CAPNOGRAPHY AND ITS RELEVANCE TO NURSES Andreia Trigo BSc Nursing, MSc Management and Administration, MSc Advanced Practice AndreiaTrigo| ©2016ThecopyrighttothisdocumentisownedbyAndreiaTrigo.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorpermission. DISCLAIMER • Honorarium and travel from Medtronic for this presentation • Co-director of SedateUK AndreiaTrigo| ©2016ThecopyrighttothisdocumentisownedbyAndreiaTrigo.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorpermission. OUTLINE • Introduction • Learning objectives • What is Capnography? • Applications • Importance – real-world use • Reading and interpreting capnographs • Relevance for nurses • Resources for learning and development AndreiaTrigo| ©2016ThecopyrighttothisdocumentisownedbyAndreiaTrigo.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorpermission. WHY AM I HERE? 1st – Anaesthetic nurse 2nd – PG Anaesthesia and Pain Management 3rd – Administering sedation for interventional pain procedures 4th – SedateUK AndreiaTrigo| ©2016ThecopyrighttothisdocumentisownedbyAndreiaTrigo.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorpermission. LEARNING OUTCOMES ▪ Capnography outside the operating room ▪ Establish a relationship between normal capnogram and phases of breathing ▪ Recognise normal and abnormal waveforms that can be associated with sedation ▪ Recognise importance of expired CO2 value, changes in waveform shape and changes in RR for clinical decision making in sedation AndreiaTrigo| ©2016ThecopyrighttothisdocumentisownedbyAndreiaTrigo.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorpermission. C APNOGRAPHY OUTSIDE THE OPERATING ROOM ü Endoscopy, Radiology, Cath labs, Dentistry, Small procedures rooms, Recovery, Critical care units, A&E, others Sedation is a drug-induced depression of consciousness, that ranges in a continuum from alert to general anaesthesia. ü Advanced Life Support AndreiaTrigo| ©2016ThecopyrighttothisdocumentisownedbyAndreiaTrigo.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorpermission. SedateUK C APNOGRAPHY OUTSIDE THE OPERATING ROOM ü ALS 2015 Guidelines “Waveform capnography must be used to confirm and continually monitor tracheal tube placement, and may be used to monitor the quality of CPR and to provide an early indication of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC).” The role of waveform capnography during CPR includes: • Ensuring tracheal tube placement in the trachea. • Monitoring ventilation rate during CPR and avoiding hyperventilation. • Monitoring the quality of chest compressions during CPR. • Identifying ROSC during CPR. • Prognostication during CPR. AndreiaTrigo| ©2016ThecopyrighttothisdocumentisownedbyAndreiaTrigo.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorpermission. C APNOGRAPHY OUTSIDE THE OPERATING ROOM ü House of Delegates of ASA 2011 “During moderate or deep sedation, the adequacy of ventilation shall be evaluated by continual observation of qualitative clinical signs and monitoring for the presence of exhaled carbon dioxide unless precluded or invalidated by the nature of the patient, procedure, or equipment.” ü AAGBI 2011 & 2015 “Continuous capnography should be used for all patients undergoing moderate or deep sedation, and should be available wherever any patients undergoing anaesthesia or moderate or deep sedation are recovered.” AndreiaTrigo| ©2016ThecopyrighttothisdocumentisownedbyAndreiaTrigo.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorpermission. SEDATION IN A CULTURE OF SAFETY ü Patient suitability for sedation ü Sedation as a continuum ü Environment preparedness ü Patient variability in response ü Titration to effect ü Alertness in Sedated Patients (ASP) score© AndreiaTrigo| ©2016ThecopyrighttothisdocumentisownedbyAndreiaTrigo.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorpermission. SedateUK SedateUK SEDATION AND MONITORING Reduced respiratory drive Decreased RR or TV Reduced alveolar ventilation Increased PaCO2 ü Clinical vigilance of patient’s response ü Capnography, EtCO2, RR ü SpO2 ü NIBP ü ECG AndreiaTrigo| ©2016ThecopyrighttothisdocumentisownedbyAndreiaTrigo.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorpermission. SEDATION AND MONITORING 30 sec 60 sec 1.2 min C APNOGRAPHY AND PHASES OF BREATHING A normal capnogram always has the following features: PhaseIII PhaseII PhaseI - CO2 starts at zero and returns to zero PhaseIV - A maximum CO2 is reached with each breath (ETCO2) - The amplitude depends on: ETCO2 concentration - The width depends on: expiratory time - There is a similar shape for subjects with normal lung function AndreiaTrigo| ©2016ThecopyrighttothisdocumentisownedbyAndreiaTrigo.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorpermission. C APNOGRAPHY WAVEFORMS IN SEDATION AndreiaTrigo| ©2016ThecopyrighttothisdocumentisownedbyAndreiaTrigo.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorpermission. Capnogram Normal Abnormal Absent Chest wall movement? No Yes Positive response to opening the airway? 1. Periodic breathing 2. Bradypnoeic hypoventilation 3. Hyponoeic hypoventilation Yes 4. Apnoea No ! 5. Upper Airway Obstruction AndreiaTrigo| ©2016ThecopyrighttothisdocumentisownedbyAndreiaTrigo.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorpermission. C APNOGRAPHY: FACTORS FOR CLINIC AL DECISION MAKING Pre sedation During sedation • EtCO2 • Waveform shape • RR Change greater than1.3 kPa from presedation OR Outside [4.0 – 5.7 kPa] AndreiaTrigo| ©2016ThecopyrighttothisdocumentisownedbyAndreiaTrigo.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorpermission. C APNOGRAPHY TRAINING • Covidien is now Medtronic Minimally Invasive Therapies LEARN MORE ! CHANNELS PROCEDURE SPECIALTY CLINICAL ISSUE CARE SETTING FACILITIES Capnography Clinical education and non-clinical education modules related to the use of etCO2 monitoring with non-intubated and • intubated patients in various clinical settings. These programs are designed to help provide safe and effective ventilatory monitoring of the patient. Featured Capnography Waveform Tutorial and Exercise Website Principles of Capnography: Interpreting Waveforms Continous Capnography and the Difficult Airway INDIVIDUAL OPPORTUNITIES Microcap® Portable Capnography Capnostream® Bedside Integrated Pulmonary IndexTM Microcap® Plus Portable Monitor: A Guide to Buttonology Capnography Monitor with Nellcor (IPI) Training Capnography Monitor: A Guide to It gives me great pleasure to put forth the 8th edition of the Capnography SpO2 Technology: Guide to Buttonology website. Unprecedented encouragement from medical professionals, Buttonology engineers, technological innovators, and students across the world gives me a sense of satisfaction AndreiaTrigo| that long hours spent in the initial designing and Web-Based Web-Based Web-Based Web-Based Non-Accredited Non-Accredited Non-Accredited Non-Accredited deployment of earlier editions of this website were not futile. It is heartening ©2016ThecopyrighttothisdocumentisownedbyAndreiaTrigo.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorpermission. to state that over 500,000 personnel visit this site annually. During the last few years, this website was able to fulfill its goal as an avenue to provide dynamic, animated, interactive and up-to-date information on capnography that is SEDATION AND C APNOGRAPHY TRAINING • Safe Sedation Course • | • One day course • Knowledge and skills • Certificate • Accreditted by RCP and RSM • Protocol / Assessment and monitoring form / Sedation policy template ü 25th June 2016 • Safe Sedation community ü 16th July 2016 ü 20th August 2016 ü 10th September 2016 ü 12 November 2016 AndreiaTrigo| ©2016ThecopyrighttothisdocumentisownedbyAndreiaTrigo.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorpermission. FINAL THOUGHTS ü Capnography is part of the Advanced Life Support guidelines. ü Capnography is mandatory every time Sedation is administered. ü The capnogram remains stable during patient motion and is reliable in low-perfusion states. ü Capnography detects airway/respiratory compromise quicker than pulse oxymetry. ü 3 Factors for clinical decision making: changes in ETCO2, waveform shape and RR “Capnography is the only single monitoring modality that provides airway, breathing and circulation assessment” Krauss, 2005 Thank you! Andreia Trigo AndreiaTrigo| ©2016ThecopyrighttothisdocumentisownedbyAndreiaTrigo.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorpermission.