eiüóa ô` i•ñx Eb n u ïx ûï` A arÆw îr úöi aïW •ñI öe :oör úôp M u ïx

ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 1
37/fl wxt
ei®¦a `¨ i´¥x Eb nè ux¤ ­¤̀ Aè
aŸ½w £r «i© aW¤ ´¥I e© 1/`
:o©r «p̈ Mè ux¤ ­¤̀ Aè
sºq¥ Fi
aŸÀw £r «i© zFć lè Ÿ«Y | d¤N ´¥̀
Ædp̈ Ẅ d³¥x U¤
§ r Î r«a© Wè Î o¤A
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ei®¦a `¨ i´¥W pè d­R̈ l¦§ f i¬p¥ Aè Î z ¤̀ eè d²d̈ l§ a¦ i¬p¥ Aè Î z ¤̀
:m«d¤ ia¦ £̀ Î l ¤̀
d­r̈ ẍ m¬z̈ Ä C¦ Î z ¤̀
ei½p̈ Ä Î lM’ n¦ Æsq¥ Fi Î z ¤̀
a³©d `¨
s²¥q Fi `¬¥a Ï e©
l ¥̀À ẍ U§ i¦ eè 3/b
F®l `Ed­ mi¬¦p wª fè Î o¤a Î i«M¦
:mi«Q¦ R© z¤p Ÿ¬z Mè Fl­ dÜ ¬r̈ eè
Fzº Ÿ` Î i«M¦
Fz® Ÿ` E`­ pè U¦
§ I e«©
eigÀ̈ ¤̀
E`´ x¦§ I e© 4/c
eig̈½ ¤̀ Î lM’ n¦ Æmd¤ ia¦ £̀
a³©d `¨
:mŸl« Ẅ lè Fx¬ Aè C© El­ kè «ï `¬Ÿl eè
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 2
ei®g̈ ¤̀ lè c­¥B I© e©
mFl½ g£ Æsq¥ Fi m³Ÿl g£ «I© e© 5/d
:Fz« Ÿ` `Ÿ¬p Uè cFr­ Et ¬¦q FI e©
m®¤d i¥l £̀
:iY¦ n«§ l̈ g̈ x¬¤W £̀
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d­¤G d© mF¬l g£ d«©
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Ep g¹
§ p© £̀
dP¥Â d¦ eè 7/f
dc½¤ V̈ d© KFź Aè ÆmiO¦ lª £̀
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mk¤½ iz¥ ŸÓ lª £̀
mi³¦n Nè `© nè
dn̈ w¬¨ d²¥P d¦ eè
Ædp̈ iA¤̧ qª zè d³¥P d¦ eè
:iz«¦ Ö lª £̀ «l© ¨o i­¤e g£ Y«© W§ Y«¦ e©
eig̈½ ¤̀
ÆFl Ex nè `Ÿ³I e© 8/g
Ep il¥½ r̈ ÆKŸl n§ Y¦ K³Ÿl n̈ d£
Ep ®Ä lŸW­ n§ Y¦ lFW
¬ n̈ Î m`¦
Fz½ Ÿ` `Ÿṕ Uè ÆcFr Et ³¦q FI e©
:eiẍ« ä Cè Î l©r eè ei­z̈ Ÿn Ÿl« g£ Î l©r
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 3
xg¥½ `© mFĺ g£ ÆcFr m¬Ÿl g£ «I© e© 9/h
ei®g̈ ¤̀ lè Fz­ Ÿ` x¬¥R q© i§ e©
cFr½ ÆmFl g£ iY¦ n³©
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xn¤ `ŸÀI e©
g© xÀ¥ Ï d© eè Wn¤ X
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:i«l¦ mi­¦e g£ Y«© W§ n«¦
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e¼ ig̈ ¤̀ Î l ¤̀ eè »eia¦ `¨ Î l ¤̀
x´¥R q© i§ e© 10/i
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§ g̈ x´¤W £̀
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L ig¤½ `© eè Ĺ Oè `¦ eè Æip¦ £̀
`FaÀ p̈ `Fá d£
:dv̈ x«§ `¨ L­ lè z¬Fg£ Y«© W§ d¦ lè
ei®g̈ ¤̀
Fa­ Î E` p§ w© i§ e© 11/`i
:x«ä C̈ d© Î z ¤̀
x¬©n Ẅ ei­¦a `¨ eè
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 4
ei®g̈ ¤̀
:m«k¤ W§ A¦ m­¤d ia¦ £̀
sq¥À Fi Î l ¤̀
Ek­ lè «I¥ e© 12/ai
o`Ÿ¬v Î z ¤̀
zF²r x§ l¦
l ¥̀¹ ẍ U§ i¦ xn¤ `ŸI̧ e© 13/bi
mk¤½ W§ A¦ mi´¦r Ÿx ÆL ig¤̧ `© `F³l d£
m®¤d i¥l £̀
Ĺ g£ «l̈ W§ ¤̀ eè d­k̈ lè
:i¦p «P¥ d¦ Fl­ xn¤ `Ÿ¬I e©
d ¥̀¹ xè `¸p̈ Î K¤l
FlÀ xn¤ `Ÿ́I e© 14/ci
o`Ÿ½S d© mFĺ Wè Î z ¤̀ eè ÆL ig¤̧ `© mF³l Wè Î z ¤̀
x®ä C̈ i¦p ­¥a W¦ d£ e«©
:dn̈ k«¤ Wè `Ÿ­a Ï e©
oFx½ a§ g¤ wn¤ ´¥r n¥ ÆEd g¥̧ l̈ W¦
§ I e©
d®¤c V̈ A© d­¤r Ÿz d¬¥P d¦ eè
Wi`½¦ Ed ´¥̀ v̈ n¦§ I e© 15/eh
:W«T¥ a© Yè Î dn© xŸ­n `¥l Wi²¦` d̈ Ed ¯¥l `¨ W¦
§ I e©
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 5
W®¥T a© nè i´¦k Ÿp `«¨ i­©g `© Î z ¤̀
:mi«r¦ Ÿx m¬¥d dŸ­t i ¥̀
xn¤ `Ÿ¾I e© 16/fh
il½¦ `´P̈ Î dc̈ i«B¦ d©
d½G¤ n¦ Eŕ qè «p̈ ÆWi`¦ d̈ xn¤ `Ÿ³I e© 17/fi
dp̈ i®z̈
§ ŸC d­k̈ lè «p¥
:o«z̈ Ÿc Aè m­¥̀ v̈ n¦§ I e©
mix½¦ nè Ÿ«` ÆiY¦ r§ n©¸ Ẅ i³¦M
eig̈½ ¤̀
x´©g `© Æsq¥ Fi K¤l ³¥I e©
wŸ®g ẍ n«¥ Fz­ Ÿ` E¬` x¦§ I e© 18/gi
md¤½ i¥l £̀
a´©x w§ i¦ Æmx¤ h¤̧ aE
:Fz« in¦ d£ «l© Fz­ Ÿ` E¬l Mè p© z¦
§ I e©
ei®¦g `¨ Î l ¤̀
Wi´¦` Ex­ nè `Ÿ«I e© 19/hi
:`«Ä d­¤f N̈ d© zF¬n Ÿl g£ d«© l©r ²©A
dÀP¥ d¦
Ed b¥À x§ d© «p© eè Eḱ lè | d´Ÿ r© eè 20/k
Ep x§ n¾© `¨ eè
zFx½ ŸA d© c´©g `© Aè ÆEd k¥̧ l¦ W©
§ p eè
Ed z®l̈
§ k̈ £̀
:ei«z̈ Ÿn Ÿl« g£ Ei­ d«§ I¦ Î dn©
d­r̈ ẍ d¬Ï g©
d ¤̀¾ x¦§ p eè
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 6
m®c̈ Ï n¦ Ed ­¥l S¦ I© e©
oa¥½ E` xè r´©n W¦
§ I e© 21/`k
:Wt¤ «p̈ EP ­¤M p© `¬Ÿl
m¼ c̈ Î Ek Rè W§ Y¦ Î l`© »oa¥ E` xè | m´¤d l¥ £̀
xn¤ `Ÿ¾I e©
xn¤ `ŸI̧ e© 22/ak
FzÀ Ÿ` Ek i´¦l W§ d©
xĽ c§ O¦ A© x´¤W £̀
Æd¤G d© xFA³ d© Î l ¤̀
F®a Î Eg lè W§ Y¦ Î l`© c­ï eè
mc̈½ Ï n¦ ÆFz Ÿ` li³¦S d©
:ei«a¦ `¨ Î l ¤̀
o©r nÀ© lè
Fa­ iW¦ d£ «l©
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 7
ei®g̈ ¤̀ Î l ¤̀
s­¥q Fi `¬Ä Î xW
¤ £̀ M«©
FY½ p§ Y’ Mª Î z ¤̀
:ei«l̈ r̈ x¬¤W £̀
id¾¦ i§ e© 23/bk
Æsq¥ Fi Î z ¤̀
Eh i³¦W t©
§ I e©
mi­¦Q R© d© z¤p Ÿ¬z Mè Î z ¤̀
dẍ Ÿ®A d© Fz­ Ÿ` Ek ¬¦l W©
§ I e©
Ed gª½ T̈ I¸¦ e© 24/ck
:mi¦ n̈« FA­ oi¬¥̀
wx½¥ xFÁ d© eè
m¼ g¤ l¤ Î lk’ `¡ «¤l »Ea Wè «I¥ e© 25/dk
E`½ x¦§ I e© Æmd¤ i¥p i«r¥ E ³̀ U¦
§ I e©
c®r̈ l§ B¦ n¦ d­¨` Ä
mil½¦ `¥r nè W§ i¦ z´©g xè Ÿ«` ÆdP¥ d¦ eè
hŸl½ ë ix´¦ vE
§ Æz`Ÿk pè
mi`À¦ Uè Ÿ«p m´¤d i¥N n© bE
:dn̈ i§ ẍ« v§ n¦ ci¬¦x Fd lè mi­¦k lè Fd«
ei®g̈ ¤̀ Î l ¤̀
Ep ig½¦ `¨ Î z ¤̀
d­c̈ Ed iè xn¤ `Ÿ¬I e© 26/ek
ÆbŸx d£ «p© i³¦M
:Fn« C̈ Î z ¤̀
r©v A¤À Î dn©
Ep i­¦Q k¦ eè
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 8
milÀ¦ `¥r nè W¦
§ I l© EP x´¤ Mè n¦
§ p eè
Eºk lè 27/fk
Fa½ Î id¦ Yè Î l`© ÆEp c¸¥ ï eè
`Ed® Ep x­¥ Ü aè Ep i¬¦g `¨ Î i«M¦
:ei«g̈ ¤̀
mixÀ¦ g£ Ÿ«q
Er­ nè W¦
§ I e«©
mi¹p¦ ï c§ n¦ miW¦¸ p̈ £̀ ÁEx a©
§ r «I© e© 28/gk
xFA½ d© Î on¦ Æsq¥ Fi Î z ¤̀
E³l £r «I© e© ÆEk Wè n¦§ I e«©
s²¥q Fi Î z ¤̀
Ex̄ Mè n¦§ I e©
sq¤ ®M̈ mix´¦ U¤
§ r Aè mi­¦l `¥r nè W¦
§ I l©
:dn̈ i§ ẍ« v§ n¦ s­¥q Fi Î z ¤̀
xFA½ d© Î l ¤̀
Æoa¥ E` xè aW’ ³Ï e© 29/hk
xF®A A© s­¥q Fi Î oi ¥̀
:eic̈« b̈ Aè Î z ¤̀
x®©n `ŸI e© ei­g̈ ¤̀ Î l ¤̀
:`«ä Î i¦p £̀
E` i¬¦a Ï e©
dp̈ ¬¨` i­¦p £̀ e«©
d¬¥P d¦ eè
r­©x w¦§ I e©
aW’ ¬Ï e© 30/l
EP p¤½ i ¥̀
c¤l ´¤I d©
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 9
s®¥q Fi z¤p Ÿź Mè Î z ¤̀
Eg­ w¦§ I e© 31/`l
mi½G¦ r¦ xi´¦r Uè ÆEh g£ W¦
§ I e«©
:mC̈« A© z¤p Ÿ­Y Mª d© Î z ¤̀
miQÀ¦ R© d© z¤p Ÿź Mè Î z ¤̀
Ep `®v̈ n̈ z`Ÿf́ Ex­ nè `Ÿ«I e©
E¬l Aè h¦
§ I e©
Egº Nè W© i§ e«© 32/al
md¤½ ia¦ £̀ Î l ¤̀
:`Ÿl« Î m`¦ `e­¦d L² p§ A¦ z¤p Ÿz̄ Mè d©
ÆE` ia¸¦ Ï e©
`º̈p Î xM¤ d©
i½p¦ Aè z¤p Ÿź Mè Æxn¤ `ŸI̧ e© D³ẍ iM¦ I© e© 33/bl
Ed z®l̈
§ k̈ £̀
d­r̈ ẍ d¬Ï g©
:s«¥q Fi s­©x Ÿh sŸ¬x ḧ
eiz̈½ Ÿl n§ U¦ ÆaŸw £r «i© r³©x w¦§ I e© 34/cl
ei®p̈ z§ n’ Aè w­©U mU¤ ¬Ï e©
:mi«A¦ x© mi¬¦n ï F­p Aè Î l©r l¬¥A `© z¦
§ I e©
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 10
FnÀ g£ «p© lè
eiz¹̈ Ÿp Aè Î lk’ eè ei¸p̈ Ä Î lk’ ÁEn Áªw Ï e© 35/dl
xn¤ `Ÿ¾I e©
mg¥½ p© z§ d¦ lè Æo ¥̀ n̈ i§ e©
dl̈ Ÿ®` Wè l­¥a `¨ i²¦p Aè Î l ¤̀
c¯¥x ¥̀ Î i«M¦
:ei«a¦ `¨ Fz­ Ÿ` J§ a¬¥
§ I e©
mi¦ ®ẍ v§ n¦ Î l ¤̀
Fz­ Ÿ` Ex¬ kè n̈«
:mi«g¦ Ä H© d© x­©U
mi½p¦ c̈ Oè d©¸ eè 36/el
dŸ½r x§ R© qix´¦ qè Æxt© ih¦ Ft« lè
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 11
38/gl wxt
`ed½¦ d© z´¥r Ä Æid¦ i§ e«© 1/`
ei®g̈ ¤̀
z´¥̀ n¥ d­c̈ Ed iè cx¤ ¬¥I e©
:dẍ« ig¦ F¬n WE
i­¦n N̈ cª r£ Wi¬¦` Î c©r h²¥I e©
d²c̈ Ed iè m¯Ẅ Î `x©§ I e© 2/a
r© EW® Fń WE
i­¦p r£ «p© Mè Wi¬¦` Î zA©
:d̈ i«¤l ¥̀
`Ÿ¬a Ï e© d̈ ­¤g T̈ I¦ e©
o®¥A c¤l ´¥Y e© xd© ­©Y e© 3/b
:x«r¥ Fn­ Wè Î z ¤̀
`¬ẍ w¦§ I e©
o®¥A c¤l ´¥Y e© cFr­ xd© ¬©Y e© 4/c
:o«p̈ F` Fn­ Wè Î z ¤̀
`¬ẍ w§ Y¦ e©
oA¥½ c¤l ´¥Y e© ÆcFr sq¤ Ÿ³Y e© 5/d
d®l̈ W
¥ Fn­ Wè Î z ¤̀
`¬ẍ w§ Y¦ e©
:Fz« Ÿ` D¬Ÿ c§ l¦ Aè ai­¦f k§ a¦ d¬ï d̈ eè
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 12
Fx® Fk Aè x´¥r lè d­Ẍ `¦ d²c̈ Ed iè g¯©T I¦ e© 6/e
:x«n̈ Ÿ D­n̈ WE
dc̈½ Ed iè xFḱ Aè x¥µ
idÀ¦ i§ e© 7/f
de®di i´¥p i¥r Aè r­©x
Ed ­¥z n¦ i§ e©
o½p̈ F` lè Ædc̈ Ed iè xn¤ `Ÿ³I e© 8/g
D®z̈ Ÿ` m´¥A i© eè L i­¦g `¨ zW¤ ¬¥̀ Î l ¤̀
:L i«¦g `¨ lè rx© ­¤f m¬¥w d̈ eè
rx© ®G̈ d© d´¤i d§ i¦ Fl­ `¬ŸN i²¦M
o½p̈ F` rc© ´¥I e© 9/h
dº̈i d̈ eè
dv̈ x§ `©½ z´¥g W¦ eè Æeig¦ `¨ zW¤ ³¥̀ Î l ¤̀
`ĸ Î m`¦
:ei«g¦ `¨ lè rx© ­¤f Î oz̈ pè i¬¦Y l§ a¦ lè
d®Ü r̈ x´¤W £̀
i¬¥p i¥r Aè rx© ²¥I e© 10/i
:Fz« Ÿ` Î m©B zn¤ ­Ï e©
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 13
Fz¹ N̈ M© xn̈¸ z̈ lè Ádc̈ Ed iè xn¤ `Ÿ́I e© 11/`i
KiaÀ¦ `¨ Î zi¥a d´p̈ n̈ l§ `© i¯¦a Wè
xn©½ `¨ i´¦M
i½p¦ aè d´l̈ W
¥ ÆlC© b¦§ i Î c©r
ei®g̈ ¤̀ Mè `Ed­ Î m©B zEn¬ ï Î oR¤
:d̈ i«a¦ `¨ zi¬¥A aW
¤ ­¥Y e©
xn̈½ Ÿ K¤l ´¥Y e©
min½¦ Ï d© ÆEA x¦§ I e© 12/ai
d®c̈ Ed iè Î zW¤ «¥̀
r© EẂ Î zA© zn’ ­Ÿ e©
l©r I©¹ e©
dc̈À Ed iè mg¤ ´P̈ I¦ e©
`EdÀ ÆFp `Ÿv i³¥f fè Ÿ«B Î l©r
:dz̈ «p̈ n§ Y¦ i­¦n N̈ cª r£ d̈« Ed ¬¥r x¥ d²ẍ ig¦ eè
xŸ®n `¥l x­n̈ z̈ lè c¬©B Iª e© 13/bi
:F«p `Ÿv fŸb¬ l̈ dz̈ ­p̈ n§ z¦ d¬¤l Ÿr Ki²¦n g̈ d¬¥P d¦
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 14
d̈ il¤À r̈ n«¥
Dz¹̈ Ep nè l§ `© ic¸¥ b§ A¦ Áxq© ÁŸ e© 14/ci
sN̈½ r© z§ Y¦ e© Æsir¦ S̈ A© q³©k Yè e©
mi¦ p©½ i¥r gz© ´¤t Aè ÆaW
¤ Y¥̧ e©
dz̈ ®p̈ n§ Y¦ Kx¤ C´¤ Î l©r x­¤W £̀
`ed¾¦ eè
dl̈½ W
¥ l´©c b̈ Î i«M¦ Ædz̈ £̀ ẍ« i³¦M
:d«Ẍ `¦ lè Fl­ d¬p̈ Yè p¦ Î `Ÿl«
d®p̈ Ff lè d̈ ­¤a Wè g©
§ I e«©
dc̈½ Ed iè d̈ ´¤̀ x¦§ I e© 15/eh
:d̈ i«p¤ R̈ d­z̈ Qè k¦ i¬¦M
Kx¤ CÀ¤ d© Î l ¤̀
Ki¦ l©½ ¥̀
`Fa­ z̈ i¬¦M
h¥̧I e© 16/fh
`Fá `¨ Æ`P̈ dä ³d̈ Æxn¤ `ŸI̧ e©
`e®¦d Fz­ N̈ k© i¬¦M
:i«l̈ ¥̀
d̈ il¤¹ ¥̀
rc½© ï `´Ÿl iM¦µ
il½¦ Î oY¤ Y¦ Î dn© Æxn¤ `ŸY̧ e©
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 15
xn¤ `Ÿ¾I e© 17/fi
o`Ÿ®S d© Î on¦ mi­¦G r¦ Î ic«¦ Bè g¬©N W© £̀
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L­ Hè n© E
`Ÿ¬a Ï e© D²l̈ Î oY¤ «I¦ e©
K¤l Y¥½ e© mw’ ´Ÿ e© 19/hi
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miÀG¦ r¦ d̈« ic´¦ Bè Î z ¤̀
dc̈¹ Ed iè gl©¸ W¦
§ I e© 20/k
in½¦ N̈ cª r£ d̈« Ed ´¥r x¥ Æci© Aè
d®Ẍ `¦ d̈« c´©I n¦ oFa­ ẍ «r¥ d̈ zg© w¬© l̈
:D«`¨ v̈ nè `Ÿl­ eè
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 16
xŸ½n `¥l ÆDn̈ Ÿw nè i³¥W p§ `© Î z ¤̀
l`º© W¦
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Kx¤ ®C̈ d© Î l©r mi¦ ­©p i¥r «ä `e¬¦d d²Ẅ c¥ Tè d© d¯¥I `©
:d«Ẅ c¥ wè d­¤f ä d¬z̈ iè d̈« Î `Ÿl«
dc̈½ Ed iè Î l ¤̀
Ex½ nè `Ÿ́I e©
ÆaW’ ϸ e© 22/ak
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Ex½ nè `«¨ ÆmFw Ö d© i³¥W p§ `© mb©¸ eè
:d«Ẅ c¥ wè d­¤f ä d¬z̈ iè d̈« Î `Ÿl
Dl̈½ Î g«T© Y«¦ Ædc̈ Ed iè xn¤ `Ÿ³I e© 23/bk
fEa® l̈ d´¤i d¦
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d½G¤ d© ic´¦ Bè d© ÆiY¦ g§ l©¸ Ẅ d³¥P d¦
:D«z̈ `v̈ nè `¬Ÿl d­Ÿ `© eè
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 17
miW¦À c̈ g‘ Wĺ W§ n¦ Mè | i´¦d i§ e© 24/ck
L z¤½ N̈ M© x´n̈ Ÿ Ædz̈ pè «f̈ ÆxŸn `¥l d³c̈ Ed i«l¦ cB©¸ Iª e©
mi®¦p Ep f§ l¦ d­ẍ d̈ d¬¥P d¦ m²©b eè
:sx«¥ V̈ z¦ eè d̈ E`­ iv¦ Fd«
dc̈½ Ed iè xn¤ `Ÿ́I e©
z`v¥À En `e´¦d 25/dk
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i¦P O¤½ n¦ d´ẅ cè v̈« Æxn¤ `ŸI̧ e©
dc̈À Ed iè x´¥M I© e© 26/ek
i®¦p aè d´l̈ W
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:D«Ÿ r§ c© lè cFr­ s¬©q ï Î `Ÿl« eè
D®Ÿ c§ l¦ z´¥r Aè i­¦d i§ e© 27/fk
:D«p̈ h§ a¦ Aè mi­¦n F` zè d¬¥P d¦ eè
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This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 18
c®ï Î oY¤ I¦ e© D­Ÿ c§ l¦ aè i¬¦d i§ e© 28/gk
zc¤ N¤À i© n«§ d© gT´© Y¦ e©
xŸ½n `¥l Æip¦ Ẅ Fc³ ï Î l©r xŸW̧ w§ Y¦ e©
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FcÀ ï ai´¦W n¥ Mè | i´¦d i§ e© 29/hk
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:ux¤ R̈« Fn­ Wè `¬ẍ w¦§ I e©
eig½¦ `¨ `´v̈ ï Æxg© `© eè 30/l
i®¦p Ẍ d© Fc­ ï Î l©r x¬¤W £̀
:gx© «f̈ Fn­ Wè `¬ẍ w¦§ I e©
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 19
39/hl wxt
dn̈ i®ẍ
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dŸ¹r x§ R© qix¸¦ qè Áxt© ih¦ FR«
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:dÖ Ẅ
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mil½¦ `¥r nè W¦
§ I d© ÆcI© n¦
sq¥½ Fi Î z ¤̀
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g© i®¦l v§ n© Wi´¦` i­¦d i§ e©
:ix«¦ v§ O¦ d© ei¬p̈ Ÿc £̀
FY® `¦ dedi
zi­¥a Aè
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`x´©§ I e© 3/b
dU¤½ Ÿr `Ed́ Î xW¤ £̀ ÆlŸk eè
:Fc« ï Aè g© i¬¦l v§ n© dedi
Fz® Ÿ` zx¤ ´Ẅ i§ e© ei­p̈ i¥r Aè o²¥g s¬¥q Fi `v̈¸ n¦§ I e© 4/c
Fz½ i¥A Î l©r ÆEd c¸¥ w¦ t©
§ I e©
:Fc« ï Aè o¬©z p̈ Fl­ Î W¤i Î lk’ eè
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 20
FzÀ i¥a Aè
Fz¹ Ÿ` ciw¸¦ t§ d¦ Áf`¨ n¥
id¿¦ i§ e© 5/d
Fl½ Î W¤i x´¤W £̀ Î lM’ Æl©r eè
s®¥q Fi l´©l b§ A¦ i­¦x v§ O¦ d© zi¬¥A Î z ¤̀
Kx¤ ¯ä i§ e©
Fl½ Î W¤i x´¤W £̀ Î lk’ Aè Ædedi z³©M x§ A¦
idº¦ i§ e©
:dc«¤ V̈ a© E z ¦i ­©A A©
s¼ q¥ Fi Î c©i Aè »Fl Î xW
¤ £̀ Î lM’ aŸf́ £r «I© e© 6/e
dn̈ E`½ nè ÆFY `¦ r³©c ï Î `Ÿl« eè
l®¥k F` `Ed́ Î xW¤ £̀
:d«¤̀ x§ n© d¬¥t ie¦ x`© Ÿ­z Î dt¥ iè
mg¤ ­¤N d© Î m`¦ i¬¦M
sq¥½ Fi i´¦d i§ e©
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 21
d¤N ¥̀½ d̈ mix´¦ ä Cè d© Æxg© `©
s®¥q Fi Î l ¤̀
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:iO«¦ r¦ d¬ä k§ W¦ xn¤ `Ÿ­Y e©
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dn̈ E`½ nè ÆiP¦ O¤̧ n¦ K³©U g̈ Î `Ÿl« eè
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z`Ÿ½G d© Ædl̈ Ÿc Bè d© d³r̈ ẍ d̈«
dU¤¹ ¡r «¤̀
Ki`¥̧ eè
:mi«d¦ Ÿl `«l¥ iz¦ `­ḧ g̈ eè
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 22
mF®i | mFí s­¥q Fi Î l ¤̀
D¬ẍ Aè c© Mè
id¾¦ i§ e© 10/i
d̈ i²¤l ¥̀
r¬©n Ẅ Î `Ÿl« eè
:D«Ö r¦ zF¬i d§ l¦ D­l̈ v§ ¤̀
a¬©M W§ l¦
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:zi¦ «Ä A© m­Ẅ z ¦i ²©A d© i¬¥W p§ `© n«¥
Wi`¹¦ oi`¥̧ eè
i®¦O r¦ d´ä k§ W¦ xŸ­n `¥l Fc² b§ a¦ Aè Ed ¯¥U Rè z§ Y¦ e© 12/ai
:dv̈ Eg« d© `¬¥v ¥I e© q’p ­Ï e©
D®c̈ ï Aè Fc­ b§ A¦ a¬©f r̈ Î i«M¦
Dc̈½ ï Aè ÆFc b§ A¦ aŸ³f £r «I© e©
Dz̈½ F` x§ M¦ Æid¦ i§ e«© 13/bi
:dv̈ Eg« d© q’p ­Ï e©
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 23
DzÀ̈ i¥a i´¥W p§ `© lè
E À̀ xè
`ºẍ w§ Y¦ e© 14/ci
xŸ½n `¥l Æmd¤ l̈ xn¤ `Ÿ³Y e©
Ep ®Ä wg¤ ´©v lè ix­¦ a§ r¦ Wi¬¦` Ep ²l̈ `ia¦ ¬¥d
iO½¦ r¦ a´©M W§ l¦ Æil© ¥̀
:lFc« B̈ lF¬w Aè `­ẍ w§ ¤̀ «ë
Fr½ n§ W’ kè i´¦d i§ e© 15/eh
`®ẍ w§ ¤̀ ë« i­¦l Fw iz¦ Ÿ¬n ix¦ d£ Î i«M¦
:dv̈ Eg« d© `¬¥v I¥ e© q’p ­Ï e©
il½¦ v§ ¤̀
D®l̈ v§ ¤̀
Fc­ b§ A¦ g¬©P Y© e© 16/fh
:Fz« i¥A Î l ¤̀
xŸ®n `¥l d¤N ­¥̀ d̈ mi¬¦x ä Cè M©
ÆFc b§ A¦ aŸ³f £r «I© e©
ei­p̈ Ÿc £̀
eil̈½ ¥̀
`F¬A Î c©r
x´¥A c© Yè e© 17/fi
il©º ¥̀
i²¦x a§ r¦ d̈« c¤a ¯¤r d̈
:i«A¦ wg¤ ¬©v lè Ep ­N̈ z̈ `¬¥a d¥ Î xW¤ £̀
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 24
`®ẍ w§ ¤̀ ë« i­¦l Fw i¬¦n ix¦ d£ M«©
:dv̈ Eg« d© q’p ¬Ï e© i­¦l v§ ¤̀
FYÀ W§ `¦ i´¥x a§ C¦ Î z ¤̀
d¤N ¥̀½ d̈ mix´¦ ä Cè M©
ei¹̈p Ÿc £̀
id¾¦ i§ e© 18/gi
Fc² b§ A¦ aŸ¬f £r «I© e©
r© Ÿņ W§ k¦ Áid¦ i§ e© 19/hi
xŸ½n `¥l Æeil̈ ¥̀
d³ẍ Aè C¦ xW¤̧ £̀
L ®¤C a©
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:FR« `© xg© ­¦I e©
FzÀ Ÿ`
mFw¾ nè
mi®¦x Eq £̀
sq¥¹ Fi i¥̧p Ÿc £̀ ÁgT© I¦ e© 20/k
xd© Ÿ½Q d© zi´¥A Î l ¤̀
ÆEd p¥̧ Yè I¦ e«©
K¤l ­¤O d© i¬¥x iq¦ £̀ [ixeq`] Î xW¤ £̀
:xd© Ÿ«Q d© zi¬¥a Aè m­Ẅ Î id¦ i§ e«©
c¤q ®g̈ ei­l̈ ¥̀
h¬¥I e©
sq¥½ Fi Î z ¤̀
Ædedi i³¦d i§ e© 21/`k
:xd© Ÿ«Q d© Î ziA¥ x¬©U i­¥p i¥r Aè
F½P g¦ o´¥Y I¦ e©
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 25
sq¥½ Fi Î c©i Aè Æxd© ŸQ̧ d© Î ziA¥ x³©U
xd© Ÿ®Q d© zi´¥a Aè x­¤W £̀
oYº¥ I¦ e© 22/ak
mx½¦ iq¦ £̀ ´d̈ Î lM’ z¥µ
mẄ½ ÆmiU¦ Ÿr x³¤W £̀ Î lM’ z`¥̧ eè
:d«U¤ Ÿr d¬ï d̈ `Ed­
xd© ŸÀQ d© Î ziA¥ x´©U | oi´¥̀
Fc½ ï Aè Ædn̈ E`¸ nè Î lM’ Î z«¤̀
d³¤̀ Ÿx
FY® `¦ dedi
x¬¤W £̀ A«©
:g© i«l¦ v§ n© d¬edi d­¤U Ÿr `E¬d Î xW¤ £̀ e«©
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 26
40/n wxt
d¤N ¥̀½ d̈ mix´¦ ä Cè d© Æxg© `©
idÀ¦ i§ e© 1/`
d®¤t Ÿ` d̈« eè m ¦i x­© v§ n¦ Î K¤l n«¤ d¬¥w W§ n© E ²̀ hè g̈«
:mi¦ ẍ« v§ n¦ K¤l ¬¤n lè m­¤d i¥p Ÿc« £̀ «l©
ei®q̈ ix¦ q̈« í¥p Wè l­©r
dŸ½r x§ R© sŸv́ w¦§ I e© 2/a
:mi«t¦ F` d̈« x¬©U l­©r eè
miw½¦ W§ O© d© x´©U l©µ
xnÀ© W§ n¦ Aè
xd© Ÿ®Q d© zi´¥A Î l ¤̀
mz¹̈ Ÿ` oY¥̧ I¦ e© 3/b
mi­¦g Ä H© d© x¬©U zi²¥A
:m«Ẅ xE¬q `¨ s­¥q Fi x¬¤W £̀
mFw¾ nè
cŸw t¦§ I e©Â 4/c
m®z̈ Ÿ` zx¤ ´Ẅ i§ e© m­Ÿ `¦ s²¥q Fi Î z ¤̀
mi¯¦g Ä H© d© x´©U
:x«n̈ W§ n¦ Aè mi­¦n ï E¬i d¦§ I e©
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 27
md¤¹ i¥p Wè mFļ g£ ÁEn l§ g© «I© e© 5/d
cg̈½ ¤̀
dl̈ i§´©l Aè ÆFn Ÿl g£ Wi³¦`
Fn® Ÿl g£ oFx́ z§ t¦ Mè Wi­¦`
mi¦ x½© v§ n¦ K¤l ´¤n lè ÆxW¤ £̀
dt¤À Ÿ` d̈« eè dw´¤ W§ O© d©
:xd© Ÿ«Q d© zi¬¥a Aè mi­¦x Eq £̀
xw¤ Ÿ®A A© s­¥q Fi m²¤d i¥l £̀
x¬¤W £̀
`Ÿā Ï e© 6/e
:mi«t¦ £r Ÿ«f m­P̈ d¦ eè
mz̈½ Ÿ` `x´©§ I e©
dŸÀr x§ t© i´¥q ix¦ qè Î z ¤̀
lº`© W¦
§ I e© 7/f
xŸ®n `¥l ei­p̈ Ÿc £̀
zi¬¥A x²©n W§ n¦ aè FȲ `¦ xW¤̧ £̀
:mF«I d© mi­¦r ẍ m¬¤k i¥p Rè r© EC² n©
Ep n§ l©½ g̈ mFĺ g£
sq¥À Fi
:i«l¦ `­p̈ Î Ex Rè q©
eil̈½ ¥̀
Ex́ nè `Ÿ«I e© 8/g
Fz® Ÿ` oi´¥̀
x­¥z Ÿt E
md¤¹ l¥ £̀
xn¤ `ŸI̧ e©
mi½p¦ Ÿx z§ R¦ Æmid¦ Ÿl `«l¥ `F³l d£
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 28
s®¥q Fi lè Fn­ Ÿl g£ Î z ¤̀
:i«p̈ ẗ lè ot¤ ­¤b Î d¥P d¦ eè
mi²¦w W§ O© d© Î xU© x¯¥R q© i§ e© 9/h
in¾¦ Fl g£ «©A
Fl½ xn¤ `Ÿ́I e©
m®¦b ix¦ Ü
« d´Ẅ Ÿl Wè o¤t ­¤B a© E 10/i
DS̈½ p¦ d´z̈ lè «r̈ Æzg© x¸© Ÿt kè `e³¦d eè
:mi«a¦ p̈ r£ d̈ i­¤z Ÿl Mè W§ `© El i¬¦W a§ d¦
i®¦c ï Aè dŸ­r x§ R© qF¬k eè 11/`i
miaÀ¦ p̈ r£ d̈« Î z ¤̀
dŸ½r x§ R© qFḾ Î l ¤̀
Æmz̈ Ÿ` h³©g U§ ¤̀ «ë
:dŸ«r x§ R© s¬©M Î l©r qFM­ d© Î z ¤̀
F®p Ÿx z§ R¦ d­¤f
:m«d¥ mi­¦n ï zW¤ l¬ Wè
gT´© ¤̀ «ë
o¬¥Y ¤̀ «ë
sq¥½ Fi ÆFl xn¤ `Ÿ³I e© 12/ai
mib½¦ x¦ ´V̈ d© ÆzW¤ Ÿļ Wè
© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 29
minÀ¦ ï zW¤ Ÿl´ Wè | cFŕ Aè 13/bi
L W¤½ `Ÿx Î z ¤̀
ÆdŸr x§ t© `³V̈ i¦
L ®¤P M© Î l©r L­ aè iW
«¦ d£ e«©
Fc½ ï Aè ÆdŸr x§ R© Î qFk ³Ÿ z© «p̈ eè
:Ed w«¥ W§ n© z̈ i­¦i d̈ x¬¤W £̀
oFW½ `x¦ d̈« ÆhR̈ W§ O¦ M©
LÀ Yè `¦ i¦p ´©Y x§ k© fè Î m`¦ i¯¦M 14/ci
Kl̈½ ah© i´¦i ÆxW¤ £̀ M«©
cq¤ ®g̈ i­¦c Ö r¦ `¬P̈ Î z̈ iU
«¦ r̈ eè
dŸ½r x§ R© Î l ¤̀
Æip¦ Y©¸ x§ M© f§ d¦ eè
:d«G¤ d© zi¦ ¬©A d© Î on¦ i¦p ­©z `¥v Fd« eè
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© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 30
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© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.
ayie zyxt
ak:n-`:fl ziy`xa
Parashat Vayeishev
B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 (112 verses)
Page 31
iW¦À il¦ Xè d© mFÍ A© | i´¦d i§ e© 20/k
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:Ed g«¥ M̈ W¦
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© 2014 CantorEducator.com - Please report any errors in the text.
This file contains sacred text with God’s Name. Please treat it with the respect that you would any book in the synagogue.
The text is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty and may be used and distributed freely.