IMILO1 Provide technical information, advice and support to leased vehicle customers Overview This standard is about dealing with customer enquiries and complaints about the operational, legal and technical aspects of leased vehicles. The standard covers the following types of enquiries: • vehicle operations and maintenance • legal requirements • manufacturers’ fleet service packages • manufacturers’ warranties • emergency breakdown and accident recovery and the following types of customers: • individuals • corporate The standard is aimed at leasing company technical customer service advisers/maintenance controllers. Provide technical information, advice and support to leased vehicle customers Consultation Draft February 2012 1 IMIL01 Provide technical information, advice and support to leased vehicle customers Performance criteria P1. Establish effective working relationships with customers. You must be able to: P2. Use questioning techniques to identify customers’ needs. P3. Where enquiries fall outside own area of responsibility/competence, refer customers on to a relevant colleague. P4. Use internal and external sources to locate information relevant to customers’ enquiries. P5. Communicate required information to customers using language and style appropriate to their needs. P6. Check customers’ understanding of the information you have given them, including the extent and limitations of cover. P7. Use different approaches to find ‘win-win’ solutions to customer enquiries. P8. Make sure you have dealt with all relevant customer needs. P9. Follow company procedures in the event of customer complaints. P10. Update necessary records. P11. Bring discussions with customers to a positive conclusion. Provide technical information, advice and support to leased vehicle customers Consultation Draft January 2012 2 IMIL01 Provide technical information, advice and support to leased vehicle customers Knowledge and understanding You need to know and understand: K1. Why it is important to establish effective working relationships with customers. K2. Company guidelines and requirements for handling customer enquiries. K3. Why it is important to accurately identify your customers’ needs. K4. The types of questioning techniques you can use to accurately identify your customers’ needs. K5. The types of enquiries that need to be referred to other colleagues and which colleagues should deal with which enquiries. K6. The types of information sources you should use to locate information about: • vehicle and ancillary equipment operations and maintenance • legal requirements • manufacturers’ fleet service packages • manufacturers’ warranties • emergency breakdown and accident recovery. K7. Why it is important to communicate information to the customer using terms they will understand and how to avoid technical jargon. K8. Why it is important to check customers’ understanding and techniques you can use to do this. K9. How to find ‘win-win’ situations. K10. The record keeping procedures that need to be followed for different types of enquiries and why these are important. K11. Techniques you can use to bring customer discussions to a successful conclusion. K12. The differences between emergency breakdown and recovery systems: manufacturers’ schemes, breakdown repair/recovery companies including pay as you go. Provide technical information, advice and support to leased vehicle customers Consultation Draft January 2012 3 IMIL01 Provide technical information, advice and support to leased vehicle customers K13. Customer specific operational requirements in respect of contracts. K14. The typical replacement frequencies for components in a major service including routine and periodic/seasonal items. K15. The core vehicle leasing products in terms of vehicle ownership and any optional services that may be provided. K16. Own company’s leasing products and any included or optional services. K17. The differentiators from competitors of services offered by own company. K18. The differences between fleet management, contract hire and personal contract purchase agreements. K19. The legal differences between daily rental and leasing. K20. The main characteristics of the UK vehicle leasing industry. K21. Where own company is positioned and the implications for customer service and cost control. K22. Key operational areas of own organisation, the relationships between them and their main responsibilities. K23. Company procedures for handling customer complaints, including procedures to escalate complaints. Provide technical information, advice and support to leased vehicle customers Consultation Draft January 2012 4 IMIL01 Provide technical information, advice and support to leased vehicle customers Developed by Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Version number DRAFT 2 Date approved Indicative review date Validity DRAFT Status Original Originating organisation Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Original URN [ORIGINURN] Relevant occupations Vehicle Leasing Company Technical Customer Service Advisers, Maintenance Controllers Suite Vehicle Leasing Key words Vehicle Leasing, Service Package, Vehicle Warranty, Breakdown, Accident Provide technical information, advice and support to leased vehicle customers Consultation Draft January 2012 5 IMIL02 Ensure leased vehicles meet legal and manufacturer requirements Overview This standard is about making sure leased vehicles continue to meet manufacturer and legal requirements: • vehicle recalls • vehicle testing • statutory off-road notifications • ancillary equipment testing • fees. The standard is aimed at leasing company technical customer service advisers and maintenance controllers. IMIL02 Ensure leased vehicles meet legal and manufacturers’ requirements Consultation Draft February 2012 6 IMIL02 Ensure leased vehicles meet legal and manufacturer requirements Performance criteria You must be able to: P1. Create and maintain records according to organisational requirements, covering: • vehicle recalls • vehicle testing • statutory off-road notifications • ancillary equipment testing • fees. P2. Identify vehicle testing and inspection frequencies. P3. Follow your company’s procedures for the management of vehicle and ancillary equipment testing and recalls, including reminders to customers P4. Provide support to customers when required and within the limitations of their contract. P5. Make sure that all relevant requirements relating to vehicles have been met. IMIL02 Ensure leased vehicles meet legal and manufacturers’ requirements Consultation Draft February 2012 7 IMIL02 Ensure leased vehicles meet legal and manufacturer requirements Knowledge and understanding You need to know and understand: K1. Your company’s record keeping procedures relating to: • vehicle recalls • vehicle testing • statutory off-road notifications • ancillary equipment testing • fees. K2. Why vehicle record keeping procedures are important. K3. How to identify first test dates and testing frequencies for the types of vehicles you are responsible for. K4. What is tested and what would lead to a failure. K5. Your company’s procedures for managing vehicle testing, recalls and reminding customers about appointments. K6. The types of support that may be available to customers during testing and recall procedures. K7. Your company’s responsibilities in terms of vehicle safety and legality. K8. Sources of information on vehicle testing and recalls. K9. Legal requirements in relation to vehicle tyres and windscreens. IMIL02 Ensure leased vehicles meet legal and manufacturers’ requirements Consultation Draft February 2012 8 IMIL02 Ensure leased vehicles meet legal and manufacturer requirements Developed by Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Version number DRAFT 2 Date approved Indicative review date Validity DRAFT Status Original Originating organisation Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Original URN Relevant occupations Leasing Company Technical Customer Service Advisers, Maintenance Controllers Suite Vehicle Leasing Key words Vehicle Leasing, Legal requirements, MOT IMIL02 Ensure leased vehicles meet legal and manufacturers’ requirements Consultation Draft February 2012 9 IMIL03 Support leased vehicle service and maintenance Overview This standard is about retrieving and analysing data from internal and external sources to enable cost control, authorisation and recording of leased vehicle servicing and maintenance. The standard is aimed at leasing company technical customer service advisers/maintenance controllers. Support leased vehicle service and maintenance Consultation Draft February 2012 10 IMIL03 Support leased vehicle service and maintenance Performance criteria You must be able to: P1. Collect accurate information for: • different tyre types and tyre pressures • irregular wear • integrity and stability. P2. Collect accurate information, relevant to service and maintenance, from the following sources: • vehicle handbooks • vehicle service books • company interface tools • industry interface tools. P3. Use information to establish the legitimacy and correct frequency for service and maintenance work. P4. Make effective decisions when authorising servicing and maintenance work, ensuring compliance with: • legal requirements • manufacturers’ requirements • company policy on minimising costs • company standards for customer service P5. Follow the correct procedures for the declaration of Statutory Off Road Notices. P6. Obtain customer approval for rechargeable maintenance work. P7. Follow the correct procedures to provide replacement vehicles for eligible customers. P8. Follow company procedures for record keeping in relation to vehicle service and repair. Support leased vehicle service and maintenance Consultation Draft February 2012 11 IMIL03 Support leased vehicle service and maintenance Knowledge and understanding You need to know and understand: K1. Sources of information about service and maintenance requirements for vehicles, including technical data regarding tyres, tyre wear and windscreen condition. K2. How to evaluate information and data to establish the legitimacy and correct frequency for service and maintenance work. K3. Why cost control is critical to the business. K4. Why customer service is critical to the business. K5. The scope and detail of manufacturer warranties and goodwill policies. K6. Manufacturers’ service schedules, fleet package pricing and VM ‘inclusive’ service programmes. K7. Techniques to maintain effective cost control, including avoiding linked sales and ‘upselling’. K8. The scope and limitations of your own role in relation to authorising servicing and maintenance. K9. Why vehicle preventative maintenance is important. K10. Your own company’s expectations in terms of maintaining the condition of vehicles. K11. Vehicle systems operation and maintenance requirements to ensure normal vehicle life expectancy. K12. How to use company and industry interface tools to authorise maintenance and provide customer operational support. K13. How to use maintenance data to progress maintenance work and provide customer support. K14. Company record keeping procedures in relation to servicing and maintenance. K15. The relationship between the geographical location of vehicles and dealer servicing and maintenance costs. Support leased vehicle service and maintenance Consultation Draft February 2012 12 IMIL03 Support leased vehicle service and maintenance K16. The effects that different conditions have on vehicle maintenance budget requirements. K17. The principles of tyre management relating to cold weather tyres. Support leased vehicle service and maintenance Consultation Draft February 2012 13 IMIL03 Support leased vehicle service and maintenance Developed by Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Version number DRAFT 2 Date approved Indicative review date Validity DRAFT Status ORIGINAL Originating organisation Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Original URN Relevant occupations Leasing Company Technical Customer Service Advisers, Maintenance Controllers Suite Vehicle Leasing Key words Vehicle servicing and maintenance, authorisation, cost control Support leased vehicle service and maintenance Consultation Draft February 2012 14 IMIL04 Support leased vehicle mechanical breakdown and accident repair Overview This standard is about providing contractual support to leased vehicle customers in the event of mechanical breakdown and accident. The standard is aimed at leasing company technical customer service advisers and maintenance controllers. Support leased vehicle mechanical breakdown and accident repair Consultation Draft February 2012 15 IMIL04 Support leased vehicle mechanical breakdown and accident repair Performance criteria You must be able to: P1. Collect and analyse required information about the mechanical breakdown/accident P2. Identify vehicle repair processes in accordance with: • customers’ contracts • company leasing policies • industry guidelines for fair wear and tear. P3. Initiate vehicle repair processes which meet required specifications. P4. Authorise work within budgetary constraints. P5. Refer requests that fall outside own area of responsibility or authority to the relevant individual in your company. P6. Identify and resolve any issues associated with misfuelling. P7. Follow company procedures to produce: • reports for internal use • exception reports • reports that meet specific customer requirements. Support leased vehicle mechanical breakdown and accident repair Consultation Draft January 2012 16 IMIL04 Support leased vehicle mechanical breakdown and accident repair Knowledge and understanding You need to know and understand: K1. The services and breakdown elements included or available as options in contracts. K2. The meaning of ‘Temporary Replacement Vehicle Entitlement’ within a contract and customers’ qualifying criteria. K3. The services and elements contained in accident management schemes. K4. The legal terms and obligations for contract maintenance. K5. Internal company processes for accident repair. K6. Own company’s policies on vehicle condition at contract end. K7. The impact of cost control on company profit. K8. The key budgetary elements in vehicle repair and how these may be controlled to affect maintenance spend. K9. Pricing fluctuations for elements of repair spend that affect company profitability. K10. The types of report you may need to produce and their relevance to management in controlling maintenance, service and repair spend. K11. The types and uses of reports for customers to inform them about vehicle repair. K12. Exception reporting processes for individual vehicles. K13. Reporting procedures. K14. How to identify specific customer requirements for reports. Support leased vehicle mechanical breakdown and accident repair Consultation Draft January 2012 17 IMIL04 Support leased vehicle mechanical breakdown and accident repair Developed by Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Version number DRAFT 2 Date approved Indicative review date Validity DRAFT Status ORIGINAL Originating organisation Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Original URN Relevant occupations Leasing Company Technical Customer Service Advisers, Maintenance Controllers Suite Vehicle Leasing Key words Vehicle repair, authorisation, cost control Support leased vehicle mechanical breakdown and accident repair Consultation Draft January 2012 18 IMIL05 Agree to manage and be accountable for own performance in a business environment Overview This standard is about taking responsibility for your own work, behaving in a way that supports effective working with other people and improving your own performance in the job. The standard is aimed at leasing company technical customer service advisers/maintenance controllers. Agree to manage and be accountable for own performance in a business environment Consultation Draft February 2012 19 IMIL05 Agree to manage and be accountable for own performance in a business environment Performance criteria You must be able to: Plan and be accountable for own work P1. Agree realistic targets and achievable timescales for own work. P2. Plan how to make best use of time and the other resources needed. P3. Confirm working methods with work colleagues. P4. Follow the correct procedures to deal with problems when they arise, using the support of other people when necessary. P5. Keep other people informed of progress. P6. Meet deadlines or renegotiate timescales and plans in good time. P7. Take responsibility for own work and accept responsibility for any mistakes made. P8. Follow agreed guidelines, procedures and, where appropriate, codes of practice. P9. Set high standards for own work and show commitment to achieving these standards. Improve own performance P10. Encourage and accept feedback from other people. P11. Use feedback to agree ways to improve own work and put improvements into practice. P12. Agree where further learning and development could improve own performance. P13. Follow through a learning plan that meets own needs. P14. Review own progress and update own learning plan. Behave in a way that supports effective working P15. Show a willingness to take on new challenges. P16. Adapt readily to change. P17. Treat other people with honesty, respect and consideration. Agree to manage and be accountable for own performance in a business environment Consultation Draft February 2012 20 IMIL05 Agree to manage and be accountable for own performance in a business environment Knowledge and understanding You need to know and understand: Plan and be accountable for own work K1. The purpose of planning own work and being accountable to others. K2. How to agree realistic targets for own work and why this is important. K3. How to plan own work to meet agreed deadlines. K4. The types of problems that may occur during work and how to seek help if needed. K5. The purpose of keeping other people informed about progress. K6. The purpose and benefits of giving other people sufficient notice if revisions to plans are needed. K7. The benefits of acknowledging and learning from mistakes. K8. Guidelines, procedures and codes of practice that are relevant to own area of work. K9. The benefits of setting high standards for own work and how to set these standards. Improve own performance K10. The benefits of trying to continuously improve own work. K11. The benefits of encouraging and accepting feedback from others. K12. How learning and development can help to improve own work, benefit the organisation and further own career. K13. The main career progression routes available. K14. Learning and development opportunities that are available. Behave in a way that supports effective working K15. The purpose and benefits of being ready to take on new challenges and adapt to change. K16. The value of treating others with honesty, respect and Agree to manage and be accountable for own performance in a business environment Consultation Draft February 2012 21 IMIL05 Agree to manage and be accountable for own performance in a business environment consideration. K17. The types of behaviour that show you are honest, respectful and considerate and the types of behaviour that show you are not. K18. How to help and support others and why this is important. Agree to manage and be accountable for own performance in a business environment Consultation Draft February 2012 22 IMIL05 Agree to manage and be accountable for own performance in a business environment Developed by CfA Version number Date approved April 2010 Indicative review date Validity Current Status Derived Originating organisation CfA Original URN BAA625 Relevant occupations Suite Vehicle Leasing Key words [KEYWORDS] Agree to manage and be accountable for own performance in a business environment Consultation Draft February 2012 23 IMIL06 Ensure leased commercial vehicles meet legal and manufacturer requirements Overview This standard is about making sure leased commercial vehicles continue to meet manufacturer and legal requirements: • vehicle recalls • vehicle testing • statutory off-road notifications • ancillary equipment testing • fees. The standard is aimed at leasing company technical customer service advisers and maintenance controllers. IMIL06 Ensure leased commercial vehicles meet legal and manufacturers’ requirements Consultation Draft February 2012 24 IMIL06 Ensure leased commercial vehicles meet legal and manufacturer requirements Performance criteria You must be able to: P1. Create and maintain records according to organisational requirements, covering: • recalls • commercial vehicle testing • statutory off-road notifications • ancillary equipment testing • fees. P2. Identify commercial vehicle category and relevant testing and inspection frequencies. P3. Follow your company’s procedures for the management of commercial vehicle and ancillary equipment testing and recalls, including reminders to customers. P4. Provide support to customers when required and within the limitations of their contract. P5. Make sure that all relevant requirements relating to different categories of commercial vehicles have been met. P6. Calculate fees according to service and commercial vehicle category. IMIL06 Ensure leased commercial vehicles meet legal and manufacturers’ requirements Consultation Draft February 2012 25 IMIL06 Ensure leased commercial vehicles meet legal and manufacturer requirements Knowledge and understanding You need to know and understand: K1. Your company’s record keeping procedures relating to: • recalls • commercial vehicle testing • statutory off-road notifications • ancillary equipment testing • fees. K2. Why commercial vehicle record keeping procedures are important. K3. How to identify vehicle category, first date tests and testing frequencies for different types of commercial vehicles. K4. What is tested and what would lead to a failure in different types of commercial vehicle. K5. Your company’s procedures for managing commercial vehicle testing, recalls and reminding customers about appointments. K6. The types of support that may be available to customers during testing and recall procedures. K7. Your company’s responsibilities in terms of commercial vehicle safety and legality. K8. Sources of information on commercial vehicle testing and recalls. K9. Legal requirements in relation to vehicle tyres and windscreens. K10. The purpose of the Vehicle and Operator Service Agency (VOSA) and the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations. K11. How to check for the current information on periodic inspection, MOT and VOSA test standards for any type of vehicle. K12. Test categories, test pricing and which category of test applies to different types of commercial vehicle. IMIL06 Ensure leased commercial vehicles meet legal and manufacturers’ requirements Consultation Draft February 2012 26 IMIL06 Ensure leased commercial vehicles meet legal and manufacturer requirements Developed by Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Version number DRAFT 2 Date approved Indicative review date Validity DRAFT Status Original Originating organisation Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Original URN Relevant occupations Leasing Company Technical Customer Service Advisers, Maintenance Controllers Suite Vehicle Leasing Key words Vehicle Leasing, Legal requirements, Commercial Vehicles IMIL06 Ensure leased commercial vehicles meet legal and manufacturers’ requirements Consultation Draft February 2012 27 IMIL07 Use IT systems to support vehicle leasing operations Overview This standard covers using IT tools and systems to access information and data, maintain records and communicate with customers and suppliers in order to service, maintain and repair a fleet of vehicles. The standard is aimed at leasing company technical customer service advisers/maintenance controllers. 28 IMIL07 Use IT systems to support vehicle leasing operations Performance criteria You must be able to: P1. Follow organisational procedures to access and update data systems. P2. Input data accurately and correctly. P3. Locate and retrieve information and data from internal and external sources. P4. Use IT pricing tools to calculate and control costs. P5. Follow procedures for the security and confidentiality of data. P6. Communicate with customers and suppliers using: • email • text messaging. P7. Present qualitative and quantitative information using software packages to company standards. Use IT systems to support vehicle leasing operations Consultation Draft February 2012 29 IMIL07 Use IT systems to support vehicle leasing operations Knowledge and understanding You need to know and understand: K1. How to use electronic communication to authorise maintenance transactions. K2. The different electronic methods of communicating with suppliers and customers. K3. How to choose the most appropriate method of electronic communication with suppliers and customers. K4. The advantages of using a dealer interface programme and the impact for own organisation. K5. The reasons for using IT systems to communicate data. K6. How to use software to present qualitative and quantitative data and information to company standards. K9. Electronic methods of obtaining up to date pricing data from vehicle manufacturers and associated services providers. K10. How to use pricing tools to verify maintenance expenditure Use IT systems to support vehicle leasing operations Consultation Draft February 2012 30 IMIL07 Use IT systems to support vehicle leasing operations Developed by Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Version number DRAFT 2 Date approved Indicative review date Validity DRAFT Status Original Originating organisation Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Original URN Relevant occupations Leasing Company Technical Customer Service Advisers, Maintenance Controllers Suite Vehicle Leasing Key words Vehicle Leasing, IT systems Use IT systems to support vehicle leasing operations Consultation Draft February 2012 31 IMIL08 Maintain health & safety in the rental and leasing motor vehicle sector Overview This NOS relates to Health and Safety related to vehicles which are covered by rental or leasing agreements. 32 IMIL08 Maintain health & safety in the rental and leasing motor vehicle sector Performance criteria P1 Name correctly and locate the persons responsible for health and safety in the workplace. You must be able to: P2 Identify correctly all workplace polices relevant to your working practices. P3 Identify working practices in your job role which could harm yourself or other persons. P4 Identify those aspects of the workplace which could harm yourself or other persons. P5 Evaluate which of the potentially harmful working practices and the potentially harmful aspects of the workplace pose the highest risk to yourself or to others. P6 Report those hazards which present a high risk to the persons responsible for health and safety in the workplace. P7 Identify and deal with low risk hazards in accordance with workplace policies and legal requirements. P8 Carry out your working practices in accordance with legal requirements. P9 Identify the correct personal and vehicle protective equipment required to correctly carry out your workplace practices. P10 Carry out your workplace practices using the correct personal protective equipment. P11 Follow the most recent workplace policies for your job role. P12 Rectify health and safety risks that are within your capability and scope of your job responsibilities. P13 Pass on any suggestions for reducing risks to health and safety within your job role to the responsible persons. Maintain health & safety in the rental and leasing motor vehicle sector Consultation Draft February 2012 33 IMIL08 Maintain health & safety in the rental and leasing motor vehicle sector P14 Ensure your personal conduct in the workplace does not endanger the health and safety of yourself or other persons. P15 Follow the workplace policies and suppliers' or manufacturers' instructions for the safe use of equipment, materials and products. P16 Report any differences between workplace policies and suppliers' or manufacturers' instructions as appropriate. P17 Ensure your personal presentation at work ensures the health and safety of yourself and others: P17.1 meets any legal duties, and P17.2 is in accordance with workplace policies. Maintain health & safety in the rental and leasing motor vehicle sector Consultation Draft February 2012 34 IMIL08 Maintain health & safety in the rental and leasing motor vehicle sector Knowledge and understanding You need to know and understand: K1 Your legal duties for health and safety in the workplace as required by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and any other policies or procedures that govern your working practices. K2 Your duties for health and safety as defined by any specific legislation covering your job role. K3 Agreed workplace policies relating to controlling risks to health and safety. K4 responsibilities for health and safety in your job description. K5 The responsible persons to whom you report health and safety matters. K6 What hazards may exist in your workplace, (eg Slips, trips and falls). K7 Health and safety risks which may be present in your own job role and the precautions you must take. K8 The importance of remaining alert to the presence of hazards in the whole workplace. K9 How to deal with and report risks. K10 The importance of dealing with or promptly reporting risks. K11 The requirements and guidance on the precautions. K12 The specific workplace policies covering your job role. K13 Suppliers' and manufacturers' instructions for the safe use of equipment, materials and products. K14 Safe working practices for your own job role. K15 The importance of personal presentation in maintaining health and safety in the workplace. K16 The importance of personal conduct in maintaining the health and Maintain health & safety in the rental and leasing motor vehicle sector Consultation Draft February 2012 35 IMIL08 Maintain health & safety in the rental and leasing motor vehicle sector safety of yourself and others. K17 The importance of personal protective equipment, when and where it should be used and the importance of maintaining it correctly. K18 Your scope and responsibility for rectifying risks. K19 Workplace procedures for handling risks which you are unable to deal with. Maintain health & safety in the rental and leasing motor vehicle sector Consultation Draft February 2012 36 IMIL08 Maintain health & safety in the rental and leasing motor vehicle sector Developed by Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Version number Version 1 Date approved July 2010 Indicative review date July 2012 Validity Current Status Original Originating organisation Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Original URN RL8 Relevant occupations Leasing Company Technical Customer Service Advisers, Maintenance Controllers Suite Rental and Leasing Maintenance Controllers Key words Maintain Health Safety Rental Leasing Motor Vehicle Sector Maintain health & safety in the rental and leasing motor vehicle sector Consultation Draft February 2012 37 IMIL08 Maintain health & safety in the rental and leasing motor vehicle sector 38