In number of regions criminal investigations launched in improper

In number of regions criminal investigations launched in improper
performance of duty by officials
Buryatia investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee during an investigation in the
death of a 7-year-old girl that died in the family of her guardian have launched a criminal
investigation into negligence of officials of guardianship authorities who had to have monitor the
child (part 1 of article 293 of the RF Penal Code – improper performance of duty by an official due
to negligent attitude to service).
We remind that in late September 2014, a 37-year-old woman took into her care the girl from a
rehabilitation center in one of districts of Buryatia. She brought the child to the town of Ulan-Ude
and rented there a flat. A few days later the girl started to suffer from rash. The foster mother did
© 2016 The investigative committee of the Russian Federation
not take her to a doctor. She tried to treat the girl herself but to no results. The girl became worse
and soon she had bleeding sores on her skin and she developed a high fever. The girl cried all the
time, but despite her sufferings, the woman still did not take her to a doctor. On 9 December, at
night, the girl writhed with death convulsions and died in the small hours. The woman packed her
things and wanted to escape from the town, leaving the girl’s body behind, but at that moment she
was caught by the owner of the flat, who came to collect the rent.
The woman was charged with a crime under paragraphs “c” and “e” of part 2 of article 105 of the RF
Penal Code (murder of a small child with especial cruelty). She is held in custody. Investigative
operations are underway, including a forensic psychiatric expert examination to determine the state
of health and psychological features of the accused.
It should be noted that in August 2013, the woman took a 10-year-old girl from the same
rehabilitation center. She passed the child to her mother to raise.
In addition investigators are finding out if the actions of officials who had given the girl to the
family of the accused complied with the law and if they had monitored the situation in the family.
Besides prosecution of those responsible, the investigators are going to carefully study the reasons
and conditions that contributed to the crime and file requests to eliminate them with the guardianship
Besides, there are two more facts of negligence of officials. One of them took place on 16
December 2014, at around 5:30 PM, when a 14-year-old boy was delivered to Kyakhta district
hospital with a penetrating wound in the head. The boy was wounded during a school hobby group
firing lesson in a shooting gallery. Buryatia investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative
Committee have launched a criminal investigation against the head of the school hobby group
responsible for ensuring the safety of students during lessons and suspected of a crime under part 1
of article 293 of the RF Penal Code.
According to investigators, the hobby group Young Patriot was set up in one of Kyakhta schools in
September 2013. There were lectures, excursions and introductory classes with firearms, including
firing an air rifle in the shooting gallery. A 47-year-old life safety teacher was appointed the head of
the hobby group. On 16 December 2014, in the evening after lessons a 14-year-old school boy came
at the shooting gallery for a lesson. The teacher gave him an air rifle MP-512 and ammunition. After
that she violated the safety rules by leaving the teenager alone at the empty shooting gallery. At that
moment another member of the hobby group came around. The teenager was shooting and suddenly
heard steps behind him. He turned and accidentally pulled the trigger. The bullet hit the teenager in
the head. The students called the teacher. The wounded boy lied by saying that he had fallen and hit
his head on the floor. The boy was taken to hospital where doctors said that the injury was very
serious and caused by a penetrating bullet wound. The boy was immediately sent for an operation in
the capital of the republic.
© 2016 The investigative committee of the Russian Federation
The second incident happened in Smolensk Region where local investigating bodies have launched
an investigation in improper performance of their duty by officials of one of schools in the town of
Yartsevo on charges of a crime under part 2 of article 293 of the RF Penal Code (negligence).
According to investigators, a 9th grader felt unwell during a lesson of physical education. An
emergency team delivered the boy born in 1999 to an intensive care of Yartsevo Central District
Hospital, where the boy died at 10:40 AM. The boy had an excuse from physical training classes for
2014 and 2015.
At present investigative operations are underway to make a full picture of the incidents and collect
necessary evidence. In addition to prosecution of the responsible individuals the investigators are
going to study carefully reasons and conditions that contributed to the crimes and after that to insist
that they are eliminated.
17 December 2014
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