PIERS Proceedings, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 12–15, 2013 754 Effect of Stationary Magnetic Fields on Different Bacterial Strains P. Krepelka1 , E. Hutova1 , and K. Bartusek2 1 Department of Theoretical and Experimental Electrical Engineering Brno University of Technology, Technicka 12, Brno 612 00, Czech Republic 2 Institute of Scientific Instruments, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Kralovopolska 147, Brno 612 64, Czech Republic Abstract— The authors discuss the effects of stationary magnetic fields on the growth, morphology, and chemical composition of colonies of bacteria. Homogeneous and gradient stationary magnetic field modified these bacterial cells by a exhibiting the magnetic flux density value of 5.5 to 8 T/m. The modified bacterium was compared with a reference sample placed in the same conditions outside the magnetic field. Using neodymium magnets, we generated ten different magnetic field types of diverse densities and defined configurations. The model of the magnetic field structure was computed by means of a finite element method (ANSYS) and experimentally verified via measurement with a Hall effect sensor. Within the follow-up stages of the research, changes in the chemical composition of bacterial cells will be monitored. We used NIR spectroscopy to examine the influence of a magnetic field on the metabolism of the bacteria. Although the interpretation of the NIR spectra is a difficult task, this method is suitable for the measurement of water-based samples. The changes are to be evaluated via an analysis of the principal components. 1. INTRODUCTION The bacterial strains applied in the experiment were Lactobacillus acidophillus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterococcus durans, and Escherichia coli, all in the form of colonies cultivated on the growth medium and in an isotonic diluent. We examined the effect of a magnetic field on these bacterial strains. Growth suppression caused by the elimination of the bacteria via the magnetic field [1] was anticipated. The experiment was carried out under stable ambient conditions to exclude possible effects of the environment. We used standard image processing methods to observe the structure and size of the bacterial colonies on Petri dishes. These variations will bring an effect on the number and strength of the molecular bonds. An appropriate technique for the determination of these changes appears to consist in the vibration spectrum; the observation of the variations is performed by means of the NIR spectrum. 2. IMAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUES A special algorithm is required for the counting and measurement of the colony radius. The described technique is based on standard image processing methods. The image of the Petri dish was taken by an HP scanjet G3110 with 600DPI (bottom down). The process of evaluating the size of the colony radius is shown in Figure 1. The preprocessing procedure first requires us to decrease the image size to optimalize the computation speed. Then, the image is converted to grayscale. In some cases, converting the image by means of classic algorithms [2] may be sufficient. However, if the color of the colonies is known, the conversion based on HSL components [3] is desirable. This is the best method of highlighting the colonies against the background. In the next step, it is necessary to binarize the image. The conversion to a black-and-white (binary) image can be performed using thresholding algorithms. For this case, balanced histogram tresholding [4] is used. This method works with the image histogram and checks the balance of this histogram. To achieve the balanced state, the technique removes components on both sides of the histogram. When this iterative process finishes, the result threshold is known. After that, image segmentation is needed. Firstly, blobs are isolated by method introduced at [5]. We have the set of blobs with one or more colonies. To determine whether we are dealing with a single colony, the circularity criterion is used. This criterion is based on computing with the blob perimeter and area. Equation (1) expresses the relation between these variables (a — blob area, p — perimeter). Lower values reflect bigger circularity. µ ¶ 4πa 2 fc = 1 − 2 (1) p Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 12-15, 2013 755 Figure 1: Evaluation of the size of the colony radius. Figure 2: The formation and skeleton of a colony. If the measured blob has a sufficient circularity, it is regarded as a colony, and its radius is measured. Otherwise, the algorithm for connected colonies was used. This algorithm computes the skeleton of the formation. At each point of skeleton, it creates a shape vector [6] and determines the probability of circle appearance. This probability is defined by the occurrence of a number of the same value. If the probability is high enough, the related part of the formation is declared as a colony with a defined radius, and this part is then removed from the formation. This procedure is repeated until all formations are removed. 3. DETERMINING THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BACTERIAL CELLS The chemical variations are observed by means of the NIR spectrum. The magnetic field influencing the metabolism of the bacteria changes their membrane structure and ratio of lipids, proteins and polysaccharide. These variations will bring an effect on the number and strength of the molecular bonds, which will affect the NIR spectrum. Near-infrared spectroscopy is a spectroscopic method that uses a narrow region of the electromagnetic spectrum (900 nm to 2500 nm). The generated light passes over the sample. According to the strength and type of the molecular bonds, the spectrum will absorb some of the light wavelength. We used a transmission method to acquire the spectra; the length of the measuring path was 2 mm. The maximum recovery diluent (water, peptic digest of an animal tissue, sodium chloride) was used for the storage and measurement. All samples were stored in an Eppendorf micro test tube 1 ml. The Varian Cary 5E spectrometer gained a spectrum with 3 nm spectral resolution and 0.1 s average reading time. The preprocessing of the acquired spectra was performed using normalization and the smooth first derivate (Savitzky-Golay) [7]. In this experiment, the standard normal variate (SNV) was used for the analysis. The result of the SNV expressed zero mean data with a normalized variance. After that, orthogonal signal correction was used to increase the prediction accuracy. This orthogonal signal correction is based on a simple idea related to suppressing the part of input variables that is unrelated to the predicted value. Within the process, a signal correction is performed that does not remove useful information from the input data. For the analysis, the classic chemometric method of principal component analysis (PCA) is used. All the above-mentioned algorithms were implemented in Mathworks MATLAB 7.9.0. Figure 3 shows a slight shift of the peak near 1385 nm between the reference sample and the sample affected by a magnetic field on the Enterococcus durans. A similar effect was observed in all measured bacteria strains. Another singularity was observed at 1185nm; in all affected PIERS Proceedings, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 12–15, 2013 756 samples, we measured the absorption increase. These changes in the spectra may be caused by changes in the chemical composition of a bacterial cell. A peak shift is observed at the edge of a strong O-H first overtone peak of water; this anomaly can be caused by different concentrations of organic compounds The peak around 1190 nm can be associated with the second overtone of the C-H stretching molecule bond. The C-H bonds occurs in amino acids found in proteins. The described situation can be a proof of a different biochemical process inside bacteria cells. For meaningful results, more measurements would be needed with a focus on the different bacteria concentrations and various temperatures. These changes were confirmed by the PCA analysis. The PCA is a well-known technique applied to identify statistical trends in data. This method provides a procedure for the reduction of a complex data set to a lower dimension to reveal the sometimes hidden dependencies. The goal of the PCA is to reduce the number of variables to a smaller set of components by analyzing the variance in the variables. The components are created as linear combinations of the variables. The weight of these combinations is shown in Figure 4(a). We can notice negative peaks at 1390 nm and 1180 nm, which confirms our previous observations. The middle section of Figure 4 expresses the residual error of the constructed model (affected vs. unaffected) according to number of components. With more components involved in the creation of the model, the residual error decreases. By two components unaffected and affected bacterial strains can be distinguished using computed weights at mentioned peaks (Figure 4(b)). (a) (b) Figure 3: (a) The preprocessed difference spectrum, (b) detail of peak shift. (a) (b) (c) Figure 4: (a) The weight of component 1; (b) mean residual error of the model; (c) classification by the PCA. 4. MODEL OF THE MAGNETIC FIELD The characteristics of the applied magnetic fields were determined using the finite element method in the ANSYS system. The representation of the resulting magnetic flux density vectors is shown in Figure 5. In the experimental measurement of the magnetic flux density gradient, we assumed that the highest value of the gradient will be achieved between the magnets [8]. 5. CHARACTERIZATION OF THE EXPERIMENT The experiment was conducted in steps as shown in Figure 6. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 12-15, 2013 757 Figure 5: The results of the ANSYS-based modeling [8]. Preparation and cultivation of the bacterial colonies Acquire image of the colonies. Acquire NIR spectrum. Insert into the magnetic field Growth of the colonies (inside/ outside) magnetic field Acquire image and spectrum. Process results Figure 6: Description of the experiment. Figure 7: Percentage growth of bacteria on the of experiment. We used two types of stationary magnetic fields. The first type was created at the ferrite magnet exhibiting the magnetic field gradient value of 5.5 and 5.68 T/m. The second type was created by the neodynium magnets. Magnets exhibit the magnetic field gradient. Density values are from 10 to 11 T/m. The third group of Petri dishes were used as a reference. Experiment takes 7 days at laboratory temperature (22◦ C). 6. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION Four bacterial strains were stored in a maximum recovery diluent. The solution was used to prepare the colonies and to facilitate the NIR measurement. After the formation of the colonies, the first image of the reference and the exposed samples was acquired, and the NIR spectra were measured. The experiment lasted for 7 days at a laboratory temperature (22◦ C). At the end of the experiment, another image was acquired and the resultant spectrum obtained. As expected, the magnetic field had suppressed the growth of the colonies. To highlight the differences, a longer time or higher temperature would be necessary. The Enterococcus durans and the Staphylococcus epidermidis increased their radii by about 3% in the reference sample and 1–2% in the exposed sample. The other set strains exhibited similar results. Because of the inappropriately selected conditions, the growth was negligible and difficult to measure. For a convincing proof of growth suppression by the magnetic field, more measurements should be performed. The biological effect of the electromagnetic field may be based on the interference among ionic channels in the membrane, which affect the transportation of ions into the cells. Another explanation lies in the formation of free radicals caused by the magnetic field [1]. More interesting results were obtained by examining the NIR spectra. Two significant changes 758 PIERS Proceedings, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 12–15, 2013 were observed in the spectrum. First, there occurred changes in the compound concentration proved by the motion of the absorption peak to 1385 nm. Second, the ratio of proteins changed, it demonstrates decrease of peak at 1185 nm. This could constitute the proof of a different biochemical process inside bacteria cells. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The research described in the paper was financially supported by project of the BUT Grant Agency, No. FEKT-S-11-5/1012 and project from Education for Competitiveness Operative Programme CZ. (Electro-researcher). REFERENCES 1. Strasak, L., V. Vetterl, and J. Smarda, “Effects of low-frequency magnetic fields on bacteria Escherichia coli,” Bioelectrochemistry, Vol. 55, No. 1–2, 161–164, Jan. 2002. 2. Bovik, A., Handbook of Image and Video Processing, Academic, New York, 2000, ISBN: 9780-12-119792-6. 3. Bovic, A. C., M. Clark, and W. S. Geisler, “Multichannel texture analysis using localized spatial filters,” IEEE Trans. PAMI, Vol. 12, No. 1, 55–73, 1991. 4. Sahoo, P. K., S. 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