315 IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 10, No. 1, January 1995 A SIMPLE REPRESENTATION OF DYNAMIC HYSTERESIS LOSSES IN POWER TRANSFORMERS Adam Semlyen Department of Electrical 'and Computer Engineering University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada, MSS 1A4 Francisco de Leon Instituto Politknico Nrtcional - E.S.I.M.E. Editicio No. 5 , 3er Piso 07738 - MCxico, D.F., MCxico Abstract - The paper describes a procedure for the representation of hysteresis in the laminations of power transformers in the simulation of electromagnetic transient phenomena. The model is based on the recognition that in today's iron cores the hysteresis loops are narrow and therefore the modeling details are only important in relation to the incurred losses and the associated attenuation effects. The resultant model produces losses proportional to the square of the flux density, as expected from measurement data. It is formulated as a simple, linear relationship between the variation B -Brev of the magnetic flux density B after a reversal point B,, and the resulting additional field intensity H , . This idea can be easily implemented in existing transformer models with or without frequency dependent modeling of eddy currents in the laminations. It has been found that in many simulation tests the representation of hysteresis is not necessary and those situations have been described where the modeling of hysteresis appears to be more meaningful. Keywords: Transformer modeling, Hysteresis, Ferroresonance. Electromagnetic transients, INTRODUCTION Transformer inodeling for the simulation of electromagnetic transients has made significant advances in the last decade. A fairly complete list of references in this field can be found in 111. This reference summarizes our contributions to the field with the remark that it covers all the major phenomena that are relevant for transformer modeling with the exception, however, of the dynamic representation of hysteresis in the iron core. The main reason why this has been left out is the complexity of the phenomena, where the nonlinearity of saturation is coupled with the complicated dependence of the magnetic field intensity on the present and past values of the flux density, characteristic to hysteresis. Numerous studies exist, however, related to hysteresis [2]-[53] and successful achievements have been reported in the implementation of some models in the representation of transformers. Because of their significance, we present a fairly extensive overview of these models in the Appendix at the end of the paper. A general characteristic of most existing hysteresis models is their sophistication and complexity. This may slow down the computer simulation of transients. A careful examination of the rationale for the representation of hysteresis in transformer models and of the plots showing results of measurements of dynamic hysteresis has lead us to the conclusion that a very simple hysteresis model could be adequate for achieving the correct representation of the attenuation of transients that can be attributed to hysteresis. We are thus in the position of presenting a simple and efficient hysteresis model to supplement the fairly complete transformer model we have previously described 111. We make from the outset the following clarification regarding the terminology we use: the word "dynamic" in relation to hysteresis is used to indicate and emphasize that the phenomena are history 94 SM 407-7 PWRD A p a p e r recommended and a p p r o v e d by t h e IEEE T r a n s f o r m e r s Committee of t h e IEEE Power E n g i n e e r i n g S o c i e t y f o r p r e s e n t a t i o n a t t h e IEEE/PES 1994 Summer Meeting, San F r a n c i s c o , CA, July 24 1994. M a n u s c r i p t s u b m i t t e d August 20, 1993; a v a i l a b l e for p r i n t i n g A p r i l 20, 1994. - 28, made dependent, rather than to include - as done in many classical texts the effects of eddy currents in the laminations. Review of Existing Models There are basically three types of vaguely defined approaches and originators in modeling of hysteresis in ferromagnetic materials. In the first group we have the physicists. They primarily look at the physical properties of the material, i.e., domain alignments, wall movements, spin rotations, etc. In the second group are those working in machine designing based on electromagnetic fields. They prefer a macroscopic description of hysteresis using mathematical models to predict the B-H curve but without completely neglecting the physics of the material. In the third group we have power system engineers. They need equivalent circuits to be introduced in existing computer programs. Their base for modeling is the B-H curve obtained by tests. The circuits should predict the losses in transient and steady state conditions. The purpose of the paper is to contribute to this last approach. The bibliographic review presented in the Appendix is mainly devoted to models of the second two groups and especially to the last one, after 1970. Most of the publications pre-1970 can be found in the references of 131. In the following we introduce, justify, and describe the new hysteresis model. Then we show its effects on different types of transformer transients. DYNAMIC HYSTERESIS MODELING Fundamental Remarks Hysteresis is a very complex phenomenon. Curves showing the dynamic relation between B and H illustrate that the hysteresis related component Hhys, of the magnetic field intensity H is strongly dependent on the magnetization history. In figure 1 we show a measured hysteresis characteristic showing minor loops taken from reference [26], Figure 7. It is not our purpose to analyze or describe this problem. We make however two basic observations relative to the problem of hysteresis as it applies to power transformers: As a result of technological improvements, the iron core laminations have at present much reduced losses compared to past constructions. These are generally only a fraction of one percent (based on transformer rating). Therefore, the figures that describe hysteresis should be viewed as having increased scales for H in order to exhibit the details; when, however, the magnetization curve is displayed with a sufficient portion of the saturated branches, then the hysteresis loops narrow down to a very thin strip so that their details become immaterial and only the associated losses and attenuation remain relevant for the simulation of transients (see Figure 2). Figure 6 of reference [26] presents a measured full cycle that shows the described features (very narrow cycle). Therefore, in what follows, we shall focus primarily on an adequate reproduction of the hysteresis related losses and give preference to simplicity over precision as the latter has only negligible influence on the magnitude of the magnetizing current. Magnetizing curves have branches with asymptotically finite slopes at increasing flux densities. It may therefore appear that hyperbolic approximations [12] would be the most appropriate for their fitting. While they have been examined in great detail and implemented for the modeling of hysteresis loops [54], they do not have a flexibility comparable to polynomial approximations for improved fitting of the magnetization characteristic. Since, as discussed above, the precise representation of hysteresis loops is not of primordial importance, full freedom remains for the representation of the basic magnetization curve, including polynomial fitting. 0 0885-8977/95/$04.00 0 1994 IEEE 316 pu 0.1 r (see Figure 4;here, for better illustration the basis curve is different from that of Figure 3). Reversal means that the time derivative of B changes sign. B Figure 1. Measured magnetization curve [26] showing minor loops B B Hhyst Figure 2. Narrow hysteresis main cycle The New Dynamic Hysteresis Model In order to build our hysteresis model we have found it convenient to postulate the existence of a "basis" magnetization curve HlnrSlS =fo(B) (14 This curve is related to the standard magnetization curve for the real magnetic material (i.e., in the presence of hysteresis) through the hysteresis losses, as reflected by the model described below. It should not be identified with the magnetization curve for the idealized behavior of the same magnetic material without hysteresis. The term "basis" simply reflects the fact that in our model hysteresis effects are assumed to originate and to end on this curve. It is a "reset" curve for hysteresis before any reversal of B . Figure 4.Basic idea of hysteresis modeling (a) Hhysfcomponent to be added, equation (2a) (b) HhysIadded to basis curve, equation (2b) If at the point A there is again a reversal, we return to the basis curve fo.If the process is now duplicated with descending B , we have the loop shown in Figure 5. The resulting area of the loop is AREAlmp = Hhy.u (B -Brev) = Khysf ( B - Brev)2 (3) B As the hysteresis loop is very thin (as mentioned above), we will use a polynomial approximation for the basis curve with a very steep initial slope Himis = K,,, B + K,,, B"' + K,,, B"' (1b) In Figure 3 we show a basis curve for n, = 1 7 and n 2 = 2 1 with Klw,, = 0, K I 7 = 0.2181, and K 2 , = 0.1353 (for S.I. units; see [47]). B Figure 5. Asymmetrical loop This indicates that even in minor loops the losses are proportional toAB', see reference [ S I . In 1892 Steinmetz [56] proposed an empirical equation that relates the hysteresis losses to frequency and flux density: Figure 3. Basis curve In our model we assume that there exists a hysteresis related field intensity, proportional to the change in B from the previous reversal point: Hhyd = Khysf (B-Brev) (24 Physr = Kbss f B " (4) Steinmetz computed an exponent n = 1.6 which, however, for modem steels used in transformers varies between 1.5 and 2.5 and may not be constant [55]. Although an expression of the form (4)is not fully accurate for general use, as an approximation we have selected an exponent equal to two. 317 Consider now the symmetrical loop of Figure 6. Then Accordingly, B,w = -B (5) AREA,, = Klo, B 2 (6) (13) and (3) yields where Klom = (7) Khyst The area of (6) corresponds to the hysteresis losses with symmetrical magnetization. Values of Klms are available from measurements. Thus we also know .j+F B +B IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HYSTERESIS MODEL Due to the model's simplicity, the computer implementation is straightforward. It is based on equation (2b). We start by computing Kloss from hysteresis loss measurements. Then, for a given approximation (11) of the magnetization curve, we use (13) to obtain KbaaS. For time simulations one only needs to keep track of B for the present time and the two previous integration steps. Using a very simple logic (only one ifstatement) one can control the program flow. If the direction of the change in B is unchanged (i.e., the point where we are is not a reversal point), we continue using equation (2b). When a reversal point is encountered, then we first reset H of (2b) to Hlxlsls and continue with equation (2b). What we do at a reversal point is, geometrically s-g, displacing the operating point horizontally to the basis curve (see Figure 5). The displacement at reversal points is horizontal in our case, consistently with the asymptotes of the polynomial describing the saturation characteristics, but primarily for simplicity. In a transformer model the above procedure is implemented in all magnetic branches, including those possibly used in the discretized representation of the laminations for the purpose of eddy current modeling [l]. However, the focus of the following simulations is on the effect of hysteresis itself. In order to illustrate how the model works, we present in Figure 8 the simulation of an iron core driven by a sinusoidal voltage source with increasing amplitude. Figure 8a shows the excitation voltage and Figure 8b shows the response when the iron core has no remanent magnetization. Figure 6. Symmetrical loop If symmetrical loops of different amplitude are repeated, we get the picture of Figure 7. This appears to be a generalization of idealized hysteresis loops presented in the literature. In [57], for example, straight line loops are proposed (Fig. 2.21), similar to those in the central, unsaturated part of Figure 7. Such idealized, symmetrical hysteresis loops shown in the literature are, however, the starting point for simulations, while in the approach of the paper they are the result of a more general, dynamic model (equation 2a) valid for any type of transient and not restricted to linear magnetization curves. I B B H Figure 8. Dynamic hysteresis model (a) Excitation voltage; (b) Model response SIMULATION RESULTS In this section we perform a number of transient studies to find the effect of including hysteresis in the simulations. To start, we note Figure 7. Symmetrical loops By definition, the magnetization curve H =f (B) (9) is the locus of the return points A and A' in Figure 7. It is obtained from fo of (1) by adding Hhysf of (2a) corresponding to 2B, according to (5): Hhysf = Khp' however that only transients involving a single winding may lead to dominance of iron core phenomena. This excludes all "longitudinal" transients. Moreover, even in open circuit, at high frequencies the magnetizing flux will be small and, therefore, modeling of both saturation and hysteresis becomes unimportant. Consequently, only a few situations which are suspected to remain of significance (although there may be more) are analyzed below. (10) Inrush Currents This yields H = Hhns + KhYd 2B = K , B + Kn,B"' + Kn,Bn' (11) where, by (7), K 1 = Khsis + 2Khys~=K h i s + Kloss 2 (12) When a transformer is energized, a large (inrush) current may be drawn from the source. There are a great number of references dealing with this problem; see, for example, the book by Greenwood [58]or reference [59]. To illustrate the effect of hysteresis in the inrush current, we use the simplest representation for the source, i.e., an ideal sinusoidal voltage source with constant amplitude. In Figure 9 we present the simulation of the inrush current for phase C of the three- 318 phase three-legged transformer presented in reference [ 11. The figure actually shows two cases: with and without hysteresis in the simulation. We note that there is no difference between the two cases in the magnitude and damping of the inrush current. current [AI distortion due to saturation. As the transient attenuates, the contours describe more perfect ellipses, corresponding to non-saturated conditions. loo00 5000 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 time [ s ] Figure 9. Inrush current with and without hysteresis We believe, the explanation of this negative result is as follows: if we imagine the circuit representation of hysteresis as a resistance in parallel with the inductor, then the voltage source will absorb directly the losses caused by hysteresis. Since the magnitude of the inrush current is only dependent of how much the material becomes saturated, the effect of hysteresis is important solely in establishing the point from where the flux starts building up. From our simulations we conclude: Hysteresis does not add noticeable damping to the inrush current. 0 Hysteresis only affects the magnitude of the inrush current when there is remanent magnetization (which sets the initial condition). voltage Figure 11. Flux versus voltage (of Figure loa) The differences in the amount of damping seen in the simulations of Figure 10 can be explained by examining a periodic oscillation. Then the voltage (gradient) is related to the flux density by E=wB (14) Our model predicts the correct losses, proportional to B and f. Thus, according to (4), p,, = K ' h s w B 2 (where KIIoss = K,,, /(27~)). From (14) and (15) we have (15) 0 Magnetizing Current Chopping The losses in a constant resistance are The chopping of magnetizing currents may lead to large transient overvoltages. This subject has also received very much attention in the literature; see for example [58], [60] and [61]. In this section we analyze the effects that hysteresis has in the disconnection of a transformer. The magnetizing current is abruptly chopped by a circuit breaker before its zero crossing, leaving a capacitance C ( = lo-'' F) connected at the terminals of the transformer of [ 11. In Figure 10 we show the transient voltage (without restrikes) when the starting point is well into saturation. Figure 10a corresponds to the simulation with the hysteresis model presented in this paper. We can observe that as the amplitude decreases, the frequency of the oscillations becomes smaller, as expected. If the damping due to hysteresis is represented by a shunt resistance calculated from the losses at 60 Hz, then the transient is excessively damped. If, on the other hand, we increase the value of the shunt resistance to give the correct damping at the highest frequency of the transient, then the damping is insufficient at lower frequencies; the results are shown in Figure lob. terminal voltage i From our observations we conclude: Hysteresis has a significant effect in the damping of transients due to magnetizing current chopping. 0 For the calculation of electromagnetic transients, hysteresis losses cannot be adequately represented by a constant resistance connected in parallel with the nonlinear inductance. 0 Ferroresonance (a) terminal voltage (b) 0 From (16) and (17) we see that for a given sinusoidal voltage the hysteresis losses vary inversely proportional with frequency, while for a shunt resistance the losses do not depend on frequency. To properly represent the hysteresis losses the equivalent resistance should be 5 The phenomenon is a series resonance between the nonlinear inductor of an iron core transformer and the capacitance of the cable connected to it [58]. A very large voltage can appear across the inductor or capacitor even if the applied voltage is within reasonable bounds. There has been a considerable amount of work in this area; see for example the recent publications [62]-[64]. The circuit for the analysis is shown in Figure 12. 10 time [ms] Figure 10. Transient following magnetizing current chopping (a) Damping due to hysteresis model (b) Damping due to high frequency equivalent resistance Figure 12. Circuit for the study of ferroresonance Discussion The frequency variation of the transient voltage is due to the fact that the effective inductance of the transformer varies with the saturation conditions. In saturation the inductance is smaller giving faster transient oscillations. Figure 11 gives the phase portrait (flux versus voltage) for the transient of Figure 10a. We note that the extemal contours, corresponding to the beginning of the transient, reflect the Often, the situation in which ferroresonance occurs [62], [64] is when one or two phases of the feeder to an open-circuited transformer are disconnected from the supply source so that the capacitance to ground of these conductors appears in series with the magnetizing inductance of the transformer. The winding involved may have any connection, but if it has a star point, it should be isolated from ground. Any load or loss-producing element may prevent the appearance of a resonance condition. 319 Since the circuit of Figure 12 has no unique natural frequency (see Figure lo), one cannot analyze the phenomenon of ferroresonance using the simple concepts and approaches applied to the examination of resonance in linear circuits. In particular, one cannot separate a transient part from a steady state solution. The latter may not even exist and when it does it may and will often take many seconds (real, not simulation time), or even longer, to reach it. This long duration dynamic is very complex and extremely sensitive to small variations of all parameters of the problem. These include: C, V, the initial conditions (which can be considered as contributors to the initial stored energy in the system), and last but not least, the damping due to resistances and hysteresis. While all our simulations eventually converged to a periodic steady state, with or without subharmonics, the long duration transient has often shown significant overvoltages, multiples of the peak of the source voltage. Therefore, the reliable simulation of ferroresonance is of great practical importance. Since we are dealing with a transient, it is inaccurate to assign a single frequency to it. Often subharmonic oscillations of different orders have been noticed in our simulations; see, for example, Figure 13. These results were obtained with the transformer used above for v = 100sin(ol) and C = F. However, due to space limitations we can only show a single sample of the many interesting results we have obtained. Figure 14 represents the peak values of the voltage oscillations across the capacitance in Figure 12, as a function of time. It corresponds to the transient shown in Figure 13 for a ten times longer time. A subharmonic of order 2 is clearly visible during most of the transient. This type of display is similar to those in [62] and is also related to the ideas of Poincar6 sections, except that here we show maximum values (rather than periodically taken samples) because of their practical importance. We emphasize the significance of the special display used in our analysis: it gives directly the maximum values relevant for insulation coordination while any regular patterns can also be distinguished. capacitor voltage 0 [VI -500 I I 0 0.05 I 0.1 I 0.15 time [SI Figure 13. Ferroresonant voltage 1 . I simulations as in Figures 14 and 15a with ICfms varied over a reasonable range, by displaying only the maxima of the peak values, i.e., their upper envelope. 8004 I . capacitor voltage [VI capacitor voltage [VI Figure 15. Ferroresonance with (a) hysteresis, (b) resistance damping CONCLUSIONS The paper describes a simple procedure for the representation of hysteresis in the laminations of power transformers for the simulation of electromagnetic transients. The model produces losses proportional to frequency and to the square'of the flux density, as expected from measurements. The main characteristics of the model are, besides its simplicity, the fact that it is dynamic (i.e., it is not restricted to symmetrical hysteresis loops or, in fact, any closed loops at all), and that it can be applied to any magnetization characteristic (described by polynomial, hyperbolic, or other types of functions). It deforms insignificantly the magnetization characteristic and affects a transient only through the incurred damping. While the damping can be obtained by an equivalent parallel resistance, the frequency dependence of the two is different. Therefore, in cases where the dynamics of the phenomena is very sensitive to the losses and to speed and frequency, as in studies of ferroresonance and magnetizing current chopping, the dynamic modeling of hysteresis appears to be particularly important. We have found, however, that hysteresis does not add damping to the inrush currents. This indicates that the mere existence of losses may be of no practical importance in situations where they are directly covered from the power source. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 04 . I 0 I 0.5 I 1 I Financial support by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada is gratefully acknowledged. The 6rst author wishes to express his gratitude to the Instituto Politknico Nacional, Mexico, for the study leave at the University of Toronto. 1.5 time [SI Figure 14. Maxima of the voltage of Figure 13 Since under transient conditions an equivalent resistance for the representation of hysteresis losses, chosen for the single frequency of 60Hz, is inadequate, it was suspected that the simulation of fenoresonance, under otherwise equal conditions, would give different results with a hysteresis model than with an "equivalent" resktance. Figure 15a shows that indeed with hysteresis damping the simulation converges to a voltage of 6 0 H z base frequency, while with an equivalent resistance (for 60 Hz), the steady state voltage, shown in Figure 15b. has a base frequency of 30 Hz (subharmonic of order 2). These simulations were obtained using the same transformer, as above, with C = and v =245sin(wi). We conclude by noting that even a small change in the hysteresis loss coefficient Kfms may significantly change the results. For practical purposes it is therefore useful to condense the results of APPENDIX Review of Existing Models References 121 to 153) represent a list of the most cited (or used) publications. It is of course not exhaustive. The first classic model for the prediction of hysteresis was by Preisach 121 in the 1930's. In this model materials are comprised by a number of magnetic dipoles each one exhibiting a square loop. Many researchers have followed Preisach's approach. It is the preferred approach of those developing finite elements programs. In 1970 Chua and Stromsmoe [3] presented the first attempt for the computer modeling of hysteresis with an electric circuit. Their model consists of a nonlinear resistor in parallel with a nonlinear inductor following a series of complicated function compositions. In 1971 Swift I41 states that eddy current losses are much more important than hysteresis losses for power transformers. Bouc (51 in 1971 presents a form of functional to give a mathematicaldescription of hysteresis. Chua and Bass [61 improve on the model of reference 131 in 1972 to account for the d.c. loop with a still more complicated model. In 1974 (hinay et al. [7] resent static, dynamic and transient models based on the theory of reisach 121. 'Ihe static model is obtainedfrom the magnetization curve and the largest static hysteresis loop they could measure. The dynamic model is suitable for steady state a.c. conditions. Although, there are no details for their P' 320 transient model, the authors admit that while it works very accurately for steady state simulations, transient conditions are calculated with limited accuracy. Nakra and Barton 181 in the same year proposed a transformer model where the hysteresis is represented as a number of closely spaced trajectories experimentally determined. Teape et al. 191 proposed in 1974 a model derived from experiments. Charap [lo], also in 1974, proposed a two branch circuit with linear resistances and nonlinear inductances. This model is derived from movement of domain walls at 180" and 90". In the same year, Wright and Cameiro [ 1 11 developed a hysteresis model for current transformers. I n 1975 Semlyen and C'astro 1121 proposed a hyperbolic model for saturation that, when shifted in two directions (parallel to the saturated slope), gives a representation of hysteresis. Also in 1975 Yamashita et al. 1131 decompose the hysteresis cycle into several backlash elements with saturation. This model is suitable for the representation of minor loops but it is rather complicated since every segment is represented by a different equation. In the transfoniier model for the simulation of transients developed by Dommel (161 in 1975 the hysteresis characteristics are represented by a fundamental frequency cycle. Talukdar and Bailey I171 in 1976 propose a transient model for hysteresis following two families of curves "uppers" and "downers". Jufer and Apostolides 1181. in 1976, obtain a transient and steady state model for saturation with a rational function of order one. The hysteresis model is obtained by displacing the curve and modifying the constants. Some more complicated functions are used for curved regions. In reference I191 O'Kelly (1977) presents an exponential function for the modeling of the hysteresis loop. Janssens 1201, also in 1977, uses a family of curves fitted to experimental results. C'oulson et al. (211 presented in 1977 another exponential model (more complicated) derived from the theory of Preisach 121. Newbury 1221 and 1231, in 1978 and 1979, presents a hysteresis loop model for 3% grain-oriented silicon steel with square shape. His model includes minor loops and is relatively simple. Hannalla and Macdonald 1241, in 1980, propose a formula for the prediction of hysteresis which gives good results in the calculation of inrush currents. Del Vecchio 1251, in 1980, developed a complicated model for hysteresis based on the theory of Preisach 121 for non-oriented electrical steel laminations. The model of Talukdar and Bailey (171 was improved by Dick and Watson 1261, in 1981. They propose two models based on observations derived from tests. One model is based on hyperbolic functions and the other one uses several branches in series with current sources. Rivas et al. 1271, in 1981, present a model as a rational function and get two curve families (one going up and another going down). Also in 1981, Stein 128) presents a transformer model for the calculation of transients using differential permeability. Ivanoff 1'191, in the same year, developed a model for hysteresis based on circulation d e s related to four different paths of the major hysteresis loop. In reference (301, Rahani et al. present a hysteresis model for hard magnetic materials. Del Vecchio 1311, in 1982, presents a model of hysteresis that is suitable for calculation of fields using finite elements. In 1982, Saito 1321 shows three-dimensional finite elements field calculations using a hysteresis model similar to Cha's 131. Savini 1331 used a piecewise linear representation of hysteresis in finite element calculations. Burais and Grellet 1341, in 1982, present a rational function for the hysteresis modeling and its application for finite differences and finite elements. Frame et al. 1351 in 1982, present a hysteresis model that is useful for transient calculations and the model is included into the EMTP. This model is a modification of the model by Talukdar (171. Avila and Alvarado [36], also in 1982, present a transient model for the iron core using the model proposed by Dick and Watson 1261 consisting of current sources connected in series with the branches of a Foster circuit for the representation of hysteresis. Zaher and Shobeir I371 present a model for analog computer simulations which is similar to Talukdar's ( 171. Jiles and Atherton 1381, in 1983, present a model derived from the physical properties, i.e., magnetic dipoles, wall motions, domain rotations, etc. Saito et al. 1391 present more results of their previous work 1321. Jiles and Atherton 1401, in 1984, present a more detailed paper of their previous work 1381. In 1985, Mahinoud and Whitehead 1421 perfonii a piecewise curve fitting of the magnetization characteristics. In reference 1411 PNS~Y aid Rao, in 1984, present an analytical expression obtained from the saturation curve and the no-load test. Udpa and Lord 1431 use a Fourier descriptor for the representation of hysteresis. Ewart 1441, in 1986, proposed a transformer transient model where the hysteresis is composed by infinitesimal dead-bands with saturation as hard limits. Green and Gross 1451, in 1988, present a model for hysteresis in the study of harmonics which consists of four exponentials. Rajakovic and Semlyen 1471. in 1989, use a polynomial for the representation of hysteresis in the harmonic domain. Joosten et al. 1481, in 1990, show a very simple model consisting of straight lines with two slopes. The authors claim that in spite of its simplicity, more elaborate models have not shown better correlations with measurements. In 1989, Lin et al. 1461 present a model with (so called) consuming functions. Their steady state representation of hysteresis is presented in reference [SI] in 1991. The most recent attempt for hysteresis modeling is by Dolinar et al. 1521 in 1993. They use Ewart's approach (441 to constmct a transformer transient model together with a polynomial approximation for hysteresis. Finally, in a recent paper 1531 Marcki, Nistri and Zecca, in 1993, review from a niatheniatical point of view the existing models for hysteresis m various areas of engeneering, physics and mathematics. They provide a complementary list of references starting from 1897. 111 I21 I31 141 I51 I61 171 181 I91 1101 1111 [ 121 1131 [ 141 1151 161 171 181 [ 191 1201 [21] (221 I231 1241 REFERENCES F de Leon and A. Semlyen, "Com lete Transformer Model for W M 053-9 PWRD presented Electromagnetic Transients", paper No. at the 1993 IEEEPES Winter Meeting. F. Preisach, "Uber die magnetische Nachwirkung", Zeitschrift der Pliysik 1935.94, pp. 277-302. L.O. Chua and K.A. 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O'Kelly, "Simulation of Transient and Steady-State Magnetisation CXaracteristics with Hysteresis", IEE Proceedings, Vol 124, No. 6, June 1977, pp. 578-582. N. Janssens, "Static Models of Magnetic Hysteresis", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-13, No. 5, September 1977, pp. 1379-1381. M.A. Coulson, R.D. Slater, and R.R.S. Simpson, "Representation of Magnetic Characteristics, including Hysteresis, using Preisach' s Theory", IEE Proceedings, Vol 124, No. 10, October 1977, pp. 895-898. R.A. Newbury, "Prediction of Magnetization Hysteresis for Oriented Silicon Steel", Electric Power Applications, May 1978, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 60-64. R.A. Newbury, "Prediction of Magnetization Hysteresis b o p s for Distorted Wave Forms", Electric Power Applications, April 1979, Vol. 2, NO.2, pp. 46-50. A.Y. Hannalla and D.C. Macdonald, "Representation of Soft Magnetic Materials", IEE Proceedings, Vol 127, Pt. A, No. 6, July 1980, pp. 386391. f3 321 R.M. Del Vecchio, "An Efficient Procedure for Modeling Complex (471 N. Rajakovic and A. Semlyen, "Harmonic Domain Analysis of Field Variables Related to Eddy Current and Hysteresis Losses in Saturated Hysteresis Processes in Ferromagnetic Materials", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-16, No. 5, September 1980, pp. 809-811. Laminations", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 4, No. 2, April 1 9 8 9 , ~1111-1116. ~. E.P. Dick and W. Watson, "Transformer Models for Transient Studies Based on Field Measurements", IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus 1481 A.P.B. Joosten, J. Anillaga, C.P. Amold, and N.R. Watson, "Simulation and Systems, Vol. PAS-100, NO. 1, January 1 9 8 1 , ~409-419. ~. of HVDC System Disturbances with References to the Magnetizing History of the Converter Transformers", IEEE Transactions on Power J. Rivas, J.M. Zamarro, E. Martin, and C. Pereira, "Sim le Delivery, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1990, pp. 330-336. Approximation for Magnetization Curves and Hysteresis Loops", IEgE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-17, No. 4, July 1981, pp. 14981491 I. J. Binard and I.J. Maun, "Power Transformer Simulation Including Inrush Currents and Internal Faults", IMACS - TC1'90 Nancy, pp. 57-62. 1502. B. Stein, "A Transformer Model for Electromagnetic Transients [SO] I. J. Binard and I.J. Maun, "Hysteresis Model for Power Transformer Programs", Proc. 7th PSCC, pp. 900-904, July 1981. Transients Simulation Program", IMACS - TC1'90 Nancy, pp. 539-544. I). Ivanoff, "Simulation of Magnetic Hysteresis by Algorithms Based on [51] C.E. Lin, C.L. Chen, and C.L. Huang, "Hysteresis CXaracteristic Analysis of Transformer Under Different Excitations Using Real Time Circulation Rules", Proc. 7th PSCC, pp. 1204-1208, July 1981. Measurements", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 6, No. 2, M.A. Raham, M. Poloujadoff, R.D. Jackson, J. Perard, and S.D. Gowda, April 1991, pp. 873-879. "Improved Algorithms for Digital Simulation of Hysteresis Processes in Semi Hard Magnetic Materials", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Vol. [52] D. Dolinar, J. Philer, and B. Grcar, "Dynamic Model of a Three-phase MAG-17, No. 6, November 1981, pp. 3253-3255. power Transformer", paper No. 93 W M 048-9 PWRD presented at the 1993 IEEEPES Winter Meeting. R.M. Del Vecchio, "The Inclusion of Hysteresis Processes in a Special Class of Electromagnetic Finite Element Calculations", IEEE [53] J.W. Macki, P. Nistri, and P. Zecca, "Mathematical Models for Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-18, No. 1, January 1982, pp. Hysteresis", Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, SIAM Review Vol. 35, No. 1. March 1993, pp. 94-123. 275-284. Y. Saito, "Three-Ihensional Analysis of Magnetic Fields in (541 R.A.I. Roth, "Computer Model for Simulation of Transients in an Iron Electromagnetic Devices Taken into Account the Dynamic Hysteresis Core Inductor", M.A.Sc. Thesis, University of Toronto, 1979. Loop", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAGIS, No. 2, March 1551 M.I.T., "Magnetic Circuits and Transformers",The M.I.T. Press, 1943. 1982, pp. 546-551. 1561 C.P. Steinmetz, "On the Law of Hysteresis", AIEE Transactions, No. 9, A. Savini, "Modelling Hysteresis Loops for Finite Element Magnetic 1892, pp. 3-51. Field Calculations", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-18, No. 2, March 1982, pp. 552-557. 1571 V. Miguhn, V. Medvedev, E. Mustel, and V. Parygin, "Basic 7heory of Oscillations", Mir Publishers Moscow, 1978, pp. 66-67. N. Burais and G. Grellet, "Numerical Modelling of Iron Losses in Ferromagnetic Steel Plate", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. [5S] A. Greenwood, "Electrical Transients in Power Systems", Second Edition, John Willey, 1991. MAG-18, NO. 2, March 1982, pp. 558-562. J.G. Frame, N. Mohan, and T. Liu, "Hysteresis Modeling in an Electro[59] I). Povh and W. Schultz, "Analysis of Ovewoltages Caused by Magnetic Transient Program", IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Currents", IEEE Transactions on Power and Systems, Vol. PAS-101, No. 9, September 1982,pp. 3403-3412. Ap ratus and Systems, Vol. PAS-97, No. 4, July/August 1978, pp. 13g1365. J. Avila-Rosales and F.L. Alvarado, "Nonlinear F uency Dependent Transformer Model for Electromagnetic Transien?hdies in Power 1601 E.J. Tuohy and J. Panek, "Chopping of Transformer Magnetizing Systems", IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. Currents, Part 1: Single-Phase Transformers", IEEE Transactions on PAS-101, No. 11, November 1982, pp. 4281-4288. Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-102, No. 5, May 1983, pp. 1106-1114. F.A.A. Zaher and A.I. Shobeir, "Analog Simulation of the Magnetic Hysteresis", IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. [61] S. Ihara, J. Panek, and E.J. Tuohy, "Chopping of Transformer PAS-102, No. 5, May 1983,pp. 1235-1239. Magnetizing Currents, Part 11: Three-Phase Transformers", IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-102, No. 5, D.C. Jiles and D.L. Atherton, "Ferromagnetic Hysteresis", IEEE May 1983,pp. 1106-1114. Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-19, No. 5, September 1983, pp. 2183-2185. . [62] B.A. Mork and D.L. Stuehm, "Application of Nonlinear Dynamics and C%aos to Ferroresonance in Distribution Systems", paper No. 93 SM , Y. Saito, H. Saotome, S . Hayano, and T. Yamamura, "Modelling of 415-0 PWRD presented at the 1993 IEEEPES Sununer Meeting. Nonlinear Inductor Exhibiting Hysteresis Loops and its Application to the Single Phase parallel Inverters", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 1631 R.A. Walling, K.D. Barker, T.M. Compton, and L.E. Zimmerman, Vol. MAG-19, No. 5, September 1983,pp. 2189-2191. "Ferroresonant Overvoltages in Grounded Wye-Wye Transformers with Low-Loss Five-Legged Silicon-Steel Cores", IEEE Transactions on 140) D.C. Jiles and D.L. Atherton, "Theory of Magnetization Process in Power Delivery, Vol. 8, No. 3, July 1993. Ferromagnets and Its Ap lication to Magnetomechanical Effect", Journal of Physics D. Applied fhysics, Vol. 17, No. 6, June 1984, pp. 1265[64] A.E.A. Araujo, A.C. Soudack, and J.R. Marti, "Ferroresonance in Power 1281. Systems: Chaotic Behaviour", IEE Proceedings, Vol 140, Pt. C, No. 3, May 1993, pp. 237-240. 141) S. Prusty and M.V.S. Rao, "A Novel Approach for Predetermination of Magnetization Characteristics of Transformers Including Hysteresis", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-20, No. 4, July 1984, pp. 607-612. Francisco de Le6n (M)was born in Mexico, in 1959. He received his B.Sc. 1421 M.O. Mahmoud and R.W. Whitehead, "Piecewise Fitting Function for degree and his M.Sc. degree (summa cum Iaude) from Instituto Polit6cnico Magnetisation Characteristics", IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus Nacional (I.P.N.), Mexico, in 1983 and 1986, respectively. From 1984 to 1987 and Systems, Vol. PAS-104, No. 7, July 1985, pp. 1822-1824. he worked as a lecturer at the same institute. He obtained the Ph.D. degree in 1991 at the University of Toronto. He continued his research there as a (431 S.S. Udpa and W. Lord, "A Fourier Descriptor Model of Hysteresis Loop Phenomena", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-21, No. 6, ostdoctoral fellow until his return to the I.P.N., Mexico, in September 1992. November 1985, pp. 2370-2373. b e is now a professor in the Graduate Division of the School of Electrical and Mechanical Engeneering. His main research interests include electromagnetic 1441 D.N. Ewart, "Digital Computer Simulation Model of a Steel Core fields and transients. Transformer", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. PWRD-1, No. 3, July 1986, pp. 174-183. Adam Semlyen (F)was born and educated in Rumania where he obtained a [45] J.D. Greene and C.A. Gross, "Nonlinear Modeling of Transformers", Dipl. Ing. degree and his Ph.D. He started his career with an electric power IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 24, No. 3, May/June utility and held an academic position at the Polytechnic Institute of Timisoara, 1988, pp. 434-438. Rumania. In 1969 he joined the University of Toronto where he is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engmeering, emeritus since 146) C.E. Lin, J.B. Wei, C.L. Huang, and C.J. Huang, "A New Method for Re resentation of Hysteresis Loops", IEEE Transactions on Power 1988. His research interests include the steady state and dynamic analysis of Defivery, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 1989, pp. 413-420. power systems, electromagnetictransients, and power system optimization.