Manor Lakes P-12 College - Inclusive Education @ Manor Lakes

Manor Lakes P-12 College
Professional Teaching Behaviours
Strategies for Inclusive Education
The Alliance Model
At Manor Lakes College we are committed to being an inclusive community. We
actively recruit staff who will support and live the vision to Dream, Believe and Inspire.
In our endeavour to be an inclusive college that provides the best possible education
for all students, we work in partnership with many universities and organisations and we
have college friends such as Professor Loretta Giorcelli and our ambassador, Mr.
Andrew Fildes.
We have developed an Alliance model which enables a positive, safe and flexible
learning environment so that all students feel valued and accepted. Teachers work
collaboratively to create purposeful and diverse learning opportunities for all students.
The college provides opportunities for every staff member to realise and believe that
every child has the right to learn and can learn. At Manor Lakes College learning can
take place in numerous environments including the regular classroom, support centre
and in the community.
We value every student and are collectively committed to creating a vibrant and
harmonious community of responsible learners who have a confident belief in their
ability to learn, grow and succeed.
All Manor Lakes College staff have committed to improve the quality of teaching by focusing on teacher behaviours through all
significant learning events.
Behaviours are linked under the following headings:
Throughout every learning event
Greetings before learning
Invitation to engage and sustain engagement in learning
Completion and reflection of learning
Transition for learning
Manor Lakes College non-negotiable teacher behaviours
 We are prepared and arrive before the commencement of each lesson, engaging with all students by communicating in a
positive and calm manner.
 We allocate time for the class to understand the learning intention and to have purposeful reflection.
 We ensure all learning opportunities are planned to cater for identified learning goals through explicit differentiation and
 We respect and value all students and explicitly teach positive behaviours by investing in relationships with individuals and
providing regular constructive feedback.
 We deliver each lesson in at least 4 parts (*Learning intention/introduction, * Whole class teaching, *Independent/
Differentiated learning activity, * Success Criteria/reflection) while adhering to the „attention span rule‟ (students age plus 3
minutes) and limiting teacher talk accordingly. (see footnote)
 We ensure that students exit the learning space in an orderly manner and on time; the space is left in a clean and tidy state
and we report any damaged or malfunctioning equipment.
„attention span rule‟ – Improving Student Learning One Principal at a Time. Jane E. Pollock, Sharon M. Ford
Throughout every learning
Systems and supports that would influence teaching strategies throughout every lesson.
We ensure that we include and
interact with every student.
We differentiate team planning documentation to meet student learning needs.
We give every student the opportunity to share their learning and experience success.
We ensure that we „touch base‟ with students whilst roaming.
We have high expectations of
all learners.
We ensure that learning intentions and success criteria are achievable but at a high standard.
We demonstrate knowledge
and sensitivity regarding
student background and needs.
We develop and foster relationships with our students that develop recognition and understanding of
background and needs.
We provide a clear learning
intention with the focus and
success criteria clearly visible in
all learning spaces at all times.
We ensure clear learning intentions and success criteria are included in planning documentation.
We have a dedicated space to record learning intentions for literacy, numeracy, inquiry and wellbeing focii is
to be evident in all learning spaces.
We ensure that learning intentions and success criteria are recorded prior to or during the lesson introduction.
We provide purposeful learning
while actively participating in
learning events i.e. roving,
positively interacting,
conferencing, re-focussing.
We clearly plan learning opportunities that meet the purpose of the intention and meet student‟s learning
We take every opportunity to give instant feedback to students during learning.
We use Manor Lakes College anecdotal recording grids to record observations of student learning while
We provide positive feedback
6:1 and celebrate successes.
We demonstrate respect and
maintain a calm manner when
communicating with students,
staff and parents.
We use „SWPBS‟ and yellow tokens to recognise student achievement. (see footnote)
We strategically provide opportunities for students to share and celebrate achievements.
We self-monitor our tone of voice.
We seek and receive feedback from others regarding our interactions with students, and act on that feedback.
„SWPBS‟ - School Wide Positive Behaviour Support is a research driven and evidence based process developed by two leading US academics Professor
George Sugai from the University of Oregon and Professor Tim Lewis from the University of Missouri Columbia.
Greetings before learning.
Systems and supports that would influence teaching strategies for greetings.
We are punctual and well
prepared for every lesson.
We arrive before the scheduled start to a lesson.
We ensure that all materials required for learning are collected and available prior to the learning opportunity.
We greet students positively
and calmly at the
commencement of each lesson.
We use students‟ names wherever practicable.
We learn about the unique interests and abilities of each student and comment on this knowledge when
talking to students.
We recognise a student‟s arrival to the classroom in a friendly and calm manner.
We support and expect students to come to class well prepared for the learning activity.
We present professionally and
show respect by:
We adhere to the College‟s Professional Dress Policy at all times.
We ensure that our attire meets the demands of our duties on that day.
We develop positive relationships with students that are respectful and recognise individual needs (social,
emotional, academic).
Dressing professionally
Being respectful of all
Engaging positively with
all students
Invitation to engage in
Systems and supports that would influence teaching strategies to support engagement.
We prepare and plan for
evidence based learning for
every student by planning,
documenting and implementing
differentiated curriculum.
We use numerical and anecdotal data to drive team planning for learning.
We ensure that plans include Western Metropolitan Region initiatives.
We differentiate team planners to meet the needs of students in our classes prior to and during learning
opportunities (we recognise that some students need more support to gain a better understanding of the
We plan activities that are
meaningful, purposeful, hands
on and utilise concrete
We ensure team planning will include learning activities that meet student needs and interests.
We ensure team planning will include learning activities that are purposeful to the student‟s learning.
We ensure team planning will include the use of concrete materials, ICT and the use of other learning
technologies to best support the purpose of the learning activity and to meet student needs and interests.
We ensure team planners are differentiated to meet the needs of all learners.
We note the „attention span
rule‟; that is, teacher talk will not
last longer than the age of the
student plus three (minutes).
We ensure that opportunities for „teacher talk‟ are planned to meet the „attention span rule‟, and fit within
realistic time frames.
We ensure that we use the „GRR‟ - Gradual Release of Responsibility model to ensure that students have the
opportunity to contribute to the lesson introduction. (see footnote)
Sustain engagement in
Systems and supports that would influence teaching strategies to support engagement.
We consistently refer to our
success criteria and focus on
learning intentions.
We use the success criteria as the basis of conferring and other learning conversations with students.
We focus on working with students to improve their chances of a successful understanding of the learning
We develop and sustain
positive professional
relationships with our students.
We develop and foster professional relationships with our students that develop recognition and
understanding of background and needs.
We develop positive relationships with students that are respectful and recognise individual needs (social,
emotional, academic).
We cater for individual students
and plan and provide for
students learning profiles.
We differentiate team planning documentation to meet the needs of individual students.
We ensure that we meet the needs of students requiring additional assistance, students from varying and
diverse backgrounds (including students from Koorie backgrounds and students who are recent arrivals to
Australia), students who require ILP/IEP documentation and students who have differing learning needs.
We differentiate for students
who may have alternative
needs with regard to:
 energy
 concentration span
 structure, routine
 communication
 sensory input
We differentiate team planning documentation to meet the needs of individual students.
We recognise the needs of students who require activities that require them to move, students who have
reduced concentration span, who need support to work within structure/routine, communicate in different
ways (e.g. non verbal students) or who require more sensory input to learn.
We are committed to and prefer
to overcome difficult behaviour
situations within the classroom
or team environment. If this is
not appropriate we refer to and
follow the „Manor Lakes College
expected behaviours policy‟.
(refer to the T&L folder)
We are familiar with and follow the „Manor Lakes College procedure for dealing with problem behaviours‟.
We seek and act on feedback to develop our strategies to manage difficult behaviours.
We work closely with our team members to support each other to manage problem behaviours that are
causing disruption to learning.
We only involve the PCT for dangerous behaviours and when we have followed the Expected Behaviours
Policy to attempt to resolve difficult behaviour in the classroom and team setting.
GRR - Scaffolded instruction, or the gradual release model, is broadly recognized as a successful approach for moving classroom instruction from teachercentered, whole group delivery to student-centered collaboration and independent practice. Sometimes referred to as “I do it, we do it, you do it,” this model
proposes a plan of instruction that includes demonstration, prompt, and practise. Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey (2007)
Completion and reflection
of learning.
Systems and supports that would influence teaching strategies to assist with completion.
We clearly display and
articulate learning intentions
and success criteria.
We have clear learning intentions and success criteria included in all planning documentation.
A dedicated space to record learning intentions for literacy, numeracy, inquiry and wellbeing focii is available.
We refer to the learning intention and success criteria during the introduction and lesson delivery.
Ensure that learning intentions and success criteria are recorded prior to or during the lesson introduction.
We provide feedback and invite
students to reflect and celebrate
We confer with students regularly to monitor their ability to articulate and reflect on their learning with regards
to the learning intention and success criteria.
We regularly review student‟s written reflections or reflections using ICT (with regards to the learning intention
and success criteria) to assess student‟s improving abilities to articulate their learning.
We strategically plan for opportunities for students to share their learning and celebrate successes during and
at the end of learning opportunities.
We provide tasks that are
achievable, challenging,
rigorous and appropriate to the
individual student.
We ensure team planning will include learning activities that meet student needs and interests.
We ensure team planning will include learning activities that are purposeful to the student‟s learning.
We ensure team planning will include the use of concrete materials, ICT and the use of other learning
technologies to best support the purpose of the learning activity and to meet student needs and interests.
We differentiate team planners to meet the needs of all learners.
We provide opportunities for
reflection at the end of every
lesson and use a variety of
reflective processes to include
all learning styles.
We allow time for reflection during each learning opportunity, at the end of the lesson.
We use a variety of tools to allow for reflection (e.g. personal reflection, peer reflection - turn and talk,
personal and peer reflection – think/pair/share, whole class reflection) and to record student reflection
(learning journals, electronic journals, student learning blogs etc.)
We reflect on our students‟
ability to articulate our learning
intention and success criteria.
We confer with students regularly to monitor their ability to articulate and reflect on their learning with regards
to the learning intention and success criteria.
We regularly review students‟ written reflections or reflections using ICT (with regards to the learning intention
and success criteria) to assess students‟ improving ability to articulate their learning.
Transitions for learning.
Systems and supports that would influence teaching strategies for a successful exit and/ or
We take pride in and value our
community and display
collective responsibility of our
college environment and that of
all of its members.
We develop a culture within our classroom that „lives‟ and supports our vision statement.
We develop a culture of collective responsibility within classes and across teams and the whole college
community to maintain our environment.
We develop a culture of collective responsibility to support each other to achieve these goals.
We ensure that our class exits
in an orderly manner, at the
correct time and we leave the
learning space in a clean and
tidy state, and immediately
report any damaged or
malfunctioning equipment.
We develop systems with students that encourage student ownership of learning spaces and the school
We expect students to take responsibility for their own belongings, locker bays etc.
We report damage or danger within the wider school environment to the appropriate administration team
We model and demonstrate
strategies for respecting the
whole college environment and
managing transitions and daily
changes by explicitly
demonstrating and teaching
these skills.
We model an attitude that values learning spaces and the wider school environment.
We praise students for caring for learning spaces and the wider school environment and encourage students
to take ownership of learning spaces and the wider school environment.
We develop systems for students to learn responsible ways of moving through the school environment and
within learning spaces.
We develop and use daily timetables, supported with visual prompts (Boardmaker resources) that support all
students to transition between lessons and around the classroom environment.
We support students and
provide clear expectations for
successful transitions.
We develop systems for students to learn responsible ways of moving through the school environment and
within learning spaces when transitioning between learning opportunities.
We ensure that students are within learning spaces, or transitioning between learning spaces, during learning
times (8.50 – 10.50, 11.20 – 1.20 and 2.00 – 3.00). Students are not to be dismissed from learning spaces
before the end of the session or the school day.
We ensure students assemble in an orderly fashion in a designated area prior to the lesson starting (after
recess/lunchtimes) and are met by their teacher and enter learning spaces in an orderly fashion.