Instructor: Lei Wu
Office: CAMP 147
Phone: 315-268-3914
Office hours: MW 1:00pm-4:00pm or by appointment.
Exams: in class, open book, open notes, calculator required
Course meeting time : MWF 10:00am-10:50am ERC 102
Textbook : J.D. Glover, M.S. Sarma, and T. Overbye, Power System Analysis and Design ,
Fourth/Fifth Edition, Cengage Learning, 2008.
Additional Readings :
T. Short, Electric Power Distribution Equipment And Systems , Taylor & Francis
T. Short , Distribution Reliability And Power Quality , Taylor & Francis
L. Faulkenberry and W. Coffer, Electrical Power Distribution and Transmission , Prentice Hall, Inc.
Distributed notes and papers.
Homework : Homework is due before the class on the due date. Late homework will be penalized by 25% when handed within 24 hours of the due date, and by 50% when handed in before the beginning of the next class. Homework will not be accepted after this point. Discussion among students is allowed. However, copying from each other is not allowed. For homework submission, staple all the pages and write your name and student ID on the first page.
Exam :
Exam will be open book, open notes, and will require a calculator.
If you find you must miss an exam due to a legitimate conflict, a make-up will be given only under the following conditions:
The student has informed the instructor of the absence at least 24 hours in advance of missing the exam.
The student misses the exam due to some situation beyond the student’s control (such as a serious illness, the family emergency, etc.) which is unexpected, unavoidable, and documented.
The reason for each absence of this sort will be judged case by case by the instructor and, if it is deemed valid under the above description, a make-up exam will be given.
Final Project:
Final project includes an in-class presentation and a final report
Up to three students can form a group. The formation of the group should be approved by the
Each group can select a project topic in power transmission and distribution area that interests you, which should be approved by the instructor.
The final report should follow the IEEE Tran Journal format.
Course Schedule and Topical Outline: The objective of this course is to provide a solid understanding of modern power system operation as well as transmission and distribution issues.
The schedules are subject to changes.
Introduction to Power Systems
Review of Per Unit Calculation
Chapter 3.3
Transmission System Overview 2
Transient Stability Chapter 11
Power System Controls
Electricity Market
Midterm Exam
Chapter 12
Power System Protection
Distribution System Overview
Distribution System Protection
Power Quality and Reliability
Interconnection Issue
Final Presentations
Chapter 10
Chapter 14
Distributed notes and documents
Grading :
Homework: 30%
Midterm Exam: 30%
Presentation: 20%
Final Report: 15%
Class Attendance: 5%
Extra Points :
Identify errors and suggest corrections
Suggest improvements
Design problems
Outcomes: After completing this course, the students will be able to do the following:
• Understand the basic fault detection and clearing methods
• Understand electromagnetic and electromechanical transients
• Understand the concepts of power system control systems, including generator-voltage control, load-frequency control, economic dispatch and optimal power flow
• Understanding and ability to understand the modern radial distribution system.