Operational Amplifier Stability Part 10 of 15: Capacitor Loop Stability: Riso with Dual Feedback by Tim Green Linear Applications Engineering Manager, Burr-Brown Products from Texas Instruments Part 10 of this series is the sixth and final verse of our familiar electrical engineering tune, “There must be six ways to leave your capacitive load stable.” The six ways are Riso, High Gain & CF, Noise Gain, Noise Gain & CF, Output Pin Compensation, and, what we cover here: Riso w/Dual Feedback. -G en iu s. ne t This topology is very often used to buffer a precision reference integrated circuit. As a voltage buffer, the op amp circuit provides higher source and sink currents than can be originally driven from the precision reference. Although we will look specifically at the gain of one, voltage follower configuration, the Riso w/Dual Feedback can be used with gains greater than one with slight modifications to the formulae provided. We will look at the two dominant types of op amp topologies, bipolar emitter-follower and CMOS RRO. The analytical and synthesis steps and techniques will be similar, but there are subtle differences -- enough to warrant looking at each respective output topology. As an added bonus we will purposely violate our rule-of-thumb guide and create the BIG NOT to see the effects of improper stability compensation. Pu bl is he d on EN From our stability analysis tool kit the Riso w/Dual Feedback technique will be presented by firstorder analysis, confirmed through TINA-TI (a fully functional SPICE program loaded with TI models) loop stability simulation, checked by the Vout/Vin ac transfer function analysis in TINA-TI, and finally sanity-checked by the Transient Real World Stability Test run in TINA-TI. This Cload stability technique has been confirmed to work as predicted in real-world, actually-built circuits at some time over the last 25 years. However, due to resource limitations, each circuit specifically presented here has not been built, but rather is left to the reader as an exercise or the application of each technique to his/her own individual application (ie analyze, synthesize, simulate, build and test). Bipolar Emitter-Follower: Riso w/Dual Feedback As The bipolar emitter-follower we will choose to analyze the Riso w/Dual Feedback technique is the OPA177, as detailed in Fig. 10.1. The OPA177 is a low drift, low input offset voltage op amp capable of being powered from ±3 V to ±15 V. OPA177 Precision Operational Amplifier ne t Specification +/-3V to +/-15V 1.3mA typical 10uV typical 0.1uV/C typical +/-0.5nA typical 85nVrms (1Hz to 100Hz) (V-)+2V to (V+)-2V 600kHz 140dB 60 ohms 0.3V/us 2V typical (RL=2k) DIP-8, SO-8 -G en iu s. Parameter Supply Voltage Quiescent Current Offset Voltage Offset Drift Input Bias Current Input Voltage Noise Input Voltage Range Gain-Bandwidth Product Open Loop Gain Open Loop Output Resistance Slew Rate Voltage Output Swing from Rail Package EN Fig. 10.1: Bipolar Emitter-Follower Op Amp Specifications As Pu bl is he d on Note that in a typical bipolar emitter-follower topology (see Fig. 10.2) both the positive and negative output drives to Vo are bipolar emitter-followers. Very few op amp data sheets today include equivalent schematics that would tell us the topology of the output stage used inside of the op amp. As such it is only through factory only information that we are assured of the topology. Fig. 10.2: Typical Bipolar Emitter-Follower Op Amp Topology The Riso w/Dual Feedback circuit we will analyze for Bipolar Emitter-Follower op amps is shown in Fig. 10.3. Through RF direct feedback is provided across the load, CL, and thereby forces Vout to equal VREF. FB#2, through CF, provides a second feedback path, which dominates at high frequency, to guarantee stable operation. Riso creates the isolation between FB#1 and FB#2. Notice than in many of our previous techniques for stabilizing capacitive loads we used the modified Aol approach where the output impedance of the op amp and capacitive load modified the op amp Aol curve, on which we plotted a 1/ which would make the circuit stable. With the Riso w/Dual Feedback technique we will find it easier to leave the op amp Aol curve unmodified and to plot FB#1 1/ and FB#2 1/. We will then use superposition to arrive at a net 1/ curve which, when plotted on the op amp Aol curve, will allow us to easily synthesize a solution to this capacitive load stability problem. RF100k ne t FB#1 CF82n -G en iu s. FB#2 VEE12 VO 5V U2REF02 - VREF 5V ++ 5V CL10u on REF02 Trim Out EN U1OPA177E Vin Gnd Vout Riso26.7 is he d VCC12 Pu bl Dual Feedback: FB#1 through RF forces accurate Vout across CL FB#2 through CF dominates at high frequency for stability Riso provides isolation between FB#1 and FB#2 Fig. 10.3: Riso With Dual Feedback: Emitter-Follower As Having a chosen op amp, the Aol Test Circuit (Fig. 10.4) will give us a stability analysis starting point. VG1 CT1T R2100k + DC = 0Vpk AC = 1Vpk LT1T VEE12 R11k U1OPA177E Vout ++ VCC12 Aol = Vou t / VM 104.65uV Aol Curve Test Circuit: Almost 0 volts no DC load across R2 no DC Io Our Circuit measures unloaded Aol R2, R1 provide AC path for high pass filter with CT R2, R1 provide AC path for low pass filter with LT Fig. 10.4: Aol Test Schematic: Emitter-Follower The Aol curve can be obtained from the data sheet, or measured in our TINA-TI simulation as shown here. This circuit, using dual power supplies, allows us to measure the unloaded Aol curve since Vout is nearly zero volts and our input common mode voltage specification is easily met. R2 and R1 together with LT provide an ac path for the low-pass filter function, which allows us dc short circuit and ac open circuit in the feedback path. Remember, TINA-TI must perform a closed-loop dc analysis to find the operating point of the circuit before it can perform an ac analysis. R2 and R1, together with CT provide an ac path for the high-pass filter function, which allows us dc open circuit and ac short circuit into the input. LT and CT are chosen as large values to ensure their respective operations of shorts and opens at any ac frequency of interest. In the OPA177 Aol Curve as a result of simulation (Fig. 10.5) the unity gain bandwidth is 607.2 kHz. T a 160 140 Aol 120 ne t 80 60 40 20 0 -20 10m 100m 1 10 100 -G en iu s. Gain (dB) 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 100k 1M Frequency(Hz) 180 Gain : Aol A:(607.2k; -162.31m) 90 Phase : Aol A:(607.2k; 51.06) on Phase (degrees) EN Aol 135 0 10m 100m is he d 45 1 10 100 1k 10k Frequency(Hz) Pu bl Fig. 10.5: Aol Test Results: Emitter-Follower As We must now measure Zo (small signal ac open loop output impedance) as shown (Fig. 10.6). This TINA-TI test circuit will test the unloaded Zo of the OPA177. R2 and R1 together with LT provide an ac path for the low-pass filter function which allows us dc short circuit and ac open circuit in the feedback path. The dc operating point is shown to be nearly zero volts at the output which means no current is flowing into, or out of, the OPA177. Zo is now easily measured by our application of a 1 Apk ac current generator, which we will sweep over the ac frequency range of 10 MHz to 1 MHz. Zo = Vout, and if we convert the results from dB to linear or logarithmic, Vout will be Zo in ohms. R2100k LT1T VEE12 Zo = Vout R11k U1OPA177E + Vout + VCC12 IG1 104.65uV DC = 0A AC = 1Apk No Load – Zo Test Circuit: Almost 0 volts no DC load across R2 R2, R1 provide AC path for low pass filter with LT no DC Iout Fig. 10.6: No Load Zo Test Circuit: Emitter-Follower -G en iu s. ne t The OPA177 Zo (Fig. 10.7) is seen to be characteristic of bipolar emitter-follower output stages with Ro dominating the only component of output impedance within the unity-gain bandwidth. Ro is 60 . EN Fig. 10.7: Zo, Open Loop Output Impedance: Emitter-Follower VEE 12 on VOA U2REF02 - U1OPA177E REF02 Trim Out E xternal VO Vout Riso26.7 Model is he d Vin Gnd ++ Zo CL10u VREF As Pu bl VCC12 Zo External Model: U1 is complete SPICE macromodel of OPA177 with data sheet Zo is moved outside of the op amp macromodel to form a new Allows for simulation of 1/ with effects of Zo and external loads Aol curve and macromodel Zo Fig. 10.8: Zo External Model: Emitter-Follower In order for our 1/ analysis to include the effects of Zo interacting with Riso, CL, CF and RF, we need to move Zo outside of our op amp macromodel so we can probe the necessary nodes in our circuit. This concept (Fig. 10.8) will provide the data sheet Aol curve and be buffered from any effects of Riso, CL, CF and RF. RF100k CF82n VFB 4.999V VEE12 Zo ExternalModel U2REF02 U1OPA177E Vin Gnd VOA 4.9991V VCV1 REF02 + Trim Out x1 + VREF 4.999V VO 4.9991V Ro60 + + - - Vout Rsi o26.7 4.9991V CL10u VCC12 Zo External Model: VCV1 ideally isolates U1 so U1 only provides data sheet Aol with no effects of Zo and external loads Set Ro to match measured Ro Remove any large DC load Analyze with unloaded Ro (largest Ro) which creates worst instab ility ne t Fig. 10.9: Zo External Model Details: Emitter-Follower is he d on EN -G en iu s. The Zo external model (Fig. 10.9) allows us to measure the effects of Zo interacting with Riso, CL, RF and CF on 1/. In our Zo External Model set Ro = Ro OPA177, measured to be 60 . The voltagecontrolled voltage source, VCV1, isolated our op amp macromodel, U1, from Ro, Riso, CL, CF and RF. VCV1 is set to x1 to keep the data sheet Aol gain the same. Remove any large dc load since we want to analyze this circuit under worst case stability conditions which will be with CL only and our calculated unloaded Zo (Ro=60 for this case). VOA is an internal node to the op amp, which in the real world cannot be measured. It is also not easy to access this internal node on many SPICE macromodels. 1/ is analyzed relative to VOA to include the effects of Ro, Riso, CL, CF, and RF. Final stability simulation in TINA-TI, without using the Zo External Model, cannot plot 1/ but can plot loop gain to confirm our analysis using the Zo external model. Pu bl First we will analyze FB#1 (Fig. 10.10). Notice that CF is treated as an open since we are only going to analyze FB#1. Later we will analyze FB#2 and then, using superposition, combine the two feedback paths for the net 1/. The results of our analysis are shown above with the derivations and details shown in the next slide. We see a zero in the FB#1 1/ plot at fzx = 183.57 Hz. The low frequency 1/ value is one. If this had gain, the low frequency 1/ value would be greater than one. As F B#1 VFB RF100k CF FB#1 1/ : VEE12 Vtrim Z o ExternalModel VOA U1OPA177E Vin Gnd VO VCV1 - U2REF02 REF02 Trim Out Ro60 x1 + + + + - - Riso 26.7 Vout CL10u VREF Zero: fzx = 1 2 (Ro+Riso) CL 1 fzx = 2 (60+26.7) 10u VCC12 fzx = 183.57Hz FB#1 Analysis: 1/ zero due to combination of CL interacting with RO + Low frequency 1/ set by open CL and feedback through RF CF is treated as an open since we are using superposition and an Riso 1/ = 1 (f=0) for Low-f 1/ alyzing FB#1 only Fig. 10.10: FB#1 Analysis: Emitter-Follower ne t -G en iu s. EN on Fig. 10.11: FB#1 1/ Derivation: Emitter-Follower Pu bl is he d In Fig. 10.11 the derivation for FB#1 is shown on the left. Since 1/ is the reciprocal of , FB#1 1/ calculation is easily derived as shown on the right. We see that the pole, fpx, in the derivation becomes the zero, fzx, in the 1/ derivation. A ol = V OA F B#1 VFB LT1T 4. 999V RF100k CT1T F B#1: 1/ B et a1= V OA / V FB Loop Gain = V FB As + VG1 Vtrim VEE12 1. 2298V Z o Ext ernal Model VOA U2REF02 - Vin Gnd REF02 + ++ Trim Out VREF Ro60 VCV1 U1OPA177E VO 4. 9991V 4. 9991V x1 Vout Riso26.7 4. 9991V + - CL10u 4. 999V VCC12 Fig. 10.12: FB#1 Analysis Ac Circuit: Emitter-Follower We will use the circuit in Fig. 10.12 to perform ac analysis, using TINA-TI, to find 1/ for FB#1, Aol, and loop gain for this circuit using only FB#1. Because of this we eliminate CF from the schematic. FB#1 1/ results are plotted (Fig. 10.13) on the OPA177 Aol curve. At fcl, where loop gain goes to zero, we see that the rate-of-closure is 40dB/decade: [(–20 dB/decade from Aol) – (+20 dB/decade from FB#1 1/) = –40 dB/decade rate-of-closure] which, from our rate-of-closure rule-of-thumb indicates instability. Our analysis of FB#1 was low frequency 1/ = one, with a zero, fzx, at 183.57 Hz. As can be seen (Fig. 10.13) our first-order analysis predicted accurately FB#1 1/. a T 160 b 140 OPA177 Aol 120 100 fcl FB#1 1/ : A:(197.4488m; 5.1139u) B:(183.57; 3.0107) 60 ne t Gain (dB) 80 FB#1 1/ 20 fz x 0 -G en iu s. 40 STABLE -20 10m 100m 1 EN -40 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M Frequency (Hz) on Fig. 10.13: FB#1 1/ Plot: Emitter-Follower is he d In Fig. 10.14 we see loop gain analysis of our circuit using only FB#1 and it shows that we have close to zero phase margin at fcl where loop goes to zero. This is definite confirmation that we have an unstable circuit. The poles and zeros in the loop gain plot can be predicted, by inspection, from the FB#1 1/ plot on the Aol curve in Fig. 10.13. 160 FB#1 Loop Gain 140 120 80 40 20 As Gain (dB) 100 60 a Pu bl T 0 -20 -40 10m 100m 1 10 100 1k Frequency(Hz) 10k 100k 1M 10M 100k 1M 10M fcl 180 Gain : A:(10.146k; 1.2898) Phase : 135 STABLE Phase [deg] A:(10.146k; 358.0837m) 90 45 0 10m 100m 1 10 100 1k 10k Frequency(Hz) Fig. 10.14: FB#1 Loop Gain Analysis: Emitter-Follower In case we had any doubt, or if we built our reference buffer circuit with only FB#1 we could use our real world transient stability test using the circuit in Fig. 10.15. VFB 4.999V FB#1 RF100k D C =0V Transient=10mVpp f=100H z, 10ns rise/fall VEE12 VO 4.9991V U2REF02 Vin Gnd REF02 + + Trim Out Vout Riso16.2 + 4.9991V U1OPA177E Vin CL10u VREF 4.999V VCC12 -G en iu s. R1100k ne t Vtrim 1.2298V Fig. 10.15: FB#1 Transient Stability Test Circuit: Emitter-Follower 100.00m is he d on T EN The transient stability test results (Fig. 10.16) coincide with both the 1/ on Aol Pot and loop gain plot in confirming we have an unstable circuit by using only FB#1 in our reference buffer configuration. 0.00 7.00 6.57 STABLE As 6.14 Pu bl Vin 5.71 VO 5.29 4.86 4.43 4.00 0.00 250.00u 500.00u 750.00u Time (s) Fig. 10.16: FB#1 Transient Stability Test: Emitter-Follower 1.00m T 160 140 Aol 120 100 FB#1 1/ Gain (dB) 80 60 1/ F B#2 B#1 fcl 40 20 fza fpc 1/ STABLE 0 fzx -20 Vout/Vin 10m 100m 1 10 100 1k Adding FB#2 for Stability: Set FB#2 High -f 1/ = +10db greater than FB#1 Low Set fza in FB#2 1/ = 0.1fzx in FB#1 1/ 10k 100k 1M 10M -G en iu s. Frequency (Hz) ne t -40 -f 1/ : best phase margin within loop gain bandwidth Fig. 10.17: FB#2 Graphical Analysis: Emitter-Follower is he d on EN Now we must figure out how to synthesize a solution to make our reference buffer with capacitive load stable. At this point we know the Aol curve and the FB#1 1/ (Fig. 10.17). If we add FB#2 1/ we can see a net 1/ which will be a stable circuit from our stability rule-of thumb for rate-of-closure at fcl. Additionally, we will force fpc to be less than a decade from fzx in the 1/ curve to ensure phase margin will be better than 45° for frequencies less than fcl. This is done by setting the high frequency portion of FB#2 1/ only +10 dB greater than the low frequency 1/ of FB#1. fza is set to be at least one decade less than fpc to guarantee that as parameters shift in the real world, we can avoid the BIG NOT. By inspection, the net 1/ curve is formed from FB#1 1/ and FB#2 1/ by choosing the path with lowest 1/. Pu bl Remember, in dual feedback paths the largest voltage fed back from the op amp output to the negative input will dominate the feedback. The largest feedback voltage implies the largest or the smallest 1/ . Fig. 10.18 reminds us of this key trick. As As a final point we see that the Vout/Vin transfer function is predicted to follow FB#1 until FB#2 dominates, at which point Vout/Vin will roll off at –20 dB/decade until FB#2 intersects with the Aol curve where it would then follow the Aol curve on down. Fig. 10.18: Dual Feedback, Superposition & 1/: Emitter-Follower Fig. 10.18 reminds us when using dual feedback paths around op amp circuits the largest path will dominate. An easy analogy to remember is that if two people are talking to you in one ear, which person do you hear the easiest? The one talking the loudest! So the op amp will listen to the feedback path with the largest or smallest 1/. The net 1/ plot the op amp sees is the lower one at any frequency of FB#1 1/ or FB#2 1/. FB#1 CF82n VFB U1OPA177E RF100k VO + + VCV1 Riso26.7 Ro60 x1 + - - Pu bl FB#2 1/ Calculation: Pole: At Origin Zero: As Vout CL is he d + EN VOA on - -G en iu s. ne t As shown in Fig. 10.19 there are some key assumptions we will make that apply to almost all Riso w/Dual Feedback circuits. First we will assume that CL > 10 * CF, which means that CL will become a short at high frequencies long before CF does. We will, therefore, short CL to eliminate FB#1 so as to analyze FB#2 independently. In addition, we will assume that RF > 10 * Riso, which implies that that RF has little to no effect as a load across Riso. From Fig. 10.19, and the detailed derivations in Fig. 10.20, we see FB#2 will have a pole at the origin with a zero, fza, at 19.41 Hz caused by RF and CF. The high frequency 1/ portion of FB#2 is a ratio of Ro + Riso to Riso since CF and CL are both a short at high frequency. The derivation of FB#2 1/ is shown in Fig. 10.20 with the results computed in Fig. 10.19. The high frequency 1/ for FB#2 is set to be 3.25 dB or 10.24 dB, with a pole at the origin and a zero at 19.41Hz. Zero: 1 2 RF CF 1 2 100k 82nF Zero: fza = 19.41Hz FB#2 Analysis: 1/ pole at the origin 1/ zero set by RF and CF High - f 1/ set by RO and Riso CL = zero since we are using superposition and only analyzing FB#2 Assume: CL > 10 CF RF > 10 Riso VFB = VOA VOA 1/ = VFB High Frequency : CL = short By Inspection: Ro+Riso for High-f 1/ 1/ = Riso 60+26.7 1/ = for High-f 1/ 26.7 1/ = 3.25 or 10.24dB for High-f 1/ Fig. 10.19: FB#2 Analysis: Emitter-Follower FB#2 Derivation: FB#2 Calculation: VOA RF VOA VFB VOA RF = RF + = 1 SCF High Frequency : CL = short By Inspection: Riso = : High-f Ro+Riso SCF RF SCF RF+1 S 1 VFB = VOA 1/ = S+CF RF Ro+Riso : 1/ High-f Riso This Implies: Zero: At Origin Pole: fpa = ne t VFB VFB VOA VOA 1/ = VFB = XCF+RF -G en iu s. VFB = FB#2 1/ Derivation: Assume: CL > 10 CF RF > 10 Riso 1 2 RF CF EN Fig. 10.20: FB#2 1/ Derivation: Emitter-Follower is he d on The derivation for FB#2 is shown on the left in Fig. 10.20. Since 1/ is the reciprocal of , FB#1 1/ calculation is easily derived as shown on the right. We see that the pole, fpa, in the derivation becomes the zero, fza, in the 1/ derivation. LT1T RF100k CT1T Aol=VOA FB#1: 1/Beta1=VOA / VFB Pu bl Loop Gain = VFB Vtrim As REF02 Trim Out CF82n Zo ExternalModel VOA 4.9991V VCV1 U1OPA177E FB#2 + VG1 VEE12 1.2298V U2REF02 Vin Gnd VFB 4.999V + + VREF Vout Ro60 + x1 + - Rsi o26.7 VO 4.9991V 4.9991V CL10G 4.999V VCC12 FB#2 Analysis: Set CL = 1GF AC Short for any frequency of interest Fig. 10.21: FB#2 Analysis Ac Circuit: Emitter-Follower To check our first order analysis of FB#2 we can use the TINA-TI circuit shown in Fig. 10.21. For ease of analysis we set CL to 10 GF so it will be a short for any frequencies of interest but will still allow a proper dc operating point to be found by SPICE before the ac Analysis is performed. The results of our TINA-TI simulation are shown in Fig. 10.22. The FB#2 1/ plot is as predicted by our first-order analysis with fza = 19.41 Hz and a high frequency 1/ of 10.235 dB. We also plot the OPA177 Aol curve to see how FB#2 will intersect with it at high frequency. a T 160 b 140 Aol 120 FB#2 1/ : A:(19.41; 13.2419) B:(709.0051; 10.235) 100 FB#2 1/ 60 ne t Gain (dB) 80 20 -G en iu s. 40 fz a 0 EN -20 -40 10m 100m 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M on Frequency (Hz) is he d Fig. 10.22: FB#2 1/ Plot: Emitter-Follower Pu bl We will analyze if the predicted superposition results of FB#1 and FB#2 will produce the desired net 1/ by using the TINA-TI circuit (Fig.10.23). This same circuit will allow us to plot Aol, net 1/ and loop gain. Aol = VOA VFB LT1T As FB #1: 1/ Beta1= VOA / VF B 4. 999V RF100k CT1T Loop Gain = V FB + VG1 CF82n VEE12 Vtrim 1. 2298V Zo E xt ernal Model VOA 4. 9991V U2REF02 U1OPA177E Vin Gnd REF02 Trim Out VCV1 + x1 + ++ VREF - Ro60 VO 4. 9991V Riso26.7 Vout CL10u 4. 999V VCC12 Fig. 10.23: Final Loop Gain Analysis Circuit: Emitter-Follower 4. 9991V In Fig. 10.24 we see our analysis results confirm our predicted net 1/ plot. At fcl, where loop gain goes to zero, we see our expected 20 dB/decade rate-of-closure. T 160 140 Aol 120 100 80 Gain (dB) STABLE 60 fcl 40 1/ ne t 20 -G en iu s. 0 -20 -40 10m 100m 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M Frequency (Hz) EN Fig. 10.24: Final Net 1/: Emitter-Follower T on The loop gain phase plot for our final circuit, which uses FB#1 and FB#2 (Fig. 10.25) shows it never dips to less than 58.77° (as seen at 199.57 kHz) and at fcl, 199.57 kHz, the phase margin is 76.59°. 160 is he d 120 80 60 Loop Gain : A:(333.8948; 60.4135) B:(199.5744k; -54.5547m) Loop Gain Phase : A:(333.8948; 58.7725) B:(199.5744k; 76.5915) 40 20 0 -20 -40 100m 1 10 100 1k 10k fcl 1M 10M 1M 10M a 135 Phase [deg] 100k Frequency(Hz) As 10m Pu bl Gain (dB) 100 180 b Loop Gain 140 STABLE 90 45 0 10m 100m 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k Frequency(Hz) Fig. 10.25: Final Loop Gain Analysis: Emitter-Follower We do our final check on our stabilized circuit by running a transient stability test using the TINA-TI circuit in Fig. 10.26. RF100k CF82n D C =0V Tran sie nt=10mVpp f=1 00H z, 1 0ns ris e/fall VO U2REF02 Vin Gnd VEE12 1.22 98V REF02 - Vin Trim Out + VREF ++ 4.99 91V Vout Riso26.7 4.99 91V U1OPA177E CL10u 4.99 9V -G en iu s. VCC12 ne t Vtrim Fig. 10.26: Final Transient Stability Test Circuit: Emitter-Follower T EN The results of our transient stability test on our final circuit (see Fig. 10.27) agree with all of our other predictions, resulting in a good, stable circuit we can put into production with confidence that we will not have any failures or real world operation anomalies. on 5.01 is he d VO 4.99 10.00m As -10.00m 5.01 Pu bl Vin Vout 4.99 0.00 2.50m 5.00m 7.50m Time (s) Fig. 10.27: Final Transient Stability Test: Emitter-Follower 10.00m RF100k CF82n VEE12 Vtrim 1.2298V VO 4.9991V D C =0V AC=1Vpk U2REF02 Vin Gnd REF02 - Vin Trim Out + Vout Riso26.7 ++ 4.9991V U1OPA177E CL10u VREF 4.999V VCC12 ne t Fig. 10.28: Final Vout/Vin Transfer Function Circuit: Emitter-Follower a 0 b EN T -G en iu s. The TINA-TI circuit in Fig. 10.28 will allow us to confirm if our prediction of Vout/Vin is correct. We see (Fig. 10.29) that the results of our Vout/Vin test match our predicted first-order results with a single pole roll off at 625.53 Hz and a second pole appearing at about 200 kHz where FB#2 intersects the OPA177 Aol curve. -20 -80 -100 Gain: Vout/Vin: A:(9.93; 58.82m) B:(615.53; -3) -120 -140 10m 100m -45 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M Frequency(Hz) As -90 -135 1 Pu bl 0 Phase [deg] on -60 is he d Gain (dB) -40 -180 10m 100m 1 10 100 Frequency(Hz) Fig. 10.29: Final Vout/Vin Transfer Function: Emitter-Follower Fig. 10.30 summarizes an easy to use step-by-step procedure to easily use the Riso w/Dual Feedback capacitive load stability technique on bipolar emitter-follower output op amps. FB#2 1/ Formulae: FB#1 1/ Formulae: 1 Zero: fzx = 2 (Ro+Riso) CL 1/ = 1 (f=0) for Low-f 1/ Assume: CL > 10 CF RF > 10 Riso Pole: At Origin Zero: fza= 1 2 RF CF -G en iu s. ne t High Frequency 1/ : CL = short By Inspection: Ro+Riso for High-f 1/ 1/ = Riso Measure Aol of op amp Measure & Plot Zo of op amp Determine RO Create Zo external model Compute FB#1 Low-f 1/: equals 1 for unity gain voltage buffer Set FB#2 High-f 1/ = +10 dB higher than FB#1 Low-f 1/ (For best Vout/Vin transient response and least amount of phase shift within loop-gain bandwidth) 7) Choose Riso from FB#2 High-f 1/ and RO 8) Compute FB#1 1/ fzx from CL, Riso, RO 9) Set FB#2 1/ fza = 1/10 fzx 10) Choose RF and CF with practical values to yield fza 11) Run simulation with final values for Aol, 1/, loop gain, Vout/Vin, transient analysis to confirm design 12) Check for loop-gain Phase shift NOT to dip more than 135° (>45° phase margin) 13) For low noise applications: check for flat Vout/Vin response to avoid gain peaking leading to noise peaking in Vout/Vin As Pu bl is he d on EN 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Fig. 10.30: Riso w/Dual Feedback Compensation Procedure: Emitter-Follower WARNING: This can be hazardous to your circuit! 100 Aol 80 A (d B) FB#1 60 FB#2 40 1/Beta fcl 1/Beta 20 0 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M Frequency(Hz) Dual Feedback and the BIG NOT : 1/_ Slope changes from +20db/decade to -20dB/decade ne t Im plies a “com plex conjugate pole ” in the 1/ _ Plot. Im plies a “com plex conjugate zero ” in the Aol _ (Loop Gain Plot). +/ -90 ° phase shift at frequency of com plex zero/com plex pole. Phase slope from +/ -90 °/decade slope to +/ -180 ° in narrow band near frequency of com plex zero/com plex pole depending upon dam ping fact or. Com plex zero/com plex pole can cause severe gain peaking in closed loop response. -G en iu s. Fig. 10.31: Dual Feedback and the BIG NOT Pu bl is he d on EN When using dual feedback paths around an op amp there is one extremely important case to avoid – the “BIG NOT”. As demonstrated in Fig. 10.31, there are op amp circuits that can result in feedback paths that create the BIG NOT, which is seen in the net 1/ plot that contains a net 1/ slope which changes from +20 dB/decade to –20 dB/decade abruptly. This rapid change implies a complex conjugate pole in the 1/ plot which is, therefore, a complex conjugate zero in the loop-gain plot. Complex zeros and poles create a ±90º phase shift at the frequency of the complex zero/complex pole. Also, the phase slope around a complex zero/complex pole can range from ±90º to ±180º in a narrow frequency band around the frequency location of the occurrence. Complex zero/complex pole occurrences can cause severe gain peaking in the closed-loop op amp response. This can be very undesirable, especially in power op amp circuits. T 160 140 100 As Aol 120 FB#1 1/ Gai n (d B ) 80 60 1/ FB#2 FB#1 40 fcl 20 fpc ??? STABLE ??? fza 0 1/ The BIG NOT -20 -40 10m 100m 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k Frequency (Hz) Create the BIG NOT: Change CF to 220pF which moves fza to 7.23kHz Fig. 10.32: Create the BIG NOT Graphically 1M 10M Let’s return to our plot of FB#1 and FB#2 on the OPA177 Aol curve (Fig. 10.17, again). We can easily create the BIG NOT by simply changing the location of fza (Fig. 10.32).. At fcl our rate-of-closure rule-of-thumb would indicate that this circuit is stable -- but is it? In Fig. 10.33 we modify our TINA-TI circuit used to analyze FB#1 and FB#2 together to create the BIG NOT, as described in Fig. 10.32. CF is changed from 82 nF to 220 pF to move fza to the desired BIG NOT creation location. VFB LT1T 4. 999V RF100k Aol = VOA CT1T FB #1: 1/ Beta1= VOA / VF B Loop Gain = V FB + VG1 CF220p VEE12 Zo E xt ernal Model VOA U2REF02 4. 9991V - REF02 + ++ Trim Out VREF Riso26.7 Ro60 VCV1 x1 + 4. 9991V Vout -G en iu s. U1OPA177E Vin Gnd VO 1. 2298V ne t Vtrim - 4. 999V VCC12 4. 9991V CL10u EN Fig. 10.33: Loop Gain Analysis Circuit: BIG NOT T on 160 140 is he d Aol 120 100 Pu bl Gain (dB) 80 60 As 40 20 fcl ??? STABLE ??? BIG NOT BIG NOT 1/ 0 -20 -40 10m 100m 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M Frequency (Hz) BIG NOT1/ : At fcl rate -of -closure rule -of -thumb says circuit is stable but is it? Fig. 10.34: 1/: BIG NOT The 1/ plot of the BIG NOT (Fig. 10.34) shows a 20 dB/decade rate of closure, but there is quick turnaround from +20 dB/decade to –20 dB/decade slope in the 1/ plot; peaking is not a good thing and we should question if this circuit will be stable. a T 160 140 L o o p Ga n i 120 100 Gain (dB) 80 60 40 Loop Gain : A:(199.5744k; -61.1988m) B:(1.0344k; 38.4074) Loop Phase : A:(199.5744k; 78.662) B:(1.0344k; 12.6382) 20 0 -2 0 -4 0 100m 10m 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 10k 100k Fre q u e n cy(Hz) 1M 10M b 180 ??? STABLE ??? 135 Phase [deg] fcl 90 ne t 45 0 10m 100m 1 10 100 1k Fre q u e n cy(Hz) 10M Loop Gain phase shift >135 degrees (<45 degrees from 180 degree phase fcl which violates the loop gain phase shift rule -of -thumb. But is it stable? -G en iu s. BIG NOT Loop Gain: shift) for frequencies < 1M Fig. 10.35: Loop Gain Analysis: BIG NOT EN A loop gain plot of our circuit (Fig. 10.35) shows phase shift to be 167° at 1.034 kHz, only 13° away from a 180° phase shift. Also note how loop gain is sharply spiking downwards toward zero loop gain in this same region. Again, at fcl there is plenty of phase margin, but are we stable? is he d on Assume we are inexperienced in the wisdom of stability analysis (which we are not), and built this circuit; what can we expect a real-world transient stability test to look like? The TINA-TI circuit in Fig. 10.36 allows us to see the result of putting this circuit into production and then out into the world. Pu bl DC=0V VFB 4. 999V RF100k Transient=10m V pp CF220p f =100Hz, 10ns rise/f all Vtrim 1. 2298V As U2REF02 Vin Gnd VEE12 REF02 + VREF ++ + U1OPA177E VO 4. 9991V 4. 9991V VCV1 - Vin Trim Out Zo E x t ernal Model VOA - x1 Ro60 Riso26.7 Vout + - CL10u 4. 999V VCC12 Fig. 10.36: Transient Stability Test Circuit: BIG NOT 4. 9991V Don’t tell your boss we put this circuit into production or, worse yet, the customer who received the equipment you shipped with this circuit which causes weird and intermittent problems when poweredup sometimes, or when something else abruptly loads this reference buffer. Time to update our resumés? Despite the fact that this is not an oscillator, the excessive ringing and long settling time from our transient stability test (Fig. 10.37) indicate an extremely marginally-stable circuit. T 5.38 VO 4.34 6.10 3.04 100.00m -G en iu s. STABLE ne t VOA Vin EN -100.00m 5.17 4.76 0.00 is he d 2.50m on Vout 5.00m 7.50m 10.00m Time (s) BIG NOT Transient Stability Test: Excessive ringing and marginal stability are apparent. Real world implementation and use may cause even more severe oscillations. We do not want this in production! Pu bl Fig. 10.37: Transient Stability Test: BIG NOT As Depending upon where the BIG NOT occurs, the duration and amplitude of the ringing can easily be worse than this example. From a board and system level view we call this circuit unstable, especially since our analysis does not account for real world parasitics in our PCB layout, component and op amp parameter and temperature variances. Fortunately, we only put this into virtual production and can apply our Riso w/Dual Feedback technique properly to the circuit, which will go into real production. CMOS RRO: Riso w/Dual Feedback We choose to analyze the Riso w/Dual Feedback technique with the OPA734 (Fig. 10.38). It is a zerodrift, low input offset voltage op amp powered from +2.7 V to +12 V. Low drift of 0.05 V/°C, plus a super low initial input offset voltage of 1 V, make it an ideal single supply reference buffer. It is not rail-to-rail on the input so we need to observe the input voltage range of (V–) –0.1 V to (V+) –1.5 V. OPA734 0.05uV/C Max, Single-Supply, CMOS Operational Amplifier, Zero-Drift Series -G en iu s. ne t Specification +2.7V to +12V 600uA typical 1uV max 0.05uV/C max +/-100pA typical 0.8uVp-p (0.1Hz to 10Hz) 135nV/rt-Hz (V-)-0.1V to (V+)-1.5V 1.6MHz 130dB (RL=10k) 125 ohms @ f=1MHz, Io=0A 1.5V/us 20mV max (RL=10k to Vs/2) SOT23-5, MSOP-8, SO-8 EN on Parameter Supply Voltage (Vs) Quiescent Current Offset Voltage Offset Drift Input Bias Current Input Voltage Noise Input Voltage Noise Density Input Voltage Range Gain-Bandwidth Product Open Loop Gain Open Loop Output Resistance Slew Rate Voltage Output Swing from Rail Package As Pu bl is he d Fig. 10.38: CMOS RRO Op Amp Specifications MOSFET Drain Outputs Fig. 10.39: Typical CMOS RRO Op Amp Topology In a typical CMOS RRO equivalent schematic (Fig. 10.39) the output of the op amp is connected to the drains of the MOSFETs. This type of drain output op amp will exhibit a Zo which is both resistive and capacitive requiring some slightly different techniques for analysis. From the outside (Fig. 10.40) our CMOS RRO reference buffer looks the same as the bipolar emitterfollower example. This application uses a single 5 V supply and we will be buffering a 2.5 V reference which is under our input voltage range specification (input voltage range: 5 V – 1.5 V = 3.5 V). An accurate reference voltage will be at Vout due to FB#1. FB#2 will provide the required feedback at high frequency for good stability. Riso will provide the needed isolation between the two feedbacks. FB#1 RF100k CF150n - Riso13 + + R EF 5025 Vout 2.5V -G en iu s. U1OPA734 ne t FB#2 EN CL47u Vref 2.5 EN Vs 5 is he d on Dual Feedback: FB#1 through RF forces accurate Vout across CL FB#2 through CF dominates at high frequency for stability Riso provides isolation between FB#1 and FB#2 Fig. 10.40: Riso w/Dual Feedback: CMOS RRO As Pu bl With a single supply here, a few new circuit (Fig. 10.41) tricks are used to get the unloaded Aol curve. Fig. 10.41: Aol Test Schematic: CMOS RRO First we need to ensure the OPA734 output, after a dc operating point analysis, is in the linear region of operation. Typically, saturated outputs of op amps do not give correct ac performance since they are not in the linear region, and this is also true for most op amp macromodels. At dc, LT is a short and CT is an open. The non-inverting input of the OPA734 is tied to Vs/2 (2.5 V). Thus, the output will also be at 2.5 V. With RL connected as shown, there is no dc load on the output of the op amp. RL together with LT provides an ac path for the low-pass filter function, which allows a dc short circuit and ac open circuit in the feedback path. Remember, TINA-TI must perform a closed-loop dc analysis to find the operating point of the circuit before it can perform an ac analysis. RL, together with CT, provides an ac path for the high-pass filter function which allows us dc open circuit and ac short circuit into the input. LT and CT are chosen as large values to ensure their respective operations of shorts and opens at any ac frequency of interest. The OPA734 Aol curve (Fig. 10.42) from the simulation shows the unity-gain bandwidth as 1.77 MHz. a 140 ne t T OPA734 Aol 120 Gain : A:(1.77M; 4.1m) Phase : A:(1.77M; 69.05) -G en iu s. 100 Gain (dB) 80 60 40 20 0 -20 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100k 1M 10M EN Frequency(Hz) on 45 is he d Phase [deg] 90 0 10 100 1k 10k Frequency(Hz) Pu bl 1 Fig. 10.42: Aol Test Results: CMOS RRO As LT1T Zo = Vout RL100k No Load – Zo Test Circuit: RL tied to Vs/2 with Vout = Vs/2 yield No DC RL provides AC path for low pass filter with LT Iout U1OPA734 + + Vout EN Vs/22.5 Vs5 2.5V Change Y -A xis to Logarithm ic s c ale to rem ove db s cale fac tor Y -A xis (dB ) = 20 Log (V out / IG1) IG1 D C=0A AC =1Apk Y -A xis (Logarithm ic) = V out / IG1 = Zo B ut IG1 = 1A pk Y -A xis (Logarithm ic) = V out = Zo Fig. 10.43: TINA-TI Circuit For Modified Aol Effects By Zo, CCO, RCO, CL We must now measure Zo (small signal ac open-loop output impedance) as shown in Fig. 10.43. This TINA-TI circuit will test the unloaded Zo of the OPA734. Remember that we chose to put the output at 2.5 V to ensure linear operation. RL, together with LT, provides an ac path for the low-pass filter function which allows us dc short circuit and ac open circuit in the feedback path. No current is flowing into or out of the OPA734 since RL is tied between Vout (2.5 V) and Vs/2 (2.5 V). Zo is now easily measured by our application of a 1 Apk ac current generator which we will sweep over the ac frequency range of 10 MHz to 1 MHz. T 100k 10k Zo Magnitude : A:(1.004701M; 129.606967) Zo Phase : B:(92.029668; -44.945329) 1k 100 10 1 100 1k EN -45 is he d on Zo Phase [deg] 100k -G en iu s. b 0 10k Frequency(Hz) fz ne t Zo Magnitude (ohms) OPA734 Zo Fig. 10.44: Zo, Open-Loop Output Impedance: CMOS RRO Pu bl The OPA734 Zo (Fig. 10.44) is characteristic of CMOS RRO output stages with Ro dominating at high frequency, and the capacitive effect represented by Co dominating at frequencies less than 92 Hz. As CO + -IN - +IN + Aol VOUT + - fz = RO GM2 2* RO 129 CO 13.4 μF - No Load fz 92Hz 1 *RO*CO GMO Fig. 10.45: Zo Model: CMOS RRO In Fig. 10.45 we build our Zo model of the OPA734 based on simulation test results from the previous slide. RO was measured directly to be 129 and fz was measured directly to be 92 Hz. From fz and RO we can easily compute CO to be 13.4 F and our Zo model is complete as shown. RF100k CF150n VFB VOA Zo - U1OPA734 Riso13 Vout External + + REF5025 Model EN Vref2.5 CL47u VO Vs5 ne t Zo External Model: U1 is complete SPICE macromodel of OPA734 with data sheet Aol curve and Zo Zo is moved outside of the op amp macromodel to form a new macromodel Allows for simulation of 1/ with effects of Zo and external loads -G en iu s. Fig. 10.46: Zo External Model: CMOS RRO For our 1/ analysis to include the effects of Zo interacting with Riso, CL, CF and RF, we need to move Zo outside of our op amp macromodel so we can probe the necessary nodes in our circuit concept (see Fig. 10.46). U1 will provide the data sheet Aol curve and be buffered from any effects of Riso, CL, CF and RF. F B#1 CF150n 2.5V VOA GM2 - U1OPA734 REF 5025 CO13.4u - is he d + + x1/RO CLP12.3u Vout 1 2.5V GMO CL47u RL1M + x1/(Riso+RL) f LP = 0.1Hz f LP = Riso 13 - RO129 x7.75E-3 Pu bl Vs 5 Z o Externa l M od el RLP129k EN + Vref2.5 F B#2 2.5007V on VFB EN RF100k VO 2.5V x1e-6 2 RLPCLP Zo and external loads As Zo External Model: GM2 ideally isolates U1 so U1 only provides data sheet Aol with no effects of Set GM2 = x1/RO to maintain data sheet Aol gain characteristic RLP, CLP, GMO provide a path for DC Analysis Set RLP = 1000 * RO to avoid loading RO to any level of concern Set CLP to yield fLP = 0.1* fLOW , where fLOW is the lowest frequency of interest Set GMO = 1/(Riso+RL) to maintain proper data sheet Aol DC gain Fig. 10.47: Zo External Model Details: CMOS RRO The Zo External Model (Fig. 10.47) allows for us to measure the effects of Zo interacting with Riso, CL, RF and CF on 1/. RO and CO are parameters we measured in an earlier slide. GM2 isolates U1, the OPA734 op amp macromodel, from our Zo External Model. GM2 is set to 1/RO to preserve the proper Aol gain to match the original OPA734 op amp macromodel and data sheet Aol. TINA-TI must perform a dc analysis before it can perform an ac analysis. Therefore, we need to make sure our expanded op amp model will have the correct dc operating point without saturating U1. To do this we add a low-frequency path around CO to VO. GMO will be controlled by the voltage across RO which matches VOA. GMO is set to 1/RL to preserve the overall gain at dc to match the original OPA734 Aol. A low-pass filter is formed by RLP and CLP and set to be 0.1 * fLOW where fLOW is our lowest frequency of interest. RLP is set to 1000 * RO to prevent any loading on RO, or interaction, to cause the Zo transfer function to be wrong. First we will analyze FB#1 (see Fig. 10.48) and notice that CF is treated as an open since we are only going to analyze FB#1. Later we will analyze FB#2 and then, using superposition, combine the two feedback paths for the net 1/. The results of our analysis are shown Figure 10.48 with the derivations and details in Fig. 10.49. We see a zero in the FB#1 1/ plot at fzx = 107.49 Hz. The low frequency 1/ value is 4.5 or 13 dB and is determined by a capacitor divider between CO and CL. If this circuit were changed to have gain, the low frequency 1/ value would be greater than one. FB#1 1/ : F B#1 RF100k 1 CO CL )(Riso+RO) 2 ( CL+CO 1 fzx = 13.4u 47u ) (13+129) 2 ( 47u+13.4u fzx = CF VFB VOA GM2 - U1OPA734 Riso 13 Vout EN + Vref2.5 x1/RO Vs 5 RO129 VO fzx = 107.49Hz CL47u 1 CL+CO for Low-f = CO x7.75E-3 FB#1 Analysis: 1/ zero due to series combination of CO and CL interacting with RO Low frequency 1/ set by capacitive divider between CO and CL CF is treated as an open since we are using superposition an ana ne t REF 5025 CO13.4u - + + 1 47u+13.4u = for Low-f 13.4u -G en iu s. + Riso 1 = 4.5 or 13dB for for Low-f lyzing FB#1 only Fig. 10.48: FB#1 Analysis: CMOS RRO FB#1 Derivation: EN 1 Vout = VOA VOA XCL RO+XCO+R iso+XCL is he d = FB#1 1/ Derivation: VFB on = is series com bination of C O and C L As CO CL Note: Pu bl After Algebraic M anipulation: 1 (Riso+RO) CL = 1 S+ CO CL )(Riso+RO) ( CL+CO CL+CO Pole: fpx = 1 CO CL )(Riso+RO) 2 ( CL+CO CO for f = 0 (Low-f ) CL+CO CO and CL form a Capacitive Divider = 1 RO+XCO+R iso+XCL = XCL After Algebraic Manipulation: 1 S+ CO CL )(Riso+RO) ( CL+CO 1 = 1 CL (Riso+RO) CO CL Note: CL+CO Zero: fzx = is series combination of C O and C L 1 CO CL )(Riso+RO) 2 ( CL+CO 1 CL+CO = for f = 0 (Low-f 1/ ) CO CO and CL form a Capacitive Divider Fig. 10.49: FB#1 1/ Derivation: CMOS RRO The derivation for FB#1 is shown on the left in Fig. 10.49. Since 1/ is the reciprocal of , FB#1 1/ calculation is easily derived as shown on the right in the same Fig. We can see that the pole, fpx, in the derivation becomes the zero, fzx, in the 1/ derivation. We will use the circuit in Fig. 10.50 to perform ac analysis, using TINA-TI, to find 1/ for FB#1, Aol for the OPA734, and loop gain for this circuit using only FB#1. VFB FB#1 RF100k 2.5V Aol=VOA 1/ =VOA/VFB L11T Loop Gain =VFB CT1T VOA + VG1 2.5V U1OPA734 AC=1Vpk + + Zo Ex ternal M odel CO13.4u GM2 - DC=0V + Vref2.5 REF5025 2.5V RL1M + CLP12.3u x7.75E-3 x1(/Riso+RL) f LP = 0.1Hz VO 2.5V x1e-6 1 2 RLP CLP ne t f LP = CL47u - RO129 x1R /O Vs5 Vout GMO RLP129k EN Riso13 -G en iu s. Fig. 10.50: FB#1 Analysis Ac Circuit: CMOS RRO EN FB#1 1/ results are plotted on the OPA734 Aol curve (see Fig. 10.51). At fcl, where loop gain goes to zero, we see that the rate-of-closure is 40 dB/decade: [(–20 dB/decade from Aol) – (+20 dB/decade from FB#1 1/) = –40 dB/decade rate-of-closure] which, from our rate-of-closure rule-of-thumb, indicates instability. a T b is he d 140 120 Aol 1/ FB#1: A:(1.4424; 13.0953) B:(107.49; 16.0961) Pu bl 100 80 fcl 1/ FB#1 60 As Gain (dB) on Our analysis of FB#1 was low frequency 1/ = 13.09 dB with a zero, fzx, at 183.57 Hz, and as can be seen (Fig. 10.51) our first-order analysis predicted accurately FB#1 1/. 40 fz x 20 STABLE 0 -20 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k Frequency (Hz) Fig. 10.51: FB#1 1/ Plot: CMOS RRO 1M 10M T a 120 Loop Gain 100 80 Gain : Gain (dB) 60 VFB A:(6.73k; -14.49m) Phase : 40 VFB A:(6.73k; 831.33m) 20 fcl 0 -20 -40 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M Frequency(Hz) 90 STABLE Phase [deg] 45 -45 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M -G en iu s. 1 ne t 0 Frequency(Hz) Fig. 10.52: FB#1 Loop Gain Analysis: CMOS RRO on EN In Fig. 10.52 the loop-gain analysis of our circuit using only FB#1 shows that we have close to zero phase margin at fcl where gain goes to zero. This is definite confirmation that we have an unstable circuit. The poles and zeros in the loop-gain plot can be predicted, by inspection, from the FB#1 1/ plot on the Aol curve (Fig. 10.51, again). VFB 2.5V Pu bl is he d RF100k VO 2.5V - Riso13 Vout 2.5V As U1OPA734 + + EN CL47u Vref 2.5 RL1M Vs 5 R EF 5025 + Vin D C =0V Square Wave = +/-10mVpk f =100H z Fig. 10.53: FB#1 Transient Stability Test Circuit: CMOS RRO In case we had any doubt, or if we built our reference buffer circuit with only FB#1, we could use our real world transient stability test using the circuit in Fig. 10.53. The transient stability test results (Fig. 10.54) coincide with both the 1/ on Aol Plot and loop-gain plot in confirming we have an unstable circuit by using only FB#1 in our reference buffer configuration. T 2.51 VFB 2.49 2.76 VO 2.24 10.00m STABLE Vin ne t -10.00m 2.51 -G en iu s. Vout 2.49 2.50m 0.00 5.00m 7.50m 10.00m Time (s) Fig. 10.54: FB#1 Transient Stability Test: CMOS RRO 140 120 EN T on Aol 100 1/ FB#1 Gain (dB) is he d 80 60 40 fcl Pu bl 1/ FB#2 FB#1 fza 20 1/ fpc fzx 0 As Vout/Vin STABLE -20 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M Frequency (Hz) Adding FB#2 for Stability: Set FB#2 High -f 1/ = +10db greater than FB#1 Low Set fza in FB#2 1/ = 0.1fzx in FB#1 1/ -f 1/ : best phase margin within loop gain bandwidth Fig. 10.55: FB#2 Graphical Analysis: CMOS RRO Now we must figure out how to synthesize a solution to make our reference buffer with capacitive load stable. At this point we know the Aol curve and the FB#1 1/ (Fig. 10.55). If we add FB#2 1/ (Fig. 10.55) we can see a net 1/ which will be stable from our rule-of thumb for rate-of-closure at fcl. Moreover, we will force fpc to be less than a decade from fzx in the 1/ curve to ensure phase margin better than 45° for frequencies less than fcl, by setting the high frequency portion of FB#2 1/ only +10 dB greater than the low frequency 1/ of FB#1. Fza is set to be at least one decade less than fpc to guarantee that as parameters shift in the real world we can avoid the BIG NOT. By inspection, the net 1/ curve is formed from FB#1 1/ and FB#2 1/ by choosing the path with lowest 1/. Remember, in dual-feedback paths the largest voltage fed back from the op amp output to the negative input will dominate the feedback. The largest feedback voltage implies the largest or the smallest 1/. As a final point, we see that the Vout/Vin transfer function is predicted to follow FB#1 until FB#2 dominates at which point Vout/Vin will roll off at –20 dB/decade until FB#2 intersects with the Aol curve where it would then follow the Aol curve on down. FB#2 CO - x1R /O EN VFB RF100k Riso13 + U1OPA734 + + CF150n GM2 RO129 VO x7.75E-3 CL FB#2 1/ Calculation: Pole: At Origin 1 2 RF CF 1 Zero: 2 100k 150n Zero: fza = 10.6Hz on EN Zero: VFB VOA VOA 1/ = VFB = -G en iu s. FB#2 Analysis: 1/ pole at the origin 1/ zero set by RF and CF High - f 1/ set by RO and Riso CL = zero since we are using superposition and only analyzing FB#2 Assume: CL & CO > 10 CF RF > 10 Riso ne t VOA High Frequency : CO & CL = short By Inspection: RO+Riso 1/ = for High-f 1/ Riso 129+13 1/ = for High-f 1/ 13 1/ = 10.92 or 20.76dB for High-f 1/ is he d Fig. 10.56: FB#2 Analysis: CMOS RRO As Pu bl There are some key assumptions (see Fig. 10.56) we will make that apply to almost all Riso w/Dual Feedback circuits. First we will assume that CL > 10 * CF, which means that CL will become a short at high frequencies long before CF does. We will, therefore, short CL to eliminate FB#1 so as to analyze FB#2 independently. Furthermore, we will assume that RF > 10 * Riso which implies that that RF has little-to-no effect as a load across Riso. From Fig. 10.56 and the detailed derivations in Fig. 10.57, we see FB#2 will have a pole at the origin with a zero, fza, at 19.41 Hz caused by RF and CF. The high frequency 1/ portion of FB#2 is a ratio of Ro+Riso to Riso since CF and CL are both a short at high frequency. The derivation of FB#2 1/ is shown in the next figures. The high frequency 1/ for FB#2 is set to be 10.92 or 20.76 dB with a pole at the origin and a zero at 10.6 Hz. The derivation for FB#2 is shown on the left in Fig. 10.57. Since 1/ is the reciprocal of , FB#1 1/ calculation is easily derived as shown on the right. We see that the pole, fpa, in the derivation becomes the zero, fza, in the 1/ derivation. FB#2 Derivation: FB#2 1/ Derivation: Assume: CL & CO > 10 CF RF > 10 Riso FB#2 Calculation: VOARF VFB = VOA XCF+RF VFB VOA VOA 1/ = VFB = RF RF + 1 SCF VOARF XCF+RF 1 SCF RF RF + VOA SCF RF+1 = SCF RF VFB -G en iu s. S 1 S+CF RF VOA = VFB RO+Riso : 1/ High-f 1/ = Riso Zero:fza = on 1 2 RF CF 1 S+CF RF S This Implies: Pole: At Origin EN This Implies: Zero: At Origin Pole: fpa = VOA = VFB High Frequency : CO & CL = short By Inspection: = Riso : High-f RO+Riso SCF RF VFB = VOA SCF RF+1 VFB = VOA VFB = ne t VFB = FB#2 1/ Calculation: 1 2 RF CF is he d Fig. 10.57: FB#2 Analysis: CMOS RRO 2.5V RF100k Ao l= VO A As VFB Pu bl To check our first-order analysis of FB#2 we can use the TINA-TI circuit of Fig. 10.58. For ease of analysis we set CL to 10 GF so it will be a short for any frequencies of interest, but will still allow a proper dc operating point to be found by SPICE before the ac analysis is performed. C1150n L11T CT1T + VG1 D C= 0V AC =1 Vpk VOA 2.5V - G M2 U1OPA734 + + Zo Ex ternal Model CO1G - R EF 5025 Vs5 x1R /O x1(/Riso+RL) 1 f LP = 2.5V RL1M + CLP12.3u f LP = 0 .1 Hz Vout CL1G - RO129 x7.75 E-3 Riso13 G MO RLP129k EN + Vref2.5 1/ = VO A/VF B F B#2 x1e -6 2 R LP C LP FB#2 Analysis: Set CO = 1GF and CL = 1GF AC Short for any frequency of interest Allows for GM2 and GMO to remain unchanged for this analysis Fig. 10.58: FB#2 Analysis Ac Circuit: CMOS RRO VO 2.5V The results of our TINA-TI simulation(Fig. 10.59) show the FB#2 1/ plot is as predicted by our firstorder analysis with fza = 10.6 Hz and a high frequency 1/ of 23.78 dB. We also plot the OP734 Aol curve to see how FB#2 will intersect with it at high frequency. a T b 140 120 Aol FB#2 1/ : A:(10.6; 23.7853) 100 B:(227.0182; 20.7804) Gain (dB) 80 60 ne t 40 fz a -G en iu s. 20 FB#2 1/ 0 -20 10 1 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M EN Frequency (Hz) on Fig. 10.59: FB#2 1/ Plot: CMOS RRO VFB 2.5V RF100k CT1T + VG1 VOA 2.5V GM2 - U1OPA734 DC=0V AC=1Vpk As + + Vref2.5 REF5025 Aol=VOA 1/ =VOA/VFB Loop Gain =VFB C1150n Pu bl L11T is he d We will use the TINA-TI circuit in Fig. 10.60 to analyze if the predicted superposition results of FB#1 and FB#2 will produce the desired net 1/. It will also allow us to plot Aol, net 1/ and loop gain. Zo Ex ternal M odel CO13.4u - RLP129k EN + Vs5 x1R /O x7.75E-3 CL47u - RO129 CLP12.3u f LP = 0.1Hz 1 f LP = 2 RLPCLP Riso13 Vout 2.5V GMO + x1(/Riso+RL) VO 2.5V x1e-6 Fig. 10.60: Final Loop-Gain Analysis Circuit: CMOS RRO RL1M We see our analysis results (Fig. 10.61) confirm our predicted net 1/ plot. At fcl, where loop gain goes to zero, we see our expected 20 dB/decade rate-of-closure. T 140 120 Aol 100 Gain (dB) 80 60 fcl 40 ne t 1/ 20 -G en iu s. 0 STABLE -20 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 1M 10M 1M 10M Frequency (Hz) T 120 Loop Gain 100 40 20 0 Loop Gain : A:(172.64k; 40.12m) B:(146.43; 65.52) Loop Phase : A:(172.64k; 87.79) B:(146.43; 66.54) -20 -40 10 100 Pu bl 1 1k 10k 100k Frequency(Hz) fcl b As 90 Phase [deg] is he d Gain (dB) 60 45 a on 80 EN Fig. 10.61: Final Net 1/: CMOS RRO STABLE 0 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k Frequency(Hz) Fig. 10.62: Final Loop-Gain Analysis: CMOS RRO The loop-gain phase plot for our final circuit, which uses FB#1 and FB#2 (Fig. 10.62) shows phase shift never dips to less than 66.54° (at 146.43 Hz) and at fcl, 172.64 kHz, the phase margin is 87.79°. We will do our final check on our stabilized circuit with a transient stability test using the TINA-TI circuit of Fig. 10.63. VFB 2.5V RF100k C1150n VO 2.5V - Riso13 + + EN CL47u Vref2.5 2.5V Vout U1OPA734 RL1M REF 5025 ne t Vs5 + Vin -G en iu s. DC=0V Square Wave = +/-10mVpk f =100Hz Fig. 10.63: Final Transient Stability Test Circuit: CMOS RRO T on EN The results of our transient stability test on our final circuit (Fig. 10.64) agrees with all of our other predictions resulting in a good, stable circuit we can put into production with confidence that we will not have any failures or real world operation anomalies. is he d 2.51 VFB VOA As 2.49 10.00m Pu bl 2.49 2.51 Vin -10.00m 2.51 Vout 2.49 0.00 2.50m 5.00m 7.50m Time (s) Fig. 10.64: Final Transient Stability Test: CMOS RRO 10.00m The TINA-TI circuit of Fig. 10.65 will allow us to confirm if our prediction of Vout/Vin is correct. 2.5V VFB RF100k C1150n - Riso13 Vout U1OPA734 + + ne t EN Vref 2.5 -G en iu s. CL47u Vs 5 R EF 5025 VO + Vin RL1M 2.5V EN D C =0V 2.5V on AC=1Vpk is he d Fig. 10.65: Final Vout/Vin Transfer Function Circuit: CMOS RRO We see that the results of our Vout/Vin test (Fig. 10.66) match our predicted first-order results with a single pole roll-off at 253.88 Hz and a second at about 167 kHz where FB#2 intersects the Aol curve. a Pu bl T 0 -20 Vout / Vin -60 -80 -100 As Gain (dB) -40 b -120 -140 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M Frequency(Hz) 0 Gain : Vout/Vin A:(22.0022; 270.0877m) B:(253.8847; -2.7077) Phase : -45 Phase [deg] Vout/Vin A:(22.0022; -4.057) B:(253.8847; -45.4605) -90 -135 -180 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M Frequency(Hz) Fig. 10.66: Final Vout/Vin Transfer Function: CMOS RRO 10M Fig. 10.67 summarizes an easy-to-use step-by-step procedure for the Riso w/Dual Feedback capacitive load stability technique on CMOS RRO output op amps. FB#1 1/ Formulae: 1 Zero: fzx = 2 ( Note: FB#2 1/ Formulae: CO CL CL+CO CO CL CL+CO Assume: CL & CO > 10 CF RF > 10 Riso ) (Riso+RO) is series combination of CO and CL Pole: At Origin 1 CL+CO = for Low-f 1/ CO Zero: fza = 1 2 RF CF ne t CO and CL form a Capacitive Divider 12 13 EN on is he d Pu bl 7 8 9 10 11 Measure Aol of op amp Measure & Plot Zo of op amp Determine RO Create Zo external model Compute FB#1 Low-f 1/: equals 1 for unity gain voltage buffer Set FB#2 High-f 1/ = +10 dB higher than FB#1 Low-f 1/ (For best Vout/Vin transient response and least amount of phase shift within loop-gain bandwidth) Choose Riso from FB#2 High-f 1/ and RO Compute FB#1 1/ fzx from CL, Riso, RO Set FB#2 1/ fza = 1/10 fzx Choose RF and CF with practical values to yield fza Run simulation with final values for Aol, 1/, loop gain, Vout/Vin, transient analysis to confirm design Check for loop-gain Phase shift NOT to dip more than 135° (>45° phase margin) For low noise applications: check for flat Vout/Vin response to avoid gain peaking leading to noise peaking in Vout/Vin As 1 2 3 4 5 6 -G en iu s. High Frequency 1/ : CO & CL = short By Inspection: RO+Riso 1/ = for High-f 1/ Riso Fig. 10.67: Riso w/Dual Feedback Compensation Procedure: CMOS RRO About The Author As Pu bl is he d on EN -G en iu s. ne t After earning a BSEE from the University of Arizona, Tim Green has worked as an analog and mixedsignal board/system level design engineer for over 23 years, including brushless motor control, aircraft jet engine control, missile systems, power op amps, data acquisition systems, and CCD cameras. Tim's recent experience includes analog & mixed-signal semiconductor strategic marketing. He is currently the Linear Applications Engineering Manager at Burr-Brown, a division of Texas Instruments, in Tucson, AZ and focuses on instrumentation amplifiers and digitally-programmable analog conditioning ICs. He can be contacted at green_tim@ti.com