INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS P/C FIXTURE TYPE_______ 510636-0000 DATE: MM/DD/YY 3L,4L,6L-(P-ID, P-D & S-D) FIXTURE ASSEMBLY PG.1 OF 2 DO NOT MODIFY OR ALTER THIS PRODUCT IN ANY WAY, OR INSTALL IN ANY FASHION WHICH IS CONTRARY TO THE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS PRODUCT OR THE INSTALLATION OF IT, PLEASE CALL LITECONTROL ENGINEERING AT 781-294-0100. 3 1/4" CEILING REF. 5" FEED CANOPY 4 1/2" 4 1/2" 3/4" (3L) 2 27/32 (4L) 1 1/32 (6L) PLAN VIEW PENDANT MTG END CAP 2" FAI/ACC FAI/ACC/F SIDE VIEW - INDIVIDUAL MOUNTED PENDANT MOUNTED FIXTURE 1/2" 5/8" DIA KO FEED 1/2" CROSS SECTION 3L 4L 6L 23/32"(3L) 1 5/32 (4L) 1 7/8 (6L) 3 3/16" (3L) 4 3/8" (4L) and 5 3/8 (6L) END CAP PLAN VIEW SURFACE MTG 7/8" DIA KO FEED FIELD ADJUSTABLE CABLE ASSY 1-13/16" X 5/16" MTG SLOT 24",36",48",60",72",96", FEED CORD FIXTURE UNIVERSAL BUSHING GENERAL NOTES: (READ SHEETS COMPLETELY BEFORE STARTING) 1. Leave protective wrapping material on fixture until fixtures are mounted: This will protect finish from damage. 2. Fixtures are supplied with factory installed branch circuit wiring. Refer to supplemental instruction sheet for making connections. 3. Fixtures are hung with aircraft cables only. Cables are shipped separately. Refer to installation instructions for mounting to ceiling. Approximate weight of fixture is 3 1/2 lbs per foot of length. VIEW "B" INSTRUCTIONS: 1. MOUNTING INDIVIDUAL FIXTURES: Cable Suspension: (Pendants are shipped separately) #6-32 X 1/2 MACHINE SCREW A) Locate aircraft cables along a straight line in ceiling per dimensions shown in SIDE VIEW. (Refer to cable instruction sheet 510541). B) Peel back foam wrapping and remove Led Modules by removing 8-32 machine screws (See View B) Modules have nylon tethers attached to them at the Factory which allow them to hang down while hanging the fixtures. C) Insert Flat Strap into fixture at cable location as shown and thead Gripper into strap (See View A). Repeat at opposite end of fixture. Note the orientation of the flat strap it cannot be protruding out on the EOR fixtures. D) Attach End Cap mounting plates (shipped separately) to each end with # 6-32 machine screws provided. See View "A". E) Lift fixture and mount pendants to ceiling. Level fixture by adjusting gripper up or down on cable to position fixture in its final location. Refer to cable instruction sheet 510541. F) insert Universal Bushing into 5/8" Feed hole in the top of the fixture with Feed Cord & make wiring connections. GO TO STEP 3 ON PAGE 2. 2. Surface Mount: (Anchor screws supplied by Installer) A) Peel back foam wrapping and remove Led Modules by removing sheet metal screws (See View B). Attach end caps per step 1D. 5/8" FEED KNOCKOUT B) Lift fixture up near ceiling & bring electrical feed thru 7/8" hole & into fixture wireway. C) Raise fixture up flush to ceiling & secure with (2) anchor screws & washers(Provided by Others) through mounting slot and into ceiling structure. FIXTURE D) Make electrical connections in fixture wireway. 8-32 x 3/8 MACH SCREWS GO TO STEP 3 ON PAGE 2. LED REFLECTOR ASSY SNAP IN DIFFUSER DIE CAST END CAP FLAT STRAP END CAP MOUNTING PLATE VIEW "A" FORM B520140-4 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS P/C FIXTURE TYPE_______ 510636-0000 DATE: MM/DD/YY 3L,4L,6L-(P-ID, P-D & S-D) FIXTURE ASSEMBLY PG. 2 OF 2 1/2" FIXTURE LENGTH MINUS 1/2" FIXTURE LENGTH FIXTURE LENGTH FIXTURE LENGTH MINUS 1/2" FAI/ACC FAI/ACC/F DO NOT MODIFY OR ALTER THIS PRODUCT IN ANY WAY, OR INSTALL IN ANY FASHION WHICH IS CONTRARY TO THE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS PRODUCT OR THE INSTALLATION OF IT, PLEASE CALL LITECONTROL ENGINEERING AT 781-294-0100. FIXTURE AT END OF ROW INT FIXTURE FIXTURE AT END OF ROW INT FIXTURE END CAP E) At the far end of the 2nd fixture in row , attach another cable assembly w ith flat strap. F) Lift this fixture up and attach cables to ceiling. At fixture joint, align extrusion bracket and insert into adjoining fixture. Secure fixture SIDE VIEW - ROW MOUNTED PENDANT MOUNTED FIXTURES LENS REMOVAL joint w ith 6-20 x 2.0" long hex head AB screw s as show n in View "C". FIELD ADJUSTABLE AIRCRAFT CABLE G) Level fixtures by adjusting gripper up or dow n on cable to position fixture in its final location. Level fixtures SGL LENS H) Repeat steps F thru H for each additional fixture in row . I) Attach another End Cap and End cap mounting plate over the open end of the last fixture in row . J) Insert Universal Bushing onto Feed Cord and insert bushing into 5/8" hole in top of housing and make w iring connections. Wire feed SCREW DIRECTION LABEL INSERT END OF TOOL & PULL DOWN. may be brought into abutting fixtures thru w irew ay opening in End Headers. Make w iring cinnections. SCREWDRIVER OR FLAT HEAD PRY TOOL. Surface Mount: (Anchor screw s supplied by Installer) #6-20 ROW MOUNTING SCREW A) Mount the first fixture in the row per steps 1A-1C. End caps w ill be attached to each end of row as show n in SIDE VIEW- ROW MOUNTED. Electrical feed can be at any 7/8" hole location in row . B) Mount the next fixture in the row per steps 1A-1C. At fixture joint, align extrusion bracket and insert into adjoining fixture.. Secure fixture joint w ith 6-20 x 2.0" long hex head AB screw s as show n in View "C". Repeat this step for each additional fixture in row . C) Branch circuit w ires can be brought through ends at each row joint. Make electrical connections in fixture w irew ay. FLAT STRAP 3. Replace Led Module Reflectors and install Plug Buttons into any unused cable and feed holes as show n in View "C". Clean fixture exteriors w ith a general w indow cleaner. 4. Attach Row Joint Cover Plate at Row Joint as Show n in View "D". 5. INSTALLATION OF DIFFUSER A) Snap in Diffuser into bottom of housing as show n. To remove Diffuser, insert screw driver or flat head pry tool into the side side of the housing and pull dow n. SEE DETAIL "LK" DUST COVER OPTION "SHIPPED SEPARATELY": PLACE LENSE ONTO LED REFLECTOR MOD ASSY Magnets hold the Diffuser in place. #6-20 ROW FIXTURE ROW JOINT MOUNTING SCREW 6. Attach End Caps (shipped separately) to each end of row Fixture. End caps are Secured to fixture w ith magnets provided attached from the factory.Position End Caps so they are flush w ith sides of housing. See View "A" on page 1. LED REFL MOD ROW JOINT COVER PLT VIEW "D" SNAP IN DIFFUSER EXTRUSION BRACKET FIXTURE "MALE" FIXTURE "FEMALE" VIEW "C" FORM B520140-4