PROCEEDINGS of the 16th INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM SAFETY CONFERENCE -- 1998 Tutorial Fault Tree Analysis Dr John Andrews Department of Mathematical Sciences Loughborough University Loughborough LE11 3TU, UK Tel: +44 (0)1509 222862 Fax: +44 (0)1509 223969 E-mail: provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Contents _Session 1: Basic Concepts l Fault Tree Symbols/Terminology l Fault Tree Construction l Minimal Cut Sets l Component Failure Models l Top Event Probability l Top Event Frequency l Other Top Event Parameters l Importance Measures 2 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University _Session 2: Advanced Features l Initiator/Enabler Events l Non-Coherent Fault Trees _Session 3: Current Research l Binary Decision Diagrams l Dependency Modelling l Optimal System Design 3 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Session 1: Basic Concepts provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University History _1961 - FTA Concept by H Watson, Bell Telephone Laboratories _1970 - Vesely - Kinetic Tree Theory _Importance measures - Birnbaum, Esary, Proschan, Fussel, Vesely _Initiator/Enabler Theory - Lambert and Dunglinson _FTA on PCs with GUI’s _Automatic Fault Tree Construction _Binary Decision Diagrams 5 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Fault Tree Example Fire protection system fails TOP event OR gate Fire detection system fails Water deluge system fails intermediate event AND gate Smoke detection fails Heat detection fails Pump fails Nozzles blocked SD HD PUMP NOZ Basic event 6 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Voting Gates k/n Gas Detection System Fails 2/3 Gas Detector 1 Fails Gas Detector 2 Fails GD1 GD2 Gas Detector 3 Fails GD3 7 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Exclusive OR Gate Partial Loss of Power Power Supply B Fails Power Supply A Fails Partial Loss of Power Power Supply A Fails A Power Supply B Works B Power Supply B Fails B Power Supply A Works A 8 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University House Events Protection Systems Fail No protection from system A System A Fails System A Down for Maintenance No protection from system B System B Down for Maintenance System B Fails 9 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Transfer IN/OUT System Failure Power not Isolated Operator not Informed Warning Light Fails No Alarm Signal Power Trip Fails 1 No Alarm Signal 1 10 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Inhibit Gate Tank Rupture Tank Rupture Under High Pressure High Pressure in Tank 11 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University valve Outlet Pressure Tank Example relay K2 Motor Timer Relay Switch S1 K1 Relay Pump switch S Pressure Pressure Tank 12 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Circuit Actions Transition to pumping Relay K2 Timer Rel Pressure SW - Energized (closed) - Starts timing - Contacts close Pump starts Dormant mode - Contacts open Relay S1 - Contacts open Relay K1 - Contacts open Relay K2 - Contacts closed Timer Rel - Contacts closed Pressure SW Start-up transition S1 Relay K1 Relay K2 Timer Rel Pressure SW - Momentarily C losed - Energized & latched - Energized (Closed) - Starts timing - Monitoring pressure Pumping mode - Contacts open S1 - Contacts closed Relay K1 - Contacts closed Relay K2 - Contacts closed Timer Rel & timing - Contacts closed Pressure SW & monitoring Transition to ready Relay K2 Timer Rel Pressure SW - De-energized (open) - Resets to zero time - Contacts open Ready mode - Contacts open S1 - Contacts closed Relay K1 - Contacts open Relay K2 - Contacts closed Timer Rel - Contacts open Pressure SW & monitoring Pump stops Pump starts Emergency shutdown transition (assume pressure switching up) Relay K1 Relay K2 Timer Rel Pressure SW - Contacts open - Contacts open - Times out & opens - Failed closed Pump stops Emergency shutdown S1 - Contacts open Relay K1 - Contacts open Relay K2 - Contacts open Timer Rel - Contacts open Pressure SW - Contacts closed 13 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Tank over-pressure on pumping operation Pump Motor operates too long Relay K2 energized Relay contacts K2 fails closed K2 Pressure switch contacts closed Current across switch S1/K1 contacts section PRS 1 14 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Current across switch S1/K1 contacts section 1 Relay K1 contacts closed Switch S1 closed S1 Relay K1 contacts fail closed K1 Relay K1 energized Timer contacts closed TIM 15 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Minimal Cut Sets _Cut sets l A list of failure events such that if they occur then so does the top event. _Minimal Cut Sets l A list of minimal, necessary and sufficient conditions for the occurrence of the top event. TOP _Example A B G1 C B D 16 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University List of possible failure combinations A B C D AB AC AD BC BD CD ABC ABD ACD BCD ABCD System State F F W W F F F F F F F F F F F 17 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University _Minimal Cut Sets A B CD _We want a way to produce the minimal cut sets from the fault tree structure then: T = A + B + C.D 18 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Qualitative Fault Tree Analysis _Need to identify the min cut sets whose occurrence is most likely. _Minimal Cut Set expression for the top event. T = C 1 C i = 1 ,L , n i , + C 2 e.g. T = A + BC + CD + C 3 + L + C n are the minimal cut sets 3 minimal Cut Sets 1 first order 2 second order 19 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Laws of Boolean Algebra • AND + OR Distributive (A + B) . (C + D) = A.C + A.D + B.C + B.D Idempotent A+A=A A. A=A Absorption A+A.B=A 20 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Example T G2 G1 A G3 B C G4 C A B 21 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Bottom-up method T B+C+A B G2 G1 A G3 B+C (B + C + A) . (C + A . B) C C+A.B G4 C A A.B B 22 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University TOP = (B + C + A) . (C + A . B) =B.C+B.A.B+C.C+C.A.B +A.C+A.A.B (A . A = A) =B.C+A.B+C+C.A.B +A.C+A.B (A + A = A) TOP = B . C + A . B + C + C . A . B + A . C (A + A . B = A) TOP = A . B + C 23 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University The tree could have been drawn: T G1 C A B 24 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Pump System Example K2 PRS Minimal Cut Sets K2 PRS PRS PRS S1 K1 TIM S1 K1 TIM 25 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Component Performance Characteristics Typical History of a Repairable Component STATE W F TIME Downtime Depends on l Failure detection time l Availability of Maintenance team Obtain replacement l Repair time Installation System Test Time Performance indicators l Rate at which failures occur l Measure of expected up-time l provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University 26 The Failure Process λ( t) hazard rate Typical Mechanical Equipment λ Typical Electrical Equipment Random Failure Rate Burn-in period Useful life period Wear-out period Time 27 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University For useful life period Unreliability F ( t) = 1 − e (Density Function) f ( t) = λ e Reliability R ( t) = 1 − F ( t) = e− 1 = λ − λ t − λ t λ t Mean Time to Failure λ ( t) = Conditional failure rate (hazard rate) Probability that a component fails in (t, t + dt) given that it was working at t 28 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Maintenance Policies 1. No Repair q ( t) - unavailability F ( t) - unreliability F ( t) = 1 − e − λ t q ( t) = F ( t) q (t) 1 0 Time 29 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Repairable Components Failure/Repair Process Component Fails Failure Rate = λ W F Component Repaired Repair Rate = υ 1. Only one transition can occur in a small period of time ∆t. 2. Change between states is instantaneous. 3. Following repair components are as good as new. 30 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University 2. Revealed Failures - unscheduled maintenance λ - failure rate ν - repair rate µ - Mean time to failure τ - Mean time to repair q(t) - unavailability λ 1− e−(λ +ν)t λ+ν λ τ = ≈ λτ at steady state q= λ+ν µ+τ q(t)= ( ) 31 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University q (t) 1 λ λ + ν 0 Time 32 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University 3. Unrevealed or Dormant Failures - Scheduled Maintenance θ - time between inspections q (t) 1 − e 0 − λ t 2 θ θ q ≈ λτ (for revealed failures ) 33 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Mean time to restore + mean time to repair = mean detection time = θ 2 τ + θ ∴ qAV = λ + τ 2 In general θ >> τ qAV ≈ λθ 2 (1− e−λθ ) More accurate alternative qAV = 1− λθ 34 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Top Event Probability Top Gate 1 A Gate 2 B C D All basic event independent with prob 0.1 P(Gate 1) = P(A) . P(B) = 0.01 P(Gate 2) = P(C) . P(D) = 0.01 And P(TOP) = P(Gate 1 OR Gate 2) = P(Gate 1) + P(Gate 2) P(Gate 1) . P(Gate 2) = 0.01 + 0.01 - 0.0001 = 0.199 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University 35 Top A Gate 1 Gate 2 Gate 3 B C B D all basic events are independent and q A = q B = q C = q D = 0 .1 36 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University The minimal cut sets of the fault tree are: A B C B D T = A + BC + BD Q s(t) = P(T) = P(A + BC + BD ) Using three terms of the inclusion-exclusion expansion gives: P(BC)+ P(BD)] = [P(A 14)+ 44 4244 44 3 1stterm )+4P(ABD P(BCD )] − [P(ABC 1444 424)+ 44 443 2nd term )] + [P(ABCD 14243 3rd term = [0.1+ 0.01+ 0.01]− [0.001+ 0.001+ 0.001]+ [0.0001] = [0.12]− [0.003] + [0.0001] = 0.1171 37 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Probability value Q (t) s Exact Probability 1 2 3 4 5 6 No of terms used in expansion to calculate probability 38 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Convergence of Inclusion-Exclusion Expansion P(T) = nC nC i=1 i= 2 j=1 i−1 ∑ P(C i) − ∑ ∑ P(C i ∩ C j)+ +L(−1)nC −1P(C 1 ∩ C 2 ∩ L∩ C nC ) nC ∑ P(C i) Q rare event = Q lower= i=1 nC nC i=1 i= 2 j=1 i−1 ∑ P(C i) − ∑ ∑ P(C i ∩ C j) nC − no of min cut sets 39 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Q exact= 0.1171 Q rare event = 0.12 Q lower= 0.117 Minimal Cut Set Upper Bound Q MCSU = 1− nC ∏ (1− P(C i)) i=1 = 1− (1− 0.1)(1− 0.01)(1− 0.01) = 0.11791 Q lower≤ Q exact≤ Q MCSU ≤ Q rare event 40 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Pump System Example Component probabilities Relay K1 contacts K1 Relay K2 contacts K2 Pressure switch PRS Timer relay TIM Switch S1 1 × 10-4 1 × 10-4 5 × 10-4 3 × 10-4 5 × 10-3 Minimal Cut Sets K2 1 × 10-4 PRS S1 2.5 × 10-6 PRS K1 5.0 × 10-8 PRS TIM 1.5 × 10-7 41 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Top Event Probability Rare Event Q SYS = nC ∑QC i=1 i = 1.027× 10−4 Minimal Cut Set Upper Bound Q SYS = 1− nC ∏(1− Q C ) i=1 i = 1.027× 10−4 Exact Q SYS = 1 . 026987 × 10 − 4 42 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Importance Measures _Critical System State For component i is a state of the remaining (n - 1) components such that the failure of component i causes the system to go from a working to a failed state. _Birnbaums Measure (IB ) The probability that the system is in a critical state for the ∂Q SYS IB = component. i ∂qi IB i - Birnbaum importance measure for component i Q SYS - System unavailability qi - Component unavailability 43 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Example System Failure Gate 1 A B Minimal Cut Sets C qA = qB = qC = 0.1 AB AC 44 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Q SYS = P(AB + AC ) = qA qB + qA qC − qA qBqC = 0.019 IB A = ∂Q SYS = qB + qC − qBqC ∂qA = 0.19 IB B = ∂Q SYS = qA (1− qC ) ∂qB = 0.09 IBC = ∂Q SYS = qA (1− qB ) ∂qC = 0.09 45 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Fussell-Vesely Measure (IFV) Probability of the union of all Minimal Cut Sets containing the component given that the system has failed. Example System Failure Gate 1 A B C qA = qB = qC = 0.1 46 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Minimal Cut Sets AB AC IFV A = P(AB + BC) Q SYS = = 1.0 Q SYS Q SYS IFV B = P(AB) qA qB 0.01 = = = 0.526 Q SYS 0.019 Q SYS IFV C = P(AC ) qA qC 0.01 = = = 0.526 Q SYS Q SYS 0.019 47 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Pump System Example Importance Measures Fussell Vesely Birnbaum K2 0.974 0.9999 PRS 0.026 5.397 × 10-3 S1 0.024 4.9975 × 10-4 TIM 0.0015 4.974 × 10-4 K1 0.0005 4.973 × 10-4 48 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Session 2: Advanced Features provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Minimal Cut Set Failure Frequency wC k (t) − unconditional failure intensity of cut set k n − components in min cut set wC k (t) = n n i=1 j=1 j≠i ∑ wi(t) (∏ Q j(t)) Example Min Cut Set 1 = ABC w C 1 = w A q B q C + w B q A q C + w C q A q B 50 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University w(t) - unconditional failure intensity The probability that a component fails in (t, t + dt) w ( t) = λ ( t) [ 1 − q ( t) ] Expected Number of Failures W(0, t) t W (0,t) = ∫ w(u)du 0 51 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Top Event Failure Frequency (upper bound approximation) wSYS = nC nC (1− Q Cj)) ∑ wC (1− ∏ j=1 i=1 i j≠i nC − no of min cut sets 52 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Initiator/Enabler Theory Vaporiser Trip Loop 2 (C) Trip Loop 1 (A) Liquid Butane Failure Modes: (D) (B) Pump Vent Valve Pump Surge (control system failure) A Trip Loop 1 fails to act B Trip Loop 2 fails to act C Vent Valve fails to act D 53 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Component Data τ λ w = λ (1 − q ) A 6 . 667 × 10 − 3 B 9 . 091 × 10 − 3 C 9 . 091 × 10 −3 D 9 . 091 × 10 − 3 λτ λτ + 1 + q= * θ q = λ(τ + ) 2 54 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University High Pressure at Vaporiser Coil High pres. into vap. Trip Loop 2 fails C High pres. at vent valve Vent valve fails to act D High pres. surge into system Trip loop 1 fails A B 55 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Conventional Approach ws(t) = wC 1 (t) = 4 4 qi (t) ∑ wj(t)∏ i=1 j=1 i≠ j = wA qB qC qD + wBqA qC qD + wC qA qBqD + wD qA qBqC = 5.0075× 10−6 + 2.5037× 10−5 + 2.5037× 10−5 + 2.5037× 10−5 = 8.012× 10−5 Expected number of failures over 10 years 87600 W (0,87600) = ∫ 8.012× 10−5dt 0 = 7.02 56 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University The Window for Initiating Events Critical System State Occurrence of ENABLING events Safety system inactive t 0 t Time 1 INITIATING event Initiating Events Initiating events perturb system variables and place a demand on control/protection Systems to respond. Enabling Events Enabling events are inactive control/ Protection systems which permit initiating Events to cause the top event. 57 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Using initiator/enabler theory ws(t) = wC 1 (t) = wA qBqC qD = 5.0075× 10−6 Expected Number of Failures over 10 years 87600 W (0,87600) = ∫ 5.0075× 10 −6 dt 0 = 0.4387 58 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Not Logic Noncoherent Fault Trees Barlow - “A physical system would be quite unusual (or poorly designed) if improving the performance of a component (ie by replacing a failed component by a functioning component) causes the system to deteriorate (ie change from a functioning to a failed state)” 59 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Example Min Cut Set AB C Is not a coherent structure as AB C ABC → → System fails System works Coherent structure consist of only: • • AND gates OR gates Noncoherent Structures Are those which do not conform to the definition of a coherent structure This occurs if the NOT operator is used or implied eg XOR 60 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Laws of Boolean Algebra - Not Logic A +A =1 A .A = 0 De Morgan’s Laws (A + B) = A .B (A .B) = A + B 61 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Road Junction Example G C G R A B R A - Car A fails to stop B - Car B fails to stop C - Car C stops 62 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Collision at Junction Car B Hits Car A Car A Hits Car C A C A B TOP = AC + AB 63 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Implicant Set is a combination of basic events (success or failure) which produces the top event. Prime Implicant Set is a combination of basic events (success of failure) which is both necessary and sufficient to cause the top event. TOP What about = A C + A B CB it is a prime implicant 64 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Conventional approaches to fault tree reduction do not deliver all prime implicants for every non-coherent tree so: TOP = A C + A B + C B Coherent approximation TOP = A + B OK if P (C ) ≈ 1 65 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Example Lu L D1 D2 S Supply R R contacts System Functions - on detecting gas a) b) c) to alert the operator via a lamp to alert the operator via a siren to isolate electrical ignition sources provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University 66 Leak detection System Fails Failure of Siren No signal from Lu Siren fails Failure to isolate electrics Failure of lamp No signal from Lu Lamp fails S L No signal from Lu R 1 Lu fails Relay fails 1 1 No signal from detectors Lu D1 fails D1 D2 fails D2 67 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University System Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SIREN LAMP ISOLATION SYSTEM W W W W F F F F W W F F W W F F W F W F W F W F ? 68 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Operator alerted of spill (Siren and Lamp) But electric circuits active L Lu (D1 + D2) S Lu (D1 + D2) Failure of Siren Failure to isolate electrics Failure of lamp No signal from Lu Siren fails R+Lu+D1.D2 Lamp fails S No signal from Lu L No signal from Lu R 1 Lu fails Relay fails 1 1 No signal from detectors Lu D1 fails D2 fails D1 D2 69 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University TOP = ( S Lu ( D 1 + D 2 )).( L Lu ( D 1 + D 2 )).( R + Lu = S L Lu ( D 1 + D 2 ).( R + Lu + D 1 .D 2 ) + D 1 .D 2 ) = S L Lu ( D 1 + D 2 ). R Coherent Approximation TOP = R 70 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Session 3: Current Research provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Problem areas in conventional Fault Tree Analysis _Qualitative Analysis For very large fault trees it may not be possible to produce a complete list of minimal cut sets. Solution Evaluate only those minimal cut sets which have the most significant contribution to system failure • Order culling • Probability or Frequency culling 72 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University _Quantitative Analysis l Requires minimal cut sets l Calculations are too computer intensive to perform fully Solution • Use most significant minimal cut sets • Use approximate calculation techniques. 73 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Binary Decision Diagrams BDD’s 1 Developed over last 5 years. 2 Fault Tree - Good representation of engineering failure logic - Poor efficiency/accuracy in mathematical calculations BDD - Poor representation of engineering failure logic - Good efficiency/accuracy in mathematical calculations. 3 Trade-off for improved efficiency/accuracy is conversion between FT → BDD. 4 Minimal cut sets not required to perform quantification. 74 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University B.D.D. Structure Root Vertex X1 0 1 X2 0 1 0 X3 1 1 X4 1 1 Non Terminal Vertex 0 0 0 0 Terminal Vertex 75 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Fault Tree -> B.D.D 1. Initially requires basic events in the fault placed in an ordering. 2. Most common method - tree to be If-Then-Else Structure * ITE(X1, f1, f2) means if X1 fails then consider f1 else consider f2 1 f1 X1 0 f2 76 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Simple Conversion - ite method Rules : G = ite (x, g1, g2), H = ite (y, h1, h2) G*H= if (x < y) => ite (x, g1*H, g2*H) if (x = y) => ite (x, g1*h1, g2 *h2) if * = AND if * = OR => 1 * G = G, 0 * G = 0 => 1 * G = 1, 0 * G = G 77 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Fault Tree Structure TOP EVENT GATE 1 (G1) A B C A = ite (A, 1, 0) B = ite (B, 1, 0) C = ite (C, 1, 0) 78 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Simple Conversion cont... Order G1 = A + B A<B<C = ite(A, 1, 0) + ite(B, 1, 0) = ite(A, 1+ite(B, 1, 0), 0+ite(B, 1, 0)) = ite(A, 1, ite(B, 1, 0)) TOP = G1.C = ite(A, 1, ite(B, 1, 0)).ite(C, 1, 0) = ite(A, 1.ite(C, 1, 0), ite(B, 1, 0).ite(C, 1, 0)) = ite(A, ite(C, 1, 0), ite(B, 1.ite(C, 1, 0), 0.ite(C, 1, 0))) = ite(A, ite(C, 1, 0), ite(B, ite(C, 1, 0), 0)) Root Vertex 1 branch 0 branch 79 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Resulting Diagram Minimal Cut Sets :Failure events on path to terminal 1 A 1 0 C B 0 1 1 1 0 0 C 1 AC 0 1 0 0 BC 80 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Top Event Probability from B.D.D => Probability of the sum of disjoint paths through the bdd. Disjoint Path - included in a path are the basic events that lie on a 0 branch on the way to a terminal 1 vertex. Basic Events lying on a 0 branch are denoted as Xi, ie. ‘Not’ Xi 81 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University A 1 0 C B 0 1 1 1 0 0 C 1 AC 0 1 0 0 BC The disjoint paths of the bdd are : AC, ABC Top event probability : P(AC + ABC) 82 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Disadvantages of BDD • FTA → BDD conversion • Poor ordering can give poor efficiency Advantage of BDD • improved efficiency • improved accuracy 83 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Result of Different Ordering Permutations TOP An Example Tree Structure G1 X1 G2 X2 G3 X3 X2 X4 84 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Result of Ordering : X1 < X2 < X3 < X4 X1 1 X2 X3 1 X4 1 0 0 85 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Result of Ordering : X4 < X3 < X2 < X1 X4 X3 X3 1 X2 X2 1 X1 1 1 0 X1 1 0 86 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University FAULT TREE CHARACTERISTICS ???? EFFICIENT B.D.D VARIABLE ORDERING 87 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Training Methods • Classifier System • Neural Networks Direct evaluation of Fault Tree Structure 88 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Safety System Design Considerations D Redundancy and diversity levels D Component selection D Time interval between testing the system *Choice of design not unrestricted 89 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University System Analysis D Fault Trees represent and quantify the system unavailability of each potential design D House events used to construct a single fault tree representing the failure mode of EACH design V al v e F ail ure Fault tree representing selection of valve type 1,2 or 3 Va lv e N o . 1 s e lec t e d an d F ai ls Va lv e 1 F ail s Va lv e N o . 2 s e lec ted an d F ail s Va lv e 2 F a ils Va lv e N o . 1 F it ted i.e. H1 = 1 Va lv e N o. 3 s el ec ted an d F ails V alv e 3 F a ils Va lv e N o . 2 F it ted i .e . H2 = 1 V al ve N o. 3 F i tt e d i. e . H3 = 1 90 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University System Analysis, contd. Binary Decision Diagrams improve efficiency of system analysis BDD D Connecting branches D Non-terminal vertices l correspond to basic events D Terminal vertices l 0, i.e. system works l 1, i.e. system fails BDD - Valve selection qV1 V1 1 - qV1 1 - qH1 H1 qH 1 V2 q V2 1 H2 qH2 1 - qV 2 1 - qH 2 V3 qV3 1 1 - qV3 H3 0 q H3 1 - q H3 1 0 91 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University The Optimisation Problem D System performance CANNOT be expressed as an explicit objective function D Most design variables are integer or Boolean D Constraints are of both implicit and explicit type 92 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University High Integrity Protection System Sub-system 1 PT PT Master Wing PT Sub-system 2 PT PT PT ESDV1ESDV2 HIPS1 HIPS2 Designer Options Variable vNo. ESD valves (0,1,2)? v No. HIPS valves (0,1,2)? v No. PT’s each subsystem (0 to 4)? v No. PT’s to trip? v Type of valve? v Type of PT? v MTI each subsystem (1 to 104 weeks)? E H N1, N2 K1, K2 V1, V2 P1 , P2 θ1, θ 2 93 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Limitations on Design D Cost < 1000 units D Maintenance Dwn Time (MDT) < 130 hours D Spurious trip occurrences < 1 per year 94 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Genetic Algorithms Structure of the GA Set up initial population of strings Loop D Evaluate fitness of each string D Selection - biased roulette wheel D Crossover/Mutation on selected offspring Selection Biased roulette wheel P4 = 5.5% P1 = 30.9% P3 = 49.2% P2 = 14.4% *One iteration of each loop = generation Pi = individual fitness of chromosome total fitness of gene pool 95 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Initialising a System Design 7 bits 7 bits Ø1-1 to 104 weeks 3 bits N1 3 bits 1 & 1 bit Ø2 V1,V2 P1,P2 3 bits 3 bits 2 bits 2 bits N2 K1 Total = 32 bits K2 E H 96 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Evaluating Design Fitness The fitness of each string comprises of four parts; v v v v Probability of system unavailability Penalty due to excess cost Penalty due to excess MDT Penalty due to excess spurious trip frequency As a sole fitness value; ' Q SY S = Q SY S + C P + M D TP + STFP * = penalised probability of system unavailability 97 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Best Design’s Characteristics Subsys 1 & 2 v v v v No. ESD/HIPS valves No. PT’s No. PT’s to trip system M.T.I. v MDT v Cost v Spurious trip System Unavailability 0 3 2 23 2 3 2 57 Type 2 1 123 hours 842 units 0.455 0.0011 98 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Diagram of The Deluge System cv FIREWATER RINGMAIN Filt er J oc key Pum p P S P S Press ure Sensor Powe r F ilter AFFF RINGMAIN E Power cv E cv D AF FF D elu ge Valve CV AFF F C heck Valve (0 T O 4 Electric) MAIN FIREWATER PUMPS D ie se l Ta nk AF F F Tank L evel A larm L eve l al ar m AFFF PUMP S Wa ter Deluge valve Indu ct or Stra ine r N ozzle (0 to 4 Diesel) F ilter J open-vent D CV D iesl tank Level alarm Signal to P umps P S W ate r C losingDELUGE SKID Circuit P S M AIN F IR E AND G AS PAN EL Man u al Signal on T rip Re le as e SMech an is m s ig n al to V ve n t en oi d S 1 2 xVSol a lv es V 2 = isolation valves, pressure relief valves, flow control valves 99 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Design Variables of Deluge System v v v v v v v v v v v v v No. of electric pumps firewater system (1 to 4) – type E1 to E5 No. of electric pumps AFFF system (1,2) – type E6, E7 No. of diesel pumps firewater system (1 to 4) – type D1 to D5 No. of diesel pumps AFFF system (1,2) – type 6, D7 No. of pressure sensors firewater ringmain (1 to 4) No. of sensors to trip Type of pressure sensor Type of water deluge valve Type of afff deluge valve Type of pipework Maintenance interval for pump tests Maintenance interval for pump and ringmain tests Maintenance interval for full tests 100 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University Deluge system D Fault tree in excess of 450 gates and 420 basic events D Fault tree converted to 17 BDD’s D In excess of 44000000000 design variations!! 101 provided as a free service by and Dr. John Andrews/Loughborough University