Office Supplies All of Government Buyer`s Guide

July 2015
For more information on anything covered in this guide, please contact the Office Centre of Expertise (CoE) at
the details below:
Office CoE
New Zealand Government Procurement
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
PO Box 1473
Wellington 6143
We want to ensure this guide concisely provides agencies with all the information they require in order to use
the Office Supplies All-of-Government (AoG) contract. If you have any feedback around how we could improve
this guide please send it to the Office CoE.
Publishing date (July 2015)
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand Licence. In essence, you are free to copy,
distribute and adapt the work non-commercially, as long as you attribute the work to The Crown and abide by the other licence terms. To view a copy of
this licence, visit
Please note that no departmental or governmental emblem, logo or Coat of Arms may be used in any way that infringes any provision of the Flags, Emblems, and
Names Protection Act 1981. Attribution to The Crown should be in written form and not by reproduction of any such emblem, logo or Coat of Arms.
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Context ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
About New Zealand Government Procurement (NZGP) ................................................................................. 4
About All-of-Government contracts ............................................................................................................... 4
Collaborative contracts.................................................................................................................................. 4
About the Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide........................................................................................................ 5
Office Centre of Expertise .............................................................................................................................. 5
Eligibility........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Resources...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Office Supplies contract information ................................................................................................................ 6
Contract at a glance....................................................................................................................................... 6
Office Supplies Panel of Suppliers .................................................................................................................... 9
Participating in All-of-Government contracts ................................................................................................. 10
Contractual Relationships ............................................................................................................................ 10
Roles and Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................... 11
Transitioning to this contract ....................................................................................................................... 12
How do I join? ............................................................................................................................................. 13
How do I buy? ............................................................................................................................................. 14
How do I manage the supplier relationship? ................................................................................................ 16
Other contracts .............................................................................................................................................. 17
All-of-Government contracts ....................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix 1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Scope Clarification table .............................................................................................................................. 18
Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide
The goods and services provided by our suppliers are often critical to the public and the country’s economic
and social well-being. On average 37 cents in every dollar spent by a government agency is with a supplier.
Effective procurement helps government agencies deliver better public services while realising value for
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) influences and shapes public service provision
through the Procurement Functional Leadership (PFL) programme. MBIE’s focus is on raising standards,
improving capability and reducing duplication in government procurement through a collaborative, centre-led
About New Zealand Government Procurement (NZGP)
NZGP delivers on MBIE’s PFL objectives to shape procurement excellence and deliver value for New Zealand.
The following objectives drive our programme of work:
Lift performance, add value and maximise results;
Create an environment where New Zealand businesses can succeed;
Unlock cost savings and value for money; and
Assisting the Canterbury rebuild
We lead a range of initiatives aimed at building procurement capability and fostering collaboration across the
New Zealand Public Sector.
About All-of-Government contracts
We have established All-of-Government (AoG) contracts to take the hassle out of procuring common goods
and services, so government agencies can focus on achieving strategically important business outcomes.
AoG contracts harness the collective purchasing power of government by establishing single supply
agreements for the supply of selected common goods and services.
AoG contracts account for about 2% of government spend with third party suppliers and are designed to
improve engagement with government suppliers. They also go some way to standardise procurement
engagement with government, reduce transaction costs and improve overall service quality for government
and suppliers alike. They deliver high quality products and services to government and value for money for
the New Zealand taxpayer.
Collaborative contracts
Collaborative contracts allow eligible agencies to purchase goods and services collectively. Each collaborative
contract has a lead agency responsible for the procurement process and the resulting collaborative contract.
In addition to the All-of-Government contracts lead by NZGP, the following two types of collaborative
contracts are also available to Eligible Agencies:
 Open Syndicated (OS) contracts
 Common Capability (CC) contract
The Collaborative Contracts Register lists all established collaborative contracts.
For more information, email: procurement@mbie.govt.
For a full list of existing AoG contracts visit the ‘Other contracts’ section of this guide.
Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide
About the Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide
This guide is designed to provide government agencies with the information they need to buy from the All-ofGovernment (AoG) Office Supplies contract for the supply of key office supplies; washroom consumables,
cleaning and hygiene consumables, ICT consumables and educational supplies.
It provides an overview of:
the key features, benefits and scope of the contract
the panel of suppliers
contractual relationships amongst all parties, and
how to join, transition to and buy from this contract.
Office Centre of Expertise
The Office Centre of Expertise (CoE) manages the development, negotiation, supplier performance, and ongoing contract management of the Office Supplies contract within New Zealand Government Procurement.
The Office CoE is there to help you assess the value the Office Supplies contract can deliver for your agency
both at implementation phase and throughout the life of the contract. This could include general advice
relating to the contract and selection of preferred supplier(s), assistance with analysis of the savings your
agency can achieve through the contract as well as additional value that can be achieved through best practice
Get in touch with the Office Centre of Expertise:
Laura Cendak,
Senior Procurement Analyst
(04) 896 5250
Harriet Campbell,
Procurement Analyst
(04) 901 4198
Agencies within the State Sector, as well as Local Authorities, and State funded Schools (together, the New
Zealand Public Sector) are eligible to buy from AoG contracts.
For more information, or to assess your eligibility to join AoG contracts, please visit the NZGP website or email:
Visit for more information including further guides, tools and templates.
inSource is a secure, web-based library of the most up-to-date and commercially sensitive information on AoG
contracts including current supplier contact details, supply agreements, pricing and other contract
management tools.
If you would like access to inSource or want to register additional users for your agency or school, please visit
the Registration page or contact for more information.
Glossary of terms
For explanations of common procurement words and expressions please refer to the NZGP Jargon Buster
Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide
Office Supplies contract information
Contract at a glance
The AoG Office Supplies contract offers a flexible approach to participation, covering five broad product
categories; one compulsory category and four specialist categories as detailed below.
Agencies must participate in the key office supplies category when signing up to the solution. The four
specialist categories are not compulsory although agencies will be requested to provide a reason for opting
out. Agencies should participate in all categories relevant to them.
Agencies choose the categories they wish to sign up for and the supplier in each category that they wish to
sign up with (agencies will have an exclusive relationship with one supplier in each category they sign up for).
Agencies can choose a maximum of five suppliers across all categories (one for each category). It is good
practice to consolidate to a smaller number of suppliers where possible.
Compulsory product category
Contains common products that all agencies purchase, are generally available from the
supermarket, and are commonly stored in agency resource rooms or kitchenettes.
Key Office Supplies
General stationery
Photocopy paper
Business machines and consumables (e.g. laminators)
Kitchenette (basic canteen supplies)
Under sink (basic cleaning supplies)
Health (basic first aid supplies)
Specialist product categories
Contain products of a more specific nature with specialist, as well as generalist suppliers
available on the washroom consumables and cleaning and hygiene consumables panels.
Scope and Structure
Hand towels
Hand soap
Toilet tissue
Cleaning and
Cleaning chemicals
and compounds
consumables and
ICT consumables
Data storage
Arts and crafts
hardware and
Filing system
Exercise books
A full list of the types of products available under the contract is available as an
Appendix to this Buyer’s Guide.
Out of scope
Furniture, milk, water, coffee machines and their consumables, ICT hardware, print
devices, computer software, library and filing hardware, dispensers.
Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide
The Office Supplies contract offers choice, flexibility and AoG negotiated pricing
across a wide range of products that government agencies purchase.
The large panel of suppliers ensures agencies’ business requirements are catered for,
no matter which sector they belong to or where in New Zealand they are located.
Features & Benefits
The contract is easy to join, use, and manage.
The contract offers great value for money due to competition among suppliers,
including specialist suppliers, manufacturers and regionally represented suppliers,
and achieves significant savings for products.
Panel suppliers
This solution is a product only contract – no services are included (e.g. cleaning).
The panel includes 11 suppliers – five supplying all categories, and six specialist
suppliers supplying in the washroom consumables and cleaning and hygiene
consumables categories. Details of these suppliers are listed in the Office Supplies
panel of suppliers section of this guide.
Five suppliers are ‘generalists’, i.e. they supply products across all categories.
It is estimated that savings achieved will average 7 per cent for large agencies and up
to 30 per cent for smaller agencies, against what an agency could achieve at current
market rates, outside of AoG. However this could increase depending on participation
choices made and supplier selection.
A Price Comparison Tool is available on inSource. This tool provides a high level
generic pricing comparison of some products included in the suppliers’ core
18 July 2015
First term end date
18 July 2019
One right of renewal for two years (ending on 18 July 2021)
Each supplier has an individual list of products they offer under the contract.
Core catalogue products
Catalogues and
Catalogue reviews
These are split out by the compulsory & specialist categories as explained in the
Scope and Structure section above. These are products that the Office CoE and the
suppliers have determined to be Core Products because agencies buy them regularly.
These products are high volume, with a high discount and provide the best value for
Compulsory Product Category:
Key Office Supplies
Specialist Product Categories:
Cleaning and
ICT consumables
Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide
Non-core catalogue products
All other products that are not included in the core catalogue but are in scope of the
A full and up-to-date list of core and non-core products in offered is available from
the suppliers at any time on request.
Suppliers can submit requests to the Office CoE for changes to the core catalogue on
a quarterly basis. This can include removing obsolete products, adding new products
and requests to alter negotiated prices. The Office CoE will advise all participating
agencies quarterly via email, if changes to the core catalogue/s are approved.
Most AoG contracts include an administration fee. This fee is a simple, effective, and
transparent way of recovering the cost of developing, sourcing, implementing and
managing AoG contracts.
Administration fee
For the Office Supplies Contract, the administration fee represents 1.5 per cent of an
agency’s total spend through this contract. Pricing offered to agencies through the
contract includes the cost of the fee.
The supplier collects this fee at the point-of-sale and returns it to MBIE on a quarterly
basis. Agencies are not required to make any payment to MBIE.
Terms & Conditions
Refer to the Memorandum of Understanding on inSource or by contacting the Office
Centre of Expertise.
information and
value-add options
Participating agencies will be able to achieve the greatest savings through purchasing
all products from a small number of suppliers – rather than splitting purchasing
across many suppliers. A consolidation benefit is offered by some suppliers if an
agency participates in multiple categories with them.
Participating agencies will have access to all specials a supplier offers to the public, if
the special price is lower than the negotiated AoG price.
A service fee will be applied where agencies’ purchasing behaviour causes suppliers a
higher cost to serve – e.g. placing small orders or by placing non-electronic orders.
However, participating agencies can avoid these fees by following best procurement
practise and consolidating purchase orders.
Choosing the right preferred supplier(s) is an important decision in order to meet
your agency’s needs and generate further savings. Check the How to Buy section in
this guide for guidance on supplier selection.
The full details of these benefits and fees are outlined in the Attributes Model within
inSource. This tool provides direct comparisons across panel suppliers for non-price
elements agreed to in their Supply Agreements.
All commercially sensitive information, including pricing, contractual documents, and supplier contact details,
can be found on the Office Supplies inSource page.
Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide
Office Supplies Panel of Suppliers
The panel offers choice, flexibility, and AoG negotiated pricing across a wide range of products that
government agencies purchase.
Cleaning & Hygiene
Educational Supplies
Key Office Supplies
The range of suppliers ensures agencies’ business requirements are catered for, no matter which sector they
belong to or where in New Zealand they are located. Agencies can change suppliers twice over the life of the
contract for each category.
Advance International Cleaning Systems
(NZ) Limited
Alsco New Zealand
Corporate Consumables Limited
Fuji Xerox New Zealand Limited
Holgren Enterprises Limited trading as
Jasco Distributing1
OfficeMax New Zealand Limited
Office Products Depot Limited
Pacific Hygiene Limited
Staples New Zealand Limited
The Service Company Limited
Wesfarmers Industrial and Safety New
Zealand trading as Packaging House
Suppliers’ profiles, a Price Comparison Tool, Attributes Model for direct comparison of services offered across
suppliers, and contact details of each supplier can be found on inSource or by contacting the Office Centre of
*Covers Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Gisborne, and Hawkes Bay regions.
Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide
Participating in All-of-Government contracts
Contractual Relationships
The below diagram demonstrates the contractual relationships between MBIE, Participating Agencies and
Purchase Order
The table below provides a brief overview of the contractual documents between each of the three parties;
these documents can be found on the contract’s inSource page.
Supply Agreement
Signed between MBIE and each supplier when the contractual relationship
is formed.
Non-Disclosure Agreement
Signed between MBIE and eligible agencies to allow access to AoG
contracts and commercially sensitive information.
Email to request the NDA for AoG contracts.
Note: eligible agencies only need to sign a NDA once to gain access to
information across all AoG contracts.
Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU)
Summary of key terms & conditions across all supplier contracts for the
Office Supplies contract.
Letter of Accession
Signed by eligible agencies to confirm agreement to the MoU. By signing
the LoA eligible agencies join the contract as a participating agency.
Purchase Order
A request by a participating agency for the supply of products in the form
agreed between the agency and supplier (i.e. online ordering).
Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide
Roles and Responsibilities
Participating Agency
Contract User
Participating agencies maintain day to day operational relationships with their
preferred supplier(s). Key responsibilities include:
 purchasing only from their preferred supplier(s) the products in scope of this
 paying the charges to the supplier(s)
 managing operational relationship with supplier(s) in relation to products
purchased, invoicing and any reporting from the supplier directly
 providing adequate instructions and information, and notifying supplier(s) of any
and all policy, security clearances and probity checks required to allow them to
provide the products under a Purchase Order
 working with supplier(s) to achieve best purchasing practises (i.e. access ecommerce solutions, training staff, forecasting demand, product disposal)
 meeting its own record keeping obligations
 notifying the Office CoE promptly of any issues with their supplier(s)
 treating as confidential all information related to this contract available on
inSource or communicated by the CoE.
Ministry of Business
Innovation &
Employment (MBIE)
Office Centre of
Expertise (CoE)
within New Zealand
Procurement (NZGP)
Contract Owner
MBIE negotiates and enters into all AoG contracts on behalf of the Crown, as part of
the PFL programme.
Contract Manager
The Office CoE within NZGP is responsible for managing the AoG contract, key
responsibilities include:
monitoring the suppliers’ performance against service level agreements
managing strategic relationship with supplier
on-going development of the category strategy
reviewing and communicating changes to core catalogue products
validating and communicating price changes quarterly
managing all other changes to the AoG contract
admitting new participating agencies
approving and removing subcontractors
receiving supplier’s notice of technology advances and developments
dispute resolution as escalated by either the supplier or participating agency.
Supplier of Products
Key responsibilities of each supplier under the AoG Office Supplies supply
agreement include:
 providing products to participating agencies
 providing planning and advice for the agency to move to best purchasing
practises (i.e. rationalising catalogues, consolidating orders)
 reporting to the Office CoE as per the supply agreement and to agencies as
 providing account management to participating agencies
 providing contract management to the Office CoE.
Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide
Transitioning to this contract
It’s important that eligible agencies consider any existing arrangements when assessing the suitability of the
AoG Office Supplies contract for their business needs. Below are some common scenarios for agencies
transitioning onto this contract.
You can contact the Office CoE for more information or support around transitioning.
Scenario one
Government agency has an existing contractual arrangement (i.e. outside of the Office Supplies contract) for
products with a supplier on the Office Supplies contract panel.
The expectation is that the supplier will transition the agency, with guidance provided by the Office CoE, onto
the AoG Office Supplies contract provided the agency is not penalised for doing so e.g. transition does not
cause the agency to pay early termination fees.
There is a provision for an agency to continue to purchase outside of AoG for specialised items that are out of
scope of the contract and/or if the preferred supplier is unable to provide.
Scenario two
Government agency has an existing contractual arrangement (i.e. outside of the Office Supplies contract) for
products with a supplier NOT on the Office Supplies contract panel.
The expectation is that the agency will bring this existing arrangement to an end as quickly as possible
provided the agency is not penalised by doing so. At the latest the existing arrangement should end at the
conclusion of its current term (i.e. the current arrangement should not be renewed or extended). Once the
current arrangement is concluded the agency should start purchasing from the Office Supplies contract panel.
Scenario three
Government agency is participating in the first generation AoG Office Consumables contract and wants to
transition to the second generation AoG Office Supplies contract.
All participating agencies are required to formally confirm their continued participation in the second
generation contract, Office Supplies, by signing a Letter of Accession (LoA).
If your agency has not yet transitioned, refer to step three of the How do I join section of this guide.
When transitioning to the second generation contract, there is a good opportunity to review your agency’s
demand for, and spend in, Office Supplies and to consider which supplier(s) will best meet your agency’s
needs. Refer to the How do I buy section of this guide.
Scenario four
Government agency is participating in the first generation AoG Office Consumables contract and WILL NOT
transition to second generation AoG Office Supplies contract.
The first generation AoG Office Consumables contract expires on 17 July 2015. From 18 July 2015, all the
terms, conditions and negotiated pricing of the Office Consumables contract cease to exist. Your agency will
need to negotiate your own terms, conditions and pricing with your preferred supplier(s) outside of AoG.
Government agencies who want to opt-out of purchasing from an AoG contract should consider their
obligations under the Government Rules of Sourcing (Rule 55), and are advised to discuss their situation with
the Procurement Functional Leader; MBIE.
Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide
How do I join?
Note: if you’ve already joined any other AoG contract, start at the third step below ‘Log into inSource’.
Check eligibility
Agencies within the State Sector, as well as Local Authorities, and State
funded Schools (together, the New Zealand Public Sector) are eligible to buy
from AoG contracts, Common Capability contracts and Open Syndicated
contracts (Collaborative Contracts).
For more information about eligibility or to find out if your agency is eligible
to join AoG contracts, visit the NZGP website or email:
Sign a Non-Disclosure
Agreement (NDA)
Log into inSource
Agencies who have not yet signed up to an AoG contract must sign and
return a NDA before they can access confidential contract information
relating to AoG contracts.
Email to request a NDA or to confirm whether your
agency has already signed one.
Once NZGP has the signed NDA, the agency will be issued with a log-in to
inSource; the secure online library that hosts all of the confidential
information, tools and guidance (including pricing and other commercial
details) relating to the contract.
If you’re having trouble accessing inSource, email
Assess your business
requirements against the
contract offering
Read the Memorandum
of Understanding (MoU)
Agencies need to consider any existing contracts when assessing the
suitability of the Office Supplies contract for their business needs. See the
Transition section of this guide for more information.
Using the information, tools and guidance available on inSource, agencies
can then identify how the contract can best meet their business needs.
Each AoG contract has a related MoU, which sets out the relationship
between the CoE and participating agencies. It highlights the obligations of
each party and the key points in the contract as they relate to participating
By signing a LoA, agencies agree to the terms and conditions of the MoU
and the related AoG contract. This allows agencies to buy from the contract.
Sign a Letter of Accession
As part of the sign-up process, agencies are required to select which
categories to participate in and with which supplier(s). Check the How to
buy section in this guide for guidance on category and supplier selection.
Agencies need to sign a specific LoA for each individual AoG contract they
wish to join as well as upon the renewal of any existing and new AoG
The Office CoE is here to help agencies work through what the contract offers and assistance with the
paperwork. Contact the Office CoE for more information or support around joining the contract.
Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide
How do I buy?
Please see below for an overview of what’s involved with making decisions about which categories and
supplier(s) you wish to sign your agency up to. Full support and guidance for each step is available on inSource
or contact the Office CoE to discuss how to maximise the benefits available in this contract.
Determine requirements
You need to consider what is most important to your agency (e.g. lowest
prices, product range, high service levels, administrative simplicity, capability
to interface with an agency’s Financial Management Information System
(FMIS), geographical reach, regional presence etc…) to help you shortlist
You may need to review your agency’s purchasing behaviour – whether
various units buy independently from the same supplier or not. Talking with
others in your agency can also help you to decide whether specialist
requirements exist and which categories are relevant to you agency.
Review categories
There are five categories in the Office Supplies contract and different
suppliers are contracted to supply different categories. You can choose
different suppliers across different categories as long as you select a single
supplier per category (i.e. to purchase all products in the scope of each
category from one supplier).
Key Office Supplies
Once signed up to the Office Supplies contract, you must participate in the
Key Office Supplies category. There are five suppliers in this category.
Specialist categories
You can choose to participate in all or any of the four specialist categories. If
you don’t choose to participate in a specialist category, you can’t access AoG
prices for that category. There are eleven suppliers in these categories,
including specialist and generalist suppliers.
Consider approach to
selecting suppliers
You can select one supplier for each of the categories you want to participate
in based on any criteria, but we recommend you follow a robust process that
ensures you get the best value out of the contract.
Selection of a supplier for a category creates an exclusive relationship for
purchasing all products included in the category from them.
Note that suppliers offer individualised core catalogues that each bring
different strengths. For example, some offer a Consolidation Benefit if you
sign up with them for multiple categories - refer to the Attributes Model on
inSource for more information.
It is considered good practice to consolidate onto a smaller number of
suppliers. We suggest you decide in which categories you have specific
reasons to use a specialist supplier based on the requirements you’ve
determined at step one.
Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide
Compare Supplier
offerings and create a
Review the supplier profiles on inSource for information on each supplier’s
type of business, environmental policies, value-add services, and any other
information they feel is important for you to make an informed decision.
This information allows you to get a feel for the type of organisation a
supplier represents and whether they would represent a good fit for your
agency e.g. a supplier that supports environmentally friendly or fair trade
products, a specialist supplier, a regionally/New Zealand-owned supplier.
A Price Comparison Tool and associated templates are also available on
inSource to help you shortlist suppliers on price.
Talk to short listed
Complete the Suppliers
and Product Category
sign-up sheet
Start/continue buying
The products included in this solution are highly transactional; they are
ordered frequently, many people in your organisation may order them and it
is therefore important that your preferred supplier(s) meets your agency’s
We suggest that you talk to at least two to three shortlisted panel suppliers
prior to final selection. Often the best way of determining whether the
supplier will be a good fit for your agency is by getting to know your likely
contract manager, discussing your requirements and how they propose to
work with you.
As part of the sign-up process, agencies are required to select which
categories to participate in and with which supplier(s) by completing the
Suppliers and Product category sign-up sheet attached to the LoA.
Agencies must participate in the Key Office Supplies category when joining
the contract. However, they can add/opt out of any of the four specialist
categories at any time. Agencies can also switch supplier(s) twice for each
category during the term of the contract.
Once we receive an agency’s category and suppliers’ selection form and the
signed LoA, we will notify their preferred supplier(s) who will be in touch to
assist the agency in their transition as well as to answer any operational
For example, each agency will have to agree the method of purchasing with
their supplier(s) i.e. online ordering, purchase orders.
We also recommend agencies discuss with their preferred supplier(s) how to
rationalise their core catalogue and inform their supplier(s) if they will
nominate a third party for purchasing products.
Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide
How do I manage the supplier relationship?
Participating agencies will continue to be responsible for managing their supplier relationships from an
operational perspective.
Participating agencies will need to consider what kind of reporting they require from suppliers. They will need
to agree the content and frequency of these reports with the supplier directly.
Generally it is expected that reporting would be provided to participating agencies on a quarterly basis.
Reporting should usually cover detailed analysis on spend, top products purchased, service provided to the
agency (against the Service Level Agreements in the Supply Agreement), as well as information on missed
savings for the agency and any process improvements which could be implemented to reduce these.
Performance reporting
The Office CoE monitors the overall performance of suppliers against the contracted Service Level
Agreements, with reporting available to agencies, usually on a quarterly basis.
Purchase order and invoice (bill)
Participating agencies use a variety of methods to place purchase orders for products from suppliers.
Electronic ordering is considered best practise for Office Supplies. Electronic ordering includes ordering via a
suppliers’ website or through an electronic mechanism that links the agency and supplier systems (i.e. ecommerce or ICT integration). Electronic methods make ordering simple and quick, reduce errors, provide
agencies control over the products available for purchase, link cost codes to users and in the long run reduces
the cost of purchasing, payment and supply of these products for all parties. Consolidated invoicing provides
the greatest benefit to participating agencies due to decreased administration required by the agency.
Payment of invoices is due the 20th of the month following the month the invoice was received. Payment is
made directly to the supplier by the agency. AoG prices are negotiated on the understanding that government
agencies pay in full, on time.
Resolve disputes
The supplier and agency must do their best to resolve disputes. Agencies are encouraged to contact the Office
CoE to discuss any issues. The following table shows the formal escalation process for disputes in an AoG
The day the dispute arises
Both parties attempt to resolve the dispute
If not resolved within 10 business days
Agency and supplier escalate to their respective senior
If not resolved within another 10
business days
Agency escalates to Office CoE and supplier stays with the senior
If not resolved within a further 10
business days
Agency escalates to MBIE’s manager for collaborative procurement
and supplier escalates to the General Manager/Director
Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide
Other contracts
All-of-Government contracts
Advertising Media
Baseline discounts on the placement of advertising in media
Advertising Services
Client, creative, production and media planning & buying services
Air Travel
Domestic and International services
Design Services
Client, design and production services including provider sourcing
Supply of electricity and associated services
External Legal Services
All external legal service excluding Barristers Sole & Queen’s Counsel, core
Crown legal matters, patent attorneys and overseas firms
External Recruitment
Supply of primary recruitment for permanent, temporary and contractor
IT Hardware
A growing range of products including desktops, laptops, tablets and thin
client devices
Mobile Voice and Data
Access to provider’s mobile network, mobile voice, text & data services and
mobile hardware
Print Devices
Single and multi-function print devices
Rental Vehicles
Latest model vehicles and competitive insurance rates for the domestic
Reticulated Gas
Time-of-Use (TOU) and non-TOU supply in the North Island
Risk Financing and Insurance
Intermediary Services
The supply of risk financing and insurance intermediary services including
specialist advice and competitive solutions
Travel Management Services
A suite of travel management services including, online booking tools, expert
travel consultants, account management, reporting, risk management, travel
policy and spend controls, and consolidated invoicing
Passenger and light commercial vehicles
The Collaborative Contracts Register lists all established collaborative contracts.
For more information, email: procurement@mbie.govt.
Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide
Appendix 1
Scope Clarification table
Key Office
Supplies (KOS)
Key Office Supplies is designed to provide
all basic products that any size office or
school requires to operate.
Generally speaking, most of the products
included in this category can be bought
from a supermarket and do not require
training to use.
For cleaning products and supplies and
hardware the items included in this
category are basic products that would be
accessed by staff, do not require data
safety sheets and no training is required to
use them. Specialist products that cleaners
would use are included in the Cleaning and
Hygiene Consumables category (CHC).
Product Group
Business machines
Business machine
Books and pads
Cleaning products
Cleaning supplies
and hardware
First aid kits
First aid kits
Kitchen paper
Kitchen utensils
Office Stationery
Tea, instant and ground coffee, milo, chocolate drinks, malt drinks,
Laminators, binders, shredders, dictation, clocks, guillotines, clocks,
calculators, label machines
Laminating pouches, binding coils and covers, shredder bags, dictation
tapes, guillotine blades, labels for machines
Notepads, notebooks, desk pads, adhesive pads, adhesive flags, memo
cubes and refills, diaries
Dishwashing liquid, dishwashing machine tablets and powder, basic
disinfectant, hand soap (small pump bottles), basic surface cleaning
Buckets, mops, brooms, dusters, dustpans, brushes, cloths, wipes,
office and kitchenette rubbish bags, office and kitchenette rubbish
Lever arch, manila, acetate pockets, folders, suspension files, L shapes
pockets, concertina files, desk top files, indices, document wallets and
files, business card files, flash drives
Basic first aid kids for office, kitchenette and car
Plasters, bandages, dressings, paracetamol, torches, first aid scissors,
tape, gauze swabs, eye irrigation, burn gel, ice/heat packs, sunscreen,
insect repellent, facial tissues, basic first aid gloves
Biscuits, crackers, sweets, snack food, condiments, sugar and sugar
Kitchen towels, serviettes, food bags
Not in category or
not in scope (NIS)
Coffee machine consumables including beans, milk
powder, vending chocolate, milk, water (NIS)
Exercise books, sketch pads, educational diaries (ES)
Commercial size and strength cleaning products (CHC)
Commercial size and specialised supplies and hardware
Clipboards (ES)
Industrial size or specialist kits (NIS)
Specialist supplies, defibrillators and medical grade
supplies including gloves (NIS)
Cooking ingredients (NIS)
Disposable food preparation clothing (NIS)
Plastic and foam cups, plastic and foam plates, plastic cutlery, stir
sticks, straws
Envelopes plain, courier bags
Batteries, erasers, rulers, office scissors, staplers, staples, staple
removers, hold punches, finger cones, office glue, office glue sticks,
rubber bands, clips, fasteners, pins, tape, binders, string, security ID
holders, name badge holders, recycling trays, tape, labels
White and coloured for printers, photocopiers and faxes, lineflow
Stamps, postage paid envelopes
Metal cutlery, crockery, glass and arcoroc cups and
plates (NIS)
Office pens, pencils, highlighters, markers, correction products
Art pencils and pens, whiteboard pens, fabric pens (ES)
Eftpos and thermal paper (ICT), art and craft paper (ES)
Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide
Supplies (ES)
ICT consumables (ICT) is designed for those
agencies who are not signed to the All of
Government (AoG) print services and/or
AoG IT hardware contract and require
access to purchase these items.
Educational Supplies (ES) is designed for all
agencies who purchase the products
included in the category (not just schools).
The products are generally specialist in
nature and there should be no cross over
between products included in this category
and products included in Key Office
Back to School items are not included in the
scope of this solution. Items are only for the
purchase of the school – students are not
able to buy the products.
Washroom Consumables (WC) is designed
to provide products that an agency will use
in their washroom.
No hardware or services to support these
products are included in this category.
Cleaning and
Cleaning and Hygiene Consumables (CHC) is
designed to provide commercial size and
strength products to agencies.
Hand soap
Printers, faxes, photocopiers, inkjet and laser
Computer cleaning products, copy holders, monitor stands and risers,
footrests, keyboards, mice, mouse mats, ergonomic accessories,
screen filters, fax consumables, OHP film and accessories, cables and
adapters, eftpos and thermal paper and accessories
Hard drives, CDRs, data cartridges, data tapes, disk drives, diskettes,
media storage and storage boxes, mailers
Sign pens, speciality pencils and pens, fabric pens, crayons, felt tip
markers and pens ,chalk, paint, paint brushes, speciality art paper,
compasses, protractors, T-squares, sketch pads, stencils, poster paint,
window paint.
Glitter, craft card, craft glue, clay, pom poms
Exercise books, scrapbooks, lecture books, shorthand books, graph
books, sketch books, education diaries
Whiteboard pens, sticky A2 pads, flipchart pads, whiteboard magnetic
Non electric whiteboards, flipchart stands, cork boards, black boards,
wall planners, frames, brochure holders, bookends, clipboards, staff
indicator boards
Storage boxes, archive boxes, archive accessories, filing system
accessories (e.g.
Soap products that are used in dispensers in washrooms
Hand towels
Paper products that are used in dispensers in washrooms
Toilet tissue
Paper products that are used in dispensers in washrooms
Cleaning chemicals
and compounds
Ammonia, bleach, degreaser, graffiti remover, methylated spirits,
chlorine, drain cleaning, insect repellent (commercial), deodoriser,
methylated spirits, Shower, toilet, urinal, bathroom, floor cleaner,
polish and sealer, carpet, dishwashers, furniture, graffiti, gum,
infection control, laundry, metal, mildew, mould, moss, vehicle,
disinfectant, hand and surface sanitiser, glass, oven and grill, urine,
vomit, industrial strength hand soap
Cloths, wipes, vacuum bags and filters, polishing pads, buffers,
disposable gloves for cleaning, microfiber products, specialist buckets,
specialist mops, specialist brooms
Data storage
Exercise books
Products in this category will not generally
be available at the supermarket due to
their size or the specialist nature of them.
Safety data sheets and training are required
to use many of the products in this
category, which would generally be used by
cleaning staff, not agency staff.
consumables and
Computers, laptops, screens, software, headsets (NIS)
Office pens and pencils (KOS)
Business machines and consumables (KOS)
Electric whiteboards (NIS)
Filing hardware e.g. shelving (NIS)
Small individual soaps (KOS),
Sanitiser and industrial strength soap (CHC)
Dispensers, services, hand and hair and body lotion and
moisturiser (NIS)
Kitchen towels (KOS),
Hand dryer machines, dispensers, services (NIS)
Facial tissues (KOS)
Dispensers, services (NIS)
Small size products available in the supermarket (KOS)
Basic and small quantity packs and sizes of cloths, wipes,
buckets, brooms, mops, dusters (KOS)
Trolleys, vacuum cleaners, rubbish bags, signs, safety and
protective clothing, non disposable gloves, medical grade
and non disposable gloves (NIS)
Office Supplies Buyer’s Guide