Course Outline Code: LAW440 Title: Honours Research Methods, Design and Confirmation USC Law School Teaching Session: Year: Course Coordinator: Office No. Phone No. Email: 1. 1.1 Semester 1 2016 Dr Jay Sanderson JG.03D 07 5456 5260 What is this course about? Course description This is the first of two linked courses required to graduate with honours in Law. You will receive further training in research methods and ethics, and prepare for the writing and submission of your Law Honours Thesis in semester two. You will formulate your own research question/s and aim/s for your Thesis in consultation with your academic supervisor. You will also receive feedback on a research paper and presentation. 1.2 Course content 2. Unit value The course will cover: • Research methodology • Research ethics • Topic and supervisor selection • Formulating a research question/hypothesis/plans • Literature review as appropriate to the question • Formative feedback to prepare students for the writing of their thesis in the Law Honours Thesis course. 12 units Page 2 Course Outline: LAW 440 Honours Research Methods, Design and Confirmation 3. How does this course contribute to my learning? Specific Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this course you should be able to: Design a research project and develop a management plan Assess the ethical obligations of researchers Identify and apply appropriate research methods to address complex legal research issues Demonstrate advanced learning and understanding in an area of law Critically review, analyse and synthesise knowledge Exercise critical thinking and judgment to generate appropriate responses to complex legal issues Work independently and make use of feedback to support your professional and/or academic development Communicate effectively in writing and orally to a professional and/or academic audience Assessment Tasks You will be assessed on the learning outcome in task/s: Graduate Qualities Completing these tasks successfully will contribute to you becoming: 1&2 Engaged. 1&2 Ethical 1&2 Empowered 2&3 Knowledgeable. 1&2 Creative and critical thinkers. 1, 2 & 3 Creative and critical thinkers. 1, 2 & 3 Empowered. 2&3 Empowered. 4. Am I eligible to enrol in this course? 4.1 Enrolment restrictions 4.2 Pre-requisites 4.3 Co-requisites 4.4 Anti-requisites Refer to the Coursework Programs and Awards - Academic Policy for definitions of “pre-requisites, co-requisites and anti-requisites” This course is available only to students enrolled in a Bachelor of Laws program who have been invited to enrol in Law Honours based on a minimum GPA of 6 1 in their Law-coded courses. GPA of 61 with not more than eight courses remaining to complete their Law program. Nil 1 Students with a GPA >5.75 may make a case to the Honours coordinator as to why they should be admitted to the program. Page 3 Course Outline: LAW 440 Honours Research Methods, Design and Confirmation Nil 4.5 Specific assumed prior knowledge and skills (optional) 5. How am I going to be assessed? Not applicable 5.1 Grading scale Limited – Pass (PU), Fail (UF) 5.2 Task No. Assessment tasks Assessment Tasks Individual or Group Weighting % What is the duration / length? 1,500 words 1 Research Plan Individual PU or UF 2 Research Paper Individual PU or UF 3,500 – 4,000 words 3 Research Presentation Individual PU or UF 20 minutes When should I submit? Friday of week 4 (by 5pm) Friday of week 11 (by 5pm) Week 13 Where should I submit it? SafeAssign SafeAssign In person Assessment Task 1: Research Plan Goal: The goal of the Research Plan is to enable students to develop project planning skills that will lead to timely completion of their Honours Thesis in second semester. The Research Plan will plot the aims, methods and milestones of the honours research paper, presentation and thesis. The Research Plan will include: (i) an overview of current knowledge of the topic and a statement/s about the research questions and aims of the research; (ii) details about the research methodology and, if applicable, ethics consideration and approval; and (iii) realistic milestones indicating content, activities and research to be undertaken in preparation for Assessment Task 2 and 3, as well as LAW441 Honours Thesis. The Research Plan is a dynamic document that students will review and revise with their supervisors throughout their honours project. Product: Written Research Plan Format: This is an individual assignment, not more than 1500 words. Criteria A plan for developing the knowledge required for the question; coherence and suitability of research question/s and aims/s; appropriateness of research methodology; evidence of critical thinking and judgment; realistic milestones, provision for making use of feedback. Generic skill assessed Skill assessment level Organisation Graduate Problem solving Graduate Page 4 Course Outline: LAW 440 Honours Research Methods, Design and Confirmation Assessment Task 2: Research Paper Goal: Product: Format: The goal of the research paper is to present clear and coherent knowledge of an area of the law. More specifically students are expected to present a reasoned and substantiated argument that critically analyses and consolidates legal knowledge and ideas. In so doing students will exhibit the significance and originality of content and argument. 3500 – 4,000 word paper This is an individual assignment, in total not more than 4,000 words. Criteria Advanced knowledge of an area of the law; understanding of the issues raised; thorough legal and associated research; critical thinking, judgement and analysis; comprehensive and appropriate use and application of research to law; ability to review, analyse and synthesise information in a critical and logical manner; clear and coherent communication of research questions, laws and supporting arguments; originality and significance in content and argument; style guide compliance including appropriate referencing Generic skill assessed Skill assessment level Communication Graduate Problem solving Graduate Assessment Task 3: Research Presentation Goal: The research presentation is the means by which the Law School assesses your progress and determines whether the research project, as set out in the presentation and research paper (Assessment Task 2), is clearly defined, coherent and feasible. You will be assessed on your demonstration of a broad understanding of a specific area or law and context, as well as the design and use of research method/s. The research presentation will also enable the Law School and you to assess whether the project is suitably designed for successful completion in Law Honours Thesis, LAW441. Product: You will make a 20 minute presentation to your Honours student peers and supervisors, based on Assessment Task 2. The presentation will clearly articulate the research question/s and aim/s. You will concisely and clearly describe the research methodology and analysis, and describe the work already completed and how this will be developed in LAW441. Format: 20 minute presentation Criteria Advanced knowledge of an area of the law; understanding of the issues raised; thorough legal and associated research; critical thinking, judgement and analysis; comprehensive and appropriate use and application of research to law; ability to review, analyse and synthesise information in a critical and logical manner; clear and coherent communication of research questions, laws and supporting arguments; originality and significance in content and argument; suitability of the project and student for LAW441 Generic skill assessed Skill assessment level Problem solving Graduate Organisation Graduate 5.3 Additional assessment requirements Safe Assign In order to minimise incidents of plagiarism and collusion, this course may require that some of its assessment tasks are submitted electronically via Safe Assign. This software allows for text comparisons to be made between your submitted assessment item and all other work that Safe Assign has access to. If required, details of how to submit via Safe Assign will be provided on the Blackboard site of the course. Page 5 Course Outline: LAW 440 Honours Research Methods, Design and Confirmation Limited Graded Course: This course will be graded as Pass in a Limited Grade Course (PU) or Fail in a Limited Grade Course (UF) as per clause 4.1.3 and 4.1.4 of the Grades and Grade Point Average (GPA) - Institutional Operating Policy of the University of the Sunshine Coast. In a course using Limited Grades, all assessment tasks relating to a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) activity or a professional competency (PC) task are required to be passed for a student to successfully complete the course. Supplementary assessment is not available in courses using Limited Grades. 5.4 Submission penalties You must contact your Course Coordinator if you require an extension or alternate assessment. 6. How is the course offered? 6.1 Directed study hours 6.2 Teaching semester/session(s) offered 6.3 Course activities Three 2-hour lectures in weeks 1-3 (6 hours in total) plus attendance at research presentations. Semester 1 This course has two core activities: symposium and one-on-one supervision. Symposium (2 hours, x 3) Week 1: Research methods and design: Since theses on legal topics can take a variety of formats and perspectives, students will be introduced to a range of research methodologies including doctrinal, reform-orientated, theoretical, policy analysis, socio-legal and ethnographic. Students will also discuss the importance of, and skills and strategies needed in, designing and planning research projects. Week 2: Research questions and literature reviews: this symposium will focus on research questions and literature reviews. Firstly, you will discuss the importance of clear and coherent research questions, particularly the role these play in devising and conducting literature reviews; designing and implementing efficient and effective research strategies; and ensuring logical and persuasive research outputs. Secondly, you will discuss the role of literature reviews in legal research. More specifically you will consider the nature and scope of a literature review, the purpose of literature reviews in legal contexts, and how to exercise critical thinking and judgement to assess controversies and to identify gaps in knowledge. Week 3: Research ethics and other considerations: in the third symposium you will be introduced to research ethics and learn to identify any ethical issues relevant to your research project. Specific topics will include consent, communication, confidentiality, privacy and insurance. You will also be familiarised with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research Statement, as well as USC’s policies and procedures for the responsible conduct of research One-on-One Supervision This course is largely structured around the individual research question/s and aim/s chosen by the students in LAW440. This means that the content and research methods are necessarily variable between students, and specific areas of consideration and focus will primarily be determined by a student’s supervisor, who will work with their student on a one-on-one basis, meeting on a regular basis. Page 6 Course Outline: LAW 440 Honours Research Methods, Design and Confirmation Please note that the course activities may be subject to variation. 7. What resources do I need to undertake this course? 7.1 Prescribed text(s) Please note that you need to have regular access to the resource(s) listed below: Author Year Title Publisher Terry Hutchinson 2010 Research and Writing in Law (3rd ed) 7.2 Required and recommended readings 7.3 Specific requirements 7.4 Risk management 8. How can I obtain help with my studies? Thomson Reuters Lists of required and recommended readings may be found for this course on its Blackboard site. These materials/readings will assist you in preparing for tutorials and assignments, and will provide further information regarding particular aspects of your course. Nil There is minimal health and safety risk in this course. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the Health and Safety policies and procedures applicable within campus areas. In the first instance you should contact your tutor, then the Course Coordinator. Student Life and Learning provides additional assistance to all students through Peer Advisors and Academic Skills Advisors. You can drop in or book an appointment. To book: Tel: +61 7 5430 1226 or Email: 9. Links to relevant University policies and procedures For more information on Academic Learning & Teaching categories including: • Assessment: Courses and Coursework Programs • Review of Assessment and Final Grades • Supplementary Assessment • Administration of Central Examinations • Deferred Examinations • Student Academic Misconduct • Students with a Disability Page 7 Course Outline: LAW 440 Honours Research Methods, Design and Confirmation 10. Faculty specific information General enquiries Student Central - Building C Tel: +61 7 5430 2890 Fax: +61 7 5430 2882 Email: Assignment Cover Sheets The USC assignment cover sheet can be found on the USC Portal (Blackboard) at: USC Law School (Students) > Forms. It must be completed in full identifying student name, assignment title, tutor and tutorial time. This must be attached securely to the front of each assessment item prior to submission. Claims of loss of assignments will not be considered unless supported by a receipt. Hard Copy Submission to USC Law School There is a USC Law School Assignment Submission box in the foyer on the ground floor of J building, in front of the USC Law School. Please note that the foyer is under 24-hour CCTV surveillance. SafeAssign Submission If your course requests SafeAssign submission, there will be an electronic assessment submission area on Blackboard under “Assessment”. You will need to agree to the “Submission Declaration” before you are able to see the submission area.