Atmospheric Research 91 (2009) 316–325 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Atmospheric Research j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / a t m o s Analysis of microsecond- and submicrosecond-scale electric field pulses produced by cloud and ground lightning discharges Amitabh Nag ⁎, Brian A. DeCarlo, Vladimir A. Rakov Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, P.O. Box 116130, Gainesville, FL 32611-6130, USA a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 24 October 2007 Accepted 29 January 2008 Keywords: Lightning Electric field Cloud discharge Cloud-to-ground discharge Submicrosecond-scale pulses Microsecond-scale pulses a b s t r a c t We examined microsecond- and submicrosecond-scale pulses in electric field records of cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning discharges acquired in summer 2006, in Gainesville, Florida. A total of 12 cloud and 12 ground flashes were analyzed in detail, with the electric field record length being 96 or 200 ms and sampling interval being 4 or 10 ns. The majority of pulses in both cloud and ground discharges analyzed in this study were associated with the initial breakdown process and were relatively small in amplitude and duration. The typical durations were an order of magnitude smaller than tens of microseconds characteristic of “classical” preliminary breakdown pulses. We estimated that 26% of the pulses in the 12 cloud discharges and 22% of the pulses in the 12 cloud-to-ground discharges had total durations less that 1 µs. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Cloud discharges can be viewed as being composed of an early or active stage and a late or final stage. The beginning of a cloud discharge is typically marked by the largest microsecondscale pulses in its wideband electric field record that are presumably related to the flash initiating breakdown process. The typical total pulse duration of individual initial breakdown pulses is in the range of 50 to 80 µs with typical interpulse interval of 600 to 800 µs (Rakov et al., 1996). Microsecond-scale pulses in cloud discharges were analyzed by Villanueva et al. (1994), although pulses that were smaller than 12.5% of the average amplitude of the five largest pulses in a flash (in some flashes there were hundreds of them) were not included in the analysis. In the present study, we extend the work of Villanueva et al. (1994) to additionally include these smaller pulses by examining their total duration, amplitude, and occurrence. Additionally, our sampling interval of 10 ns (for cloud discharges) versus 500 ns in Villanueva et al.'s (1994) study allowed us to include submicrosecond-scale pulses in the analysis. Examined here are pulses occurring primarily during the early stage of cloud flashes. The final stage of cloud flashes ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 352 392 4240. E-mail address: (A. Nag). 0169-8095/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2008.01.014 generally could not be examined due to limited record length (200 ms for cloud discharges). In cloud-to-ground discharges, a predominantly bipolar pulse train sometimes appears a few to several tens of milliseconds before the first return-stroke. This pulse train is commonly attributed to preliminary (initial) breakdown and hence referred to as the preliminary breakdown pulse train. The typical total pulse duration of individual pulses in the train is 20 to 40 µs with typical interpulse interval in the range of 70 to 130 µs (Rakov et al., 1996). In this paper, we examine only pulses occurring prior to the first return-stroke pulse, most of which were associated with the preliminary breakdown pulse train. 2. Instrumentation and methodology The data used in this study were acquired during summer 2006 in Gainesville, Florida. A total of 12 cloud discharges and 12 negative cloud-to-ground discharges with a relatively large number of pulses within the length of the record (96 or 200 ms) were selected for analysis. Using thunder ranging and the characteristic features of return-stroke electric field waveforms at known distances in the 50 to 250 km range (Pavlick et al., 2002; Fig. 5), we estimated that the majority of our records are due to lightning discharges occurring at distances ranging from a few to about a hundred kilometers. A. Nag et al. / Atmospheric Research 91 (2009) 316–325 Table 1 Categorization of pulses according to normalized amplitude Normalized pulse amplitude Category ≤0.25 N 0.25 and ≤ 0.5 N 0.5 and ≤0.75 N 0.75 and ≤ 1.0 Very small Small Medium Large The electric field measuring system included a circular flatplate antenna followed by an integrator and a unity-gain, highinput-impedance amplifier. The antenna was installed on the roof of a three-storey building on the University of Florida Campus. A Nicolet ISOBE 3000 fiber-optic link was used to transmit signals from the antenna and associated electronics to a LeCroy 8-bit digitizing oscilloscope. The system had a useful frequency bandwidth of 16 Hz to 10 MHz, the lower and upper limits being determined by the instrumentation RC decay time 317 constant and the amplifier, respectively. The instrumentation decay time constant (τ = 9.9 ms) was long enough for faithful reproduction of microsecond- and submicrosecond-scale pulses examined here. The sampling interval was 4 or 10 ns. Each electric field record was examined using different time windows (mostly tens of microseconds). Only pulses with peak-to-peak amplitudes equal to or exceeding twice that of the local average noise level were considered. All detected pulses were classified depending on their polarity (positive or negative) and detectable opposite polarity overshoot (bipolar or unipolar). 3. Analysis and discussion 3.1. Cloud discharges The peak-to-peak amplitude of each bipolar pulse and zero-to-peak amplitude of each unipolar pulse in a particular Fig. 1. Electric field record of cloud flash 05/24/06_299. Fig. 2. Examples of (a) “classical” and (b) “narrow” pulses in the early stage of cloud discharges analyzed in this study. 318 A. Nag et al. / Atmospheric Research 91 (2009) 316–325 Fig. 3. Occurrence of pulses of different amplitude in different parts of cloud flash whose electric field record is shown in Fig. 1. cloud discharge was normalized with respect to that of the largest pulse in the flash. Pulses were grouped into four different categories depending upon the value of its normalized amplitude as shown in Table 1. The time at which the pulse having the largest peak-to-peak amplitude in a particular flash occurred was relabeled as the zero of the time scale (t = 0) and positions of all other pulses on the time axis were determined with respect to it. For each of the 12 cloud discharges the following characteristics were examined: • Occurrence of pulses of different amplitude in different parts of the flash (its early stage, to be exact). • Occurrence of pulses of different total duration in different parts of the flash. Fig. 4. Occurrence of pulses of different total duration in different parts of cloud flash whose electric field record is shown in Fig. 1. A. Nag et al. / Atmospheric Research 91 (2009) 316–325 319 Fig. 5. Histogram of pulse amplitude for four different types of pulses in the cloud flash whose electric field record is shown in Fig. 1. • Statistical distribution of pulse amplitude. • Statistical distribution of total pulse duration. Fig. 1 shows an example of the measured electric field waveform of a cloud discharge. In addition to “classical” initial breakdown pulses (see Fig. 2a) having durations of the order of tens of microseconds, “narrow” pulses, defined here as those having durations less than or equal to 4 µs (see Fig. 2b), were also observed. Figs. 3–6 show results of the analysis for the flash shown in Fig.1. Typically, the majority of the pulses in a flash were found to be small or very small in amplitude and having durations less than or equal to 4 µs. Also, pulses with durations less than or equal to 4 µs (including submicrosecond-scale pulses) were found to occur both before and after the largest pulse in the flash. Table 2 summarizes the occurrence of smaller and narrower pulses in the 12 selected cloud discharges. We Fig. 6. Histogram of total pulse duration for four different types of pulses in the cloud flash whose electric field record is shown in Fig. 1. 320 A. Nag et al. / Atmospheric Research 91 (2009) 316–325 Table 2 Summary of occurrence of smaller and narrower pulses in the 12 selected cloud discharges Flash ID Total number of pulses 05/24/06_49 05/24/06_52 05/24/06_54 05/24/06_57 05/24/06_226 05/24/06_299 07/17/06_555 07/17/06_559 07/17/06_565 07/21/06_1013 07/21/06_1015 07/21/06_1018 Total 105 129 187 152 183 185 124 143 49 19 23 24 1323 Number of pulses in the small and very small categories (%) Number of pulses having durations less than or equal to 4 µs (%) Bipolar Unipolar Total Bipolar Unipolar Total 85 (81) 110 (85) 135 (72) 121 (80) 119 (65) 115 (62) 74 (60) 84 (59) 21 (43) 8 (42) 7 (30) 11 (46) 890 (67) 19 (18) 15 (12) 51 (27) 29 (19) 62 (34) 62 (34) 45 (36) 54 (38) 17 (35) 2 (11) 5 (21) 5 (21) 366 (28) 104 (99) 125 (97) 186 (99) 150 (99) 181 (99) 177 (96) 119 (96) 138 (97) 38 (78) 10 (53) 12 (52) 16 (76) 1266 (96) 70 (67) 85 (66) 122 (65) 100 (66) 108 (59) 88 (48) 70 (56) 70 (49) 27 (55) 16 (84) 13 (57) 14 (59) 783 (59) 17 (16) 13 (10) 47 (25) 28 (18) 61 (33) 47 (25) 42 (34) 51 (36) 19 (39) 2 (11) 8 (35) 7 (29) 342 (26) 87 (83) 98 (76) 169 (90) 128 (84) 169 (92) 135 (73) 112 (90) 121 (85) 46 (94) 18 (95) 21 (91) 21 (88) 1125 (85) found that, for individual flashes, 52 to 99% of the pulses belonged to the small and very small amplitude categories. Further, 73 to 95% of the pulses had durations less than or equal to 4 µs. Fig. 7 shows the distribution of total durations of pulses in all the 12 cloud flashes. One can see from this Figure that 85% (1125 out of 1323) of the pulses had durations less than or equal to 4 µs, of which 70% (783 out of 1125) were bipolar, and that 26% (338 out of 1323) of the pulses had durations less than 1 µs. The arithmetic mean pulse duration was 3.5 µs, which is outside the 50–80 µs range of typical durations usually given for “classical” initial breakdown pulses in cloud discharges (e.g., Rakov and Uman, 2003). The discrepancy is apparently due to our inclusion of smaller pulses that were ignored in previous studies. We found a moderate linear correlation between the amplitude and duration of pulses (on average, the smaller the amplitude the smaller the duration). In Weidman and Krider's (1979) study only a few (2 out of 137) negative pulses had durations less than 10 µs. • Statistical distribution of pulse amplitude. • Statistical distribution of total pulse duration. Fig. 8 shows an example of the measured electric field waveform of a cloud-to-ground discharge. Similar to cloud discharges, in addition to “classical” preliminary breakdown pulses (see Fig. 9a) having durations of the order of tens of microseconds, previously not reported (to the best of our knowledge) “narrow” pulses with durations less than or equal to 4 µs (see Fig. 9b) were also observed. Figs. 10–13 show results of the analysis for the flash presented in Fig. 8. The overwhelming majority (about 93%) of the 706 pulses in the 3.2. Cloud-to-ground discharges As noted in Section 1, only pulses prior to the first return stroke in each flash were examined. The peak-to-peak amplitude of each bipolar pulse and zero-to-peak amplitude of each unipolar pulse in a particular cloud-to-ground discharge was normalized with respect to that of the largest preliminary breakdown pulse (which was also the largest pulse prior to the first return stroke) in that flash. Pulses were classified into four different categories depending upon the value of their normalized amplitude as shown in Table 1. The time at which the first return-stroke of each cloud-to-ground discharge occurred was relabeled as the zero of the time scale (t = 0) and positions of all other pulses on the time axis were determined with respect to it. For each of the 12 cloud-toground discharges the following characteristics were examined (essentially the same as for cloud discharges): • Occurrence of pulses of different amplitude in different parts of the flash (prior to the first return stroke). • Occurrence of pulses of different total duration in different parts of the flash. Fig. 7. Histogram of total duration of unipolar and bipolar pulses in 12 selected cloud discharges. A. Nag et al. / Atmospheric Research 91 (2009) 316–325 Fig. 8. Electric field record of cloud-to-ground flash 05/24/06_1078. Fig. 9. Examples of (a) “classical” and (b) “narrow” preliminary breakdown pulses in cloud-to-ground discharges analyzed in this study. 321 322 A. Nag et al. / Atmospheric Research 91 (2009) 316–325 Fig. 10. Occurrence of pulses of different amplitude prior to the first return stroke of cloud-to-ground flash whose electric field record is shown in Fig. 8. Inset shows the occurrence of pulses of different amplitude between −19.5 ms and −14 ms using bin size of 500 µs. 12 cloud-to-ground discharges examined in this study were associated with the preliminary breakdown pulse trains typically occurring tens of milliseconds before the first return-strokes of the flashes and lasting for a few milli- seconds, as seen in Figs. 10 and 11. Typically, the majority of pulses in a flash were found to be small or very small in amplitude and to have durations less than or equal to 4 µs. Also, pulses with durations less than or equal to 4 µs Fig. 11. Occurrence of pulses of different total duration prior to the first return stroke of cloud-to-ground flash whose electric field record is shown in Fig. 8. Inset shows the occurrence of pulses of different total duration between − 19.5 ms and −14 ms using bin size of 500 µs. A. Nag et al. / Atmospheric Research 91 (2009) 316–325 323 Fig. 12. Histogram of pulse amplitude for four different types of pulses in the cloud-to-ground flash whose electric field record is shown in Fig. 8. (including submicrosecond-scale pulses) were found to occur both before and after the largest pulse in the preliminary breakdown pulse train. Table 3 summarizes the occurrence of smaller and narrower pulses in the 12 selected cloud-to-ground discharges. We found that, for individual flashes, 57 to 98% of the pulses belonged to the small and very small amplitude categories. Further, 22 to 89% of the pulses had durations less than or equal to 4 µs. Fig. 14 shows the distribution of total durations of pulses in all the 12 cloud-to-ground flashes. It can be seen from this Figure that 78% (553 out of 706) of the pulses had durations less than or equal to 4 µs, of which 87% (479 out of 553) were bipolar, and that 22% (157 out of 706) of the pulses had durations less than 1 µs. The arithmetic mean Fig. 13. Histogram of total pulse duration for four different types of pulses in the cloud-to-ground flash whose electric field record is shown in Fig. 8. 324 A. Nag et al. / Atmospheric Research 91 (2009) 316–325 Table 3 Summary of occurrence of smaller and narrower pulses observed in the 12 selected cloud-to-ground discharges Flash ID Total number of pulses 05/24/06_224 05/24/06_228 05/24/06_1078 05/28/06_1152 05/28/06_1360 06/01/06_21 06/02/06_120 06/02/06_139 06/02/06_207 06/02/06_212 07/15/06_23 07/17/06_54 Total 169 27 97 23 41 44 25 72 48 65 73 22 706 Number of pulses in the small and very small categories (%) Number of pulses having durations less than or equal to 4 µs (%) Bipolar Unipolar Total Bipolar Unipolar Total 141 (83) 19 (70) 83 (86) 13 (57) 35 (85) 38 (86) 19 (76) 58 (81) 36 (75) 48 (74) 58 (79) 14 (64) 562 (80) 23 6 12 0 1 2 2 6 6 9 11 2 80 164 25 95 13 36 40 21 64 42 57 69 16 642 127 (75) 7 (26) 70 (72) 5 (22) 33 (80) 29 (66) 8 (32) 58 (81) 34 (71) 43 (66) 52 (71) 13 (59) 479 (68) 22 (13) 4 (15) 12 (12) 0 1 (2.4) 2 (4.6) 1 (4.0) 6 (8.3) 6 (13) 9 (14) 9 (12) 2 (9.1) 74 (10) 149 (88) 11 (41) 82 (85) 5 (22) 34 (83) 31 (71) 9 (36) 64 (89) 40 (83) 52 (80) 61 (84) 15 (68) 553 (78) (14) (22) (12) (0) (2.4) (4.6) (8.0) (8) (13) (14) (15) (9.1) (11) pulse duration was 4.7 µs, which is outside the 20–40 µs range of typical durations usually given for “classical” preliminary breakdown pulses in ground discharges (e.g., Rakov and Uman, 2003). Similar to cloud-discharge pulses, a moderate linear correlation was found between the amplitude and duration of pulses. In Weidman and Krider's (1979) study the minimum duration of positive pulses included in the analysis was between 10 and 15 µs versus less than 1 µs in our study. (97) (93) (98) (57) (88) (91) (84) (89) (88) (88) (95) (73) (91) both amplitude and duration. Amplitudes of these most common pulses are 50% or less than that of the largest pulse, and their durations are less than or equal to 4 µs. In contrast, total durations of “classical” initial breakdown pulses in both cloud and cloud-to-ground flashes are thought to be considerably longer, typically some tens of microseconds. A significant fraction of examined pulses (26% in cloud flashes and 22% in cloud-to-ground flashes) had total durations less than 1 µs. 4. Conclusions Acknowledgment The majority of pulses in the early stage of cloud discharges and those occurring prior to the first return stroke in cloud-to-ground discharges are typically small in This study was supported in part by NSF grant ATM0346164. Fig. 14. Histogram of total duration of unipolar and bipolar pulses in 12 selected cloud-to-ground discharges. A. Nag et al. / Atmospheric Research 91 (2009) 316–325 References Pavlick, A., Crawford, D.E., Rakov, V.A., 2002. Characteristics of distant lightning electric fields. In: Krishnasamy, S., Carpinello, G., Testa, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS). Assoc. per gli Studi sulla Qualita` dell’Energia Elet, Naples, Italy, pp. 703–707. Rakov, V.A., Uman, M.A., 2003. Lightning: Physics and Effects. Cambridge Univ. Press, New York. 325 Rakov, V.A., Uman, M.A., Hoffman, G.R., Masters, M.W., Brook, M., 1996. Bursts of pulses in lightning electromagnetic radiation: observations and implications for lightning test standards. IEEE Trans. EMC 38 (2), 156–164. Villanueva, Y., Rakov, V.A., Uman, M.A., Brook, M., 1994. Microsecond-scale electric field pulses in cloud lightning discharges. J. Geophys. Res. 99 (D7), 14,353–14,430. Weidman, C.D., Krider, E.P., 1979. The radiation field waveforms produced by intracloud lightning discharge processes. J. Geophys. Res. 84 (C6), 3159–3164.