Electronic structure with Intel® Many Integrated Core (Intel MIC) with Elk W. Sco= Thornton Joint Ins@tute for Computa@onal Sciences Outline • Introduc@on to the many-­‐body problem • Density func@onal theory • Computa@onal challenges for ground-­‐state calcula@on • The APW method • Results The Many-­‐body problem Ĥ = − N � ∇2 i i=1 2 + kine@c energy N � v (ri ) + i nuclear poten@al Born-­‐Oppenheimer Approxima@on Nuclei are considered fixed in space An@symmetric wavefunc@on Ψ = Ψ(r1 , r2 , · · · , rN ) Pauli principle dictates that with any interchange of the electron coordinates and spin, the sign of the wavefunc@on must reverse. N � i<j 1 |ri − rj | e-­‐e interac@ons Density func@onal theory (DFT) Hohenberg-­‐Kohn theorem states that there is a one-­‐to-­‐one mapping between the the external poten@al, V, and the electronic density, n(r). v(r) ←→ n (r) The total energy is a func@onal of the density. E [n] = F [n] + � drv (r) n (r) v (r) system dependent external poten@al F [n] universal func@onal which includes the many-­‐ body kine@c energy and electron-­‐electron interac@on We don’t know F [n] Walter Kohn (www.nobelprize.org) Density func@onal theory (DFT) Kohn-­‐Sham scheme centers around using an auxillary system of non-­‐interac@ng electrons that give the same density as the interac@ng system. Kohn-­‐Sham equa@on � electronic density � 1 2 − ∇ + Vks [n](r) φi (r) = �i φi (r) 2 n(r) = � i |φi (r)| 2 Kohn-­‐Sham eff. poten@al Vks [n](r) = v(r) + Vh (r) + Vxc [n](r) Hartree poten@al Vh (r) = � n(r� ) 3 � d r � |r − r | Exchange-­‐correla@on poten@al • local density approxima@on (LDA) • generalized gradient approxima@on (GGA) • LDA with Hubbard U (LDA+U) Density func@onal theory (DFT) (periodic systems) Periodic unit cell V (r + R) = V (r) Bloch state φ(r) −→ ψnk (r) ψnk (r) = eik·r unk (r) c unk (r) is periodic with the unit cell a We have a k-­‐dependent Hamiltonian We can paralellize using k-­‐points. b Computa@onal scope What about DFT calcula@ons makes them expensive? Sheer number of orbitals – nanopar@cles and molecules can have 100’s or 1000’s of atoms Large number of basis func@ons – full-­‐poten@al, all-­‐electron methods, orbitals span many length scales Pseudopoten@als Pseudopoten@als replace the core (nuclei and core orbitals) of each atom with an effec@ve poten@al Reduces the total number of orbitals for calcula@on Smooths the poten@al near the vicinity of each nuclei which reduces the number of required basis func@ons Mixed basis set Other ways of handling the span of length scales is to use a mixed basis set Augmented plane waves Mul@wavelet adap@ve mesh Quick diversion about APW methods In APW methods, space is divided into an atomic sphere region and an inters..al region In the muffin @n region, the Bloch states are composed of radial func@on and spherical harmonics ψnk (r) = � cnk lm Rl (r)Ylm (θ, φ) lm In the inters@@al region, the Bloch states composed of plane waves ψnk (r) = � dn(k+G) ei(k+G)·r lm Inters@@al region Atomic sphere (Muffin @n) • • • • • • Full poten@al, all electron LAPW code Exci@ng EU Research and Training Network GNU General Public License Fortran 90 Paralellized with either MPI or OpenMP h=p://elk.sourceforge.net/ Kohn-­‐Sham equa@on � � 1 2 − ∇ + Vks [n](r) φi (r) = �i φi (r) 2 !"#$%&'()*)+,-( .'*/)&0( !"#$%&'( $"&'*+,-( Kohn-­‐Sham eff. poten@al Vks [n](r) = v(r) + Vh (r) + Vxc [n](r) !"*/&1%2&(3,/)/( 4%*2+"*/( Hartree poten@al Vh (r) = � � n(r ) 3 � d r � |r − r | electronic density n(r) = � i |φi (r)| 5%)-.( 6,#)-&"*),*( <=$")*&(( $,1,--'-)9,+"*( 7),8"*,-)9'( 6,#)-&"*),*( 2 !"*:'18'.;( Results 30 actual 20 15 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Number of OpenMP threads 70 actual 60 Speedup of Si (64 k-pts) Ideal speedup equa@on Speedup of Si (27 k-pts) ideal 25 ideal 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Number of OpenMP threads 70 80 90 Speedup of Si (27 k-pts) Ideal speedup equa@on 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 actual ideal 10 20 30 40 50 60 Number of OpenMP threads Speedup of Si (64 k-pts) Results 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 actual ideal 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Number of OpenMP threads Time dependent density func@onal theory (TDDFT) Runge-­‐Gross theorem extends the principles of DFT to the @me dependent case. One-­‐to-­‐one correspondence between the @me-­‐dependent density and a @me-­‐ dependent poten@al (up to an arbitrary purely @me-­‐dependent func@on. n(r, t) ←→ v(r, t) + c(t) Time-­‐dependent Kohn-­‐Sham equa@on ∂ i φj (r, t) = ∂t � n(r, t) = |φi (r, t)| N � i=1 � 1 2 − ∇ + vks [n](r, t) φj (r, t) = �j φj (r, t) 2 2 vks [n](r, t) = v(r) + vh (r, t) + vxc [n](r, t) TDDFT linear response Electronic density for the interac@ng system: n [vext ] (r, t) = n0 (r) + � � � � � � � ∂n [vext ] (r, t) � dr dt vext (r , t ) + ··· � � � ∂vext (r , t ) vext [n0 ] χ (r, r� ; t − t� ) Electronic density for the auxillary system: n [vks ] (r, t) = n0 (r) + � � � � � � � ∂n [vks ] (r, t) � dr dt vks (r , t ) + ··· � � � ∂vks (r , t ) vks [n0 ] χ0 (r, r� ; t − t� ) Rela@ng χ (r, r � ; t − t� ) and χ0 (r, r� ; t − t� ) , we get: χ = χ0 + χ0 [v + fxc ] χ TDDFT linear response For a periodic system, in the Bloch basis: χG,G� (q, ω) = � χ0G,G� (q, ω) � + χ0G,G1 (q, ω)× G1 ,G2 δG1 ,G2 v(q + G1 ) + xc fG (q, ω) 1 ,G2 � χG2 ,G� (q, ω) non-­‐interac@ng response: BZ 1 �� fj � ,k+q − fj,k 0 χG,G� (q; ω) = × Ω � �j � ,k+q − �j,k − �(ω + iη) jj �j, k|e i(G+q)·r � k � |j , k + q��j , k + q|e −i(G� +q)·r |j, k� Applica@ons in electronic structure • GW Approxima@on (many-­‐body effects included in GS) • Constrained RPA • Dynamical Mean Field Theory • Quantum Monte Carlo