Law on Textbooks and Other Teaching Materials

Subject matter of the law
Article 1
This law shall regulate preparation, approval, publication and selection of
textbooks and textbook sets for primary and secondary school (hereinafter referred to
as: the school), as well as their monitoring and evaluation of their use in the
educational work.
Provisions of this law on preparation, approval, publication, selection,
monitoring and evaluation of textbooks shall accordingly apply also to other teaching
materials and aids for implementation of the educational work in schools.
Provisions hereof referring to textbooks shall accordingly apply to preparation,
approval and publication of didactic and teaching materials in a preschool institution,
as well as their monitoring and evaluation of their use in the educational work.
Preparation, approval and publication of textbooks for an institution
performing higher education activities shall be regulated by the general act of the
higher education institution concerned, in accordance with a separate law.
Textbooks, textbook sets and other teaching materials and aids
Article 2
A textbook shall be the basic and compulsory, didactically laid out teaching
materials, in any form or medium, used in the educational work for acquisition of
good quality knowledge, skills, establishment of values and development of
intellectual capacities of pupils, the contents of which are regulated by the syllabus,
and which is approved in accordance herewith.
A textbook set shall be a set of textbook units for a certain subject of a certain
grade (basic pupil’s book and textbook material: workbook and collection of tasks), in
any form or medium, which is approved in accordance herewith.
The compulsory part of a textbook set shall be the basic textbook and a
workbook, and, exceptionally, other teaching materials foreseen by the textbook plan.
A foreign textbook shall be a textbook used in a foreign country and printed in
a foreign language and alphabet.
Textbooks and textbook sets (hereinafter referred to as: textbooks) published
and approved in accordance herewith shall be used in the educational work.
Other teaching materials shall be didactically laid out contents created in any
form or medium, as compulsory or optional auxiliary materials, to accompany the
textbook and to be used to master, test or broaden knowledge acquired by using the
Other teaching materials shall be: dictionaries, geographical atlas, historical
atlas, charts, maps, placards, posters, text collections, illustrations, notes, almanacs,
audiovisual means, various types of electronic teaching materials, guidebooks for
teachers, periodicals for children, etc.
-2Aids shall be other auxiliary teaching materials used in the educational work
of children and pupils with development disturbances and disabilities.
Didactical and teaching materials used in the educational work in a preschool
shall be didactically laid out contents created in any form or medium according to the
children’s age (picture-books, children’s books, encyclopaedias, toys, music toys,
music instruments, toys with a moving mechanism, audiovisual means and other
objects and materials) approved in accordance herewith.
Use of language and alphabet
Article 3
A textbook shall be printed in Serbian language, using Cyrillic alphabet.
A textbook shall also be printed in the language and alphabet of a national
minority for the pupils for whom the educational work is held in that language.
Foreign language textbooks shall be printed in the corresponding foreign
language and alphabet.
Textbooks for persons with development disturbances and disabilities shall be
published in accordance with pupils’ special needs, both in Serbian and in the
languages of national minorities.
For performance of adjusted educational work with blind and sight-impaired
pupils the textbook and/or teaching material may be published in Braille alphabet,
electronic form or other formats adjusted for the blind and sight-impaired (text printed
in big letters, audio recording or photo enlargements, and/or other forms and media).
Equal opportunities and prohibition of discrimination
Article 4
The contents and layout of textbooks and other teaching materials should
enable implementation of the principle of equal opportunities for girls and boys.
The contents and layout of textbooks and other teaching materials may not
jeopardise, underestimate, discriminate or separate groups and individuals nor to
encourage such behaviour based on: race, nationality, ethnicity, linguistic, religious
or gender affiliation, development disturbances, disability, physical and psychical
characteristics, health condition, age, social and cultural background, income, and/or
political orientation, as well as other bases established by the law regulating
prohibition of discrimination.
Textbook publishers
Article 5
Publication of textbooks may be performed by a public company (hereinafter
referred to as: the public publisher), any other legal or natural person or entrepreneur
(hereinafter referred to as: the private publisher) provided that it has a permit for
publication of textbooks (hereinafter referred to as: the licence).
Both public and private publishers (hereinafter referred to as: the publisher)
shall have equal rights and obligations in accordance with this law and other
regulations setting forth publishing and publications.
-3Permit for publication of textbooks - licence
Article 6
A licence shall be given to a publisher registered for performance of
publishing activity, provided that it has the following:
a publishing plan;
2) an editor for the corresponding subject in primary education and/or
subject or professional field in secondary education;
seat in the Republic of Serbia.
A publisher may be licensed for publishing of textbooks for a particular area,
level of education and/or particular textbook sets – according to the type of needs of
children and pupils – if meeting the conditions under the paragraph 1 of this Article.
A licence shall be issued by the ministry responsible for education activities
(hereinafter referred to as: the Ministry).
A decision on licence issuance shall be final in the administrative procedure.
Costs of licence issuance shall be borne by the applicant for licence issuance,
in accordance with the law regulating republic administrative fees.
More detailed conditions, manner of issuance and contents of the licence
form shall be prescribed by the minister responsible for education activities
(hereinafter referred to as: the Minister).
Revoking and issuing a new licence
Article 7
The licence shall be revoked to a publisher who:
1) has been established by a final judgement to have forged a textbook
manuscript, to have provided approval and selection of textbooks by bribing or to
have published a textbook without author’s approval;
fails to publish a textbook according to the approved manuscript;
3) does not take part in providing funds for publication of limited-edition
textbooks proportionately to the printing run.
A publisher whose licence has been revoked may submit a request for
issuance of a new licence, upon expiration of a one-year period from the date of
licence revoking.
Revoking and issuing of a new licence shall be decided on by the Ministry.
A decision on revoking and issuing a new licence shall be final in the
administrative procedure.
More detailed conditions and the manner of revoking and issuing a new
licence shall be prescribed by the Minister.
Registry of Publishers
Article 8
The Ministry shall keep records on publishers who have obtained the licence
(hereinafter referred to as: the registry).
-4The registry shall particularly contain data about the publisher and data under
the Article 6, paragraph 2 hereof.
The registry shall be public.
More detailed contents and the manner of keeping the registry shall be
prescribed by the Minister.
Setting up a textbook plan
Article 9
The National Education Council, at a proposal of the Institute for Improvement
of Education (hereinafter referred to as: the Institute) shall establish whether there is
a need for new textbooks and shall adopt a textbook plan.
Having received Institute’s opinion, the National Education Council shall
establish whether there is a need for textbooks for religion teaching, at a proposal of
the Religion Teaching Commission, formed in accordance with the regulations on
primary and secondary education (hereinafter referred to as: the Religion Teaching
At a proposal by the Institute and the National Council for National Minorities,
the National Education Council shall establish whether there is a need for textbooks
in a national minority language and for textbooks for the subjects of interest to the
national minorities.
The textbook plan shall be adopted at the same time as a syllabus, and/or
when a need to change the existing textbook plan is established, but not later than
August 31st of the ongoing year for the next academic year.
Should the National Education Council fail to adopt the textbook plan within
the deadline referred to in the paragraph 4 of this Article, the textbook plan shall be
adopted by the Minister within 60 days from the expiration date of the deadline
referred to in the paragraph 4 of this Article.
The textbook plan shall be published in the “Education Gazette”.
Contents of the textbook plan
Article 10
The textbook plan shall contain the following:
information on the title of textbooks by grades and subjects;
2) information on the type and number of textbooks and/or composition of
textbook sets needed for implementation of the syllabus;
other teaching materials forming part of the textbook set;
4) form and medium in which textbooks and/or textbook sets are to be
Procuring manuscripts
Article 11
A publisher shall procure the manuscript of a textbook by a public notice or
direct engagement of the author.
-5The public notice shall be announced in public media and shall contain the
information on the title of textbooks by grades and subjects;
2) information on the manner in which to inform the author about the set
quality standards for textbooks and publisher’s requirements regarding the quality of
a textbook manuscript;
deadline for submission of the textbook manuscript;
other information relevant for design of the textbook manuscript.
Review commission
Article 12
Expert evaluation of the quality of textbook manuscripts shall be given by
publisher’s review commission.
The review commission shall be composed of at least three members from
the ranks of experts in the corresponding field, in which process one member shall
be from the ranks of teachers directly involved in implementation of teaching.
Publisher’s analysis report on the textbook manuscript
Article 13
Publisher’s analysis report on the textbook manuscript (hereinafter referred to
as: the analysis report) shall contain the following:
minimum three individual reviews;
2) joint final evaluation of the review commission on conformity of the text
and artwork of the textbook manuscript with the syllabus or the experimental
programme, set textbook quality standards, objectives of the educational work and
development level of pupils of a certain age, as well as the evaluation of linguistic
arrangement of the text;
3) decision of a competent publisher’s body on adoption of the textbook
The analysis report on textbooks for religion teaching, except for the
information under the paragraph 1 of this Article, shall also contain the opinion of the
Religion Teaching Commission.
The analysis report on textbooks in a national minority language, except for
the information under the paragraph 1 of this Article, shall also contain the opinion of
the National Council for National Minorities.
Textbook quality standards
Article 14
Textbook quality standards shall be requirements in relation to the contents,
pedagogical-psychological requirements, didactic and methodological work, linguistic
requirements, design, graphic, artistic and technical equipment of the textbook,
depending on the form, medium and purpose.
Textbook quality standards and instructions on their application shall be
determined by the National Education Council, at a proposal made by the Institute.
Submission of a request
Article 15
A request for approval of a textbook shall be submitted by the publisher to the
Ministry by October 1st of the academic year preceding the academic year in which
the textbook shall be approved.
Exceptionally, in case a new syllabus is to be introduced, the publisher shall
submit to the Ministry a request for textbook approval at least 60 days from the date
of the adoption of such new syllabus, but not later than May 1st of the calendar year
in which the new syllabus is introduced.
The publisher shall accompany the request with three copies of the analysis
report with graphic, artistic and technical layout of the textbook manuscript.
The Ministry shall submit the textbook manuscript to the Institute, together
with the documentation under the paragraph 3 of this Article, for the purpose of giving
an expert evaluation of the textbook manuscript quality, within a period not longer
than 30 days.
Expert evaluation of the textbook manuscript quality
Article 16
The Institute shall give an expert evaluation of the textbook manuscript quality
according to the prescribed standards.
The textbook manuscript and the expert evaluation of the quality thereof shall
be delivered by the Institute, together with argumentation, to the National Education
Council and/or the Council for Vocational Education and Adult Education (hereinafter
referred to as: the authorised council), within 30 days from the date of request receipt
at the latest, and shall inform the Ministry thereof.
Should the Institute fail to deliver expert evaluation of the textbook manuscript
quality within the deadline referred to in the paragraph 2 of this Article, the Ministry
shall set a subsequent deadline for submission of that evaluation, which may not
exceed 15 days from the date of expiration of the deadline referred to in the
paragraph 2 of this Article.
Exceptionally, if the Institute fails to deliver the expert evaluation of the
textbook manuscript quality within the period under the paragraph 3 of this Article,
the Ministry shall provide the authorised council with the textbook manuscript
forthwith, for the purpose of preparation of an expert evaluation and of a proposal for
textbook approval.
If the authorised council does not deliver the proposal or if it fails to deliver the
proposal within 60 days from the date of receipt of the expert evaluation from the
Institute, the Minister shall decide on publisher’s request without authorised council’s
Article 17
An expert evaluation of a textbook manuscript quality shall contain the
short description of the textbook manuscript;
assessment whether the textbook manuscript corresponds to pupils’ age;
-73) assessment whether the textbook manuscript is in conformity with the
prescribed quality standards for textbooks (pedagogical-psychological, didacticmethodological, ethical, linguistic, educational, artistic and graphical, and technical
assessment whether the textbook manuscript is in conformity with the
assessment whether the manuscript is in conformity with the Article 4
Textbook manuscript expertise
Article 18
A publisher may demand a textbook manuscript expertise from the National
Education Council, if it deems that the Institute has not given an expert evaluation of
the textbook manuscript quality based on the prescribed standards.
The National Education Council shall decide on publisher’s request within 60
days and inform the publisher about its decision in writing.
If considering the request to be justified, the National Education Council
and/or the expert commission formed by it shall perform manuscript expertise within
60 days from the date of receipt of a proper request.
If considering the request not to be justified, the National Education Council
shall inform the publisher thereon within 30 days from the date of receipt of a proper
Actual costs of the textbook manuscript expertise shall be borne by the
Conflict of interests
Article 19
In order to prevent any conflict of interests in the procedure of expert
evaluation of the textbook manuscript quality, a person taking part in such procedure
shall sign a statement that he/she is not the author of the textbook and/or that he/she
is not an associated person with the author of the manuscript or the licenced
publisher before commencing his/her work.
An associated person under the paragraph 1 of this Article shall be a spouse
or common-law spouse, blood relative in lineal relation and/or in collateral
relationship up to and including the second degree, adoptive parent or adoptive child,
as well as any other legal or natural person which, under any other bases and
circumstances, including shareholding, employment relation with the publisher and
other forms of paid cooperation, may be justifiably deemed to be associated in
interest with the author of the textbook manuscript or with the publisher.
The quality of textbook manuscripts may not be evaluated by textbook
manuscript authors for the same subject of the same grade, authors employed in the
Ministry or in the Institute, nor the members of the authorised council.
A textbook approved based on the expert evaluation of persons under the
paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article shall be withdrawn from use.
-8Authority for approval of textbooks
Article 20
The Minister shall approve a textbook – at a proposal of the authorised
The Minister shall approve a textbook for religion teaching – at a proposal of
the National Education Council and based on a positive opinion of the Religion
Teaching Commission.
The Minister shall approve a textbook for national minority languages and for
individual subjects of interest to the national minorities – at a proposal of the National
Education Council and based on a positive opinion of the National Council for
National Minorities, formed in accordance with the law.
Textbooks approved by the Minister to be published in Serbian – after
translation into the language and alphabet of a national minority – shall be approved
upon obtained expert evaluation of the textbook manuscript quality given by the
Authority for approval of textbooks in the territory of the autonomous
Article 21
A body of the autonomous province authorised for education activities shall
approve publication and use of textbooks in the territory of the autonomous province,
at a proposal of the authorised council and the National Council for National
Minorities, namely:
for national minority languages;
2) for individual subjects of interest to the national minorities, in accordance
with the law.
Proposal for approval of textbooks
Article 22
The National Education Council shall provide the Minister with a proposal to
approve textbooks and/or teaching materials within 30 days from the date of receipt
of a positive expert evaluation of the quality of textbook manuscripts and/or teaching
materials for the preschool, primary and secondary general and artistic education,
and of general education subjects of the secondary vocational education and of the
adult education.
The Council for Vocational Education and Adult Education shall provide the
Minister with a proposal to approve textbooks and/or teaching materials within 30
days from the date of receipt of Institute’s positive expert evaluation of the quality of
textbook manuscripts and/or teaching materials for vocational subjects.
The proposal for approval of textbooks shall be submitted by the authorised
council with the following accompanying documents:
1) a well-reasoned positive expert evaluation of the textbook manuscript
quality provided by the Institute and/or a positive expertise of the National Education
Council if the expertise has been performed;
2) an analysis report, together with graphic, artistic and technical layout of
the manuscript.
-9The authorised council shall not propose to the Minister to approve a textbook
that is not in conformity with the quality standards, whose contents are contrary to the
provision of the Article 4 hereof, and which contains marketing, advertising or
promotional messages.
Decision on approval of textbooks
Article 23
The Minister shall make a decision on approval of a textbook within 15 days
from the date of submission of the proposal under the Article 20, paragraphs 1, 2 and
3 of this law.
At a proposal of the authorised council, the Minister may approve several
textbooks of the same publisher or of different publishers, for the same subject of the
same grade.
If the Minister assesses that no decision on the textbook approval may be
made based on the proposal of the authorised council, the Minister may ask the
authorised council to amend or provide additional arguments of its proposal.
Should the authorised council fail to amend or provide additional arguments
for its proposal within 30 days from the date of the request receipt, the Minister shall
make a decision.
Decision on approval of textbooks in the territory of the autonomous
Article 24
A body of the autonomous province authorised for education activities shall
make a decision on approval of textbooks in the territory of the autonomous province,
in accordance with the provisions of the Articles 22 and 23 hereof.
Contents of the decision on approval of textbooks
Article 25
The decision on a textbook approval shall contain the following:
1) title under which the approved textbook manuscript shall be published as
a textbook;
2) name of the subject or field, as well as the grade and type of school for
which the textbook is to be published;
name of the textbook author or a group of authors;
4) name of the persons who have given an expert evaluation and/or review
of the textbook manuscript;
language and alphabet in which the textbook shall be published;
full name of the publisher;
deadline by which the textbook is to be published.
The decision on a textbook approval shall be final in the administrative
- 10 Contents of the decision on refusal of a request for approval of a textbook
Article 26
A decision on refusal of a request for approval of a textbook manuscript shall
contain the following:
title of the textbook manuscript;
2) name of the subject or field, as well as the grade and type of school for
which the textbook has been prepared;
name of the textbook author or a group of authors;
names of the persons who have given an expert evaluation and/or
5) language and alphabet in which the textbook manuscript has been
6) well-reasoned negative expert evaluation of the textbook manuscript
quality given by the Institute, negative expertise of the National Education Council
and reference to the negative expert evaluation of the textbook manuscript quality of
the authorised council or the negative opinion of the Religion Teaching Commission
and/or the National Council for National Minorities.
The decision on refusal of a request for approval of a textbook manuscript
shall be final in the administrative procedure.
Cancellation of the textbook approval procedure
Article 27
The procedure for approval of a textbook shall be cancelled if it is established
by a final judgement that the copyrights have been violated, and if the textbook has
been approved it shall be withdrawn from use.
Approval of a foreign textbook
Article 28
A foreign textbook may be approved for use in accordance herewith.
The Minister, at a well-reasoned request of an appropriate expert body of a
school and upon obtained positive expert evaluation of the textbook manuscript
quality given by the Institute, based on the quality standards, may approve a foreign
textbook once it has been translated into Serbian by the publisher. A foreign
language textbook of a foreign publisher shall undergo the same procedure, without
translation into Serbian.
The Minister, at a well-reasoned request of an appropriate expert body of a
school, may approve a textbook for the corresponding subject and grade, which is in
use in the mother country and which is published in the language and alphabet of
national minority members, with provided positive opinion of the National Council for
National Minorities and the Institute.
A body authorised for education activities in the territory of the autonomous
province, at a well-reasoned request of an appropriate expert body of a school, may
approve a textbook for the corresponding subject and grade in the territory of the
autonomous province, which is in use in the mother country and which is published in
- 11 the language and alphabet of national minority members, with provided positive
opinion of the National Council for National Minorities and the Institute.
Contents of approved textbooks
Article 29
Beside the information set forth by the regulations on publishing and
publications, an approved textbook shall also contain the following:
title of the textbook;
2) name of the subject or field, as well as the grade and type of school for
which the textbook is to be published;
3) names of the reviewers and the name of the institution or scientific
organisation they work for;
4) number and date of the document approving the textbook manuscript for
publishing and use in the schools and/or preschool institutions;
special notes regarding publishing and usage of the textbook.
New edition of textbooks
Article 30
A new edition of an approved textbook, which is to be published with
unchanged contents, shall not be subject to a repeated approval.
Editing of a text and/or changes or amendments to it correcting errors in
names, titles and numbers or arising from the need to perform harmonisation with
changed regulations and/or when new units of measure and other marks are
introduced shall not be deemed a change of the contents.
Limited-edition textbook
Article 31
A limited-edition textbook, within the meaning of this law, shall be a textbook:
in a language of national minorities;
2) appropriate for the needs of pupils with development disturbances and
for experimental programmes;
4) for acquisition of education according to special programmes (education
abroad, programmes for talented pupils, etc.);
for corresponding subjects in schools.
A licensed publisher shall be entitled to publish limited-edition textbooks,
based on the publishing plan, and shall inform the Ministry thereof.
If none of the publishers referred to in the paragraph 2 of this Article has
foreseen in its publishing plan to publish limited-edition textbooks, the Ministry shall
announce a competition not later than December 31st of ongoing year for the next
academic year.
- 12 The competition under the paragraph 3 of this Article shall contain conditions
for publishing limited-edition textbooks, which refer particularly to: pedagogicalpsychological requirements, didactic and methodological work, linguistic
requirements, design, graphic, artistic and technical equipment of the textbook,
depending on the form, medium and purpose, according to the type of needs of
children and pupils.
A decision on selection of publisher at the competition for publishing of
limited-edition textbooks shall be made by the Minister within 30 days from the date
of competition announcement.
Minister’s decision on selection of publisher at the competition for publishing
of limited-edition textbooks shall be final.
If none of the licensed publishers applies to the competition, the public
publisher shall provide limited-edition textbooks from the publisher’s funds for limitededition textbooks, which funds shall be provided in accordance with the Article 32,
paragraph 1, subparagraph 4 of this law and/or from the generated excess revenue
over expenditures.
More detailed conditions regarding the type and number of the limited-edition
textbooks, elements to form the selling price, provision of funds for their publishing,
announcement of competition and other issues relevant to limited-edition textbooks
shall be prescribed by the Minister.
Obligations of textbook publishers
Article 32
Obligations of textbook publishers, besides the obligations set forth by
regulations on publishing and publications, shall be to:
publish a textbook according to the approved manuscript;
provide textbooks according to the expressed needs of schools and
3) make the textbook available to the sales network by the commencing
date of an academic year at the latest;
4) participate in providing funds for publishing limited-edition textbooks in
proportion to the to the printing run;
deliver a copy of approved textbook edition to the Institute.
Obligations of publishers of limited-edition textbooks
Article 33
The selected publishers of limited-edition textbooks shall be in the obligation
to publish them on the commencing date of an academic year.
Registry of approved textbooks
Article 34
The Ministry shall keep a registry of approved textbooks and records of their
selection and presence in schools and/or preschools.
The registry under the paragraph 1 of this Article shall contain the following:
- 13 1)
title of the textbook;
information about the textbook author;
3) information about the type of school, subject and grade for which the
textbook has been approved;
information about the publisher;
other information relevant to the textbook.
The registry under the paragraph 1 of this Article shall be public.
More details on the content and manner of keeping the registry shall be
prescribed by the Minister.
Article 35
Based on the registry under the Article 34 hereof, the Ministry shall publish an
extract from the registry for the textbooks that can be used as of the following
academic year (hereinafter referred to as: the Catalogue) once during an academic
year but not later than January 31st of the ongoing academic year.
The Catalogue shall be published in the “Education Gazette”.
Selection of textbooks
Article 36
A decision on selection of textbooks shall be made based on the Catalogue.
A decision on selection of textbooks and teaching materials to be used in a
school shall be made by the teaching commission upon a well-reasoned proposal of
professional commissions for subject fields and/or professional teaching groups of
class teaching.
A decision on selection of teaching materials to be used in a preschool
institution shall be made by the education commission, upon a well-reasoned
proposal of the professional group of preschool teachers.
A decision on selection of textbooks and teaching materials shall be
announced on the information board of the institution and shall be compulsory for all
involved in implementation of the teaching process.
Monitoring and evaluation
Article 37
The quality of textbooks and results of their use in the educational work shall
be continuously monitored and evaluated by the Institute, based on the prescribed
If the Institute assesses that using of a certain textbook does not enable
fulfilment of education goals and general and special standards of pupils’
achievements, the Institute shall inform the authorised council thereon.
Having received the evaluation under the paragraph 2 of this Article, the
authorised council shall propose to the Minister and/or to the authorised body of the
autonomous province to make a decision on withdrawal of the textbook from use.
- 14 The decision on withdrawal of the textbook from use shall be final in the
administrative procedure.
Article 38
Inspection of implementation of this law shall be performed by the Ministry,
through educational inspectors, in accordance with the law regulating the
fundamentals of the education system.
Article 39
A publisher – legal entity shall be fined 10,000 to 1,000,000 dinars for:
1) failing to provide textbooks according to the expressed needs of schools
and users (Article 32, subparagraph 2);
2) failing to make the textbook available to the sales network by the
commencing date of an academic year at the latest (Article 32, subparagraph 3);
3) failing to participate in provision of funds for publishing of limited-edition
textbooks in proportion to the printing run (Article 32, subparagraph 4).
4) failing to provide the Institute with a copy of the approved textbook
(Article 32, subparagraph 5);
publishing a textbook contrary to the provision of the Article 4 hereof.
A responsible person of the publisher – legal entity shall be fined 500 to
50,000 dinars for violation referred to in the paragraph 1 of this Article.
A publisher – entrepreneur shall be fined 5,000 to 500,000 dinars for violation
referred to in the paragraph 1 of this Article.
A publisher – natural person shall be fined 500 to 50,000 dinars for violation
referred to in the paragraph 1 of this Article.
Article 40
A publisher – legal entity who has been approved based on the Minister’s
decision to print limited-edition textbooks shall be fined 10,000 to 1,000,000 failing to
publish limited-edition textbooks in due time (Article 33).
A responsible person of the publisher – legal entity shall be fined 500 to
50,000 dinars for violation referred to in the paragraph 1 of this Article.
A publisher – entrepreneur shall be fined 5,000 to 500,000 dinars for violation
referred to in the paragraph 1 of this Article.
A publisher – natural person shall be fined 500 to 50,000 dinars for violation
referred to in the paragraph 1 of this Article.
Article 41
A school and/or preschool shall be fined 5,000 to 500,000 dinars for:
using a textbook and/or teaching material not in the Catalogue (Article
2) failing to perform selection of textbooks and/or teaching materials
according to the prescribed procedure (Article 36, paragraphs 2 and 3).
- 15 A principle and/or responsible person of a school and/or preschool shall also
be fined 5,000 to 50,000 dinars for violation referred to in the paragraph 1 of this
Article 42
Delegated legislation for implementation of this law shall be adopted within six
months from the date of coming into effect of this law.
Article 43
Textbooks approved for use based on the Law on Textbooks and Other
Teaching Materials (“Official Gazette of the RS”, no. 29/93 and 62/06), the Rulebook
on the experimental programme for publishing of textbooks, other teaching materials
or textbook sets for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and the 5th grade of primary education
(“Education Gazette”, number 3/08) and the Rulebook on the experimental
programme for publishing of textbooks, other teaching materials or textbook sets for
the 6th grade of primary education (“Education Gazette”, number 8/08), which were
adopted based on the Law on the Fundamentals of the Education System (“Official
Gazette of the RS”, no. 62/03, 64/03-correction, 58/04, 62/04- correction, 79/05-state
law and 101/05-state law), shall remain in use.
Article 44
Procedures for publishing of textbooks initiated according to the regulations in
effect until the application of this law shall be completed in accordance with such
Article 45
Publishers of textbooks under the Articles 43 and 44 hereof shall harmonise
their business operations with the provisions of this law within a one-year period from
the date of coming into effect of this law.
Should the publishers of textbooks fail to harmonise their business operations
within the period referred to in the paragraph 1 of this Article, their textbooks shall be
withdrawn from use.
Article 46
Funds for limited-edition textbooks for the academic year 2010/2011 shall be
provided from the generated excess revenue over expenditures of the public
Article 47
The Law on Textbooks and Other Teaching Materials (“Official Gazette of the
RS”, no. 29/93 and 62/06) shall cease to be valid on the date of coming into effect of
this law.
Article 48
This law shall enter into force on the eighth day from the date of its publishing
in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”.