"The great psychologists alwaysbecomeWorld Saviors,becausethe psychological within themselvesis facedand solved- and solvedon the basisof the techniqueof transmutation." D.I.N.A.Vol.7, p.149, AliceA. Bailey The GoldBalloon (c) 1990 Michael Miles This exerciseis a form of transmutationfor areasof emotionalcongestion,repetitivepatternsof . emotionalresponseto outer experiences,experiencesof a traumaticor unpleasantnature \(whether real or imagined)or any other difficulty encounteredas an inward or outer occuffence. The exercisemay be usedfor eventswhich occurredat any time in the life of the individual using it. If the traumaoccurredduring childhood,then the event is transmuted. . For example:if an event happensto someoneas a child which the child experiencesas negative r(whether it really was or not) then the experienceas it was felt by the child is transmuted.The event in that time and spaceis transmutedas well as thoseeventswhich may have occurred becauseof that trauma.Any time period may be worked with, adolescence, middle age,etc. The reasonfor working the exerciseas mentionedaboveis to help heal thosepartsof the consciousness which are trappedin the past.We may think of ourselvesas living in the present, but behind us in time are partsof ourselveslocked into experienceswhich are long over. In many instancestheymightevenbeforgottenorreprisedon|yatspecialei6;Tffi[risimasor birthdaysor funerals.However liule or much we may rememberthemoas long as they are there a part of our consciousness is trappedand we are fragmented,unableto be as whole as we might have been or might be today. --1THE MEDITATION Step l: Sit comfortably in a chair where you will not be disturbed.Closeyour eyesand take four or five deepbreaths,inhaling and exhalingslowly. As you exhalefeel the tensionsof the day being released,the body becomingquiet and still. Work on this until you feel relaxedbut not passive.Quiet but not unconscious. Step2: Imagineyou are standingin a meadow.Try to be "in" the meadow,not watching yourself standingtherebut actuallybe there.Look at the grass,the flowers, the trees.......pause...what color arethey?...howdoesthe groundfeel beneathyour feet?....feel the warmth of the sun...theair.. look at the sky...whatdoesit look like?....Takea few minutesto experiencethe meadowand how peacefuland restful it is. Step3: Now imaginea little distancein front of you a Gold Balloon. It is very large and underneathit is a basket.It is not a regularbasket.It can hold whateveryou put in it. Size makes no difference,everythingwill fit in it. NoW take an eventwhich hashappenedto you, old or new; somethingwhich you havebeen unableto let go of, or which wasa difficult experience,or which is a patternof behavioryou would like to change.It canbe a person,a place,an eventor a time, andput it in the basket. Visualize it going into the basket.Takeyour feelingsaboutthis eventor your memoryof the event...yourhurt...anger...pain...anxiety, whateverit might be andput themin the basket.They now havea safeplaceto go whereno one canbe hurt or pressured.Oncethis hasbeendone, hold this thoughtfor a moment: 'tI now releasethis (person,problem, event)into Divine Law and Order wheretruth may be known and Love may heal" After holding this thoughtfor a moment,visualizethe balloonbeginningto rise, lifting the basketwith it... Slowly theyrise out of the meadow...let themgo...watchthemrise andmove towardthe Sun...TheSunis the Soulrestingin the heartof the OneLife...thesourceof Love..Let the balloonandits cargorisetowardthis heartof infinite compassion...here is the ability to transmute heal...to any darknessinto light...to transformpain andhurt or habit into a reflection of Truth...allowthis Sunto absorbthe balloonandits basket...watch it moveinto this heartandbe transformed.Hold it thereuntil all is Light. Step4: Now rest in the meadow.Let the light of the sunshineinto the part of the life wherethe experiencewas held, bringing love andhealing...Let the light shineon all of thosewho participatedin the original difficulty knowing they will be helped...Castthe light firther to all otherswho may havethe sameproblemthat they might haveaccessto this success.Restin the meadow. Step5: End.Takea few deepbreaths.Feelthe chairbeneathyou, your feet on the floor. Open your_eye_s and retuiq to thgroom. The abovemeditationmay be modified to suit individual need,and aslong asthe basicoutline is adheredto it will be successful.Someproblemswill needonly two or threemeditations;others may take quite a few, someperhapsa month or evenlonger.In the latter caseit is bestto do the exerciseeveryotherday to keepfrom over-stimulatingthe vehicles. It would be unwiseto supposethat only onemeditationwill take careof most problems,but dueto our natural inclination to suppressthesematters,many may like to think so. Therefore,don't. Patient persistenceis the most imponanttool of the discipleand will work well hereif appliedliberally. It is best(or at leastmore encouraging)to startwith small problemsandthen work up to more diffrcult ones,knowing that oncethe processhasbegunin eamesttherewill be more than enoughto do. The rewardsarebetterthan whatevermight be present.