International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research e-ISSN No.:2349-9745, Date: 28-30 April, 2016 SNJB’s App Miss.Ravina S. Kotwal1, Miss.Prajakta R. Lute2, Mr.Prashant P. Pagar3, Mr. Rohit R. Surade4, Mrs.Kainjan M. Sanghavi5 1 Department of computer Engineering, S.N.J.B’s KBJ COE, Chandwad, Department of computer Engineering, S.N.J.B’s KBJ COE, Chandwad, 3 Department of computer Engineering, S.N.J.B’s KBJ COE, Chandwad, 4 Department of computer Engineering, S.N.J.B’s KBJ COE, Chandwad, 5 Department of computer Engineering, S.N.J.B’s KBJ COE, Chandwad, 2 Abstract- The innovation in the mobile devices, wireless and web technologies gives rise to new application that make ERP system Simple and handy. M-ERP means performing college register functions by using portable electronic device i.e. Mobile. M-ERP application will combine all the business functions like Recording attendance, Student information, Clearance etc in a single system and database. M-ERP promises the possibility of convenient, easy and safe way to handle trade functions of college. This paper provides specifications and requirements for M-ERP application. We also described how the android mobile phones are able and can be used for ERP system. Keywords- Android, M-ERP, digital register, ERP system. I. INTRODUCTION Enterprise Recourse Planning (ERP) is business process management software that allows an organization to use a system to integrated application for managing the business and automate many back office function related to technology and human resources. ERP system integrates all facts of an operation, including product planning, growth, manufacturing, sales and advertising. Since ages, marking admission and clearance process or other similar college functions are done manually, this demands a lot improvement. Paper work is very difficult to handle everywhere and it is very ridiculous. Recently, the world is shifting to digital technology. The aim of this project is to create an android mobile application for ERP system that will integrate various college register activities in a single system with a common database that can be used by teachers and other staff members of educational institute. In college; from admission process to clearance process of student, the task is very time consuming and Hence, in order to overcome this process we are going to develop an application to make it easier. This paper will be describing the basic idea of the project M-ERP system on android, its advantages, disadvantages, and applications. We are covering processes like admission, clearance and information about college, departments, one point contact cell. II. LITERATUER SURVEY 2.1. Existing System: 2.1.1. Implementation of M-ERP: This application is based in three tier architecture also known as client-server architecture. In which client is the consumer of the services and server is a provider of services. The middle layer that is logic layer, it basically converts the user requests into server understandable form. The system developed contains Android Application in the front end i.e. client side. The server side comprises of Database. The Android API uses PHP to connect to database. [1] 2.1.2. Implementation in Education Field : @IJMTER-2016, All rights Reserved International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER) Volume 3, Issue 4, [April 2016] Special Issue of ICRTET’2016 Kvavik, Katz, Beecher, Caruso, King, Voludakis, & Williams, (2002) observed that ERP solutions offer improved services for faculty, staff and students, administrative, educational, and student data is identical, university data is worldwide accessible over the Internet and the new systems entail less cost and risk than legacy systems.[2] Shraddha S. Chawhan,Mangesh P. Girhale.Gunjan Mankar observed that the workload of the lecturers by providing them the platform where they are able to take, manage, update and see the presence of the students with efficiency. Also the students are remain updated regarding their current grade and thus can improve the performance by increasing their cumulative attendance in time.[3] The below table 1 shows the comparison between Basic ERP System and SNJB’s App. Table 1: Difference between ERP System and SNJB’s App Basic ERP In Basic ERP system we must have go to college for procedure. SNJB’s App Using SNJB’s App every one can access college procedure from anywhere. Basic ERP is not providing Parental control. It is necessary to train all Student/Staff in the college so that the system is used efficiently. Cost of implementation and maintenance is high ERP deployments are highly timeconsuming project may take or more time to get completed and fully functional. In SNJB’s App we are Provide Parent Control. In SNJB’s App Training is not mandatory. Cost of implementation/installation of SNJB’s App is low compare to basic ERP System SNJB’s App is M-ERP system which takes minimum time to get completed and fully functional. 2.2. SNJB’s App-PROPOSED SYSTEM: The modules of the system are discussed below: 1. Admission Process 2. Clearance Form 3. Department notices 4. One Point contact (parent module) Figure 1 Working Of System 2.2.1. Admission Process: Admission process will contain registration phase for new students like direct second year student or first year student. They will get new id and password while registration, if his registration is verify then they will check any information they want about department and staff of college. When he/she @IJMTER-2016, All rights Reserved 78 International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER) Volume 3, Issue 4, [April 2016] Special Issue of ICRTET’2016 will login into app using id and password that time app will show the added admission process. Then student will follow that process accordingly. When all process is complete by student then last phase is document uploading into app. Student need to upload all the documents in the app. When he upload the document that time need to click on submit and after that the admission process is completed. Figure 2 Starting Window Figure 3 Admission Form Figure 2, shows starting window and home page of SNJB’s App as per planed. Homepage consist of various tabs like Home, Clearance, Admission, Department, One point contact cell (OPCC) and Figure 3, when user click on admission tab he/she must enter their user name and password then user of app may see the next form which contains various fields related to admission process. 2.2.2. Clearance form Clearance form will contain following things. At the time of filling clearance form BE student only needs to enter name or id then system check in database (library db and account section db) that this student has anything pending or not. If it has then it will give message to this student that you have this much pending else clearance form is successfully generated student need to submit form online and college admin will get that form online for that student immediately and further process will happen manually. Figure 4 Clearance Form As shown in figure 4, a student who wants to do there clearance they must enter their ID and Password then he/she selects there department then they can see their pending things like library books, college fees etc. and it is easy to do there clearance. 2.2.3. Department notices: @IJMTER-2016, All rights Reserved 79 International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER) Volume 3, Issue 4, [April 2016] Special Issue of ICRTET’2016 Department tab need each department information separately about staff, different labs, photos and result analysis. When user click on the department then it will show all the staff details for that department when college generates any notices those are published post according to the branch. If notice for computer student then it will publish only in computer department tab. All student of that particular branch will get that notice. Once user has logged in with the Department Notices, menu displayed to user will be like: Select Department Common Notice Department wise Notice/Circular Notice To Particular Student Upload Attendance 2.2.4. One Point Contact: One point contact cell tab will provide parents user id and password. Using that they will login into the system. When they login into system they will see their son/daughter academic attendance, result, and exam schedule and fees record. They will get notification related exam time table and schedule details regarding exam. Once user has logged in with the one point contact, menu displayed to user will be like: Attendance Academic performance Result Exam schedule Fees III. MATHEMATICAL MODEL RESULTS System has four modules: 1. Admission System 2. Clearance process 3. One point contact cell 4. Department 3.1. Admission System : I = {Sdetails,Llistofdoc,Sid&pass,Deptinfo,MeritList} O={Aconfirm, ANconfirm} F= {f ((Smark>40 ^ Sid&pass ) ^ f (Llistofdoc) ) f (MaritList)} 3.2. Clearance process : I = {Sdetail,Libdetails,FeesStud,Deptinfo} O={Clr_form} F={f (libbook=nil)^f (fees stud=nil)^f (Deptinfo=nil)} 3.3. One point contact cell : I={Parentlogin ,Departmentchild} O = {Result , Marks , Academic_Info} F={f(Departmentchild)^f(Parentlogin)} 3.4. Department : @IJMTER-2016, All rights Reserved 80 International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER) Volume 3, Issue 4, [April 2016] Special Issue of ICRTET’2016 I={teacherlogin, studdetail, classk} O={Notices} F={f(teacher login)^f(class)^(stud detail)} CONCLUSION Hence we will be developing an android application as well as web application for college procedures, including admission procedures, clearance form and Leaving certificate procedures and notification generation for students as well as parents. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We are profoundly grateful to Prof. K.M.Sanghavi HOD Computer Engineering Department for her expert guidance and continuous support throughout to see that this project rights its target since its commencement to its completion. REFERENCES [1] March-2005 Ravindrakumar Rajput, Sonali Gulve, Jitesh Gupta,Sujit Ahirrao.” Mobile Based College ERP System (M-ERP)” [2] 2005 Jiang Yingjie ‘Critical Success Factors in ERP Implementation in Finland’ M.Sc. Thesis in Accounting, the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration. [3] Shraddha S. Chawhan, Mangesh P. Girhale, Gunjan mankar; Mobile Based Attendance System; IOSR Journal of computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p- ISSN: 2278-8727 Volume 10, Issue 3(Mar –Apr.2013), PP 48-50. [4] B-soft Software: [5] Edu.Net: [6] D .Y. Patil Android App: [7] Sandip Foundation: [8] Sapkal Knowledge Hub Website: @IJMTER-2016, All rights Reserved 81