THE METHODOLOGY OF CALCULATION OF THE GEOMETRIC SIZES OF THE WELDS ON THE PARAMETERS OF THE MODE OF AUTOMATIC ARC WELDING UNDER A LAYER OF FLUX Assoc. Prof. Ivanov M.A., Eng. Ulanov A.M., Faculty of Metallurgy – South Ural State University, Russia Abstract: The article is devoted to approaches to the calculation of mode of arc welding under flux, there are considered and systematized modern techniques. As a result of the analysis there was presented a new methodology for parameters' calculation of the mode of arc welding under flux. There was implemented a new automated complex for calculation of mode of arc welding under flux. The tests were conducted. KEYWORDS: WELDING, GEOMETRIC SIZES OF THE WELDS, MODE OF WELDING, WELDING UNDER A LAYER OF FLUX Specification 8713-79. According to the geometry of the weld (wall thickness, height, width of seam, gap between parts) the area of deposited metal Fn is determined (Fig. 1). 1. Introduction Russia's accession to the world trade organization requires from Russian producers of welded metal structures to reduce the cost price and to increase the speed of development of new parts and products in order to meet the demand on the world market. Production of the machine-building sector of Russia requires to obtain complex welded metal structures with long stretches of welded seams. To improve the productivity and reduce the cost price of the welding process there is used modern automated complexes, which include welding tractor, power supply and control unit. Of all types of arc welding the most qualitative welded connection is provided by the welding under a layer of flux. For the guaranteed reception of qualitative welded connection, it is necessary to set the operation mode of welding, which defines the structure and the properties of the weld seam and the heat affected zone. Calculation of an optimum mode of arc welding under a layer of flux, as well as cooling rates for each steel grade is relevant and determines the time of carrying out of starting-up and adjustment works for the manufacture of new parts or products, which, in turn, increases the productivity of labor. In order to accelerate the design of welding technology and the formation of technological basis for calculation of arc welding under a layer of flux, the analysis and development of the existing approaches in this direction it is necessary to systematize the modern techniques and to create a new high-performance automated complex for calculation of mode of arc welding under flux. а) b) Fig. 1 Contact connection without edge preparation (a); with groove edges (b) If the total area of deposited metal is more than 0.5 cm2, then the welding is not performed in one pass. Number of passes is calculated by the following formula [1]: F (1) n= n , F 1 where n is a number of passes; F1= (6 .. 8) del / 100 is a square of the first deposited weld, cm2; el is a diameter of electrode wire, mm. The welding current value Isv (A) is determined by the empirical dependence with the account of number of passes: (2) (80..100) h I sv = p . n Let's calculate the current density j (A/mm2) by the formula: I , (3) j = sv F el where Fel = πd2el/4 is an area of electrode wire, mm2. Let us check the conformity of electrode diameter with the permissible current density according to table 1 for welding under flux. Table 1. The dependence of electrode wire diameter on the density of a current in the welding under flux 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 del , mm j, А/mm2 65 – 200 45 – 90 35 – 60 30 – 50 25 – 45 2. Prerequisites and solution of the problem Now in Russian Federation there is a large number of normative-technical documents, scientific works considering the calculation of arc welding regime. The variety of approaches requires the systematization of accumulated material and their comparison. Calculation of arc welding mode is an important component of the process of designing and producing welded metal constructions. Obtaining the optimal technological parameters of the welding process, such as the strength of a current, the voltage on the arc, welding speed directly determines the quality of the finished welded product and its performance. The analysis of different methods of calculating the modes of arc welding under a layer of flux showed that in the most details it is described in the writings of Demyantzevich V.P. [1], Shahmatov M.V. [2]. The calculation is based on the fundamental tenets of the theory of welding processes [7], developed by the leading scientists of Russia and CIS countries – Rykalin N.N. [3], Paton E.O. [4], Demyantzevich V.P. [1], Shahmatov M.V. [2]. In calculating the modes of welding under a layer of flux it is necessary to follow the recommendation of State Standard The value of the voltage on the arc Ud (V) of the count under the formula: 5I sv 1 , (4) U 20 d 100 d el Speed of welding under flux Vsv (cm/s) is calculated by the formula: α I (5) н sv , V sv . 3600 F ρ n where αн is a deposition rate g/А hour; ρ = 7,8 is the raft of steel, g/cm3. Let us carry out the calculation of the coefficient of melting αр: (6) 44 k , α н α р (1 ) 100 Further we define the penetration depth h1 according to the formula: q pog , (11) h1 0,076 ψ Let us define the width of a seam b1: (12) b1 = h1 Ψ Determine the height of a seam A1: a b . (13) a1 where k is a coefficient of losses during the transition melting down wire in the weld seam, %; αр is a coefficient of melting, g/А*hour. For welding under a layer of flux the value of the losses of k can be adopted with some uncertainty of continuing value equal to 5-7%. The smaller value of k is usually taken for the wire with a diameter of up to 3 mm and more for the diameters of 4..6 mm. The coefficient of melting αр for welding under a layer of flux can be determined according to the schedule presented in Fig. 2 and depending on the diameter of welding wire and value of the welding current. h1 ψ For non-standard butt welds (not according to State Standard Specification) made by one pass the real value of the coefficient of penetration form ψ = b1 / h1 and the coefficient of the form of roller ψval = a1 / b1 must be in the following optimal ranges: 0,8 < ψ < 4; 7 < ψval < 10. In this case, if ψ < 0,8 then the tendency of the weld metal to hot cracking increases (narrow seams with great depth of penetration), when ψ > 4 the seams are large with a small depth of penetration with the irrational usage of heat capacity of the arc. If ψval < 7, then for the tall narrow seams, not having a smooth interface, there is high concentration of stresses in places of transition from the weld metal to base that under-leads to low efficiency of welded joints, especially in the case of variable loads. When ψval > 10. Then the seams are too broad, what is irrational from the point of view of use of the thermal capacity of the arc. For details with the equivalent content of carbon Cekv > 0,45%, a preliminary heating is necessary, set according to Fig. 3. Fig. 2. The dependence of the coefficient of melting αр from the diameter of the electrode wire and value of the welding current During the welding mode calculating it is necessary to conduct a check of satisfactory of weld formation under the following formula: (7) A = Vsv . Isv . 36, where A is a coefficient of weld formation, A·m/hour; Vsv is a welding speed, cm/s; Isv is a welding current, A. Let us substitute values in the formula (7); the derived values are compared with the selected value of the diameter of table 2 (satisfactory formation of the weld). Table 2. The dependence of the diameter of electrode wire on the coefficient A 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,0 3,0 4,0 del , mm А· 103,А·m/hour 2-5 3-6 5-8 8-12 12-16 16-20 Fig. 3. The temperature of the heating by Seferian’s formula Electrode wire feed rate Vpod is defined by the formula: (8) V F V pod To prevent the formation of hardening structures during welding it is necessary to conduct the correspondence between the linear energy welding and permissible cooling rate [2]. Due to the limited volume of the article detailed nomograms are not shown. Also, in the calculation, it is necessary to take into account the influence of the flux at the depth of penetration of the base of the weld metal. If necessary, it is necessary to make adjustments to the methodology in the form of correction factors. Thus, there presented the method of calculation of geometric sizes of the welds on the parameters of automate arc welding under a layer of flux. sv n . k F (1 ) el 100 For inspection of the main parameters of the welding mode the amount of heat input welding is calculated: U I η , (9) d sv q pog V sv where qpog is a heat input welding, j/cm; Ud is an arc voltage, V; ISV is a welding current, A; η is an effective coefficient of useful action of heating the product by arc, is selected for welding under flux η = 0,8–0,85; Vsv is a welding speed, cm/sec. Then let us calculate the real value of the coefficient of the penetration form ψ: (10) 3. Results and discussion For the automation of the calculation the mode of arc welding under a layer of flux it was developed the computer program [5, 6], in base of which it is the method presented above (Fig. 4). k1 (19 0,01 I ) d U , sv el d ψ I sv where K1 is a certain coefficient, 1/mm*V. A certain coefficient K1 depends on the kind, polarity, current density and is determined by the table 3. Table 3. Determination of the coefficient K1 depending on the kind, polarity and current density Kind and polarity of density Current density Direct current of direct polarity Direct current of reverse polarity Alternating current j ≤ 120 А/mm2 j > 120 А/mm2 к1 = 2,82 j0,1925 к1 = 1,12 к1=0,367 j0,1925 к1 = 0,92 a) b) Fig. 4. The appearance of the program with the completed settlement of the welded joints without edge preparation: «Data Source» (a); «Geometry of the seam» (b) к1 = 1 45 The program provides performance of the following functions: • enter the geometrical characteristics of the cutting of the welded product; • choose the kind and the polarity of current, the diameter of electrode wire; • choose the depth of penetration; • calculation of the strength and density of current, supply voltage on the arc; • calculation of coefficients of losses and melting; • calculation of the speed of the welding electrode wire feed, heat input welding; • calculation of the coefficients of the form of penetration and roller; • check the calculated parameters and visual indication of erroneous technological parameters, with the possibility of adjustments; • save results of work in the form of special file and the output of the extended report in a text processor MS Word. During the calculation received data are automatically analysed with the included to the program ranges of density, coefficients of the form of roller and the form of penetration. If the values do not satisfy the needs-in terms of formation of the weld geometry, they will be painted in red. The calculation cannot be continued, if there are inconsistencies. To eliminate them the mechanism of hints is created, which is activated when you hover the cursor on the wrong parameter painted in red color. To verify the compliance of calculated data we conducted an experiment. Source data: the thickness of the plate is 11 mm; the diameter of electrode wire is 3 mm; without edge preparation. The results are presented in Fig. 5 and in table 4. 2. Calculation of the geometric sizes of the welds on the parameters of the mode of automatic arc welding under a layer of flux must be conducted with the usage of computer-aided complex. 3. The usage of recommended settings of welding technology allows controlling the structure and quality of a weld seam of steel metal constructions. Literature 1. Akulov A.I. Technology and equipment of welding. Textbook for students of higher educational institutions / A.I. Akulov, G.A. Belchuk, V.P. Demyantzevich. - M.: Mechanical engineering. - 1997. - 432с. Il. 2. Shahmatov M.V. Manufacturing technology and calculation of welded shells / M.V. Shahmatov, V.V. Erofeev, V.V. Kovalenko. - Ufa: Poligrafkombinat. - 1999. - 272 p. 3. Rykalin N.N. Calculations of thermal processes in welding / edited by academician A.A. Erohina - M.: MASHGIZ, 1951. 291с. 4. Paton B.E. Technology of electric welding of metals and fusion melting / edited by academician B.E. Paton - M.: Machinery, 1974. - 768. 5. Pat. 2011613354 Russian Federation. Certificate of state registration of the computer program «Calculation of mode of arc welding Welding Rate Calculation» / M.A. Ivanov, A.M.. Ulanov. №2011611511; Appl. 9.03.11; registered 28.04.11. 6. Ivanov M.A. The program realization of the calculation of arc welding mode / M.A. Ivanov, A.M. Ulanov // Science Library: materials of the 63-th scientific conference. Section of technical sciences: in 2 vol. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing center of SUSU, 2011. - T. 2. С.127-130. 7. Comparison of methodological approaches to calculation of welding mode / M.A. Ivanov, A.M. Ulanov, V.V. Rode, P.A. Danilkin // Science Library: materials of the 63-th scientific conference. Section of technical Sciences: in 2 vol. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing center of SUSU, 2011. - T. 2. С.131-135. Fig. 5 Welded joint after the experiment Table 4. Data of calculation and experiment Vsv, Vpod, I sv , U d , hp , Source data sm/s sm/s В А mm ec ec b, mm a, mm 2 Experience 1 Experimental data Program calculation 1,0 3,1 440 30 5,5 15 1,0 3,5 440 30 5,6 14,9 2,4 1,0 3,6 480 37 6 17 2,5 0,9 3,9 480 37 16,7 2,4 Experience 2 Experimental data Program calculation 6,12 As you can be see from table 4, the values of experiment are consistent with the estimates. 4. Conclusion 1. In order to increase competitiveness of Russian enterprises that produce complex welded metal constructions the reduction of terms for development of technical documentation for welding is an urgent task. 46