
ECE 326 – Electronic Circuits I
Course Syllabus – Spring 2016
Office Hours:
Class Goals:
Timothy York
EB 3042
TR: 6:00 – 7:15 pm, EB 2011
See Dr. York's Website
Wei Wu
This course is all about learning the fundamentals of electronic circuits.
At the end of class, you should know:
• General characteristics of amplifiers such as gain, frequency
response, and input/output resistance
• How to analyze op-amp circuits
What a p/n junction is and why it forms the fundamental backbone
of most integrated circuits
How to analyze diode circuits
The two common types of transistors, MOSFETs and BJTs
How to design amplifiers using transistors
Make your own 9V power supply
How will we meet these goals?
• In class lectures and reading. We will be using Microelectronic Circuits, 7th
Edition by Sedra and Smith as our text for the semester. I will assign readings
from the book and give complementary lectures to the readings. There will
probably be a lot in lectures that isn't in the book, so it is very important to come
to class.
• Homework assignments from the book. Homework will be regularly
scheduled to give you a chance to practice your skills and gain a much more
intimate knowledge of the topics. As an example, it's one thing to hear me talk
about how to design a rectifier, it's another thing entirely to do it on your own
and see how changing capacitance, transformers, diode types, etc. impacts the
output voltage. To make sure you are working on the problems and giving them
proper consideration, the homework will be graded.
• Exams. We will have three exams throughout the semester to test your
individual knowledge of the subject. As engineers, many times we have to solve
problems on the fly, and this is especially true in circuit design. Being able
analyze and do back of the envelope calculations to help figure out how a circuit
works or should be designed is a common task for designers. Exams are good
practice to hone this skill.
Labs. Labs will be given that complement what we do in class/homework during
the semester. They are a chance for you to actually simulate and build some of
the circuits in class to show that I am not just making this stuff up! The labs
consist of preliminary work including SPICE simulations, the actual experiments
during the assigned lab time, and reports detailing what you did. You should
have read and have simulated the entire experiment before coming to lab. You
WILL NOT have enough time to complete the experiment if you haven't done the
pre-lab work, and the TA is under no obligation to assist you during lab time
unless you have the pre-lab complete.
Additionally, the lab station should be left clean and organized after the
experiment. This is your job, not the TA's! All parts, wires, bags, should be taken
with you at the conclusion of the lab. Turn off all instruments (unless told
otherwise). Put any equipment that you moved back in its original place,
including all probes and cables common to the lab. Take all circuits off the
CADET breadboards. If you want to keep your circuits assembled, you will need
to supply your own breadboard. The lab is shared with other classes, so any
circuit that is not taken apart at the end of lab will be, and any “Do Not Touch”
signs you leave will be disregarded. The only exception is if the breadboards
come pre-wired for power (i.e. +5, +/- V, GND), those typically can stay put.
• Final Project. You will build your own 120V AC to 9V DC power supply. You
should be able to use it to power anything that would require a 9V battery.
Grading Policy:
First Exam:
Second Exam:
Final Exam:
Homework & Labs:
Final Project:
Class Policies:
Class attendance is not mandatory, however you may be dropped from the class roster for any of the following:
Failure to attend the first scheduled class.
Missing a test or quiz without an acceptable excuse.
Missing more than 1 week of class or 6 nonconsecutive classes throughout the semester without
notifying the instructor beforehand in writing that you intend to do so.
It is your responsibility to mark your name off on any attendance sheet that is handed out in class.
Long term absences should be reported to the Office of Dean of Students (618)650-2020, which will send a
written notice to all of your instructors and save you the burden of contacting them individually.
You are expected to be in class on time. Habitual tardiness may result in the instructor asking you to to justify
your continuation in the course. Notify the instructor in writing beforehand if you have extenuating circumstances
that will consistently make you late.
Reading Assignments:
Reading assignments will be made regularly throughout the semester. It is essentiall that you read the assigned
sections by the date indicated by the instructor. Unannounced quizzes may be given that cover material in the
reading assignment.
Homework & Reports:
Homework and lab assignments will be assigned throughout the semester, They are due on the date announced.
Late submissions will not be accepted and a score of zero will be recorded. Students with excused absences will
be given a reasonable period of time to catch up on their work with no penalty.
Hand-written work to be handed in and graded must meet the following criteria:
Work must be neat, legible, and follow a logical sequence.
Use one side of the paper only.
Have your name, as it appears on the course roster, printed in the upper right-hand corner of each
Do not use paper torn from a spiral-bound notebook.
Homework hand-written on blank printer or photocopy paper will not be accepted. Use your own
paper, not paper taken from the printer trays. Used printer/photocopier paper is fine.
Avoid excessive erasures. Re-copy your work if necessary.
Unless you are artistically gifted and can draw a reasonably proportioned sketch freehand, use a
Exams & Quizzes:
No make-ups will be given for missed quizzes or exams; however, students with excused absences will not be
penalized. If for any reason you are unable to take an exam, you should, if possible, advise the instructor before
the exam. There are no make up quizzes. The percentage weightings for calculation of the course grade will be
adjusted so that any exam missed for an acceptable reason will not result in a penalty in grading. An unexcused
absence for an exam or quiz will result in a score of zero and it is possible that this will also result in you being
dropped from the class roster.
All grading will consider (but will not necessarily be limited to) use of correct theory or equation, proper
application of theory or equation, neatness, organization, necessary assumptions, mathematical correctness,
proper degree of accuracy, adequate labeling or sketches, references to design charts or tables, and correct
Partial Credit
If your proposed solution to a particular problem clearly shows that you understand all the concepts involved in
solving the problem, but you have made a minor, non-conceptual, error, such as mis-reading a dimension or
failing to convert units correctly, then you will receive partial credit for your work. Partial credit is not, however,
awarded for a proposed solution which does not demonstrate knowledge of all the concepts required to solve the
Partial credit is not negotiable. However, if a math error has been made in totaling the points on an exam or
homework please feel free to bring it to my attention.
Extra Credit
On occasion, extra credit homework and projects may be offered. These are not required and you will not be
penalized by not doing them. However, if you are concerned about your grade I strongly encourage you to work
these as they are made available. No late extra credit assignments will be accepted.
Joint Work & Outside Help:
The ability to share common interests and ideas is a valuable tool for learning. I encourage you to discuss your
homework and lab assignments with your fellow students, and to seek outside help when you do not understand
something. However, I insist you abide by two rules: First, you must always make a serious attempt to
understand the problem and a reasonable attempt to solve it by yourself. Second, you must completely
understand your solution method for whatever you turn in; I may challenge you to explain it. If you do not
understand your own solution any credit you may have received on the assignment will be revoked and you will
not be given any credit for the homework or lab problem, even if the answer you have written is correct.
Furthermore, plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated in any form and the strongest penalties will be
imposed. The following description is taken from the Student Academic Code:
The University gives high priority to matters of academic ethics and abhors all types of cheating, including plagiarism.
Plagiarism is the act of representing the work of another as one's own and may consist of copying, paraphrasing, or
otherwise using written or oral work of another without proper acknowledgment of the source or presenting oral or written
material prepared by another as ones own. Instructors may impose sanctions for academic cheating in accordance with the
Student Academic Code. The minimum penalty for academic misconduct beyond failure for an assignment and/or for a
course is disciplinary probation.
Plagiarism also includes taking material from a web site and submitting it as part of a report or assignment,
without acknowledging the source of the information.
Some things in this syllabus may change as the semester proceeds. Any such changes
will be discussed in class.
Chapter 1: Amplifier Concepts
Chapter 1: Amplifier Concepts, Chapter 2: Op-Amps
Chapter 2: Op-Amps
Chapter 2: Op-Amps, Chapter 3: Semiconductor Physics
Chapter 3: Semiconductor Physics
Exam 1 (Ch. 1 and 2), Chapter 3: Semiconductor Physics
Chapter 4: Diodes
Chapter 4: Diode Circuits
Chapter 4: Diode Circuits, Chapter 5: MOSFETs
Chapter 5: MOSFETs
Chapter 6: BJTs
Exam 2 (Ch. 3, 4 & 5), Chapter 6: BJTs
Chapter 6: BJTs, Chapter 7: Transistor Amplifiers
Chapter 7: Transistor Amplifiers
Chapter 7: Transistor Amplifiers
Exam 3 (Ch 6 & 7)
LTSpice Tutorial
Exp. #12: Introduction to LTSpice and Voltage Dividers
Exp. #10 (1-4): Characterization of Op-Amp Circuits, Part I
Exp. #10 (5-7): Characterization of Op-Amp Circuits, Part II
Exp. #3: Silicon Diodes
Exp. #5: Half-Wave Rectifiers
Exp. #7: Diode Applications
Exp. #9: Field-Effect Transistors
Exp. #8: Bipolar Transistors
Design Your Own Lab
Work on Final Project
Work on Final Project
Final Project Demo