
most relevant developments and recent innovations in the welding technology. The fundaments on the
welding metallurgy and design of welded structures will also be assessed.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Examination (70 %) Laboratorial Exercises (30 %)
Study Material:
-Robert W. Messler, Jr. - Principles of Welding – Processes Physics, Chemistry, and Metallurgy
(ISBN-13: 978-0-471-25376-1)
-Welded Joint Design (3rd edition), John Hicks. Woodhead Publishing Ltd. 1999
-ASM Metals Handbook – Vol. 6 – Welding Brazing and Soldering. 1993. ASM International.
-AWS Welding Handbook – Vol. 1 to 4 – 8th and/or 9th edition. American Welding Society.
-Pedro Vilaça, Wayne Thomas, “State-of-the-art in FSW technology”. Chapter 4 of book: “Structural
Connections for Lightweight Metallic Structures”. pp. 85-124. ISBN 978-3-642-18186-3, Springer.
-Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Part 1-1 (General rules and rules for buildings) and Part 1-8
(Design of joints)
Substitutes for Courses:
Prerequisites: Engineering Materials
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
Content in-detail:
Introduction to welding technology:
-Historical Evolution.
Welding Processes Short Presentation:
-Joining Mechanisms;
-Allied Technologies (e.g. cutting and coating).
Electric Arc Physics.
Metal Transference in Arc Welding Physics.
Electric Arc Welding Processes (fundaments and variants):
High Power Density Welding Processes:
-Process Laser Welding and Cutting;
-Process Electron Beam.
Solid State Welding Processes (fundaments and processes):
-Flash, Stud, High Frequency;
-Cold Pressure; Ultrasonic; Diffusion;
-Explosion (Coating and Cutting);
-Friction Welding;
-Friction Stir Welding and Variants
Joining of Advanced Materials:
-Adhesives Technology for Metals and Polymers;
-Other Joining Techniques for Polymers;
Fundaments of welding metallurgy.
Fundaments of design of welded structures: Static loads.
-Introduction and Principles
-Stresses in Structures
-Design of Welds and Joints
Residual Stress and Deformation
MEC-E6003 Materials Safety L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Iikka Virkkunen
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: I
• Lectures 12 h
• Exercises 20 h
• Independent work 100 h
• Examination 3 h
Learning Outcomes: After the course the students can:
1. understand plastic deformation, crack growth and their interaction sufficiently to
2. assess potential life-limiting failure mechanisms in practical engineering cases,
3. analyze failure cases to gain further insight into life-limiting conditions and opportunities for
improvement and finally
4. use this information to guide safe and efficient use of materials for best performance
Content: The course lectures develop student’s existing understanding on deformation, stress
concentrations and fracture with emphasis on phenomena underlying various failure mechanisms.
Common failure mechanisms (cleavage, fatigue, creep, environmentally assisted degradation) are
addressed and published failure cases explained. The students are required to analyze engineering
component failure cases and connect the taught content to real life failure cases. The course includes
materials testing laboratory exercises, which allow students to get first-hand experience on testing of
materials and evaluating materials performance.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Examination, exercises and exercise works.
Study Material: Hertzberg, R.W. Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials OR
Meyers, M. & Chawla, K., Mechanical Behavior of Materials. 2nd edition.
Substitutes for Courses: Kon-67.3401 Rakenneaineet jännitysten ja ympäristön vaikutusten alaisina
Prerequisites: KJR-C2004 Materiaalitekniikka or equal bachelor’s level Materials science course.
Recommended course MEC-E6001 Engineering Metals and Alloys.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Target groups: Master’s Programme in Mechanical Engineering, Master’s
Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering
MEC-E6004 Non-destructive Testing L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Pedro Santos Vilaca da Silva
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master´s studies, doctoral studies
Teaching period: II
• Lecture = 21 h
• Independent work = 50 h
• Seminar preparation + presentation =45
• Preparation for exam = 21
Learning Outcomes:
After the course the student can:
-Apply the physical fundaments of the main NDT techniques;
-Identify the variants of the main NDT techniques;
-Select the NDT techniques and main operational parameters for different industrial applications;
-Interpret with criteria the results from inspection;
-Identify the most common and critical defects from the general industrial applications;
-Predict the morphology, localization and dimension of the defects considering the type of material and
manufacturing techniques.
Non-destructive testing (NDT) has a number of important roles to play in ensuring the through-life
quality and reliability of many important products whose integrity is of paramount importance. The
traditional role of NDT in quality control during manufacture - predominantly defect detection - has
been complemented in recent years with increasingly important inspections in-service on plant and
equipment at varying stages through life. The correct application of NDT can prevent accidents, save
lives, protect the environment and avoid economic loss.
NDT and inspection are vital functions in achieving the goals of efficiency and quality at an acceptable
cost. In many cases, these functions are highly critical: painstaking procedures are adopted to provide
the necessary degree of quality assurance. The consequences of failure of engineering materials,
components and structures are well known and can be disastrous.
In the present course the students will review the physical fundaments of the main NDT techniques
and will be presented to the most relevant variants of the conventional NDT techniques. Focus will be
given to the establishment of the morphology, localization and dimension of the defects typical in
many engineering materials and resulting from the application of several manufacturing techniques.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Examination (50 %) Seminar paper and presentation (50 %)
Study Material:
-ASM Handbook, “Nondestructive Evaluation and Quality Control”, Volume 17, ASM Handbook.
-European Federation for NDT (EFNDT), “Overall NDT Quality System”, EFNDT Guidelines, 2008.
-American Society for NDT (ASNDT). (;
-I. N. Prassianakis, “NDT Means Economy and Safety in a Contemporary, Free, Peaceful and
Democratic Society”, proceedings of 4th International NDT Conference of the Hellenic Society of Non
Destructive Testing, Creete, 2007.
Substitutes for Courses: KON-67.4112 KON-67.3301
Prerequisites: Courses with Materials, Mechanical Manufacturing, Welding and Casting contents
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
Content in-detail:
Introduction to Non-Destructive Testing Technology:
- Historical Evolution;
- Organization, Standards and Personnel Certification;
- Origin of the Defects.
Fundaments of Non-Destructive Testing Techniques:
- Visual Inspection (Penetrant Testing; Endoscopy; Holography; Thermography; Other emergent);
- Magnetic Testing (Particles; ACFM);
- Radiographic Testing (Fundaments; X-ray; g-ray; Digital; Tomography);
- Ultrasonic Inspection (Fundaments; Conventional Pulsed; Creeping, Phased Array; ToFD, Guided
- Eddy Current Testing (Fundaments; Conventional; Pulsed; Giant Magnetoresistance; Remote Field
Testing; Magnetic Flux Leakage);
- Hybrid Methods (EMAT; MWM; US by Laser; Thermosonic/Sonic IR, Fuzzy Logic);
- Reliability Analysis in NDT (Relative Operating Characteristic and Probability of Detection).
MEC-E6005 Engineering Materials Seminar L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Sven Bossuyt
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies or doctoral studies
Teaching period: V
Workload: introductory lecture 2 h choose topic and find literature 4 h read literature 40 h writing
paper 60 h peer review (2 rounds, 3 papers) 6 h prepare presentation 6 h seminar 8 h read others’
final papers 10 h Total 136 h
Learning Outcomes:
This course exposes students to state-of-the-art developments in some specific engineering materials,
or processes related to engineering materials, and examines the technological, societal, and historical
context in which materials research and development occur.
During the course, the students will learn to locate and read scientific literature in their field, to critically
evaluate it, and they will become familiar with the format and style of scientific literature and
conference presentations.
The course consists of minimal lecturing, independent reading on a topic chosen by each student, and
a student-led seminar where students present a paper they wrote about their topic.
Each student shall propose a specific material or material class, a specifically demanding use case for
a material, or a specific process related to materials, and at least three references from the scientific
literature —such as journal papers, textbooks or patents— about this topic, for approval. Ideally, but
not necessarily, this would be a topic that the student already has a strong interest in and is already
knowledgeable about. Based on this literature, the student will then write a concise but thorough paper
about their topic, in a format appropriate for a paper submitted to a scientific conference. These
papers will be critically reviewed by the course staff and other students, and each student will write
evaluation reports for three other students’ papers in the format of the peer review of a scientific
paper. Finally, the students will have time to revise their papers taking into account this peer review,
and to prepare a brief presentation about their topic for the seminar.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The paper written, the verbal presentation, and the peer review
are assessed separately. For doctoral students, more weight is given to the assessment of the peer
review given to other students.
Substitutes for Courses: Kon-67.4405 Advanced Engineering Materials or Kon-67.4403 Advanced
Fracture Mechanics
Prerequisites: KJR-C2004 Materiaalitekniikka or similar knowledge of materials science
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Only the one-day final seminar is strictly necessary to attend. Everything else
can be done through MyCourses and e-mail.
MEC-E7001 Production Systems Modelling L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Esko Niemi
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced studies.
Level of the Course: Master’s studies.
Teaching period: III (Spring 2017)
Lectures 20 h
Computer classes 8 h
Group assignments 60 h
Self study 45 h
Examination 3 h
Learning Outcomes: After the course the student:
1. Knows the basics of discrete event simulation modelling, queuing theory, mathematical
programming (optimization), data modelling (linear regression, neural networks).
2. Is able to do basic modeling of manufacturing systems using the am. methods with the
following software: Simul8 (simulaton), Microsoft Excel Solver and OPL/CPLEX (optimization),
Statistix and Matlab (data modelling).
3. Is able to do systematic e experimentation with the am. models and interpret the results.
4. Is able to participate in an industrial scale development project that utilizes the am. methods.
Content: The following methods are studied: simulation, queuing networks, optimization, regression
analysis, and neural networks. The application of the methods to production systems planning and
control: Hierarchical production planning, cost functions, Little’s law, scheduling, lot sizes and set-ups,
capacity planning, aggregate planning, facility location. The basics of the methods and software are
learned in guided tutorials (computer classes) and exercises (assignments).
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, excercises, and examination.
Study Material:
Factory physics: foundations of manufacturing management / Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman.
Design and analysis of lean production systems / Ronald G. Askin, Jeffrey B. Goldberg.
Planning and scheduling in manufacturing and services / Michael L. Pinedo.
Lecture notes.
Substitutes for Courses: The course can be sustituted by: Kon-15.4198 Modelling Methods in
Production Engineering and Kon-15.4199 Production Control in Machine Shops.
Prerequisites: MEC-E1080 Production Engineering.
Evaluation: 0-5.
Registration for Courses: WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English.
MEC-E7002 Manufacturing Methods I (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Esko Niemi; Janne Peuraniemi
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies.
Level of the Course: Master’s studies.
Teaching period: III-IV (Spring 2017)
Lectures 10 h
Laboratory work 24 h
Group assignments 20 h
Self study 80 h
Examination 3 h
Learning Outcomes: After the course the student:
1. Knows the basics of main manufacturing methods (cutting methods and sheet metal work),
machine tools and their capabilities.
2. Knows the basics of cutting, tool wear, tool materials and machinability of materials.
3. Is able to interpret manufacturing drawings and create process plans.
4. Has some practical machining skills.
5. Is able to estimate processing time and generation of costs.
Content: The objective of the course is to deepen the knowledge of manufacturing methods and
machine tools acquired during bachelor studies. Main topics:
1. Basic cutting theory, tool wear
2. Machinability of materials, cutting fluids
3. Cutting process planning
4. Turning
5. Milling
6. Drilling
7. Grinding
8. Other cutting methods
9. Sheet metal work
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, excercises, and examination.
Study Material: Fundamentals of Manufacturing, Philip D. Rufe, third edition. E-book in Knovel.
Lecture notes.
Substitutes for Courses: The course can be substituted by: Kon-15.3342 Machine Tools and
Accessories, Kon-15.3151 Practical Work Training with Machine Tools and Kon-15.3135 Sheet Metal
Prerequisites: MEC-E1080 Production Engineering or equivalent content.
Evaluation: 0-5.
Registration for Courses: WebOodi. A maximum of 30 students will be admitted to the course, with
precedence given to students of Mechanical Engineering master’s programme, and selection is based
on academic performance. At least 4 participants are required in order for the course to be held.
Language of Instruction: English.
MEC-E7003 Manufacturing Methods II (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Juha Huuki
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: IV-V (Spring 2017)
5 cr = 135 h
Introductory lecture/contact hours 4 h
Pre-requisite exam 2 h
Preparing for pre-requisite exam/self-study 20 h
Laboratory excercises/contact hours 4 x 4 h = 16 h
Preparing for laboratory excercises/independent and group working 4 x 8 h = 32 h
Preparing reports/independent and group working 4 x 15 h = 60 h
Learning Outcomes: After the course the student:
is able to safely use the most common machine tools under the direct supervision of an
knows the basics of NC-and CAD/CAM-programming including industrial robots.
is able to apply knowledge and skills previously taught in the field of production engineering.
is able to design and conduct small-scale empirical research.
is able to produce a written research report based on the results of the research.
has learned collaborative skills in laboratory excercises and writing reports as a part of a small
Content: Previously taught knowledge and skills in the field of production engineering are applied in
hands-on laboratory exercises. The course introduces students to the use of the most common
machine tools and the basics of NC- and CAD/CAM -programming. Students work in a small group
and conduct small-scale empirical research in various laboratory exercises. The methods and the
research results are reported in written research reports.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Introductory lecture(s), pre-requisite exam and supervised
laboratory exercises including the writing of research reports
Substitutes for Courses: Substitutes for the course Kon-15.3157 Research Basics of Production
Engineering (7 cr)
Prerequisites: MEC-E1080 Production Engineering (5 cr) MEC-E7002 Manufacturing Methods I (5 cr)
Evaluation: 0-5.
Registration for Courses: WebOodi. A maximum of 30 students will be admitted to the course, with
precedence given to students of Mechanical Engineering master’s programme and selection is based
on academic performance. At least 4 participants are required in order for the course to be held.
Language of Instruction: English.
MEC-E7004 Industrial Project (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Pekka Kyrenius
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: I-II, III-V (Course to be given first time in autumn 2017)
Introductory lecture 4 h
Project work 100 h
Preparing project report 20 h
Seminar presentations 10 h
Learning Outcomes: After the course the student:
• is able to perform a project in industrial setting.
• is able to work in a project team.
• can prepare a project plan and knows fundamentals of project management.
• is proficient in applying skills from previous courses.
• can formulate a practical solution to an industrial problem based on analysis.
• can write a technical report on project and selected solution.
Content: Students in small groups perform an industrial project in cooperation with local companies or
Aalto university. Focus is in finding solution through analysis and reporting results. The course
includes mandatory seminar of all groups with presentation of projects.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: project work, seminar, written reports
Substitutes for Courses: Course substitutes for Kon-15.4158 Industry Project (5 cr)
Prerequisites: MEC-E7002 Manufacturing Methods I MEC-E7003 Manufacturing Methods II
Evaluation: 0-5.
Registration for Courses: WebOodi. A maximum of 30 students will be admitted to the course, with
precedence given to students of Mechanical Engineering master’s programme and selection is based
on academic performance. At least 4 participants are required in order for the course to be held.
Language of Instruction: English.
MEC-E7005 Advanced Casting Technology (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Juhani Orkas
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advances Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: IV
Lectures/contact hours 12 h
Laboratory work, literature 63 h
Learning assignments 48 h
Seminar 12 h
Learning Outcomes: Students will learn to explain basic principles of casting technology. They will
also learn to use the relations between design and manufacturing processes of casting, cast materials,
casting design principles, casting simulation and how the process parts interact to determine the
properties of what is required to create the high quality cast component.
Content: Principles of casting technology,relations between design and manufacturing processes of
casting, cast materials, casting design principles, casting simulation and quality.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Students write an essay on the topics covered on the lectures
and literature (50 %) and laboratory assignments (50 %).
Study Material:,, lecture notes and slides, journal articles
Substitutes for Courses: Kon-80.3125 Castings
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration through WebOodi. Please see WebOodi for the registration
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: A maximum of 30 students will be admitted to the course, with precedence
given to students of Mechanical Engineering master’s programme and selection is based on academic
performance. At least 4 participants are required in order for the course to be held.
MEC-E7006 Advanced Manufacturing (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jouni Partanen
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’ studies
Teaching period: IV
• Lectures: 12x2 h
• Exam and independent study 35 h
• 3D Printing assignment in a group of 2 (including design + model + report) 60 h
• Laser processing assignment 15 h
Learning Outcomes:
The main topic for this course is 3D-Printing and Laser Processing.
The learning objectives for this course are: Understanding
3D-printing and laser processing basics
different 3D-Printing technologies
applications related to 3D-Printing and laser processing
new business opportunities available for advanced manufacturing
As a result of laboratory work students will be able to design and print 3D-objects.
• All 3D-printing processes classified generally accepted categories
• Design principles for Additive (Digital) Manufacturing
• Software Aspects
• Industrial and Medical Applications
• Laser Processing
• Laser Micromachining
• Business Aspects
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Grade from final exam: weight 40 %, scale 1...5
Grade from 2 set of laboratory assignments: weight 60 %, scale 1...5
Study Material: Additive manufacturing technologies: rapid prototyping to direct digital manufacturing
by Ian Gibson, David W. Rosen, Brent Stucker. 2010.
Substitutes for Courses: Kon-15.4126 (3 cr)
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: A maximum of 50 students will be admitted to the course, with precedence
given to students of Mechanical Engineering master’s programme and selection is based on academic
MEC-E7007 Factory Project (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Kalevi Aaltonen
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: I-II (Autumn 2017)
Workload: 50 % Lectures and factory visits 50 % Factory design project work
Learning Outcomes: The objective of the course is to combine and crystallize all previous production
engineering studies and knowledge. Important part of the course is the practical factory design project.
Assignment for the exercise project is to design a real life product manufacturing plant. Different
investment calculation models and methods are in focus. Writing supply and delivery agreements and
contracts is important. Students are encouraged to use different production planning, modelling and
simulation software and systems in layout -planning and production process design. Service and
maintenance operations of the factory are also included.
• Introduction
• Investment projects
• Investment calculations
• Supply and delivery agreements and contracts
• Case studies, Factory A
• Case studies, Factory B
• Service and maintenance
• Layout planning
• Production planning and control
• Summary
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, pre-examination, learning diary, seminar exercise,
group work, case study rehearsals and company visits
Study Material: Books on Investment methods and calculations, scientific articles about proactive
maintenance, production system design software lecture notes, template delivery agreements,
machine tools testing and acceptance standards.
Substitutes for Courses: Course substitutes for Kon-15.4197 Factory Project
Prerequisites: MEC-E7001 Production Systems Modelling, MEC-E7002 Manufacturing Methods I,
MEC-E7003 Manufacturing Methods II
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration for Course via WebOodi A maximum of 30 students will be
admitted to the course, with precedence given to students of Mechanical Engineering master’s
programme and selection is based on academic performance. At least 4 participants are required in
order for the course to be held.
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E8001 Finite Element Analysis L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jouni Freund
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies / Doctoral studies
Teaching period: III
Workload: Lectures and exercises 36h Independent work 100h
Learning Outcomes: Student knows the basic analysis types of machines and structures and the role
of the principle of virtual work in the analyses, is able to determine the vibration properties of beam
structures, to find the critical load for buckling of a beam structure, to model a non-linear bar structure,
and perform thermo-mechanical analyses of bar and thin-slab structures.
Content: Vibration, stability, non-linear, and thermo-mechanical analyses of machines and structures
by the Finite Element Method.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lecture assignments 10% / 50% of the maximal points is
Home assignments 30% / 50% of the maximal points is required
Examination 60% / 40% of the maximal points is required
Study Material: Lecture and exercise material of the home page
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-49.4100 Finite Element Method II
Prerequisites: Basics of the finite element method, boundary/initial/eigenvalue problems, and
numerical methods.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E8002 Continuum Mechanics and Material Modelling L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Kari Santaoja
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advancd Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: III
Workload: Lectures 31 h / 24 % Independent work 89 h / 76 %
Learning Outcomes: On this course, participants learn to read publications written in
tensor notations. By the end the course, the student will be able produce his
or her own text in tensor notations. Students will be familiar with the laws of
nature of continuum mechanics and the general principles derived from these.
The students will understand how continuum thermodynamics extends the view of
continuum mechanics to cover material models. During the course, student will
study how to test material models by the theory of internal variables. Upon
completing the course, the student will be able to use the Levenberg-Marquardt
method in determining the values of the material parameters from the
experimental data. He or she will also understand the foundations of mechanics
of materials, be able to implement a material model in the Abaqus finite
element program, and be capable of determining the values of the material
Content: The beginning of the course covers the application of tensor notation
and the derivation of tensor equations. The basic laws and axioms of continuum
mechanics and of continuum thermodynamics are evaluated. The local forms of these
basic laws and axioms are derived from their global forms. Description of the
material models by continuum thermodynamics is practised with several
constitutive equations. The Levenberg-Marquardt method is used for determining
the values of material parameters from the experimental data. At the end of the
course the implementation of material models in the Abaqus program is examined
with the use of examples.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Weekly homework assignments and examination.
Study Material:
Santaoja, Kari. Lecture Notes on Continuum Thermodynamics, Taras
Santaoja, Kari. Determination of the Values of the Material Parameters
by Extended Levenberg-Marquardt Method, Sasata
Santaoja, Kari. Implementation of material models in the Abaqus UMAT and
VUMAT subroutines.
Solutions for the home assignments will be uploaded into MyCourses.
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-49.4501 Continuum Mechanics and Material Modelling P
Prerequisites: Good knowledge of material mechanics, mechanics, structural mechanics or
thermodynamics. The course material covers all the information needed to pass the course.
Therefore, a some previous knowledge of the topics mentioned above is adequate for passing this
course with excellent marks.
Evaluation: 0 - 5
Registration for Courses: Oodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E8003 Beam, Plate and Shell Models L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jouni Freund
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advances Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies / Doctoral studies
Teaching period: IV
Workload: Lectures and exercises 36h Independent work 100h
Learning Outcomes: Student is able to represent the quantities and operators of continuum
mechanics in different coordinate systems, knows the assumptions of the beam and plate models and
derivation of the beam and plate equations using the principle of virtual work, and is able to write the
equations in different coordinate system in flat and curved geometry and solve for the displacements
in simple cases.
Content: Assumptions, equations and analytical solutions of linearly elastic beam and plate models in
flat and curved geometries.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lecture assignments 10% / 50% of the maximal points is
Home assignments 30% / 50% of the maximal points is required
Examination 60% / 40% of the maximal points is required
Study Material: J.N.Reddy, Theory and Analysis of Elastic Plates and Shells, 2nd ed., Taylor &
Francis Group.
Lecture and exercise material of the home page.
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-49.4250 Models for Beam, Plate and Shell Structures P
Prerequisites: Basics of continuum mechanics, vector algebra, variation calculus, and boundary
value problems.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E8004 Fatigue and Fracture of Structures L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Heikki Remes
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, advanced studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies, Doctoral studies
Teaching period: I
Workload: Lectures: 24h
Instructed exercises: 14h
Assignments/project work: 50h
Studying materials: 48h
Preparing for exams: 10h
Learning Outcomes: After the course, the student:
- understands the material behaviour under cyclic loading, fatigue and fracture phenomenon, and main
affecting factors.
- is able to identify the main requirements for fatigue and fracture analysis.
- understands the main modelling principles for fatigue and fracture analysis.
- can apply the selected modelling approaches for structural analysis.
Content: The course will start with an introduction of fatigue and fracture phenomenon. The theory
phase covers the modelling principles and it is followed by different modelling methods: stress and
strain -based approaches and fracture mechanics. The analysis methods are applied to the practise
thorough the fatigue and fracture analysis of the selected structural detail or component (Project
work). Project works is performed trough weekly-based assignments. In addition, the course covers
the basics of the following topics: variable amplitude loading, residual stress effect, fatigue of welds,
multiaxial fatigue and statistical aspects.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Assignments, project work and exam. Grading will be based on
1/3 exam, 2/3 project.
Study Material: Metal Fatigue in Engineering by Stephens, R. I. et al.; Chapter 9-11 of Mechanical
Behaviour of Materials by Dowling, N. E.; Selected articles and lecture notes.
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-49.4300 Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue Kul-49.4350 Fatigue of
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The course will be lectured the first time autumn 2017
MEC-E8005 Thin-walled Structures L (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jasmin Jelovica; Jani Romanoff
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies, Doctoral studies
Teaching period: II
Lectures: 24 (2 x 2h/week, 12 sessions)
Instructed exercises: 6
Home assignments: 48 hours (6 x 8 hours/week)
Studying materials: 48 hours (6 x 8 hours/week)
Preparing for exams: 10 hours
Learning Outcomes: Can identify the requirements for numerical analysis of large complex,
thin-walled structures in terms of: physical understanding of the global structural static and vibratory
response, force flow, materials and global and local approaches, i.e. homogenization and localization.
Can select the structural modelling techniques for different analyses: static, vibratory, ultimate and
fatigue strength.
Content: Design, Load modeling, Discretization; Isotropic, Orthotropic Materials & Sandwich
Structures; Offset beams; Equivalent plates and shells; Sub-models & Static analysis; Fatigue
analysis; Vibration analysis; Buckling analysis; Ultimate and accidental strength analysis;
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The course utilizes problem-based-learning concept so that the
students are encouraged to work on selected application case throughout the course. The aim of the
course is to identify a thin-walled strucutre that the students will analyze using finite element method
for different limit states (serviability, ultimate, fatigue and accidental). Each week we define a subtask
to be solved, lectures will be given and we conclude the week on question hour where students can
ask questions related to their projects. Each week the student groups (3-5 persons) return a written
report showing in the form of living document that build the course report in steps. The weekly
submissions will be graded from 1-5.The weekly submissions will contribute up to 40% of the course
grade, while the final summaririzing submission gives 10%. The remaining 50% of the grade is defined
by the final exam. The grading is based 50% on technical contents, 20% on using techical aids, 15%
on reporting and 15% on reflection previous studies.
Study Material: Lecture notes. Selected articles.
Substitutes for Courses: Kul-24.4710 Large Complex Structures
Prerequisites: B.Sc. Studies, Finite Element Method basics
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E9020 Patentit L (3 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Panu Kuosmanen
Kurssin asema: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced studies
Kurssin taso: Maisteriopinnot, jatko-opinnot
Opetusperiodi: III-IV
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Luentotyyppistä opetusta 18 h
Harjoituksia (henkilökohtaisten harjoitusten tekemistä) ohjatuissa ryhmissä 6 h
Demonstraatioita 1 h
Omakohtaista opiskelua 18 h
Tentti 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin jälkeen opiskelija hallitsee perustiedot immateriaalioikeuksista sekä siitä,
miten niitä voidaan käyttää liiketoiminnassa. Opiskelija tietää pääpiirteissään alan keskeisen
terminologian, hallitsee tiedonhaut sekä osaa laatia patenttihakemuksen. Opiskelija tietää perustiedot
alan rahoituksesta, teknologialiiketoiminnasta, toimijoista sekä elinkeinoelämän keskeisistä toimijoista
(mm. yritykset, viranomaiset).
Sisältö: Kurssilla perehdytään keksintöjen ja liikeideoiden suojaamismahdollisuuksiin kotimaassa ja
ulkomailla. Patentti, mallioikeus, tavaramerkki, tekijänoikeus, toiminimi ja suoja sopimatonta
menettelyä vastaan. Työsuhdekeksinnöt ja keksinnöt korkeakouluissa. Riitakysymykset.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Patenttihakemuksen laadinta. Tentti.
Oppimateriaali: Ilmoitetaan myöhemmin.
Korvaavuudet: Kon-41.5167 Patentit
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi
Opetuskieli: Suomi (mahdollista suorittaa erityisjärjestelyin myös englanniksi, ota yhteys
MEC-E9110 Introduction to History of Science, Technology and Innovation L (3-6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Mats Fridlund
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies, Doctoral studies
Teaching period: III (Offered alternate years, Course to be given for the first time in the spring 2017)
Workload: The course can be taken for 3, 5 or 6 credits with difference in the amount of independent
work Lectures/contact hours 24 h (2 x 2 h/week)
Preparing for lectures 11 h
Independent work: 46, 100 or 127 h
for 3, 5 or 6 cr respectively (short written assignments to be
submitted before weekly lectures)
Learning Outcomes:
The course provide an introduction to the historical development of science, technology and
innovation and how to understand its interaction in the context of intellectual, cultural and political
developments. A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
• identify historical milestones in the development of science, technology and innovation and its
connections to societal and cultural developments
• outline the changing meanings and practices of science, technology and innovation throughout
• describe and assess historical situations where science, technology and innovation had a major
impact on society and outline plausible alternative developments
• articulate historically justified arguments on the social impact of science, technology and
Content: The course use historical case studies to give an introduction to key moments in the
development of science, technology and innovation and its interaction with broader social, cultural and
political developments. It starts in ancient times and charts how science, technology and innovation
gradually were recognized as distinct entities and practiced by people who referred to themselves as
scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs. It describe the emergence of the scientific and industrial
revolutions and the professionalization of science and engineering and the entrance of
university-trained scientists technologists into business corporations, academic laboratories and
government institutions during the industrial and post-industrial eras. It have a global coverage with a
focus on the Western world.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lecture attendance and accepted written weekly assignments.
Regular attendance required. Abscences may be made up by completing assignments agreed upon
with the teacher.
Study Material: To be announced separately.
Evaluation: pass/fail
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E9120 Perspectives on Industrial and Technological Change L (3-6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Mats Fridlund
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies / Doctoral studies
Teaching period: III (Offered alternate years, Course to be given for the first time in the spring 2018)
Workload: The course can be taken for 3, 5 or 6 credits with difference in the amount of independent
Lectures/contact hours 24 h
(2 x 2 h/week)
Preparing for lectures 11 h
Independent work: 46, 100 or 127 h
for 3, 5 or 6 cr respectively (short written assignments to be
submitted before weekly lectures)
Learning Outcomes: The course outline central elements of industrial and technological change in a
historical perspective and provides an introduction to conceptual models used to understand this
development. A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
• outline key turning points in the history of industrial and technological change
• describe central elements and events of past industrial and technological revolutions
• assess the relative strengths and weaknesses of various concepts and models to explain historical
examples of industrial and technological change
• use conceptual models of technological and industrial change to provide interpretations of
historical and contemporary events
Content: The course combines a historical survey of the industrial and technological revolutions from
ancient times until the present with an explanation of central concepts used by historians to explain
industrial and technological change such as industrial revolutions, path-dependence, technological
determinism, technological momentum, technological paradigm, technopolitical regimes, invention vs
innovation, linear model of industrial change, development blocks, social construction of technology,
consumption junctions, large technical systems, sociotechnical systems, actor-network theory,
national systems of innovation, sociotechnical affordances and sociotechnical transition pathways.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lecture attendance and accepted written weekly assignments.
Regular attendance required. Abscences may be made up by completing assignments agreed upon
with the teacher.
Study Material: To be announced separately.
Evaluation: pass/fail
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
MEC-E9998 Tekniikan ja teollistumisen historian vaihtuvasisältöinen kurssi L, V(V) (3-6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Mats Fridlund
Kurssin asema: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Kurssin taso: Maisteriopinnot
Opetusperiodi: vaihtelee
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi
Opetuskieli: Ruotsi
Lisätietoja: Kurssilla vaihtuva teema, opetuksen järjestämisestä ilmoitetaan erikseen
MEC-E9999 History of Technology and Industrialization Course with Varying Content L, V(V)
(3-6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Mats Fridlund
Status of the Course: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Studies
Level of the Course: Master’s studies, Doctoral studies
Teaching period: Any
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The theme of the course varies. Organised with separate notice.