qrcfrq {€q (gszf, qR{dq {rqqr{ gtft*r{q eirr {rwqrrt riqroq) (| i\ National Hishways Authority of India (Ministryof RoadTransportand Highways) il-s q4 o,tre{-10,dl-r{l,T{ Rd-ttoozs Dated:01.0E.2013 Project Director - PIU National Highways Authority of India No. 8/l187, "ArumughanColony" Chandranagar, PalakkadDisfiict Kerala - 678 007 Fax : 0491-2573791 Ph.0491-2573790, sub: Fee notification for walayar - vadalkanchery section from Y''|rl 182.250 to Km 240.000(Design chainage Y.fn 182.250to 236.135)of NH 47 (New NH 544) (packageNo. itS-ZlBOT-/I<L-2)on DBFOT (Toll) basisunderNI{DP PhaseII in the Stateof Kerala. Dear Sir, Enclosedpleasefrnd fee notification no.2226(E) publishedon dated22.07.2013.The copy of the notification is alreadye-mail to PIU. Yoursfaithfully $ ffi (Ajay Bishnoi) GeneralManager(CO) Copy alongwith a copy of referrednotification to: 1. ROChennai 2. cM (T) (Tamil Nadu/ Kerala) 3. ExecutivbEngineer(PPP),MoRT&H cell),MoRT&H 4. sectionofficer@arliament 5. Librarian a,lpolpJrt.u^4 NHftil l YUl Gr r\Ff Enlls-t | | , r/ rort - I t=n , I r. '--r, -r lrvHrrl | I t- 2ft Dl". 8- bAh'c-l^6" tVy ,->2'6LD ,, ^- ) nT"bE twlo4W'f*:",A': (182.250-240.0) ZIGM(CONDGM(COIGC Palakkad BOT.doc rR*ql s" do Kdo-33004/99 REGD.NO. D. L.-33004/99 EXT ORDINARY qrftrq,Rt PUBLISHEDBY AUTHORITY F. 17141 N o . 1 7 1 4J dfffi,,Edr$ 2 2 ,2 0 1 3 , / s r 3 T 1q ,r16e 3 s NEW DELHI, MONDAY, JULY 22, 2013/ASHADA31. 1935 rrso qR-+gq*r {rtrfl-.f qaroq ef*qa-+r =r$ffi, zz qan{, zors an-d+t2226 dffq qron i, qt{ftq {r*q {ru-qFfcrfum-i"rorftfrqq, rsao (rsaaor oa)o1 q|{t 11drsreft{ qffi @1'r$ qnn wrot d T{s-fiqR-{fi sfu rTqqTrfq-c.rTqa1 3TfUqqiT wcefl61.3rT. 46s(ar), orfts zo erfo, zoozffT d{m qrq { iTq|q qrqq-|-{ riwl-az d raz.oao frft. t lro.ooofu.ft. oo ofs s:z.io; fu.'fi. + 34e.000 fufr ag (oft-a-<rg7d-{diftqr-otfr t-{yr{) o.i reus ,ln-fiq {r*?T rrqqFf crB-oi"Tft-d E-rr+E-{d qrqro "crf+m-{"r"{ffid ftqr.rqr t) oi r$cr + 3il{ ?rd:,qrtrtr-i"Ti. .ilTfi-q {r{fq ymqTrfqrB-6-iuT 3rfthqq, rsae (rsaaor oa)at emr 14d cHqrc d 3r$riuT il, ro.oo.zoroo1 rqa at 'd ffi d qqq e)'d-fldT,fq{{i d.G.eTry.caqn ffiq crfde ftRts. tr*-r v-fr-fn Erqidrq d W ern ersc{, EileileE, wrc TRR 114,$-q-1, F-q$ trcfi, tq-i66-sooo33,G{rcr c-+sT,rilTa { t (ft$ giTn {sd w-qn "ftqrrronr$" rtqFld fu-qr rrqr t), d qr.r n$q {1-qqFf-qt Fql nv-s++) qt 182.250 ffi (Fqr{{ *tuil rez.zso) ri zao.ooo frrfr (ft-sTg-{ +iq t 2s6.13s ftff1 uq' d caqrq - qs+o-+t}ftq"s (ftr$ qiri E-s-dqirflq "s-fir sr-g" €EFta fr-qr rrqr t) or an *q d ElTrfudve-o qpf +t fuoTqo{i eilq s-m so-e d eqrdq elk or5serw d frq fi.0s.2012oi o-{n fu?Trd' (fu* ilrt gnd q1_qKsffi 6qR ${ffid'fr-qr qqr t), qd:, erq,d=*q Tfilorq,{-Sq vnrqr{ sfu riq-€.r) frqq, zooe (ffi gqrq ge-d c[s]d E_ff (E-t $-r 3rqerrcur ftqq, zooe(ftf$ gi$ gq-d qrqq "ftqq" rr-{Ftd fo-qrq-qrB) d fuqq s d erp{ fr *qp iTqqr-f erEfiqq, tsso (lssoot +e)o1 qm azn'trmc-{iil yrffit or yrdq i5-{dgq. $ftI {qn-sa nqfur, 3njqernT, nqq oil{ s"Td-q, c-i Eq qq, ftiRm i"ft w qro, gfugw e-flTrrq,qkrqld F[ (qrq Gft eTfho-{'raqi-ftqrzras-rgd fiq gq o-st-{o1 erqfuq6}eqrc q.rqd gq, Tq{Rr w olffin o-{ft B ft wo eog of ft-s-m s+.oooft.ff. tE # sR sI ertro +o d iq-di d ssfr.r d frq +n $R"ft r d w-c+ (z) d frfrffie er w (ftrq gqri Eq1dwqr; "sTItrRE{" Tid{n ft,-q'Iqqr t) srm eo-s d,3qs}q qrh-f, q{ d ft\ s-t-i{i EEn s-{rjfln qs Hq-gd frq.r vr$.n eflr vw l:iffi o1 etfi-s-i"rem q)ft-oqTftfq,-fiq"tril-cat d]A-rqEn Gil-{vfi,ilfte, t oenelft-m-iq, 3219CI/2013 (l) 2 fr sflq{ gqluTrr-{ creiqrerifrq cqloTq-r; SS ff R€Tfr6}, crqTo-{i c{ s.rEs 3|fuqq-rTd 1l-qq-*t q_s'Rrr.\i, til fi qre q d' wqlft ot'infts n-o, frsr of osR rt fufrffE fu-qrmn t, go Ei riq-ft.dsil{ sfdqrfrdq'-{i d tg vlD-p=d o-rfr B' : ftqc t) on, GIq, ilc ?r qreq, Ees qrd qrf,m.qrgi 3lerqr Tg Bc-dy (VqrE)3l"rfl q-ca Tffici srm-(vq61 (fi-r * E-6Tfr sTd) l* *RT"fi Ts's!-frd,g.u, ft'TPdfu.d zte qror cr, q-Qeta wrqr YrTr- 47 ?F-r 19o.ooo Affi qrtrftF-sgfffrsT ffie rirs_g-E$,hg= * o*l d ftq ftftfr€ qft ts Yftq 54.000 tunil6 SS-%HR.'**ntum snqStrn wardrvq-d ftrrr r":L;p:ffiHH H,*#ffiHSH# v'q'f T@ G-dor er€n'r ft q,rdq) fr*, ,oo, d vq-seid erSwn v$q e-.i-6s{ R**ffi 3. rrsrr.f qqE v* FgsrAEil qqiqr qrft : trqI qrgrn,erprFc eTar-d \ffiffilFl qD-o-rq lrql qI ffi-_qiqqft=_Erq d HqqEffi-E- HErq o1f,r0g' * 9o. qT6 4. qi qifun qrrq ft-+q)d srrflqqci rs,j d^ft\ frrfR"G;ffi + wl d tu\,e'rerarsft ilEd?F qrs eTvrftr o-{iqTqtu'* rfi {rwqr{ m*Y#JnTgija*.n',#;#JH* dqiqqds sfft* qTB_.H#r#SHRT#r u.+ qrfu"fisrd:+ d eqd, srS fuq ori_+{ _ q.fiqp'rrrn! noofq trf+{€"##;Hffi 6. _H,* * d e-{,f,irffi-sg= ffiq_6 trs__o eilftsR_a B-ffi ft{d d ftqq rz d ergvn, sc+firl{i q,t qmorfi d fdv {ap o1 T$ d e_{Rfdfr_qrorsrnr *#h- TE \o,, 'lrrrrr U-qns 3(ii)l qlkt q-T {tsitt-{ : 3l{llil{q sTEerqio erggE {€-} qttr-o- dq w nfldq{ fu'ff crsm, .rss fld zrc d fb vgo d M u-a qffi o1 crqE d frdr ef$ iryn*n r-S fu"qTqr$,fit trfllq{ o1 drftq e lsT B. qNmsT/ tzott / tts / frzl / tz-tz / fr Tfr qf,-qos (tez zso-ztooo)dletr-fr)i 3ffidyr yrqf, $-{tr r{fuq MINISTRY OF ROAD T NSPORT AND HIGHWAYS NOTIFICATION New Delhi,the22nd July,20l3 S'o' 2226(E)'-Whereas,by notificationof the Governmentof India in the Ministryof Road 'fransportand HighwaysnumberS.o' 465 (E) datedthe26th April,2002issuedundersection tt ortneNationalHighways Attthority of India Act, 1988(68 of 1988)the central Govemmenthas entrusted the-stretch from kilometer 182'040to kilometer316.000and kilorneter332.600to kilometer349.000(Tamil Nadu/l(erala BorderKochisection)of NationalHighwayNo' 47 in theStateof Keralato theNationul High*uy, Authorityof India (hereinafter referredto astheAuthority); And whereas,pursuantto the provisionof section14 of the National HighwaysAuthority of India Act, 1988(68 of 1988),the Authorityhasenteredinto an agreement on 17.09.201ilnerlinafterreferred to as saidagreement) with M/s KNR WalayarTollwaysPrivateLimited,havingits registered office at KNR House, 4th Fioor, Plot No' 114,Phase- I, Karuri Hills, Hyderabad - iooo::,Andhia pradesh,lndia (hereinafter referred to as the "Concessionaire"), the successfulbidder for bids submittedon 30.06.2010for the developmentof walayar - vadakkancherysection frgm Km 182.250(Design ChainagetL2.z50)to Km 240.000(Design ChainageKm 236.135)ein National Highway ),to. 47 QrtewNH No. 544) (hereinafter referredto as the "said section")to four lanedivided a-ndoperateand maintenance of the said "u.riJge*ay section; No , therefore,in exerciseof the powerscor 1956(48 o 1956),readwith rule 3 of the NationalF Rules,2008(hereinafterreferredto asthe ,.Rules,,), thc involved,in building, maintenance, management and invested,reasonablereturn,the volumeof traffic and Authorityandthe concessionaire, herebynotifiesthatthereshallbe I""i"i feeson mechanical vehiclesfor the use of the said sectionat the ratespecifiedin columns(2) ""J'."ir".,.0 of the Table I for net roadsection lengthof 54'000Kms for use of the four and more lane sections(hereinafter referredto as ,.baserate,,)and authorizes the said concessionaire to collectandretainthe fee on and from the dateof comrnercial operation declaredby the Authoritvandon gettingwork completioncertifica;r;; !coD) ,il;;;.,iilionat certificate,as the casemay be, from the Authority or publicationof this notification in the Official Gazette,whicheveris later,till the terminationdateasspecifiedin the agreement; TABLE I Type of Vehicle Base rate of fee per km for baseyear 2007-08(in Rupees) Car,Jeep,Van or Light MotorVehicle LightCommercial Vehicl",tffi Busor Truck(TwoAxleii Heavy Construction l,tu"h Equipment (EME) or Multi Axle Vehicle (MAV) Axles) Oversized'Vehicles(Siven or more Axles) (Three to Sii Yr, TI{E.GAZETTEOF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY IPARrII-SEC.3(il] f:*'?$se'Th€'fitb1'}tWied::fidricotlected hereundershall be due and payableat the followingToll Plazafor the distancq specifiedfor suchTollPlaza: Loeationof Toll,Plaza, (chainage) Length(in km) for whichFeeis payable Km 190.000(Design chainage Km I89.400)of NH-47 lnear chullirn.aoa Hamlet,Village - PudusseryEast,District- Palakkad) 54.000 2' Therateof monthlypassfor a personwhoownsa mechanical vehicleregistered for non-commercial andresideswithin a distance of twentykilometers .prlryoses fromthetoll plazalsnt. zil.oo (Rupees Two onl.r)for theyear2013-14 whichissubject to revision everyyearasperrheprovisions -{'ldt"J I1T"* of the NationaliHighways Fee(Determination of Raiei,and cotiection),$ule$,.200g. ' For multiplejourney on the highwaysection,passes shallbe issuedat the followingrates,namely:-Amount Payable Maximumnumberof Periodofvalidity onewayjoumeys allowed l One and half times of ti," f"" foi one *uv Two Twenty four hours from the journey timeof payment 3' Two-thirdof u-oun@ or moresinglejoumeys, +. Fifty or more One month from date of payment Mechanicalvehiclewhich is loadedin excess of permissible loadspecifiedfor its,c ategoryunderthe isilffil;;;;;";il,;#;;;J"5;f,JffiLil: :1?ili:,,:j':l5.1",o.:'3"'il:_l"n.'ates,which tomake use ofthehighway,#ion unress;;;;;,J'ilX;::f,:"""::ffi::i:i:; :li*ll]**:: ::llfg suchmechanical vehicle. 5' All definitions, category of mechaniclyrli.J:r,i,ts permissibre load,category of exempted vehicles, service road,artemative roadetc.shailbeasperdefiniti";i.ilifi;; in the Rures. Thefee ratesshallbe displayed for information of theusersin accordance with rulesl2 of thesaid [ur.r. , 81.:d on the Baserate of _fee , amount of fee to be charged from the '?09l?'{iS as mentioned,,inTable-1, theactual .fi,'. giX'i;"'Tli, #ffiTilf;S: ffiitf -:l' :;f :':h1, Hl1: f"llfi *;::i"$"'"#iffi ;J H:iTi,.'"i'#,lXJJ;,TH.i:.Jl i:g,,ff1. ?1":*":::yli_*lislj!i"c;"";i,ii,?,f"J,if J;ffiffii:l,:H'itrS*:::1T1,*::.:lll":1,,i;;:"19+;rlhff each in Englishand "';;ii#ll'o"lJil,'l"ll?il[,:l: revision sharr be,n"J#,ii,,r,lJ ,[,h::iff:,:::"]q:"J.:::"lt:"1:.":Jil;" ffiJ.?:l.JnTHJ"?:'; from thedateof theprecedingrevisionof fee. [F' No.NHAVI30r3174s/co/l2-r3/cc palakkad (r 82.250-240.00),Bor] ALKESHSHARMA, Jr.Secy. ---andpublished bytheController ofiuUf;Iutionr, Dethi_t 10054