Level: 1r Batxillerat TOPIC / TITLE: ECONOMICS – Unit 3 – The Market Lesson I - Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium Duration: 4 hours + Homework (1h 30m) OBJECTIVES / COMPETENC ES: At the end of this lesson, most students will be able t o: · · · · Explain what is meant by demand (supply). Analize what is shown by a dem and (supply) cur ve. Understand the difference between a change in t he quantity demanded (supplied) an d a change in demand (supply). Explain the meaning of equilibrium in a market. CONTENT CONTENT Pupils will be int roduced to… Demand (Supply) t ables and curves The law of demand Changes in dem and (Supply) Vs changes in quant ity demanded (Supplied) The equilibr ium of a market CONTENT Pupils will be able t o… COMMUNICATION Pupils will lear n, use, have t o understand… Understand the meaning of demand (supply) tables and curves · Language of Justify the shape of the demand Specific economic vocabulary (supply) curves Math vocabulary (graphs, tables Explain how the equilibrium of a and equations) market is reached Identify non-equilibrium situations · Language for Asking questions COGNITION COGNITION Giving opinions Pupils will be o ffered opportunities Pupils will be able t o… Comparing situations to… Interpreting graphs Make demand and supply tables Solving problems Do research on markets Analyze graphically supply and Compare situations in which demand curves · Language through supply and demand factors change Solve problems related to market Class and activities instructions Work on case studies equilibrium Class participation CULTURE Pupils will be able t o… Understand that the factors behind the demand of a product are different for different individuals Look at Economics as a Social Science ASSESSMENT C RITERIA ON ECONOMICS By the end of the lesson, students should be able to… ASSESSMENT C RITERIA ON LANGUAGE Items taken into account to assess the use of foreign language Identify the factors behind a dem and (supply) cur ve Distinguish between a change in dem and (supply) and a change in quantity demanded (supplied) Interpret demand and supply cur ves and tables Use Excel worksheets as a means to build basic supply and demand graphs and tables Identify equilibrium and non-equilibrium situations in a market Explain how changes in dem and or supply affect market equilibrium Use of English when par ticipating in class Use of economic and graph-related vocabulary Feedback from students when asked t o participate Class participation Written expression ACTIVITIES / TASKS To be done in class and/o r at home Power Point presentation: Introduction to Markets / Demand of a product Power Point presentation on Supply Multiple Choice Interactive Test on Supply and Dem and Power Point presentation on Market Equilibrium Graphic Analysis o n Supply, D emand and Market Equilibrium An Economics Cartoon Reading on Alfred Marshall Level: 1r Batxillerat TOPIC / TITLE: ECONOMICS – Unit 3 – The Market Lesson II - Market Allocation of Resources Duration: 2h 15m + Homework (45m) OBJECTIVES / COMPETENC ES: At the end of this lesson, most students will be able t o: · Explain the meaning of prices in a free market economy. · Understand the processes that lead the market towards equilibrium. · Understand how a free market tries to solve the basic economic problems. CONTENT CONTENT Pupils will be int roduced to… CONTENT Pupils will be able t o… The three questions of Economics Market allocation of resources The Invisible Hand Met aphore Understand the meaning of prices in a free market Look at the market as a means to solve economic problems Assess some pros and cons of the free market system COGNITION COGNITION Pupils will be o ffered opportunities Pupils will be able t o… to… Analyze the mechanism that makes Interpret formal texts and news market work Summarize and make conclusions Make conclusions on how markets from different sources of solve the basic eco nomic problems information COMMUNICATION Pupils will lear n, use, have t o understand… · Language of Specific economic vocabulary · Language for Asking questions Giving opinions Comparing situations Expressing ideas · Language through Class and activities instructions Class participation CULTURE Pupils will be able t o… Know the origins of the Economic Science Look at Economics as a Social Science Question themselves about the kind of society they want Show respect for different points of view ASSESSMENT C RITERIA ON ECONOMICS By the end of the lesson, students should be able to… ASSESSMENT C RITERIA ON LANGUAGE Items taken into account to assess the use of foreign language Know the fundamental economic questions a society tries to answer Understand the meaning of the Invisible Hand metaphore Explain how markets solve the basic eco nomic questions Understand the role of prices in a free market system Use of English when participating in class Use of economic vocabulary Feedback from students when asked t o participate Class participation Written expression ACTIVITIES / TASKS To be done in class and/o r at home Power Point presentation: The three fundamental economic questions / Market allocation of resources Language scaffolding and writing Reading and writing – The Invisible Hand Level: 1r Batxillerat TOPIC / TITLE: ECONOMICS – Unit 3 – The Market Lesson III - Prices and Elasticity Duration: 2h 30m + Homework (30m) OBJECTIVES / COMPETENC ES: At the end of this lesson, most students will be able t o: · · · · Calculate the Total Revenue of a firm. Understand the influence of price elasticity on the pricing policies of a firm. Analize the price-elasticity of a demand (supply) cur ve. Calculate the value of price-elasticity of a demand curve. CONTENT CONTENT Pupils will be int roduced to… CONTENT Pupils will be able t o… The Total Revenue o f a firm The concept of price-elasticity of a demand (supply) cur ve The relation between prices, revenues and elaticity Explain the relation between prices, revenues and elast icity · Language of Understand the importance of Specific economic vocabulary elasticity for a firm’s pricing policies Math vocabulary (graphs and equations) COGNITION COGNITION Pupils will be o ffered opportunities Pupils will be able t o… to… Analize graphically supply and Compare situations where curves demand curves elasticities are different Make decisions on pricing policies Work on case studies Calculate elasticities Solve problems regarding prices, revenue and elast icity COMMUNICATION Pupils will lear n, use, have t o understand… · Language for Asking questions Giving opinions Comparing situations Interpreting graphs · Language through Class and activities instructions Class participation CULTURE Pupils will be able t o… Understand Economics is a Social Science Look at the world from an economic perspective ASSESSMENT C RITERIA ON ECONOMICS By the end of the lesson, students should be able to… ASSESSMENT C RITERIA ON LANGUAGE Items taken into account to assess the use of foreign language Interpret demand and supply cur ves and tables Explain the importance of price-elasticity for pricing policies Calculate the price elasticity of a demand curve Use of English when par ticipating in class Use of economic and graph-related vocabulary Feedback from students when asked t o participate Class participation Accuracy of students work Written expression ACTIVITIES / TASKS To be done in class and/o r at home Case Study - The Theater Enigma Power Point presentation: Price-elasticity of demand and supply Reading graphs Word Search