UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI FACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING PEST MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING ULTRASOUND PROJECT INDEX: PRJ 080 BY EDWIN NYAKUNDI MOKAYA F17/1766/2006 SUPERVISOR: DR. G. KAMUCHA EXAMINER: DR. V.K. ODUOL PROJECT REPORT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI 2011 Submitted on: 18 TH MAY, 2011 DEDICATION I dedicate this project work to my father Joseph and mother Martha for their continued inspiration, my brothers Denis and Eric, and my sister Doris for their prayers and encouragement, and my niece Emy for a radiant presence. Thank you. i ACKNOWLEGEMENT My gratitude goes out to Dr. G. Kamucha for his dedicated guidance on the technical aspects of this project. Also to the technicians and lecturers in Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering for the skill they have helped me acquire over my five years course. And to my proof readers Cyrus, Cornelius and Lydia. And to my classmates and friends. Most of all I thank God. ii DECLARATION AND CERTIFICATION Except where indicated and acknowledged, I certify that the information presented in this report is my original effort and has not been presented before for a degree award in this or any other university to the best of my knowledge. ………………………………….............. EDWIN NYAKUNDI MOKAYA F17/1766/2006 Date: …………………… This report has been submitted to the Dept. of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Nairobi with my approval as supervisor: ………........……………………… Dr. G. Kamucha Date: …………………… iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION ..................................................................................................................... i ACKNOWLEGEMENT ..................................................................................................... ii DECLARATION AND CERTIFICATION ...................................................................... iii LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... vi LIST OF TABLES AND GRAPHS ................................................................................. vii ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................... viii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 1 1.1 Problem Statement ....................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Objective ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Report organisation ...................................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER2: STUDY OF DIFFERENT PEST MANAGEMENT METHODS ............... 2 2.1 Non-electronic pest control methods ............................................................................ 2 2.1.1 Physical methods ................................................................................................... 2 2.1.2 Bio-rational methods ............................................................................................. 2 2.1.3 Chemicals ............................................................................................................. 3 2.2 Electronic pest control methods-Ultrasound pest management ..................................... 3 CHAPTER 3: STUDY OF SPEAKERS WITH CAPACITY TO PRODUCE ULTRAFREQUENCY SIGNAL ..................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Cone tweeter ................................................................................................................ 6 3.2 Dome tweeter .............................................................................................................. 6 3.3 Piezo tweeter ............................................................................................................... 7 3.4 Ribbon tweeter............................................................................................................. 7 3.5 Electrostatic tweeter ..................................................................................................... 7 3.6 Planar-magnetic tweeter ............................................................................................... 7 3.7 ATM tweeter ............................................................................................................... 8 3.8 Horn tweeter ................................................................................................................ 8 3.9 Plasma or Ion tweeter................................................................................................... 8 CHAPTER 4: DESIGN OF CIRCUIT TO PRODUCE ULTRA SOUND ....................... 9 4.1 OSCILLATOR .......................................................................................................... 10 4.1.1 The 555 timer ...................................................................................................... 10 4.1.2 555-Timer terminals ............................................................................................ 10 4.1.3 555-Timer Oscillator circuit ................................................................................ 11 iv 4.1.4 Operation ............................................................................................................ 12 4.2 DECADE COUNTER ............................................................................................... 16 4.3 CLOCK GENERATOR ............................................................................................. 18 CHAPTER 5: SIMULATION RESULTS ........................................................................ 21 5.1 Clock-pulse generator ................................................................................................ 21 5.2 High Frequency Oscillator ......................................................................................... 22 5.3 Complete Circuit of Clock Pulse Generator, Decade Counter and High Frequency Oscillator ......................................................................................................................... 25 CHAPTER 6: PRACTICAL RESULTS .......................................................................... 28 6.1 Timer circuit. ............................................................................................................. 28 6.2 Oscillator circuit ........................................................................................................ 28 6.3 Complete circuit ........................................................................................................ 28 CHAPTER 7: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION ........................................................ 30 7.1 Conclusion................................................................................................................. 30 7.2 Recommendation for future work............................................................................... 30 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................... i v LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 2.1: Sound Sensitivity of different animals 4 Figure 4.1: 555-Timer terminals 10 Figure 4.2: Circuit of a 555-Timer oscillator 12 Figure 4.3: 555-Timer oscillator waveforms 13 Figure 4.4: Figure of internal connection of flip-flops in a decade counter 17 Figure 4.5: Terminals of a Decade counter-4017 18 Figure 4.6: 555-Timer connected for low frequency oscillation 18 Figure 4.7: Flow chart of the different stages of the Ultrasound pest management circuit 20 Figure 5.1: Simulation of clock pulse generator using a 555-Timer circuit 21 Figure 5.2: Simulation of high frequency oscillator 23 Figure 5.3: Simulation of modified high frequency oscillator 25 Figure 5.4: Complete circuit simulation 26 Figure 6.1: Complete connected circuit 28 Figure 6.2: Oscilloscope waveforms of complete circuit output 29 vi LIST OF TABLES AND GRAPHS page Table 2.1: Hearing ranges of different species 4 Table 4.1: Table of operating states of a 555-Timer 11 Graph 4.1: Graph of frequency against capacitance for different values of resistances 14 Table 4.2: Table of Different values of RA, RB and C and the calculated output frequency 14 Table 4.3: Table of calculated value of RA to achieve desired frequency 15 Table 4.4: Table of Flip-flops outputs and resulting count 16 Table 4.5: Table of different capacitances and resistances and calculated output frequency 19 Table 4.6: Table of output of different values of resistances 19 Table 5.1: Table of simulation results of different values of R1against calculated results 22 Table 5.2: Simulation results of high frequency oscillator simulation circuit 23 Table 5.3: Table of new values of RA 24 Table 5.4: Table of simulation results of modified circuit 25 Table 6.1: Table of practical frequency oscillator results 28 vii ABSTRACT Pests are a nuisance to human habitation. They destroy structures, consume and contaminate food and spread diseases. This gives rise to the need to control them. The history of pest control probably began with the first human who ever swatted a mosquito or picked off a louse. From the study of fossil records, it is known that most major pests already existed by the time Homo sapiens first appeared on earth. But since our primitive ancestors were hunters and gatherers, they probably found that insects were more useful as food than they were troublesome as pests. It was probably not until the dawn of organized agriculture, when insects attacked the plants we grew for food, that we first recognized them as a potential threat to our own survival. [1] Pest control methods have been evolving, from the physical dispersion of insects by our ancestors, to current sophisticated methods of use of chemicals and other means. A more advanced method is use of Ultrasound as a means of pest management. Ultrasound is sound that is beyond the human hearing range i.e. having a frequency greater than 24 kHz. Insects and other pests are capable of hearing sound within this range, thus a device can be made to produce this sound which will repel the pests and not affect human beings. The design of the Ultrasound pest management system involved designing a circuit with the capacity to produce an electric signal in the ultra-frequency range. The circuit designed had the capacity to produce signals of 40 kHz, 50 kHz, 60 kHz, 70 kHz and 80 kHz in that order. This was desired since not all pests would be repelled with the same frequency sound. The frequency of variation was about 1Hz. viii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem statement Pests are small animals or insects that destroy structures, consume and contaminate food and spread diseases among many other negative attributes. For example, according to World Health Organisation, malaria affects more than 200 million people annually of whom nearly one million become fatal cases. In their statistics, a child dies every 45 seconds due to Malaria in Africa. Malaria is transmitted exclusively through the bites of Anopheles mosquitoes [2]. Also, many developing countries also struggle with inadequate food for their populations. In many of these countries, between 40-50% of crops are lost to pests and diseases. [3] Thus control of pests is of immense importance and especially so in developing countries. 1.2 Objective The objective of the project was to design and implement an ultrasound based system that will repel pests such as mice and insects. 1.3 Report organisation This project is organised into seven chapters: · Chapter one gives the introduction to the project and the project’s objective. · Chapter two is a study of the different pest management systems that are in use and a detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of an ultrasound pest management system in comparison with other methods. · In chapter three is a study of different speaker/tweeter systems which have the capacity to produce ultrasound. · Chapter four details the design of the circuit to produce the ultra-frequency signal. · Chapter five has the simulation results and redesign of the circuit due to the simulation. · Chapter six gives the practical results as achieved in the laboratory with practical components. · Chapter seven contains the conclusion and recommendations for future work. The project report concludes with the appendix. 1 CHAPTER2: STUDY OF DIFFERENT PEST MANAGEMENT METHODS Pest management methods can be broadly classified in two groups; · Non-electronic pest control methods · Electric pest control methods 2.1 Non-electronic pest control methods 2.1.1 Physical methods These involve the physical removal of pests from their location e.g. use of traps like rats traps fall under this category of pest management methods. In case of insects in a farm, one may physically remove the plant and replace it with another one that will not be affected by the pest i.e. a pest resistant variety of the crop. [4] Use of a flywhisk by a butcher is also a physical pest management method. 2.1.2 Bio-rational methods Bio-rational methods can be divided into two groups. The first group is use of living organisms that can kill the pest. The second group is naturally occurring biochemicals that are harmful to the pest yet often are harmless to other living organisms. [4] On the first method, insect pests frequently have natural enemies that are beneficial to the landscape. These beneficial insects often exist in the landscape naturally, but they also can be introduced. "Beneficials" may be predators or parasites. One common example of a beneficial predator is the lady beetle. Both the larvae and adult lady beetles eat aphids and other softbodied insects. [4] Another common example is raring of cats in homes to prevent infestation by rats and mice. For the second method, an example of a naturally occurring biochemical is the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Bt contains a protein that is poisonous to specific insects and harmless to other organisms. Bt can be sprayed on plants and insects which feed on the sprayed portions of the plant will die. [4] 2 2.1.3 Chemicals Chemicals used to control pests are called pesticides. Chemicals are usually used as the last resort, but sometimes they are the most effective means of pest control. They work by poisoning the pests. Some pesticides may be toxic to unintended organisms. Common pesticides include rat poison to control rats and mice, and insecticides control insects such as mosquitoes, houseflies and cockroaches. [4] The above conventional methods have major setbacks. Physical methods can only be used in small scale. Biorational methods are environmentally friendly, but in case of household pests, only the rats and mice can be controlled while insects are left unchecked. And while use of chemical is more effective, it comes with many health hazards as the chemicals might be harmful to unintended organisms, including human beings. Some pesticides can only be administered by trained personnel due to the huge danger they poise. And even household insecticides like mosquito sprays have a nasty smell and their effectiveness wears off with time. A more revolutionary method of pest control is the electronic pest control in the use of ultrasound. 2.2 Electronic pest control methods-Ultrasound pest management Ultrasound is high frequency sound. Human beings have a hearing range of from 20Hz to about 23,000Hz so that ultra sound is sound beyond 23 kHz. Human beings cannot hear sound within the ultra sound range. Figure 2.1 and table 2.1 show the sound sensitivity of different animals. 3 Figure 2.1: Sound Sensitivity of different animals Table 2.1: Hearing ranges of different species Species Hearing Range Human 64Hz-23,000Hz Rat 200Hz-76,000Hz Mouse 1,000Hz -91,000Hz Mosquito 5Hz -80,000Hz Housefly 10Hz -80,000Hz Cockroach 3Hz-80,000Hz Bat 2,000Hz -110,000Hz Chicken 125Hz -2,000Hz Goldfish 20Hz -3,000Hz sheep 100Hz-30,000Hz Ultrasound pest management makes use of the concept that different species have different hearing ranges. 4 The use of ultrasound based pest management system comes with the following advantages: · It is non toxic and does not smell. · With mass production the device will be cheap. · Does not require repurchase and only occasional maintenance when fault occurs. · Can be made to operate from battery power and thus become portable and immune to power shortages. · Does not kill the pests and merely repels them. 5 CHAPTER 3: STUDY OF SPEAKERS WITH CAPACITY TO PRODUCE ULTRA-SOUND Production of high frequency sound can be achieved through the use of tweeter. A tweeter is a loudspeaker that has the capability to produce high frequency sounds. Tweeters that can produce sound within the ultra range are called super tweeters. [5] The tweeters operate using the same basic principle of a loudspeaker. A coil is suspended within a fixed magnetic field. The coil is supplied with a current from an amplifier thereby becoming energized. This energized coil forms a varying magnetic field which works against the fixed magnetic field causing the coil to move. The coil is fixed to a diaphragm which creates a sound as is vibrates within air. The mechanical movement of the coil resembles the waveform of the current signal supplied coil. [5] There are several types of tweeters; 3.1 Cone tweeter A cone tweeter is simply a cone speaker optimized for high frequency capability. These optimizations are; small size and light cone so as to enable rapid motion, stiff cone material (e.g. ceramic cones), or materials with good damping properties (e.g., silk or coated fabric) or both, stiffer suspension (or spider) than for other driver thus less flexibility which is required for high frequency reproduction, small coils (3/4 inch is typical) and light (thin) wire, also to help the tweeter cone to move rapidly. Cone Tweeters are relatively cheap but have poor dispersion properties. [5] 3.2 Dome tweeter A dome tweeter is constructed by attaching a voice coil to a dome (made of woven fabric, thin metal or other suitable material), which is attached to the magnet or the top plate via a low compliance suspension. These tweeters typically do not have a frame or basket, but a simple front plate attached to the magnet assembly. Dome tweeters are categorized by their voice coil diameter, and range from 19 mm, through 38 mm. [5] 6 3.3 Piezo tweeter A piezo (or piezo-electric) tweeter contains a piezoelectric crystal coupled to a mechanical diaphragm. When a signal is applied to the crystal, the crystal responds by flexing in proportion to the voltage applied across its surfaces, thus converting electrical energy into mechanical. The conversion of electrical pulses to mechanical vibrations and in turn the conversion of mechanical vibrations back into electrical energy is the basis of piezo mechanism. The active piezo element is basically a polarized material with some parts of the molecule positively charged and others negatively charged, and with electrodes attached to two of its opposite faces. Some materials used as the crystal are quartz (SiO2) and barium titanate (BaTiO3). [5] 3.4 Ribbon tweeter Ribbon tweeters consist of a thin metal ribbon stretched between poles of a magnetic structure with the magnetic field in the plane of the ribbon. A current is then passed through the ribbon at right angles to the magnetic field resulting in a force normal to the surface of the ribbon. Usually aluminium alloys are used for their relatively low density and good electrical conductivity. The width of the ribbon is limited to about 1 cm in order to maintain a high field. Thus the efficiency of ribbon tweeters is about 10%, limiting the power outputs thus making them only useful in research. [6] 3.5 Electrostatic tweeter Electrostatic tweeters/loudspeakers are sometimes known as high-voltage loudspeakers. This is because they require a high polarization voltage, which is 1-3 kilovolts. These speakers consist of an insulating dielectric (air), a membrane (usually plastic) which has a thin conductive layer, and electrodes on both sides of the membrane. The current is applied to the electrodes which then drive the membrane. At high frequencies the maximum power radiated reduces due to the mass reactance of the membrane. [6] 3.6 Planar-magnetic tweeter Some loudspeaker designers use a planar-magnetic tweeter, sometimes called a quasiribbon. Planar magnetic tweeters are generally less expensive than true ribbon tweeters, but are not precisely equivalent because a metal foil ribbon is lighter than 7 the diaphragm in a planar magnetic tweeter and the magnetic structures are different. Usually a thin piece of PET film or plastic with a voice coil wire running numerous times vertically on the material is used. The magnet structure is less expensive than for ribbon tweeters. The concept is most similar to that of electrostatic tweeters, with the advantage that there is no DC voltage field needed as in electrostatics or arcing thus does not attract dust. [5] 3.7 ATM tweeter The Air Motion Transformer (ATM) tweeter works by pushing air out perpendicularly from the pleated diaphragm. Its diaphragm is the folded pleats of film around aluminium struts held in a strong magnetic field. In past decades, a series of hybrid loudspeakers using such tweeters have been produced, along with conventional woofers, referred to as Heil transducers after their inventor, Oskar Heil. They are capable of considerable output levels and are rather sturdier than electrostatics or ribbons, but have similar low-mass moving elements. [5] 3.8 Horn tweeter A horn tweeter is any of the above tweeters coupled to a flared or horn structure. Horns are used for two purposes; to control dispersion and to couple the tweeter diaphragm to the air for higher efficiency. [5] 3.9 Plasma or Ion tweeter Because ionized gas is electrically charged and so can be manipulated by a variable electrical field, it is possible to use a small sphere of plasma as a tweeter. Such tweeters are called a "plasma" tweeter or "ion" tweeter. They are more complex than other tweeters, but offer the advantage that the moving 'diaphragm' is optimally low mass, and so very responsive to the signal input. These types of tweeters are not capable of high output, or of other than very high frequency reproduction, and so are usually used at the throat of a horn structure to manage usable output levels. One disadvantage is that the plasma arc typically produces ozone, a poison gas, in small quantities as a by-product. [5] 8 CHAPTER 4: DESIGN OF CIRCUIT TO PRODUCE ULTRAFREQUENCY SIGNAL To effectively repel a range of pests, it was desired that the ultra-sound circuit be able to produce a signal with a varying frequency. The upper sound threshold for grasshoppers from table is about 50 kHz and that for rodents and rats was in the range of 80 kHz. Thus it was preferred that the circuit produced frequencies between 40 kHz to 80 kHz in steps of 10 kHz. Thus; 40 kHz, 50 kHz, 60 kHz, 70 kHz and 80 kHz. An extremely simple way to achieve a high frequency signal that would produce ultra sound when fed to a tweeter would be to use a signal generator and set it to the desired frequency. But signal generators are expensive and bulky, and it would be comical to have one in the home for the sole purpose of repelling pests. Also, the change of frequencies will not be automatic, requiring manual manipulation. Thus an electronic circuit was designed to produce the ultra frequency signal. Electronic circuits are small, inexpensive and can be designed to automatically switch between the desired frequencies. A circuit that produces a repetitive or alternating electric waveform is called an oscillator. Oscillators can either be made by use of individual components or use of integrated circuits, ICs. There are several circuits that make use of individual components to achieve oscillations. Examples; Armstrong oscillator, Hartley circuit, Colpitts circuit and Clapp circuit. [8] Use of IC was chosen due to the following advantages; [8] · Compactness. ICs are more compact that equivalent circuits made of transistors, diodes, capacitors and resistors. This saves space. · High speed. Due to the fact that interconnections between components is physically tiny, high switching speeds can be achieved as the electric charges require less time to travel between the minimized spaces. · Low power requirement. ICs require very little current to operate, thus they will produce less heat than their discrete-component equivalents. · Reliability. IC circuits have longer time spans due to the fact that all the components are sealed within the IC case. This is in comparison to circuits made of discrete components which are exposed to corrosion and intrusion of dust. 9 555 timer connected as an astable multivibrator can be used as an oscillator. 4.1 OSCILLATOR 4.1.1 The 555 timer A 555 timer is functional block on IC that can perform several functions. Its working is as follows; the output goes HIGH (a value close to Vcc) when the 555 timer receives a TRIGGER input, and stays HIGH until the THRESHOLD input is driven at which point the output goes LOW (a value close to ground) and the DISCHARGE is turned ON. The TRIGGER input is by an input lever level above 1/3 Vcc, and the THRESHOLD is driven by a signal at a level above 2/3 Vcc. [9] Figure 4.1: 555-Timer terminals A 555 timer can be used for precision timing, pulse generation, sequential timing, time delay generation, pulse width modulation, pulse position modulation and linear ramp generation. [9] 4.1.2 555-Timer terminals Pin 1- Is the common/ground terminal. [11] Pin 3- Output terminal. Can be a source or a sink. When a floating supply load is ON the output is LOW and when OFF when the output is HIGH. A grounded load is ON when the output is HIGH and OFF when the output is LOW. [11] 10 Pin 4- Reset terminal. It allows for the 555 timer to disable and override command signals to the trigger input. When not to be used, it is connected to Vcc. When in use, it is grounded, holding the output at LOW regardless of the input. [11] Pin 5- Control voltage terminal. A 0.01 uF filter capacitor is usually connected from this terminal to ground. The capacitor bypasses noise and/or ripple voltages from the power supply to minimize their effect on the threshold voltage. The control voltage terminal may also be used to change both the threshold and trigger voltages levels. [11] Pin 2 and Pin 6- Trigger terminal and threshold terminal respectively. These two terminals determine the state of the 555-Timer. The 555-Timer has two possible operation states and one memory state. The Trigger input is compared with a lower threshold voltage that is Vcc/3. The threshold input is compared with a higher threshold voltage that is 2Vcc/3. Table 4.1 shows the resulting states. [11] Table 4.1: Table of operating states of a 555-Timer Operating Trigger pin 2 Threshold pin 6 State of terminals State Output 3 Discharge 7 A Below VLT Below VUT HIGH OPEN B Below VLT Above VUT HIGH OPEN C Above VLT Below VUT REMEMBERS LAST STATE D Above VLT Above VUT LOW GROUNDED Pin 7- Discharge terminal. Used to discharge an external timing capacitor during the time the output is LOW. When the output is high, this pin acts like an open circuit and allows the externally connected capacitor to charge through an externally connected resistor. [11] Pin 8- Positive supply voltage, Vcc. Can vary from +5V (when powered by existing digital logic supplies) to +18V (when powered by linear IC supplies). [11] 4.1.3 555-Timer Oscillator circuit Figure 4.2 shows a 555 timer connected to as an oscillator. In this mode of operation, the capacitor, C, charges and discharges between 1/3 Vcc and 2/3 Vcc. The charge and discharge times, and therefore the frequency of operation, are independent of the supply voltage. [10] 11 Figure 4.2: Circuit of a 555-Timer oscillator 4.1.4 Operation Initially, pins 2 and 6 are below VLT and output pin 3 goes HIGH and pin 7 is OPEN so capacitor C charges through RA and RB. This is state A. The capacitor charges beyond 1/3VCC. In the region between VCC /3 and 2 VCC /3, the 555 timer is in state C, memory state. It thus remembers the previous HIGH state and remains HIGH. When capacitor voltage, VC, goes just above VUT (2Vcc/3), the 555 timer enters state D and the output goes LOW. Thus pin 7 becomes a short circuit to ground and capacitor discharged through RB. During the discharge period when VC is between Vcc/3 and 2 VCC /3, the timer is in state C and remembers the previous state, thus output stays LOW. When Vc drops below VLT the sequence repeats itself and oscillation occurs. [11] Waveforms generated in this mode of operation are as in figure 4.3; top trace is the output waveform, bottom trace is the capacitor voltage. 12 Figure 4.3: 555-Timer oscillator waveforms Discharge equation starting at 2/3 Vcc is given by (4.1) The capacitor discharges to 1/3 Vcc at time =tD so that (4.2) Thus, . . (4.3) Thus charge time (output high) is given by: . (4.4) And the discharge time (output low) by: . (4.5) Thus the total period is: . (4.6) And the frequency of oscillation is: 13 . (4.7) Easy determination of R and C values can be done by the following graph [8] Graph 4.1: Graph of frequency against capacitance for different values of resistances Table 4.2 shows different values of RA, RB and C and the resulting frequencies. Table 4.2: Table of Different values of RA, RB and C and the calculated output frequency 555 oscillator frequencies RB = 10k RB = 100k RB = 1M RA = 1k RA = 10k RA = 100k 0.001µF 68 kHz 6.8 kHz 680Hz 0.01µF 6.8 kHz 680Hz 68Hz 0.1µF 680Hz 68Hz 6.8Hz 1µF 68Hz 6.8Hz 0.68Hz 10µF 6.8Hz 0.68Hz 0.068Hz (41 per min.) (4 per min.) C Example 14 = = = . + ( ) . + x . µ = A 555-timer connected in the oscillation mode produce a single frequency waveform determined by values of RA, RB and C. As stated previously, different pests are most effectively repelled at different frequencies. Thus there should be a means for the circuit to change frequencies of the output signal. From the study of hearing capabilities of different animals, a range of frequencies from 40 kHz (upper band of grasshoppers) to 80 kHz (upper band of houseflies and rodents) was seen to be most ideal. Intervals of 10 kHz would mean 5 steps i.e. 40 kHz, 50 kHz, 60 kHz, 70 kHz, and 80 kHz. Since we want frequencies in the region of 40-80 kHz, C is chosen to be 0.001 µF. There was a choice to vary either RA or RB. The position of RA in the circuit makes it easier to vary compared to RB as it hangs i.e. one side is connected to pin 7 and the other to the biasing voltage, compared to RB which is connected to pin 7 and pin 8 on either side. Table 4.3: Table of calculated value of RA to achieve desired frequency Frequency Capacitor C RA (ohms) RB (ohms) 40 kHz 1nF 24k 6k 50 kHz 1nF 16.8k 6k 60 kHz 1nF 12k 6k 70 kHz 1nF 8.5k 6k 80 kHz 1nF 6k 6k Example = = = . + ( ) . + . 15 µ = A simple way to achieve variation in the value of RA would be to use a decade counter where each of the sequential outputs is connected to a resistor with the required value of RA. 4.2 DECADE COUNTER A decade counter is a Binary Count-Down (BCD) counter which counts from 0 to 9 then returns to 0. The term counter is used to describe a register that goes through a prescribed sequence of states upon the application of input pulses. The input pulses may be clock pulses or may originate from some external source and occur at fixed or random intervals of time. [12] Further, a decade counter belongs to the family of binary ripple counters. These counters consist of a series connections of flip-flops, with the output of each flip-flop connected to the Clock input of the next higher order flip-flop. The flip-flop holding the least significant bit receives the incoming count pulses. [12] Table 4.4: Table of Flip-flops outputs and resulting count Flip-Flop Outputs Decimal Digit D C B A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 1 5 0 1 1 0 6 0 1 1 1 7 1 0 0 0 8 1 0 0 1 9 16 Figure 4.4: Figure of internal connection of flip-flops in a decade counter Figure above shows the J-K flip-flop connections in a decade counter. The four outputs are designated A, B, C and D, with A having the least significant bit. The clock of FF1 is connected to the counting pulse. Since the J and K pins are connected to a HIGH, when the clock goes from 1 to 0, the flip-flop is complemented, meaning it’s output goes to 1, and when it goes from 0 to 1, the output of FF1 goes to 0. Thus the output A of FF1 is as shown. FF2 receives its clock pulse from the output A of FF1. When A goes from 1 to 0, the output B of FF2 is complemented. Thus it takes twice as long to change state compared to A. FF3 receives its clock pulse from FF2 and thus its output C takes twice as long as B to change state. FF4 receives its clock pulse from FF3 and thus its output D takes twice as long as C to change state. The NAND gate is connected to B and D. When both B and B are high, the output of the NAND gate is low, thus clearing all the flip-flops and the counting starts again. 17 Figure 4.5: Terminals of a Decade counter-4017 The duration of each output pin remaining HIGH depends on the frequency of the input clock. A 555timer connected as a low frequency oscillator was used to generate the clock. 4.3 CLOCK GENERATOR The 555-timer was connected as the timer circuit. This was because the IC was already used as the oscillator and its reuse would create economies of scale. Figure 4.6: 555-Timer connected for low frequency oscillation From previous treatment of charge and discharge time of a 555 timer, charge time is give by . (4.8) And the discharge time by: 18 . (4.9) Thus the total period is: . . (4.10) And the frequency of oscillation is: . (4.11) Table 4.5 shows the different values of C1 and R1 and resulting calculated output frequencies Table 4.5: Table of different capacitances and resistances and calculated output frequency R1 = 10k R1 = 100k R1 = 1M R1 = 10M 0.001µF 71630Hz 7163Hz 716.3Hz 71.63Hz 0.01µF 7163Hz 716.3Hz 71.63Hz 7.163Hz 0.1µF 716.3Hz 71.63Hz 1µF 71.63Hz 7.163Hz 0.7163Hz 0.07163Hz 10µF 7.163Hz 0.7163Hz 0.07163Hz 0.007163Hz C1 7.163Hz (43 per min) (430 per min) 0.7163Hz (25 per hour) (4 per min) 1µF capacitor for C1was chosen. For different values of R1, the calculated output frequency using formula above is; Table 4.6: Table of output of different values of resistances R1 C1 Calculated Output Frequency 10k 0.1µF 71.63Hz 50k 0.1µF 14.33Hz 100k 0.1µF 7.16Hz 200k 0.1µF 3.58Hz 300k 0.1µF 2.39Hz 400k 0.1µF 1.79Hz 19 500k 0.1µF 1.43Hz 1M 0.1µF 0.72Hz FLOW DIAGRAM CLOCKPULSE GENERATOR DECADE COUNTER OSCILLATOR (555-TIMER) TWEETER Figure 4.7: Flow chart of the different stages of the Ultrasound pest management circuit 20 CHAPTER 5: SIMULATION RESULTS First, the separate circuits i.e. timing circuit and oscillator circuit were simulated using National Instruments Multisim version 10.0.1 Education edition. Then the complete circuit was simulated. Simulation Results 5.1 Clock-pulse generator Circuit was simulated as shown in figure 5.1 Figure 5.1: Simulation of clock pulse generator using a 555-Timer circuit 21 A 1µF capacitor was used as C1 due to the range of frequencies it provided. Different values of were simulated and the results tabulated in table 5.1 Table 5.1: Table of simulation results of different values of R1against calculated results. R1 C1 Calculated Output Simulation Output Simulation Output Frequency Frequency signal period 10k 1µF 71.63Hz 72.1Hz 1.39ms 50k 1µF 14.33Hz 13.8Hz 7.25ms 100k 1µF 7.16Hz 7.0Hz 14.29ms 200k 1µF 3.58Hz 3.42Hz 29.24ms 300k 1µF 2.39Hz 2.4Hz 41.67ms 400k 1µF 1.79Hz 1.63Hz 61.34ms 500k 1µF 1.43Hz 1.5Hz 66.67ms 1M 1µF 0.72Hz 0.7Hz 1.43s Clocking frequency of around 1Hz was desired. The 1M resistor was chosen to be used in the main circuit. 5.2 High Frequency Oscillator Circuit in figure 5.2 was simulated. 22 Figure 5.2: Simulation of high frequency oscillator Table 5.2: Simulation results of high frequency oscillator simulation circuit Capacitor C RA RB Calculated Frequency Simulation Frequency 1nF 24k 6k 40 kHz 25.4 kHz 1nF 16.8k 6k 50 kHz 28.8 kHz 1nF 12k 6k 60 kHz 34.1 kHz 1nF 8.5k 6k 70 kHz 38.1 kHz 1nF 6k 6k 80 kHz 41.1 kHz The circuit did not produce the desired frequencies. This was speculated to be due to the fact that during charge, the terminal 7 (discharge) was not an ideal open circuit thus leading to an increased charge time and therefore the simulated frequency was lower than expected e.g. instead of 40kHz, what was achieved was 25.4kHz. 23 A solution was devised as connecting a diode across RB. During charge time, the current will bypass RB and charge the capacitor through RA and the diode. During discharge the capacitor discharges through resistor RB. Thus the time and hence frequency now depends on RA and C. New formulas are. . (5.1) And the discharge time (output low) is given by: . (5.2) Thus the total period is: . = . (5.3) And the frequency of oscillation is: . (5.4) Values of RA From calculation Table 5.3: Table of new values of RA Frequency Capacitor C RA 40 kHz 1nF 18k 50 kHz 1nF 14.4k 60 kHz 1nF 12k 70 kHz 1nF 10.3k 80 kHz 1nF 9k Circuit was simulated as shown in figure 5.3 24 Figure 5.3: Simulation of modified high frequency oscillator Simulation frequency results Table 5.4: Table of simulation results of modified circuit Capacitor C RA RB Calculated Frequency Simulation Frequency 1nF 18k 6k 40 kHz 41.6 kHz 1nF 14.4k 6k 50 kHz 49.5 kHz 1nF 12k 6k 60 kHz 61.3 kHz 1nF 10.3k 6k 70 kHz 71.3kHz 1nF 9k 6k 80 kHz 83.5 kHz 5.3 Complete Circuit of Clock Pulse Generator, Decade Counter and High Frequency Oscillator 25 Figure 5.4: Complete circuit simulation 26 The output of the circuit had frequencies between 41.6kHz and 83.5kHz. The frequency varied in five steps. 27 CHAPTER 6: PRACTICAL RESULTS 6.1 Timer circuit. R1=1M and C1=1µF Vcc=12V Vo=11.48V 6.2 Oscillator circuit Instead of diodes 1BH62 being used, diodes IN4148 were used. Both are signal diodes. Close valued resistors were used also instead of the calculation and simulation resistors. Capacitor C RA RB Required Frequency Actual achieved Frequency 1.12nF 17.88k 5.66k 40kHz 38.9kHz 1.12nF 15.00k 5.66k 50kHz 47.8kHz 1.12nF 12.02k 5.66k 60kHz 59.7kHz 1.12nF 9.95k 5.66k 70kHz 68.3kHz 1.12nF 8.17k 5.66k 80kHz 79.2kHz 6.3 Complete circuit Figure 6.1: Complete connected circuit 28 Figure 6.2: Oscilloscope waveforms of High freq. Oscillator output Vcc =12V Vo (oscillator) =11.36V Resistance of Piezo tweeter =4 Current Io = Vo /R=11.36/4=2.84A Output power = Vo Io =11.48X2.87 =32.26Watts Frequency of Vo changed approximately every 1s. 29 CHAPTER 7: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 7.1 Conclusion The design of an ultrasound pest management system was done successfully. The electronic circuit was designed and tested. It produced signals of frequencies 40kHz, 50kHz, 60kHz, 70kHz and 80kHz, which are in the ultrasound range and are irritating to pests such as mice and insects. The output signal was found to be of about 32 watts when connected to a 4 ohms piezo tweeter. 7.2 Recommendation for future work The super tweeters with the capacity to produce ultrasound (above 24kHz) are not readily available in the market. Thus manufacturers and developers should invest in the production of such super tweeters which have high efficiency and are low cost. For mass production of these ultrasound pest management systems for end use, a circuit that steps down main power supply and converts it to 12V dc will be required to be incorporated into the system to supply the 12V dc required as Vcc for the system ICs. This will enable the ultrasound pest management system to operate from mains sockets. 30 REFERENCES [1] John R. 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