PRIVATE PIANO STUDY AT LUTHER COLLEGE Professors include: John Strauss (keyboard area coordinator), Xiao Hu, Du Huang, Miko Kominami, and Marjorie Wharton Overview of Course Content and Expectations Piano study at Luther College is part of the liberal arts curriculum and should be regarded as an academic discipline with requirements like any other college courses. An individualized course of study will be worked out with each student. In the course of a four-year study program, students will acquire an overview of the repertory including Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionistic, and Contemporary music, and perform from a cross section of that repertory. To help students learn to perform in front of an audience and to experience this exciting and yet challenging aspect of music as a branch of the performing arts, piano instructors will hold piano seminar regularly. The seminar setting offers the student a supportive audience, and an opportunity to try out new repertoire on stage with help from an experienced instructor. Intelligent and consistent practice will lead you to greater enjoyment and musical growth. We expect you to practice a minimum of 1 hour each day. Music Majors for whom piano is the principal area of applied music (refer to as piano principal hereafter in this course syllabus) should practice a minimum of two hours each day. IF YOU ARE PRACTICING LESS THAN THE MINIMUM JUST DESCRIBED, YOU WILL NOT MAKE ADEQUATE PROGRESS. Course Requirement and Grading Policy Attendance is required at all lessons and seminars. Illness and family emergency are the only legitimate reasons for expecting a make-up lesson (See the Music Department Guideline). Seminar performance requirements: Students should perform three different pieces or movements from memory in the course of each semester. At a teacher’s discretion, one chamber piece or an accompaniment may be substituted for a memorized piece. Students may repeat performances of the same piece in successive weeks, until satisfied. Piano Jury: Piano principals are required to present two contrasting pieces in their jury each spring semester, and pass the Sight Reading Fluency Exam before the senior year. Students who perform a concerto with the orchestra or band, participate in a master class, or who present a recital may be exempted from playing a jury at their teacher’s discretion during the semester of their performance. . Students who have not satisfied their seminar requirements in any given semester must also play a jury that semester. Grades are based on weekly lesson preparation and progress; performance in seminars (and in juries, when applicable). If you wonder how well you are doing at any point in the semester, feel free to ask your instructor. Students who meet expectations described in this syllabus should expect to receive a B for their work. (The Luther College average GPA for the entire student body normally ranges between 3.0 and 3.2. That is to say, “B” is average work at Luther College). Only students who do exceptional work should expect to receive an “A”. Registration, Studio Assignments, and Lesson times Please make sure you are enrolling in the correct course level each semester during the registration period and make changes if needed. Piano principals normally should take hour-long lessons (register for 2 credits): 130 Private Instruction For all applied music students in their first year of study. Nonmajors and music majors in their secondary areas may repeat this course for credit in subsequent years. Studio seminar is required. 230 Private Instruction Piano majors in their second year of study. All other students may register for this course with consent of instructor. Studio seminar is required. 330 Private Instruction Piano majors in their third year of study. All other students may register for this course with consent of instructor. Studio seminar is required. 430 Private Instruction Piano majors in their fourth year of study. All other students may register for this course with consent of instructor. Studio seminar is required. Piano faculty will announce studio assignment in the beginning of the semester, you will be contacted by your teacher to establish lesson time and seminar dates. Degree Recital and Small Ensemble Requirement Consult with your teacher and the Music Department Guideline about the recital approval jury, the degree recital, fulfilling degree recital requirements through general recitals, and the small ensemble requirement. Malfunctioning and Out of Tune Pianos Please report all mechanical and tuning problems to Michael Reiter, the resident piano technician. Please fill out a form on his door to describe the problem and the location of the piano. Please remember: NO FOOD, DRINK, OR SMOKING IN ANY PRACTICE ROOM!