notice to candidates - University of London International Programmes

Admission Notice
With this letter you will find your Admission Notice containing your candidate number, dates and
time of your examinations, and details of the centre where your individual examination/s will be
held. Your admission notice is the official document that permits entry to the examination room.
The notice and its attachments are therefore very important documents. You must take your
Admission Notice and photographic identification with you to each examination.
Starting times for the examinations
You should attend at the starting times notified by your local examination centre, even if
these differ slightly from those given on the Admission Notice. Your exam centre will advise on
the location of the examinations and you should consult the centre if you have any questions.
You should arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of your examination to deposit your coat
and/or other personal belongings (including all electronic devices) before taking your seat. If you
arrive more than 30 minutes late for an examination, you will be admitted, but your work will only
be accepted at the discretion of the University and you will not be given any extra time.
If you are sitting in London, the starting time and venue is shown on the Admission Notice.
Please check your Admission Notice carefully; you may be required to write your examinations
at more than one location.
Rules for Examinations
Over the page you will find the detailed rules for examinations. Please read these carefully.
Permitted Materials
If any additional materials are permitted for your examination (for example, a statute book or
calculator) a separate notification will be enclosed with this letter. If there is no Permitted
Materials List enclosed, you may bring only the necessary writing materials and your Admission
Notice into the examination room. You must not write in pencil but you will be permitted to
use a pencil for diagrams. You must not use correction fluid in the examination. All rough
work must be completed within the examination scripts and crossed through.
Mitigating circumstances, illness and other problems
Mitigating Circumstances are problems beyond a student’s control, which generally occur without
warning, and which may have negatively affected their performance in an examination. If you are
unwell or encounter other problems which you believe have affected your performance, you
should write immediately to the:-Student Assessment Office, University of London, Stewart
House, 32 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DN; email:
You must write within three weeks of the date of your last examination including a detailed
medical report made at the time of the illness and/or other relevant evidence. Any submission
received more than three weeks after your last exam will not be considered by the Board of
Examiners. Representations cannot be accepted following the release of your results.
Examination script marking
All examination scripts are marked independently by two examiners and there is no procedure to
consider appeals against examination results on academic grounds. You can apply for your results
to be re-checked if you think there has been an administrative error - details of this service are
available under the resources section of the student portal.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7862 8360
Rules for Examinations
If you break any of the following rules, your case may be considered under the
Procedures for the Consideration of Allegations of Assessment Offence
You must follow all instructions given to you by invigilators or officers of the University.
You must place your admission notice and photographic identification on your desk, with the candidate number
showing, and leave it there throughout the examination.
You may not bring any books, papers or instruments into the examination room except those specifically stated
in your Permitted Materials List if you have one. If you find that you have accidentally brought in items that are
not permitted, you should give them to an invigilator immediately. If an invigilator discovers you to be in
possession of unauthorised aids, they will be confiscated from you. The University reserves the right to make
copies of the original aids or retain them at its absolute discretion.
The only stationery items permitted in the examination room are ink or ballpoint pens. Pencils can also be used,
but for diagrams only. You must never write in pencil or use correction fluid.
No food or drink other than water in a clear container is permitted in the examination room.
Mobile telephones, tablets or other portable electronic devices are not permitted in the examination room.
Ear plugs or ear defenders are not permitted in the examination room.
You are not permitted to leave the examination hall during the first 30 minutes. After then you may, with the
permission of an invigilator, leave the examination room once you have finished your paper.
You can leave the room temporarily at any time to visit the restrooms, but only with the permission of, and
accompanied by, an invigilator. You may not leave the examination room in the final ten minutes.
10. You must not exchange any information with another student during an examination. This includes, but is not
limited to, speaking, gesturing, passing notes, copying or allowing your work to be copied.
11. Your handwriting must be legible. You should write as clearly as possible and avoid using faint ink. If an
examination script is considered to be illegible by the Examiners, you may be awarded a mark of zero for that
examination. No scripts will be transcribed.
12. You must write all of your answers in English, unless you are instructed otherwise.
13. You must write your candidate number as it appears on your admission notice on every examination script.
Please do not write your name anywhere on your answer books.
14. You are not permitted to use scrap paper. All rough work must be done in your examination script and crossed
through. At the end of your examination you must ensure that you tie any supplementary scripts inside the
back of your main answer script using the string provided. Supplementary examination scripts will only be
provided when you have filled the previous script.
15. Your question paper or answer book(s) must not be taken from the examination room and you must not
damage any paper or material supplied to you. You must not reveal any details of an examination paper in such
a way (e.g. online) that a student who is yet to sit that paper may be advantaged.
16. Your examination will end at the time announced by the invigilator and you must stop writing at this point. You
must remain at your desk until the invigilator has collected the scripts.
Further advice
You are advised to thoroughly read the instructions in your question paper and on the front of your answer
script before you start writing.
You should listen carefully to all announcements made by the invigilator at the beginning of the examination.
All suspected assessment offences will be considered in line with the Procedures for the Consideration of
Allegations of Assessment Offence, which could result in cancellation of the paper or worse. If you are the
subject of an allegation, your examination results will be withheld whilst investigations are ongoing.
Invigilators are under an obligation to complete a report for all incidents that take place during an
examination. If you are the subject of a report you may be asked to give a statement.
Violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening or offensive behaviour or language used during an examination
may be treated as a disciplinary matter under the Code of Student Discipline.
Examinations of the University are governed by regulations set out in the University’s Ordinances, Guidelines
for Examinations, the Programme & General Regulations and this Notice. Please visit for more information.
End of notice
February 2014