Characterizing the Impacts of Significant Wind Generation Facilities on Bulk Power System Operations Planning Xcel Energy – North Case Study Final Report Prepared for The Utility Wind Interest Group In Cooperation with: Xcel Energy NRECA Cooperative Research Network American Public Power Association DEED Western Area Power Administration Electric Power Research Institute By 2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 323 Arlington, VA 22201 Telephone: 703-351-4492 Facsimile: 703-351-4495 May 2003 i Characterizing the Impacts of Significant Wind Generation Facilities on Bulk Power System Operations Planning Xcel Energy – North Case Study Final Report Authors: Daniel Brooks, Project Manager Edward Lo, Principal Investigator Robert Zavadil, Senior Consultant Surya Santoso, Project Engineer Jeff Smith, Senior Engineer Prepared for: Utility Wind Interest Group 2111 Wilson Blvd., Suite 323 Arlington, Virginia 22201 703.351.4492 x121 J. Charles Smith, Senior Technical Advisor Karen Lane, Project Coordinator ii ~ Table of Contents ~ PREFACE....................................................................................................................................... I ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..........................................................................................................III EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................V 1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.1 PROBLEM DEFINITION ........................................................................................................ 1-2 1.2 ANALYTICAL APPROACH AND RELATED WORK ............................................................... 1-3 2 ANALYTICAL APPROACH ............................................................................................. 2-1 2.1 NEED FOR A NOVEL APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY ....................................................... 2-1 2.2 OVERVIEW OF POWER SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND PLANNING ....................................... 2-2 2.2.1 AGC AND ECONOMIC DISPATCH ...................................................................................... 2-2 2.2.2 UNIT COMMITMENT .......................................................................................................... 2-3 2.2.3 LOAD FORECASTING ......................................................................................................... 2-3 2.3 WIND MODEL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................... 2-4 2.4 NSP CASE STUDY ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK ................................................................. 2-4 2.4.1 COST OF WIND GENERATION FORECAST INACCURACY..................................................... 2-7 2.4.2 COST IMPACT OF WIND ON FOLLOWING INTRA-HOUR CHANGES IN LOAD ....................... 2-8 2.4.3 IMPACT OF WIND ON REGULATING MINUTE-TO-MINUTE FLUCTUATIONS IN LOAD ........ 2-10 3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................. 3-1 3.1 EXISTING NSP WIND PLANT ............................................................................................. 3-1 3.2 NSP CONTROL AREA CHARACTERISTICS ......................................................................... 3-3 3.2.1 NSP GENERATION RESOURCES......................................................................................... 3-4 3.2.2 LOAD ................................................................................................................................ 3-7 3.2.3 NSP OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES..................................................................................... 3-9 Contingency reserve requirement ................................................................................. 3-9 Day-ahead planning ...................................................................................................... 3-9 Real-time operation..................................................................................................... 3-10 iii 4 Energy Transactions.................................................................................................... 3-11 Integration of wind plant............................................................................................. 3-11 WIND MODELING RESULTS ......................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 WIND GENERATION TIME SERIES SYNTHESIS MODEL ..................................................... 4-1 4.1.1 USE OF THE MODEL .......................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.2 TIME SCALES OF THE MODEL ............................................................................................ 4-1 4.1.3 MARKOV PROBABILITY IN STATE TRANSITION ................................................................. 4-2 4.2 DATA SOURCES FOR PROBABILISTIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT ......................................... 4-3 4.3 SAMPLE OUTPUT OF THE SYNTHESIS MODEL ................................................................... 4-4 4.3.1 TRANSITION MATRIX ........................................................................................................ 4-4 4.4 SAMPLE GENERATED TIME SERIES ................................................................................... 4-6 4.5 TIME-DEPENDENCE CONSIDERATION OF THE MARKOV PROBABILISTIC MODEL FOR CASE STUDY UTILITY .......................................................................................................... 4-9 4.5.1 HOURLY PROBABILISTIC MODEL ...................................................................................... 4-9 4.6 5-MINUTE AND 4-SECOND PROBABILISTIC MODEL ........................................................ 4-10 4.7 PROBABILISTIC MODEL VALIDATION ............................................................................. 4-11 4.8 WIND PLANT OPERATION RESERVE REQUIREMENT ASSESSMENT ................................ 4-12 4.8.1 RESERVE REQUIRED FOR WIND PLANT OPERATION........................................................ 4-12 4.9 STATISTICS OF WIND GENERATION FLUCTUATION ........................................................ 4-13 4.9.1 REGULATING RESERVE ................................................................................................... 4-14 4.9.2 LOAD FOLLOWING RESERVE ........................................................................................... 4-15 4.10 RESULTS ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................... 4-15 5 UNIT COMMITMENT OPERATION SCHEDULING STUDY ................................... 5-1 5.1 STUDY OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................ 5-1 5.2 UNIT COMMITMENT STUDY FRAMEWORK ........................................................................ 5-2 5.2.1 SEASONAL SCENARIOS ...................................................................................................... 5-2 5.2.2 GENERAL APPROACH AND ASSUMPTIONS ......................................................................... 5-4 5.2.3 SPECIFIC APPROACH FOR DETERMINING WIND ENERGY VALUE ...................................... 5-6 5.2.4 SPECIFIC APPROACH FOR DETERMINING SYSTEM OPERATIONS COST IMPACT OF INACCURATE WIND FORECAST ..................................................................................................... 5-6 5.3 COMPUTATIONAL ASPECTS ............................................................................................. 5-10 5.4 SIMULATION RESULTS ..................................................................................................... 5-11 5.4.1 NO WIND AND PERFECTLY FORECASTED WIND CASES .................................................. 5-11 5.4.2 INACCURATE WIND FORECAST CASES ............................................................................ 5-16 Impact of Inaccurate Forecast on Forward Energy Purchases -- Winter Scenario ..... 5-16 Impact of Inaccurate Forecast on Total Production Cost -- Winter Scenario............. 5-18 Impact of Inaccurate Forecast on Forward Energy Purchases -- Summer Scenario 5-21 Impact of Inaccurate Forecast on Total Production Cost -- Summer Scenario .......... 5-23 5.5 STRATEGY IN OPERATION PLANNING FOR WIND GENERATION FORECAST WITH RANDOM ERROR........................................................................................................................ 5-27 iv 5.5.1 COST OF INACCURACY FUNCTION AND LINEARITY ASSUMPTION ................................... 5-27 5.5.2 PROBABILITY DENSITY OF FORECAST ERROR ................................................................. 5-29 5.5.3 EXPECTED EXTRA OPERATING COST FOR DIFFERENT SCALING STRATEGIES.................. 5-30 Strategy A – No Scaling ............................................................................................. 5-30 Strategy B – Scale Forecasts by 50% ......................................................................... 5-31 Strategy C – Scale Forecasts by 200% ....................................................................... 5-32 Strategy D – Scale Forecasts so Upper Error Distribution Range Equals Actual Generation.................................................................................................................................. 5-34 Determination of Optimal Scaling Strategy................................................................ 5-35 5.5.4 EXPECTED EXTRA COST INCURRED BY NSP DUE TO WIND GENERATION FORECAST INACCURACY IN DAY-AHEAD UC SCHEDULING ......................................................................... 5-36 Winter Scenario .......................................................................................................... 5-36 Summer Scenario ........................................................................................................ 5-37 Annualized Cost Value ............................................................................................... 5-37 6 INTRA-HOUR LOAD FOLLOWING STUDY................................................................ 6-1 6.1 LOAD FOLLOWING COST DEFINITION ............................................................................... 6-1 6.1.1 RESERVE COMPONENT OF LOAD FOLLOWING COST ......................................................... 6-2 6.1.2 ENERGY COMPONENT OF LOAD FOLLOWING COST ........................................................... 6-3 6.2 HISTORICAL DATA ANALYSIS ............................................................................................ 6-4 6.3 LOAD FOLLOWING ASSESSMENT APPROACH.................................................................... 6-4 6.3.1 COMPLETE APPROACH ...................................................................................................... 6-4 Reserve Component Calculation Details ...................................................................... 6-5 Energy Component Calculation Details........................................................................ 6-6 6.3.2 IMPLEMENTATION FOR NSP CASE STUDY ........................................................................ 6-7 Reserve Component ...................................................................................................... 6-8 Energy Component ..................................................................................................... 6-10 6.4 SIMULATION RESULTS ..................................................................................................... 6-14 6.4.1 COMPUTATIONAL ASPECTS ............................................................................................. 6-14 6.4.2 LF ENERGY COMPONENT SIMULATION RESULTS ........................................................... 6-15 7 REGULATION STUDY- LOAD FREQUENCY CONTROL ........................................ 7-1 7.1 STUDY OBJECTIVE.............................................................................................................. 7-2 7.2 REGULATION STUDY APPROACH ....................................................................................... 7-3 7.2.1 SCENARIO ......................................................................................................................... 7-3 7.2.2 SIMULATION TOOL............................................................................................................ 7-4 7.2.3 COMPUTATIONAL ASPECTS ............................................................................................... 7-4 7.3 LFC SIMULATION RESULTS .............................................................................................. 7-5 8 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................. 8-1 8.1 WORK ACCOMPLISHED ...................................................................................................... 8-1 8.2 SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS RESULTS ..................................................................................... 8-2 v 8.3 9 RECOMMENDED FUTURE WORK ....................................................................................... 8-5 REFERENCES..................................................................................................................... 9-1 APPENDIX A: SUMMARY OF RELATED WORKS ...................................................... A-1 APPENDIX B: UNIT COMMITMENT PRIMER..............................................................B-1 B.1 BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................... B-1 B.1.1 SPINNING RESERVE REQUIREMENT IN REAL TIME ........................................................... B-2 B.1.2 NSP UC RESERVE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. B-2 B.2 UNIT COMMITMENT IN HOURLY RESOLUTION ................................................................ B-3 B.3 EXAMPLE #1 -- UNIT COMMITMENT SCHEDULE AND INTRA-HOUR REAL-TIME OPERATION ................................................................................................................................. B-4 B.4 EXAMPLE #2 -- LOAD FOLLOWING RESERVE FOR UNIT COMMITMENT ........................ B-8 APPENDIX C: Y2000 NSP HOURLY WIND GENERATION DATA............................ C-1 C.1 JANUARY 2000- APRIL 2000 ............................................................................................. C-1 C.2 MAY 2000- AUGUST 2000 ................................................................................................. C-2 C.3 SEPTEMBER 2000 – DECEMBER 2000 ............................................................................... C-3 APPENDIX D: SUMMARY OF RELATED WORKS ...................................................... D-1 APPENDIX E: SAMPLE COUGERPLUS SOLUTION OUTPUT...................................E-1 APPENDIX F: DESCRIPTION OF ECONOMIC DISPATCH TOOL............................F-1 F.1 F.2 F.3 F.4 ECONOMIC DISPATCH FORMULATION ..............................................................................F-1 SOME IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS ....................................................................................F-3 IMPLEMENTATION EXAMPLE .............................................................................................F-4 EXAMPLE ............................................................................................................................F-4 vi ~ List of Figures ~ Figure 2-1. Flowchart representing the analytical framework utilized for the NSP wind impacts case study. ........................................................................................................................................................... 2-6 Figure 3-1 Geographical Location of Lake Benton Wind Farm.................................................................. 3-2 Figure 3-2 One-Line Diagram of Buffalo Ridge Substation ....................................................................... 3-3 Figure 3-3 Control Area Map of NSP.......................................................................................................... 3-4 Figure 3-4. NSP January 2001 hourly load profile and categorized generation plotted against the NDC capacity of NSP’s 57 thermal generating units that are included in the NSP AGC generating unit database.............................................................................................................................................. 3-5 Figure 3-5. NSP July 2001 hourly load profile and categorized generation plotted against the NDC capacity of NSP’s 57 thermal generating units that are included in the NSP AGC generating unit database.. 3-6 Figure 3-6. NSP 72-hour summer load profile plotted against the NDC capacity of NSP’s 57 thermal generating units that are included in the NSP AGC generating unit database. .................................. 3-7 Figure 3-7 Xcel Energy Hourly Load Profile of Jan 2-4, 2001 ................................................................... 3-8 Figure 3-8 Xcel Energy Hourly Load Profile of July 18-20, 2001 .............................................................. 3-8 Figure 3-9. Comparison of NSP hourly load and total generation for January 2-4, 2001. ....................... 3-10 Figure 4-1 Sample Transition Matrix-View 1 (Hourly Resolution) ............................................................ 4-5 Figure 4-2 Sample Transition Matrix-View 2 (Hourly Resolution) ............................................................ 4-5 Figure 4-3. Sample 72-hour Synthetic Series .............................................................................................. 4-6 Figure 4-4 Sample 1-hour-horizon synthesized series................................................................................. 4-8 Figure 4-5 Sample 5-minute, 4-second resolution synthesized series ......................................................... 4-9 Figure 4-6 Hourly Average Wind Farm Output for Each Season (Year 2000) ......................................... 4-10 Figure 4-7. Monthly MWh Value for Each Month.................................................................................... 4-10 Figure 4-8. Probability Distribution Function for Hourly Measured Data and Synthetic Series............... 4-11 Figure 4-9. Probability Distribution Function for 5-Minute Measured Data and Synthetic Series ........... 4-12 Figure 4-10 Regulation Time Scale Wind Generation Variability Plots (Month of Year Basis) .............. 4-16 Figure 4-11 Load Following Time Scale Wind Generation Variability Plots (Month of Year Basis) ...... 4-17 Figure 4-12 Load Following Time Scale Wind Generation Variability Plots (MW Range) ..................... 4-18 Figure 5-1 Load, Generation and Interchange Profile of NSP Jan 2-4, 2001 .............................................. 5-3 Figure 5-2 Load, Generation and Interchange Profile of NSP July 18-20, 2001......................................... 5-4 Figure 5-3 Hourly Generation of all Peaking Units during January 2001 ................................................... 5-7 Figure 5-4 Hourly Generation of all NSP Peaking Units during July 2001................................................. 5-8 Figure 5-5. Flow chart summarizing process for assessing cost impact of imperfect wind forecasting on day-ahead scheduling....................................................................................................................... 5-10 Figure 5-6 Distribution of Total Cost with Wind Generation, Winter Case.............................................. 5-11 Figure 5-7 Distribution of Total Cost with Wind Generation, Summer Case ........................................... 5-12 Figure 5-8 Comparison of the simulated and measured load, generation and interchange profiles for the winter scenario, no wind generation case. ....................................................................................... 5-13 Figure 5-9 Comparison of the simulated and measured generation profiles of the 3 Sherco units for the winter scenario, no wind generation case. ....................................................................................... 5-14 Figure 5-10 Comparison of the simulated and measured load, generation and interchange profiles for the summer scenario, no wind generation case...................................................................................... 5-15 Figure 5-11. Comparison of the simulated and measured generation profiles of the 3 Sherco units for the summer scenario, no wind generation case...................................................................................... 5-15 Figure 5-12 Distribution of Energy Purchase for +/- 10% Forecast Inaccuracy, Winter Case.................. 5-17 Figure 5-13 Distribution of Energy Purchase for +/- 20% Forecast Inaccuracy, Winter Case.................. 5-17 Figure 5-14 Distribution of Energy Purchase for +/- 50% Forecast Inaccuracy, Winter Case.................. 5-18 Figure 5-15 Distribution of Cost for +/- 10% Forecast Inaccuracy, Winter Case ..................................... 5-19 Figure 5-16 Distribution of Cost for +/- 20% Forecast Inaccuracy, Winter Case ..................................... 5-19 Figure 5-17 Distribution of Cost for +/- 50% Forecast Inaccuracy, Winter Case ..................................... 5-20 Figure 5-18 Plots of Expected Cost versus Forecast Inaccuracy - Winter Case ........................................ 5-21 vii Figure 5-19 Distribution of Energy Purchase for +/- 10% Forecast Inaccuracy, Summer Case ............... 5-22 Figure 5-20 Distribution of Energy Purchase for +/- 20% Forecast Inaccuracy, Summer Case ............... 5-22 Figure 5-21 Distribution of Energy Purchase for +/- 50% Forecast Inaccuracy, Summer Case ............... 5-23 Figure 5-22 Distribution of Cost for +/- 10% Forecast Inaccuracy, Summer Case ................................... 5-24 Figure 5-23 Distribution of Cost for +/- 20% Forecast Inaccuracy, Summer Case ................................... 5-24 Figure 5-24 Distribution of Cost for +/- 50% Forecast Inaccuracy, Summer Case ................................... 5-25 Figure 5-25 Plot of Expected Cost versus Forecast Inaccuracy, Summer Case ........................................ 5-26 Figure 5-26 Linearized Inaccuracy Cost Functions for Winter Case......................................................... 5-28 Figure 5-27 Linearized Inaccuracy Cost Functions for Summer Case ...................................................... 5-28 Figure 5-28. Assumed uniformly distributed forecast error probability density function. ........................ 5-30 Figure 5-29. Change in forecast error distribution in UC day-ahead planning using scaling Strategy B. . 5-32 Figure 5-30. Change in forecast error distribution in UC day-ahead planning using scaling Strategy C. . 5-33 Figure 5-31. Change in forecast error distribution in UC day-ahead planning using scaling Strategy D.. 5-35 Figure 6-1 Comparison of LFRR for load only and for load and wind generation based on January 2001 data..................................................................................................................................................... 6-9 Figure 6-2 Comparison of LFRR for load only and for load and wind generation based on July 2001 data. 610 Figure 6-3. Load profiles for selected hours that are used in ED simulations. .......................................... 6-11 Figure 6-4. Flowchart of approach implemented for determining NSP load following energy component cost attributable to wind generation. ................................................................................................ 6-13 viii ~ List of Tables ~ Table 3-1. NSP Control Area Load Max and Min for January, April and July 2001 .................................. 3-7 Table 3-2 Peak Hourly Import of January, April and July 2001................................................................ 3-10 Table 4-1. Hourly Standard Deviation and Mean Calculated from Real Measurements and Synthetic Series ......................................................................................................................................................... 4-11 Table 4-2. 5-Minute Standard Deviation and Mean Calculated from Real Measurements and Synthetic Series................................................................................................................................................ 4-12 Table 4-3 Wind Generation and System Load Variation Statistics in Regulation Time Scale.................. 4-16 Table 4-4 Load Following Time Scale Wind Generation Statistics, Based on Month of Year ................. 4-18 Table 4-5 Load Following Time Scale Wind Generation Statistics, Based on Hourly Energy Level ....... 4-18 Table 5-1 Statistics of Wind Generation Time Series ................................................................................. 5-4 Table 5-2 Hypothetical Transaction Price Schedule for Simulation Winter Case....................................... 5-5 Table 5-3 Hypothetical Transaction Price Schedule for Simulation Summer Case .................................... 5-5 Table 5-4 Winter Scenario Simulation Results for “No Wind” and “Perfectly Forecasted Wind Generation” Cases ................................................................................................................................................ 5-11 Table 5-5. Summer Scenario Simulation Results for no Wind and with Wind Generation Cases ............ 5-12 Table 5-6. Operating Cost for Different Percentages of Forecast Error, Winter Case .............................. 5-20 Table 5-7. Extra Operating Cost for Different Percentages of Forecast Error, Winter Case..................... 5-20 Table 5-8. Operating Cost for Different Percentages of Forecast Error, Summer Case ............................ 5-25 Table 5-9. Extra Operating Cost for Different Percentages of Forecast Error, Summer Case .................. 5-25 Table 5-10. Summary of performance for identified scaling strategies..................................................... 5-35 Table 5-11. Scaling Factors and Expected Extra Costs for Different Distribution Ranges - Strategy D... 5-36 Table 5-12. NSP’s Expected Ancillary Costs for Different Forecast Error Distribution Ranges -- Winter Scenario ........................................................................................................................................... 5-36 Table 5-13. NSP’s Expected Ancillary Costs for Different Forecast Error Distribution Ranges -- Summer Scenario ........................................................................................................................................... 5-37 Table 5-14. NSP’s Expected Ancillary Costs for Different Forecast Error Distribution Ranges -Annualized ....................................................................................................................................... 5-37 Table 6-1. Differential LFRR with wind generation and system load considered relative to load only.... 6-10 Table 6-2. Wind Generation Hourly MW and Hourly Ramp Rate in Simulation Study ........................... 6-12 Table 6-3. Incremental load following energy component cost for supporting wind generation. ............. 6-15 Table 7-1. ACE Average from without and with Wind Simulation ............................................................ 7-5 Table 7-2. Standard Deviation of 4-second ACE from without and with Wind Simulation ....................... 7-5 Table 7-3. Standard Deviation of 1-minute-average ACE from without and with Wind Simulation.......... 7-5 Table 8-1. Cost of wind forecast inaccuracy as a function of the distribution range of forecast error. ....... 8-3 ix x Preface The Utility Wind Interest Group (UWIG) was formed in 1989 by a group of eight utility companies, with leadership and financial support from wind energy programs at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). UWIG was formed to provide a forum for utility-to-utility education on wind power issues and experience, and to conduct outreach on progress with wind power for electric utility applications. In 1994, UWIG incorporated as a non-profit organization. Since that time, membership has expanded to some 55 organizations in the electric-utility, winddeveloper and technical-support sectors. Many in the utility and wind-power communities have become familiar with a series of topical brochures UWIG has produced over the years on key wind and utility issues. The work described in this report represents a major departure from the traditional functions of UWIG. Several years ago, the group decided to address key technical issues associated with wind power and utility integration through focused projects conducted by qualified contractors and supported with supplemental funds. The impact of wind power’s variability on utility system operating costs was identified through a survey of members as the highest priority technical issue. Subsequently, UWIG staff and its Board of Directors obtained some $350,000 of funding for a project to address this issue. Funds were provided by the case-study utility (Xcel Energy in Minneapolis, MN), the Western Area Power Administration, EPRI, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association and the American Public Power Association. In addition, wind plant operating data and technical support were provided by the DOE Wind Energy Program through the National Wind Technology Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. A substantial in-kind contribution was also made by the contractor for the work, Electrotek Concepts, Inc. This project has provided a first estimate of wind power’s impacts on utility operating costs in a traditional vertically integrated environment through the use of planning tools well known in the electric-utility sector. The work focuses on differential operating costs arising from the variability of wind power over time periods ranging from seconds to days. The results apply to the case-study utility, and would be expected to vary for different utilities. Nonetheless, these results very likely provide a reasonable indication of wind power’s operating-cost impacts for a wide range of utility situations where wind penetrations are less than 5% of total system generation. As explained in detail in the report body, a number of conservative assumptions have been made in the course of the work with the result that wind’s impacts have likely been overstated. I UWIG aims to conduct additional work in this important area to gain additional insights into wind power’s impacts on utility-system operation, and to work closely with others who are addressing similar issues. Through these collective efforts, an accurate and authoritative perspective on these issues is expected to emerge in the near future. Brad Reeve President Utility Wind Interest Group II Acknowledgments The authors of this report would like to acknowledge the support provided by a number of organizations with the foresight and leadership necessary to undertake this investigation. Once the topic of this report had been identified by the Utility Wind Interest Group (UWIG) as the most critical issue facing the successful integration of large windplants into utility systems, the UWIG committed $25,000 of its member dues to launch this project, and sought additional funding commitments from other interested parties to perform the work. This effort was led by Mr. Brad Reeve, Chairman of the Board of UWIG, and General Manager of the Kotzebue Electric Association in Kotzebue, Alaska. Xcel Energy (Northern States Power) was interested at the time in performing such an investigation of the impact of the Buffalo Ridge projects on its system operation. NSP made a substantial funding commitment to the work, and offered the use of their system as a case study. The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) provided a significant contribution to the work. Additional contributions were provided by the American Public Power Association and the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA). The NSP and WAPA contributions received cofunding from the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). Once the project was initiated, the UWIG created a Technical Review Committee (TRC) to provide industry overview of the work. The TRC was chaired by Dr. Ed DeMeo of Renewable Energy Consulting Services. The membership of the TRC included: Ed DeMeo (Chairman) Dan Belk Jim Caldwell George Darr Les Evans Rick Halet Mike Hasenkamp Jim Hill Brendan Kirby Paul Koehler Chuck McGowin Mark McGree Brenner Munger Brian Parsons John Pease Rob Sims Tom Wind UWIG (NREL, RECS) Western Area Power Administration Izaak Walton League Representative / AWEA Bonneville Power Administration Western Resources Xcel Energy Nebraska Public Power District Xcel Energy Oak Ridge National Laboratory PacifiCorp Representative EPRI Xcel Energy Hawaiian Electric Industries National Renewable Energy Laboratory Bonneville Power Administration SeaWest WindPower Wind Utility Consulting The TRC held several review meetings during the course of the work, asked thoughtprovoking questions, and provided valuable critique of the methodology and interim III results of the work. The authors would like to particularly recognize the contribution provided by Mr. Brendan Kirby of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) under the support of the USDOE. His stimulating discussions with members of the project team based on his knowledge and experience in the industry provided valuable assistance in formulating the load following analysis methodology. In addition, the authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions provided through the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) of the United States Department of Energy (USDOE) by Michael Milligan in the area of wind modeling methodology. Although the authors appreciate the guidance and assistance of the many parties who contributed to the work, Electrotek Concepts accepts full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the report. IV Executive Summary Electric generating resources that are part of the interconnected power system must be controlled so that their aggregate output matches the electric load at any given time. Reliable and economic operation of interconnected power systems relies on multiple layers of automatic control systems to insure that generator output follows the changes in load. The continually fluctuating and mostly uncontrollable nature of wind generation impacts the control systems in all time frames. Consequently, the operational and scheduling systems must adjust generating patterns to accommodate the variability in the wind in order to maintain the same level of system reliability. In a 1999 survey of its members, the Utility Wind Interest Group (UWIG) identified the impact to system operations as the most important issue affecting the large-scale integration of wind generation into electric utility systems. In the past, the penetration level of wind generation was insignificant relative to the total utility generation capacity such that the associated costs to accommodate the wind were considered negligible. In recent years, however, wind generation technologies and development have progressed to the point that individual projects have reached sizes comparable to that of typical conventional plants. As a result, identifying the impacts of wind generation on utility operations has become a significant issue. Quantifying the costs associated with these impacts is increasingly important as utilities evaluate competing capital expansion or allsource energy purchase alternatives. UWIG contracted Electrotek Concepts, Inc. to conduct an operation impacts study using actual utility data. Xcel Energy – North, formerly Northern States Power Co. (NSP) offered to serve as the host utility and provide data for the study. The objectives of the study included the following: • • • Conduct a quantitative investigation of large wind plant operating impacts on utility operation planning Identify operating cost impacts for the host utility system Evaluate value of reduced wind forecast uncertainty The analytical framework developed for evaluating the operational impacts of wind generation integration is a simulation-based approach designed to determine the ancillary service costs incurred by NSP to accommodate their existing 280 MW windplant. The NSP operations impact study is conducted for 3 different time scales consistent with NSP’s scheduling and real-time control operating procedures: • • 3-day (72-hour) study horizon of hourly resolution for performing unit commitment simulations using operating costs as evaluation criteria 1-hour study horizon of 5-minute resolution for performing intra-hour load following simulations using operating costs as evaluation criteria V • 1-hour study horizon of 4-second resolution for performing load frequency control (LFC) simulations using statistics of Area Control Error (ACE) as evaluation criteria Traditional utility scheduling and operation tools are used in the evaluation. These tools allow for time series simulations of the relevant scheduling and control functions. Due to the variable and somewhat random nature of wind, the results of any single time series simulation may not accurately represent the impacts of wind on the scheduling and control functions. Consequently, a Monte Carlo approach is utilized, whereby many realizations of wind generation time series are used in the simulations to provide a distribution of results that are statistically representative of the impacts of the NSP wind regime and not a single realization of the wind. A probabilistic wind plant model and tool were developed using 1-second high-resolution wind data supplied by the National Renewable Laboratory (NREL) and using 5-minute and hourly resolution wind generation data supplied by NSP. The developed wind models were used to synthesize multiple wind generation time series for each scenario evaluated for each of the simulation time scales. As is often the case, however, utility system data was more limited at the higher resolution time scales. Nonetheless, the impacts of each wind generation time series were evaluated in a deterministic manner with the available system data. The distribution of the impact values were compiled and used to provide a more representative assessment. A statistical assessment of the additional regulating reserve required for NSP to integrate its current wind plant was performed based on the methodology published by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). This assessment revealed that for the current NSP wind generation penetration level, the additional regulating reserve required to maintain the same level of control performance is less than 5% of what is required in the no wind case. The following cost impacts were assessed using the developed simulation framework: • • • • Cost of wind generation forecast inaccuracy for day-ahead scheduling Cost of additional load following reserves Cost of intra-hour load following “energy component” Cost of additional regulation reserves Cost of wind generation forecast inaccuracy for day-ahead scheduling. Unit commitment simulations were performed to assess the cost incurred by NSP to re-schedule units because of unavoidable inaccuracy associated with the wind generation forecasts used in the day-ahead scheduling. Several assumptions were utilized in the problem formulation, partly to simplify the evaluation model and partly to account for unavailable data. The methodology utilized provided a cost impact based on the assumed distribution range of forecast error, all of which are shown in Table ES - 1. The results of the study also enabled the derivation of a specific operational planning strategy, similar to a loosely defined procedure already used by NSP, to hedge against the adverse effect of wind generation forecast uncertainty. The results shown in Table ES - 1 are based on this VI hedging strategy. As demonstrated in the results, the cost impacts decrease as the forecast accuracy increases. Table ES - 1. Cost of wind forecast inaccuracy as a function of the distribution range of forecast error. Distribution Range % Extra Cost ($/MWh) 10 0.391 20 0.716 30 0.995 40 1.231 50 1.436 As noted, many assumptions were made in modeling NSP’s system operations, many of which the investigators believe provide a conservative estimate of the cost impacts. Perhaps the most notable of these conservative assumptions was the assumption of perfect load forecasting, such that no diversity was achieved in modeling the wind forecasting uncertainty. Evaluation of the impacts of the wind uncertainty in isolation yields a “worst-case” analysis of the forecast uncertainty impact cost component. It should also be noted that the forecast uncertainty results obtained are strongly correlated to the vertically-integrated operations environment modeled for NSP. The availability of a fluid hour-ahead market or a regional imbalance energy market would likely reduce the calculated cost impacts. Cost of additional load following reserves. Calculation of the load following reserve requirement (LFRR) of the NSP hourly resolution control area load and aggregate wind generation data for January and July of 2000 indicated that the addition of wind does not significantly increase the LFRR. Consequently, the reserve component of the load following cost is assumed to be zero without performing the unit commitment simulations that would be required to obtain a specific cost impact value. It should be noted that this determination is for the existing NSP wind penetration level. Assuming a reserve component cost of zero for wind means that the energy component assessed using intra-hour economic dispatch simulation will be higher than the energy component cost that would be calculated if additional load following reserves were added to support the wind. Cost of intra-hour load following “energy component”. Economic dispatch simulations were performed to evaluate the cost of following the intra-hour ramping and fluctuation of wind generation. This cost is referred to as the intra-hour load following “energy component” because it is the cost of deploying the available load following reserve to meet the intra-hour slow variation of load changes. Economic dispatch simulations were performed for four hours of the day selected to represent the different load ramping and wind variation characteristics associated with NSP’s typical daily load curve. The average cost for a day was extrapolated from the simulations for these four hours by dividing a day into 4 different periods based on the load ramping characteristic with each period including a simulated hour. Additional assumptions and extrapolations were made to obtain an annualized intra-hour load following “energy component” cost of approximately 41¢/MWh. VII Cost of additional regulation reserves. Load frequency control (LFC) simulations were performed for 4 representative hours of the day to calculate the impact of minute-byminute system load and wind generation fluctuation on NSP’s area control error (ACE) statistics. Simulations were performed for no wind generation versus NSP’s current wind generation penetration level without extra regulating reserve. Results show almost no change in the ACE standard deviation between the without and with wind generation scenarios. This suggests that NSP’s current wind penetration of 280 MW on an 8000 MW peak system has no impact on the control performance. This means that for NSP’s current wind penetration level and regulating capacity and for the reserves allocated in the simulations, the variability of the wind on the 4-second time frame didn't significantly affect the capability of the system to follow these variations. Accordingly, the cost impact of additional regulating reserves to accommodate wind is assumed negligible. It should be noted that the regulating burden does increase, however, by approximately 4%. The existing system is able to absorb this increase such that the increase does not impact the performance criteria. Summing the cost impact results for the four components assessed using the distribution forecast error range of ±50%, the impact of integrating NSP’s existing 280 MW windplant is found to be approximately $1.85/MWh of wind generation. It should be noted that it is very difficult to exactly model all of the operational scheduling and realtime operation procedures for a given utility and to obtain all of the necessary data, so assumptions and extrapolations were made for the developed models. The investigators attempted to select these simplifying measures such that the effect was to produce a more conservative (more significant) impact. The results are, however, specific to the NSP system, as it currently exists. Much was learned from conducting this pioneering effort to calculate the cost of integrating wind for a specific control area. The sensitivity of the results to many critical modeling assumptions and parameter values should be studied further, including the following specific sensitivities: • • • • Market structure and imbalance pricing versus the modeled vertically-integrated environment, which is scheduled to change significantly by the end of 2003. Forecast uncertainty impacts considering load forecasting error versus the evaluation of wind forecasting uncertainty in isolation. Varying wind generation penetration levels. Varying generation portfolio mix. These additional analyses will provide a fuller understanding of the impacts of integrating bulk wind generation into the NSP system and insights to extrapolate the results to other systems. A very powerful simulation tool that can be used to examine the operating impacts of integrating large amounts of wind generation into utility systems has been developed. It can be used to examine a large variety of utility system characteristics and operating scenarios to gain a much better understanding of the cost of wind integration and the cost sensitivity to critical parameters. Additional sensitivity study and scenario VIII analysis are required to realize the full value of the tools and methodology that have been developed. IX X 1 Introduction Sometime during the mid to late 1990’s, wind generation in the United States crossed the threshold to commercial reality. In times prior, wind generation was still a novelty and mostly an unknown to all but a few domestic electric utility companies. Most thought of it as just a “California thing.” Out of view of the electric power industry mainstream, wind energy researchers, developers, and manufacturers were continuing the steady progress of the late 1980’s and early 1990’s towards improving the hardware of wind energy conversion. Lessons learned from previous generations of turbines were being applied to improve the following generations, which resulted in increases in energy production and availability as well as declines in capital costs and annualized cost of energy. At the same time, others were working to create the first “markets” for wind energy through the promotion and implementation of green energy programs and other federal and state incentives for production of electric energy from renewable fuels and resources. Construction of large windplants outside of California is an obvious marker for this important milestone in the industry. When developers moved to take advantage of the vast wind resources of the Great Plains and Texas, installed wind generation capacity in this region increased from tens of MW to over 1500 MW in a span of less than five years. As a result, a number of utility companies received their first exposure to significant wind generation, all the while noting the short lead times to plant commissioning and commercial operation. That the speed of the wind fluctuates is apparent to everyone. For electric utility operators facing a utility-scale generating resource powered by the wind for the first time – i.e. a windplant with an order of magnitude nameplate rating comparable to a more conventional utility power plant with only a single interconnection to the transmission network - the more precise nature of the variability became the question of the day. Reliable and low-cost operation of the interconnected electric utility system is not a “natural” state, but rather one that requires the uninterrupted vigilance, cooperation, and coordination of a multitude of electric utility control centers and even more operations personnel. How can a generating resource with a fuel source as capricious as the wind be fit into the elaborate scheduling and operating routines designed to keep the lights on at the lowest cost? Utility control areas are where electric supply is kept in delicate balance with electric demand. Control areas contain load, electric generating resources, and tie lines or transmission interconnections with other, usually adjacent, control areas. Within these areas, system operators schedule generating capacity to meet forecast demand over periods ranging from ten minutes to two weeks. Adequate reserves must be kept on to cover contingencies like the forced outage of a unit or the loss of a major transmission network element. Some capacity must be allocated to respond to short-term changes in the control area load that cannot be forecast accurately. Scheduled exchanges of capacity and energy with other control areas must be executed. Finally, given all of these 1-1 constraints, the supply system should be scheduled and operated in a manner that will minimize production costs. Wind generation differs from the other uncertainties with which system operators routinely deal mostly because it is new, and partly because the uncertainty in how fast the wind will be blowing a few minutes, hours, or days from now is higher than, say, how much water a reservoir powering a hydroelectric generating station might contain over the same time frames. Wind speed and rainfall in a watershed are both stochastic variables, but the latter is certainly better understood by utility system operators and planners due to history and experience. Actions taken by control area operators to maintain system voltage, frequency, and security are categorized as ancillary services. To provide these services, operators dispatch certain generating units assigned to the various regulating functions and deploy other transmission network equipment such as capacitor banks. Ancillary services, vital to the reliable operation of the power system, cost money to provide. In the days of vertically integrated monopoly utilities, ancillary services were simply a part of the cost of doing business. In this new era of competition in the bulk power industry, ancillary services are to be bought and sold in auctions, with prices fluctuating according to the needs of the system - ancillary services demand - and the ability and willingness of generator owners to provide them. Competition in bulk power markets is a relatively new thing, and implementation of market competition in electric generation across the U.S. is not uniform. Some regions of the country have well-functioning competitive markets for energy, capacity, and certain ancillary services. In others, the transition to increased competition and deregulation is slow such that control areas are operated much as they were under the vertically integrated utility monopoly. Flaws in market structure, as so dramatically highlighted in the California power crisis of 2000 and 2001, may have further slowed this transition, such that in the near term, many utilities may continue to operate as vertically-integrated monopolies responsible for providing their own ancillary services. 1.1 Problem definition All users of the bulk power system – generators and users alike – contribute to the amount of ancillary services that must be procured and delivered by the control area operators. For wind generation, the major question is by what amount they require more of these services on a per MW basis than conventional generators or loads. The Utility Wind Interest Group (UWIG) membership had also identified the impact of large wind plants on utility system operations as a high priority research topic. A case study involving Xcel Energy -- North -- formerly Northern States Power Company (NSP) of Minneapolis, Minnesota-- was commissioned to address the question in the context of an actual utility system with existing wind generation resources of significant size. The objectives of the study were to determine the actual incremental costs incurred in the scheduling and real-time operations functions due to uncertainty about the output of the 1-2 wind plant on these time frames for the specific utility system under consideration. The results of that study are documented in this report. 1.2 Analytical Approach and Related Work Utility system integration issues related to wind generation have been studied for years. Much of the early work was devoted to quantifying the value of wind energy in terms of energy and capacity over some longer-term planning horizon. In the generation expansion planning framework, analytical techniques employing production cost calculations and reliability modeling were utilized to calculate various indices to determine the energy and capacity value of wind generation. Conventional tools for expansion planning were modified and adapted so that the variability and uncertainty of wind generation could be quantitatively considered. Effective load carrying capability (ELCC) or incremental improvements in system reliability were typical measures used to compare the value of wind energy to more conventional resources. Technical and economic impacts on a much shorter time frame are the subject of this study. Given the state of the bulk power industry in the U.S., this problem could be approached in two ways. The first would employ the framework of competitive and deregulated markets for bulk power. Wind plants would play by the same “rules” as conventional generators, bidding into next-day, hour-ahead, and possibly even real-time markets for energy. In well-functioning markets, ancillary service charges would be a combination of those explicit charges levied via tariff – such as a regulation or scheduling charge based on nameplate rating of the facility – and any “penalties” incurred for not meeting scheduled deliveries of energy in the real-time and forward markets. A more conventional utility cost-based methodology provides another way to approach the problem. Traditional utility operations utilize tools for committing, scheduling, and operating generating units that simultaneously consider technical constraints necessary for meeting system performance targets and maintaining security and economic parameters for minimizing overall production cost. With this framework, cases can be defined to elicit the incremental costs related to accommodating wind generation. Statistical techniques used in combination with such an analytical method can account for the variability and uncertainty of wind plant production. The market-based analysis is likely the way of the future, although recent events in California have definitely slowed the transition to this new structure in some regions. For this case study, however, operations procedures of the system more closely paralleled conventional utility operations, with some consideration of market-based mechanisms for power purchases from adjacent control areas. Additionally, at the time this study was commissioned, most ancillary service markets around the country were in their infancy, and in a state of flux. For these reasons, a conventional cost-based methodology was adopted for the case study. Quantifying the impacts of bulk wind generation on system operation and control for a specific utility is obviously a complex problem, but is necessary for wind energy to maintain the momentum developed in the last two decades. As wind penetration levels 1-3 increase to the point that system operations are impacted, or at least perceived to be impacted, utilities must understand any associated cost or reliability impacts. Otherwise, unnecessary barriers will develop. Section 2 explains the general framework implemented to assess these impacts for the NSP control area. Sections 3 through 7 provide detailed explanations of the methods used to determine the various potential impacts, as well as the quantitative results obtained with the methods. Section 8 summarizes the aggregate findings of the study and provides recommendations for future work. 1-4 2 Analytical Approach The objective of this study was to quantitatively investigate the impacts on power system operations and scheduling of integrating bulk wind generation. Given the sensitivity of these impacts to specific operational procedures and system generating resource characteristics, the study was performed as a specific case study using actual utility system data. The specific case study objective was to determine the cost and control performance impacts of integrating the existing 280 MW wind plant from Buffalo Ridge into the Xcel Energy – North (NSP) control area. This section provides an overview of the analytical framework utilized to estimate these impacts. The source of the various impact components is identified, as well as an overview of the tools used to quantify them. Detailed explanations of the complete approach utilized to determine the various cost components are provided in subsequent sections of the report. 2.1 Need for a novel approach and methodology Electric generating resources that are part of the interconnected power system must be controlled so that their aggregate output matches the electric load at any given time. Frequency deviations and unscheduled tie-line transfers between control areas are indicators of a mismatch between load and generation. Reliable and economic operation of interconnected power systems relies on operational planning and multiple layers of automatic control systems to insure that generator output follows the changes in load. At the same time, these systems must keep the operation of individual system components within safe limits and maintain adequate security margins for likely contingencies. The variable and mostly uncontrollable nature of wind generation introduces additional considerations into the power system scheduling and control problem. Integration of a continually fluctuating, uncontrolled generation resource such as wind impacts system operations in all time frames. Consequently, the operational and scheduling systems adjust the generating patterns to accommodate the variability in the wind in order to maintain the same level of system reliability. These adjustments ensure that sufficient generation is available to meet the control area load and interchange schedules in various operational/control time frames. These adjustments also result in a higher cost of operation as compared with the hypothetical situation of wind generation being perfectly dispatchable. In a vertically integrated environment, each individual utility implements these operational and control adjustments based on available resources and bears the associated costs. In a deregulated electric power market environment, competitive markets may exist to provide these additional services required to support wind [Hirst 1995-1]. These markets are referred to as “ancillary service” markets. Valuation of the additional cost required to support the integration of bulk wind generation is obviously a complex task. The extent of the cost impacts is very sensitive to specific system characteristics such as generation resource mix, wind penetration level, and system regulatory environment. There have been many research and development efforts to address the range of technical and economic questions that together make up this general issue. A summary of a collection of relevant work is included in Appendix A. This study represents a significant effort to develop a systematic methodology to 2-1 quantify the ancillary services cost of wind generation in the operation time frame. Although conventional utility analyses and software tools have been available to investigate power systems operation and control issues for many years, these tools have mainly been used to study deterministic scenarios. As result, these tools have yet to be applied to the study of the impacts of wind generation, a variable and relatively uncontrollable generation resource. With limited resources for the project, the work that has been performed represented the basic, but key, steps on the use of the operations tools to estimate the impacts of wind generation. It was not possible for all the modeling details to be implemented or for exhaustive simulations to be performed to provide the most accurate results. Nevertheless, this report will identify improvements, scenarios and sensitivities to the basic formulation that could provide additional insights. 2.2 Overview of Power Systems Operations and Planning The primary objective in power system operations and scheduling is to continuously provide sufficient generation to match load at the lowest possible cost to the utility. This objective must be accomplished while maintaining system voltage and frequency within specified tolerances, and providing for system security. Time frames of interest range from seconds to weeks, months, and even years. As installed wind plant capacity approaches and possibly surpasses that of other single units within a given power system, integrating the performance characteristics of wind plants into the various algorithms and programs used for planning and monitoring system operation will become more important. Since these software tools provide a basis for determining costs associated with the additional control actions associated with wind generation, this section is included to provide a basic overview of how these scheduling and control systems interact. 2.2.1 AGC and Economic Dispatch Stable operation of the interconnected power system is dependent on an instantaneous match between load and generation. System frequency is a primary indicator of this balance. When electric load on a synchronous generator exceeds mechanical input, the generator will begin to slow down as kinetic energy is extracted from the machine's rotational inertia and is converted to electric power. The decrease in shaft speed corresponds to a decrease in frequency in a synchronous generator. Conversely, when power supplied by a generator prime mover exceeds electric demand, the generator mechanical system will accelerate as the excess input is stored as rotational energy, with a corresponding frequency increase. Speed governors on individual generating units maintain constant generator speed by adjusting the mechanical input from the prime mover (steam turbine, penstock, diesel engine, etc.) in response to a speed error signal. These systems provide the fastest response to speed deviations caused by mismatch between generator input and output. Automatic generation control, or AGC, is the principle mechanism for coordinating the output of all system generators to match aggregate electrical demand. In a given control area, governor setpoints of generating units assigned responsibility for system regulation 2-2 are coordinated by AGC to maintain system frequency at 60 Hz. AGC involves two interrelated functions: 1) Load/frequency control; and 2) Economic dispatch. Response of load/frequency control is on the order of seconds. Variations that occur more quickly are handled by the individual units’ speed governors. The economic dispatch function in AGC attempts to minimize the cost of meeting the load demand by adjusting individual generating units' participation in load/frequency control. While load/frequency control acts to adjust generation every few seconds, the economic dispatch adjusts participation every few minutes to minimize generating cost. Inputs to economic dispatch algorithms include incremental generating costs for participating units, transmission penalty factors, and scheduled interchanges with other control areas. 2.2.2 Unit Commitment Unit commitment is part of a set of programs for scheduling thermal generation on an hourly to weekly basis. Using forecasts of system load and long-term power purchases or sales to other utilities, unit commitment programs determine which units are to be put online, when they are to be online, and when they are to be taken off-line. The program also determines any additional short-term transactions. The objective is to minimize total operating costs over a time period of one to 10 days, taking into account unit start-up and shut-down costs, maintenance schedules, unit operating costs, transaction prices and other constraints. A general explanation of how unit commitment works is provided in Appendix B. Unit commitment programs use dynamic programming techniques to schedule units of a fixed size to meet the predicted demand for each hour. It is sometimes necessary to coordinate the use of these programs with other specialized routines, like those used for scheduling hydroelectric production. 2.2.3 Load Forecasting Forecasts of load for the next hour, day, season, or year drive the utility scheduling process. Load forecasting is often subdivided into "long-term", where seasonal load peaks and energy requirements are predicted on a long-range basis, and "short-term", where hour-by-hour predictions are made for a particular day. Accurate forecasting of system load is critical for minimizing operating costs. Load forecasts are the primary inputs to the power system scheduling and operations process. When load forecasts are inaccurate, adjustments to the generation schedule result in additional fuel expenses and wear and tear on generating equipment. New and improved methods for load forecasting are continually being developed because of the critical importance of accurate forecasts for minimizing operating costs. Short-term load forecasts rely on historical data and various other inputs such as weather conditions, daily and seasonal patterns, and industrial demand, to predict the hourly load for the next day. Short-term forecasting is a complex problem, and even if it were possible to accurately predict the load based on known factors, random occurrences such as storms, strikes, etc. can upset the prediction. 2-3 2.3 Wind Model Requirements As noted, representation of the wind plant for studying its impact on system operations requires a non-conventional approach. The intermittent, non-deterministic nature of wind and the limited control of the wind plant generation result in cost and system control performance impacts that vary with each specific realization of the wind generation over time. Therefore, a reasonable approach for evaluating wind plant operation is to perform a Monte Carlo (MC) type simulation, where a large number of wind generation time series are synthesized with the impact of each time series being evaluated in a deterministic manner. Then, the statistics of the evaluation indices for the study are compiled over all the sampling time series. The NSP case study was significantly enhanced by the availability of high-resolution wind generation data for the Buffalo Ridge wind plant. This wind generation data was collected as part of a National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) research project and was made available for this wind impact case study. As Section 2.4 explains, the basic evaluation horizons utilized for this study were a 3-day (72-hour) period for the unit commitment (UC) simulations and a 1-hour period for the economic dispatch (ED) and load frequency control (LFC) simulations. At the time the analysis portion of the study began, the NREL data set contained approximately 7-8 months of 1-second resolution data. This data set obviously contained a large number of continuous, 72-hour wind generation series that could be selected for simulation, and significantly more series of 5minute and 4-second resolution. In fact, the problem with selecting actual discrete length time series from the actual data was how to select specific time series and ensure that the set of sample series selected is representative of the entire data set. Consequently, it was determined that a probabilistic model was needed to synthesize a limited set of wind generation time series that were statistically representative of the actual data. The wind plant model that was developed to synthesize the wind generation time series is based on a probabilistic model quantifying the probability distribution of wind generation for a time period given its past history. Following the modeling approach adopted by NREL, [Milligan 1996-1], [Milligan 1997-2], the model assumes that a Markov chain can represent the random process of wind generation. This means that only the most recent observation is relevant in the probability distribution of future wind generation. The details of the developed model are provided in Section 4 of this report. 2.4 NSP Case Study Analytical Framework Quantifying the cost impacts of integrating wind is a complex problem. Vertically integrated utilities have traditionally valued these services on a cost-of-service basis. More recently, the unbundling of transmission and generation services has given rise to deregulated environments characterized by competitive markets, including markets for ancillary services such as those required to accommodate the NSP wind plant. NSP, however, still operates in a regulated environment as a vertically integrated utility. NSP is a member of the Mid-continent Area Power Pool (MAPP), which does provide a reserve sharing pool to its members. MAPP does not currently provide a centralized competitive market for electricity or for ancillary services. NSP is also a member of the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator (MISO), which began operation 2-4 February 2002. MISO is responsible for scheduling transmission services for members engaging in bilateral transactions. However, NSP operates within its own control area as a vertically integrated utility, utilizing bilateral contracts to purchase and sell electricity as needed. NSP performs forward scheduling of generation and energy transactions to meet forecasted system load while maintaining sufficient reserves for normal load variation. In real time, NSP dispatches and controls its unit generation levels to meet minute-by-minute load changes. In other words, NSP provides its own ancillary services excluding the contingency reserves, which are shared among the MAPP members. Given the vertically integrated environment in which NSP operates, the methodologies developed to assess the impact of integrating NSP’s wind plant are based on a valuation of NSP’s cost to provide the additional services required to accommodate the wind energy. The assessments are made by simulating NSP’s generation scheduling and realtime operations using traditional utility scheduling and dispatch tools to evaluate the various services on the appropriate time scales. The availability of energy and capacity through forward bilateral contracts is considered in the developed models. The availability of near real-time purchases and sales is not considered in the models. Thus, the developed model is considered to be an approximation to NSP’s current operating procedures. Although the various cost components incurred for supporting wind plant operation that are identified for the case study may differ slightly from the standard ancillary service offerings in a deregulated market, the case study costs can be indirectly mapped to these standard ancillary service costs. It should also be noted that the investigators expect that the developed approach of mimicking NSP’s current operational procedures will provide a conservative (i.e., more significant) estimate of the wind integration costs relative to the value of the equivalent services obtained from a competitive market or relative to NSP’s minimal cost to provide these services under an optimized operational strategy, which considers the inclusion of wind generation. The cost and control performance impacts for integrating the NSP wind plant that are evaluated in this case study are as follows: 1. Cost of Wind Generation Forecast Inaccuracy 2. Impact of Wind Generation on Cost of Following Intra-Hour Changes in Load 3. Impact of Wind Generation on Control Performance of Regulating Minute-toMinute Fluctuations in Load Figure 2-1 provides a graphical overview of the processes utilized to evaluate the impacts of wind on NSP system operations in terms of the cost components enumerated above and identified in the 3 distinct component boxes overlying the flow chart. For each of the cost components evaluated, this flow chart defines the tools utilized and the basic inputs/outputs for these tools. Additionally, the common links between the components are also identified. The following sub-sections explain the basic process depicted in the flow chart for each of the cost impact categories identified. Detailed explanations of each cost component valuations are contained in Sections 5, 6, and 7. 2-5 NSP Hist. Hr. Avg. Wind Gen. Data STM Wind Generation Tool NSP Unit Characteristic and Transaction Data 100 3-day, hr res. MC Wind Generation Time Series 3-day, hr res. NSP Hist. Load Time Series Hr res. NSP Hist. Load and Wind Time Series Annualize costs from 2 seasonal scenarios Cost of Incremental Load-Following Reserve for Wind Generation Annualize costs from 2 seasonal scenarios Economic Dispatch Simulation Tool Distribution of Cost of LF Energy Component Annualize costs from 2 seasonal scenarios Load Frequency Control Simulation Tool Distribution of ACE Statistics Unit Commitment Simulation Tool Calc. LFRR from hourly change in load and wind gen Commitment and Transaction Schedule for Selected Hours (H3, H8, H14, H23) NREL Hist. 5min Avg. Wind Gen. Data STM Wind Generation Tool Distribution of Cost of Inaccurate Wind Gen. Forecast (±10%, 20%, 50%) 100 1-hr, 5-min res. MC Wind Generation Time Series per selected hr 1-hr, 5-min res. NSP Load Series w/ load hour shape per selected hr NREL Hist. 4-sec Avg. Wind Gen. Data Select 2, 1-hr, 4sec res. wind gen. series for each of 4 hrs per season 4 1-hr, 4-sec res. NSP Load Series for each of 4 hrs per season Figure 2-1. Flowchart representing the analytical framework utilized for the NSP wind impacts case study. NSP uses their unit commitment (UC) and automatic generation control (AGC, which comprises the economic dispatch and load frequency control algorithms) to schedule and control system operations in a hierarchical process. UC produces hourly generating schedules each day, which are in turn used to provide schedules to the AGC program. The interface between the different operations programs can be automated, as is the case in the NSP control center where one software program receives all of the necessary inputs and sends all of the necessary outputs. Manual intervention is allowed for operators to overwrite the system inputs and outputs. This is demanded by the very nature of the tools, not to mention that many real-time operating decisions are made based on intuition and familiarity with the system. Developing a model that incorporates the interaction 2-6 between control layers and the manual intervention of operators in an automated simulation would be very difficult. The method adopted for this study was to use tools very similar to those used by NSP in an operational mode as representative as possible of that used by NSP. As such, it was not possible to perform the iterative simulation process for long periods. Instead, representative scenarios were selected for periods of the year similar in regards to wind and load profiles. As discussed in detail in Section 4, NSP’s Year 2000 hourly wind generation data indicated that wind generation could be grouped into high-wind and low-wind seasons, which are also referred to as winter (high-wind) and summer (low-wind) throughout the report. For each of these wind “seasons,” the cost impacts are performed for selected 3day load profiles. These three-day periods were selected for the high demands relative to the period of year such that the system operations cost numbers provide a somewhat conservative assessment. Because of the varying nature of wind, a Monte Carlo approach was utilized to generate a distribution of cost impact values for each scenario to ensure that a representative cost value was obtained. A probabilistic STM-based (state transition matrix) wind plant model tool was developed to synthesize multiple wind generation time series as discussed in detail in Section 4. These multiple wind series represent various realizations of the wind for the simulated scenarios, thereby allowing a more representative assessment of the cost impacts. The manner in which this Monte Carlo approach was utilized for each of the cost components is represented in Figure 2-1 and discussed in the following subsections describing the more specific process used for each component. 2.4.1 Cost of Wind Generation Forecast Inaccuracy NSP performs unit commitment each day for a 3-day horizon to obtain optimal generation and transaction schedules to meet the hourly forecasted load and existing transaction schedule profiles. Forecasted wind generation is included in this scheduling process. The differential in the forecasted wind generation value used in scheduling and the actual hourly wind generation realized requires that in real-time and near real-time operations, other generators be re-dispatched from the levels determined in the original schedule. In actuality, the differential will be covered in real-time operation by either deploying operating reserves (for deficient wind generation) or by backing down economic units (for excess wind generation). Additionally, for a deficiency in wind generation, the operating reserves that are deployed in real-time operation must be replaced for subsequent hours, i.e., the unrealized wind energy must be replaced from other generating options. Immediate replacement of this generation can only be achieved from more costly options (fast starting peaking units, real-time markets, etc.) until the real-time operators have time to obtain more economic options (startup additional economic units, purchase forward contracts, etc.). Consequently, the generating schedules actually implemented in real-time operation are more costly than the schedule determined by the unit commitment based on perfect forecasting. This cost difference is assessed by running unit commitment simulations for perfectly forecasted wind and inaccurate forecasts. The cost difference between the 2-7 imperfect and perfect forecast runs represents the cost due to forecast inaccuracy. Since NSP uses a unit commitment tool for its operation planning, it is natural to use a similar unit commitment tool to simulate the generation adjustment for discrepancies between actual and forecast wind generation. In this simulation, all variables are in hourly resolution. The upper-layer of the flow chart of Figure 2-1 shows the use of unit commitment to determine the wind generation forecast inaccuracy cost. A three-day period was selected for each of the winter and summer seasons where winter is characterized by high-wind and medium load level and summer by low wind and high load level. Unit commitment simulations were performed for 100 corresponding wind generation time series synthesized from the wind STM tool to represent the actual wind generation. Additional sets of simulations were performed to determine the cost of actual generation when the wind generation forecast is off by ±10%, ±20%, and ±50% of the actual wind generation. Comparison of the cost distributions for the original set of simulations relative to the cost distributions for the various sets of inaccuracy simulations provide the basis for determining this cost component. The detailed process utilized for determining these costs is discussed in Section 5. 2.4.2 Cost Impact of Wind on Following Intra-Hour Changes in Load The generation schedule obtained from the unit commitment solution is determined such that the hourly average generation level is sufficient to meet the expected hourly average load. However, the control area load is varying continuously in real-time. The utility must ensure that sufficient generation is available to cover the sub-hourly changes in load. The load following component of these sub-hourly variations is the slow variation associated with the general correlation in different customer loads that define the daily load cycle. This variation is on the time scale of several minutes, corresponding to the cycle time of economic dispatch execution in utility operation. For example, the typical weekday load cycle for NSP is characterized by a steep ramp-up in the morning from approximately 410 a.m. and a steep ramp-down in the evening from 8 p.m.-12 midnight, with relatively flat load levels throughout the midday and midnight hours. During an hour when the load is ramping throughout the hour, the hourly generation level scheduled from the unit commitment will exceed the actual intra-hour load value for approximately half of the hour, but will be deficient to meet the intra-hour load value for the other half of the hour. Consequently, reserves must be available to deploy within the hour to ensure that sufficient generation is available to meet the ramping of the load. In general, the amount of reserve required depends on how steeply the load ramps during the hour. The variability of the hourly wind generation will affect the amount of reserves that must be available to follow such load trends. If the system wind generation follows a daily cycle that is similar to the load cycle, the total load following reserves required should be reduced. If, however, the wind follows a pattern that is adversely related to the load cycle, as is often the case for strong diurnal wind patterns, the wind would increase the intra-hour load following reserve requirement (LFRR). Load following reserve represents the extra generation capability to meet the intra-hour load changes. This is an addition to the capacity required to meet the hourly average load. 2-8 Making such reserve available usually requires bringing more units online or scheduling unit generation levels in a less economic manner in the operation planning stage. This results in extra cost. The deployment of the available load following reserve to meet the intra-hour slow variation of load changes also results in extra cost. We refer to this cost as the energy component of the load following cost. An economic dispatch program is used to simulate the intra-hour deployment of generation every 5 minutes for 1 hour. The unit on/off statuses are fixed according to the solution of the unit commitment run. The economic dispatch simulation models the contingency reserve requirement and regulating reserve requirement. It models the load following reserve requirement dynamically in the sense that at a given time step, the amount of reserve is reduced to match the increase in load or reduction in wind generation. The economic dispatch is in essence deploying the reserve and converting it into generation. The economic dispatch program used for this study also models an artificial unit that is dispatched when load and reserve requirements are not met by the actual units currently online. A penalty charge commensurate with the peaking unit average generation $/MWh cost at full load is assessed for the dispatch of this artificial unit, representing an equivalent use of peaking energy or purchase of spot market energy to meet the load requirement. The middle-layer of the flow-chart in Figure 2-1 shows the process for assessing both the reserve and energy components of the cost impact of wind on intra-hour load following. Load following reserve requirements with and without wind generation are estimated from historical data on the basis of the hourly load and wind generation changes. Unit commitment is then used to determine the cost differential under different reserve requirements between with- and without-wind generation scenarios. The simulation process for calculating the energy component of load following cost is shown in the lower half of the middle layer. The economic dispatch tool is used to simulate the intra-hour effects of re-dispatching generator set points every 5 minutes. Rather than simulate all 24 hours for each of the 3-day UC periods, the economic dispatch is performed for 4 representative hours from the NSP daily load cycle – hours 3 (nightly flat), 8 (morning ramp-up), 14 (afternoon flat), and 23 (night ramp-down). The commitment schedule for these hours is taken from the median wind generation simulation for each of the 2 wind “season” scenarios. NSP provided 5-minute resolution load data for 5 days during summer 2000. This data provided hourly load shapes that were scaled for the hourly average load values for the selected hours from the 3-day simulation windows. For each of the selected hours for each wind season, 100 wind series of 5-minute resolution and 1-hour horizon were synthesized using the STM wind tool. The economic dispatch was performed for each of these combinations of load and wind series for the selected hours for the 2 wind seasons to provide distributions of the energy component cost for the selected hours. These cost distributions were then used to determine an annualized energy cost component. 2-9 2.4.3 Impact of Wind on Regulating Minute-to-Minute Fluctuations in Load In addition to providing generation to meet the slow intra-hour variations associated with the ramping of the load through the load cycle, the minute-to-minute variations in load must also be accommodated. This regulation service requires that fast-responding generation be reserved to respond to these fast fluctuations. The minute-to-minute variability of the wind production will impact the regulating reserve amount required to meet these changes. Following the analytical methodology as proposed in [Hudson 20011], it is determined as described in Section 4 that the additional amount of regulating reserve required to support the currently existing wind generation penetration of NSP is very minimal. Therefore, it is assumed that no additional regulating reserve is required. Simulations of the real-time regulation process with wind and without wind were performed, however, and the control performances determined by the simulations were compared. The bottom layer of the flow chart in Figure 2-1 shows the simulation process for assessing the impact of wind on regulating minute-to-minute fluctuations in load. To perform this assessment, two high-resolution (4-second) wind generation series of 1-hour duration were selected from the NREL wind generation data set for each of the selected hours for the relevant wind season. NSP provided 4-second resolution load data for the same 5 summer days for which the 5-minute resolution data was provided. For each of the selected hours, four high-resolution load series were selected from the NSP historical data. The LFC simulations determined the ACE statistics for each combination of load and wind, which provided 8 distributions of 900 calculated ACE values. These ACE statistics were also averaged up to 1-minute ACE values to correspond to the NERC performance metric period. These statistics were compared to the ACE statistics calculated for the load series without wind generation. The results showed that the addition of wind had very little negative impact on system ACE. Consequently, it was assumed that the cost impact was minimal as well. 2-10 3 System Description This section provides an overview of the NSP system characteristics and system control operational procedures, as they were understood by the investigators for this case study. Although there was a significant exchange of raw data and NSP-specific operational information between NSP and the investigators, several critical pieces were not obtained. These missing data and information are noted, as well as the assumed data that were used in their stead. In terms of raw data received, NSP provided all of the data except for the high-resolution wind generation data from Lake Benton that was provided by NREL for the development of the wind plant model. The following archived data were provided by NSP to the investigators for the study: 1) hourly historical EMS archives for January, April, and July of 2001 for the following quantities: a) control area load b) control area total generation c) control area generation per generating unit d) interchange e) dynamic schedule f) wind generation g) portion of Sherco generation not owned by NSP 2) hourly historical EMS archives for wind generation for January - December of 2000 3) snapshot of unit commitment database 4) snapshot of AGC database 5) 5-minute historical EMS archives for 5 days (1 in June, 2 in July, 2 in August); data included 6) 4-second historical EMS archives for 5 days (1 in June, 2 in July, 2 in August); data included 3.1 Existing NSP Wind Plant NSP has approximately 280 MW of installed wind generation capacity at the Lake Benton wind site. The site is located in southwestern Minnesota, northwest of the town of Lake Benton (Figure 3-1), along a topographic feature known as Buffalo Ridge. This site is the premier wind resource area in the state of Minnesota due to the storm-driven winds, which occur as a result of the passage of low-pressure systems throughout the year. During winter and early spring, this wind resource is even higher as low-pressure centers are even more intense and numerous. 3-1 Minnesota Lake Benton Wind Farm South Dakota Iowa Nebraska Figure 3-1 Geographical Location of Lake Benton Wind Farm There are several wind plants in this region, with most of this energy being collected at Xcel Energy’s Buffalo Ridge substation. Of NSP’s 280 MW total wind generation capacity (nameplate rating), 230 MW is connected to the Buffalo Ridge substation, with an additional 50 MW connected to another local substation. Wind generation data collected at the Buffalo Ridge substation provides an aggregate of multiple smaller wind farms that is indicative of the characteristics of a single, large, and geographically or topographically diverse wind plant. The majority of the wind generation connected to the Buffalo Ridge substation consists of the Zond Z-750 wind turbines. Each turbine sits atop a 51.2 m (168 ft) tubular tower, with each blade spanning approximately 24 m (79 ft). The actual rotor diameter is 50 m (164 ft), giving a swept area of 1,966 sq. m (21,124 sq. ft). A single-line diagram of the Buffalo Ridge substation is shown in Figure 3-2. Note that the Fox and Golf projects as shown in the figure are no longer fed into the Buffalo Ridge substation, but into the Chanarambie substation. 3-2 N.C. To Pipestone To Lake Yankton 115 kV 120 MVA 120 MVA Metering Points N.C. 34.5 kV Charlie Bravo 322 313 323 311 LG&E Delta Echo Alpha Lakoto Ridge 321 N.O. Foxtrot 312 Shaokaton Hills Small projects 1 Alpha - 27.75 MW, Zond Bravo - 36.75 MW, Zond Charlie - 42.75 MW, Zond Delta - 22.5 MW, Zond Echo - 29.25 MW, Zond Foxtrot - 10.5 MW, Zond Golf - 41.25 MW, Zond LG&E - 25 MW, Kenetech Lakota Ridge 11.25 MW, ? Shaokatan Hills, 11.88 MW, ? Small Projects 1, 11.88 MW, ? Small Project 2, 15.84, ? Golf Small projects 2 Figure 3-2 One-Line Diagram of Buffalo Ridge Substation 3.2 NSP Control Area Characteristics The control area of NSP includes three-quarters of the power consumption of Minnesota and parts of Michigan, Wisconsin and South Dakota. Figure 3-3 shows a map of the utility’s geographic service area copied from Xcel Energy’s website. Note that the service areas in North Dakota and northwestern Minnesota are not contained in the NSP control area. 3-3 Figure 3-3 Control Area Map of NSP 3.2.1 NSP Generation Resources The vast majority of NSP’s generating resources are thermal. NSP’s database of generating units includes 57 units, all of which are thermal. NSP specifies two capacity ratings for their units, the Normal Dependable Capability (NDC)1 and the Maximum Dependable Capability (MDC)2. The total NDC of NSP’s 57 units is 7222 MW, and the total MDC is 7912 MW. These units comprise an array of fuel types, production costs, start-up costs, start-up times, ramp rates, and minimum operation times that determine how these units are utilized to meet NSP’s control area load. As a generalization, the 57 units are categorized based on the following 3 applications: • • Must-Run Units. 22 of the 57 units are run whenever available (not on maintenance or forced outage) due to the relatively low operating costs and minimum operation time constraints. Fuel types include coal, wood, gas and nuclear. The 22 units have a total NDC capacity of 5275 MW and a total MDC capacity of 5651 MW. These units are used as base load units with the exception that three of these units are the primary source for providing operating reserves. Discretionary Units. 4 of the 57 units are mid-range cost units that are used only when economical based on the demand profile, unit characteristics, transaction 1 Normal dependable capability (NDC) of a generating unit was defined by NSP as : “The monthly value representing a unit's high load operating limit used on normal system operating days. This high load limit shall be maintainable during system peak hours (06:00 to 22:00) for five consecutive weekdays (Monday through Friday) on a continuous basis. Under these conditions, there is typically no secondary fuel consumption taking place.” 2 Maximum dependable capability (MDC) of a generating unit was defined by NSP as: “The monthly value representing a unit's high operating limit when the system must burn oil to meet demand. During these conditions, plant personnel may take steps to achieve additional output which may be equal to or less than the unit's URGE rating. Such steps may include using secondary fuel, gas topping or curtailment of nonessential auxiliary load. This high load limit shall be maintainable during system peak hours (06:00 to 22:00) Monday through Friday.” MDC is greater than NDC. 3-4 • prices, etc. Fuel types include gas and coal. These 4 units have a total NDC capacity of 444 MW and a total MDC capacity of 485 MW. Peaking Units. 31 of the 57 are high-cost peaking units having a total NDC capacity of 1503 MW and a total MDC capacity of 1776 MW. Fuel types are natural gas and oil. Figure 3-4 and Figure 3-5 show the NSP January and July 2001 hourly load profiles plotted against a stack-up of the NDC capacity of the 57 thermal units grouped as noted previously. Also included in the plots is the actual hourly generation per category for the respective time periods. These plots show that the “Must-Run” units are operated at a level near the bottom of the daily load cycle. This is due to several factors including the minimum operating time and ramp rates of these units and the designation of some of these units for operating reserves. The load following responsibility of these units is also evident from the cyclic following of the load profile. Other general observations from these plots are: • • • NSP depends on large energy imports to meet its control area load for both winter and summer NSP utilizes its peaking units during the daily load cycle for the summer demand Assuming moderately valued energy is available through bilateral contracts, NSP finds it economical to import energy to meet its demand profile for both summer and winter. January 2001 MW Must Run Disc. Peak Load Must Run Disc. Peak 7000 7000 6000 6000 5000 5000 4000 4000 3000 3000 2000 2000 1000 1000 0 0 1/31/2001 00:00 1/28/2001 00:00 1/25/2001 00:00 1/22/2001 00:00 1/19/2001 00:00 1/16/2001 00:00 1/13/2001 00:00 1/10/2001 00:00 1/7/2001 00:00 1/4/2001 00:00 1/1/2001 00:00 time Figure 3-4. NSP January 2001 hourly load profile and categorized generation plotted against the NDC capacity of NSP’s 57 thermal generating units that are included in the NSP AGC generating unit database. 3-5 July 2001 MW Must Run Disc. Peak Load Must Run Disc. Peak 9000 9000 8000 8000 7000 7000 6000 6000 5000 5000 4000 4000 3000 3000 2000 2000 1000 1000 0 0 7/31/2001 00:00 7/28/2001 00:00 7/25/2001 00:00 7/22/2001 00:00 7/19/2001 00:00 7/16/2001 00:00 7/13/2001 00:00 7/10/2001 00:00 7/7/2001 00:00 7/4/2001 00:00 7/1/2001 00:00 time Figure 3-5. NSP July 2001 hourly load profile and categorized generation plotted against the NDC capacity of NSP’s 57 thermal generating units that are included in the NSP AGC generating unit database. In addition to the 57 units discussed above, NSP’s control area also comprises approximately 500 MW of generation that is not controlled by NSP. There is no MW telemetry for these units and only the hourly energy value is being archived. NSP does not own some of these units. This generation is categorized as follows: • • 280 MW nameplate capacity of wind generation at Lake Benton site About 220 MW of generation from approximately 10 thermal or hydro plants Figure 3-6 shows a typical NSP 3-day summer load profile plotted against a stack-up of the actual realized generation for the time period grouped as noted previously. Note that the “Other” category comprises the 10 thermal and hydro units not on NSP AGC. This graph emphasizes NSP’s use of energy purchases to meet summer demand. 3-6 2001 July 18-20 MW Must Run Disc. Peak Wind Other 9000 Load 9000 8000 8000 7000 7000 6000 6000 5000 5000 4000 4000 3000 3000 2000 2000 1000 1000 0 0 7/20/2001 12:00 7/20/2001 00:00 7/19/2001 12:00 7/19/2001 00:00 7/18/2001 12:00 7/18/2001 00:00 time Figure 3-6. NSP 72-hour summer load profile plotted against the NDC capacity of NSP’s 57 thermal generating units that are included in the NSP AGC generating unit database. 3.2.2 Load NSP’s hourly average load data for January, April, and July show that on a seasonal basis, NSP’s load demand is highest in summer, medium in winter, and lowest in spring and fall. The assumption that the spring and fall load profiles are similar is based on communication with NSP personnel. The maximum and minimum control area loads of each of these three months are shown in Table 3-1. Table 3-1. NSP Control Area Load Max and Min for January, April and July 2001 Month January April July Max MW 6264 5733 8391 Min MW 3638 3089 3455 It is interesting to note that the daily load profile for winter has two peaks. Figure 3-7 shows the hourly average control area load for January 2-4, 2001. The figure shows that system load starts ramping up rapidly at 5 a.m. in the morning and levels off at 9 a.m. The load decreases slowly from noon until 4 p.m. and then picks up again. It peaks for the second time around 8 p.m. and then drops off rapidly after 11 p.m. 3-7 2001 Jan 2-4 Must Run Disc. Peak Load 8000 7000 6000 MW 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1/4/2001 12:00 1/4/2001 00:00 1/3/2001 12:00 1/3/2001 00:00 1/2/2001 12:00 1/2/2001 00:00 hour Figure 3-7 Xcel Energy Hourly Load Profile of Jan 2-4, 2001 Figure 3-8 shows the hourly average control area load for July 18-20, 2001. This plot does not exhibit such a noticeable double peak for the daily load profile, but rather ramps throughout the morning, finally leveling out around noon. 2001 July 18-20 MW Must Run Disc. Peak Load 9000 9000 8000 8000 7000 7000 6000 6000 5000 5000 4000 4000 3000 3000 2000 2000 1000 1000 0 0 3-8 7/20/2001 12:00 Figure 3-8 Xcel Energy Hourly Load Profile of July 18-20, 2001 7/20/2001 00:00 7/19/2001 12:00 7/19/2001 00:00 7/18/2001 12:00 7/18/2001 00:00 time 3.2.3 NSP Operational Procedures A critical component to this study was the development of an understanding of NSP’s operational procedures and the issues that they’ve identified regarding their existing wind plant. This knowledge base within NSP spans many departments and individuals within the various relevant groups. Additionally, there were differences in the nomenclature utilized by NSP personnel and the investigators. Consequently, obtaining the necessary information was not a simple process. Instead, this information gathering was an ongoing process, involving several iterations over the course of the project through the following methods: • • • • On site visit with NSP personnel from various departments during early April of 2001. Email communication with NSP managers and engineers. Phone conversation with NSP real-time trader. Historical data analysis by the investigators The information gathered is summarized in the following subsections. It should be noted that not all of the information was obtained in time to be fully utilized in the simulations performed. In such cases, assumptions had to be made. Such instances are also noted. Contingency reserve requirement NSP belongs to the Mid-Continent Area Power Pool (MAPP), with contingency reserves being shared among all pool members. The reserve criteria used by MAPP are based on the loss of the 500 kV ac transmission line between the MAPP region and Manitoba, Canada. The transmission capacity of this line is 1200 MW. NSP’s share of this contingency reserve requirement is 161 MW of 10-minute spinning and 160 MW of 10minute non-spinning. In the event this 1200 MW transmission line is out of service, the reserve criteria is based on the loss of the largest generating unit of the region, which is NSP’s Sherco 3 unit. Day-ahead planning Prior to 6 a.m. each morning, NSP runs its unit commitment program to schedule its hourly generation for a three-day period beginning at 6 a.m. of the current day. (Appendix B contains a general description of UC operation.) In obtaining each day’s generation schedule, NSP sets the following generating unit parameters within its UC program: • Generating unit high limits are set to the unit normal dependable capabilities. • The only reserve requirement modeled within the UC is the 161 MW of 10minute spinning and 160 MW of 10-minute non-spinning contingency reserve requirement. • All of NSP’s inexpensive cycling units (“Must-Run” units noted previously) are scheduled to be online all the time except on scheduled or forced outage. Figure 3-5 showed that NSP does not own enough generation to meet its annual peak demand. Also evident from Figure 3-4 and Figure 3-5 is that NSP would have to run 3-9 expensive units to meet its daily peaks for most periods of the year. Consequently, NSP purchases energy to make up for any capacity shortages and to obtain a more economical generation mix. NSP purchases more energy during the higher load demand season and during major unit outages. During the day, NSP’s purchasing period coincides with its peak load periods, and is usually from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Table 3-2 shows the MW values of the peak imports for the months of January, April, and July of 2001. NSP also sells energy during its off-peak seasons. This typically occurs from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. each day as represented in Figure 3-9 by the excess of total generation above the NSP load for January 2-4, 2001. In recent years, NSP has had to commit more coal-fired units to meet the increase in daily peak load. With these units committed, however, the minimum generation is higher than the load during minimum daily load period. The minimum down time requirement of these coal units prohibits shutting them down for the short low-load period, so NSP runs them and sells the energy. Table 3-2 Peak Hourly Import of January, April and July 2001 Peak Import (MW) 2631 1768 1286 Month Year July 2001 January 2001 April 2001 2001 Jan 2-4 Must Run Disc. Peak Load Tot. Generation 8000 7000 6000 MW 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1/4/2001 12:00 1/4/2001 00:00 1/3/2001 12:00 1/3/2001 00:00 1/2/2001 12:00 1/2/2001 00:00 hour Figure 3-9. Comparison of NSP hourly load and total generation for January 2-4, 2001. Real-time operation NSP uses some or all of the 3 Sherco units (Sherco 1, 2 and 3) almost exclusively on AGC to perform both regulation and load following. These units can ramp very fast with 3-10 ramp rates 12, 12, and 15 MW/min, respectively. These units also have large NDC capacities with 654, 660, and 807 MW. In NSP’s AGC, the outputs of these units are set to their respective NDC capacities, such that the units can be controlled up to the NDC while still participating in AGC. Based on the current generation and load pattern and the amount of reserves scheduled for following load, each hour the NSP real-time operators determine any actions to be taken in order to meet the changes in system load in the next 60 minutes. When needed, the NSP real-time operators can request generation plant operators to raise the generating limit of a unit above the unit’s NDC, up to the unit’s MDC limit. Operating above its NDC, however, prohibits a unit from participating in AGC control. By allowing one or two of the Sherco units to generate above the NDC, the generation level of the other Sherco unit(s) remaining under AGC could be off-loaded, thus creating more loadfollowing capability from these units. When NSP needs more generation and/or more load-following capability, the real-time operator can take one of the following courses of actions: • • • Increase the generation of the Sherco units, or other units, up to MDC. Start up the peaking units Purchase energy at spot market Analysis of NSP’s historical unit generation data shows that when all three Sherco units generate above their NDC, such that they are not available on AGC for load following, NSP’s peaking units and/or a more expensive cycling unit are used for load following. During the peak and minimum load period of the day where ramping in load is very little, only one of the Sherco units is on AGC for regulation and load following. Energy Transactions As mentioned, NSP imports and exports significant amounts of energy as part of their regular operational strategy. These energy transactions are conducted on an hourly basis. Also mentioned previously, NSP sells a large quantity of off-peak energy as non-firm energy. Integration of wind plant The NSP personnel responsible for generation scheduling assume that the annual capacity factor of the wind plant is about 30%, with a seasonal high of 40% for spring and a low of 15% for summer. NSP personnel also indicated that the wind plant generation varies between 0 to 150 MW, despite the 280 MW nameplate capacity. For performing the hourly generation scheduling with the unit commitment, the day-ahead operators use a wind generation value that is discounted a certain amount from the forecasted value. By doing so, the NSP day-ahead operators in essence provide hedging against the uncertainty in wind generation forecasting. The amount used for wind generation in unit commitment varies from 0 to 50 MW. They have more confidence in the forecasting for steady wind patterns, for which they discount less. They have less confidence in the forecasting for 3-11 volatile wind conditions, for which they discount more. The real-time operators receive no information on how the wind plant is to be operated. They can only take the wind generation on an as-given basis. AGC, therefore, must react to the wind generation variation in real time through regulating the ACE. 3-12 4 Wind Modeling Results In supporting the UWIG case study of wind generation with Xcel Energy – North as the case study utility, two models related to wind-plant operation were developed. The first model was developed for synthesizing the wind generation time series over a time horizon with a given time resolution. The second model was developed to provide the wind generation fluctuation statistics that determine the reserve requirements used in electric utility operations planning. 4.1 Wind Generation Time Series Synthesis Model 4.1.1 Use of the Model The goal of the UWIG case study, with Xcel Energy as host utility, is to evaluate the cost impact and control performance impact with the integration of wind generation operation over a study horizon. Due to the intermittent nature of wind and the limited control of the wind plant generation, the cost and control performance impact varies with each specific realization of the wind generation over time. Therefore, a reasonable approach for evaluating wind plant operation is to perform a Monte Carlo type simulation, where a large number of wind generation time series are synthesized with the impact of each time series being evaluated in a deterministic manner. Then, the statistics of the evaluation indices for the study are compiled over all the sampling time series. In this task, we develop the model for synthesizing the wind generation time series that are statistically representative of the actual Xcel Energy wind generation of Lake Benton wind plant. This statistical model is developed from historical wind generation data collected from the host utility as well as high-resolution wind generation data collected as part of a National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) research project. 4.1.2 Time Scales of the Model Based on the discussion in Section 2 of this report, the system operational impacts of integrating significant wind generation are evaluated on three different time scales as follows: 3-day (72-hour) study horizon of hourly resolution for performing unit commitment study using operating cost as evaluation criteria 1-hour study horizon of 5-minute resolution for performing intra-hour load following study using operating cost as evaluation criteria 5-minute study horizon3 of 4-second resolution for performing load frequency control (LFC) simulation using statistics of ACE (Area Control Error) as evaluation criteria The model that was developed synthesizes the time series of the three time scales as listed above. For convenience, in this report the sub models for each time scale 3 5-minute study horizon for LFC simulation was proposed in the early stage of the project. However, 1hour study horizon is used for actual implementation. Reasons for this change are provided in Section 8. 4-1 (resolution for a time step) are referred to as separate models -- the hourly model, the 5minute model and the 4-second model. 4.1.3 Markov Probability in State Transition The mechanism of synthesizing the wind generation time series is based on a probabilistic model quantifying the probability distribution of wind generation for a time period given its past history. Based on the modeling approach adopted by NREL, [Milligan 1996], [Milligan 1997], we further assume that the random process model of wind generation can be represented by a Markov chain. This means that only the most recent observation is relevant in the probability distribution of future wind generation. A random process {Xt, t ∈ T} is a family of random variables indexed by t over a set T of time points or time periods. The set T can be a set of discrete units of time such as {0, 1, 2, 3…} or a continuous set of values such as [0, ∞). For a given t, the random variable Xt can assume a value from a discrete set or a point from multi-dimensional state space, which we call the state in either case. Consider wind generation over time as a random process with t as any given time period within the study horizon. We partition the wind generation space with a given step size from 0 MW up to the wind plant capacity. We enumerate each partition by an integer value that the random variable Xt can assume. A 1 MW step size was selected for discretization for the 1-hour and 5-minute resolution models. For example, for these models, Xt = 0 represents a wind generation value between 0 and 1 MW; and Xt = i represents a wind generation value between i and (i+1) MW, and so on. For the 4-second resolution model, a step size of 0.1 MW is used. A Markov chain is a random process with a property that, given the value of Xt, the probabilistic characteristics of Xt+1 does not depend on the value of Xu, where u < t. That is to say that the probabilistic behavior of the random process at the next time period as well as any time period further in the future when its present state is known exactly, is not altered by additional knowledge concerning its past behavior. The decision to use the Markov chain in describing the inter-temporal probabilistic behavior of wind generation is based primarily on the simplicity of the model. This method has been used by NREL, and as indicated in some of their publications, when compared with other detailed models, Markov modeling provides a reasonable degree of accuracy in synthesizing wind generation time series for case study simulation. The probability of Xt+1 being in state j, given that Xt is in state i (called one-step transition probability) is denoted by pijt , t +1 . When the one-step transition probabilities are independent of the time period t, we say the Markov process has stationary transition probabilities. This is the case for the Xcel case study because the wind does not exhibit any strongly noticeable daily patterns, diurnal or otherwise. If the wind data for the Xcel Energy – North case study did exhibit a particular daily pattern such as a diurnal pattern, two separate probability models would be required to maintain the assumption of stationary transition probabilities. 4-2 We define the state transition probability matrix Pt, t+1 as t , t +1  p00  t , t +1 p t , t +1 =  10t ,t +1 P  p20   Μ t , t +1 p01 p11t ,t +1 t , t +1 p21 Μ t , t +1 p02 Λ  t , t +1 p12 Λ t , t +1 p22 Λ  Μ Ο ï£»ï£º Each row of the matrix corresponds to a state at time period t, and the row elements are the probabilities of different states at t+1 reached from the state at t. Hence the row sum of each row is equal to 1. ∑p t , t +1 ij =1 ∀i j Consider that we have the state transition probability matrix for all time periods. Time sequences of the random process governed by the state transition probability matrix can be generated. In synthesizing the wind generation time series for system operations simulations, consider a present generation level corresponding to state i’ at time period t. The row of the state transition probability matrix for time period t corresponding to the current state gives the conditional probability distribution of generation at t+1; that is p it',tj +1 j = 0,1,2... We then use a random number generator of uniform distribution to generate a point between 0 and 1. For convenience, we denote this number as y. We then map this number y through the use of conditional probability distribution to obtain the state j’ for time period t+1. To be precise, the state j’ at time period t+1 being mapped to j ' −1 is such that ∑ pit',tj +1 ≤ y < j =0 j' ∑p j =0 t ,t +1 i' j Repeating the same process with generation at t+1, we obtain the generation level at t+2 and then up to end of the study horizon for one sample time series. 4.2 Data Sources for Probabilistic Model Development Two separate data sources were utilized as a basis for developing the Markov probabilistic model of the Lake Benton wind farm located within the Xcel Energy service territory. Historical data collected by the host utility (Xcel Energy) was used for development of the hourly wind generation model. This data consisted of average hourly MW output values of the wind farm for all months of year 2000. Appendix C provides a graphical view of the NSP Year 2000 hourly resolution data. High-resolution data collected by Electrotek for the NREL Wind Farm Monitoring Project was used to develop both the 5-minute and 4-second resolution wind generation models. This data has been collected at the Lake Benton wind farm since January 2001, 4-3 and a total of approximately 7 months of data is used for developing the higher resolution models (the data set ranges from January 31, 2001 to August 13, 2001). Ideally, high-resolution data from the same period of time as the hourly data would be preferred for developing the 5-minute and 4-second models for consistency reasons, but this data was unfortunately not available from the host utility. Note that the models developed for the wind farm are based upon year 2000 hourly generation levels and partial year 2001 high-resolution data. Therefore the model is only representative to the extent that this data represents wind farm operation. High-resolution (4-second) wind generation data was used to develop the model for the regulation reserve and load-following reserve requirement calculations. Additionally, high-resolution system load data provided by Xcel was utilized. Xcel provided highresolution load data for 5 separate days -- June 29, July 2, August 25, 27 and 28, all in year 2001. 4.3 Sample Output of the Synthesis Model 4.3.1 Transition Matrix Using the process described in Section 4.1.3, a state transition probability matrix is developed for each of the resolutions of interest: 1 hour, 5 minutes, and 4 seconds. Each model has a resolution of 1 MW, with the exception of the 4-second model which uses a 0.1 MW resolution), with the maximum bin value of 250 MW. Considering the development of the state transition probability matrix of a given resolution, we count the number of occurrences from state i to state j for all possible state transitions from a given set of historical data and we call it Nij. Then for each state i, we count the total number of occurrences of the transition from state i to all possible states and call it Ni. Hence ∑ N ij = N i . Dividing Nij by Ni, we obtain the conditional j probability of state j for the next time period given state i for the current period. A 3-D graph of a sample transition matrix for hourly transition developed by using the entire year 2000 hourly data set is shown in both Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2 for two separate views. Note the peaks that occur at the minimum and maximum levels. The peaks toward the maximum MW range (approximately 230 MW) are a result of very few data points present at that level, while the peaks occurring at the minimum MW range (< 1 MW) represent the high probability that if the generation is below 1 MW it will stay at that level. 4-4 Figure 4-1 Sample Transition Matrix-View 1 (Hourly Resolution) Figure 4-2 Sample Transition Matrix-View 2 (Hourly Resolution) 4-5 4.4 Sample Generated Time Series Each type of time series, regardless of resolution, is synthesized using the same basic methodology. Consider the time series starting at t = 0. Using a seed value Xt, t = 0, as a starting point, the respective conditional probability distribution from the state transition matrix corresponding to Xt is converted to a cumulative distribution function. A random number, between 0 and 1, is mapped to the cumulative distribution and a new state Xt+1 for time period t+1 is derived as described in Section 4.1.3. This value is then used as a new seed value and the process is repeated. The hourly transition probability matrix is used to synthesize a set of 72-hour time series of wind generation data to be used for unit commitment simulations. Each 72-hour time series begins with a seed value that is derived from the unconditional probability distribution function derived from the entire historical hourly data set of interest. This seed value, Xt, is then used as input to the state transition probability matrix to calculate the next value, Xt+1. Five samples of synthesized 72-hour wind generation data series are shown in Figure 4-3. Appendix C provides a graphical view of the NSP Year 2000 hourly resolution data for comparison. The transition matrix used to generate the sample series for this figure is based upon hourly, year 2000 high-wind-season data.4 Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Series 4 Series 5 250 200 MW 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Time (hour) Figure 4-3. Sample 72-hour Synthetic Series Using a similar process, the 1-hour-horizon, 5-minute resolution wind generation time series are synthesized using the 5-minute transition matrix. However, there are additional requirements on the synthesized time series. As this type of time series is used for intra- 4 High wind season for Xcel Energy – North based on year 2000 hourly data includes January, February, April, November and December. 4-6 hour load following study, it should exhibit fluctuating behavior about a given hourly average generation level. Specifically, the requirements are: • • The total energy of the time series should match the energy of the given hourly generation level. The generation level of the initial time period should be in the neighborhood of the given hourly generation level. The following procedure describes the steps of generating such time series. 1. With the given hourly MWh value as the generation level of the initial 5-minute period, generate a temporary time series for the remaining 11 time steps of an hour using the 5-minute transition matrix. 2. Use the minimum and maximum values from this temporary series to set the range for selecting the initial MW generation of the time series to be generated next. 3. Assuming that the MW generation of the initial 5-minute period is uniformly distributed between the minimum and maximum of step 2, use the random number generator to select a value for such quantity. 4. With the MW value of the initial 5-minute period as determined in step 3, use the 5-minute transition matrix to generate the time series for the remaining 11 time steps of an hour. 5. The resulting 12 5-minute data points are then scaled such that the total energy for the hour matches the energy of the hourly MWh value in step 1. 6. Repeat step 1 to 5 for generating additional time series. By developing a temporary series for finding the maximum and minimum values that could be found within the hour, one is able to get an estimated range of possible values that could be found within the hour. In addition, by modeling the MW level of the initial time period as a uniformly distributed random variable, one is able to create a fluctuation effect for the quantity between different time series. Five samples of synthesized 1-hour, 5-minute resolution wind generation series are shown in Figure 4-4. The 5-minute transition matrix used to develop these series is based upon 5-minute averaged data derived from the 4-second high-resolution data. The five series shown in Figure 4-4 were randomly selected and included for informational purposes only. No conclusions regarding the percent fluctuation can be drawn from this graph. If more series were included, one would begin to see wider fluctuations in output. 4-7 Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Series 4 Series 5 120 110 MW 100 90 80 70 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Tim e (Min) Figure 4-4 Sample 1-hour-horizon synthesized series The 5-minute-horizon, 4-second resolution time series to be synthesized for load frequency control simulations have requirements similar to the synthesized 5-minute resolution time series. Therefore, a similar procedure is used for synthesizing the 4-second resolution time series. Five samples of synthesized 5-minute, 4-second resolution wind generation time series are shown in Figure 4-5. The 4-second transition matrix used to develop these series is based upon 4-second averaged high-resolution data. 4-8 Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Series 4 Series 5 57 56 55 MW 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 Time (seconds) Figure 4-5 Sample 5-minute, 4-second resolution synthesized series 4.5 Time-Dependence Consideration of the Markov Probabilistic Model for Case Study Utility 4.5.1 Hourly Probabilistic Model Analysis of the year 2000 hourly wind generation data set has shown that the wind farm output has a very weak diurnal pattern (see Figure 4-6), with the only noticeable change in generation production levels being found from season to season. During the winter season, the energy level is noticeably higher than the rest of the year. With the exception of the month of April, the months from November through February have significantly higher production levels, greater than 60,000 MWh (see Figure 4-7.). Due to the absence of a noticeable diurnal pattern within any given season, one single probability matrix for state transition for all hours of the day was implemented. However, significant differences in energy production among seasons required the development of two probability matrices based on season. A high-wind transition matrix was developed using data from November, December, January, February and April. A low-wind transition matrix for the remaining portions of the year was also developed. It should be noted that the month of July is grouped with the other months designated as low wind even though the July energy production is at least 25% less than the next lowest month in the year 2000. This decision was made based on communications with the Xcel Energy staff which indicated that the typical July energy production is only about 10% less than its adjacent months. Therefore, it was concluded that development of a separate probability for this particular month was not warranted. 4-9 Spring (Mar-May) Summer (Jun-Aug) Fall (Sept-Nov) Winter (Dec-Feb) 120 Output (MW) 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hour Figure 4-6 Hourly Average Wind Farm Output for Each Season (Year 2000) Total MWH 70,000 60,000 Total MWh 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month Figure 4-7. Monthly MWh Value for Each Month 4.6 5-Minute and 4-Second Probabilistic Model The 5-minute and 4-second transition matrix was based upon the entire data set of highresolution data (January 31, 2001 – August 13, 2001). The time series developed only needed to exhibit the fluctuation around the average MW generation level; therefore the different seasons were merged into one single model. In addition, insufficient data was available to determine whether the intra-hour fluctuations from season to season warrant a separate 5-minute, and possibly 4-second, probability matrix. 4-10 4.7 Probabilistic Model Validation In order to validate the probabilistic model, distributions and statistical quantities (mean and standard deviation) were derived for both measured and synthetic data and compared. Figure 4-8 shows the probability distributions for 8,760-point measured and 60,000 point-synthesized hourly time series (Note: Increased number of synthetic samples have to be produced to simulate all possible combinations of state transitions found in the measured data). Table 4-1 provides the summary statistics for the probability-distribution functions shown in Figure 4-8. Table 4-1 and Figure 4-8 indicate that the developed model produces synthesized hourly wind generation time series that are representative of the measured data. Synthetic 2 Measured 1.8 % Probability 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 239 225 211 197 183 169 155 141 127 113 99 85 71 57 43 29 15 1 0 MW Figure 4-8. Probability Distribution Function for Hourly Measured Data and Synthetic Series Table 4-1. Hourly Standard Deviation and Mean Calculated from Real Measurements and Synthetic Series Standard Deviation (MW) Mean (MW) Synthetic 64.0 71.5 Measured 63.7 71.6 The same verification process was performed for the intra-hour wind models and the results are shown in Figure 4-9 and Table 4-2. Figure 4-9 illustrates the probability distributions for 53,251-point measured and 1,000,000-point synthesized 5-minute resolution time series. Table 4-2 shows the summary statistics for the PDFs shown in Figure 4-9. These comparisons indicate that the developed model produces synthesized intra-hour wind generation time series that are representative of the measured data. 4-11 Measured Synthetic 2 1.8 1.6 % Probability 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 16 31 46 61 76 91 106 121 136 151 166 181 196 211 226 241 MW Figure 4-9. Probability Distribution Function for 5-Minute Measured Data and Synthetic Series Table 4-2. 5-Minute Standard Deviation and Mean Calculated from Real Measurements and Synthetic Series Standard Deviation (MW) Mean (MW) Measured 61.0 69.2 Synthetic 61.3 72.9 Additional validation of the 4-second probabilistic model is not warranted due to the previously illustrated validation of the hourly and 5-minute probabilistic models, which utilize the same technique as that used in development of the 4-second model. 4.8 Wind Plant Operation Reserve Requirement Assessment 4.8.1 Reserve Required for Wind Plant Operation In general, during normal operation, utilities carry a certain amount of reserve for various reasons including the following: 4-12 • • • For reliability: This is the contingency reserve that can be deployed within 10-15 minutes in order to replace any MW loss following line or generator outage. Half of the reserve must be spinning. For regulation: This reserve is being provided by fast responding on-line units. The reserve is deployed to meet the minute-by-minute fluctuation in system load. North American Electric Reliability Council, NERC, has set the guidelines on control performance in load regulation. For intra-hour load following: This reserve is being deployed to follow the withinthe-hour load change in the frequency consistent with the economic dispatch cycle, i.e. 5 to 10 minutes per cycle. Utilities may not model this requirement explicitly in running their unit commitment model. Due to the nature of limited control and variability for wind generation, the operation of wind generation within the utility grid means that additional reserve is required in order to • • Maintain the same level of control performance in minute-by-minute regulation with respect to no wind plant scenario Minimize any additional operating cost due to the balancing of intra-hour slow variation of wind generation. In this case study, the trip rate of the wind plant is not available for system reliability evaluation. Therefore, no change was made in the contingency reserve requirement based on the outage rate of the wind plant. In the following, we consider the regulation reserve and load following reserve. We investigate the implication of the wind plant operation to the requirements of these types of reserve. Xcel Energy North’s automatic generation control operation explicitly enforces regulation reserve through imposing regulating margins on the regulating units. For the units designated as regulating units, a regulating margin is applied. The operating high limit of a unit less its regulating margin and the operating low limit plus its margin are respectively the MW amounts used to define the unit economic high and low limits, to be observed by the economic dispatch calculation. This guarantees that the regulating unit will always have at least the additional capacity of the regulating margin to ramp up and down to perform regulation. Our investigation on this type of reserve is the assessment of the additional amount of reserve required for wind plant operation as compared to the reserve required with no wind plant operation. Although the case study utility does not explicitly model load following reserve in the economic dispatch calculation, utility data indicates that sufficient ramping capability between hours is ensured by the UC simulation. We will assess the reserve requirement for supporting wind plant operation. 4.9 Statistics of Wind Generation Fluctuation The methodology utilized to characterize the wind generation fluctuation for the Xcel Energy case study is based on the approach presented in the report [Hudson 2001] by R. Hudson and B. Kirby of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). In the ORNL report, only regulating reserve is considered. For this case study, the methodology is extended to apply to the load following reserve also. 4-13 The approach is based on using the wind generation and system load historical data to form the distribution of fluctuation with respect to some form of average. Reserve requirement is then derived on the basis of the standard deviation of the distribution. This report will not describe the theoretical background of the approach as it is well explained in the referenced report. 4.9.1 Regulating Reserve The following steps are taken in applying the ORNL methodology for reserve calculation to the determination of regulating reserve for the Xcel Energy case study. 1. Use the high-resolution wind generation time series data to form a 1-minute average time series. 2. Use the 1-minute time series to form the 30-minute moving average time series. At each time step, the value of the moving average is the average value of all the 1-minute values that falls within the 15-minute window on either side of the current time step. 3. From the 1-minute time series, subtract the moving average time series to obtain the time series of fluctuation of wind generation in the regulation time scale. 4. Form the distribution of the fluctuation in the form of MW amount of fluctuation versus the number of occurrences. Calculate the mean, median and standard deviation of the distribution. As the degree of fluctuation could vary from month to month, we apply the procedure above separately on a monthly basis. The same procedure was applied to Xcel Energy high-resolution system load time series data to obtain the distribution of the system load fluctuation in the regulation time scale. Since the amount of high-resolution historical data for system load available for analysis was very limited, only a single distribution was developed for system load. The standard deviation of the distribution provides a good measure of the degree of variability of a quantity; regulating reserve requirement should be chosen in proportion to the standard deviation of the quantity that requires regulation. In the regulation time scale, the load fluctuations among individual customers are generally not correlated to each other. This is also the case between load and wind generation. Let σload and σwind denote the standard deviation of fluctuation of system load and wind generation, respectively, on separate bases. Without any wind plant operation, the regulation reserve requirement is proportional to σload. With wind plant operation and assuming statistical independence between the system load and wind generation fluctuation, the standard deviation σtotal of the fluctuation of the two quantities in total is σ2total = σ2load + σ2wind 4-14 The fractional increase in regulation reserve requirement from no wind generation to with wind generation is (σtotal / σload) –1. According to [Hudson 2001], regulating reserve chosen to be 3 times the total standard deviation will insure that 99% of the time, the reserve will be able to cover the minute-by-minute fluctuation of the system load and wind generation in total. The statistical results for wind generation and system load fluctuation in the regulation time scale are given in Section 4.10. 4.9.2 Load Following Reserve Determining the degree of the wind generation fluctuation in the intra-hour load following time scale is similar to the procedure for the regulation time scale. The difference here is that we consider the fluctuation to be the deviation of the 30-minute moving time series with respect to the hourly average MW level. For completeness, we present the procedure as follows: 1. From the 30-minute moving average time series, subtract the hourly average MW level to obtain the wind generation fluctuation time series for the intra-hour load following time scale. 2. Form the distribution of the fluctuation in the form of MW amount of fluctuation versus the number of occurrences. Calculate the mean, median and standard deviation of the distribution. We calculate distributions on a month of the year basis as well as on the average hourly generation falling within certain MW range basis. Results are presented in Section 4.10. The degree of variation in the load following time scale is a good indicator on the level of load following requirement for the system. Similar to the regulating reserve requirement, we have to consider both system load and wind generation in total to determine the load following requirement. Given the degree of variation for these quantities, especially system load variations from one hour to the next during the day, the load following requirement is highly time-of-day dependent; for example, there is a large variation for load during the ramp-up and ramp-down periods, and a small variation during the peak and off-peak periods. In general, the optimal amount of load following reserve will minimize the cost of intra-hour following of the change in system load and wind generation in total. The calculation of such cost requires the knowledge of intra-hour load ramping rate, amount of wind fluctuation, and generating unit operating limits and operating costs. Detailed discussion of this subject will be presented in the subsequent section. 4.10 Results Analysis Statistical results of the wind generation variability in the regulation time scale are shown in Figure 4-10 and Table 4-3. April is the month with the highest standard deviation among all months for which data was available for the calculation. This is not surprising, 4-15 as April is the month with highest energy production. From Table 4-3, the wind generation standard deviation is 6.34 MW; hence the variance is 40.2 MW2. The standard deviation for load is 20.03 MW; hence the variance is 401.2 MW. The variance of the wind generation and load in total is 441.4 MW2. Using the formula provided in Section 4.9.1, the increase in regulation reserve requirement due to wind generation is about 4.8%, which is very minimal. Additional wind generation installations in the future will definitely require more regulation reserve for supporting their operation. Consider a total of 10 wind farms identical to the one at Lake Benton with a total nameplate capacity of about 2700 MW. Assume that the wind generation fluctuations in the regulation time scale are statistically independent among all these wind farms. Then the variance of fluctuation of the aggregate wind generation is 10 times the variance of an individual wind farm which amounts to 10*40.2 = 402 MW2. This is almost equal to the variance of system load. The aggregation affect of the load, however, results in a regulating reserve requirement that is 41.5% higher with respect to the reserve requirement under no wind generation operation. Apr Feb Mar May Jun Jul Aug 0.08 0.07 Frequency 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 Watts Figure 4-10 Regulation Time Scale Wind Generation Variability Plots (Month of Year Basis) Table 4-3 Wind Generation and System Load Variation Statistics in Regulation Time Scale 4-16 8.20E+06 7.20E+06 6.20E+06 5.20E+06 4.20E+06 3.20E+06 2.20E+06 1.20E+06 2.00E+05 -8.00E+05 -1.80E+06 -2.80E+06 -3.80E+06 -4.80E+06 -5.80E+06 -6.80E+06 0 Month Mean (kW) Median (kW) Standard Deviation (kW) Feb -2.0 -12.6 3044 Mar 2.0 -3.5 3008 Apr 6.4 6.0 6340 May 2.1 -9.9 3575 Jun 4.8 -8.9 4031 Jul 4.2 -13.9 2763 Aug 4.4 -5.5 1921 Load 53.2 -74.2 20026 Results of the analysis of the wind generation variability in the load following time scale are presented in Figure 4-11 and Figure 4-12. The mean, median, and standard deviation for the wind generation variation in load following time scale are presented in Table 4-4 and Table 4-5. Results of Figure 4-11 and Table 4-4 are on a month of year basis, while Figure 4-12 and Table 4-5 are on a MW range basis. Table 4-4 shows that April, the month with highest energy production, has the highest standard deviation. Table 4-5 shows that the 100 to 150 MW range, the mid range of the wind plant capacity, has the highest standard deviation. Apr Feb Mar May Jun Jul Aug 0.14 0.12 Frequency 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 2.95E+07 2.45E+07 1.95E+07 1.45E+07 9.50E+06 4.50E+06 -5.00E+05 -5.50E+06 -1.05E+07 -1.55E+07 -2.05E+07 -2.55E+07 -3.05E+07 0 Watts Figure 4-11 Load Following Time Scale Wind Generation Variability Plots (Month of Year Basis) 4-17 0-25 MW 100-150 MW 25-50 MW 150-200 MW 50-100 MW 200-250 MW 0.14 0.12 Frequency 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 2.40E+07 1.90E+07 1.40E+07 9.00E+06 4.00E+06 -1.00E+06 -6.00E+06 -1.10E+07 -1.60E+07 -2.10E+07 -2.60E+07 0 Watts Figure 4-12 Load Following Time Scale Wind Generation Variability Plots (MW Range) Table 4-4 Load Following Time Scale Wind Generation Statistics, Based on Month of Year Month Mean (kW) Median (kW) Standard Deviation (kW) Feb 21.7 -3.8 7505 Mar -5.2 -3.3 6407 Apr 1.0 6.4 9178 May -3.6 -7.8 6839 Jun -1.6 0.9 7938 Jul -8.8 -2.8 6079 Aug 7.1 -10.1 5486 Table 4-5 Load Following Time Scale Wind Generation Statistics, Based on Hourly Energy Level MWh Range Mean (kW) Median (kW) Standard Deviation 0-25 MW 103 -56 4248 25-50 MW 87 -46 6723 50-100 MW 17 -32 8806 4-18 100-150 MW -112 49 10532 150-200 MW -165 111 7104 200-250 MW -117 56 3276 5 Unit Commitment Operation Scheduling Study The overview of the project analytical framework described in Section 2 identified the unit commitment (UC) software as the tools to be used to determine the impact of wind on NSP’s day-ahead generation scheduling. This section provides a detailed explanation of the methodologies developed for using the UC software to study the impact of bulk wind generation on these scheduling functions, as well as the results obtained using the developed methods. Appendix B provides a general description of how a typical UC program functions. The analyses described in this section assess only the impacts on the hourly-resolution time frame, and consequently, use hourly resolution for all study quantities. All intra-hour impacts are discussed in subsequent sections. The cost of carrying additional LF reserves to accommodate wind is discussed in Section 6 as part of the LF cost impacts discussion, despite the fact that the additional LF reserve costs would be evaluated as part of the day-ahead planning using the hourly resolution UC simulations. 5.1 Study Objectives The objectives of the analyses discussed in this section were three-fold: 1. Use UC simulations to evaluate the value of wind generation in terms of the savings in fuel cost, assuming 100% day-ahead forecasting accuracy. NSP typically assesses independent proposals for provision of energy from various generating technologies. As such, the fuel cost savings associated with wind is not NSP’s primary concern, as they are predominantly interested in the additional cost to their system operations for incorporating the new generation resource. Nonetheless, understanding the value of the wind energy is valuable when considering the total cost to all stakeholders for each alternative. Furthermore, the simulations required to make this assessment were prerequisite for the other analyses performed to assess the impact on system operations. Consequently, the first assessment provides the cost benefit of wind energy assuming the ideal situation that wind generation is predicted perfectly in the day-ahead planning. 2. Use UC simulations to evaluate the extra operating cost due to the use of inaccurate wind generation estimates in the operation planning stage. With a sufficient amount of lead-time in day-ahead scheduling, utility operation planners are able to consider all of the inexpensive resources and purchase/sell accordingly to arrive with a minimum cost schedule to meet the system load and reserve requirements. Wind generation cannot be forecasted perfectly for day-ahead planning, however, and the NSP real-time operators have to adjust the day-ahead schedule. They have to make hour-ahead re-scheduling decisions and real-time re-dispatching decisions with respect to the day-ahead schedule. Since the leadtime for these adjustments is limited, operators must utilize more expensive generating resources such as peaking units or unfavorably priced energy transactions. Therefore, the overall operating cost is higher than had the wind generation been predicted perfectly. The second objective is to evaluate the extra cost incurred for different degrees of forecast inaccuracy resulting from the 5-1 variability of wind, assuming that the day-ahead scheduling is based on exactly the forecasted wind generation amount. 3. Given the amount of wind generation forecasting uncertainty, determine the optimal strategy in operation planning to minimize the extra operating cost due to forecasting inaccuracy. Objective 2 considers the extra cost for a given amount of forecast inaccuracy though the operation planner does not know this amount when he conducts his scheduling. The study of Objective 3 models the forecast error as a random variable with a given probability density function. Using the simulation results as obtained in Objective 2 a strategy is developed for scaling the wind generation forecast amount to be used in day-ahead scheduling. The strategy will minimize the expected extra cost for the given probability density of forecast error. It should be noted that the cost associated with wind forecast inaccuracy in day-ahead planning results from the inherent variability associated with wind and not operational negligence. The fact that wind cannot be perfectly forecast in day-ahead planning results in an unavoidable cost impact of integrating wind. The objectives associated with #2 and #3 above are to evaluate these cost impacts. 5.2 Unit Commitment Study Framework 5.2.1 Seasonal Scenarios All of the UC simulations performed for this study are based on a 3-day horizon with hourly resolution, to be consistent with NSP’s operational planning approach. Two 72hour load profiles were selected from the NSP hourly data to represent two “seasonal” study scenarios: 1. Winter Case. Characterized by a high wind and medium load scenario using the load profile of January 2 – 4, 2001. 2. Summer Case. Characterized by a low wind and high load scenario using the load profile of July 18 – 20, 2001. These periods were selected based on the following criteria: 1. Relatively high load demand as compared to the remainder of the month. 2. No major generating units on forced outage during the 3-day period. Note that one of the critical sensitivities not investigated in the current study is the impact of load uncertainty on the hourly resolution UC simulations. It is expected that including the variability in the hourly load profile will provide some diversity with the variable hourly wind generation, decreasing the impact of wind forecast inaccuracy in the dayahead planning. This hypothesis is based on the documented diversity obtained from the varying load and wind generation profiles at higher resolutions. 5-2 Figure 5-1 and Figure 5-2 show the hourly load, total generation, and interchange profiles from NSP’s archived data for each of the two 3-day periods chosen for the simulation study. The sign convention for interchange is a positive value for imports and a negative value for exports. Note that the NSP generation levels for both 3-day periods are similar in magnitude, despite the summer demand significantly exceeding the winter demand. This is the reason that the import for summer is much higher, up to 2000 MW during the daytime due to the high load demand. Also note that the “Residual” trace is a calculated value equal to Load – (Generation + Interchange). This value should resolve to zero as it does for the winter scenario. The investigators were unable to confirm the source of the small positive “Residual” at the load peaks for summer, but it is assumed that the associated data discrepancy is negligible. During the load ramp-up period from 5 a.m. until late morning, both NSP generation and energy imports increase to meet the increase in system load. During mid-day, imports remain relatively flat, and generation moves up and down to follow any change in load usually within a 500 MW range. During the load ramp-down period from very late evening until 2 a.m., both generation and imports are reduced to follow the load reduction. 2001 Jan 2-4 Load Generation Interchange Residual 7000 6000 5000 MW 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 -1000 -2000 Figure 5-1 Load, Generation and Interchange Profile of NSP Jan 2-4, 2001 5-3 1/4/2001 12:00 1/4/2001 00:00 1/3/2001 12:00 1/3/2001 00:00 1/2/2001 12:00 1/2/2001 00:00 time 9000 Load 2001 July 18-20 Generation Interchange Residual 8000 7000 MW 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 7/20/2001 12:00 7/20/2001 00:00 7/19/2001 12:00 7/19/2001 00:00 7/18/2001 12:00 7/18/2001 00:00 time Figure 5-2 Load, Generation and Interchange Profile of NSP July 18-20, 2001 5.2.2 General Approach and Assumptions To account for the variable and non-dispatchable nature of wind generation, a Monte Carlo approach is utilized. One hundred wind generation hourly-resolution time series of 72 hours (3 days) are generated for each scenario using the wind plant model described in Section 4. For each wind generation time series, the control area load profile is netted against wind generation in pre-processing. The UC is then executed with the net load as an input to be served by non-wind generation. For each wind generation time series, one unit commitment is performed. Execution is then looped over all wind generation time series. The results are then obtained from the distribution of simulation outcomes. As described in Section 4, two different hourly resolution wind models were built for the study: a high-wind model and a low-wind model. These models synthesize wind generation time series for the winter case and summer case, respectively. The statistics of the wind generation time series used for the UC study are shown in Table 5-1. Note that the “Average MWh” referred to in Table 5-1 is the average total energy of the 100 Monte Carlo wind series over their respective 72-hour periods. Table 5-1 Statistics of Wind Generation Time Series Winter 5913.73 82.14 3183.55 44.22 Average MWh Average MWh / 72hr Standard Deviation Standard Deviation / 72hr 5-4 Summer 4093.83 56.86 2480.72 34.45 The following modeling assumptions were made for the UC simulation setup: • • • • • • Fuel cost used in the unit commitment simulation for both winter and summer cases are from the AGC database snapshot of September 2001 provided by NSP. Only 161 MW for 10-minute spinning reserve requirement and 160 MW for 10minute non-spinning reserve requirement are modeled for all cases, per NSP personnel. Consistent with the historical data, most of the inexpensive cycling units are fixed at generation levels very close to their generating capability. Only four units are set as dispatchable in the unit commitment setup. Three of the units, Sherco 1, 2 and 3, are from the least expensive “Must-Run” group discussed previously. The fourth unit, LCG, is from the “Discretionary” group and is about twice as expensive as the other 3 units. Nonetheless, LCG has an NDC capacity of 262MW and a ramp rate sufficient to meet the hourly load-following requirement when the Sherco units are removed from AGC to reach their high MDC limits. The generating unit high limits for Sherco 1, 2 and 35 are set to their respective MDC capacities, while the high limit for all other units is set to their respective NDC capacities. No outage of major units is modeled. Transaction pricing data is hypothesized, as they were not made available to the investigators. The criteria for hypothesizing this data was that the transaction schedule determined by simulation should be close to the historical data and that the forward transaction price never exceeds $50/MWh. The Table 5-2 and Table 5-3 list the hypothesized transaction prices used for the UC simulations. Table 5-2 Hypothetical Transaction Price Schedule for Simulation Winter Case MW block 0-400 401-800 801-1200 Winter Purchase $/MWh 15 25 35 Sale $/MWh 10 10 10 Table 5-3 Hypothetical Transaction Price Schedule for Simulation Summer Case MW block 0-600 Summer Purchase $/MWh 10 5 Sale $/MWh 8 This is in contrast to the modeling scheme used by NSP in their unit commitment run where normal dependable capabilities are used as high limits for all Sherco units. This discrepancy was discovered after the completion of all simulation tasks. Though this discrepancy will affect the absolute value of the operating cost as determined by the simulation, the investigators believe that it has only a minimal effect on the relative cost impact of wind generation, which is calculated by taking the operating cost difference between the no wind generation and with wind generation scenarios. 5-5 601-1000 1001-1400 1401-1800 1801-2200 25 35 45 55 8 8 8 8 5.2.3 Specific Approach for Determining Wind Energy Value As mentioned previously, the NSP wind energy is valued with a simple 2-step process for each seasonal scenario: Step 1 Step 2 Run unit commitment without any wind generation. Run unit commitment with Monte Carlo loop over all wind generation time series. The cost saving of Step 2 with respect to Step 1 is the value of the wind generation. As mentioned previously, this savings represents only the fuel cost savings compared to providing this energy through NSP’s existing generation and transaction resources. The reduced cost does not reflect the energy cost NSP would pay to the wind developer nor does it include the additional integration costs discussed in the remainder of the study. The results of this assessment are presented in Section 5.4.1. 5.2.4 Specific Approach for Determining System Operations Cost Impact of Inaccurate Wind Forecast In evaluating the cost impacts associated with inaccurate day-ahead wind generation forecasting, the following assumptions are made regarding NSP’s hour-ahead and realtime re-scheduling strategies: • • Optimistic forecasting of wind generation results in purchasing less energy than necessary in the day-ahead planning. Thus, the interchange is fixed at the forward schedule with no further transaction being arranged. Peaking units are dispatched to compensate for the unrealized wind generation at real-time. Pessimistic forecasting of wind generation results in purchasing more energy than necessary in the day-ahead planning. Generation levels of low-cost units are lowered to accommodate the unexpected increase in wind generation at real-time. A member of the project Technical Review Committee noted that these two assumptions may be too conservative and unrealistic, resulting in significantly higher cost impacts for wind. The primary concern noted was the lack of modeling a real-time (or near real-time) energy market where NSP can purchase and sell energy for the respective generation deficits and surpluses resulting from the actual wind generation compared to the estimate used in planning. Assuming that the real-time energy price should be similar to the forward market price, the cost increase due to forecast inaccuracy should be much lower than the results obtained based on the assumptions used in this study. Having noted this concern, an examination of the historical hourly generation data shows that NSP has deployed their peaking units routinely for meeting the daily peaks during the high load summer season. Figure 5-3 and Figure 5-4 show the hourly total generation 5-6 of all NSP peaking units for January and July 2001. Note that NSP also used their peaking generation on a somewhat regular basis during the lower demand winter daily peaks. These plots provide a certain degree of validity to the assumptions made for the UC simulations in this study. NSP Peaker Generation -- January 2001 800 700 600 MW 500 400 300 200 100 0 1/31/2001 00:00 5-7 1/28/2001 00:00 Figure 5-3 Hourly Generation of all Peaking Units during January 2001 1/25/2001 00:00 1/22/2001 00:00 1/19/2001 00:00 1/16/2001 00:00 1/13/2001 00:00 1/10/2001 00:00 1/7/2001 00:00 1/4/2001 00:00 1/1/2001 00:00 time NSP Peaker Generation -- July 2001 1200 1000 MW 800 600 400 200 0 7/31/2001 00:00 7/28/2001 00:00 7/25/2001 00:00 7/22/2001 00:00 7/19/2001 00:00 7/16/2001 00:00 7/13/2001 00:00 7/10/2001 00:00 7/7/2001 00:00 7/4/2001 00:00 7/1/2001 00:00 time Figure 5-4 Hourly Generation of all NSP Peaking Units during July 2001 Based on the identified modeling assumptions of NSP’s re-scheduling scheme in response to wind generation forecasting inaccuracy, the UC tool is used to evaluate the increase in operating cost as follows: Step 1 Use the synthesized wind generation time series as the actual wind generation. Scale the entire wind generation time series up or down by certain percentage to represent the error in over optimistic or pessimistic forecasting. Step 2 Run UC using Monte Carlo loop with forecasted wind generation time series (scaled series) to determine the generating unit and transaction schedule as determined in the day-ahead operation planning stage. Step 3 Re-run UC using a Monte Carlo loop with the un-scaled wind generation series and the corresponding transaction levels and cycling units on/off status fixed according to the associated solution of Step 2 to determine the utility operating cost under actual wind generation. Step 4 The cost increase from the Step 3 solution relative to the cost of perfect wind generation forecasting (Step 2 from Section 5.2.3) is the extra cost due to forecasting inaccuracy. The flow chart shown in Figure 5-5 illustrates the basic cost assessment procedure described in steps 1-4. The STM wind synthesis tool at the left of the flow chart generates 100 time series representing actual, realized wind generation series for the seasonal scenario being studied. Through the multiplication operation, these time series are scaled up and down to provide time series representing inaccurate wind generation forecast series. Both actual and forecasted wind generation time series are subtracted 5-8 from the system load to obtain the net load as an input to the unit commitment program. The UC execution shown on the upper path of the flow chart represents the scheduling of operation planning under a perfect forecast in wind generation. This set of UC simulations is based on the load series net of the actual wind generation series with no restrictions on the unit on/off schedule or transaction schedule. The results of this UC execution comprise the distribution of production cost for perfect wind forecasting, which serves as the base cost against which the inaccurate forecast costs are compared (Step 2 from Section 5.2.3). The lower path of the flow chart shows 2 UC executions in series. The first UC execution (left-most UC box) represents the operation planning scheduling based on a forecasted wind generation level with different degrees of inaccuracy. The net load series for which these UC simulations are run is determined by scaling the actual wind generation time series by a fixed percentage. The generation schedule produced by this UC execution is used to fix the on/off schedule for the generating units and the transaction schedule for the second set of UC simulations. The second set of UC simulations on the lower path represent the generation adjustments made in real-time to meet the net load based on the actual wind generation. These UC simulations are performed for the net load associated with that actual wind generation series, but the on/off schedule of the economic units and the forward transaction schedule is fixed from the scheduling output for the inaccurate series. The difference in cost of this unit commitment simulation and the one from perfect forecast is the cost due to forecast inaccuracy. This cost is determined for both the winter and summer scenarios. These costs are then annualized to provide an annual estimated cost impact. The results of this assessment are presented in Section 5.4.2. 5-9 CougarPlus Unit Commitment Tool NSP Hist. Hr. Avg. Wind Gen. Data 100 72-hour MC Wind Generation Time Series STM Wind Synthesis Tool Inaccuracy factor (±10%, 20%, 50%) X - Σ Σ 2 72-hr NSP Hist. Load Time Series - - + + Σ + Flexible unit on/ off schedule & transactions allow ed CougarPlus Unit Commitment Tool Fixed unit On/Off sched. for all units except peakers. Fixed transaction schedule. CougarPlus Unit Commitment Tool NSP Unit Characteristic and Transaction Data. Figure 5-5. Flow chart summarizing process for assessing cost impact of imperfect wind forecasting on day-ahead scheduling. 5.3 Computational Aspects ABB’s CougerPlusCougerPlus unit commitment software package was utilized for all of the UC simulations. Upon signing a non-disclosure agreement with ABB, the investigators were provided a copy of the CougerPlusCougerPlus package and a temporary license from NSP to perform the simulations for this study. Appendix D provides a description of the CougerPlusCougerPlus package. Based on the flow chart, one can ascertain that more than 3600 72-hour UC simulations were run to obtain the inaccurate wind forecast impacts. For such a large number of simulations, it was not feasible to operate the UC program interactively through the CougerPlus Graphical User Interface. Instead, the investigators were able to automate the process by making use of the text file input/output functionality of the program. The computer workstation used for the simulation was a Pentium III, 1GHz machine with 512 Mbytes of RAM. On this machine, one deterministic 72-hour horizon UC simulation required approximately 30 seconds. One Monte Carlo loop consisting of 100 deterministic simulation runs required approximately 50 minutes. 5-10 5.4 Simulation Results This section provides the results obtained by performing the procedures identified in Section 5.2 to determine the impacts of wind generation on the hourly scheduling determined by UC. 5.4.1 No Wind and Perfectly Forecasted Wind Cases This section provides the simulation results for the no wind generation cases and perfect forecast wind generation cases. These two results are the components that were identified for determining the value of wind energy (Objective 1 from Section 5.1). The perfect forecast wind generation case results are also used in determining the inaccurate forecasting cost impacts as discussed in Section 5.2.4. Winter Scenario Table 5-4 summarizes the total cost for no wind generation and perfectly forecasted wind generation cases as well as the cost saving in dollars and percentage. Note that the cost included in Table 5-4 for the perfectly forecasted wind generation scenario is an expected value over the entire MC set of 100 synthesized wind generation time series. Figure 5-6 shows the cost distribution for the 100 MC simulation solutions. Table 5-4 Winter Scenario Simulation Results for “No Wind” and “Perfectly Forecasted Wind Generation” Cases Cost (k$) No Wind Generation Wind Generation assuming Perfect Forecasting Inc(+) / Dec(-) Cost (k$) Inc(+) / Dec(-) Cost (%) 3235.70 3156.08 -79.62 -2.46 Figure 5-6 Distribution of Total Cost with Wind Generation, Winter Case Dividing the expected value of cost saving which is 79.62 k$ by the expected total energy of the wind generation which is 5913.73 MWh, the value of the wind energy is $13.46/ MWh. It should be noted that the reduced cost does not reflect the energy cost NSP would pay to the wind developer nor does it include the additional integration costs discussed in the remainder of the study. Summer Scenario 5-11 Table 5-5 summarizes the total cost for no wind generation and perfectly forecasted wind generation scenarios as well as the cost savings in dollars and percentage. Again the perfectly forecasted wind generation cost in this table is an expected value. Figure 5-7 shows the cost distribution for 100 MC solutions. Table 5-5. Summer Scenario Simulation Results for no Wind and with Wind Generation Cases Cost (k$) No Wind Generation Wind Generation assuming Perfect Forecasting Inc(+) / Dec(-) Cost (k$) Inc(+) / Dec(-) Cost (%) 5765.60 5630.31 -135.29 -2.30 Dividing the expected value of cost savings which is 135.29 k$ by the expected total energy of the wind generation which is 4093.83 MWh, the value of the wind energy is $33.05/ MWh. Note that wind generation has a higher value in summer than in winter because the energy purchase that wind generation displaces has a much higher marginal cost. Based on our simulation with hypothetical transaction price data, the marginal cost for energy purchases during the winter simulations is primarily 15 $/MWh compared to the energy purchase cost for the mid-day summer hours where it could be as high as 55 $/MWh. Again, the results should be considered along with the fact that the reduced cost does not reflect the energy cost NSP would pay to the wind developer nor does it include the additional integration costs discussed in the remainder of the study. Figure 5-7 Distribution of Total Cost with Wind Generation, Summer Case Annualized Value Simulations were not performed for spring or fall. For determining an annualized value, it is assumed that the value of the wind generation is equal to the value determined for the winter scenarios as the load demand of these two seasons are less than for the winter season. By taking the average over all four seasons of the year, the annualized value of the wind generation is: Wind Generation Annualized Value = 18.36 $ / MWh Validation of Simulation Results 5-12 Figure 5-8 compares the simulation results for the no wind generation winter scenario with the actual NSP measured data for the same 3-day period. Figure 5-8 shows that from late morning to about 9 p.m. each day, the simulated interchange value tends to follow the load shape slightly more than the measured interchange, which is flatter during this period. This small discrepancy may be attributable to the fact that in the UC simulations, transactions are determined independently on an hour-by-hour basis. The UC optimization algorithm will seek the lowest cost solution by varying the transaction amount for each hour. In actuality, NSP may get a better price by arranging energy purchasing on a multiple-hour block basis. 2001 Jan 2-4 Meas. Load Meas. Gen Meas. Int Sim. Int Sim. Gen 7000 6000 5000 MW 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 -1000 1/4/2001 12:00 1/4/2001 00:00 1/3/2001 12:00 1/3/2001 00:00 1/2/2001 12:00 1/2/2001 00:00 time Figure 5-8 Comparison of the simulated and measured load, generation and interchange profiles for the winter scenario, no wind generation case. Figure 5-9 compares the simulated and measured hourly generation levels of the 3 Sherco units for the winter scenario “no wind” case. The associated plots show a similar generating range for all 3 units. The measured data shows a much higher degree of fluctuation in the generation levels of these units, whereas the simulated generation levels are very steady during in the on-peak daytime hours and off-peak hours after midnight. The relatively constant simulated generation levels are partly due to the hourly transaction modeling described previously. Inspection of the measured data suggests a considerable amount of real-time intervention by the NSP operators, including the following: • Use of peaking units for increased generation as evidenced by the sharp reductions of the Sherco units during peak hours 5-13 • Increase of generation levels of some or all of the Sherco units from their NDC capacity to their MDC capacity to obtain additional generation. The UC simulations are intended to mimic the NSP operations planning mechanism for developing hourly generating schedules. The decision to utilize the expensive peaker units is a real-time operating decision. Consequently, none of the peaking units are started in the results of this simulation run. The complete hourly generation schedule obtained from the winter scenario, no wind case is presented in Appendix E for reference. 2001 Jan 2-4 Meas. SHC1 Sim. SHC1 Meas. SHC2 Sim. SHC2 Meas. SHC3 Sim. SHC3 900 850 800 750 MW 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 1/4/2001 12:00 1/4/2001 00:00 1/3/2001 12:00 1/3/2001 00:00 1/2/2001 12:00 1/2/2001 00:00 time Figure 5-9 Comparison of the simulated and measured generation profiles of the 3 Sherco units for the winter scenario, no wind generation case. Figure 5-10 compares the simulation results of the no wind generation summer case scenario with the actual NSP measured data for the same 3-day period. Figure 5-11 compares the simulation results and the measured hourly generation levels of the 3 Sherco units for the summer scenario “no wind” case. These plots show similar results to the winter case. Note that the zero generation level of Sherco 2 for the first several hours of the study horizon suggests that the unit was on outage during that time. 5-14 9000 Meas. Load 2001 July 18-20 Meas. Gen Meas. Int Sim. Gen Sim. Int 8000 7000 MW 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 7/20/2001 12:00 7/20/2001 00:00 7/19/2001 12:00 7/19/2001 00:00 7/18/2001 12:00 7/18/2001 00:00 time Figure 5-10 Comparison of the simulated and measured load, generation and interchange profiles for the summer scenario, no wind generation case. 1000 Meas. SHC1 Sim. SHC1 2001 July 18-20 Meas. SHC2 Sim. SHC2 Meas. SHC3 Sim. SHC3 900 800 700 MW 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 7/20/2001 12:00 7/20/2001 00:00 7/19/2001 12:00 7/19/2001 00:00 7/18/2001 12:00 7/18/2001 00:00 time Figure 5-11. Comparison of the simulated and measured generation profiles of the 3 Sherco units for the summer scenario, no wind generation case. 5-15 5.4.2 Inaccurate Wind Forecast Cases This section provides the simulation results for the inaccurate wind generation cases. These results along with the perfect forecast wind generation case results from the previous section are the components that were identified for determining the cost impact of inaccurate forecasting in the day-ahead scheduling (Objective 2 from section 5.1). As noted in Section 5.2.4, the 100 wind generation time series synthesized by the wind model for each season scenario represent the set of actual realized wind generation time series. These wind generation series are scaled up and down to represent both overoptimistic and over-pessimistic wind generation forecasts to be used in the day-ahead scheduling phase. Simulations were performed for forecast errors of ±10%, ±20% and ±50% with respect to the actual wind generation time series. The complete simulation procedure is described in Section 5.2.4. Impact of Inaccurate Forecast on Forward Energy Purchases -Winter Scenario Figure 5-12 shows the distribution of energy purchase costs obtained from the UC MC simulations for the ±10% forecast error cases for the winter scenario. The distribution of energy purchase costs obtained from the perfect wind generation forecast MC simulations are also shown for reference. Figure 5-12b shows that the distribution for the 10% overpessimistic forecast cases is shifted to the right indicating that more energy is purchased in the day-ahead. Conversely, Figure 5-12b shows that the distribution of purchase costs for the 10% over-optimistic forecast cases is shifted to the left indicating that less energy is purchased forward when operators plan for more wind generation than is realized. Figure 5-13 and Figure 5-14 show the simulated purchase cost distributions for the ±20% and ±50% forecast inaccuracy MC sets, respectively. When viewed in sequence, these three figures show that as the percentage of error for the over-pessimistic forecast increases, the distribution shifts further to the right representing the fact that more energy is purchased via forward contracts in the day-ahead market. These figures also show the opposite trend towards fewer forward purchases for the over-optimistic case. Another interesting observation is that as the forecasting inaccuracy for the overpessimistic cases increases, the spread of the distribution decreases. Conversely, the distribution tends to spread out more as the level of over-optimistic forecasting increases. The reason is mainly due to the way the time series representing the inaccurate wind forecasts are manufactured. By scaling up the original, or realized, wind time series set, the over-optimistic forecast set of time series clearly has a larger spread in total energy. By scaling down, the spread is definitely smaller. 5-16 Costs (k$) Figure 5-12 Distribution of Energy Purchase for +/- 10% Forecast Inaccuracy, Winter Case Costs (k$) Figure 5-13 Distribution of Energy Purchase for +/- 20% Forecast Inaccuracy, Winter Case 5-17 Costs (k$) Figure 5-14 Distribution of Energy Purchase for +/- 50% Forecast Inaccuracy, Winter Case Impact of Inaccurate Forecast on Total Production Cost -Winter Scenario Figure 5-15, Figure 5-16 and Figure 5-17 show the total production cost distributions for the ±10%, ±20% and ±50% forecast inaccuracy MC simulation sets, respectively. The cost distribution for the perfect forecast MC simulation set is included in each figure for reference. 5-18 Costs (k$) Figure 5-15 Distribution of Cost for +/- 10% Forecast Inaccuracy, Winter Case Costs (k$) Figure 5-16 Distribution of Cost for +/- 20% Forecast Inaccuracy, Winter Case 5-19 Costs (k$) Figure 5-17 Distribution of Cost for +/- 50% Forecast Inaccuracy, Winter Case Table 5-6 provides the expected values for the total production cost distributions for the various forecast inaccuracy MC simulation sets. Table 5-7 summarizes this expected cost data in terms of the incremental cost above the perfect wind forecast distribution expected value. Figure 5-18 summarizes these numbers graphically, showing the expected cost versus the different percentages of forecast inaccuracy investigated. Note that although a negative percentage value is used to indicate the pessimistic forecast error, the cost of pessimistic forecasting error is plotted against the error percentage in absolute value so that the cost of both optimistic and pessimistic inaccuracy can be compared in one single figure. Table 5-6. Operating Cost for Different Percentages of Forecast Error, Winter Case Forecast Error % Pessimistic case cost (k$) Optimistic case cost (k$) 0 3160.23 3160.23 10 3160.04 3160.78 20 3160.12 3162.10 50 3162.91 3164.84 Table 5-7. Extra Operating Cost for Different Percentages of Forecast Error, Winter Case Forecast Error % Pessimistic case extra cost (k$) Optimistic case extra cost (k$) 0 0.00 0.00 5-20 10 -0.19 0.55 20 -.11 1.87 50 2.68 4.61 Figure 5-18 Plots of Expected Cost versus Forecast Inaccuracy - Winter Case In principle, given that exactly the inaccurate forecast amount is used in the unit commitment for operation planning, it is expected that the total production cost should not decrease, but rather will usually increase for any amount of forecast error, irrespective of whether the error is optimistic or pessimistic. Figure 5-18, however, shows that for the pessimistic case, the total cost for errors of 10% and 20% are very slightly less than the perfect forecast production cost. This discrepancy can be attributed to the sub-optimal nature of the unit commitment algorithm, which finds a solution within 3 to 4% of the true optimal cost solution. Impact of Inaccurate Forecast on Forward Energy Purchases -Summer Scenario Figure 5-19, Figure 5-20 and Figure 5-21 show the distribution of energy purchase costs obtained from the UC MC simulations for the ±10%, ±20% and ±50% forecast error cases, respectively, for the summer scenario. The distribution of energy purchase costs obtained from the perfect wind generation forecast MC simulations are also shown for reference. The same trends in distribution skew and spread as a function of the percentage of forecast error that were noted for the winter scenario cases are also evident in the summer scenario distributions. 5-21 Costs (k$) Figure 5-19 Distribution of Energy Purchase for +/- 10% Forecast Inaccuracy, Summer Case Costs (k$) Figure 5-20 Distribution of Energy Purchase for +/- 20% Forecast Inaccuracy, Summer Case 5-22 Costs (k$) Figure 5-21 Distribution of Energy Purchase for +/- 50% Forecast Inaccuracy, Summer Case Impact of Inaccurate Forecast on Total Production Cost -Summer Scenario Figure 5-22, Figure 5-23 and Figure 5-24 show the total production cost distributions for the ±10%, ±20% and ±50% forecast inaccuracy MC simulation sets, respectively, for the summer scenario. The cost distribution for the perfect forecast MC simulation set is included in each figure for reference. 5-23 Costs (k$) Figure 5-22 Distribution of Cost for +/- 10% Forecast Inaccuracy, Summer Case Costs (k$) Figure 5-23 Distribution of Cost for +/- 20% Forecast Inaccuracy, Summer Case 5-24 Costs (k$) Figure 5-24 Distribution of Cost for +/- 50% Forecast Inaccuracy, Summer Case Table 5-8 provides the expected values for the total production cost distributions for the various summer scenario forecast inaccuracy MC simulation sets. Table 5-9 summarizes this expected cost data in terms of the incremental cost above the perfect wind forecast distribution expected value. Figure 5-25 summarizes these numbers graphically, showing the expected cost versus the different percentages of forecast inaccuracy investigated. Note that although a negative percentage value is used to indicate the pessimistic forecast error, the cost of pessimistic forecasting error is plotted against the error percentage in absolute value so that the cost of both optimistic and pessimistic inaccuracy can be compared in one single figure. Table 5-8. Operating Cost for Different Percentages of Forecast Error, Summer Case Forecast Error % Pessimistic case cost (k$) Optimistic case cost (k$) 0 5670.27 5670.27 10 5677.98 5765.06 20 5683.85 5784.04 50 5699.99 5816.69 Table 5-9. Extra Operating Cost for Different Percentages of Forecast Error, Summer Case Forecast Error % Pessimistic case extra cost (k$) Optimistic case extra cost (k$) 0 0.00 0.00 5-25 10 7.71 94.79 20 13.58 113.77 50 29.72 146.42 Figure 5-25 Plot of Expected Cost versus Forecast Inaccuracy, Summer Case The cost increase due to forecast inaccuracy for the summer scenario is much more pronounced than for winter. In the summer scenario, the marginal cost of energy transactions is much higher because of the higher load demand. Furthermore, all NSP’s coal-fired and oil-fired generating units that are capable of providing inexpensive generation are scheduled up to their high limit. Consequently, for an over-optimistic forecast error as small as 10%, an expensive peaking unit has to be dispatched for additional generation during re-scheduling because there are no more inexpensive generating resources available. The summer scenario simulations dispatched the FEN3 peaking unit, which is NSP’s least expensive peaking unit. The sharp increase in total production cost for the 10% over-optimistic case relative to the perfect forecast case shown in Figure 5-25 is due to the high peaking unit startup cost and no load cost. The cost impacts of inaccurate wind forecasts presented in this section assume a constant forecast error and are based on an operational strategy of including the exact wind generation forecast in the day-ahead UC planning. This is not the strategy utilized by NSP operators. As noted in Section 3.2, in the UC simulations used for day-ahead scheduling, NSP Operators scale the forecasted wind generation based on an intuitionbased method. This is done to hedge against the uncertainty of the wind generation. Consequently, the absolute forecast inaccuracy costs presented in this section might not accurately represent the cost impact to NSP since the hedging strategy is not considered. Such a strategy is considered in Section 5.5. 5-26 5.5 Strategy in Operation Planning for Wind Generation Forecast with Random Error In reality, forecasting error is random, fluctuating between positive and negative values of varying magnitude. The error associated with a given forecast is unknown until after the actual wind generation is observed. In evaluating the effect of randomness in forecasting, the forecast error was modeled as a random variable with a given probability distribution. Furthermore, the extra operating cost due to error in forecasting was treated as a random variable for which its expected value can be evaluated. For simplicity in calculation, a highly idealized uniform distribution with equal range for positive and negative error values was considered. The simulation results presented in the previous section assessed the extra operating costs for inaccurate wind forecasts based on an operational strategy of including the exact wind generation forecast in the day-ahead UC planning. As noted, this does not include the somewhat arbitrary hedging strategy utilized by NSP operators. The section presents several operation planning strategies whereby the wind generation forecast is scaled before inclusion in the unit commitment scheduling. Implementation of these different strategies or scaling factors result in different distributions of the extra operating cost and the associated expected values The various strategies are evaluated relative to the reduction in the expected extra cost that was determined for using exactly the forecasted generation value. 5.5.1 Cost of Inaccuracy Function and Linearity Assumption Section 5.4.2 presented the additional costs associated with inclusion of both overoptimistic and over-pessimistic forecasts in NSP’s day-ahead planning. For either case, the extra cost is a continuous function of the forecast error percentage. Consider these two continuous functions, which shall be referred to as the extra cost of pessimistic inaccuracy and extra cost of optimistic inaccuracy and denoted as ∆dn ( ⋅ ) and ∆up ( ⋅ ) , respectively, where the function argument is the absolute value of the error percentage. The argument of these functions can only assume the positive range. Both functions start at the origin because by definition, a zero percent results in no extra cost. As the error percentage increases, the value of both functions increases, or at least does not decrease. For illustration purposes, it is assumed that both functions are linear. The methodology presented, however, is valid for any cost function, linear or not. It is further assumed that the linear approximation is derived from the straight line going through the origin and the point associated with extra cost of 50% error. For the remainder of this section, the inaccuracy cost function is considered to be this line. Figure 5-26 shows the original cost functions (broken lines) compared to the linear approximations (solid line) for the winter scenario. Figure 5-27 shows the corresponding plots for the summer scenario. 5-27 Figure 5-26 Linearized Inaccuracy Cost Functions for Winter Case Figure 5-27 Linearized Inaccuracy Cost Functions for Summer Case The mathematical expressions for the linearized cost of inaccuracy functions with y denoting the error percentage are: Winter Over Pessimistic: ∆dn ( y ) = 0.0536 y 5-28 Over Optimistic: ∆up ( y ) = 0.0922 y Summer Over Pessimistic: ∆dn ( y ) = 0.5944 y Over Optimistic: ∆up ( y ) = 2.9284 y 5.5.2 Probability Density of Forecast Error The key to this scaling methodology is understanding the statistical nature of the wind generation forecast error. Since very little forecasting statistical data was available from NSP, the following assumptions were made: • • Wind generation forecast is unbiased in the sense that the expected value of the forecast is equal to the actual generation or the expected value of the forecast error is equal to zero. The forecast error is a uniformly distributed random variable between –x% and x%, where x is a non-negative number representing the reliability of the forecast. A narrow distribution range means that the forecasting is reliable and accurate. As the width of the distribution range increases, the implied accuracy of the forecast decreases. This assumption is made to simplify the calculation of the expected extra cost associated with the wind forecast inaccuracy using the scaling strategy. Without this assumption, the expected value of the extra cost will not have a closed-form solution, but rather will have to be evaluated numerically. Mathematically, the uniformly distributed probability density function of the random variable with a given range x is p( y ) = 1 / (2 x ) = 0 for − x ≤ y ≤ x otherwise Figure 5-28 shows the assumed uniformly distributed forecast error probability density function. 5-29 P (y) -X% +X% 0% % Forecast Error Figure 5-28. Assumed uniformly distributed forecast error probability density function. 5.5.3 Expected Extra Operating Cost for Different Scaling Strategies In this section, several wind generation forecast scaling strategies for operations planning are considered. The scaled forecasts are to be used as an input to the daily unit commitment scheduling for operations planning. In this section, we calculate the expected value of the extra cost due to forecast inaccuracy for a forecast error distribution range of 50% (i.e. x = 50) of the actual wind generation. Other distribution ranges are considered in the next section. Strategy A – No Scaling Strategy A serves as the base case whereby the wind generation forecast is not scaled, or stated another way, whereby the forecast is scaled by 1, i.e. use the original forecast time series for unit commitment simulation. For any positive forecast error of y% with 0 ≤ y ≤ 50, the extra cost is determined from the cost function ∆up ( ⋅ ) evaluated at y. For any negative forecast error of y%, the extra cost is determined from the cost function ∆dn ( ⋅ ) evaluated at y. As a random variable, the extra cost can assume values along ∆up ( ⋅ ) with argument y ranging from 0 to 50 and assume values from ∆dn ( ⋅ ) with the same argument range. The expected value of the extra cost for Strategy A is evaluated as follows: 50 E (extra cos t ) = up ∫ p( y) ⋅ ∆ ( y) ⋅ dy + 0 50 50 ∫ p(− y ) ⋅ ∆ dn ( y ) ⋅ dy 0 50 = ∫ (1 / 100) ⋅∆ ( y ) ⋅ dy + ∫ (1 / 100) ⋅ ∆dn ( y ) ⋅ dy up 0 0 = 0.5 ⋅ (∆ (25) + ∆ (25)) up dn 5-30 The second equality results from the uniformly distributed characteristic of the probability density and the last equality results from the assumed linearity of the cost functions. Using the formula above, the expected extra cost due to wind forecast inaccuracy in dayahead scheduling using a scaling factor of 1 and an assumed forecast error distribution range of ± 50% is Winter: Expected extra cost = 1.82 k$ Summer: Expected extra cost = 44.04 k$ Note that by accounting for the fact that the forecast error is equally likely to be a value in the range of ± 50%, the expected value of extra costs drops from the constant 50% error values determined by simulation to be 4.61k$ and 146.62k$ (sections and for winter and summer, respectively. Strategy B – Scale Forecasts by 50% In strategy A, for any positive forecasting error, the extra cost incurred is determined from ∆up ( ⋅ ) , which is characterized by much larger values than ∆dn ( ⋅ ) for summer because the inclusion of over-optimistic wind generation forecast in day-ahead planning requires peakers or other expensive adjustments. Here we use a different strategy, which prohibits over-optimistic estimates and thereby avoids incurring the higher costs associated with ∆up ( ⋅ ) . For Strategy B, the forecast is scaled by 0.5 prior to inclusion in the unit commitment day-ahead scheduling. The result is the following: • • For a positive forecast error of y% with 0 ≤ y ≤ 50, unit commitment actually sees a negative forecast error of 100-0.5(100+y) or (50 – 0.5y)%. Therefore, for positive forecast error ranging from 0 to 50%, unit commitment sees a negative error ranging from 50 to 25%, moving the upper end of the forecast error distribution range to 75% of the actual generation as shown in Figure 5-29. For any negative error, the scaling by 0.5 actually increases the amount of negative error seen by unit commitment. For negative forecast error of y% with 0 ≤ y ≤ 50, unit commitment actually sees a negative error of 100-0.5(100-y) or (50+0.5y)%. Therefore, for negative error ranging from 0 to 50%, unit commitment sees a negative error ranging from 50 to 75%, moving the lower end of the forecast error distribution range to 25% of the actual generation as shown in Figure 5-29. 5-31 P (y) P (y) 50% 150% 25% 50% 75% 150% 100% 100% Actual Generation Actual Generation Figure 5-29. Change in forecast error distribution in UC day-ahead planning using scaling Strategy B. The expected extra cost for strategy B is evaluated as follows: 50 E (extra cos t ) = ∫ 50 p( y ) ⋅ ∆dn (50 − 0.5 y ) ⋅ dy + 0 ∫ p(− y ) ⋅ ∆ dn (50 + 0.5 y ) ⋅ dy 0 50 50 = ∫ (1 / 100) ⋅∆dn (50 − 0.5 y ) ⋅ dy + ∫ (1 / 100) ⋅ ∆dn (50 + 0.5 y ) ⋅ dy 0 0 = ∆ (50) dn Using the formula above, the expected extra cost due to wind forecast inaccuracy in dayahead scheduling using a scaling factor of 0.5 and an assumed forecast error distribution range of ± 50% is Winter: Expected extra cost = 2.68 k$ Summer: Expected extra cost = 29.72 k$ It is interesting to note that in summer, strategy B results in a lower expected extra cost for the summer scenario than obtained for strategy A (no scaling). This is because ∆up ( ⋅ ) is much larger in value than ∆dn ( ⋅ ) for the same % error value for the summer scenario, and strategy B moves all forecast errors to the over-pessimistic function. Conversely, the spread between the two cost functions is much less for winter, such that strategy A is slightly better for the winter scenario. This is because the expected value of strategy A is evaluated using the low portion of both functions and it is evaluated in strategy B using the middle portion of ∆dn ( ⋅ ) . Strategy C – Scale Forecasts by 200% To demonstrate the impact on the expected extra cost of exclusively using ∆up ( ⋅ ) , Strategy C is based on scaling the wind generation forecast by 2 for inclusion in the unit commitment day-ahead planning. The result is the following: 5-32 • • For any positive error, the scaling by 2 actually increases the amount of positive error seen by unit commitment. For a positive forecast error of y% with 0 ≤ y ≤ 50, unit commitment actually sees a larger forecast error of 2(100+y) - 100 or (100 + 2y)%. Therefore, for a positive forecast error ranging from 0 to 50%, unit commitment sees a positive error ranging from 100 to 200%, moving the upper end of the forecast error distribution range to 300% of the actual generation as shown in Figure 5-30. For negative forecast error of y% with 0 ≤ y ≤ 50, unit commitment actually sees a positive error of 2(100-y) – 100 or (100-2y)%. Therefore, for a negative error ranging from 0 to 50%, unit commitment sees a positive error ranging from 100% to 0%, moving the lower end of the forecast error distribution range to 100% of the actual generation as shown in Figure 5-30. P (y) 50% 150% P (y) 100% Actual Generation 25% 50% 150% 75% 300% 100% Actual Generation Figure 5-30. Change in forecast error distribution in UC day-ahead planning using scaling Strategy C. The expected extra cost for strategy C is evaluated as follows: 50 E (extra cos t ) = ∫ p( y) ⋅ ∆ up 0 50 (100 + 2 y ) ⋅ dy + ∫ p(− y ) ⋅ ∆ up (100 − 2 y ) ⋅ dy 0 50 50 0 0 = ∫ (1 / 100) ⋅∆up (100 + 2 y ) ⋅ dy + ∫ (1 / 100) ⋅ ∆up (100 − 2 y ) ⋅ dy = ∆ (100) up Using the formula above, the expected extra cost due to wind forecast inaccuracy in dayahead scheduling using a scaling factor of 2 and an assumed forecast error distribution range of ± 50% is 5-33 Winter: Expected extra cost = 9.22 k$ Summer: Expected extra cost = 292.84 k$ As expected, the expected cost impact of wind forecast inaccuracy in day-ahead planning increases significantly for both winter and summer scenarios using Strategy C. This is because the over-optimistic cost inaccuracy functions produce higher expected cost values than the over-pessimistic inaccuracy functions. By scaling the wind generation forecast up, Strategy C basically transforms all of the forecast errors into over-optimistic errors in the day-ahead UC scheduling. This is definitely not a good strategy. Strategy D – Scale Forecasts so Upper Error Distribution Range Equals Actual Generation Using 0.5 as a scaling factor in strategy B, the expected extra cost is evaluated using the 25 to 75% range of the over-pessimistic inaccuracy function, ∆dn ( ⋅ ) , resulting in a lower expected cost than the base case. The expected extra cost can be reduced further by modifying the value of the scaling factor so that the lowest possible portion of ∆dn ( ⋅ ) is used in the evaluation. Strategy D uses a wind generation forecast scaling factor that transfers the upper end of the forecast error distribution range to 100% of the actual generation. As shown in Figure 5-31, for a distribution error range of ± 50%, the appropriate scaling factor is 2/3, or 0.667 prior to inclusion in the unit commitment dayahead scheduling. The result is as follows: • • For a positive forecast error of y% with 0 ≤ y ≤ 50, unit commitment actually sees a negative forecast error of 100-0.667(100+y) or (33.33 – 0.667y)%. Therefore, for positive forecast error ranging from 0 to 50%, unit commitment sees a negative error ranging from 33.33% to 0%, moving the upper end of the forecast error distribution range to 100% of the actual generation as shown in Figure 5-31. For any negative error, the scaling by 0.667 increases the amount of negative error seen by unit commitment. For negative forecast error of y% with 0 ≤ y ≤ 50, unit commitment actually sees a negative error of 100-0.667(100-y) or (33.33+0.667y)%. Therefore, for a negative error ranging from 0 to 50%, unit commitment sees a negative error ranging from 33.33% to 66.67%, moving the lower end of the forecast error distribution range to 33% of the actual generation as shown in Figure 5-31. P (y) 50% P (y) 150% 33.33% 150% 100% 100% Actual Generation Actual Generation 5-34 Figure 5-31. Change in forecast error distribution in UC day-ahead planning using scaling Strategy D. The expected extra cost for strategy C is evaluated as follows: 50 dn ∫ p( y) ⋅ ∆ (33.33 − 0.667 y) ⋅ dy + E (extra cos t ) = 0 50 50 ∫ p(− y) ⋅ ∆ dn (33.33 + 0.667 y ) ⋅ dy 0 50 = ∫ (1 / 100) ⋅∆ (33.33 − 0.667 y ) ⋅ dy + ∫ (1 / 100) ⋅ ∆dn (33.33 + 0.667 y ) ⋅ dy dn 0 0 = ∆ (33.33) dn Using the formula above, the expected extra cost due to wind forecast inaccuracy in dayahead scheduling using a scaling factor of 0.667 and an assumed forecast error distribution range of ± 50% is as follows Winter: Expected extra cost = 1.77 k$ Summer: Expected extra cost = 19.83 k$ By avoiding the higher costs of over-optimistic forecasts, and moving the range of overpessimistic forecast errors to a less expensive range of the associated forecast inaccuracy function, Strategy D reduces the expected cost impacted for both winter and summer scenarios. It is clear from the summary of the investigated strategies shown in Table 5-10, Strategy D is the best strategy for both seasons by far. Table 5-10. Summary of performance for identified scaling strategies. Strategy Scaling Factor A B C D 1.000 0.500 2.000 0.667 Winter -- Expected Cost Impact (k$) Summer -- Expected Cost Impact (k$) 1.82 2.68 9.22 1.77 44.04 29.72 292.84 19.83 Determination of Optimal Scaling Strategy Using the two cost functions and the probability density function of the forecast error, we can formulate a mathematical optimization problem to minimize the expected extra cost. The detailed formulation is not presented here. For the summer scenario, the optimal scaling factor is 0.723, which yields an expected extra cost of 18.98 k$. With this scaling factor, a very small segment at the low end of ∆up ( ⋅ ) and a larger segment at the low end ∆dn ( ⋅ ) are used in the expected cost calculation. Of course, for the probability density with different distribution ranges, the optimal scaling factor value is going to be different. A similar calculation was not performed for the winter case. In general, using a scaling factor less than 1 is consistent with the operation planning strategy of NSP. The implication of using a scaling factor less than 1 when performing operation planning is that the NSP operators are hedging against the situation where less 5-35 wind energy is realized than the forecasted amount. This strategy is equivalent to using the actual forecast in operation planning, but setting aside extra reserve to hedge against the forecasted wind energy not being realized in real time. 5.5.4 Expected Extra Cost Incurred by NSP due to Wind Generation Forecast Inaccuracy in Day-Ahead UC Scheduling Section 5.5.3 presents several different strategies for trying to minimize the cost of forecast inaccuracy in day-ahead scheduling by scaling the wind generation forecast used in performing unit commitment. These strategies were assessed using only the probability density of the forecast error with a range from -50% to +50%. As mentioned previously, the expected cost impact calculated for a particular strategy varies with the forecast error range. In this section, Strategy D is used to determine scaling factors and inaccuracy cost functions for different forecast error distribution ranges, which are then used to calculate additional cost incurred by NSP due to the inclusion of inaccurate wind generation forecast in the their day-ahead unit commitment scheduling. As mentioned previously, NSP uses a scaling strategy that is less well defined. Although not identical to NSP’s operational strategy, Strategy D is selected to determine this cost impact component for the NSP case study due to its simplicity and effectiveness in minimizing the cost impact. Note that the results presented in this section are all determined using the assumptions described for Strategy D in Section, including the linearity of the cost function and the uniform distribution of forecast error. Using the same Strategy D approach presented for the 50% distribution range in the previous section, the Strategy D scaling factors and inaccuracy cost expressions were determined for error distribution ranges of ± 10%, ±20%, ± 30%, and ± 40. These results are listed in Table 5-11. Table 5-11. Scaling Factors and Expected Extra Costs for Different Distribution Ranges - Strategy D Distribution Range % 10 Scaling Factor 0.909 Expected Extra Cost ∆dn ( 9.09 ) 20 0.833 ∆dn ( 16.67 ) 30 0.769 ∆dn ( 23.08 ) 40 0.714 ∆dn ( 28.58 ) 50 0.667 ∆dn ( 33.33 ) x 100/(100+x) ∆dn ( 100 x /(100 + x) ) Winter Scenario Using the cost expressions shown in Table 5-11, the expected extra cost in k$ and in $/MWh for different distribution ranges in winter are calculated and provided in Table 5-12. The calculation of $/MWh value is based on the average energy of all wind generation time series of winter which is 5913.73 MWh. Table 5-12. NSP’s Expected Ancillary Costs for Different Forecast Error Distribution Ranges -Winter Scenario 5-36 Distribution Range % Extra Cost (k$) Extra Cost ($/MWh) 10 0.487 0.082 20 0.894 0.151 30 1.24 0.209 40 1.53 0.259 50 1.79 0.302 Summer Scenario The expected extra cost in k$ and in $/MWh for different distribution ranges in winter is presented in Table 5-13. The calculation of $/MWh value is based on the average energy of all wind generation time series of summer which is 4093.83 MWh Table 5-13. NSP’s Expected Ancillary Costs for Different Forecast Error Distribution Ranges -Summer Scenario Distribution Range % Extra Cost (k$) Extra Cost ($/MWh) 10 5.40 1.319 20 9.91 2.421 30 13.72 3.351 40 16.98 4.148 50 19.81 4.838 Annualized Cost Value No simulations or cost calculations were performed for NSP’s spring and fall seasons. It is expected, however, that the $/MWh expected extra cost due to forecast inaccuracy for these two seasons are no worse than the cost for winter since the system load of these two seasons is less than the load in winter. Conservatively assuming the worst case by using the $/MWh extra cost of winter for the spring and fall seasons, the extra costs of all four seasons are averaged to obtain the annualized extra costs in $/MWh for different distribution ranges, which are shown in Table 5-14. Table 5-14. NSP’s Expected Ancillary Costs for Different Forecast Error Distribution Ranges -Annualized Distribution Range % Extra Cost ($/MWh) 10 0.391 20 0.716 5-37 30 0.995 40 1.231 50 1.436 5-38 6 Intra-Hour Load Following Study The overview of the project analytical framework described in Section 2 identified two cost impact components associated with following the intra-hour changes in load – a reserve component and an “energy” component. The hourly-resolution scheduling cost impacts presented in Section 5 are associated with the use of inaccurate wind forecasts in NSP’s day-ahead generation scheduling using their unit commitment software. The generation schedule obtained from the unit commitment solution is determined such that the hourly average generation level is sufficient to meet the expected hourly average load. The control area load is varying continuously in real-time, however. NSP must ensure that sufficient generation is available to cover the sub-hourly changes in load. This increases the operating cost above the production cost obtained from the UC, which is based on the load remaining fixed at the hourly average throughout each hour. The two primary reasons for this increase are: 1. Additional generating resources may need to be started up for more generation ramping capability to follow intra-hour load changes. 2. Online units might be dispatched in a less economic pattern for more generation ramping capability to follow load changes. This section provides a detailed explanation of the methodologies developed for assessing the impact of bulk wind generation on the load following component of NSP’s intra-hour operation and control functions, as well as the results obtained using the developed methods. The load following component of these intra-hour variations is the slow variation associated with the general correlation in different customer loads that define the daily load cycle. This variation is on the time scale of several minutes, corresponding to the cycle time of the execution of a typical utility economic dispatch operation. Minute-to-minute fluctuations in system load, which belong to a much faster time scale than load following is classified as a regulation problem and is discussed in Section 7. 6.1 Load Following Cost Definition For the NSP case study, the load following cost over a given study horizon is defined as the increase in cost between the following two cost calculations: 1. The lowest operating cost associated with dispatching NSP’s generating units and conducting energy transactions to meet the hourly system load while maintaining the required contingency reserve and regulating reserve requirements. 2. The lowest operating cost associated with dispatching NSP’s generating units and conducting energy transactions to meet the 5-minute system load while maintaining the same contingency and regulating reserve requirements. Cost #1 can be determined from a standard unit commitment simulation. Determination of Cost #2, however, is more complicated in that the two cost drivers for this operating cost are not easily simulated in a single utility operational software tool. On one hand, the need for committing additional resources must be assessed, which implies the use of 6-1 the unit commitment simulation. On the other hand, the need to assess the cost impacts of the sub-hourly generation dispatch to follow the system load in 5-minute resolution requires the use of an economic dispatch program. In order to resolve this dilemma, the load following cost is decomposed into two components with the first component being assessed using unit commitment and the second component using economic dispatch. It is important to note that the defined load following cost does not include any component associated with inaccurate forecast of system load and wind generation. In the framework used for this study, however, this cost component is isolated and assessed in the hourly UC simulations presented in Section 5. 6.1.1 Reserve Component of Load Following Cost As noted previously, the generation schedule obtained from the day-ahead unit commitment solution is determined such that the hourly average generation level is sufficient to meet the expected hourly average load. Because the load is continuously deviating from the hourly average within the hour, however, these hourly unit generation schedules may not be able to meet the load for all 5-minute intervals within the hour. For example, during an hour when the load is ramping throughout the hour, the hourly generation level scheduled from the unit commitment will exceed the actual intra-hour load value for approximately half of the hour, but will be deficient to meet the intra-hour load value for the other half of the hour. Consequently, reserves must be available to deploy within the hour to ensure that sufficient generation is available to meet the ramping of the load. In general, the amount of reserve required depends on how steeply the load ramps during the hour. The variability of the hourly wind generation will affect the amount of reserves that must be available to follow such load trends. If the system wind generation follows a daily cycle that is similar to the load cycle, the total load following reserves required should be reduced. If, however, the wind follows a pattern that is adversely related to the load cycle, as is often the case for strong diurnal wind patterns, the wind would increase the intra-hour load following reserve requirement (LFRR). Load following reserve represents the extra generation capability required to meet the intra-hour load changes. This is an addition to the capacity required to meet the hourly average load. Making such reserve available usually requires bringing more units online or scheduling unit generation levels in a less economic manner in the operation planning stage. This results in extra cost. To model this additional reserve requirement constraint in a UC simulation, the following assumptions are made: • • • System load ramps up or down smoothly throughout the hour. At 5-minute resolution, the system load at the mid-point of the hour is about equal to the hourly average load. Hourly average load plus one-half of the hourly load change is approximately the maximum 5-minute resolution load value during the hour. Based on these assumptions, to insure sufficient generating capability to meet the subhourly load variation, the LFRR for a given hour is modeled as half of the hourly load 6-2 change. This load following reserve is spinning and is in addition to the contingency reserve and regulating reserve requirements. It is a 30-minute reserve because it corresponds to the load change for half an hour. The cost of carrying additional load following reserve to accommodate wind is assessed as the difference in operating cost determined by a unit commitment simulation with and without the additional LFRR. This reserve component of the load following cost captures the startup cost for additional units to be online over the study horizon. It is interesting to note that the hourly load following reserve requirement varies throughout the day as the hourly load changes from hour to hour differ. There are several ways to calculate the hourly load change. Consider hour 8. The hourly load change can be calculated as a) the absolute difference between hourly load of hour 8 and 7, b) the absolute difference between hourly load of hour 9 and 8, or c) the average of the two absolute differences. Method (a) is used in this study. 6.1.2 Energy Component of Load Following Cost The LF reserve cost component represents the capacity cost of extra generating capability that must be online. It does not, however, include any consideration of actually dispatching units to meet the 5-minute resolution load changes. The deployment of the available load following reserve to meet the intra-hour slow variation of load changes also results in extra cost. Consider that during any hour system load varies above and below the hourly average value. Although the total energy consumption for the hour is the same whether the load ramps throughout the hour or is constant at the hourly average value, due to the nonlinear nature of the unit heat rate characteristic, the 5-minute resolution dispatch for the load-ramping scenario results in a higher cost. For this study, the difference in the dispatch cost between the fixed and varying load scenarios is referred to as the energy component of the load following cost. An economic dispatch program, which simulates the intra-hour deployment of generation every 5 to 10 minutes, is used to assess this cost component. For both the varying load and fixed load scenarios, the unit on/off status is fixed according to the solution of the unit commitment run. The economic dispatch simulation models the load following reserve requirement dynamically in the sense that at a given time step, the amount of reserve is reduced to match the increase in load or reduction in wind generation. The economic dispatch is in essence deploying the reserve and converting it into generation. The contingency reserve requirement and regulating reserve requirement are also modeled in the ED simulations. The economic dispatch program used for this study was developed by the Electrotek Concepts project team so that it could be altered to the needs of this study. See Appendix F for a detailed description of the program. One interesting note is that the ED program models an artificial unit that is dispatched when load and reserve requirements are not met by the actual units currently online. A penalty charge commensurate with the peaking unit average generation $/MWh cost at full load is assessed for the dispatch of this artificial unit, representing an equivalent use of peaking energy or purchase of spot market energy to meet the load requirement. 6-3 6.2 Historical Data Analysis As noted previously, NSP provided hourly EMS archives for 3 months from 2001 and 4second and 5-minute archives for 5 days in the summer of 2001. These data sets included control area load, control area total generation, scheduled and measured interchange, and control area generation per generating unit (hourly and 5-minute data only). This data was analyzed to better understand NSP’s generation dispatch operation to follow the continuous load changes both within and between hours. Some of the observations made through this process are as follows: • • • • As observed from the 4-second historical data, actual interchange and its schedule ramps from one hourly value to the next only during the 10-minute window from 5 minutes before to 5 minutes after the hour. The interchange schedule remains relatively constant during the 50 minutes from 5 minutes after the hour to 5 minutes before the next hour. Hourly historical data shows that for most hours, the total ramping capability of NSP’s online units is sufficient to meet the load change within the hour. During load up-ramp periods, including early morning and early evening, part of the ramping capability to follow the load is provided through either NSP’s peaking units and/or more expensive coal fire units, while some of the Sherco units are operating at fixed generation levels beyond their normal dependable capabilities (NDC). This was evident from the generation plots shown in Figure 3-4 and Figure 3-5. It appears that NSP does not model the load following reserve requirement into the unit commitment formulation in day-ahead planning, but rather starts up peaking units in real time to follow load when the overall ramping capability becomes low. This may not be solely due to the normal load following requirement, but also to the incorrect forecast in system load resulting in an unfavorable unit commitment schedule for the actual load. It is also possible that the patterns observed in the limited data available are not typical and do not reflect NSP’s normal operating strategy. 6.3 Load Following Assessment Approach Section 6.1 suggests a basic approach for assessing the NSP system load following cost by using unit commitment and economic dispatch to assess the reserve and energy cost components, respectively. This section describes the details of the approach used to assess the additional load following cost associated with integrating bulk wind generation. A complete general approach is described first. The implementation of this approach for the NSP case study and simplifying assumptions are presented next. 6.3.1 Complete Approach Section 6.1 identifies two load following cost components – the reserve component and the energy component. The incremental cost for each of these components due to wind is assessed separately according to the following basic algorithm. 6-4 Step 1 Calculate the load following reserve component cost attributable to the system load alone. Step 2 Calculate the load following reserve component cost attributable to the combination of system load and wind generation. The difference between this cost and the “load only” reserve cost of Step #1 is the incremental load following reserve component cost for supporting wind generation. Step 3 Calculate the load following energy component cost attributable to the system load alone. Step 4 Calculate the load following energy component cost attributable to the combination of system load and wind generation. The difference between this cost and the “load only” energy cost of Step #3 is the incremental load following energy component cost for supporting wind generation. Step 5 Sum the incremental reserve and energy component costs to obtain the total incremental load following cost attributable to wind generation. Reserve Component Calculation Details The first two basic algorithm steps listed above are used to calculate the incremental reserve component cost. Unit commitment is employed for the calculations for both steps. The UC simulations could be performed for any time horizon, but for consistency with NSP’s operational procedures, a 3-day study horizon and associated load profile is specified for the cost assessment. A Monte Carlo approach could be utilized by performing the simulations with multiple wind generation profiles obtained from the probabilistic wind model. All of the unit commitment simulations are modeled with the contingency reserve and regulating reserve requirements. Basic Algorithm Step 1: Calculation of the load following reserve component cost attributable to the system load alone. A. Run unit commitment for the selected 3-day study horizon with wind generation. The load following reserve requirement is set to zero for the entire study horizon. Transaction scheduling is determined as part of the unit commitment optimization process. B. Run unit commitment for the selected 3-day study horizon with wind generation. The load following reserve requirement is enforced with the LFRR value for each hour equal to one-half of the absolute hourly load change. Note that the reserve requirement for this step does not include the hourly change in wind generation. Transaction scheduling is determined as part of the unit commitment optimization process. C. The cost difference of steps B and A of this Basic Algorithm Step 1 is the load following reserve component cost attributable to the system load alone. Basic Algorithm Step 2: Calculation of the load following reserve component cost attributable to the combination of system load and wind generation. 6-5 A. Same as Step A of Basic Algorithm Step 1. B. Run unit commitment for the selected 3-day study horizon with wind generation. The load following reserve requirement is enforced with the LFRR value for each hour equal to one-half of the absolute hourly change in load minus wind generation. Transaction scheduling is determined as part of the unit commitment optimization process. C. The cost difference of steps B and A of this Basic Algorithm Step 2 is the load following reserve component cost attributable to the combination of system load and wind generation. D. The cost difference of Step C of Basic Algorithm steps 1 and 2 is the incremental load following reserve component cost for supporting wind generation. It is interesting to note that the change in LFRR with wind generation included could be either more than or less than the LFRR for system load only. If system load and wind generation ramp in opposite directions for a given hour, including wind generation will increase the reserve requirement. If, however, wind and load ramp in the same direction for the hour, the reserve requirement is reduced, which means a cost savings for integrating wind for that particular hour. Energy Component Calculation Details The last two steps of the basic algorithm require the use of economic dispatch, simulating the generation dispatch for intra-hour load following in 5-minute resolution. The most complete approach to calculating the LF energy component cost using the economic dispatch program would be to simulate the entire unit commitment study horizon in 5minute resolution. To reduce simulation times, an alternative method was used whereby certain representative hours of the day were selected. Economic dispatch was then performed for these selected hours separately, and the resulting operating costs for these hours used to project the costs of the remaining hours of the study horizon. To perform the load following simulation for a given hour, time series system load and wind generation of 5-minute resolution over that hour are used as inputs. The system load time series are obtained from the NSP high-resolution historical data with total energy of the time series scaled to the hourly load value of the corresponding hour in the unit commitment run. To account for the random and variable nature of wind generation, the Monte Carlo approach is adopted in the simulation. Multiple wind generation time series are synthesized for each hour to be used in the economic dispatch program simulations. For each wind generation time series, the total energy is scaled to the hourly wind energy of the corresponding hour in the unit commitment run. Furthermore, the trending of the wind generation time series averaged over all time series is scaled to the hourly trend value of the corresponding hour in the unit commitment run. All of the economic dispatch simulations model the contingency reserve requirement and regulating reserve requirement. 6-6 Basic Algorithm Step 3: For each selected hour, calculate the load following energy component cost attributable to the system load alone A. Run economic dispatch simulation with system load and wind generation fixed throughout the hour at the hourly average values. The LFRR value is based on system load only. Unit on/off status and transaction schedules are set as determined by the unit commitment solution of Basic Algorithm Step 1-B. B. Run economic dispatch simulation with system load ramping throughout the hour and wind generation fixed at the hourly average value. The LFRR value is based on system load only. Unit on/off status and transaction schedules are the same as for Step A. C. The cost difference of steps B and A is the load following energy component cost attributable to the system load alone. Basic Algorithm Step 4: For each selected hour, calculate the load following energy component cost attributable to the combination of system load and wind generation A. Run economic dispatch simulation with system load and wind generation fixed throughout the hour at the hourly average values. The LFRR value is based on the combination of system load and wind generation. Unit on/off status and transaction schedules are set as determined by the unit commitment solution of Basic Algorithm Step 2-B. B. Run economic dispatch simulation with system load ramping and wind generation varying throughout the hour. Monte Carlo approach is applied with hourly simulation looping over all the synthesized wind generation time series. Hence the cost of this step is an expected value. The LFRR value is based on the combination of system load and wind generation. Unit on/off status and transaction schedules are the same as for Step A. C. The cost difference of steps B and A of this Basic Algorithm Step 4 is the load following energy component cost attributable to the combination of system load and wind generation. D. The cost difference of C of Basic Algorithm Step 4 and Step 3 is the incremental load following energy component cost for supporting wind generation. Basic Algorithm Step 5: Calculate total incremental load following cost due to wind generation. A. Sum the reserve and the energy components of the load following cost for wind generation that are calculated in Basic Algorithm Step 2-D and 4-D, respectively. 6.3.2 Implementation for NSP Case Study The complete load following cost impact assessment presented in Section 6.3.1 was not implemented exactly as stated. A significant simplification was made for the determination of the reserve component. Additionally, lack of a complete understanding of NSP’s operating procedures resulted in some modeling inaccuracies that are noted and explained in this section. 6-7 Reserve Component The complete approach for determining the load following reserve component cost includes performing Monte Carlo 72-hour UC simulations with the LFRR time series being altered for each simulation according to the associated wind generation time series. In an attempt to most efficiently utilize remaining project funds, a preliminary analysis of the impact of wind on the hourly LFRR was performed to determine if these simulations were necessary. This analysis consisted of the following steps: 1. For both January 2001 and July 2001, the average hourly change in NSP system load for each of the 24 hours of the day was calculated from the archived EMS data provided by NSP. 2. For both January 2001 and July 2001, the average hourly change in NSP wind generation for each of the 24 hours of the day was calculated from the archived EMS data provided by NSP. 3. For each month, the average hourly load and wind generation differentials were used to calculate the average hourly LFRR attributable to load only and to the combination load and wind generation. LFRR values are both calculated as onehalf the absolute hourly change as explained in the complete approach. 4. For each month, the change in LFRR with and without consideration of the wind generation was analyzed to qualitatively determine the impact of wind on the LF reserve component. Figure 6-1 and Figure 6-2 compare the average hourly LFRR attributable to load only and attributable to the combination of load and wind generation based on the NSP archived EMS data for January 2001 and July 2001, respectively. The data for both January and July indicate that the inclusion of wind generation only slightly changes the reserve requirement, with the largest increase in LFRR being 6 MW. Approximately 90% of all hourly changes are below 3 MW as shown in Table 6-1. This small impact is because NSP’s present wind penetration is small relative to the NSP system load. Furthermore, Figure 6-1 and Figure 6-2 show that wind reduces the LFRR for some hours, in addition to increasing the LFRR for some hours. As a matter of fact, there are an equal number of hours of increase and decrease in reserve requirement due to the wind generation for both months. Additionally, the sum of the increases and decreases for each month are approximately 0 MW. Based on this analysis, it was assumed that the reserve component cost impact due to wind is negligible. This is due to the relatively low wind penetration level of 280 MW on an 8000 MW system. Consequently, the cost impact is assumed to be zero without actually performing the simulations as stated in the complete approach of Section 6.3.1. This analysis is an approximation and should be considered with the following caveats: • Only two months of hourly historical data were used for the analysis due to the limited amount of historical system load data available. A more representative data set would obviously be preferred. The data utilized contains some patterns that are considered unusual. For example, hour 8 of January 2001 exhibits a slight increase in 6-8 • wind generation. As a result, including wind generation reduces the LFRR for this hour, which is within the morning load ramp-up period. An examination of the Year 2000 hourly wind generation data indicates that wind generation tends to decrease slightly for hour 8, which would slightly increase the reserve requirement. Nonetheless, the relative magnitude of the changes is still small due to the existing wind penetration level. The LFRR is estimated simply on the basis of the hourly trending of the quantity for load following, which is an average over the entire season per hour. While this method of estimating LFRR provides a reasonable estimate, the LFRR does not account for the variable and random nature of wind generation. A more complete analysis would include the MC simulations of many different wind time series for each month as indicated in the complete approach. Comparison of LFRR - January 2001 300 LFRR_Ld 250 LFRR_Ld&Wg MW 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 hour of day Figure 6-1 Comparison of LFRR for load only and for load and wind generation based on January 2001 data. 6-9 Comparison of LFRR - July 2001 300 LFRR_Ld 250 LFRR_Ld&Wg MW 200 150 100 50 23 21 19 hour of day 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 0 Figure 6-2 Comparison of LFRR for load only and for load and wind generation based on July 2001 data. Table 6-1. Differential LFRR with wind generation and system load considered relative to load only. Hour Jan-01 Jul-01 1 2 1 4 3 2 4 4 -2 1 5 -1 -1 6 0 0 7 -1 -4 8 0 -2 9 4 -2 0 0 10 11 12 -3 -3 -2 3 2 0 Hour 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0 0 -2 -2 -2 5 2 2 -1 0 2 2 Jan-01 0 -2 -1 1 -1 -1 -4 -4 -1 2 6 2 Jul-01 Energy Component The approach implemented to determine NSP’s load following energy component cost for integrating wind follows the complete approach identified in Section As noted in the complete approach, representative hours are selected for each seasonal scenario to be simulated and the resulting costs used to extrapolate to daily, seasonal, and annual values. For the NSP case study, the following 4 representative hours were selected to characterize the NSP daily load shape, for both the winter and summer season scenarios: • • • • Hour 03 – representative of relatively flat minimum load night period Hour 08 -- representative of rapid morning load ramp-up period Hour 14 – representative of relatively flat peak load period through the middle of the day Hour 23 – representative of rapid evening load ramp-down period 6-10 Figure 6-3 shows the load profiles for the selected hours, which are used in the ED simulations. Note that the hour designations are such that Hour 03 represents the hour ending at 3 a.m. Selected Hour Load Profiles 6000 5500 MW 5000 4500 Hour 3 Hour 8 Hour14 4000 Hour23 3500 3000 1 3 5 7 9 11 5-min resolution points Figure 6-3. Load profiles for selected hours that are used in ED simulations. For each of these hours, the complete approach described in Section for determining the LF energy component cost attributable to wind is applied as shown in the flow chart of Figure 6-4. This flow chart shows the following basic steps: 1. As shown in the box in the upper left hand corner of Figure 6-4, the solutions from the 100 MC unit commitment simulations are used to set the starting point for each ED simulation. For each of the 4 hours for both summer and winter, the UC simulation associated with the median wind generation level for the respective hour is selected. The solution for the respective UC simulation sets the unit on/off status, initial generation schedule and transaction schedule for the 5minute resolution economic dispatch simulation. Additionally, the hourly load value and wind generation value for the particular hour of the UC simulation are used to obtain the 5-minute resolution load and wind generation time series. The load series is obtained by scaling the appropriate load shape of Figure 6-3 by the hourly load value as shown in the middle left portion of Figure 6-4. The 5-minute resolution wind series is synthesized from the STM wind synthesis tool so that the total hourly energy matches the hourly value for the hour from the UC simulation as shown in the lower left portion of Figure 6-4. The trending of the time series averaged over the entire set is equal to the hourly trend as given in Table 6-2. 6-11 Table 6-2. Wind Generation Hourly MW and Hourly Ramp Rate in Simulation Study Hour of Day 3 8 14 23 MW 65 61 52 65 Winter Ramp Rate 0.0 2.5 (dn) 0.0 2.5 (up) MW 34 52 30 27 Summer Ramp Rate 0.0 2.0 (dn) 0.0 2.0 (up) 2. Using the varying 5-minute resolution load series from #1 and a constant wind generation series at the hourly average value, ED is performed to determine the load following energy component cost attributable to system load only as represented by the upper right ED block in Figure 6-4. Note that the LFRR is modeled the same as in the associated unit commitment run. 3. Using the varying 5-minute resolution load series from #1 and the varying 5minute wind generation series from #1, Monte Carlo ED is performed to determine the load following energy component cost attributable to the combination of system load and wind generation as represented by the lower right ED block in Figure 6-4. Deterministic ED simulations are performed for 100 synthesized 5-minute resolution wind generation series. The expected value of the distribution of results is used to calculate the energy component cost. For all of the simulations, the LFRR is the same as in the previous step. 4. The incremental load following energy component cost for supporting wind generation is the increase in the expected cost for the combination of load and wind from Step #3, relative to the cost for load only from Step #2. This value obtained for each of the 4 hours is then extrapolated to a daily, seasonal, and annual value. 6-12 Commitment and Transaction Schedule for Selected Hours (H3, H8, H14, H23) Select median wind gen. case results for selected hrs UC simulations for the 100 hourly resolution 3day periods selected per wind season Hourly avg. load for selected hrs Median hourly avg. wind gen. NSP historical 5-min res. load data (5 Sum. 2000 days) - 5-min res. load shape for selected hrs NREL Hist. 5-min Avg. Wind Gen. Data STM Wind Synthesis Tool Scale 5min res. load curve 100 1-hr, 5-min res. MC Wind Gen, Series per selected hr Σ + 1-hr, 5-min res. load series per selected hr - + Σ Economic Dispatch Tool LF Energy Cost (Load only) - Σ NSP AGC Unit Characteristic Data + Economic Dispatch Tool Dist. of LF Energy Cost (Load & Wind) Figure 6-4. Flowchart of approach implemented for determining NSP load following energy component cost attributable to wind generation. This approach that was implemented for determining the NSP incremental load following energy component cost for supporting wind generation is based on several assumptions. As noted previously, the development of a solid understanding of NSP’s operational procedures occurred over a lengthy period as data and insights were made available by NSP personnel. As a result, some assumptions made for this study did not completely match NSP’s operational procedures. The following modeling assumptions for this analysis should be noted: • The model assumes that NSP models intra-hour LFRR in their operation planning, allowing economic energy to be purchased in the forward planning stage to make sufficient capability available for intra-hour load following. As such, the UC simulations used to set the initial generation and transaction schedules for the ED simulations explicitly model the LFRR. More recent conversations with NSP personnel indicate that NSP does not explicitly model this requirement in their day-ahead planning. Instead, NSP operators model 161 MW of contingency reserve and obtain any additional LF reserves that might be needed by acting in the hour-ahead time frame primarily through raising the generating capability of various units from their normal dependable capability (NDC) to their maximum dependable capability (MDC) and by starting up peaking units. The impact of this modeling inconsistency on the determination of the LF energy component cost is twofold: (1) the initial generation schedule obtained from the UC may not be 6-13 • • • optimal due to consideration of the LFRR, and (2) the cost drivers for following load in this model may not match the actual costs for NSP (see next bullet) The model assumes that the Sherco 1 and 2 generating units exclusively provide the load following reserve and their high limits are set to their MDC capacity. The marginal production costs for these units and the impact on the other generation schedules to reserve room for following load from these units drive the costs in the model used for this study. As noted in the previous bullet, although NSP definitely uses Sherco 1 and 2 for load following (with their high limits set to their NDC capacity), when needed, they obtain additional LF capacity by moving certain units above their NDC capacity. This is discussed in more detail in the “Real-time operation” subsection of Section The model will match the actual NSP operation well for situations where the Sherco units are providing the LF reserve. The discrepancy may also be small when significant additional LF is needed. The model will charge a penalty representative of the startup cost of the average NSP peaking unit. In reality, NSP may start a peaking unit, or they may move a unit above its NDC capacity to provide additional LF headroom for one of the Sherco units. Since there is a one-time cost associated with moving a unit above the NDC, the discrepancy may be small. The LFRR modeled in the UC simulations is fixed for all hours of the study horizon, rather than varying the LFRR per hour based on the expected ramping of the load. Consequently, the modeled LFRR may be too large for hours 3 and 14 during which the load is relatively steady and too small for hours 8 and 23 during which the load ramps significantly. As a result, the LF energy component cost calculated for hours 8 and 23 would be higher than if a more appropriate LFRR had been used. On the other hand, however, the LF energy component cost calculated for hours 3 and 14 would be lower than if a more appropriate LFRR had been used. The LFRR modeled in the UC simulations used the same amount of load following reserve requirement for both with wind and without wind generation scenarios for all hours. As noted previously, the hourly LFRR should reflect the combined ramping of the load and wind. The impact of this discrepancy is considered minor, however, as the impact of the wind on the LFRR was shown to be negligible (Table 6-1). 6.4 Simulation Results 6.4.1 Computational Aspects The economic dispatch program used for this study was developed by the Electrotek Concepts project team so that it could be altered to meet the needs of this study. The program is run under the MATLAB environment. The engine of the program is a linear programming solution package provided within the environment. Microsoft Access is used as database for data storage. See Appendix F for a detailed description of the program. 6-14 The computer workstation used for the simulation was a Pentium III, 1GHz machine with 512 Mbytes of RAM. On this machine, one Monte Carlo economic dispatch loop consisting of 100 deterministic simulation runs required approximately 60 minutes. 6.4.2 LF Energy Component Simulation Results Using a LFRR of 90 MW for all simulated hours the calculated incremental load following energy component cost for supporting wind generation in ¢/MWh for each of the simulated hours for winter and for summer are presented in Table 6-3. Table 6-3. Incremental load following energy component cost for supporting wind generation. Hour of Day 3 8 14 23 Load Following Cost (¢/MWh) Winter Summer 0.100 0.090 78.953 32.988 0.074 0.000 52.289 136.105 In order to extrapolate the results for these 4 hours, each hour of a day is categorized into one of 4 different periods based on the load ramping characteristic of the hour, with each ramping category containing one of the simulated hours as follows: • • • • Minimum-load hours –H03 – H04 Ramp-up hours – H05 – H12, including H8 Peak-load hours – H13 – H20, including H14 Ramp-down hours – H21 – H02, including H23 Using this grouping of hours, the seasonal incremental load following energy component cost for supporting wind generation is calculated by weighted averaging as follows. Winter Load Following Cost = (2*0.1 + 8*78.953 + 8*0.074 + 6*52.289) / 24 = 39.38 ¢/MWh Summer Load Following Cost = (2*0.09 + 8*32.988 + 6*136.105) / 24 = 45.03 ¢/MWh Assuming that load following cost for spring and fall is no worse than winter, the annualized cost is calculated. Annualized Load Following Cost = (3*39.38 + 45.03) / 4 = 40.785 ¢/MWh 6-15 6-16 7 Regulation Study- Load Frequency Control Regulation is the use of online generating units that are equipped with automatic generation control and are able to change output quickly, to track the minute-to-minute variations in customer loads and correct unintended variations in generation. In so doing, regulation helps to maintain the scheduled system frequency, maintain scheduled tie-line power flows among control areas, and match generation to load within the control area. Regulation differs from load following as described in previous sections in the sense that: • • Regulation concerns a much shorter time scale, on the order of one to several minutes, while load following occurs over an interval of 10 minutes, or even longer. Regulation patterns among individual customers are essentially uncorrelated, while load following patterns among customers are highly correlated as defined by the daily load profile. In general, utilities perform real-time regulation by issuing commands to their own generating units from the control center using a function commonly known as Load Frequency Control (LFC), which is part of the overall AGC function. Any mismatch between the generation and obligation of a control area is determined through the calculation of ACE. ACE is defined based on the measurements of control area net interchange and system frequency as follows: ACE = Ta − Ts − 10 B ( Fa − Fs ) where subscripts ‘a’ and ‘s’ respectively refer to actual (measured) and scheduled values, T denotes the control area net interchange, and F denotes the system frequency. The area’s share of support for interconnection frequency is 10 B ( Fa − Fs ) , where B is the area’s defined frequency bias in MW per tenth Hz (a negative value). The primary objective of LFC for all utilities is the regulation of ACE. The actual LFC algorithm used by specific utilities may differ somewhat, however, as these algorithms must also be tailored to other secondary area’s specific control requirements as well as unit specific characteristics. The ability to adequately regulate a control area is based on two attributes: 1. Amount of regulating reserve in both the raise and lower directions 2. Deployment time of the reserve Section 4.9.1 describes one method of allocating the regulating reserve requirement as 3 times the standard deviation of the minute-by-minute fluctuation of system load. Another rule of thumb is to allocate approximately 1 to 1.5 percent of the peak load. The minuteto-minute variability of the wind production can obviously impact the regulating reserve requirement as well. As for the deployment time constraint, the units allocated for 7-1 regulating reserve must also be able to respond within the regulating time frame of 10 to 15 minutes. Consequently, only the fast responding units are usually used for providing the regulation service. In order to ensure that regulating reserve is available from the generating units assigned for performing regulation, utilities typically define a band around the generating high limit, which is reserved for regulation. Economic dispatch will avoid dispatching into these regions to ensure the load frequency control has room for generation increase and decrease. The MW range for the two regions is normally the same. It is called the regulating margin of a generating unit. 7.1 Study Objective The North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) currently uses two criteria for measuring the regulation control performance of a utility. These two criteria are called Control Performance Standard 1 (CPS1) and 2 (CPS2). For precise definitions and indepth discussion of these metrics, refer to the NERC Operating Manual and Training Documents at its website CPS1 is a quantity calculated using the clock-minute averages of ACE and system frequency over a rolling 12-month period. CPS2 is a quantity calculated using 10-minute averages of ACE over each calendar month. Utilities are required to maintain these two standards within certain bounds. Utilities that regulate their systems poorly as indicated by their inability to comply with CPS1 and CPS2 are subjected to penalties. NSP realtime operators indicated that NSP meets the requirements with a comfortable margin. At the project onset, the goal of the LFC study was to determine NSP’s compliance with CPS1 and CPS2 under wind generation operation. As the project progressed, however, it was realized that this goal was not achievable due to the inability to obtain realistic estimates for the two performance standards through simulations. NSP’s real-time values of ACE, CPS1 and CPS2 are very sensitive to the specific control operations performed in real-time and the specific system conditions. The available data would not allow for the development of a model to so closely mimic NSP’s real-time control that near-actual control performance data could be simulated. Consequently, the decision was made to select a single control performance metric, and using the available system data and LFC control algorithm information, to evaluate the performance impact of including wind generation relative to the performance without wind. As such, only the relative change in the criteria is analyzed. To accomplish this objective, ACE time series data was collected for simulations of both with and without wind generation cases. The ACE statistics for these simulation cases were compiled and comparisons made to determine the effect of wind generation. The compiled ACE statistics include the ACE average and the standard deviation of the 1-minute average ACE. One minute is used as the averaging period of ACE in the standard deviation calculation because this is the finest resolution time for which generation controlled by load frequency control is able to track load. Generators are not expected to respond to any load fluctuation below the minute level. 7-2 7.2 Regulation Study Approach 7.2.1 Scenario LFC simulations were performed to compare the control performance with and without wind generation. As with the load following study, simulations are performed for 4 different hours of the day for various load and wind generation patterns. The same 4 hours of the day simulated in the LF study are also used for the regulation study – H03, H08, H14 and H23. In order to collect meaningful results from the simulation, a full hour of operation for the 4 chosen hours of the day was simulated with a 4-second time step, which corresponds to NSP’s AGC cycle length. As with the UC and LF studies, a Monte Carlo approach is used to assess the impact of wind on regulating minute-to-minute fluctuations in load. Unlike the previous studies, however, multiple load series are combined with multiple wind generation series for the regulation simulations. NSP provided 4-second resolution load data for the same 5 summer days for which the 5-minute resolution data was provided. Unfortunately, the load data for one of the days appeared corrupted. For each of the selected hours, the four high-resolution load series were selected from the four days of NSP historical data. LFC simulations were conducted for the 4 load series associated with each of the 4 selected hours of the day, without considering wind generation. To study the impact of the wind generation fluctuations, two typical high-resolution (4second) wind generation series of 1-hour duration were selected from the NREL wind generation data set for each of the selected hours for the relevant wind season. For each hour of the day, LFC simulations were performed for each combination of wind generation and load time series. There are eight cases in total for each hour. Wind generation is treated as a negative load. The resulting net load is used as the input to the simulation software for each of the 8 cases for each of the selected 4 hours. Thus for each of the 4 selected hours, 4 “load only” cases were simulated and 8 “load & wind” cases were simulated. The LFC simulations determined the ACE statistics for each combination of load and wind, which provided 4 distributions of 900 ACE values for the “load only” cases and 8 distributions of 900 calculated ACE values for the “with wind” cases. These ACE statistics were also averaged up to 1-minute ACE values to correspond to the NERC performance metric period. The following modeling assumptions were made for the LFC simulations: • • All 3 Sherco units, SHC 1, SHC 2 and SHC 3, are used for regulation in both directions. Ramp rate limits for these three units are 12, 12 and 15 MW/minute respectively. The total ramping capability of the three units is sufficient to track the minute-by-minute fluctuation of the system load. Generation high limits for these three units are 712 MW, 712 MW, and 871 MW, respectively. At the initialization stage of each 1-hour operation simulation, Sherco units are initialized to such MW levels that they will collectively have sufficient capacity to meet the load change for the next 60 minutes. 7-3 • • • NSP typically performs an economic dispatch once every 5 to 10 minutes to determine unit base points. In the LFC simulations for this study, the ED is not executed within each of the 1-hour simulation runs. Rather, to simplify the simulation process, generation setpoints are adjusted by equally distributing any load changes among the three Sherco units as the most economic way of operation for load following. Regulating reserve is 60 MW for each of the generation raise and lower directions. This amount is consistent with the results from the wind model. Regulating margin for each Sherco unit is 20 MW. External areas always maintain their ACE at zero values. 7.2.2 Simulation Tool The LFC simulation software tool used for this study is a modified version of a commercial AGC software package currently used by a large utility within the WSCC region. The original AGC software package was written in the C programming language. The Electrotek Concepts project team converted the original software into a MATLAB application to facilitate the modifications necessary for the simulation study. The software tool used for the LFC simulation study consists of the following two main modules, which interact with each other: LFC module -- mimics the functionalities of the utility control center in controlling its unit generation through regulating the area control error (ACE). Key features of the LFC module are: • • • ACE calculation with user specified value for frequency bias. Filters of measurement quantities, system frequency and raw ACE. Observes the unit ramping rate limit and high and low generating limits in determining unit control signal. Power System Simulator module -- simulates the control area unit generation, external area aggregate generation, MW flows at inter-ties and system frequency. Key features of the Power System Simulator module are: • • • • • Receives unit control signals from the LFC module. Models individual generating unit within the control area Uses lower order model for unit dynamics. Calculates external area generation through the specified external area frequency bias. Passes the calculated values for system frequency, tie-flows and unit generation to LFC module as measurements. 7.2.3 Computational Aspects As noted the LFC simulations are run under the MATLAB environment. Microsoft Access is used as database for data storage. The computer workstation used for the 7-4 simulation was an Intel Celeron, 1.3GHz machine with 512 Mbytes of RAM. On this machine, one Monte Carlo loop consisting of 12 deterministic LFC simulation runs required approximately 100 minutes. 7.3 LFC Simulation Results Table 7-1 shows the average ACE values calculated for the “without wind” and “with wind generation” simulations for the 4 selected hours of the day. Note that for hours 8 and 23, ACE is noticeably biased towards the negative and positive values. Recall that ACE is roughly the area generation minus area load and that the load ramps significantly up and down for hours 8 and 23, respectively. Because the load leads the generation in a more prominent way for these hours, the ACE values are biased to higher value accordingly. On the other hand, the average ACE is relatively small for hours 3 and 14, as system load remains quite steady over those hours. Comparing the “without wind” and “with wind generation” simulation results, both hours 8 and 23 show a slight increase in the absolute value of ACE average because wind generation ramps in the opposite direction of system load for those hours, which increases the burden of load following. Table 7-1. ACE Average from without and with Wind Simulation Hour of Day 3 8 14 23 Average ACE Without Wind Gen With Wind Gen 2.1369 2.2171 -6.2329 -6.4640 -1.8293 -1.7989 7.4587 7.5975 Table 7-2 and Table 7-3 show the simulation results of standard deviations of ACE, which reflect the random fluctuation of the variables being controlled. For all four hours studied, the standard deviations are of the same order, though somewhat larger for hour 8. The standard deviations are almost unchanged between the without and with wind generation scenarios for each hour. This suggests that NSP’s current wind penetration of 280 MW on an 8000 MW peak system has no impact on the control performance. This means that for NSP’s current wind penetration level and regulating capacity and for the reserves allocated in the simulations, the variability of the wind on the 4-second time frame didn't significantly affect the capability of the system to follow these variations. Accordingly, the cost impact of additional regulating reserves to accommodate wind is assumed negligible. Table 7-2. Standard Deviation of 4-second ACE from without and with Wind Simulation Hour of Day 3 8 14 23 Standard Deviation of 4-second ACE Without Wind Gen With Wind Gen 14.1622 14.1745 16.8842 16.8972 12.8812 12.8885 14.9126 14.9497 Table 7-3. Standard Deviation of 1-minute-average ACE from without and with Wind Simulation 7-5 Hour of Day 3 8 14 23 Standard Deviation of 1-minute-average ACE Without Wind Gen With Wind Gen 12.3548 12.3369 15.3375 15.3297 10.9075 10.9025 13.3211 13.3477 7-6 8 Conclusions and Recommendations 8.1 Work Accomplished A simulation framework for evaluating the impacts of large wind generation resources on power system operations and scheduling functions has been developed. The functions incorporated into the framework include unit commitment, economic dispatch and load frequency control. The framework was developed specifically to perform a case study of the impacts of NSP’s existing 280 MW windplant on their system operations. As such, NSP provided actual system data to be used for the case study. The developed framework encompasses time scales of 3 different orders, consistent with the time scales that NSP uses in operation planning, dispatching and real-time control. The three time scales of the framework include: • • • Unit commitment time scale – hourly resolution with study horizon from several days to several weeks. Intra-hour load following time scale – 5- to 10-minute resolution with study horizon of 1 hour. Load frequency control time scale – 2- to 4- second resolution with study horizon from several minutes to 1 hour. In order to quantify the impacts of the variable and mostly uncontrollable nature of wind generation, a wind plant model was developed to support the simulation study by providing many wind generation time sequences of the required resolutions that are representative of the NSP wind plant. The NREL high-resolution wind generation data from Buffalo Ridge and hourly-resolution and 5-minute resolution EMS data from NSP were used to develop the probabilistic wind model. Work accomplished for wind plant model development includes: • • Developing, for different time scales, the State Transition Matrix models, which characterize the probability distribution of the one step state transition. Models are used, if appropriate, to synthesize multiple numbers of wind generation time series for Monte Carlo type simulation study. Statistically determining the additional regulating reserve requirement (MW) for integrating wind generation into the power grid. The following analyses were performed for the unit commitment time scale study: • • Use of unit commitment simulations to determine the value of the wind generation. Cost comparison is made between the simulations with and without wind generation. Use of unit commitment simulations to determine the cost of wind generation forecast inaccuracy. Cost comparison is made between perfect forecast and inaccurate forecast scenarios. An operation planning strategy for reducing the 8-1 • adverse effects of wind generation on the cost resulting from forecast uncertainty is described. Use of unit commitment simulations to determine the reserve component of the load following cost for supporting wind generation integration. Although the approach has been described in the report, it was not implemented because analysis of historical load and wind data led to the assumption that no extra load following reserve was required to accommodate wind. The following analyses were performed for the intra-hour load following time scale study: • Use of economic dispatch simulations to determine the energy component of the load following cost for supporting wind generation integration. Cost comparison is made between the simulations for scenarios of varying and fixed wind generation. The following analyses were performed for the load frequency control time scale study: • • Use of the wind plant model to determine the additional regulating reserve requirement for wind generation integration. Cost associated with the additional reserve could be calculated using either unit commitment or economic dispatch but calculation has not been performed. Use of load frequency control simulations to calculate the area control error (ACE) over the study horizon. Comparison is made on ACE statistics between simulations with and without wind generation. 8.2 Summary of Analysis Results The following cost impacts were assessed using the developed simulation framework: • • • • Cost of wind generation forecast inaccuracy for day-ahead scheduling. Cost of additional load following reserves. Cost of intra-hour load following “energy component” Cost of additional regulation reserves Cost of wind generation forecast inaccuracy for day-ahead scheduling. Unit commitment simulations were performed to assess the cost incurred by NSP to re-schedule units because of inaccurate wind generation forecasts used in the day-ahead scheduling. Several assumptions were utilized in the problem formulation, partly to simplify the evaluation model and partly to account for unavailable data. The investigators believe that the assumptions made provide a conservative estimate of the cost impacts. The methodology utilized provided a cost impact based on the assumed distribution range of forecast error, which is shown in Table 8-1. The results of the study also enabled the derivation of a specific operational planning strategy, similar to a more intuitive procedure already used by NSP, to hedge against the adverse effect of wind generation forecast uncertainty. The results shown in Table 8-1 are based on this hedging strategy. 8-2 Table 8-1. Cost of wind forecast inaccuracy as a function of the distribution range of forecast error. Distribution Range % Extra Cost ($/MWh) 10 0.391 20 0.716 30 0.995 40 1.231 50 1.436 Cost of additional load following reserves. Calculation of the load following reserve requirement (LFRR) from the NSP hourly resolution control area load and aggregate wind generation data for January and July of 2000 indicated that the addition of wind does not significantly increase the LFRR. Consequently, the reserve component of the load following cost is assumed to be zero without performing the UC simulations that would be required to obtain a specific cost impact value. It should be noted that this determination is for the existing NSP wind penetration level. Assuming a reserve component cost of zero for wind means that the energy component assessed using intrahour economic dispatch simulation will be higher than the energy component cost that would be calculated if additional load following reserves were added to support the wind. Cost of intra-hour load following “energy component”. Economic dispatch simulations were performed to evaluate the cost of following the intra-hour ramping and fluctuation of wind generation. This cost is referred to as the intra-hour load following “energy component” because it is the cost of deploying the available load following reserve to meet the intra-hour slow variation of load changes. ED simulations were performed for four hours of the day selected to represent the different load ramping and wind variation characteristics associated with NSP’s typical daily load curve. The average cost for a day was extrapolated from the simulations for these four hours by dividing a day into 4 different periods based on the load ramping characteristic with each period including a simulated hour. Additional assumptions and extrapolations were made to obtain an annualized intra-hour load following “energy component” cost of approximately 41¢/MWh. Cost of additional regulation reserves. Load frequency control (LFC) simulations were performed for 4 representative hours of the day to determine the impact of minute-byminute system load and wind generation fluctuation on NSP’s area control error (ACE) statistics. Simulations were performed for no wind generation versus NSP’s current wind generation penetration level without extra regulating reserve. Results show almost no change in the ACE standard deviation between the without and with wind generation scenarios. This suggests that NSP’s current wind penetration of 280 MW on an 8000 MW peak system has no impact on the control performance. This means that for NSP’s current wind penetration level and regulating capacity and for the reserves allocated in the simulations, the variability of the wind on the 4-second time frame didn't significantly affect the capability of the system to follow these variations. Accordingly, the cost impact of additional regulating reserves to accommodate wind is assumed negligible. Summing the cost impact results for the four components assessed using the distribution forecast error range of ±50%, the impact of integrating NSP’s existing 280 MW windplant is found to be approximately $1.85/MWh of wind generation. It should be noted that it is very difficult to exactly model all of the operational scheduling and realtime operation procedures for a given utility and to obtain all of the necessary data, so 8-3 assumptions and extrapolations were made for the developed models. The investigators attempted to select these simplifying measures such that the effect was to produce a more conservative (more significant) impact. Specific assumptions or model characteristics that are believed to result in conservative estimates for the analyses performed are listed as follows: The cost of wind generation forecast inaccuracy is calculated in the unit commitment time scale simulations: • • • Not modeling the energy spot market in the simulations causes a reduction of generation from economic units for unexpected excessive amount of wind generation, and the use of peaking units to cover the unexpected loss of wind energy. The availability of a real-time energy market or regional imbalance energy market would likely reduce the forecast inaccuracy cost. It should be noted, however, that the developed model appears to closely represent NSP’s current operating procedures based on the available historical data. System load is modeled deterministically to reduce the computational effort. Consequently, wind generation is the only random variable in the simulation. It’s likely that some degree of diversity would be obtained by including the variability of system load, reducing the impact of wind generation forecast uncertainty. Wind generation forecast error is modeled as a uniformly distributed random variable to simplify the calculation. A more realistic normal distribution will make the error more concentrated around the zero mean, which will result in lowering the inaccuracy cost. The cost for following continuous but slow intra-hour variation (energy component cost) is calculated in the intra-hour load following time scale simulations: • The load following cost consists of two components: reserve and energy components. A simplified approach is adopted for the simulation where no extra load following reserve is considered. This simplification results in the load following cost only having the energy component, which could be much larger than the total of the two components when the reserve amount is chosen appropriately. The general analysis approach developed for the NSP case study uses tools similar to those utilized by NSP to simulate their operational procedures to determine the cost impacts of integrating their existing wind plant. Accordingly, it should be noted that the results presented in this report for the NSP impact study are specific to the system studied as it currently exists. The sensitivity of the results to many critical parameters such as wind penetration level, generation mix, and energy transaction pricing and market structure should be investigated to more fully understand the impacts of integrating bulk wind generation into the NSP system. Although the investigators believe that many of the modeling assumptions lead to conservative results, it should not be understated that the results obtained are for the existing NSP wind penetration level. The assessment of the impact on both the load following and regulation reserve requirements resulted in 8-4 negligible costs impacts for the existing 280 MW of wind on NSP’s 8000 MW system. At some penetration level, the windplant will impact these reserve requirements, increasing the cost impacts of accommodating the wind. The sensitivity of the results to penetration level should be studied further. 8.3 Recommended Future Work The NSP case study was specifically focused on determining the cost of ancillary services to accommodate NSP’s 280 MW wind plant on the existing NSP system. A methodology for determining the cost impacts on the NSP system has been developed, and simulations have been performed to calculate an annual cost of ancillary services required for integrating the 280 MW windplant. As noted, the results presented in this UWIG NSP Case Study final report are very specific to the base case scenario and associated NSP operating strategy assumptions utilized in the case study simulations. Although there were significant discussions with NSP systems operations personnel throughout the project, there was difficulty in obtaining firm definitions of some operating strategies prior to performing some of the simulation studies. The most significant unresolved issues included the reserve allocations strategies for load following and regulation, specification of the generating units from which the reserves are obtained, and typical energy market seasonal transaction data. Additional uncertainty was introduced in the intra-hour simulations due to the limited high-resolution load data that was available for the study. Only 4 days of high-resolution data, all for the summer season, were available for developing the intra-hour load models used in the study. The schedule and budget of the project did not permit several important sensitivity studies to be performed. Although this initial case study was not able to address several important considerations, it did provide for the development of a very powerful simulation based methodology and tool set for determining the cost of ancillary services. This existing infrastructure provides the opportunity to investigate any number of scenarios and operating procedures including the following: • Sensitivity Analyses. Understanding how the cost impacts of integrating wind change with variations in operating strategy and system characteristics will be critical to evaluating future generation alternatives. Among the more significant analyses that are not included in the initial study are the impact of increasing wind penetration, the impact of various reserve strategies, the impact of various operating strategies related to treatment of the existing windplant, and the impact of market structure. As noted previously, increasing the size of the wind plant on the existing system will likely affect the impacts of the wind on system operation and control. This effect is probably not a linear effect, but rather a step function that should be investigated. Additionally, other LF reserve strategies should be investigated to determine the sensitivity of the cost impacts relative to NSP’s current strategy of not specifically including LF reserves in the day-ahead. Various strategies should be investigated. The market structure and transmission tariff under which Xcel operates are scheduled to change significantly by the end of 2003. Even with the same load 8-5 pattern and wind resource assumed in the study, and the same reliability criteria for the region, the results in 2004 could be significantly different because the geographic area that will be balanced and the range of resources available to accomplish the balancing will both be significantly larger under the new tariff administered by the Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO). These factors could tend to decrease the calculated wind integration costs under favorable conditions. The same basic modeling tool developed here could be used to study the new configuration. Additional enhancements could be made to further refine the results. These include a more robust generator re-dispatch function to represent the potential sources of balancing energy to be dispatched according to a locational marginal pricing algorithm and a robust transmission load flow model to capture the limits and costs on either “importing” this balancing energy or “exporting” the energy imbalances to or from the former Xcel control area. • Inclusion of Actual Transaction Data. As noted, the transaction data used in the unit commitment simulations are all hypothesized due to the lack of actual NSP data. Collecting the transaction data and incorporating them into the simulation will substantially enhance the quality of the solution. • Inclusion of Load forecast Inaccuracy. As noted, the inclusion of load forecast inaccuracy would likely reduce the impacts of wind generation forecasting inaccuracy. In the future, the developed framework should be enhanced for load uncertainty modeling to improve the cost impact assessment. • Inclusion of More Representative Wind Generation Forecast Error Distribution. The uniform distribution is utilized for the probability distribution of the wind generation forecasting error in the existing model for estimating its cost impact because of its simplicity. Effort is required to determine a realistic distribution for accurate cost assessment. • Impact of Pumped Storage. The daily wind generation pattern is usually diurnal where energy production picks up at night and dies down during the daytime. Such a generation pattern is less valuable because the energy price at night is much lower than in the daytime. Since wind generation is mostly uncontrollable, this means that wind generation must be taken when it is produced. However, pumped storage would allow for the storage of the wind produced at night to be used in the daytime. Performing simulations of scenarios including pumped storage will provide insight on the value of this option. • Impact of Control of Blade Pitch. When a wind turbine is operated in the region between the cut-in and the rated wind speed, the output of the wind turbine is directly related to the cube of wind speed. Wind generation exhibits the most fluctuations because the blade pitch is fixed at an angle to maximize the energy output. For a large capacity wind plant, the fluctuations significantly increase the burden on the conventional units to perform regulation. By not operating the 8-6 blade pitch at the position of maximizing its output generation for the current wind speed, a margin is created which in essence provides room for the turbine to continuously adjust its blade pitch to reduce the output fluctuation, hence reducing the regulating reserve requirement. Further research is required to design the feedback control mechanism and to determine the cost/benefit of this option. 8-7 8-8 9 References S. M. Chan, D. C. Powell, M. Yoshimura and D. H. Curtice (1983-1), “Operations Requirements of Utilities with Wind Power Generation,” IEEE PES 1983, PAS-102 (9): p. 2850-2860. M. R. Milligan, A. H. Miller and F. Chapman (1995-1), “Estimating the Economic Value of Wind Forecasting to Utilities,” presented at Windpower ’95 Conference, March 27-30, 1995, Washington, DC. E. Hirst and B. Kirby (1995-1), “Electric-Power Ancillary Services,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL, Oak Ridge, TN, February 1996. M. R. Milligan and M. S. Graham (1996-1), “An Enumerated Probabilistic Simulation Technique and Case Study: Integrating Wind Power into Utility Production Cost Models,” presented at IEEE Power Engineering Society, Summer Meeting, July 29August 1, 1996; Denver, Colorado. E. Hirst and B. Kirby (1996-1), “Ancillary Costs for 12 U.S. Electric Utilities,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL, Oak Ridge, TN, March 1997. M. R. Milligan and B. Parsons (1997-1), “A Comparison and Case Study of Capacity Credit Algorithms for Intermittent Generators,” presented at Solar ’97 Conference, April 27-30, 1997, Washington, DC. M. R. Milligan and M. S. Graham (1997-2), “An Enumerative Technique for Modeling Wind Power Variations in Production Costing,” International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, September 21-25, 1997; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. B. Ernst, Y. Wan and B. Kirby (1999-1), “Short-Term Power Fluctuation of Wind Turbines: Analyzing Data from the German 250-MW Measurement Program from the Ancillary Services Viewpoint,” presented at Windpower ’99 Conference, June 20-23, 1999, Burlington, Vermont. E. Hirst and B. Kirby (2000-1), “Measuring Generator Performance in Providing the Regulation and Load-Following Ancillary Services,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL, Oak Ridge, TN, December 2000. M. R. Milligan (2000-1), “Modeling Utility-Scale Wind Power Plants Part 1: Economics,” National Renewable Energy Laboratory NREL, Golden, Colorado, June 2000. J. Cadogan, M. R. Milligan, Y. Wan and B. Kirby (2000-1), “Short-Term Output Variations in Wind Farms – Implications for Ancillary Services in the United States,” 9-1 presented at the Wind Power for the 21st Century Conference, September 26-28, 2000, Kassel, Germany. R. Z. Poore and G. Randall (2001-1), “Characterizing and Predicting Ten Minute and Hourly Fluctuations in Wind Power Plant Output to Support Integrating Wind Energy into a Utility System,” presented at Windpower 2001 Conference, June 3-7, 2001; Washington, DC. Y. Wan and D. Bucaneg (2001-1), “Short-term Power Fluctuation of Large Wind Power Plants,” National Energy Laboratory NREL, Golden Colorado, June 2000. R. Hudson, B. Kirby and Y. Wan (2001-1), “Regulation Requirements for Wind Generation Facilities,” presented at Windpower 2001 Conference, June 3-7, 2001, Washington. DC. E. Hirst (2001-1), “Interactions of Wind Farms with Bulk-Power Operations and Markets,” Consulting in Electric-Industry Restructuring, Oak Ridge, TN 37830, prepared for Sustainable FERC Energy Policy, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, September 2001. E. Hirst (1998-1), “Defining Intra- and Inter-hour Load Swings,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 13(4), 1379-1385, November 1998.. 9-2 Appendix A: Summary of Related Works [Chan 1983-1] Development of a probabilistic framework for load-following, operatingreserve, and unloadable-generation requirements for one or more spatially dispersed wind-turbine clusters under random atmospheric conditions. Wind statistics necessary for assessing the operating requirements are defined and computed, while a computational method is developed that translates these wind statistics based on various requirements. [Milligan 1995-1] The potential value of wind forecast accuracy is identified by using an electricity production cost model to measure the cost implications of various degrees of forecast accuracy. The work does not attempt to forecast wind or wind energy, but rather to analyze the value associated with a particular degree of accuracy in a forecast. The role of accuracy in wind forecasting is viewed as a function to reduce risk as the utility attempts to minimize the cost of service to its customers. [Hirst 1995-1] This report provides a view of different types of ancillary services required in supporting the transmission of electrical power from seller to purchaser while maintaining reliable operations of the interconnected transmission system. [Milligan 1996-1], [Milligan 1997-2] A proposed enumerated probabilistic approach and reduced enumerated probabilistic approach to evaluate the capacity credit of wind power plants through the use of production costing and reliability modeling. Capacity credit is defined based on effective load carrying capability. The probabilistic technique is implemented outside of the production cost model, therefore it is capable of handling multiple wind power time series. Time series are generated through a Markov wind-speed simulation model. Two production-cost models are used in this work: Elfin, a loadduration curve model; and P+, a chronological model. [Hirst 1996-1] Using data, assumptions, and analyses from twelve utilities throughout the United States, estimates were developed for the cost of each individual ancillary service and for aggregation of these services. These utilities, although a small and nonrepresentative sample of the industry, account for 28% of U.S. electric-energy production. [Milligan 1997-1] Several traditional capacity credit calculations are examined that are considered minimal in computational effort. An approach based on effective load carrying capability is used as a reference, and is compared with three other approaches based on capacity factor. Calculations are included demonstrating these different approaches as applied to a wind power plant operating within a large generation company. [Ernst 1999-1] Individual turbine and aggregate power output data is analyzed from the German “250-MW Wind” data project. Load following and regulation impacts are examined as functions of the number and spacing of the turbines in order to quantify the impacts of aggregation. Results show a significant decrease in the relative system A-1 regulation burden with increasing number of turbines, even when the turbines are in close proximity. [Milligan 2000-1] The basic economic issues associated with electricity production from several generators, including large-scale wind power plants, are addressed. The roles of unit commitment and economic dispatch in production-cost models are emphasized. Overviews and comparisons of the prevalent production-cost modeling methods are provided, including several case studies applied to a variety of electric utilities. [Hirst 2000-1] Metrics for two real-power ancillary services are applied and developed for regulation and load following. This application is based on assuming a small control area, as well as using system and generator specific data for two 12-day periods. The metrics is used to quantity the amount of the two ancillary services each generator actually delivers. One issue addressed is whether the metrics should compare individual generator performance to overall system performance or should individual generator performance be compared only to system-operator instructions sent to that generator. [Cadogan 2001-1] With the arrival of competition in the electrical power marketplace, its effect on wind and other renewable energy technologies is reviewed. In particular, the implications of ancillary service requirements on a wind farm and present initial operating results of monitoring one Midwest wind farm are examined. Another topic is the role of federal and state policies in the recent wind installations within the United States. One example of note is the federal energy policy, which states that each generator must purchase or otherwise provide for ancillary services required to transmit power to the given load. [Poore 2001-1] Statistically evaluation of the ten-minute and hourly variations in the output of a 42-turbine wind power plant and examination of various techniques for using the current performance of the facility to predict short-term future performance are investigated. The behavior varies as function of power level, time of day, and season. The behaviors of small portions of the project are compared to the overall project performance in order to examine the impact of the plant size on the output characteristics. [Wan 2001-1] Wind speed and wind generation data collected from two large wind power plants (Storm Lake and Lake Benton II) was examined. Observations were made that the actual magnitude of power fluctuations did not appear to be extraordinary as the spatial diversity played a large role in reducing the variations. Persistency analysis of the data indicated that the plant’s output power fluctuations are bounded in a narrow range. On a minute-by-minute basis, operators could expect for 94.5% of time that the power level change (either up or down) would be less than 1.4% of the total capacity. Given the knowledge of current power output at a given level, operators could expect that at least 90% of time the output power will remain at the same level. In addition to the limited range of power changes, the data showed that the rates of power changes are also limited. For example, a wind plant having a total capacity of 103.5 MW would have 99% of the apparent power change rates within ±200 kW/sec. A-2 [Hudson 2001-1] The operational impacts of a wind generation facility on the regulation requirements of the electric utility grid system were evaluated. Analysis was based on operations data from a 100 MW wind facility, and showed that the regulation burden, on a nameplate capacity basis, is inversely proportional to the number of machines due to the effects of spatial diversity. Furthermore, when a wind facility is integrated into a utility grid, the additional regulation burden due to wind facility is directly influenced by the relative magnitude of the regulation burden due to load. In the case study example, a 4.3% wind capacity addition results in only 0.22% increase in system regulation requirements. [Hirst 2001-1] A quantitative method is defined and applied that allows for the integration of a wind power facility into a large electric system. The method focuses on the real-time and short-term forward markets in a competitive (deregulated) wholesale electricity industry. The applied method suggests that wind-farm owners can increase their earnings by scheduling wind output ahead of time rather than having the wind energy appear entirely in real time, improved forecasting models can increase the revenues associated with hour-ahead scheduling, and the average revenue per MWh of wind production declines as the size of the wind facility increases relative to the size of the electrical system. A-3 A-4 Appendix B: Unit Commitment Primer B.1 Background During the December 13, 2001 UWIG Technical Review Committee (TRC) meeting in Denver, the question was raised as to whether a unit commitment (UC) program can be used to determine a unit generation schedule to meet hourly system load requirements over the study horizon, as well as the intra-hour load change. The answer to this question is “Yes, if the utility day-ahead operation planner chooses to do so.” UC is able to schedule unit generation to meet the hourly load requirements with respect to the given forecasted load profile while enforcing the constraints of inter-hour ramp rate limits of the generating units on UC. Additionally, if a sufficient amount of regulation and load following spinning reserve is allocated in the UC, the unit generation levels scheduled by UC will provide enough total room between unit-generation high and low limits to follow intra-hour load changes. It is also possible, however, that a particular operation planner would adopt a different strategy whereby regulation and load following reserves are not allocated in the dayahead UC scheduling. Due to uncertainty in load forecasting, some utilities may consider a better strategy to be 1) not fully-committing all units necessary for meeting the intraand inter-hour load ramping requirements and 2) relying on the real-time operator to revise the unit generation and transaction schedules on near real-time basis as the operator has more accurate information on actual system load. For example, the utility operation planner may run unit commitment with reduced spinning reserve requirement. In such a case, if there is no subsequent real-time operator intervention, the schedule from unit commitment is not able to support the intra-hour load changes. Examples are provided in the following sections for illustration. Note that modeling this second strategy of utility operation for simulation is very difficult. Additionally, there are human factors involved, and capturing the real-time operator decision process into the simulation could be rather complicated. Furthermore, there could be several real-time operators each having a somewhat different strategy. This appendix provides a simplified explanation of how UC functions to provide generation schedules to meet inter- and intra-hour load changes. In this explanation, the following are assumed: • • Day-ahead load forecast is perfect; It is very expensive for the real-time operator to purchase energy from the spot market when the utility does not own sufficient generating facilities to meet the load demand in real time. Under these assumptions, a utility operation planner opts to use the unit commitment to provide a generation schedule for meeting the hourly forecasted load as well as to follow the intra-hour load changes. We will describe how to set up unit commitment constraint B-1 requirements to achieve such a goal. Without loss of any generality, we assume no wind generation at all in the utility system for this discussion. B.1.1 Spinning Reserve Requirement in Real Time In the WSCC and NERC guidelines, reserve requirement applies only to real-time operation. There is no guideline on the amount of reserve required in performing UC planning. Both WSCC and NERC require the utility to maintain operating reserve of the following components on a real-time basis: • • • • Regulating reserve (spinning) – this is the regulation reserve and load following reserve in the terminology of our project Contingency reserve (spinning and non-spinning) Additional reserve for interruptible imports (spinning and non-spinning) Additional reserve for on-demand obligation (spinning and non-spinning) The WSCC guideline specifies the regulating reserve requirement to be the system load change over the next 10 minutes. This discussion, however, focuses on the regulating reserve requirement to be used in UC. Furthermore, following the terminology used throughout the project and this report, the regulating reserve defined by the WSCC and NERC refers to the total of the regulating reserve and the load following reserve requirements investigated in this project. For simplicity, illustrative examples presented in this document use zero values for requirements of all other types of spinning reserve. B.1.2 NSP UC Reserve Requirements As noted in the body of the report, it was difficult to obtain firm information regarding NSP’s UC setup. At the time that the UC simulations were set up and performed, the only information obtained was that 160 MW was used for the total spinning reserve requirement and this amount covered different types of spinning reserve in total. As noted in the body of the report, subsequent information indicated that only the 160 MW of contingency reserve is included in the day-ahead UC planning. NSP does not appear to include load following or regulating reserve requirements in the day-ahead UC scheduling. Rather, NSP depends on the real-time operator to act to revise the generation schedule and transaction schedule to meet inter- and intra-hour load changes. As noted, NSP real-time operators appear to accomplish this by moving the high limits of certain units from their normal dependable capability (NDC) to their maximum dependable capability (MDC) and by starting peaking units. From the NSP hourly historical load data, during the morning load ramp-up the inter-hour load change from one hour to the next can be as high as 700 MW. The 160 MW spinning reserve requirement used in NSP’s unit commitment is insufficient for those hours with rapid intra-hour load ramping. Without the intervention of NSP’s real-time operators, the generation schedule obtained from the unit commitment would not be able to support the intra-hour load change in real-time operation. A detailed explanation is given in Section 5 using examples. B-2 B.2 Unit Commitment in Hourly Resolution UC study horizon is usually from several days to several weeks. Time resolution is typically hourly, although some UC programs support half-hour resolution. In this discussion, an hourly resolution for unit commitment is considered. Since unit commitment uses hourly resolution, all variables and input quantities are on an hourly average basis. Consider an actual load profile of 4 hours as shown in Figure B - 1. Load (MW) 160 140 120 100 1 2 3 4 Hour Figure B - 1. Example actual load profile. During the 4-hour period as shown in the figure, system load continues to ramp up from 90 MW to 160 MW; specifically 90 MW to 110 MW for hour 1, 110 MW to 130 MW for hour 2, 130 MW to 140 MW for hour 3 and 140 MW to 160 MW for hour 4. System load ramps at a constant rate during each hour. In performing UC, the following hourly system load series -- average system load over the entire hour – is used as an input: 100 MW for hour 1, 120 MW for hour 2, 135 MW for hour 3 and 150 MW for hour 4, which is shown graphically in Figure B - 2. The unit generation levels obtained from the UC solution are also hourly averages. UC enforces the inter-hour generating ramp rate constraints of a given unit in the sense that the change in the unit’s hourly generation levels between two successive hours must be less than or equal to the hourly ramp rate limit of the applicable raise or lower directions. B-3 Load (MW) 160 140 120 100 1 2 3 4 Hour Figure B - 2. Hourly average load profile for actual load shown in Figure B - 1. B.3 Example #1 -- Unit Commitment Schedule and IntraHour Real-Time Operation In this section, it is demonstrated through examples that even with inter-hour unit ramping constraints being enforced, the UC solution may not be able to support the intrahour load change in real-time operation. The next section shows that in order to insure that the UC solution is capable of following the intra-hour load change in real-time operation, appropriate regulating and load following reserve requirements must be enforced in UC. In this example, the system load shown in Figure B - 1 and Figure B - 2 is used. Two generating units are considered. Initially, i.e. prior to hour 1, unit 1 is online with 80 MW hourly generation and unit 2 is offline. The high limits for unit 1 and 2 are 135 MW and 100 MW, respectively. The low limits of unit 1 and 2 are both 0 MW. The ramp rates for unit 1 and 2 are 20 MW/hr and 30 MW/hr, respectively, in both the raise and lower directions. Unit 2 has a very high generation cost at its minimum generation level such that it should be kept offline as much as possible. Unit 2 can be dispatched immediately after it is online. Consider that unit 2 is newly online for a particular hour; hence unit 2 is at minimum generation at the beginning of the hour. Consider that unit 2 continues to ramp up at the ramp rate limit until the end of the hour. Therefore the hourly generation of unit 2 for that hour can be as much as (0.5 * hourly ramp rate + low limit). Consider that the requirement of regulating reserve and load following is zero, the unit commitment solution is shown in Figure B - 3. B-4 Load (MW) 160 140 120 100 1 2 3 4 Hour Unit 1 140 (MW) 120 100 Unit 2 (MW) 20 0 Figure B - 3. Graphically representation of UC solution Figure B - 3 shows that the UC solution is such that unit 1 generation matches the system load from hour 1 to hour 3 while unit 2 is offline. The inter-hour ramping of unit 1 generation is within the ramping limit. On hour 3, unit 1 hourly generation level reaches its high limit. On hour 4, since unit 1 hourly generation cannot be increased, unit 2 is started to provide additional generation to meet the increase in load requirement. Note B-5 that there is no spinning reserve requirement. In summary, the hourly generation for unit 1 and 2 are given in Table B - 1. Table B - 1. Summary of UC hourly generation schedule for example #1. Hour 1 2 3 4 System load hourly MW 100 120 135 150 Unit 1 hourly MW 100 (on) 120 (on) 135 (on) 135 (on) Unit 2 hourly MW 0 (off) 0 (off) 0 (off) 15 (off) The UC solution is able to follow intra-hour load change until the mid-point of hour 3 in real time. During the second half of hour 3, the system load continues to increase, however. Unit 1 is already at the high limit, and unit 2 has not yet started. Consequently, there is no generating capacity to follow the intra-hour load change. Figure B - 4 shows the unit generation in real-time operation for hour 1, 2 and hour 3. Note the total generation of unit 1 and 2 does not match system load for the second half of hour 3 in real-time operation. B-6 Load (MW) 160 140 120 100 1 2 3 4 Hour Unit 1 140 (MW) 120 100 Unit 2 (MW) 20 0 Figure B - 4. Real-time comparison of load and generation for hourly UC schedule. B-7 B.4 Example #2 -- Load Following Reserve for Unit Commitment From the previous example, it is clear that extra reserve is required from the UC solution for intra-hour load following. The amount of reserve required is equal to the intra-hour maximum minus the hourly average of system load. For hour 3, it is 5 MW. Assuming that the hourly average is approximately at the mid point between the intra-hour maximum and minimum, the reserve requirement becomes the average of the system load intra-hour maximum and minimum. Table B - 2 lists the total intra-hour reserve (regulating reserve plus the load following reserve) requirement required for each hour in the UC for the UC solution to adequately follow the intra-hour load changes. Table B - 2. Total intra-hour reserve required for UC solution of example #1 to adequately follow intra-hour load changes. Hour System load hourly MW 1 2 3 4 100 120 135 150 Reserve requirement in MW for regulation and load following 10 10 5 10 The next question is what is the reserve contribution from different generating units. Here we see from the example that in real-time, the system load increases to the intra-hour maximum from the hourly average level in about half an hour. This means that unit generation must be able to increase by this much within half an hour for load following. Thus, the reserve contribution from a generating unit is as follows: Reserve Contribution = Minimum of (1) high limit – hourly generation, and (2) 0.5 * hourly ramp rate With the additional reserve requirement, the new unit commitment solution is given in the following table. This solution is shown graphically in Figure B - 1. Table B - 3. Updated UC solution with adequate hourly reserve requirements enforced. Hr 1 2 3 4 System load hourly MW 100 120 135 150 Reserve Reqt. (MW) 10 10 5 10 Unit 1 hourly MW 100 (on) 120 (on) 130 (on) 135 (on) B-8 Unit 2 hourly MW 0 (off) 0 (off) 5 (on) 15 (on) Total spin reserve MW 10 10 20 15 Load (MW) 160 140 120 100 1 2 3 4 Hour Unit 1 (MW) 140 120 100 Unit 2 (MW) 20 0 Figure B - 5. Graphical representation of UC solution with adequate hourly reserve requirements enforced. Note that due to the additional reserve requirement, unit commitment starts up unit 2 on hour 3 instead of hour 4. With unit 2 online for hour 3 and 4, a sufficient amount of generating capacity is available for intra-hour load following in real-time operation. Figure B - 6 shows the unit generation in real-time operation for the updated UC solution. B-9 Load (MW) 160 140 120 100 1 2 3 4 Hour Unit 1 (MW) 140 120 100 Unit 2 (MW) 20 0 Figure B - 6. Real-time comparison of load and generation for update hourly UC schedule including adequate reserve requirement. B-10 Appendix C: Y2000 NSP Hourly Wind Generation Data This appendix provides a graphical view of the NSP Year 2000 hourly-resolution wind generation data used to generate the hourly STM. C.1 January 2000- April 2000 250 200 150 100 50 0 1/1/00 0:00 1/8/00 0:00 1/15/00 0:00 1/22/00 0:00 1/29/00 0:00 250 200 150 100 50 0 2/1/00 0:00 2/8/00 0:00 2/15/00 0:00 2/22/00 0:00 2/29/00 0:00 250 200 150 100 50 0 3/1/00 0:00 3/8/00 0:00 3/15/00 0:00 3/22/00 0:00 3/29/00 0:00 250 200 150 100 50 0 4/1/00 0:00 4/8/00 0:00 4/15/00 0:00 C-1 4/22/00 0:00 4/29/00 0:00 C.2 May 2000- August 2000 250 200 150 100 50 0 5/1/00 0:00 5/8/00 0:00 5/15/00 0:00 5/22/00 0:00 5/29/00 0:00 250 200 150 100 50 0 6/1/00 0:00 6/8/00 0:00 6/15/00 0:00 6/22/00 0:00 6/29/00 0:00 250 200 150 100 50 0 7/1/00 0:00 7/8/00 0:00 7/15/00 0:00 7/22/00 0:00 7/29/00 0:00 8/8/00 0:00 8/15/00 0:00 8/22/00 0:00 8/29/00 0:00 250 200 150 100 50 0 8/1/00 0:00 C-2 C.3 September 2000 – December 2000 250 200 150 100 50 0 9/1/00 0:00 9/8/00 0:00 9/15/00 0:00 9/22/00 0:00 9/29/00 0:00 250 200 150 100 50 0 10/1/00 0:00 10/8/00 0:00 10/15/00 0:00 10/22/00 0:00 10/29/00 0:00 250 200 150 100 50 0 11/1/00 0:00 11/8/00 0:00 11/15/00 0:00 11/22/00 0:00 11/29/00 0:00 250 200 150 100 50 0 12/1/00 0:00 12/8/00 0:00 12/15/00 0:00 C-3 12/22/00 0:00 12/29/00 0:00 C-4 Appendix D: Summary of Related Works The following provides a brief description of ABB’s CougerPlus, which is the program used in the unit commitment portion of the project. The material is adopted from the CougerPlus descriptions posted on ABB’s website. ABB’s CougerPlus is a comprehensive operations scheduling program that determines optimal resource schedules in order to minimize utility/GenCo operating costs and maximize profits. The CougerPlus coordinates the scheduling of all resources including thermal, hydro and combined cycle generating units, and coordinates opportunities for purchases and sales of bulk power at electric utility control centers and GenCo trading floors. CougerPlus is the industry standard for resource scheduling software with installations throughout the world. In the US, utilities and GenCo’s scheduling approximately 50% of the nation’s electric production assets use the CougerPlus software. The program can operate in stand-alone or client-server architecture, and offers a comprehensive and user-friendly graphic interface for data entry and operation. Program operation and data flow can also be controlled through text files, interfacing in this manner allows for large numbers of cases to be run without requiring human intervention. Advanced features of the program include: • • • • • • • • Emission Dispatch – Schedule generation and assets that are subject to emission limits and constraints Auto Transaction Analysis – Provide fast and accurate cost/value evaluation on individual transactions or multiple blocks of power Multi Area Model – Enable a utility or GenCo to optimize asset commitment and dispatch subject to transmission constraints Risk Manager – Calculate costs and risk values for multiple operations (load forecasts, availability, etc.) Post Analysis – Provide capabilities to calculate actual trading profit and loss and compare actual system operations against best practice Fuel Allocation – Schedule generation resources subject to varying fuel availability and cost Combined Cycle – Model complex combined cycle plant characteristics Annual Model – Model seasonal and annual planning horizons D-1 D-2 Appendix E: Sample CougerPlus Solution Output This appendix presents the complete hourly generation schedule obtained from the UC simulation for the winter scenario, no wind case. __________________________________ The following lists the generation pattern from the solution of the unit commitment run for the 3-day period of Jan 2 to 4. Notice that SHC1, SHC2 and SHC 3 under unit name stand for Sherco 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Purch01 stands for the first energy purchase block and Purch 02 for the second etc. Pur means total purchase. Note that the energy sale is not shown. For any hour that total generation exceeds total load, the difference is the total energy sale. Printed 17-APR-02 ( 9:12) cougerplus version 6.76 PAGE 78 Output 4.1 - MW Loading Summary for Tue 2JAN01-Day 1 Area= SYSTEM Period= ALL-WEEK Case=ABB-UCP VERSION 5.9 Unit ASK1 BDS3 BFT4 BFT5 BFT6 FEN1 HBR5 HBR6 LCG1 PR1 PR2 MNN1 REW1 REW2 RIV1 RIV2 SHC1 SHC2 SHC3 WLM1 WLM2 Purch01 Gen -Therm -Pur+UP TotGen * Load -Native TotLoad* ------ MW Generation/Purchase (+) or Pumping/Sale (-) in Hour -----------------------------1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 64. 64. 64. 64. 64. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 510. 510. 510. 510. 510. 510. 570. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 530. 530. 530. 530. 530. 530. 570. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 754. 755. 755. 755. 755. 755. 802. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 1.* 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 25.* 228.* 367.* 327.* 390.* 4561. 1. ----4562. 4561. 0. ----4561. 4561. 0. ----4561. 4561. 0. ----4561. 4561. 0. ----4561. 4561. 0. ----4561. 4708. 0. ----4708. 5025. 25. ----5050. 5025. 228. ----5253. 5025. 367. ----5392. 5025. 327. ----5352. 5025. 390. ----5415. 3798. ----3798. 3682. ----3682. 3630. ----3630. 3612. ----3612. 3740. ----3740. 4035. ----4035. 4708. ----4708. 5050. ----5050. 5253. ----5253. 5392. ----5392. 5352. ----5352. 5415. ----5415. E-1 Printed 17-APR-02 ( 9:12) cougerplus version 6.76 PAGE 79 Output 4.1 - MW Loading Summary for Tue 2JAN01-Day 1 Area= SYSTEM Period= ALL-WEEK Case=ABB-UCP VERSION 5.9 Unit ASK1 BDS3 BFT4 BFT5 BFT6 FEN1 HBR5 HBR6 LCG1 PR1 PR2 MNN1 REW1 REW2 RIV1 RIV2 SHC1 SHC2 SHC3 WLM1 WLM2 Purch01 Purch02 ------ MW Generation/Purchase (+) or Pumping/Sale (-) in Hour -----------------------------13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 64. 64. 64. 64. 89. 258. 258. 225. 64. 64. 0. 0. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 559. 510. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 665. 664. 662. 570. 530. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 795. 755. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 274.* 222.* 211.* 228.* 400.* 400. 400. 400.* 400.* 124.* 2.* 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 179.* 115.* 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. E-2 Printed 17-APR-02 ( 9:12) cougerplus version 6.76 PAGE 80 Output 4.1 - MW Loading Summary for Tue 2JAN01-Day 1 Area= SYSTEM Period= ALL-WEEK Case=ABB-UCP VERSION 5.9 Unit Gen -Therm -Pur+UP TotGen * Load -Native TotLoad* ------ MW Generation/Purchase (+) or Pumping/Sale (-) in Hour -----------------------------13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 5025. 274. ----5299. 5025. 222. ----5247. 5025. 211. ----5236. 5025. 228. ----5253. 5050. 400. ----5450. 5219. 579. ----5798. 5219. 515. ----5734. 5189. 400. ----5589. 5027. 400. ----5427. 5025. 124. ----5149. 4691. 2. ----4693. 4561. 0. ----4561. 5299. ----5299. 5247. ----5247. 5236. ----5236. 5253. ----5253. 5450. ----5450. 5798. ----5798. 5734. ----5734. 5589. ----5589. 5427. ----5427. 5149. ----5149. 4691. ----4691. 4244. ----4244. E-3 Printed 17-APR-02 ( 9:12) cougerplus version 6.76 PAGE 81 Output 4.1 - MW Loading Summary for Wed 3JAN01-Day 2 Area= SYSTEM Period= ALL-WEEK Case=ABB-UCP VERSION 5.9 Unit ASK1 BDS3 BFT4 BFT5 BFT6 FEN1 HBR5 HBR6 LCG1 PR1 PR2 MNN1 REW1 REW2 RIV1 RIV2 SHC1 SHC2 SHC3 WLM1 WLM2 Purch01 Gen -Therm -Pur+UP TotGen * Load -Native TotLoad* ------ MW Generation/Purchase (+) or Pumping/Sale (-) in Hour -----------------------------1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 64. 64. 64. 64. 64. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 510. 510. 510. 510. 510. 510. 570. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 530. 530. 530. 530. 530. 530. 570. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 755. 755. 755. 755. 755. 755. 826. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 1.* 0. 0. 0. 0. 2.* 0. 210.* 193.* 255.* 271.* 232.* 4561. 1. ----4562. 4561. 0. ----4561. 4561. 0. ----4561. 4561. 0. ----4561. 4561. 0. ----4561. 4561. 2. ----4563. 4732. 0. ----4732. 5025. 210. ----5235. 5025. 193. ----5218. 5025. 255. ----5280. 5025. 271. ----5296. 5025. 232. ----5257. 3944. ----3944. 3816. ----3816. 3738. ----3738. 3654. ----3654. 3760. ----3760. 4101. ----4101. 4732. ----4732. 5235. ----5235. 5218. ----5218. 5280. ----5280. 5296. ----5296. 5257. ----5257. E-4 Printed 17-APR-02 ( 9:12) cougerplus version 6.76 PAGE 82 Output 4.1 - MW Loading Summary for Wed 3JAN01-Day 2 Area= SYSTEM Period= ALL-WEEK Case=ABB-UCP VERSION 5.9 Unit ASK1 BDS3 BFT4 BFT5 BFT6 FEN1 HBR5 HBR6 LCG1 PR1 PR2 MNN1 REW1 REW2 RIV1 RIV2 SHC1 SHC2 SHC3 WLM1 WLM2 Purch01 Gen -Therm -Pur+UP TotGen * Load -Native TotLoad* ------ MW Generation/Purchase (+) or Pumping/Sale (-) in Hour -----------------------------13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 64. 64. 64. 64. 64. 215. 225. 131. 64. 44. 0. 0. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 519. 510. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 663. 668. 662. 674. 530. 530. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 755. 755. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 143.* 98.* 37.* 20.* 171.* 400.* 400.* 400.* 288.* 2.* 2.* 2.* 5025. 143. ----5168. 5025. 98. ----5123. 5025. 37. ----5062. 5025. 20. ----5045. 5025. 171. ----5196. 5176. 400. ----5576. 5187. 400. ----5587. 5098. 400. ----5498. 5025. 288. ----5313. 5017. 2. ----5019. 4570. 2. ----4572. 4561. 2. ----4563. 5168. ----5168. 5123. ----5123. 5062. ----5062. 5045. ----5045. 5196. ----5196. 5576. ----5576. 5587. ----5587. 5498. ----5498. 5313. ----5313. 5017. ----5017. 4570. ----4570. 4151. ----4151. E-5 Printed 17-APR-02 ( 9:12) cougerplus version 6.76 PAGE 83 Output 4.1 - MW Loading Summary for Thu 4JAN01-Day 3 Area= SYSTEM Period= ALL-WEEK Case=ABB-UCP VERSION 5.9 Unit ASK1 BDS3 BFT4 BFT5 BFT6 FEN1 HBR5 HBR6 LCG1 PR1 PR2 MNN1 REW1 REW2 RIV1 RIV2 SHC1 SHC2 SHC3 WLM1 WLM2 Purch01 Gen -Therm -Pur+UP TotGen * Load -Native TotLoad* ------ MW Generation/Purchase (+) or Pumping/Sale (-) in Hour -----------------------------1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 64. 64. 64. 64. 64. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 510. 510. 510. 510. 510. 510. 590. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 530. 530. 530. 530. 530. 530. 598. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 755. 755. 754. 755. 755. 755. 847. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 2.* 2.* 0. 0. 0. 2.* 2.* 209.* 170.* 231.* 264.* 259.* 4561. 2. ----4563. 4561. 2. ----4563. 4560. 0. ----4560. 4561. 0. ----4561. 4561. 0. ----4561. 4561. 2. ----4563. 4801. 2. ----4803. 5025. 209. ----5234. 5025. 170. ----5195. 5025. 231. ----5256. 5025. 264. ----5289. 5025. 259. ----5284. 3885. ----3885. 3785. ----3785. 3757. ----3757. 3730. ----3730. 3830. ----3830. 4179. ----4179. 4801. ----4801. 5234. ----5234. 5195. ----5195. 5256. ----5256. 5289. ----5289. 5284. ----5284. E-6 Printed 17-APR-02 ( 9:12) cougerplus version 6.76 PAGE 84 Output 4.1 - MW Loading Summary for Thu 4JAN01-Day 3 Area= SYSTEM Period= ALL-WEEK Case=ABB-UCP VERSION 5.9 Unit ASK1 BDS3 BFT4 BFT5 BFT6 FEN1 HBR5 HBR6 LCG1 PR1 PR2 MNN1 REW1 REW2 RIV1 RIV2 SHC1 SHC2 SHC3 WLM1 WLM2 Purch01 Gen -Therm -Pur+UP TotGen * Load -Native TotLoad* ------ MW Generation/Purchase (+) or Pumping/Sale (-) in Hour -----------------------------13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 490. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 58. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 112. 64. 64. 64. 64. 64. 189. 156. 64. 64. 0. 0. 0. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 462. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 542. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 584. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 650. 510. 510. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 662. 676. 662. 669. 530. 530. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 871. 755. 754. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 242.* 159.* 98.* 64.* 186.* 400.* 400.* 400.* 198.* 0. 1.* 0. 5025. 242. ----5267. 5025. 159. ----5184. 5025. 98. ----5123. 5025. 64. ----5089. 5025. 186. ----5211. 5150. 400. ----5550. 5117. 400. ----5517. 5039. 400. ----5439. 5025. 198. ----5223. 4956. 0. ----4956. 4561. 1. ----4563. 4560. 0. ----4560. 5267. ----5267. 5184. ----5184. 5123. ----5123. 5089. ----5089. 5211. ----5211. 5550. ----5550. 5517. ----5517. 5439. ----5439. 5223. ----5223. 4956. ----4956. 4507. ----4507. 4129. ----4129. E-7 E-8 Appendix F: Description of Economic Dispatch Tool This appendix presents the economic dispatch formulation used in the NSP case study, along with a simple example to illustrate the implementation in the Matlab environment. F.1 Economic Dispatch Formulation The Economic Dispatch formulation with multiple types of reserve constraints is as follows: Let n be the number of units (input data) Let ld be the load demand plus scheduled interchange (input data) Let rrureq be the up-direction regulating reserve requirement (input data) Let rrdreq be the down-direction regulating reserve requirement (input data) Let rcreq be the spinning contingency reserve requirement (input data) Let rfreq be the up-direction load following reserve requirement (input data) Let i be the index of generating unit with i = 1…n Let gi be the generation variable of unit i (variable) Let gd be the variable for generation deficit (variable) Let rrui be the regulating reserve up-direction variable of unit i (variable) Let rrud be the variable for regulating reserve up-direction deficit (variable) Let rrdi be the regulating reserve down-direction variable of unit i (variable) Let rrdd be the variable for regulating reserve down-direction deficit (variable) Let rci be the contingency reserve variable of unit i (variable) Let rcd be the variable for contingency reserve deficit (variable) Let rfi be the load following reserve variable of unit i (variable) Let rfd be the variable for load following reserve deficit (variable) Let Ci(gi) be the cost function of unit i generation gi (input data) Let Cg,d(gd) be the cost function of generation deficit gd (input data) Let Crru,d(rrud) be the cost function of regulating reserve up-direction deficit rrud (input data) Let Crrd,d(rrd) be the cost function of regulating reserve down-direction deficit rrd (input data) Let Crc,d(rcd) be the cost function of contingency reserve rcd (input data) Let Crf,d(rfd) be the cost function of load following reserve deficit rfd (input data) Let gcbi,max and gcbi,min be capability high and low limits of generating unit i (input data) Let gopi,max and gopi,min be operating high and low limits of generating unit i (input data) Let gdspi,max and gdspi,min be dispatchable high and low limits of generating unit i (input data) Let rrui,max be the maximum contribution to regulating reserve up-direction from unit i (input data) F-1 Let rrdi,max be the maximum contribution to regulating reserve down-direction from unit i (input data) Let rci,max be the maximum contribution to contingency reserve from unit i (input data) Let rfi,max be the maximum contribution to load following reserve from unit i (input data) Let upfi be the penalty factor of unit i (input data) Let upfd be the penalty factor of the generation deficit (input data) We assume the ordering of the time period in increase direction for the deployment of different types of reserve is 1) regulating, 2) contingency and 3) load-following. It follows that rri,max ≤ rci,max ≤ rfi,max (1) The optimization problem is formulated mathematically as follows: Min (Σi = 1,…,n Ci(gi)) + Cg,d(gd) + Crru,d(rrud) + Crc,d(rcd) + Crf,d(rfd) + Crru,d(rrdd) (2) Subject to (Σi = 1,…n (1/upfi)*gi) + (1/upfd)*gd ≥ ld (coupling constraint) (3) (Σi = 1,…n rrui) + rrud ≥ rrureq (coupling constraint) (4) (Σi = 1,…n rrdi) + rrdd ≥ rrdreq (coupling constraint) (4a) (Σi = 1,…n rci) + rcd ≥ rcreq (coupling constraint) (5) (Σi = 1,…n rfi) + rfd ≥ rfreq (coupling constraint) (6) gopi,min ≤ gi - rrdi i = 1,…,n (individual unit constraint) (7) gi + rrui + rfi + ≤ gopi,max i = 1,…,n (individual unit constraint) (7a) 0 ≤ rrui ; 0 ≤ rci ; 0 ≤ rfi i = 1,…,n (individual unit constraint) (8) 0 ≤ rrdi i = 1,…,n (individual unit constraint) (8a) rrui ≤ rrui,max i = 1,…,n (individual unit constraint) (9) rrdi ≤ rrdi,max i = 1,…,n (individual unit constraint) (9a) rci ≤ rci,max i = 1,…,n (individual unit constraint) (9b) rfi ≤ rfi,max i = 1,…,n (individual unit constraint) (9c) F-2 rrui + rci ≤ max(rrui,max , rci,max) i = 1,…,n (individual unit constraint) (10) rrui + rfi ≤ max(rrui,max , rfi,max) i = 1,…,n (individual unit constraint) (10a) rci + rfi ≤ max(rci,max , rfi,max) i = 1,…,n (individual unit constraint) (10b) rrui + rci + rfi ≤ max (rrui,max , rci,max , rfi,max ) i = 1,…,n (individual unit constraint) (11) gi + rrui + rci + rfi ≤ gcbi,max i = 1,…,n (individual unit constraint) (12) gdspi,min ≤ gi i = 1,…,n (individual unit constraint) (13) gi ≤ gdspi,max i = 1,…,n (individual unit constraint) (13a) F.2 Some Implementation Details The following details relate to the implementation of the economic dispatch formulation presented above in the MatLab operating environment for the simulations performed in the NSP case study: 1. The deployment time for each reserve type is specified as input data. For each unit and for each type of reserve, the maximum reserve contribution from the unit is calculated as the unit ramp rate multiplied by the reserve deployment time. 2. Incremental cost curve for each generating unit is assumed to be incremental nondecreasing, stepwise constant; in other words, the curve is in an upward staircase shape. The curve is defined from low limit gmin to high limit gmax for each generating unit. When converting the EDC problem into a linear programming formulation, one variable is defined for each segment (step) of the increment cost curve, say x1, x2 and xm where m is the total number of segments. These variables will be used instead of variable g. Variables x1, x2 and xm correspond to segments from left to right with lowest incremental cost for x1 and highest incremental cost for xm. Each variable is bound between 0 and the length of the segment. The total length of all segments must be equal to the difference between gmax and gmin. Finally, g - gmin is replaced by x1 + x2 +… + xm. 3. Let cj be the incremental cost associated with segment j of the incremental cost curve. Hence c1 < c2 < …< cm. The cost function C (g) = C (gmin + x1 + x2 +… + xm) of generating unit is C(g) = constant + c1∗x1 + c2∗x2 +… + cm∗xm The constant value is generating unit specific. F-3 4. The cost function of the deficit variable is modeled as linear function with a large valued multiplier. F.3 Implementation Example We next describe the implementation of a simple example through Matlab. The generic form of the LP (linear programming) formulation in Matlab is Min cTx x subject to Ax ≤ b vlb ≤ x ≤ vub where x is the vector variable, A and b are given matrix and vector inputs for linear coupling constraints , vlb and vub are given vector inputs respectively for the lower and upper bounds of x. The values of A, b vlb and vub are passed as parameters in calling Matlab LP subroutine. We consider an example containing two generating units with all 3 types of reserve constraints. If one type of reserve is not modeled in the EDC problem, it is always the reserve variables and the equations of the last reserve type first to be removed from the EDC formulation. F.4 Example Number of generating units n = 2 Load demand plus scheduled interchange ld = 100 MW REGULATING UP RESERVE REQUIREMENT RRREQ = 10 MW REGULATING DOWN RESERVE REQUIREMENT RRREQ = 15 MW Contingency Spinning Reserve Requirement rcreq = 30 MW Load following Requirement rfreq = 20 MW Generating unit 1 PENALTY FACTOR = 1.1 DISPATCHABLE MINIMUM = 25 MW DISPATCHABLE MAXIMUM = 115 MW OPERATING MINIMUM = 20 MW OPERATING MAXIMUM = 120 MW Capability minimum = 10 MW Capability maximum = 140 MW Maximum Reserve Contribution: Regulating up = 20 MW Regulating down = 50 MW Contingency = 40 MW Load following = 60 MW Incremental Cost Curve (2 segments): MW segment Incremental cost ($/MWh) [25, 80] 30 [80, 115] 50 F-4 Generating unit 2 Penalty factor = 0.95 Dispatchable minimum = 35 MW Dispatchable maximum = 95 MW Operating minimum = 30 MW Operating maximum = 100 MW Capability minimum = 15 MW Capability maximum = 130 MW Maximum Reserve Contribution: Regulating up =10 MW Regulating down = 25 MW Contingency = 20 MW Load following = 30 MW Incremental Cost Curve (3 segments): MW segment Incremental cost ($/MWh) [35, 50] 10 [50, 70] 40 [70, 95] 70 Generating unit 3 Penalty factor = 1.05 Dispatchable minimum = 10 MW Dispatchable maximum = 40 MW Operating minimum = 10 MW Operating maximum = 40 MW Capability minimum = 5 MW Capability maximum = 50 MW Maximum Reserve Contribution: Regulating up = 4 MW Regulating down = 10 MW Contingency = 0 MW Load following = 8 MW Incremental Cost Curve (1 segment): MW segment Incremental cost ($/MWh) [10, 40] 5 Incremental cost for deficit variables: Generation: 100 $/MWh Regulating up Reserve: 50 $/MWh Regulating down Reserve: 30 $/MWh Contingency Reserve: 45 $/MWh Load following Reserve: 40 $/MWh Penalty factor for generation deficit: 1.2 Assignment of variable x in Matlab LP formulation x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 : unit 1 generation dispatched on the 1st segment minus the segment lower bound : unit 1 generation dispatched on the 2nd segment minus the segment lower bound : unit 1 regulating reserve up-direction contribution : unit 1 contingency reserve contribution : unit 1 load following reserve contribution : unit 1 regulating reserve down-direction contribution : unit 2 generation dispatched on the 1st segment minus the segment lower bound : unit 2 generation dispatched on the 2nd segment minus the segment lower bound F-5 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 : unit 2 generation dispatched on the 3rd segment minus the segment lower bound : unit 2 regulating up reserve contribution : unit 2 contingency reserve contribution : unit 2 load following reserve contribution : unit 2 regulating down reserve contribution x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 : unit 3 generation dispatched on the 1st segment minus the segment lower bound : unit 3 regulating up reserve contribution : unit 3 contingency reserve contribution : unit 3 load following reserve contribution : unit 3 regulating down reserve contribution x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 : system generation deficit : system regulating up reserve deficit : system contingency reserve deficit : system load following reserve deficit : system regulating down reserve deficit Consider the object function cTx: c1 c2 c7 c8 c9 c14 = 30 = 50 = 10 = 40 = 70 =5 c18 c19 c20 c21 c22 = 100 = 50 = 45 = 40 = 30 The remaining ci for i between 1 and 18 are set to zero. Consider the lower vlb and upper bound vub of x vlb1 = vlb2 = vlb3 = vlb4 = vlb5 = vlb6 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 vlb7 = 0 vlb8 = 0 ≤ x1 ≤ x2 ≤ x3 ≤ x4 ≤ x5 ≤ x6 ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ vub1 = 55 vub2 = 35 vub3 = 15 vub4 = 40 vub5 = 60 vub6 = 50 ≤ x7 ≤ ≤ x8 ≤ vub7 = 15 vub8 = 20 F-6 vlb9 = 0 vlb10 = 0 vlb11 = 0 vlb12 = 0 vlb13 = 0 ≤ x9 ≤ ≤ x10 ≤ ≤ x11 ≤ ≤ x12 ≤ ≤ x13 ≤ vub9 = 25 vub10 = 10 vub11 = 20 vub12 = 30 vub13 = 25 vlb14 = 0 vlb15 = 0 vlb16 = 0 vlb17 = 0 vlb18 = 0 ≤ x14 ≤ x15 ≤ x16 ≤ x17 ≤ x18 ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ vub14 = 30 vub15 = 4 vub16 = 0 vub17 = 8 vub18 = 10 vlb19 = 0 vlb20 = 0 vlb21 = 0 vlb22 = 0 vlb23 = 0 ≤ x19 ≤ x20 ≤ x21 ≤ x22 ≤ x23 ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ vub19 = large # vub20 = large # vub21 = large # vub22 = large # vub23 = large # NOTE THAT FOR VARIABLES HAVE LOWER BOUNDS TO BE ZERO. THE UPPER BOUNDS OF XI I = 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 ARE THE RANGE OF THE CORRESPONDING INCREMENTAL COST CURVE SEGMENTS. FOR VARIABLES WITHOUT UPPER BOUNDS, THEIR VUB VALUES ARE SET TO LARGE NUMBER. WE NEXT DESCRIBE THE CALCULATION OF THE COEFFICIENTS OF THE MATLAB EQUATION AX ≤ B CONSIDER EQUATION (3) (1/1.1)*X1 + (1/1.1)*X2 + (1/0.95)*X7 + (1/0.95)*X8 + (1/0.95)*X9 + (1/1.05)*X14 + (1/1.2)*X19 ≥ 30.05 NOTE THAT THE VALUE AT RHS IS THE GENERATION REQUIREMENT MINUS THE TOTAL OF DISPATCHABLE MINIMUM GENERATION OF ALL UNITS. EQUIVALENTLY, ARRANGING THE PREVIOUS EQUATION IN MATLAB STANDARD FORM, IT BECOMES (-1/1.1)*X1 + (-1/1.1)*X2+ (-1/0.95)*X7 + (-1/0.95)*X8 + (-1/0.95)*X9 + (-1/1.05)*X14 + (-1/1.2)*X19 ≤ -30.05 HENCE A1,1 = -1/1.1, A1,2 = -1/1.1, A1,7 = -1/0.95, A1,8 = -1/0.95, A1,9 = -1/0.95, A1,14 = -1/1.05, A1,19 = -1/1.2, B1 = -30.05, AND A1,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 NOTE THE ROW INDEX FOR THE ELEMENTS OF A MATRIX AND B VECTOR IS 1 BECAUSE THIS IS THE FIRST EQUATION. CONSIDER EQUATION (4) X3 + X10 + X15 + X20 ≥ 10 OR EQUIVALENTLY IN MATLAB STANDARD FORM (-X3) + (-X10) + (-X15 ) + (-X20) ≤ -10 HENCE A2,3 = -1, A2,10 = -1, A2,15 = -1, A2,20 = -1, B2 = -10, AND A2,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 CONSIDER EQUATION (5) X4 + X11 + X16 + X21 ≥ 30 OR EQUIVALENTLY IN MATLAB STANDARD FORM F-7 (-X4) + (-X11) + (-X16) + (-X21) ≤ -30 HENCE A3,4 = -1, A3,11 = -1, A3,16 = -1, A3,21 = -1, B3 = -30, AND A3,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 CONSIDER EQUATION (6) X5 + X12 + X17 + X22 ≥ 20 OR EQUIVALENTLY IN MATLAB STANDARD FORM (-X5) + (-X12) + (-X17) + (-X22) ≤ -20 HENCE A4,5 = -1, A4,12 = -1, A4,17 = -1, A4,22 = -1, B4 = -20, AND A4,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 CONSIDER EQUATION (4A) X6 + X13 + X22 + X23 ≥ 15 OR EQUIVALENTLY IN MATLAB STANDARD FORM (-X6) + (-X13) + (-X22) + (-X23) ≤ -15 HENCE A5,6 = -1, A5,13 = -1, A5,22 = -1, A5,23 = -1, B5 = -15, AND A5,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 CONSIDER EQUATION (7) FOR GENERATING UNIT 1 X1 + X2 – X6 ≥ -5 X7 + X8 + X9 – X13 ≥ -5 FOR GENERATING UNIT 2 FOR GENERATING UNIT 3 X14 – X18 ≥ 0 NOTE THAT THE VALUE OF RHS IS THE UNIT GENERATION OPERATING MINIMUM MINUS DISPATCHABLE MINIMUM OF THE CORRESPONDING UNIT. OR EQUIVALENTLY IN MATLAB STANDARD FORM (-X1) + (-X2) + X6 ≤ 5 (-X7) + (-X8) + (-X9) + X13 ≤ 5 (-X14) + X18 ≤ 0 FOR GENERATING UNIT 1 FOR GENERATING UNIT 2 FOR GENERATING UNIT 3 HENCE A6,1 = -1, A6,2 = -1, A6,6 = 1, B6 = 5, AND A6,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 A7,7 = -1, A7,8 = -1, A7,9 = -1, A7,13 = 1, B7 = 5, AND A7,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 A8,14 = -1, A8,18 = 1, B8 = 0, AND A8,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 CONSIDER EQUATION (7A) X1 + X2 + X3 + X5 ≤ 95 X7 + X8 + X9 + X10 + X12 ≤ 65 X14 + X15 + X17 ≤ 30 FOR GENERATING UNIT 1 FOR GENERATING UNIT 2 FOR GENERATING UNIT 3 HENCE A9,1 = 1, A9,2 = 1, A9,3 = 1, A9,5 = 1, B9 = 95, AND A9,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 A10,7 = 1, A10,8 = 1, A10,9 = 1, A10,10 = 1, A10,12 = 1, B10 = 65, AND A10,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 A11,14 = 1, A11,15 = 1, A11,17 = 1, B11 = 30, AND A11,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 F-8 NOTE THAT THE VALUE OF RHS IS THE GENERATION OPERATING MAXIMUM MINUS DISPATCHABLE MINIMUM OF THE CORRESPONDING UNIT. CONSIDER EQUATION (10) X3 + X4 ≤ 40 X10 + X11 ≤ 20 X15 + X16 ≤ 4 FOR GENERATING UNIT 1 FOR GENERATING UNIT 2 FOR GENERATING UNIT 3 HENCE A12,3 = 1, A12,4 = 1, B12 = 40, AND A12,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 A13,10 = 1, A13,11 = 1, B13 = 20, AND A13,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 A14,15 = 1, A14,16 = 1, B14 = 4, AND A14,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 CONSIDER EQUATION (10A) X3 + X5 ≤ 60 X10 + X12 ≤ 30 X15 + X17 ≤ 8 FOR GENERATING UNIT 1 FOR GENERATING UNIT 2 FOR GENERATING UNIT 3 HENCE A15,3 = 1, A15,5 = 1, B15 = 60, AND A15,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 A16,10 = 1, A16,12 = 1, B16 = 30, AND A16,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 A17,15 = 1, A17,17 = 1, B17 = 8, AND A17,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 CONSIDER EQUATION (10B) X4 + X5 ≤ 60 X11 + X12 ≤ 30 X15 + X17 ≤ 8 FOR GENERATING UNIT 1 FOR GENERATING UNIT 2 FOR GENERATING UNIT 3 HENCE A18,4 = 1, A18,5 = 1, B18 = 60, AND A18,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 A19,11 = 1, A19,12 = 1, B19 = 30, AND A19,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 A20,15 = 1, A20,17 = 1, B20 = 8, AND A20,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 CONSIDER EQUATION (11) FOR GENERATING UNIT 1 X3 + X4 + X5 ≤ 60 X10 + X11 + X12 ≤ 30 FOR GENERATING UNIT 2 X15 + X16 + X17 ≤ 8 FOR GENERATING UNIT 3 HENCE A21,3 = 1, A21,4 = 1, A21,5 = 1, B21 = 60, AND A21,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 A22,10 = 1, A22,11 = 1, A22,12 = 1, B22 = 30, AND A22,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 A23,15 = 1, A23,16 = 1, A23,17 = 1, B23 = 8, AND A23,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 CONSIDER EQUATION (12) X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 ≤ 115 X7 + X8 + X9 + X10 + X11 + X12 ≤ 95 X14 + X15 + X16 + X17 ≤ 40 FOR GENERATING UNIT 1 FOR GENERATING UNIT 2 FOR GENERATING UNIT 3 NOTE THAT THE VALUE OF RHS IS THE GENERATION CAPABILITY MAXIMUM MINUS DISPATCHABLE MINIMUM OF THE CORRESPONDING UNIT. F-9 HENCE A24,1 = 1, A24,2 = 1, A24,3 = 1, A24,4 = 1, A24,5 = 1, B24 = 115, AND A14,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 A25,7 = 1, A25,8 = 1, A25,9 = 1, A25,10 = 1, A25,11 = 1, A25,12 = 1, B25 = 95, AND A25,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 A26,14 = 1, A26,15 = 1, A26,16 = 1, A26,17 = 1, B26 = 40, AND A26,J = 0 FOR OTHER J BETWEEN 1 AND 23 F-10