Physics 101 Homework Assignments (UP, MP, and AP ) Key to

Physics 101 Homework Assignments (UP, MP, and AP)
Online (all on Mastering Physics)
P1.70, P1.80; AP Ia, Ib
MP 1.1-5; P1.59
Sep 10
P 2.57, 2.70; AP IIa, IIb
MP 2.1-4; P2.60, 2.76
Sep 17
E3.7; P3.68; AP IIIa, IIIb
MP 3.1-4; P3.69
Sep 24
E4.24, 4.31; P 4.58; AP IV
MP 4.1-5; P4.36
Oct 6
P 5.107, 5.110; AP Va, Vb
MP 5.1-6
Oct 13
P 6.100; AP VIa, VIb, VIc
MP 6.1-3; E1.47, 6.37; P6.74, 6.77
Oct 20
E 7.30, 7.39; P 42; AP VII
MP 7.1-5; P7.65
Oct 27
E 8.49; P 8.73, 8.109; AP VIII
MP 8.1-4; E8.51; P8.76
Nov 5
E 9.58; P 9.80; AP IXa, IXb
MP 9.1-4; E9.29; P9.75
Nov 17
P 10.75, 10.80; AP Xa, Xb
MP 10.1; E1.50, 10.37
Nov 24
P 11.72, 11.95; AP XIa, XIb
MP 11.1-6
Dec 1
E 12.29, 12.56; AP XIIa, XIIb
MP 12.1-5; P12.53, 12.89
Dec 8
P 13.54, 13.56, 13.66; AP XIII MP 13.1-5; P13.73
Dec 10
P 14.69, 14.97; AP XIVa, XIVb MP 14.1-6; P14.87
Dec 17
Key to abbreviations:
Q: question (in University Physics; numbered separately from
E: exercise (from University Physics)
P: problem (from University Physics)
AP: additional problem (available on Moodle and class web page)
MP: online problem unique to Mastering Physics
-note that Mastering Physics also includes exercises and
problems from the textbook.
Physics 101 Tutorial Homework Assignments
Tutorial homework will generally be due one or two class meetings
after we complete the corresponding tutorial in class, but check the
schedule below to be sure of the exact date. All tutorial homework
assignments come from Tutorials in Introductory Physics Homework
(preliminary 2nd edition), except for tutorial 12, which will be provided
as a handout.
1. Velocity
Sep 8
2. Representations of Motion
Sep 15
3. Acceleration In 1 Dimension
Sep 17
4. Motion in 2 Dimensions
Sep 22
5. Relative Motion
Sep 24
6. Forces
Oct 6
7. Newton’s 2nd and 3rd Laws
Oct 8
8. Tension
Oct 13
9. Work & Changes in Kinetic Energy
Oct 20
10. Conservation of Energy
Oct 22
11. Conservation of Momentum in 1 Dimension
Oct 29
12. Conservation of Momentum in 2 Dimensions
Nov 3
13. Changes in Energy and Momentum
Nov 5
14. Rotational Motion
Nov 12
15. Dynamics of Rigid Bodies
Nov 17
16. Conservation of Angular Momentum
Nov 19
17. Equilibrium of a Rigid Body
Nov 24
18. Pressure in a Liquid
Dec 8
19. Buoyancy
Dec 8
20. Simple Harmonic Motion
Dec 10
Physics 101 Lab Homework Assignments
Lab homework will generally be due one to two class periods after we
complete the corresponding lab in class, but check the schedule below
to be sure of the exact date. All lab homework assignments come
from the RealTime Physics lab manual. (Note that Lab XIII, the
Cavendish experiment, will be done as a demo only; the prelab and
homework for Lab XIII will not be required.)
Lab homework
LH Due
Lab I: Introduction to Motion (RTP 1.1)
Sep 15
Lab II: Changing Motion (RTP 1.2)
Sep 22
Lab III: Projectile Motion (RTP 1.10)
Sep 24
Lab IV: Force and Motion (RTP 1.3)
Oct 1
Lab V: Combining Forces (RTP 1.4)
Oct 6
Lab VI: Force, Mass, and Acceleration (RTP 1.5)
Oct 8
Lab VII: Passive Forces and Newton’s Laws (RTP 1.7)
Oct 13
Lab VIII: Work and Energy (RTP 1.11)
Oct 22
Lab IX: Conservation of Energy (RTP 1.12)
Oct 27
Lab X: One-Dimensional Collisions (RTP 1.8)
Oct 29
Lab XI: Newton’s 3rd Law and Momentum Conservation
Nov 5
(RTP 1.9)
Lab XII: Moment of Inertia
Nov 24
Lab XIV: Gravity Force Simulation Lab
Dec 8