Wardrop vs Nesterov traffic equilibrium concept. Georg Still University of Twente joint work with Walter Kern (9th International Conference on Operations Research, Havana, February, 2010) p 1/24 Dutch Highway System p 2/24 Traffic Network: • (sw , tw ) : • dw : • xe , fp : • ce (x) ∈ C : V: nodes; E: edges (roads) origin-destination nodes, w ∈ W traffic demands (cars/hour) edge-, path-flow (cars/hour) travel time (“costs”) on edge e ∈ E f1 s1 t1 f2 e x e p 3/24 • Pw : set P of (sw , tw )-paths p , P = ∪w Pw cp (x) = e∈p ce (x), p ∈ P: path costs feasible flow: (x, f ) ∈ RE × RP satisfying Λf ∆f − x f = d = 0 ≥ 0 | Λ path-demand incidence| ∆ path-edge incidence matrix Notation: given demand d I (x, f ) ∈ Fd : feasible set I x ∈ Xd : projection of Fd onto x-space. p 4/24 Wardrop Equilibrium (52): (x, f ) ∈ Fd is WE if ∀w ∈ W , p, q ∈ Pw fp > 0 ⇒ cp (x) = cq (x) cp (x) ≤ cq (x) if fq > 0 if fq = 0 Meaning: For each used path p ∈ Pw between O-D pairs (sw , tw ) the path-costs must be the same. “traffic user equilibrium”, (Nash-equilibrium) p 5/24 Relation: Wardrop-equilibrium ↔ optimization Assume ce (x) = ce (xe ), increasing. Consider the program P: min N(x) := x,f XZ e∈E 0 xe ce (t)dt s.t. (x, f ) ∈ Fd KKT conditions: (x, f ) ∈ Fd is sol. of P iff c(x) = λ 0 = ΛT γ − ∆T λ + µ T f µ = 0 f, µ ≥ 0 or equivalentely: for any path p ∈ Pw ½ = cp (x) T γw = [∆ c(x)]p − µp ≤ cp (x) if fp > 0 if fp = 0 These are the W-equilibrium conditions. p 6/24 Th.1 The following are equivalent for x ∈ Xd (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) I x is an W-equilibrium flow. c(x)T (x − x) ≥ 0 ∀x ∈ Xd . x solves min{c(x)T x | x ∈ Xd }. [in case ce (x) = ce (xe )] x minimizes N(x) on Xd More generally, (iv) holds if there exists N(x) such that ∇N(x) = c(x) By Poincaré’s Lemma this holds (on convex sets) if: c(x) ∈ C 1 and ∂ci ∂xj = ∂cj ∂xi Existence of a Wardrop equilibrium x ? I I case c(x) = ∇N(x): general case: By the Weierstrass Theorem By a Fixed Point Theorem p 7/24 Existence Theorem: (Stampacchia 1966) Let c : X → Rm be continuous on the convex, compact set X ⊂ Rm . Then there exists a vector x ∈ X such that c(x)T (x − x) ≥ 0 ∀x ∈ X Stampacchia’s Lemma ←→ Brouwer’s Fixed Point Theorem Brouwer’s Fixed Point Theorem: Let f : X → X be continuous , X ⊂ Rm convex, compact. Then f has a fixed point x ∈ X : f (x) = x Pf. “→”: Choose c(y) := −[f (y) − y]. Then, there exists x ∈ X such that c(x)T (x − x) = −[f (x) − x]T (x − x) ≥ 0 ∀x ∈ X Choose x = f (x) ∈ X −→ −kf (x) − xk2 ≥ 0 −→ f (x) = x p 8/24 Objectives: user (Nash-eq.) ↔ minimize: ↔ N(x) t Braes example: edge costs: flow : s-t demand: government P S(x) := e ce (xe )xe x 1 1, 1, c,x x 1 u v c x 1 s c ≥ 1: Nash flow x, S(x) = 3/2 p1 = s−u −t , f1 = 1/2, c1 = 3/2 p2 = s−v −t , f2 = 1/2, c2 = 3/2 c = 0: Nash flow x̂, p = s−u −v −t, S(x̂) = 2 f = 1, c1 = 2 p 9/24 Nesterov’s new model (2000): Based on the “queering model” ½ te for 0 ≤ xe < ue ce (xe ) = M for xe = ue I ue : max capacity of e ∈ E I te : costs (travel times) without congestion (e ∈ E). modified, generalized concept (with te (x) ∈ C) ½ te (x) for 0 ≤ xe ≤ ue ce (x) = M for xe > ue This function is lower semicontinuous (lsc). p 10/24 Def. Nesterov E. (NE): Given costs t : RE+ → RE+ in C, a , x ∈ Xd is a NE if capacity vector u, then (x, t) ∈ RE+E + 1. x ≤ u , t ≥ t(x) and 2. x is a WE relative to the costs t. Related capacity constr. program: Find x solving Pt (x) : min t(x)T x x,f s.t. Λf ∆f − x x f = = ≤ ≥ d 0 u |ν 0 Changes in KKT-condition compared with WE: t(x) = λ − ν and (u − x)T ν = 0 or eqivalentely for any path p ∈ Pw γw = [∆T (t(x) + ν)]p − µp p 11/24 So: consider costs t = t(x) + ν. Th.2 (x, t) is a NE if and only if x (with L-multiplier ν) is a solution of Pt (x) and t = t(x) + ν. I The existence of a NE follows also by Stampacchia’s Lemma. p 12/24 Wardrop’s model for non-continuous costs Def. lower-, upper limit, ce− , ce+ : ce− (x) := lim inf ce (x n ) n x →x ce+ (x) := lim sup ce (x n ) Similarly: x n →x − cp (x), cp+ (x) for pathcosts. Model conditions: If fp > 0, p ∈ Pw , then: • cp (x) ≤ cq+ (x) ∀q ∈ Pw should be a necessary condition and • cp (x) ≤ lim inf cq (x + ε1q − ε1p ) ε↓0 ∀q ∈ Pw a sufficient condition for “stability” p 13/24 This leads to the assumpions: ce (x) are lower semicontinuous (lsc), i.e. ce (x) ≤ ce− (x), ∀x and satisfy the regularity condition: ∀q, p ∈ Pw , e ∈ q, e ∈ /p (?) ce+ (x) ≤ lim inf ce (x + ε1q − ε1p ) ε↓0 Def. (Wardrop equilibrium:) Suppose the ce ’s are lsc and satisfy the link regularity (?). We then call P x = p fp 1p ∈ Xd a Wardrop equilibrium if: fp > 0 ⇒ cp (x) ≤ cq+ (x) ∀q ∈ Pw p 14/24 Th.3 Let the link costs ce be lsc and satisfy the link regularity condition. Assume x ∈ Xd and c ∈ [c(x), c + (x)]. Then (iii) ⇔ (ii) ⇒ (i) holds for (i) x is a Wardrop equilibrium. (ii) c T (x − x) ≥ 0 ∀x ∈ Xd . (iii) x solves min{c T x | x ∈ Xd } Def. A WE satisfying the sufficient condition (ii) (or (iii)) of the theorem is called a strong WE. Th.4 For lsc regular link costs strong Wardrop equilibria exist. Pf. Use cek (x) ↑ ce (x) with continuous cek (x) and the existence of WE wrt. cek (x). p 15/24 NE as special case of WE: NE is based on costs, ½ (?) ce (x) = te (x) for 0 ≤ xe ≤ ue M for xe > ue This function is lsc and regular. By comparing the KKT-conditions for a strong WE wrt. the costs (?): 0 = ΛT γ − ∆T λ + µ ½ for x e < ue = te (x) + c ∈ [c(x), c (x)] , c e ∈ [te (x), M] if x e = ue c=λ and with the KKT-conditions for the NE-program Pt (x) we directly find: Cor.1 (x, t) is a Nesterov equilibrium (wrt. te (x) and u) if and only if x is a strong WE (wrt. ce (x) in (?)). p 16/24 Parametric Aspects: How do the equilibrated travel times γw (·) depend on changes in the demand d and/or costs ce (x)? Dependence on c(x): I c(x) % ; No monotonicity γw % (see Braes) p 17/24 Dependence on d: Let N(x) be convex with ∇N(x) = c(x), i.e., c(x) satisfies the “monotonicity” condition (?) [c(x 0 ) − c(x)]T (x 0 − x) ≥ 0 ∀x 0 , x Consider the W-equilibrium problem: d parameter P(d) : minx,f N(x) s.t. (x, f ) ∈ Fd Λf = d |γ Parametric Opt.: For solutions x(d) with L-Mult. γ(d): I the value function v(d) of P(d) is convex (in d). I ∂v (d) = {γ(d)} (maximal) monotone: [γ(d) − γ(d)]T (d − d) ≥ 0 ∀d, d Even if the W-equilibrium cannot be modelled as an optimization problem: Monotonicity of γ(d) still holds under (?). p 18/24 interpretation: of (Hall’s result) [γ(d) − γ(d)]T (d − d) ≥ 0 ∀d, d Let d d then I γw (d) ≥ γw (d) for at least one w ∈ W I even if d > d: possibly γw 0 (d) > γw 0 (d) for one w 0 ∈ W γw (d) < γw (d) for the other w 6= w 0 p 19/24 Pf. of Hall’s result: solutions x 0 , x corresp. to d 0 , d [c(x 0 ) − c(x)]T (x 0 − x) ≥ 0 • [c(x 0 ) − c(x)]T ∆(f 0 − f ) ≥ 0 [µ0 − µ]T (f 0 − f ) + [ΛT γ 0 − ΛT γ]T (f 0 − f ) ≥ 0 | {z } ≤0 by 3. [γ 0 − γ]T Λ(f 0 − f ) ≥ 0 [γ 0 − γ]T (d 0 − d) ≥ 0 • Use: 1. x = ∆f , Λf = d 2. ∆T c(x) = µ + ΛT γ 3. E.g.: fp0 > 0, fp = 0 ⇒ µ0p = 0, µp ≥ 0 ⇒ ( µ0p −µp )(fp0 − fp ) ≤ 0 |{z} |{z} =0 =0 p 20/24 Monotonicity of γ(d) in the general W-concept? For strong W-equilibria: Under the “monotonicity condition”, [c(x 0 ) − c(x)]T (x 0 − x) ≥ 0 ∀x 0 , x monotonicity of the equilibrated travel-times γ(d) still holds: [γ(d) − γ(d)]T (d − d) ≥ 0 ∀d, d However: For (weak) W-equilibria this monotonicity may fail. p 21/24 Example network with 4 O-D pairs; identify edge e: e1 4 e2 e e3 4 e 1 b1 1 2 b2 2 3 e 3 The link cost for e, ei bj are zero except for ½ 0 0≤t ≤2 ce (t) := M else cei (t) = t, cbj (t) ≡ 1. demands: d1 = d2 = d3 = 1, d4 = ε ≥ 0. p 22/24 A weak W-E x and the unique strong equilibrium x: x : 2 x : 2 2 3 1 + 13 ε 2 3 1 + 13 ε 1−ε − 13 ε 1 3 1 3 ε + 23 ε 1 3 ε + 23 ε Corresponding γ, γ γ: 1 1 γ: 1 1 1−ε − 13 ε 1 3 3 − ε ←− • + 13 ε 5 3 with objective N(x) = 3 2 +ε+ 1 2 ε2 , N(x) = 7 6 + 5 3 ε+ 1 6 ε2 . p 23/24 Many other interesting aspects: I Generalization to elastic demand is easy. I Tolling policy to ’improve’ the traffic flow. I Computation of traffic equilibria in large networks I Dynamic traffic equilibrium models (demand changes with time) p 24/24