9th Annual Network Research Symposium June 15 – 17, 2015 Presented by Rutgers University-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, New York Medical College, the National Institutes of Health, and the New York Academy of Sciences TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome...........................................................................................1 CounterACT Research Network.......................................................2 Scientific Organizing Committee.......................................................4 Stay Connected................................................................................4 Presenting Partners..........................................................................5 Quad Charts......................................................................................5 Acknowledgement of Support...........................................................6 Agenda..............................................................................................7 Layout of Conference Center...........................................................12 Breakout Room Assignments...........................................................13 Faculty Disclosures..........................................................................14 CounterACT Efficacy Research Facility (CERF)..............................18 CounterACT Neurotherapeutics Screening Program (CNS)............20 CounterACT Preclinical Development Facility (CPDF).....................24 ASPR/BARDA and Medical Countermeasures.................................27 Poster Session Information...............................................................28 Additional Information.......................................................................34 Notes................................................................................................35 WELCOME We are living in a world of chemical threats which arise due to conflict, terrorism, industrial accidents and natural disasters. Of utmost priority is to define potential chemical threats, monitor and assess the risk of exposures to human populations, and develop specific and efficacious countermeasures. Thus, the 9th Annual NIH CounterACT Network Research Symposium, with its focus on the identification and advancement of drugs to counter high priority chemical threats, is quite timely. The meeting takes on special meaning this year, being held at the New York Academy of Sciences in New York City, across from the World Trade Center site and the World Trade Center Memorial. Bringing together investigators with diverse backgrounds from across the country, the symposium will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest research on the development of countermeasures against chemical threats. Key discoveries will be highlighted in plenary and specialty sessions, clinical presentations, and in two exciting poster sessions. We would like to thank each of you for participating in the meeting, and to give special thanks to our sponsors for offering invaluable support to the conference. We hope that you will enjoy the conference, the interaction with colleagues, the dramatic vistas from the New York Academy of Sciences and the surrounding memorials to the World Trade Center. Jeffrey D. Laskin, PhD Professor & Chief, Division of Toxicology Director of the Rutgers University CounterACT Research Center of Excellence Rutgers University-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School First, we would like to thank the Rutgers University CounterACT Research Center of Excellence and the New York Academy of Sciences for hosting the 2015 annual meeting. Recent events have truly emphasized the need for better medical countermeasures for agents such as sarin and chlorine. Nearly a decade of research excellence within the NIH CounterACT Network has led to exciting breakthroughs in our understanding of how chemical threats exert their toxicity, new targets for therapeutic development, and several new promising candidates that are now poised for advanced development and approval for use in humans. We at NIH look forward to hearing about the hard work you have been doing over the past year, and we hope you use this meeting to explore opportunities to collaborate. Thank you on behalf of all the CounterACT staff from the participating NIH Institutes. David A. Jett, PhD Director, NIH CounterACT National Institutes of Health, NINDS Page 1 CounterACT Research Network The increased risk of a terrorist attack in the United States involving chemical agents has created new challenges for many departments and agencies across the federal government. Within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the NIH is taking a leadership role in pursuing the development of new and improved medical countermeasures designed to prevent, diagnose, and treat the conditions caused by potential and existing chemical agents of terrorism. In addition, many of the same chemicals posing a threat as terrorist agents may also be released from transportation and storage facilities by industrial accidents or during a natural disaster. The NIH has developed a comprehensive CounterACT Research Network that includes Research Centers of Excellence, individual research projects, SBIRs, contracts and other programs. The CounterACT network conducts basic, translational, and clinical research aimed at the discovery and/or identification of better therapeutic and diagnostic medical countermeasures against chemical threat agents, and facilitates their movement through the regulatory process. The overarching goal of this research program is to enhance our medical response capabilities during an emergency. This program is a trans-NIH effort, involving participation from the National Eye Institute, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Library of Medicine, and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Higher Priority Chemical Threats • Anti-cholinesterase and GABA-inhibiting agents that cause seizures and neuropathology such as sarin, parathion, aldicarb, and tetramine (TETS) • Metabolic/Cellular poisons and agents that target the blood such as hydrogen sulfide, sodium fluoroacetate, arsenic trioxide, and strychnine • Agents that target the respiratory tract such as ammonia and phosgene • Vesicating agents that cause blisters and other skin pathologies such as Lewisite Scope of Research • Mechanistic research to identify targets for therapeutic/diagnostic development • Development of in vitro and animal models for efficacy screening of therapeutics and diagnostic tools • Efficacy screening of therapeutics/diagnostics using new and validated in vitro and animal models that are appropriate • Advanced efficacy studies with appropriate animal models including non-human primates using current Good Laboratory Practices (cGLP) • Clinical studies, including trials, when appropriate • Special consideration will be given to research relevant to people who are particularly vulnerable, including the young, the elderly, and individuals with pre-existing medical conditions. Page 2 Scientific Contacts for Questions Concerning the CounterACT Program David A. Jett, Ph.D. (NINDS) Program Director - CounterACT Telephone: (301) 496-6035 Email: jettd@ninds.nih.gov Ernest T. Takafuji, M.D., M.P.H. (NIAID) Director - Office of Biodefense Research Telephone: (301) 435-2860 Email: etakafuji@niaid.nih.gov Dave Yeung, Ph.D. (NINDS) Project Manager - CounterACT Telephone: (301) 443-7534 Email: dy70v@nih.gov Gennady E. Platoff Jr., Ph.D. (NIAID) CBRN Scientific Advisor Office of Biodefense Research Telephone: (301) 451-4418 (direct) Email: platoffg@niaid.nih.gov Sarah Norring, Ph.D. (NINDS) Program Specialist - CounterACT Telephone: (301) 443-8189 Email: sarah.norring@nih.gov Houmam Araj, Ph.D. (NEI) Program Director - Lens and Cataract Telephone: (301) 451-2020 Email: arajh@nei.nih.gov Pertti (Bert) J. Hakkinen, Ph.D. (NLM) Acting Head - Office of Clinical Toxicology, and Senior Toxicologist, and Toxicology and Environmental Health Science Advisor (to the Director) Specialized Information Services Telephone: (301) 827-4222 Email: pertti.hakkinen@nih.gov Andrea Harabin, Ph.D. (NHLBI) Program Director - Critical Care/Acute Lung Injury Telephone: (301) 435-0222 Email: harabina@nhlbi.nih.gov Elizabeth A. Maull, Ph.D. (NIEHS NTP) Program Administrator – National Toxicology Program Telephone: (919) 316-4668 Email: maull@niehs.nih.gov Srikanth S. Nadadur, Ph.D. (NIEHS) Health Scientist Administrator – Cardiovascular Health Telephone: (919) 541-5327 Email: nadadurs@niehs.nih.gov David Siegel, M.D. (NICHD) Program Director – Biodefense Research Channels, Synapses, and Circuits Telephone: (301) 594-8670 Email: siegelda@mail.nih.gov Randall Stewart, Ph.D. (NINDS) Program Director – Channels, Synapses, and Circuits Telephone: (301) 496-1917 Email: stewartr1@mail.nih.gov Hung Tseng, Ph.D. (NIAMS) Health Scientist Administrator – Div. of Skin and Rheumatic Diseases Telephone: (301) 594-5032 Email: tsengh@mail.nih.gov CounterACT Program Website http://www.ninds.nih.gov/counterACT Page 3 SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Jeffrey D. Laskin, PhD, Rutgers University Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Debra L. Laskin, PhD, Rutgers University Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Diane E. Heck, PhD, New York Medical College Donald Gerecke, PhD, Rutgers University Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Marion Gordon, PhD, Rutgers University Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Patrick J. Sinko, PhD, Rutgers University Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Ned Heindel, PhD, Lehigh University Laurie B. Joseph, PhD, Rutgers University Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Local Organizing Committee Paul J. Lioy, PhD, Rutgers University Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Brooke Grindlinger, PhD, The New York Academy of Sciences Siobhán Addie, PhD, The New York Academy of Sciences STAY CONNECTED Wireless Internet Access Username: nyasguest Password: nyasguest7WTC Join the Twitter Conversation @NYASEvents LinkedIn Search for: ‘The New York Academy of Sciences’ PRESENTING PARTNERS QUAD CHARTS Visit http://www.nyas.org/QuadCharts2015 to access an electronic file of the Quad Charts from this symposium. The password to access the file is: counteractnyas. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SUPPORT GRANT SUPPORT Funding for this Symposium was made possible, in part, by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (U54 AR055073). The views expressed in this symposium do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services or endorsement by the U.S. Government. BRONZE SPONSOR Battelle ACADEMY FRIENDS CH Technologies USA, Inc. Emergent BioSolutions emka TECHNOLOGIES & SCIREQ Genemarkers MRIGlobal Novus Biologicals – a Bio-Techne Brand RUCDR Infinite Biologics Rutgers School of Public Health Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, School of Biomedical Sciences Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Biomedical and Health Sciences, Office of the Chancellor Society of Toxicology SRI International Target Health, Inc. The Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute (EOHSI), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Thermo Fisher Scientific SYMPOSIUM AGENDA DAY 1 Monday, June 15, 2015 7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:00 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks Siobhan Addie, PhD, The New York Academy of Sciences Jeffrey D. Laskin, PhD, Rutgers University David A. Jett, PhD, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) 8:15 AM Keynote Address History of Chemical Warfare Joseph Gal, PhD, University of Colorado School of Medicine 8:55 AM From the Bench to the Bedside: BARDA’s Role in the Development of Medical Countermeasures for Chemical Threats Judith Laney, PhD, BARDA 9:15 AM Break into Concurrent Sessions 9:30 AM SESSION 1A: PULMONARY AGENTS Chairperson: Srikanth Nadadur, PhD, National Institutes of Environmental Health (NIEHS) 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM SESSION 1B: NEUROLOGICAL AGENTS Chairperson: David A. Jett, PhD, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Multifunctional Therapeutics for Treatment of Acute Chlorine Inhalational Injury Phorate Oxon: Reactivation Kinetics and Acute Oral Toxicity in the Sprague Dawley Rat Garry Southan, PhD, Radikal Therapeutics, Inc. Tom Snider, Battelle and Robert Moyer, PhD, Battelle Intracellular Targeting HSP70 for Pulmonary Cytoprotection after Toxin Inhalation Accelerated AChE Reactivator Design by Mechanistic Neutron Scattering Studies Missag Parseghian, PhD, Rubicon Biotechnology, Inc. Zoran Radic, PhD, University of California, San Diego; Don Blumenthal, PhD, University of Utah; Xiaolin Cheng, PhD, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Andrey Kovalevsky, PhD, Oak Ridge National Laboratory TIE2 Activation for the Treatment of Chemical Induced Acute Lung Injury Improved Standard of Care Reactivators and Facilitative Transport into the Central Nervous System Christopher D. Kontos, MD, Duke University SESSION 1C: VESICATING AGENTS Chairperson: Hung Tseng, PhD, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases and Houmam Araj, PhD, National Eye Institute Rutgers University CounterACT Research Center of Excellence (U54 Center Report) Jeffrey D. Laskin, PhD, Rutgers University Brian McCranor, PhD, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense; Jayendra B. Bhonsle, PhD, Astha Drug Discovery & Research; John Koh, PhD, University of Delaware 11:00 AM Extracellular RNA as Therapeutic Target After Toxic Chemical Inhalation Brain-Penetrating Acetylcholinesterase Reactivators for Several Organophosphates Amelioration of Vesicant-Induced Skin Injury by High Dose 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Aftab Ahmad, PhD, University of Alabama, Birmingham Janice Chambers, PhD, Mississippi State University Kurt Lu, MD, Case Western University 11:30 AM Central Role of Heme Oxygenase in Reversing Bromine Morbidity and Mortality Sadis Matalon, PhD, University of Alabama, Birmingham 12:00 PM Reactivation of Aged Acetylcholinesterase: Design and Development of Novel Therapeutics against Exposure to OP Chemical Nerve Agents Christopher Hadad, PhD, Ohio State University Lunch Poster Session 1 Set-up 1:30 PM SESSION 2A: PULMONARY AGENTS Chairperson: Srikanth Nadadur, PhD, National Institutes of Environmental Health (NIEHS) 1:30 PM Development of Therapeutics for ChlorineInduced Airway and Lung Injury M. Dee Gunn, MD, Duke University SESSION 2B: NEUROLOGICAL AGENTS Chairperson: Pertti Hakkinen, PhD, National Library of Medicine (NLM) Oxime Therapy Doses That Provide 50% Survival Against Subcutaneous and Topical Organophosphate Challenges at 2X LD50 Christy Wilhelm, Battelle and Michael Babin, PhD, Battelle 2:00 PM 2:30 PM Nitrite Dependent Protection Against Cl2 Gas Toxicity – Role of Chlorinated Lipids BChE Reactivators for Nerve Agent and Pesticide OP Detoxification in Human Tissue Rakesh Patel, PhD, University of Alabama Birmingham Zoran Radic, PhD, University of California, San Diego and Palmer Taylor, PhD, University of California, San Diego Functional Genomics of Chemical-Induced Acute Lung Injury Induced Therapeutic Overexpression of Acetylcholinesterase in vivo George Leikauf, PhD, University of Pittsburgh Richard Rotundo, PhD, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine 3:00 PM Coffee Break/Networking 3:30 PM Novel Therapies for Chlorine-Induced Lung Injury Gary Hoyle, PhD, University of Louisville Pharmacotherapy to CounterACT ParathionInduced NMJ Dysfunction Steven Bird, MD, University of Massachusetts 4:00 PM 4:30 PM Countermeasures for Chlorine-Induced Airway Fibrosis Efficacy and Safety of an Aerosolized Recombinant Butyrylcholinesterase Pretreatment Gary Hoyle, PhD, University of Louisville Yvonne Rosenberg, PhD, PlantVax, Inc Targeting Injury Pathways to Counteract Pulmonary Agent and Vesicant Toxicity Developing Drugs to Mitigate Parathion Intoxication Sven-Eric Jordt, PhD, Duke University Jason R. Richardson, PhD, DABT, and Jeffrey D. Laskin, PhD, Rutgers University 5:00 PM Poster Session 1 and Networking Reception 7:00 PM Day 1 Adjourns (Poster Session 1 poster removal) Effective Therapies for Ocular Injuries by Vesicating Agents Rajesh Agarwal, PhD, University of Colorado DAY 2 7:30AM Tuesday, June 16, 2015 Continental Breakfast Poster Session 2 Set-up 8:00 AM Keynote Address: Preparedness and Response to Chemical Threats: The Role of Exposure Science Paul J. Lioy, PhD, Rutgers University Robert Wood Johnson Medical School 8:25 AM Keynote Address: Poisoning Through the Ages Michael A. Gallo, PhD, Rutgers University Robert Wood Johnson Medical School 8:50 AM The Challenge of Medical Countermeasure Development Claire Croutch, PhD, MRIGlobal 9:00 AM Successful Medical Countermeasure Development…It Takes a Village Jill Harvilchuck, PhD, Battelle 9:15 AM Break into Concurrent Sessions 9:30 AM SESSION 3A: PULMONARY AGENTS Chairperson: Srikanth Nadadur, PhD, National Institutes of Environmental Health (NIEHS) 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM Chairperson: Elizabeth Maull, PhD, National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) SESSION 3C: CELLULAR AGENTS Chairperson: Gennady Platoff, PhD, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Thioredoxin Mimicry: Novel Treatment of Toxicant-Mediated Inhalational Lung Injury Screening Therapies to Counteract Developmental Chlorpyrifos Intoxication Intralipid: A Novel Frontline Countermeasure for Brodifacoum Poisoning Garry Southan, MD, Radikal Therapeutics, Inc. Jared Goldstone, PhD, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Douglas Feinstein, PhD, University of Illinois Mitochondrial Bioenergetic Dysfunction and Chlorine Toxicity Developing and Evaluating Countermeasures Against Tetramethylenedisulfotetramine Sadis Matalon, PhD, University of Alabama, Birmingham Michael Shakarjian, PhD, New York Medical College A Discovery and Development Pipeline for Cyanide Countermeasures Novel Anticonvulsant and Neuroprotective Therapies for TETS and OP Intoxication (U54 Center Report) Chemicals Affecting the Respiratory Tract – Pulmonary Toxicants (Interagency Report) (U54 Center Report) Calum MacRae, MD, PhD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Speaker Forthcoming Pamela Lein, PhD, University of California at Davis 10:30 AM 11:00 AM SESSION 3B: NEUROLOGICAL AGENTS US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense Development of a Field-Deployable Device to Rapidly Measure Blood Cyanide Levels Hans Boehringer, PhD, Diagnostic Consulting Network 12:00 PM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM Lunch and Poster Session 2 SESSION 4A: CELLULAR AGENTS SESSION 4B: NEUROLOGICAL AGENTS Chairperson: Gennady Platoff, PhD, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Chairperson: Randall Stewart, PhD, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Cyanide Decorporation by Co(III) Schiff-Base Macrocycles Linda Pearce, PhD, University of Pittsburgh 2:00 PM Pre-Clinical and Clinical Studies of Cobinamide, A New Cyanide Detoxifying Agent Gerry Boss, MD, University of California, San Diego 2:30 PM Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats: Countermeasures Against Cyanide Chemicals Affecting the Nervous System – Anticonvulsants and Neuroprotectants (Interagency Report) Speaker Forthcoming US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense Steven Patterson, PhD, University of Minnesota 3:00 PM Coffee and Refreshment Break 3:30 PM Nitrites as Antidotes for Hydrogen Sulfide Poisoning James Peterson, PhD, University of Pittsburgh Efficacy of GluR5 Antagonists Against Soman-Induced Seizures and Neuropathology Maria Braga, DDS, PhD, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences 4:00 PM Efficacy of Cobinamide for Treatment of Hydrogen Sulfide-Induced Neurotoxicity Neurosteroid Treatment for OP Intoxication Doodipala S. Reddy, PhD, Texas A&M University Wilson Rumbeiha, DVM, PhD, DABVT, DABT VDL, Iowa State University 4:30 PM Open Discussion 5:00 PM Optional Visit to the National September 11 Memorial & Museum 6:30 PM Day 2 Adjourns (Poster Session 2, poster removal), dinner on your own Open Discussion DAY 3 7:30AM Wednesday, June 17, 2015 Continental Breakfast Concurrent Sessions 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:30 AM SESSION 5A: VESICATING AGENTS SESSION 5B: NEUROLOGICAL AGENTS SESSION 5C: CELLULAR AGENTS Chairperson: Srikanth Nadadur, PhD, National Institutes of Environmental Health (NIEHS) Chairperson: Dave Yeung, PhD, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Chairperson: Gennady Platoff, PhD, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Novel Treatments of Acrolein-Induced Cardiotoxicity CounterACT Neurotherapeutics Screening (CNS) Program (Interagency Report) Methylene Blue, A Novel Treatment of H2S Poisoning-Induced Brain Injury Daniel Conklin, PhD, University of Louisville John McDonough, PhD, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, Edward Dudek, PhD, University of Utah, Hilary S. McCarren, PhD, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense Philippe Haouzi, MD, Pennsylvania State University, Hershey Medical Center Novel Therapeutics for Vesicant and Toxic Inhaled Chemicals Parathion Exposure: Mechanisms of Toxicity and Treatment (U54 Center Report) Robert DeLorenzo, MD, PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University Cyanide Diagnostics and Efficacy Testing of Next Generation Cyanide Antidotes (Interagency Report) 9:00 AM Carl White, MD, University of Colorado, Denver Prostanoid Modulators That Reduce Brain Injury After Seizures Raymond Dingledine, PhD, Emory University 9:30 AM Speaker Forthcoming US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense Evaluation of Neuroprotective Effects of AEOL 10150 Against Organophosphate Toxicity Manisha Patel, PhD, University of Colorado, Denver 10:00 AM Chemicals Affecting Skin, Eyes, and Mucous Membrane – Toxic Vesicants and Industrial Chemicals (Interagency Report) Definitive Studies for Use of Galantamine as a PreTreatment Countermeasure Against Nerve Agent Poisoning Cyanide and the Human Brain Desire Tshala-Katumbay, MD, PhD, Oregon Health & Science University William Basinger, Jr., Countervail Corporation 10:30 AM Speaker Forthcoming US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense Rational Polytherapy in the Treatment of Cholinergic Seizures Claude Wasterlain, MD, UCLA, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System 11:00 AM Open Discussion 11:30 AM CounterACT Preclinical Development Facility (CPDF) Carol Green, PhD, DABT, SRI International 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Lunch Presentation by SRI International “An Overview of the Preclinical Development Process: From Idea to IND and Beyond” CounterACT Preclinical Development Facility (CPDF) 3:00 PM Conference Adjourns Open Discussion LAYOUT OF CONFERENCE CENTER Legend: 1 – Main Auditorium 3 – Lobby 2 – Conference Room 4 – Board Room Page 12 BREAKOUT ROOM ASSIGNMENTS MONDAY, JUNE 15 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM 1A: Pulmonary Agents Board Room 1B: Neurological Agents Main Auditorium 1C: Vesicating Agents Conference Room 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM 2A: Pulmonary Agents Board Room 2B: Neurological Agents Main Auditorium TUESDAY, JUNE 16 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM 3A: Pulmonary Agents Board Room 3B: Neurological Agents Main Auditorium 3C: Cellular Agents Conference Room 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM 4A: Cellular Agents Board Room 4B: Neurological Agents Main Auditorium WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM 5A: Vesicating Agents Board Room 5B: Neurological Agents Main Auditorium 5C: Cellular Agents Conference Room Note: All joint sessions will be presented in the Main Auditorium. Page 13 FACULTY DISCLOSURES All faculty participating in this activity are required to disclose to the audience any significant financial interest and/or other relationship with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) and/or provider(s) of commercial services discussed in his/her presentation and/or the commercial contributor(s) of this activity. An * after the speaker’s name indicates that the speaker intends to discuss unlabeled uses of a commercial product, or an investigational use of a product not yet approved for this purpose. N/A – information not available at the time of printing. Rajesh Agarwal, PhD None Maria Braga, PhD None Aftab Ahmad, PhD None Janice Chambers, PhD None Houmam Araj, PhD None Xiaolin Cheng, PhD None Michael Babin, PhD None Daniel Conklin, PhD None William Basinger, Jr. Employee CounterVail Corporation Robert DeLorenzo, MD, PhD N/A Jayendra Bhonsle, PhD, PMP None Steven Bird, MD None Don Blumenthal, PhD None Hans Boehringer, PhD Employee DCN Diagnostics Gerry Boss, MD N/A Raymond Dingledine, PhD None Edward Dudek, PhD N/A Douglas Feinstein, PhD* Consultant Lipid Rescue, LLC Joseph Gal, PhD None Michael Gallo, PhD, DABT None Page 14 FACULTY DISCLOSURES All faculty participating in this activity are required to disclose to the audience any significant financial interest and/or other relationship with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) and/or provider(s) of commercial services discussed in his/her presentation and/or the commercial contributor(s) of this activity. An * after the speaker’s name indicates that the speaker intends to discuss unlabeled uses of a commercial product, or an investigational use of a product not yet approved for this purpose. N/A – information not available at the time of printing. Jared Goldstone, PhD N/A Carol Green, PhD, DABT Employee SRI International Sven-Eric Jordt, PhD Research Support GlaxoSmithKline Hydra Biosciences Consultant Hydra Biosciences M. Dee Gunn, MD* None John Koh, PhD N/A Christopher Hadad, PhD None Perti Hakkinen, PhD None Christopher Kontos, MD Speakers Bureau Aerpio Therapeutics, Inc. Research Support Aerpio Therapeutics, Inc. Michael Babin, PhD N/A Andrey Kovalevsky, PhD None Phillippe Haouzi, MD N/A Judith Laney, PhD None Jill Harvilchuck, PhD Employee Battelle Jeffrey D. Laskin, PhD N/A Gary Hoyle, PhD None David A. Jett, PhD N/A George Leikauf, PhD N/A Pamela Lein, PhD None Peter Lentini Employee Microdermis Page 15 FACULTY DISCLOSURES All faculty participating in this activity are required to disclose to the audience any significant financial interest and/or other relationship with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) and/or provider(s) of commercial services discussed in his/her presentation and/or the commercial contributor(s) of this activity. An * after the speaker’s name indicates that the speaker intends to discuss unlabeled uses of a commercial product, or an investigational use of a product not yet approved for this purpose. N/A – information not available at the time of printing. Paul J. Lioy, PhD None Rakesh Patel, PhD N/A Kurt Lu, MD N/A Manisha Patel, PhD None Calum MacRae, MD, PhD N/A Steven Patterson, PhD N/A Sadis Matalon, PhD N/A Linda Pearce, PhD N/A Elizabeth Maull, PhD N/A James Peterson, MD N/A Hilary McCarren, PhD None Gennady Platoff, PhD N/A Bryan McCranor, PhD None Zoran Radic, PhD None John McDonough, PhD None Doodipala Reddy, PhD None Robert Moyer, PhD None Jason Richardson, PhD, DABT None Srikanth Nadadur, PhD N/A Yvonne Rosenberg, PhD Employee PlantVax, Inc. Missag Parseghian, PhD Employee Rubicon Biotechnology Richard Rotundo, PhD None Page 16 FACULTY DISCLOSURES All faculty participating in this activity are required to disclose to the audience any significant financial interest and/or other relationship with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) and/or provider(s) of commercial services discussed in his/her presentation and/or the commercial contributor(s) of this activity. An * after the speaker’s name indicates that the speaker intends to discuss unlabeled uses of a commercial product, or an investigational use of a product not yet approved for this purpose. N/A – information not available at the time of printing. Wilson Rumbeiha, DVM, PhD None Hung Tseng, PhD N/A Michael Shakarjian, PhD None Desire Tshala-Katumbay, MD, PhD N/A Tom Snider None Claude Wasterlein, MD None Garry Southan, PhD Employee Radikal Therapeutics Carl White, MD* Other Financial Support Genentech Randall Stewart, PhD None Christy Wilhelm Employee Battelle Palmer Taylor, PhD* None David Yeung, PhD None Page 17 CounterACT Efficacy Research Facility (CERF) The CounterACT program includes a state-of-the-art facility to accelerate the research and development of medical countermeasures for chemical threats. This facility is a NIH supported laboratory equipped to conduct translational research (including full Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) capability) on the efficacy of compounds against the lethal and non-lethal effects of chemical threat agents using new and established animal models. A purpose of the CERF program is to assist applicants to obtain important proof-of-concept efficacy data, i.e., pilot studies, in support of a research application to the CounterACT peer-reviewed grant program. The proposed studies must not overlap with, but may be done in concert with studies done within other CounterACT efficacy and preclinical programs (e.g., CounterACT Preclinical Development Facility). See www.ninds.nih.gov/counteract for more details. If approved by NIH, studies are performed at no cost to the investigator. Participants will retain custody of and have primary rights to the data developed under these awards, subject to Government rights of access consistent with current HHS, PHS, and NIH policies. Before, during, and subsequent to the award, the U.S. Government is not required to obtain for the participants any proprietary rights, including intellectual property rights, or any materials needed by the applicant to perform the project. Participants are free to establish a separate Material Tech-Transfer/Lab service agreement with the CERF and/or the NIH. * The CERF does not replace the need to formally establish (and budget for) collaboration with laboratories, such as the Department of Defense U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMRICD) and others, that are certified to work with restricted as well as unrestricted chemical agents within those research applications submitted in response to CounterACT FOAs available at http://www.ninds.nih.gov/research/counterterrorism/FundingOpportunities.htm. Procedures for Submitting Compounds to the CounterACT Efficacy Research Facility (CERF) General Procedure: 1. NIH will accept Product Development Pre-Proposals (PDP) from individual PIs. PIs may consult with NIH to determine eligibility and general efficacy needs. 2. Cover Letter a. Project Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) name b. Title of requested research effort c. Name, title of the authorized organizational representative (AOR) d. Phone, email, and address information for both the PD/PI and the institutional official. The cover letter must be signed by the AOR and PD/PI. 3. The PDP will be 3-5 pages. If they do not contain the following sections, they will be returned without further review: a. Introduction – Describe how these studies will advance the development of the candidate therapeutic. How will these studies serve as a go/no go point for further drug development? b. Justification – Describe any efficacy and preclinical (i.e., PK, safety, chemistry, etc.) studies and results that have already been completed on the specifically proposed product. c. Research Needs summarizing, in general, which research track is proposed in this pre-proposal, what type of work you are requesting, and specifics for the studies (i.e., required animal model, route of agent exposure, administration route of therapeutic, endpoints, etc.). REV 06/2015 Page 18 4. The NIH will begin accepting PDPs immediately, commencing December 1, 2010. There are no receipt deadlines. 5. PDPs will be reviewed by the CounterACT Program Steering Committee (CPSC) within 3-4 weeks of receipt. 6. Review criteria include eligibility (e.g., previous efficacy data of the specifically proposed product), impact on the overall drug development process, programmatic priorities, and availability of NIH resources. 7. If the PDP is approved, the investigator and CERF study directors will prepare a full CERF Study Proposal (CSP) and budget for final review and approval by the NIH before the studies begin, no later than one month after initial approval of the PDP. 8. A final Technical Report (TR), including task background, objectives, assumptions, specific data collected, analyses conducted, conclusions and recommendations, will be delivered to the investigator by the NIH at the conclusion of the study. Study Criteria: Track 1: Pilot Studies 1. These limited studies will facilitate characterization and optimization of leads early in the development process. 2. Efficacy of the specifically proposed product must be demonstrated in at least one acceptable in vitro and/or in vivo (preferable) model prior to submission of the PDP. 3. Efficacy of the specifically proposed product may be shown against the actual threat agent OR an acceptable surrogate agent within the same chemical class. Track 2: Definitive Studies 1. These studies will satisfy some of the requirements for FDA approval and submission of a New Drug Application (NDA), including definitive GLP Animal Rule studies with non-human primates and other animal models. 2. Substantial efficacy of the specifically proposed product must already be shown against the actual chemical threat agent(s) that warrants definitive animal studies. 3. It is recommended that the FDA be consulted in pre-IND meetings prior to submitting a PDP. Utilization of this facility will require an FDA Special Protocol Assessment (SPA) of the proposed studies. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact CounterACT program staff for further information (e.g., eligibility, research interest). Submit Pre-Proposals by email to: David Yeung, Ph.D. NIH CounterACT Program dy70v@nih.gov REV 06/2015 Page 19 CounterACT Neurotherapeutics Screening (CNS) Program Executive Summary The CounterACT program includes established animal screening models to identify and accelerate the research and development of novel medical countermeasures (MCM) for organophosphorus (OP) chemical threats that target the central nervous system. These models are available through the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute (USAMRICD; http://chemdef.apgea.army.mil) via a NIHsupported laboratory equipped to conduct translational research on the efficacy of compounds against the lethal and non-lethal effects of OP chemical threat agents in vivo. If accepted for the CNS program, studies are performed at no cost to the investigator/supplier. The purpose of the CNS program is to provide applicants with important proof-of-concept efficacy data in support of a research application to the CounterACT (or others) peer-reviewed grant program. The CNS program does not replace the need to establish direct collaborations with laboratories that are certified to work with restricted chemical agents within those applications submitted in response to the research solicitations at http://www.ninds.nih.gov/research/counterterrorism/FundingOpportunities.htm. The proposed studies must not overlap, but may be conducted in concert with, studies performed within other CounterACT efficacy, preclinical, grant programs (see www.ninds.nih.gov/counteract for details). Participants will retain custody of and have primary rights to the data developed, subject to Government rights of access consistent with current U.S. Government (USG) policies. Before, during, and subsequent to entry into the program, the USG is not required to obtain for the participants any proprietary rights, including intellectual property rights, or any materials needed by the applicant to perform the project. Participants are advised to establish a separate Material TechTransfer or Lab service agreement between themselves and the NIH-supported laboratories before commencing any studies. Program Description and Goal OP-induced seizures result from overstimulation of susceptible brain circuits by abnormally high levels of the excitatory neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which rapidly builds up after inhibition of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase by nerve agent1. These seizures rapidly progress to a condition known as status epilepticus (SE), a medical emergency that responds to only a subset of known anticonvulsant drugs. Moreover, the longer these seizures persist the more difficult they are to stop pharmacologically2, and in the case of chemical warfare nerve agents (NAs), as little as 20 min of continuous seizure activity is sufficient to produce neuropathology, the severity and extent of neuropathology is then proportional to the duration of the seizures3,4. 1 2 3 4 McDonough JH.Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 1997; 21(5):559-579. Shih TM, et al. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 2003; 188(2):69-80. Lallement G, et al. Neuroreport 1994; 5(17):2265-2268. McDonough JH, et al. Neurotoxicology 1995; 16(1):123-132. REV 06/2015 Page 20 The current MCM approach to treat OP-induced seizures includes the administration of atropine, pralidoxime chloride (2-PAM Cl), and an anticonvulsant (diazepam/midazolam). Though efficacious to an extent, overall improvement in both mortality and morbidity outcomes is still highly desired. Through CounterACT, the goal of the CNS program is to identify novel neurotherapeutics that may be administered with the approved treatments, in a civilian first-responder setting, to more effectively suppress SE activity and/or mitigate neuropathology after OP exposure. Screening Models The CNS program employs the following in vivo screening models: 1) OP Diisopropylfluorophosphate-(DFP) induced electrographic SE model in male, SpragueDawley rats (125-175 g) surgically prepared with surface cortical electrodes one week before actual exposure to record brain electroencephalographic (EEG) activity. a. Implanted animals will be pre-treated with pyridostigmine (PB, 0.026 mg/kg, i.m.) at 30 min before injection of DFP (6.0 mg/kg, s.c.), followed by co-administration of atropine methyl nitrate (AMN, 2.0 mg/kg, i.m.) and 2-PAM (25 mg/kg, i.m.) within 1 min later. The test neurotherapeutic compound +/- midazolam (1.78 mg/kg, i.m.) will be administered at 60 min after the occurrence of the first electrographic seizure, based on the appearance of repetitive spikes and sharp waves in the EEG. b. The model utilizes 24-hr EEG recordings with objective, semi-automated, and quantitative methods of data analysis5,6 to determine the efficacy of different investigational compounds at suppressing DFP-induced electrographic SE. c. Additional studies will quantify neuronal death under these conditions to assess neuroprotection via Fluoro-Jade B staining in at least four perfused brain areas that are highly susceptible to DFP-induced brain damage. 2) NA Soman-(GD) induced electrographic SE model in male, Sprague-Dawley rats (250-300 g at time of surgery) also surgically prepared with surface cortical electrodes to record brain EEG activity. a. Animals are pretreated with the oxime HI-6 (125 mg/kg, i.p.); 30 min later the animals are challenged with 1.6xLD50 GD (180 ug/kg, s.c.), at a dose that elicits EEG seizure activity in 100% of the animals. The animals will receive AMN (2.0 mg/kg, i.m.) within 1 min after GD challenge. b. At 20 min following the onset of electrographic seizure activity, animals will receive standard medical countermeasures for NA intoxication via intramuscular injection (0.45 mg/kg atropine sulfate, 25.0 mg/kg 2-PAM-Cl, 1.78 mg/kg midazolam) along with a dose of the test neurotherapeutic compound previously identified from the DFP model. EEG is also continuously recorded and 24 hr later at the end of the recording period, the animals are perfused, the brain stained with Fluoro-Jade B and/or hematoxlyn and eosin (H&E), then evaluated to rate the degree of pathology by examining up to five brain areas highly susceptible to NA-induced damage7,8. 5 6 7 8 Lehmkuhle MJ, et al. J Neurophysiol 2009; 101:1660-70. Pouliot W, et al. Neuroscience 2013; 231:145-56. McDonough JH, et al. Neurotoxicology 1995; 16(1):123-132. McDonough JH, et al. Neurotoxicology 1998; 19(3):381-391. REV 06/2015 Page 21 3) NA GD-induced electrographic SE model in male, Hartley guinea pigs (250-300 g at time of surgery) also surgically prepared with surface cortical electrodes to record brain EEG activity. a. Animals are pretreated with PB (0.024 mg/kg, i.m.) to produce 20-40% inhibition in red blood cell cholinesterase 30 min after administration. Thirty min later the animals are challenged with 2.0xLD50 GD (56 ug/kg, s.c.), a dose that elicits seizures in 100% of the animals. One min after GD challenge, the animals receive atropine sulfate (2.0 mg/kg; i.m.). Beyond these differences in eliciting the seizures, all other aspects of the testing will be performed in the same manner as the rat model. *GD-induced seizures in guinea pigs respond to lower doses of anticonvulsant drugs and at longer treatment delays than similar seizures in rats. The substantially higher cost of guinea pigs precludes them from being used as the primary animal screening model, but they can confirm and extend positive findings from the rat studies. Only drugs that produce a potent (low doses required) and/or rapid anticonvulsant response or robust neuroprotection against the NA-induced brain pathology in the rat GD model will be candidates for testing in the guinea pig model. Screening Approach Step 1 Entry Criteria 1. Previous efficacy studies 2. TD50, MTD, or LD50 3. Purity & Solubility Info Step 2 Initial EEG screen Escalating/de-escalating dosing regimen in OP DFP Model (4 vehicle + 16 drug animals) Up to 4 doses = 4 animals per dose Test drug + Midazolam Neuroprotection Arm Go Go: If observed to be additive or synergistic with Anti-seizure Arm Step 3/4 Initial histopathology screen (FJB) in OP DFP Model Analyze 2 animals per dose 4 brain regions 4 sections per region NA GD Model No Go midazolam at terminating seizure / convulsion Step 3 Confirmation of antiseizure activity with EEG screening in OP DFP Model (2 vehicle + 6 drug animals) Single dose based on Step 2 data Test drug alone Step 4/5 Additional histopathological analyses in OP DFP Model Analyze 2 more animals per dose 4 additional sections per region for a total of 8 sections Go No Go Better than Midazolam alone? No Go Go No Further Testing No Further Testing NA GD Model REV 06/2015 Page 22 The test neurotherapeutic compound may be coded throughout the study, so that experiments are performed under blind procedures. A final Study Report (SR), including task background, methodology, assumptions, specific data collected, analyses conducted, conclusions and recommendations, will be delivered to the investigator / supplier at the conclusion of the study. Eligibility Criteria The CNS program is available to all investigators inside and outside of the CounterACT network with promising medical countermeasure(s) that would be responsive to CounterACT FOAs. A minimum requirement for the test neurotherapeutic supplier is to provide documentation regarding compound toxicity, solubility, purity, and previous in vivo efficacy studies related to this effort. Supplier must be able to provide sufficient quantity of the compound with purity ≥ 95% by NMR or HPLC analysis for evaluation in up to 60 animals based on the highest ED50 value of the previous efficacy studies. Solubility information would facilitate determination of the best vehicle and route of administration (IM or IP). Toxicity data, such as the median toxic dose 50 (TD50), maximum tolerated dose (MTD), or median lethal dose 50 (LD50), and previous efficacy studies would assist in identifying the range of doses to be considered for evaluation and aid in prioritizing the compounds to be tested. These information are required before testing of analogs and congeners as well. For additional information or to enroll in the CNS program, please contact (preferably by email): Sarah Norring, Ph.D. Program Specialist, CounterACT Program NIH/NINDS Tel: 301.443.8189 sarah.norring@nih.gov REV 06/2015 Page 23 CounterACT Preclinical Development Facility (CPDF) The CounterACT program includes a Preclinical Development Facility. This facility is a resource for CounterACT investigators that enable them to conduct preclinical studies that would be needed for drug discovery and development and ultimate FDA approval. If approved by NIH, the studies are performed at no cost. Although the facility is primarily for CounterACT investigators, investigators outside the CounterACT network who have a promising medical countermeasure that would be responsive to one of CounterACT current FOAs, and meet other eligibility criteria outlined below, may submit to NIH for consideration. The types of studies available at this facility include: Chemistry and Manufacturing Services Developing and performing analytical methods to characterize therapeutic agents Current GMP (cGMP)-compliant stability studies Synthesis, resynthesis, purchase, or acquisition of reagent grade or clinical grade compounds Develop cGMP-compliant manufacturing processes and procedures Manufacture of pharmaceutical materials in compliance with cGMP regulations in amounts sufficient for preclinical evaluation Formulation and manufacture of drug using cGMP to demonstrate cGMP capability in support of an IND application Formulation appropriate for in vivo studies Preclinical Safety, Toxicology, and Pharmacodynamics/Pharmacokinetics (PD/PK) Services Determination of maximum tolerated dose and no observed effect levels (NOEL) Acute and subchronic toxicity; single and repeated dose toxicity studies Determination of relevant pharmacokinetic/toxicokinetic parameters Bioavailability studies; biotransformation assays conducted in vitro Absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion studies Various toxicity studies (e.g. genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, reproductive, cytotoxicity, immunotoxicity) Behavioral pharmacology Cell permeability Intellectual Property Rights will be consistent with standard NIH guidelines. Applicants are free to establish a separate Material Tech-Transfer/Lab Service Agreement directly with the CPDF, if desired. REV 06/2015 Page 24 Procedures for Submitting Compounds to the CPDF Goal: Conduct Pharmaceutical studies on selected candidate therapeutics General Procedure: 1. NIH will accept Product Development Pre-Proposals from the individual CounterACT PIs. PIs may consult with NIH to determine eligibility and general product development needs. 2. Cover Letter a. Project Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) name b. Titles of requested research effort and parent CounterACT-funded project c. Name and Title of the authorized organizational representative (AOR) d. Phone, email, and address information for both the PD/PI and the institutional official. e. Names and contact info of key collaborators, partnerships, etc. The cover letter must be signed by the AOR and PD/PI. 3. The Product Development Pre-Proposal should be 3-5-Pages. If they do not contain the following sections they will be returned without further review: a. Introduction – background information on the compound and what type of work you are requesting, i.e., Track #1 or Track #2 below. Also indicate how these studies would impact the overall parent project, e.g., will you use these studies to chemically optimize promising compounds (hits)? Will these studies serve as a go/no go decision point for the project? b. Justification describing how your compound meets the eligibility criteria for one of the two Tracks below, including a brief description of efficacy data and any preclinical (safety, chemistry) studies that have already been completed. c. Research Needs summarizing, in general, what preclinical work needs to be done, e.g. full FDA-enabling safety studies, or pilot PK study to see if it reaches the brain, or shelf-life study, etc. 4. The NIH will begin accepting Pre-Proposals immediately, commencing July 1, 2007. There are no receipt deadlines. 5. Pre-proposals will be reviewed by the NIH for the CPDF, within 30 days of receipt. 6. Review criteria include, but not limited to, satisfying the eligibility criteria (efficacy data), impact on your overall project, programmatic priorities, regulatory input from the FDA, availability of NIH resources to include funds, etc. 7. If your preproposal is approved, the CPDF, in consultation with you and the NIH, will prepare a full Test Implementation Plan (TIP) for final review and approval by the NIH before the studies begin; typically within 90 days of initial approval of your Pre-Proposal. 8. The NIH will make arrangements for accepting the compound to be tested from the source (PI) and transfer to the CPDF for testing. Note: the compound may be synthesized by the CPDF under the contract. REV 06/2015 Page 25 Eligibility Criteria: Track 1: Definitive Studies 1. These studies should enable submission of an IND. It is strongly recommended that the FDA be consulted in pre-IND meeting(s) prior to submitting a Pre-Proposal for Track 1 efforts. 2. A lead compound must be identified and efficacy must be demonstrated in at least two animal species, including one rodent and one non-rodent species (e.g. rabbit, dog or NHP). 3. Efficacy must be shown against the actual threat agent(s) – not just with a surrogate agent and in a manner that is consistent with the compound’s ultimate concept of use. 4. No budget limitation. Track 2: Pilot Studies 1. These limited studies will facilitate characterization and optimization of hits early in the development process. These studies may serve as a “go”/”no go” decision point for the project. 2. Efficacy must be demonstrated in at least one animal species. 3. Efficacy may be shown against the actual threat agent OR an acceptable surrogate agent. 4. Must document a medicinal chemistry lead optimization capability if this is the goal of the preliminary ADME Tox and/or Pharmaceutical studies. 5. Budget is limited to $50K direct costs. A new application will have to be submitted and approved for continued support beyond the $50 K preliminary work. Submission Instructions: Submit Pre-Proposals by email to: Sarah Norring, Ph.D. CounterACT Program Specialist, NIH sarah.norring@nih.gov REV 06/2015 Page 26 ASPR/ BARDA Supported Development of Medical Countermeasures for Chemical Exposure The Chemical threat landscape is uniquely large and diverse, and presents several challenges to effective response. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Chemical Terrorism Risk Assessment lists more than 125 chemicals of concern, including both traditional and emerging chemical weapon agents as well as many widely available toxic industrial chemicals. DHS has issued a material threat determination covering nerve agents and cyanide chemical threats. There are also Material Threat Assessments for several other chemical agents. Development of a robust portfolio of post-exposure antidotes and non-pharmaceutical interventions for chemical exposure supports the Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHECME) and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) strategic goals of developing medical countermeasures (MCMs) against threats identified by the Department of Homeland Security. The advanced development of these MCMs in order to make them available to protect the American people is the goal of the BARDA Chemical MCM program. BARDA provides an integrated, systematic approach supporting development and acquisition of the necessary drugs and diagnostic tools for chemical emergencies. The BARDA Chemical MCM Program’s goal is to support development of effective chemical threat countermeasures, including nonpharmaceutical interventions such as decontamination, as well as novel and repurposed therapeutics for treatment of exposure. Current BARDA Chemical MCM initiatives include the development of new and repurposed drugs to treat the effects of nerve agents, vesicants, and cyanide: animal models for chemical exposure; and enhancement of the emergency MCMs forward-deployed in the CHEMPACK program of the Strategic National Stockpile. A vital goal is to develop MCMs that can be easily used in a mass casualty situation and that are safe and effective for adults, children, and the elderly. As we move into the future, BARDA remains focused on the development and regulatory approval of vital MCMS making them available to protect the civilian exposure from Chemical threats. Through improved response, improved standards of care, and improved therapeutic interventions we can achieve our ultimate mission of improving the health outcomes for all victims of chemical exposure. Judith Wolfe Laney, Ph.D. Chief, Chemical Medical Countermeasures Division of CBRN Countermeasures HHS/ASPR/BARDA/CBRN Office: 202-205-8043 judith.laney@hhs.gov Tom C.-C. Hu, Ph.D. MBA DABMP Project Officer HHS/ASPR/BARDA/CBRN Office: 202-260-2092 Tom.Hu@hhs.gov Efrain E. Garcia, Ph.D. Project Officer, Division of CRBN Countermeasures HHS/ASPR/BARDA/CBRN Office: 202- 205-3817 Efrain.Garcia@hhs.gov www.medicalcountermeasures.gov Page 27 POSTER SESSION INFORMATION POSTER SESSION 1: MONDAY, JUNE 15 (5:00PM – 7:00PM) Session Poster No. 1 N.1 Synthesis and storage stability of diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) Bobby N. Brewer, Donald W. Zehnder II, Derik R. Heiss, GE Platoff Jr, DT Yeung 1 N.2 Phorate oxon: Acute oral toxicity in the Sprague-Dawley rat and acetylcholinesterase reactivation kinetics TH Snider, RA Moyer, CM Wilhelm, MC Babin, GE Platoff Jr, DT Yeung 1 N.3 Towards design of accelerated OP-hAChE reactivators by analysis of conformational changes in hAChE upon reversible and covalent ligand binding in solution and in crystal Donald. K. Blumenthal, Andrey Kovalevsky, Xiaolin Cheng, Palmer Taylor and Zoran Radic 1 N.4 Improved standard of care reactivators and facilitative transport into the central nervous system Bryan J. McCranor, Jayendra Bhonsle, John T. Koh, Raghupathi Neelarapu, Wei Bao, Yuchen Zhang, and Gregory Garcia 1 N.5 Novel brain-penetrating oxime reactivators increase survival of rats to surrogates of sarin and VX and paraoxon Janice Chambers, Edward Meek and Howard Chambers 1 N.6 Reactivation of aged acetylcholinesterase: Design and development of novel therapeutics against exposure to organophosphorus chemical nerve agents Q Zhuang, A Awad, R McKenney, T Blanton, R Dicken, A Franjesevic, C Callam, C McElroy, O Dogan-Ekici, R Yoder, CM Hadad 1 N.7 Oxime therapy doses that provide 50% survival against subcutaneous and topical organophosphate challenges at 2xLD50 CM Wilhelm, TH Snider, MC Babin, GE Platoff Jr, DT Yeung 1 N.8 Refinement and pharmacokinetic studies of BChE and AChE reactivators for nerve agent and pesticide OP detoxification in human tissue Palmer Taylor, Zrinka Kovarik, Rakesh K. Sit, Jeremiah Momper, Yvonne Rosenberg, Valery V. Fokin and Zoran Radic 1 N.9 Induced therapeutic overexpression of acetylcholinesterase in vivo Susana G. Rossi and Richard L. Rotundo 1 N.10 Pharmacotherapy to counterACT parathion-induced NMJ dysfunction Naofumi Bunya, Hanif Benoit, Romolo Gaspari, Teji Khurana, Emanuelle Loro, Steve Bird N.11 Efficacy and safety of an aerosolized recombinant butyrylcholinesterase pretreatment against inhaled OP toxicity Yvonne Rosenberg, S. Moises Hernandez, Xiaoming Jiang, Lingjun Mao, Sami Cardak, Beth Laube, Robert Adams 1 N.12 Redox cycling by vitamin K3 (menadione) inhibits parathion metabolism and protects against parathion intoxication in rats Yi-Hua Jan, Jason R Richardson, Angela B Baker, Vladimir Mishin, Diane E Heck, Debra L Laskin, Jeffrey D. Laskin 1 N.13 Structural screening in zebrafish cytochrome P450s Jared Goldstone, Joanna Wilson, Philippe Urban, John Stegeman 1 N.14 A novel in vitro model for studying tetramethylenedisulfotetramine-induced neurotoxicity Linnea R. Vose, Marcela Laukova, Jana Veliskova, Libor Velisek, Patric K. Stanton, Michael P. Shakarjian Page 28 1 Neurological Agents N.15 Diazepam and midazolam effectively terminate tetramethylenedisulfotetramine-induced status epilepticus and enhance survival in mice. Dorota Zolkowska, Donald A. Bruun, Casey A. Boosalis, Bruce D. Hammock, Pamela J. Lein and Michael A. Rogawski 1 N.16 Comparative efficacy of diazepam versus midazolam in mitigating persistent neuropathology in a rat model of acute OP intoxication Brad Hobson, Douglas Rowland, Kiran Dhakal, Abdul Wahab, Donald Bruun, Jill Silverman, Michael Rogawski, Daniel Tancredi, Simon Cherry, Joel Garbow and Pamela Lein 1 N.17 Rapid analyses of TETS and DFP neurotoxicity: Achieving predictive screens for novel antiseizure and neuroprotective interventions Atefeh Mousavi Nik, George Kenneth Todd, Susan Hulsizer, and Isaac N. Pessah 1 N.18 Potent inhibitor of the soluble epoxide hydrolase synergizes the efficacy of diazepam while reducing its adverse effects through independent mechanisms Bora Inceoglu, Sung Hee Hwang, Kin Sing Stephen Lee, Jun Yang, Bogdan Barnych, Natalia Vasylieva, Sean Kodani, Vikrant Singh, Stephen Vito, Donald Bruun, Susan Hulsizer, Isaac Pessah, Pamela Lein, Heike Wulff and Bruce Hammock 1 N.19 Modulation of synaptic and extrasynaptic GABAA receptors by diazepam and allopregnanolone Hai M. Nguyen, Brandon M. Brown, Brandon Pressly, Heike Wulff 1 N.20 Targeted statistical support for UC Davis CounterACT Research Yingjia Chen, Danielle Harvey, Danh Nguyen, Susan Hulsizer, Isaac Pessah and Daniel Tancredi 1 N.21 The development of a neuroprotective treatment for nerve agent poisoning using central A1 adenosine receptor agonists Thaddeus Thomas and Tsung-Ming Shih 1 N.22 Zebrafish: An in vivo high throughput model for evaluating the efficacy of oximes to reactivate organophosphate-inhibited acetylcholinesterase TM Shih, T Dao, J Koenig, RK Kim, and RK Kan 1 N.23 Evaluation of anticonvulsants to treat nerve agent- and pesticide-induced seizures and prevent brain damage in pediatric rats Stephanie M Miller-Smith, Erika A Scholl, Sergiu Costinas, Emylee McFarland, Wafae Driwech, Emily Dunn, Ashley Hubbard, Cecelia Jackson, John H. McDonough, F. Edward Dudek 1 N.24 The efficacy of medical countermeasures to attenuate the neuropathological and behavioral consequences of soman exposure in the aging rat model MC Moffett, TM Turner, MF Stone, LA Lumley 1 N.25 Evaluation of cannabinoids as adjunct to standard therapy for soman-induced toxicity in rats F Rossetti, L Wright, S Sanjakdar, C Jennings, M Stone, C Schultz, M Pham, M Moffett, M Schultz, L Lumley 1 N.26 Percutaneous VX in rats: efficacy of medical countermeasures and decontamination at onset of toxic signs L Lumley, L Wright, F Rossetti, C Schultz, M Schultz, M Stone, E Clarkson 1 N.27 Evaluation of hippocampal circuit function and synapse strengths following soman-induced seizures in acute slices” Katie Hoffman, Phil Beske, Katelynn Schulz, Jim Apland and Patrick McNutt 1 Page 29 1 N.28 The efficacy of LY293558, a GluR5 Kainate receptor antagonist, against soman-induced seizures and neuropathology in female rats Taiza H. Figueiredo, James P. Apland, Vassiliki Aroniadou-Anderjaska, Volodymyr I. Pidoplichko, and Maria F.M. Braga 1 N.29 Efficacy of neurosteroid therapy against soman-induced seizures and brain injury DS Reddy, R Kuruba, X Wu 1 N.30 A new delayed-treatment rodent organophosphate-exposure model to identify novel neurotherapeutic adjuncts F. Edward Dudek, Steven Bealer, Bonnie Roach and Wendy Pouliot 1 N.31 Rat and guinea pig models of nerve agent intoxication to evaluate delayed treatment with novel anticonvulsants Hilary S. McCarren, Sergiu Costinas, Emily Dunn, Wafae Driwech, Ashley Hubbard, Cecelia Jackson, Ryan Krempel, Emylee McFarland, Craig Oppel, John H. McDonough 1 N.32 Parathion exposure: Mechanisms of toxicity and treatment- neuroprotection R. J. DeLorenzo, L. Deshpande, R. Blair, L. Phillips and B. Huang 1 N.33 Circulating Ccr2+ monocytes display delayed brain infiltration after status epilepticus and contribute to the innate neuroimmune response Nicholas H. Varvel, Jonas J. Neher, Richard J. Miller, Richard M. Ransohoff, Mathias Jucker and Raymond Dingledine 1 N.34 Evaluation of oxidative stress and therapeutic window of AEOL10150 in the rat organophosphate models Li-Ping Liang, Pallavi Bhuyan, Jie Huang, Brian J. Day, and Manisha Patel 1 N.35 Definitive studies for use of galantamine as a pre-treatment countermeasure against nerve agent poisoning. EX Albuquerque, EFR Pereira, Y Aracava, JD Pescrille, DA Carter, GW Basinger 1 N.36 Rational therapy in the treatment of cholinergic seizures C Wasterlain, R Baldwin, K Norman, J Niquet, L Suchomelova, F Rossetti, L Lumley Session Poster No. 1 P.1 Multifunctional therapeutics for treatment of acute chlorine inhalation injury Garry Southan, Andrew Salzman, Perenlei Enkhbaater 1 P.2 In vivo and in vitro correlation of targeted Hsp70 activity for pulmonary cytoprotection Missag H. Parseghian, Stephen T. Hobson, Claire Croutch, Rick Tuttle, Richard Richieri, Thomas R. Carpenter, Glenn T. Reynolds, Richard H. Weisbart, Robert Nishimura 1 P.3 VE-PTP inhibition for the prevention of phosgene-induced acute lung injury TJ McCord, M Padgett, JL Reinardy, J Janusz, WM Foster, KG Peters, CD Kontos 1 P.4 Extracellular RNA in 2-chloroethyl ethyl sulfide (CEES)-induced lung injury Maroof Husain, Iram Zafar, Sarah C. Christiaans, Jean-Francois Pittet, Shama Ahmad and Aftab Ahmad 1 P.5 Heme attenuation ameliorates irritant gas inhalation induced acute lung injury Sadis Matalon 1 P.6 A small molecule NOS2 inhibitor prevents acute lung injury after chlorine exposure Timothy McCord, Michael Gentile, Michael Foster, Michael Dee Gunn Pulmonary Agents Page 30 POSTER SESSION 2: TUESDAY, JUNE 16 (12:00 PM – 1:30 PM) 2 P.7 Nitrite dependent protection against Cl2 gas toxicity: Role for chlorinated lipids Jaideep Honavar, Joo-Yeun Oh, David Ford, Sadis Matalon, Rakesh P Patel 2 P.8 Functional genomics of chemical-induced acute lung injury GD Leikauf, K Bein, RL Birru, BB Chen, TM Martin, JP Fabisiak 2 P.9 Novel therapies for chlorine-induced lung injury Gary W. Hoyle, Sadiatu Musah, Connie F. Schlueter, David M. Humphrey, Jr., Gregory Rawson, Joe A. Nino, Kenneth H. Carson, and Andrew M. Roberts 2 P.10 Countermeasures for chlorine-induced airway fibrosis Gary W. Hoyle, Sadiatu Musah, David M. Humphrey, Jr., Connie F. Schlueter, and Andrew M. Roberts 2 P.11 Accelerating inflammation resolution to counteract chemical injury S. Achanta, S. Balakrishna, N.R. Chintagari, A. I. Caceres, Z. Yu, S. Doran, S. Matalon and S. E. Jordt 2 P.12 Pharmacokinetics and efficacy of a TRPV4 inhibitor in a porcine model of chlorine-induced pulmonary injury S. Achanta, M. Gentile, A. I. Caceres, M. M. Kaelberer, D. J. Behm, T. Roethke, I. Cheifetz, M. D. Gunn and S. E. Jordt 2 P.13 Thioredoxin mimicry: novel treatment of toxicant-mediated inhalational lung injury Garry Southan, Andrew Salzman, Waylon Weber and Jake McDonald 2 P.14 Upregulation of autophagy decreases chlorine gas induced mitochondrial injury and lung inflammation Sadis Matalon 2 P.15 Halogen inhalation-induced myocardial depression and failure Shama Ahmad and Sadis Matalon 2 P.16 Assessment of treatment strategies following inhalational ammonia exposure in male rats Michael W. Perkins, Benjamin Wong, Ashley Rodriguez, Justin Tressler, Reese Baker, Jennifer Devorak, and Alfred M. Sciuto 2 P.17 Genomic assessment of phosgene-induced lung injury and evaluation of potential therapeutics Wesley W. Holmes, Danielle C. Paradiso, Cristin C. Rothwell, Heidi M. Hoard-Fruchey, Alfred M. Sciuto, Dana R. Anderson 2 P.18 Acute physiological, biochemical, and genomic responses in rats exposed to the toxic gas phosphine H. Hoard-Fruchey, J. Tressler, J. Simons, C. Rothwell, M. Martens, B. Wong, J. Andres, R. Deckert, C. Hofmann, T. Hamilton, J. Devorak, A. Rodriguez, T. Gutierrez, M. Wegner, and A. Sciuto 2 P.19 Novel treatments of acrolein-induced cardiotoxicity Daniel J. Conklin Session Poster No. 2 V.1 Vesicant Agents Activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) by nitrogen mustard and potential therapies to attenuate corneal injury. AS DeSantis, A Miller, RA Hahn, P Zhou, N Heindel, YC Chang, DR Gerecke, KK Svoboda and MK Gordon Page 31 2 V.2 Alterations in expression of connexins in hairless mouse skin following exposure to nitrogen mustard YC Chang, HY Chang, RA Hahn, EE Lee, RP Casillas, JD Laskin, PJ Sinko, DE Heck, MK Gordon and DR Gerecke 2 V.3 Regulation of macrophage activity by histone deacetylases during nitrogen mustard-induced lung injury A Venosa, J Gow, I Berman, R Malaviya, A Gow, JD Laskin and DL Laskin 2 V.4 Attenuation of nitrogen mustard-induced skin inflammation with 25-hydroxyvitamin-D3 Lopa Das, Rebecca Boxer, and Kurt Lu 2 V.5 Reversal of nitrogen mustard-induced corneal injury by dexamethasone or doxycycline treatment Dinesh G Goswami, Neera Tewari-Singh, Rama Kant, Dileep Kumar, Chapla Agarwal, David A Ammar, J Mark Petrash, Rajesh Agarwal 2 V.6 Comparative effects of silibinin and AEOL 10150 in reversing skin toxicity from topical nitrogen mustard exposure Anil K. Jain, Dileep Kumar, Neera Tewari-Singh, Rama Kant, Dinesh G. Goswami, Chapla Agarwal, David J Orlicky, Carl W. White, Brian J Day, and Rajesh Agarwal 2 V.7 Pulmonary vascular thrombosis in rats exposed to high dose sulfur mustard C. Osborne, L.A. Veress, N Serkova, P. Houin, T. Hendry-Hofer, J. Rioux, R. Garlick, J.E. Loader, R. Smith, W. Holmes, D. Paradiso, D. Anderson, and C.W. White 2 V.8 AEOL 10150 improves morbidity and mortality after sulfur mustard inhalation C.S. McElroy, E. Min; J. Huang, J.E. Loader, T.B. Hendry-Hofer, R.B. Garlick, J.S. Rioux, L.A. Veress, R. Smith, C. Osborne, D.R. Anderson, W.W. Holmes, D. Paradiso, C.W. White, B.J. Day 2 V.9 Changes in the expression of Urokinase (uPA) and its receptor (uPAR) on airway monocytes in response to CEES inhalation Raymond C. Rancourt, Livia A. Veress, Russell W. Smith, and Carl W. White 2 V.10 tPA decreases long term mortality in rats with bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) and pulmonary fibrosis (PF) during chronic recovery from sulfur mustard vapor inhalation Livia A. Veress, Rhonda Garlick, Jacqueline Rioux, Christopher Osborne, Russell Smith, Joan Loader, Carol Burns, and Carl W. White 2 V.11 Vesicant and toxic industrial chemical ocular injury: High-throughput screening approaches to identify therapeutic targets and understand mechanisms of injury John G. Lehman, Robert D. Causey, Cristina V. Lagrasta, and Albert L. Ruff 2 V.12 Evaluation of endotheliotrophic modulators to mitigate acute and persistent corneal symptoms resulting from ocular exposure to sulfur mustard vapor Patrick McNutt, Kaylie Tuznik, Timm Varney, Marian Nelson, Elliot Glotfelty, Angela Adkins, Megan Lyman, Justin Grynovicki and Tracey Hamilton Session Poster No. 2 2 2 Cellular Agents C.1 Brodifacoum poisoning: development of adult and in utero rat models, and lipid intervention regimens Douglas Feinstein, Israel Rubinstein, Richard van Breeman, Belinda Akpa, Sergey Brodsky, Guy Weinberg C.2 A Discovery and development pipeline for cyanide countermeasures: Project 1 - High throughput in vivo discovery of cyanide antidotes Patrick Sips, Anjali K. Nath, You Wang, Yan Liu, Amy Kelly, Brittney Mikell, Matthew Brenner, Sari Mahon, Gerry R. Boss, Robert E. Gerszten, Randall T. Peterson, Calum A. MacRae C.3 A Discovery and development pipeline for cyanide countermeasures: Project 2 - Optimization of novel cyanide countermeasures. Anjali K. Nath, You Wang, Yan Liu, Patrick Sips, Matthew Brenner, Sari Mahon, Gerry R. Boss, Robert E. Gerszten, Calum A. MacRae, Randall T. Peterson Page 32 2 C.4 A Discovery and development pipeline for cyanide countermeasures: Project 3 – Validating promising drug candidates in mammalian models of cyanide poisoning Matthew Brenner, Tanya Burney, Jangwoen Lee, Sari Mahon, David Mukai, Adriano Chan, Gerry R. Boss 2 C.5 Development of a field-deployable device to rapidly measure blood cyanide levels Winnie Tong, Roy Chung, Keith Kopitzke, Brendan O’Farrell, and Hans Boehringer 2 C.6 Cobalt Schiff-base macrocycles as antidotes to acute cyanide poisoning Andrea A. Cronican, Elisenda Lopez Manzano, Kristin L. Frawley, Jim Peterson and Linda L. Pearce 2 C.7 Pre-clinical and clinical studies of cobinamide, a new cyanide detoxifying agent Adriano Chan, Jingjing Jiang, Matthew Brenner, Tanya Burney, Jangwoen Lee, Sari Mahon, David Mukai, Carol Green, Mingtao Liu, Helen Parish, Jennie Wang, Vikhyat Bebarta, Susan Boudreau, Patricia Dixon, Matthew Brittain, Michael Babin, and Gerry R. Boss 2 C.8 Preclinical development of the cyanide antidote Sulfanegen Bryant Moeller, Avian Chang Alexandre Monteil, Simranjit Sra, Harpreet Singh, David Beebe, Kristal Jackson, Herbert Nagasawa, Kumar Belani and Steven Patterson 2 C.9 Antagonism of acute sulfide poisoning by nitrite anion Kristin L Frawley, Andrea A. Cronican, Humza Ahmed, Linda L Pearce, Jim Peterson 2 C.10 Qualifying a mouse model of hydrogen-sulfide induced neurotoxicity Poojya Anantharam, Elizabeth Whitley, Paula Imerman, Arthi Kanthasamy, Gerry Boss, and Wilson Rumbeiha 2 C.11 H2S induced coma and cardiogenic shock in the rat: Effects of phenothiazinum chromophores Takashi Sonobe, Annick Haouzi, Matthew Rannals, Timothy K. Cooper and Philippe Haouzi 2 C.12 Establishing a realistic model of ingested chemical agents in rats Nathaniel C. Rice, Jeffrey L. Langston, Todd M. Myer 2 C.13 Preclinical development of novel cyanide medical countermeasures JD Downey, DM Hildenberger, MO Rhoomes, AR Allen, I Petrikovics, BA Logue, M Brenner, SB Mahon, GR Boss, and GA Rockwood 2 C.14 Comprehensive gene expression profile analysis in mouse tissues after cyanide exposure AR Allen, JD Downey, MO Rhoomes, DM Hildenberger, HM Hoard-Fruchey, and GA Rockwood Session Poster No. Others 2 O.1 CounterACT Preclinical Development Facility CE Green and HJ Parish 2 O.2 ASPR/BARDA-supported development of medical countermeasures for chemical exposure Tom Hu, Efrain Garcia and Judith Laney 2 O.3 Multidisciplinary approaches developed in Italy to stimulate wound healing; advances in stem cell technology R Businaro, M Corsi, T Di Raimo, S Marasco, B Salvati and R Capoano Page 33 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Interested in Submitting a Conference Proposal? 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