Martin Vierling SAP Integration and Certification Center SAP Remote Access and Connectivity Service Access with Internet SAProuter (for SAP RAC Standard) Public Language: English Version: 1.0 Update: October 10, 2008 Service Table of contents: 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................3 2 Configuration ..................................................................................................................3 2.1 Scenario.................................................................................................................................................3 2.2 Prerequisites .........................................................................................................................................3 2.3 Options ..................................................................................................................................................3 2.4 Test Connection ....................................................................................................................................4 2.5 Online Diagnostic Tools........................................................................................................................4 3 SAProuter........................................................................................................................4 3.1 SAProuter Software...............................................................................................................................4 3.2 SAProuter String ...................................................................................................................................4 3.3 SAProuter Installation ...........................................................................................................................5 4 SAP Logon ......................................................................................................................5 4.1 SAPGUI Software...................................................................................................................................5 4.2 SAP Logon entry - example ..................................................................................................................6 5 User data and system details ........................................................................................6 6 Support line ....................................................................................................................7 7 Programs.........................................................................................................................7 7.1 RFC Programming-Libraries .................................................................................................................7 7.2 Parameters in RFC-programs ...............................................................................................................7 7.3 Passwords in RFC-communication ......................................................................................................8 8 Options for vulnerability-prevention.............................................................................8 9 Conclusion......................................................................................................................8 SAP RAC Service – Access with Internet SAProuter Page 2 of 8 Service 1 Introduction For the ICC Test-System available through SAP Remote Access and Connectivity (RAC) Service we introduced a new, easy to setup and convenient access method. Access will be directly over Internet. Additional efforts for VPN connection, ISDN dial-in or dedicated services of Internet service providers are no longer necessary. Please find in this document details about prerequisites and set-up process for the new introduced access method. 2 Configuration 2.1 Scenario Unidirectional TCP/IP communication ICC Test-Systems Arrow from left: Internet SAP DMZ RAC Subscriber Port SAProuter RFC/DIAG 3299 Figure 1: Communication Scenario 2.2 Prerequisites For remote-connection to the ICC Test-Systems there has to be one static official IP-addresses assigned to your company. Using an IP-address for Private Internet is not possible, IP Blocks for Private Internets: - (108 prefix) - (172.1612 prefix) - (192.16816 prefix) Subscriber needs to have firewall open on port 3299 for outbound TCP/IP communication 2.3 Options To connect your interface software to the ICC Test-Systems you can: 1. Install SAP Frontend Software, your RFC-Client software, your RFC-Server software on server that is entitled to access SAP's network. 2. If you like to spread connection within your LAN you need to install SAProuter software on server that is entitled to access SAP's network. Then you can install SAP Frontend Software, your RFC-Client software, your RFC-Server software on any PC. See details in section for SAProuter. SAP RAC Service – Access with Internet SAProuter Page 3 of 8 Service 2.4 Test Connection Please ensure that on your firewall is open for outbound TCP-traffic on port 3299. You can check connection with "telnet 3299". There should be empty screen but no error-message. At first logon trial with SAPGUI there may occur errors pointing to network-problems. In that case please try again, there error should have gone. For Details please refer to SAP Note 34518 ( 2.5 Online Diagnostic Tools SAP Offers the following tools to help diagnose performance related issues: Bandwidth Test Select the corresponding link below to get a snapshot reading of the downstream Available Bandwidth from your Internet connection to SAP. This tool is helpful in diagnosing performance problems and rates your connection Bandwidth against typical Norms for each technology. -> Diagnostic Tools -> Bandwidth Test -> Walldorf Gateway Latency Test Select the corresponding link below to get a snapshot of the round trip time it takes in mili seconds for a packet to travel from your Internet connection directly to each hop between you and SAP's Network. A sign of Internet peering point congestion could be a large disparity between readings from one hop to the next. -> Diagnostic Tools -> Latency Test -> Walldorf Gateway 3 SAProuter 3.1 SAProuter Software Please tell us platform of your enabled server (see 2.2). You will receive software per email If entitled you will find SAProuter on Software distribution Center of SAP Service Marketplace: SAP Support Packages Entry by Application Group Additional Components SAPROUTER 3.2 SAProuter String In any case, an SAP Router String is required for the connection to our test systems: Basically , the format of this string is: /H/<your_server>/S/<your_SR_port >/H/ your_server: IP-address or name of your server that is entitled to access SAP's network your_SR_port: SAP Router port, default port ist 3299. If you use the standard port 3299, then you can omit the complete section "/S/<your_SR_port>" SAP RAC Service – Access with Internet SAProuter Page 4 of 8 Service 3.3 SAProuter Installation 1. Extract provided executable-package to any directory of your enabled server (see 2.2). 2. Create file “SAPROUTTAB” containing line “P * * * *” 3. Sart SAProuter with commend “saprouter -r” This will start SAProuter on standard-port 3299. To start SAProuter on other port please use command "saprouter -r –S <your_desired_port>". 4. Stop SAProuter with commend “saprouter -s” For complete SAProuter documentation: - call “saprouter” without parameters - See SAP Notes 30289, 30374, 41054, 48243 ( - See SAP Help Portal: ! You don’t need program NIPING because the remote part does we don’t started at SAP site. 4 SAP Logon 4.1 SAPGUI Software SAP GUI for Windows is SAP´s Windows-based client for accessing all SAP Dynpro functionality. If entitled you will find on Software distribution Center of SAP Service Marketplace: Installation Package: SAP Installations & Upgrades Entry by Application Group SAP Frontend Components SAP GUI FOR WINDOWS SAP GUI FOR WINDOWS 7.10 CORE Software Patches: SAP Support Packages Entry by Application Group SAP Frontend Components SAP GUI FOR WINDOWS SAP GUI FOR WINDOWS 7.10 CORE SAP RAC Service – Access with Internet SAProuter Page 5 of 8 Service 4.2 SAP Logon entry - example At first logon trial with SAPGUI there may occur errors pointing to network-problems. In that case please try again, there error should have gone. For Details please refer to SAP Note 34518 ( 1. In SAP Logon click ‘New Item’ 2. In first screen choose ‘User defined System’, click button ‘Next’ 3. In next screen entry provide system-parameter, see example below click button ‘Next’ 4. In next screen select radio-button ‘Low Speed Connection’, click button ‘Next’ 5. Click button ‘Finish’ Troubleshooting: If you experience error message with SAPGUI please read SAP Note 161053. A quick fix may be to switch to “High Speed Connection” and ignore the usual “first-connection-trial” failure that will occur. 5 User data and system details Please see available test-systems on SAP RAC Service homepage, do your selection and let us know. Access data for your system-choice were provided by email. SAP RAC Service – Access with Internet SAProuter Page 6 of 8 Service 6 Support line If there are questions please contact 7 Programs 7.1 RFC Programming-Libraries The RFCSDK - all libraries necessary to interface to the mySAP Business Suite you will find on Software distribution Center of SAP Service Marketplace: SAP Support Packages Entry by Application Group Additional Components SAP NW RFC SDK SAP RFC SDK SAP RFC SDK UNICODE 7.2 Parameters in RFC-programs In programs using SAP RFC connection-parameters to access ICC Test-Systems are most of the times [SAProuterstring + SAP_System_Host_Name]. Examples: 1. sapinfo ashost=<saprouter_string>cpcf501 sysnr=05 2. Connection types in configuration-file saprfc.ini: DEST=CF5_CLT TYPE=A ASHOST=<saprouter_string>cpcf501 SYSNR=05 DEST=CF5_SRV TYPE=R PROGID=SERV_TEST GWHOST=<saprouter_string>cpcf501 GWSERV=3305 Generally string for host-parameter is "<saprouter_string>cp<SID_ID>01", for GWSERV it is "33<SYS_NR>". Where <SID_ID> is SAP system-name, <SYS_NR> is system-number. Example for parameters ASHOST, GWHOST /H/ SAP RAC Service – Access with Internet SAProuter Page 7 of 8 Service 7.3 Passwords in RFC-communication Please note that as of WAS 700 password is case-sensitive and changed from a length of 8 to 40 characters. RFC-libs for 6.xx automatically translate passwords to upper-case. ! Thus you have to set in a WAS 700 based system the passwords on uppercase. Example: "pw1234" is translated to "PW1234" for RFC-logon e.g. thus in ICC Test-System CF5 you have set PW as "PW1234" that you old program will still work Please pay attention for SAPnotes: 862989 New password rules as of SAP NetWeaver 2004s (NW ABAP 7.0) 1023437 ABAP syst: Downwardly incompatible passwords (since NW2004s) 8 Options for vulnerability-prevention Regarding network security every PC with static IP address connected to the Internet is vulnerable. Please see image below for general options for vulnerability-prevention. SAP Network Internet Firewall ISV Network Firewall Firewall PC (DMZ) SAProuter (any) SAProuter 2 (3299) (any) (any) (any) 3 access-list (32xx) (33xx) access-list ICC Test-Systems (DMZ) PC (Intranet) (defined by ISV) (any) 1 1 SAProuter: only outbound traffic to particular SAP system(s): hostname + port(s) block any inbound routes 2 Firewall: only outbound route to SAP saprouter on port 3299 3 Firewall: block any inbound routes TCP/IP communication Direction Port-No. in brackets Figure 2: Options for vulnerability-prevention 9 Conclusion According to the general terms and conditions all provided software must be only used for your recertification project and deleted afterwards. SAP RAC Service – Access with Internet SAProuter Page 8 of 8