CCSF-EMT-Course-Syllabus-Fall2012 Worksheet/Schedule/Outline Student Learning Outcome STUDENT NAME:__________________ Obj. 12:30 to 3:30pm. medical jeopardy game DATE PP* Skill Lab. Reading Workbook Note: Information. Handout SYLLABUS Gloving Lab. Ch. 1&2 Information Handout Quiz 1 & 2 Info. (SA) Book Info. Aug.22-23 Cl.# LECTURE 1 CCSF-Enrollment/Intro. Rules & Regulations(HO) Aug.29-30 2 Intro. Emergency Care PP Lab. # 1. History & Role of the EMT Sept.5-6 3 Well-being of the EMT PP Medical Legal Ethics 4 Lifting & moving Pts. PP Lab. # 2. Medical Terminology/A&P Sept.19-20 5 Principles of Pathophysiology Life Span Development Sept.26-27 6 Airway Management / OT Lifting & Moving Pts. Ch. 3&4 Quiz 3 & 4 Ch. 5&6 Quiz 5 & 6 Sept.3 Labor Day Sept. 6 Drop without "W" grade Oct. 3-4 7 Scene size-up Ch. 7&8 ProTransport Ambulance Epidemiology PP Lab. # 4. Ch. 9&10 Lung, & Abdominal PP Lab. # 5. Primary Assessment Oct. 10-11 8 VITAL SIGNS Oct. 17-18 9 Medical Pt. Assessment 10 Critical Thinking / Decisions Communication & Documentation Oct31-Nov1 11 General Pharmacology / Pt.1 Pharm. Pt.2 Street Drugs Nov. 7-8 12 Respiratory Emergencies Cardiac Emergencies Nov.14-15 Nov. 28-29 13 Diabetic Emergencies Allergic Reactions 14 PoisonIng Emergencies Overdose Emergencies Dec. 5-6 15 Skill Lab. Testing #17 Skill Lab. Testing #18 Dec. 12-13 16 MIDTERM / FINAL X Blood pressure Lab. Lab. # 6. Trauma Pt. Assessment Oct. 24-25 Quiz 7 & 8 Sept. 22 /SAT/105/5pd Reinforcement Booklet Due Quiz 9 & 10 Sept. 29/SAT/105/6pd Sounds / Oxygen Therapy Equipment Ch. 11&12 Quiz 11 & 12 Special Assignment Ch. 13&14 Quiz 13 & 14 Oct. 8 Columbus Day Special Assignment DUE! OCT. 13/SAT/105/5pd Ch. 15&16 Quiz 15 & 16 OCT. 20/SAT/105/6pd Patient Assessment Lab. PP Reassessment Terminology handout PP Lab.# 3. Artificial Ventilation / Resp. PP Patient Assessment Lab. # 7. PP Lab. # 8. Pathophysiology Ch. 17&18 Reinforcement Booklet Due Quiz 17 & 18 P.C.R. & Documentation Lab. PP Lab. # 9. How to question patients Ch. 19&20 Quiz 19 & 20 Ch. 21&22 Quiz 21 & 22 O2Therapy Lab. PP Lab. # 10. Reinforcement Booklet Due Nov. 12 Veterans Day Advanced Oxygen Therapy Skill Lab. PP Lab. # 11. Ch. 23&24 Quiz 23 & 24 Guest Speaker NOV. 17 SAT /SFFD-sta.13 Nov. 21 - 23 Thanksgiving recess PP Lab. # 12. DEC. 15. /SAT/RADIO Ambulance/Equip / Gurney,stair chair, & back board PP Lab. # 13. Practice Testing PP Advanced E.M.T. skills - I.V.Therapy - Intubation NO MAKE-UP! Testing Testing Reinforcement Booklet Due Dec. 21 END OF SEMESTER 17 MIDTERM / FINAL SKILLS NO MAKE-UP! Dec. 24 - 31 WINTER BREAK CRN 72405 EMT-101A 448 EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN UNITS 3.250 3:30pm./ Wed. CRN 72565 EMT-101A 449 EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN UNITS 3.250 3:30pm./ Thur. Mandatory Saturday Class Schedule! DO NOT MAKE APPOINTMENTS ON THESE SATURDAYS! Dec. 19-20 Note: SATURDAY CLASSES START AT 9am to 3PM = 6hours REQUIRED FOR COURSE COMPLETION! 1 Date: Saturday/September 22./ GHA/Rm.105 ( Vital signs Skills) Lab.#7 Period 6 Thur. 1 Date: Saturday/September 29./ GHA/Rm.105 ( Vital signs Skills) Lab.#7 Period 5 Wed Period 5 Wed 2 Date: Saturday/ October 13. / GHA/Room 105 (Oxygen Therapy Skills) Lab.#10 Period 6 Thur. 2 Date: Saturday/ October 20. / GHA/Room105 (Oxygen Therapy Skills) Lab.#10 Period 5 Wed. 3 Date:SAT./NOV. 17. /San Francisco Fire Department (Station 13) on Samson & Washington (Field Trip#1)(10am) Period 6 Thur. 3 Date:SAT./DEC. 15./ (Radio / 9-1-1/ Police/ Fire/ Medical-Ambulance)1011 Turk StreetField Trip #1(10am) **** INFO. Times Aug. 29 / Drop receive refund Pre-Hospital Care Law Sept.12-13 Office hours /10am to 12:30hrs. CLASS TIMES: 12:30 to 3:30hrs HRS. Total points145 DO NOT MAKE APPOINTMENTS DURING CLASS TIME! NOTE: A grade of 75% must be maintained throughout the course! The American Heart Association Requires 85% for E.M.T.'s Grades are made up from class participation, tests scores, Midterm-Final X, Skills Testing,Workbook, Note:Saturday Mandatory Classes! CCSF-EMT-Course-Syllabus-Fall2012 2012Fallcoursesyllabus Worksheet/Schedule/Outline special assignment 25p Student Learning Outcome WB 25p MT 25p skill 25p CCSF-EMT-Course-Syllabus-Fall2012 SAT 5 mes 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 85 15 15 15 15 Worksheet/Schedule/Outline Student Learning Outcome ll 25p CCSF-EMT-Course-Syllabus-Fall2012 Worksheet/Schedule/Outline Student Learning Outcome