A simple direct-torque neuro-fuzzy control of PWM-inverter

A Simple Direct-Torque Neuro-Fuzzy Control of
PWM-Inverter-Fed Induction Motor Drive
Pawel Z. Grabowski, Associate Member, IEEE, Marian P. Kazmierkowski, Fellow, IEEE,
Bimal K. Bose, Life Fellow, IEEE, and Frede Blaabjerg, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—In this paper, the concept and implementation of a
new simple direct-torque neuro-fuzzy control (DTNFC) scheme
for pulsewidth-modulation-inverter-fed induction motor drive are
presented. An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system is applied to
achieve high-performance decoupled flux and torque control. The
theoretical principle and tuning procedure of this method are discussed. A 3-kW induction motor experimental system with digital
signal processor TMS 320C31– based controller has been built to
verify this approach. The simulation and laboratory experimental
results, which illustrate the performance of the proposed scheme,
are presented. Also, nomograms for controller design are given.
It has been shown that the simple DTNFC is characterized by
very fast torque and flux response, very-low-speed operation, and
simple tuning capability.
Index Terms—Direct torque control, induction motor control,
neuro-fuzzy control, voltage-source pulsewidth modulation
DVANCED speed control of a pulsewidth-modulation
(PWM)-inverter-fed drive, based on direct torque control
(DTC), is receiving wide attention in the recent literature
[1]–[4], [9]–[10], [14]–[16]. Fig. 1 shows two system configurations for the DTC-controlled induction motor drive.
Both systems use stator flux vector and torque estimators on a
and the
PWM-inverter-fed drive. The stator flux amplitude
are the command signals which are
electromagnetic torque
values respectively,
compared with the estimated
and torque error
, as
giving instantaneous flux error
shown in the figure.
In the conventional scheme [Fig. 1(a)] [14], the
signals are delivered to two hysteresis comparators. The correand the stator flux
sponding digitized output variables
create a digital word, which selects the
position sector
appropriate voltage vector from the switching table. Thus, the
to control the power
selection table generates pulses
switches in the inverter. Among the well-known disadvantages
of the DTC scheme are the following [1], [3], [9], [10], [16]:
Manuscript received July 19, 1999; revised May 20, 2000. Abstract published
on the Internet April 21, 2000.
P. Z. Grabowski was with the Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics,
Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw 00-662, Poland. He is now with
Schneider Electric Poland Ltd., 03-878 Warsaw, Poland.
M. P. Kazmierkowski is with the Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw 00-662, Poland.
B. K. Bose is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-2100 USA.
F. Blaabjerg is with the Institute of Energy Technology, Aalborg University,
Aalborg East 9220, Denmark.
Publisher Item Identifier S 0278-0046(00)06819-2.
Fig. 1. Comparison between two schemes of DTC of transistor
PWM-inverter-fed induction motor drive. (a) Conventional scheme with
hysteresis controllers and switching selection table [14]. (b) Proposed scheme
with neuro-fuzzy (NF) controller and voltage modulator.
variable switching frequency;
violence of polarity consistency rules;
current and torque distortion caused by sector changes;
start and low-speed operation problems;
high sampling frequency needed for digital implementation of hysteresis comparators.
All the above difficulties can be eliminated when, instead of
the selection table, a voltage modulator is applied. In the reference [7], a voltage space vector is calculated from the torque
and flux errors in a deadbeat fashion. However, such approach
is computationally intensive and motor parameter sensitive. In
this paper, a new controller based on an adaptive NF inference
system (ANFIS) [11]–[13] for voltage space-vector generation
is proposed. This controller combines fuzzy logic and artificial
neural networks for decoupled flux and torque control.
0278–0046/00$10.00 © 2000 IEEE
Fig. 4. Triangular membership function sets.
Fig. 2. Two-input NF controller structure.
vector. The NF controller determinates the stator voltage comfor the voltage
mand vector in polar coordinates
to conmodulator, which finally generates the pulses
trol the inverter.
Fig. 3.
DTNFC. (a) Block scheme. (b) NFC.
In the proposed scheme, shown in Fig. 1(b), the error sigand
are delivered to the NF controller, which also
uses information on the position ( ) of the actual stator flux
Combining both fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks
allows achieving all of the advantages of both systems. Human
expert knowledge can be used to build the initial structure of
the regulator. Online or offline learning processes can improve
underdone parts of the structure.
The ANFIS structure [11], [13] is one of the proposed
methods to combine fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks.
An NF inference system is the same as a conventional fuzzy
structure shown in Fig. 2. It contains rule base and database
(knowledge base), fuzzyfication and defuzzyfication unit as
well as a decision-making unit.
The structure proposed in [11]–[13] (Fig. 2) contain five network layers:
Layer 1: Every node in this layer contains membership functions. Usually, triangular or bell-shaped functions are
Layer 2: This layer chooses the minimum value of two input
Layer 3: Every node of these layers calculates the weight
which is normalized.
Layer 4: This layer includes linear functions which are functions of the input signals.
Layer 5: This layer sums all the incoming signals.
The ANFIS structure has been tuned automatically by a
least-square estimation (for output membership functions) and
Fig. 5. Reference voltage calculation (only three out of four v
vectors are shown).
Fig. 7.
(a) Torque and (b) flux error tuning surfaces.
Sampled flux error
and torque error , multiplied by reand
, are delivered to the three memberspective weights
ship functions in both inputs. To simplify the digital signal processor (DSP) calculations, the functions are triangular shaped as
shown in Fig. 4. This is the first layer of the NF structure. The
second layer calculates the minimum of the input signals shown
in Fig. 3(b).
The output values are normalized in the third layer, to satisfy
the following relation:
Fig. 6. Stator flux vector estimator. Top: voltage model working with
Cartesian coordinates; middle: voltage model working with polar coordinates;
bottom: improved integration algorithm with limiter in flux amplitude feedback.
a backpropagation (for output and input membership functions)
algorithms. Because of its flexibility, the ANFIS system can be
used for a wide range of control tasks [11]–[13], [16].
The block scheme of the proposed self-tuned direct torque
neuro-fuzzy controller (DTNFC) for a voltage-source PWM-inverter-fed induction motor is presented in Fig. 3(a). The internal
structure of the NFC is shown in Fig. 3(b).
is the second
where is the third layer th output signal, and
layer output weight.
The is the weight of th component of reference voltage
vector amplitude, so that
is the amplitude of the th component of the referwhere
ence voltage vector.
is active
, then the regulator
When the weight
value from Table I. The increchooses the increment angle
is not needed when
, because the multiplication
Fig. 8. Offline experimental tuning of input weight w
weights during system tuning.
and w , where (a), (b) flux and torque error behavior, respectively, and (c), (d) flux and torque input
Fig. 10.
Laboratory control unit for test of the DTNFC.
There are four nonzero output signals from the first layer (two
for each input) during the steady-state operation. It results in
) in every samfour generated voltage vectors components (
are added to each other and the result,
pling time. Vectors
voltage vector, is delivered to the space vector modulator. An
calculation is presented in
example of the reference voltage
Fig. 5 (For simplicity, instead of four, there are only three
nonzero vectors used for illustration). The space-vector moduand
according to the
lator calculates switching states
well-known algorithm [7], [10], [16].
Fig. 9. Dependence of the (a) flux and (b) torque error on the switching
(sampling) frequency in the properly tuned system.
is equal to zero. The angle of the reference voltage vector
is calculated from the following equation:
reference voltage angle;
actual angle of the stator flux vector;
increment angle (from Table I).
The most basic method for the stator flux vector estimation
is based on the voltage model shown in Fig. 6(a). The voltage
model does not require speed signal (as for example in the
current model [9], [10], [16]). This makes the scheme directly
applicable for speed sensorless control. However, deriving
the stator flux from terminal voltages and currents is difficult
because of open-loop integration [Fig. 6(a)] is subject to
sensing errors and drift at low stator frequency. Therefore,
to avoid an open integration, voltage flux model working
in polar coordinates has been used. As shown in Fig. 6(b),
thanks to a transformation from stator fixed to synchronous
Fig. 11.
Experimental results for the steady state-operation for the tuned DTNFC system. (a) Stator current. (b) Line-to-line voltage. (c) Stator flux trajectory.
rotated coordinates – / – , the voltage model operates like
a phase-locked loop (PLL) which guarantees better stability. A
further improvement is achieved by using a new integration algorithm [8] with limiter in flux amplitude feedback [Fig. 6(c)].
There are many methods of tuning of fuzzy systems and
neural networks. The ANFIS structure [11]–[13] used for
inverted pendulum stabilization is very similar to the presented
DTNFC controller. The controller has been tuned automatically
by a least-quare estimation algorithm (for output membership
function) and backpropagation algorithm (for output and input
membership function). The DTNFC can be tuned in the same
way. However, we propose another simple and effective off line
tuning method.
The proposed DTNFC system contains three membership
functions for each input. The tuning of the membership functions width corresponds to scaling of the flux and torque errors.
The scaling factors are
The DTNFC is nonlinear high-order system. Therefore, it
is very helpful to use simulation for controller design. Fig. 7
presents computed flux and torque error as function of the input
weights. The surfaces have also been verified experimentally. It
can be seen that there is clearly defined minimum without any
other local minimum points. This is because, for small weights
the controller chooses high value of the reference voltage amplitude, which results in high flux and torque errors (ripples).
From the other hand, if the weights are too big, the steady state
errors increase. This tendency allows to use a simple gradient
method to find the optimal working point (optimal
values), which guarantees minimal flux and torque errors. However, the torque and flux are not fully decoupled. It can be work
out the equations from the mathematical induction motor model
[6], [10] as follows:
reference voltage amplitude;
reference voltage phase;
synchronous angular speed,;
stator resistance.
It can be seen from (4a) and (4b) that, for nonzero syninfluences
chronous angular speed, the changes of the flux
the output torque, while the torque change does not influence
the flux. That is why flux error minimum should be found first,
before searching the torque error minimum. The offline tuning
process of the system is presented in Fig. 8. Note that the tuning
surfaces in Fig. 7 have a general validity. The numerical results
may little differ according to motor parameters and supply
voltage. Also the final flux and torque errors depend on the
chosen inverter switching frequency (Fig. 9).
The DTNFC scheme guarantees very fast flux and torque responses. It is thanks to the lack of integration. Unfortunately,
this property causes constant torque error in steady state operation. One of the solutions is adding an integration block. However, as consequence, the torque response will be slow. In the
can be used to
DTNFC, instead of integration, the weight
reach zero torque error at the steady state. This weight decides
about the amplitude of the reference voltage vector. Therefore,
instead of calculating by the controller, the value of the output
is calculated from
are experimentally chosen factors to comwhere
pensate for the steady-state torque error (see the Appendix).
To verify the proposed DTNFC concept, a simulation program and the laboratory setup with a four-pole 3-kW induction
motor drive with dSPACE DS1102 laboratory control board
Fig. 12. Experimental oscillograms for (a) motor magnetization at zero speed, (b) the torque transients to the step changes, (c) the stator flux transients to the
step changes, (d) slow speed reversal for no loaded motor, (e) four-quadrant operation, and (f) small step changes of speed command,
-stator flux amplitude,
-reference stator flux amplitude, i -stator current, m -output torque, m -reference torque, ! -reference rotor speed, ! -rotor speed.
was constructed. The system is based on Texas Instrument
TMS320C31 and TMS320P14 DSPs. The first (main) processor
implements the DTNFC control algorithm, whereas the second
provides the vector modulation. The board is equipped with four
analog-to-digital converters (two 16-bit and two 12-bit), four
digital-to-analog converters, and the input for an encoder. A PC
Pentium 100 is used for software development and results visualization. Optic fibers are used as interface between the PWM
voltage-source inverter and the DSP board. The software is
written in high-level language C.
The steady-state operation of the tuned system is presented in
Fig. 11(a)–(c). The sampling time has been set to 500 s, what
gave flux and torque errors in the range of 1% and 3.5%, respectively. The result has been obtained for half of the nominal
speed. The stator current is not distorted by the sector changes,
as in the conventional DTC [6], [14], and the stator flux trajectory is circular.
The motor magnetization process is presented in Fig. 12(a).
It is visible that the magnetization process takes about
ten sampling times (about 5 ms). The reference stator
voltage chosen by the controller is parallel to the stator flux
vector. It results in short torque distortion what is visible in the
The torque transients to the step changes are presented in
Fig. 12(b). It can be seen that, for the constant stator flux amplitude, the flux and torque are fully decoupled and the flux amplitude is not distorted during torque steps. The stator current
response is also presented in the figure. The response time is
about 3 ms, which gives a similar dynamic as in the conventional DTC method [5], [6], [14].
The DTNFC system property is characterized by high stator
flux dynamic, which is higher than in the conventional DTC.
This is because the resultant reference voltage vector can be
selected in parallel to the flux vector, what ensures the fastest
flux response. Such a property makes the DTNFC controller
useful for energy efficient systems, where flux changes are required. The flux response for small step change is presented in
Fig. 12(c).
It can be seen in Fig. 12(d) that the controller can operate successfully at low speed. The slow speed reversal shows that the
induction motor is not demagnetized in the low speed region and
the torque is controlled correctly. The speed transient for fast
speed ramp reversal is presented in Fig. 12(e). When a speed
sensor is used the system is stable in whole speed range (including zero speed at full load). However, instabilities can only
occur for sensorless operation in zero speed region. The lower
speed control range depends on the used flux and speed estimators’ quality. In the laboratory setup, the speed sensorless stable
operation has been observed over 1%–2% of nominal speed.
Small-signal behavior of the speed control loop is presented
in Fig. 12(f). The speed response time is about 10 ms. The more
detailed study of DTNFC and comparison to classical variants of
DTC has been presented in [6]. The classical DTC [14] has not
been realized practically, because it was not possible to sample
correctly the hysteresis controller. In such a way, it can be noticed that one of the advantages of the DTNFC is that the sampling time for this method can be lower and the whole controller
can be realized in single-processor systems.
The application of an NF approach for direct torque control
of a PWM-inverter-fed induction motor has been investigated
through DSP-based experimental implementation. The design
and tuning procedure have been described. Also, the improved
stator flux estimation algorithm, which guarantees eccentric estimated flux has been proposed. The presented DTNFC scheme
has the following features and advantages:
• only one controller;
• simple tuning procedure;
• constant switching frequency and unipolar motor voltage
thanks to applied space-vector modulator;
• torque and current harmonics mainly dependent on sampling time;
• no current and torque distortion caused by sector changes
(there are no sectors borders);
• fast torque and flux response;
• no problems during low-speed operation;
• lower sampling time;
• possible online tuning.
Motor Parameters:
(stator resistance)—0.0384;
(rotor resistance)—0.0577;
(stator reactance)—4.1621;
(rotor reactance)—4.1621;
(main reactance)—4.007;
(dc-link voltage)—1.5;
(speed scaling factor)—1.33;
(torque scaling factor)—0.13;
(flux scaling factor)—0.65.
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Pawel Z. Grabowski (S’95–A’99) was born in
Warsaw, Poland, in 1970. He received the M.Sc.E.E.
degree from Warsaw University of Technology,
Warsaw, Poland, and the Ph.D. degree from the
Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics,
Warsaw University of Technology, in 1994 and
2000, respectively.
Since August 1999, he has been with Schneider
Electric Poland Ltd., Warsaw, Poland. His research
areas are control systems, DSP-based controllers,
intelligent control methods in power electronics, ac
drives, and simulation.
Dr. Grabowski is a Student Member of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. He received the 1994 SEP Award for his M.Sc.E.E. thesis and FIAT Award
in 2000 for his Ph.D. dissertation.
Marian P. Kazmierkowski (M’89–SM’91–F’98)
received the M.Sc., Ph.D., and Dr.Sc. degrees in
electrical engineering from the Institute of Control
and Industrial Electronics, Warsaw University of
Technology, Warsaw, Poland, in 1968, 1972 and
1981, respectively.
From 1967 to 1969, he was with the Industrial
Research Institute of Electrotechnics (IEl), Warsaw,
Poland, and from 1969 to 1980, he was with the
Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics,
Warsaw University of Technology, as an Assistant
Professor. From 1980 to 1983, he was with RWTH Aachen, Aachen, West
Germany, as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow. During 1986–1987, he was
a Visiting Professor at NTH Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway. Since 1987, he
has been a Professor and Director of the Institute of Control and Industrial
Electronics, Warsaw University of Technology. He was a Visiting Professor
at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, in 1990, at Aalborg University,
Aalborg East, Denmark, in 1990 and 1995, and at the University of Padova,
Padova, Italy, in 1993. He is also currently a Coordinating Professor in the
International Danfoss Professor Program 1997–2000, Aalborg University.
Since 1996, he serves as an elected member of the State Committee for
Scientific Research in Poland. He is engaged in research and theoretical
work on electrical drive control and industrial electronics. He is the author or
coauthor of more than 140 technical papers and reports, as well as 11 books
and textbooks. His latest book, with Dr. H. Tunia, is Automatic Control of
Converter-Fed Drives (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier, 1994).
Dr. Kazmierkowski was the Chairman of the 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics held in Warsaw, Poland. He is an Associate Editor
Publications, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
Bimal K. Bose (S’59–M’60–SM’78–F’89–LF’96)
received the B.E. degree from Calcutta University
(Bengal Engineering College), Calcutta, India, the
M.S. degree from the University of Wisconsin,
Madison, and the Ph.D. degree from Calcutta
University in 1956, 1960, and 1966, respectively.
He currently holds the Condra Chair of Excellence
in Power Electronics at the University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, where he is responsible for organizing the
power electronics teaching and research program for
the last 13 years. He is also the Distinguished Scientist of the EPRI-Power Electronics Applications Center, Knoxville, and Honorary Professor of Shanghai University, China University of Mining and Technology, and Xian Mining Institute (also Honorary Director of its Electrical Engineering Institute), China, and Senior Adviser of the Beijing Power Electronics
Research and Development Center, Beijing, China. Early in his career, for 11
years, he served as a faculty member at Calcutta University (Bengal Engineering
College). In 1971, he joined Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, as Associate Professor of electrical engineering and conducted its teaching and research program. In 1976, he joined General Electric Corporate Research and
Development, Schenectady, NY, as a Research Engineer and served there for 11
years. He has served as a Consultant to more than ten industries. His research
interests extend across the whole spectrum of power electronics, and specifically include power converters, ac drives, microcomputer control, EV drives,
and expert system, fuzzy logic, and neural network applications in power electronics and drives. He has authored more than 150 published papers and is the
holder of 20 U.S. patents. He is the author and editor of a number of books, including Power Electronics and AC Drives (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,
1986), Adjustable Speed AC Drive Systems (New York: IEEE Press, 1981), Microcomputer Control of Power Electronics and Drives (New York: IEEE Press,
1987), Modern Power Electronics (New York: IEEE Press, 1992), and Power
Electronics and Variable Frequency Drives (New York: IEEE Press, 1997). The
book Power Electronics and AC Drives has been translated into Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, and is widely used as a graduate-level text book. He has travelled widely and has given keynote addresses, tutorials, and invited lectures to
promote power electronics internationally. He has served in a numerous national
and international professional organizations. In 1995, he initiated Power Electronics for Universal Brotherhood (PEUB), an international organization to promote humanitarian activities of the power electronics community.
Dr. Bose has served the IEEE in various capacities that include Chairman
of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) Power Electronics Council,
IEEE IECON Power Electronics Chairman, Chairman of IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Industrial Power Converter Committee, IAS member in
the Neural Network Council, and various other professional committees. He has
been a member of the Editorial Board of the PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE since
1995. He was a Distinguished Lecturer of the IAS and IES. He received the
IAS Outstanding Achievement Award in 1993, IES Eugene Mittelmann Award
in 1994, IEEE Region 3 Outstanding Engineer Award in 1994, IEEE Lamme
Gold Medal in 1996, and IEEE Continuing Education Award for in 1997. He
was the Guest Editor of the PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE Special Issue on Power
Electronics and Motion Control (August 1994). He received the GE Publication
Award, Silver Patent Medal, and a number of IEEE Prize Paper Awards. For his
research contributions, he was awarded the Premchand Roychand Scholarship
and Mouat Gold Medal by Calcutta University in 1968 and 1970, respectively.
He is listed in Marquis Who’s Who in America.
Frede Blaabjerg (S’86–M’88–SM’97) was born in
Erslev, Denmark, in 1963. He received the Msc.EE.
from Aalborg University, Aalborg East, Denmark,
and the Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Energy
Technology, Aalborg University, in 1987 and 1995,
He was employed with ABB-Scandia, Randers,
Denmark, from 1987 to 1988. He became an
Assistant Professor in 1992 at Aalborg University,
where, in 1996, he became and Associate Professor
and, in 1998, he became a Full Professor in power
electronics and drives. His research areas are power electronics, static power
converters, ac drives, switched reluctance drives, modeling, characterization
of power semiconductor devices, and simulation. He is involved in more than
ten research projects with industry. Among them is the Danfoss Professor
Programme in Power Electronics and Drives.
Dr. Blaabjerg is a member of the European Power Electronics and Drives Association and the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Industrial Drives
Committee. He is also a member of the Industry Power Converter Committee
and the Power Electronics Devices and Components Committee of the IAS. He
is the Paper Review Chairman of the Industrial Power Converter Committee
of the IAS. He serves as a member of the Danish Technical Research Council
in Denmark and a member of the board of the Danish Space Research Institute. In 1995, he received the Angelos Award for his contribution to modulation technique and control of electric drives and an Annual Teacher Prize from
Aalborg University. In 1998, he received the Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award from the IEEE Power Electronics Society and an IEEE
TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS Prize Paper Award for best paper published in 1997. He also received two Prize Paper Awards at the IAS Annual
Meeting in 1998.