Internal assessment resource Digital Technologies 2.47 for Achievement Standard 91374 Sample Evidence Guide: Digital Technologies AS91374 (Vs 1) (2.47) Demonstrate Understanding of Advanced Concepts used in the Construction of Electronic Environments. Important Note- This template is NOT an assessment schedule; it is simply a guide to help you develop your own valid assessments and judgements. The concepts and components and the modes of assessment outlined below are only examples of what the minimum requirement for the standard is. Developed by ETITO for planning purposes- not an official MOE resource. Use alongside official documents e.g. especially the Indicators of Progression /Teacher Guidance document to be released in January 2012 Note- the student must demonstrate understanding in all the selected concepts and components. If students display weakness in some areas, further opportunities for reassessment should be made available according to school policy. Teaching programme design should follow the guidance given in the Conditions of Assessment for AS91374 (2.47). Note- when planning an assessment it is essential to have these three documents beside you1) the Achievement Standard- download from NZQA site. 2) the Conditions of Assessment (COA)- download from TKI. 3) the guidance assessment material - download from TKI. Evidence/Judgements for Achievement Evidence/Judgements for Achievement with Merit Evidence/Judgements for Achievement with Excellence Page 1 of 5 Internal assessment resource Digital Technologies 2.47 for Achievement Standard 91374 ConceptsComponentsMode of Student Evidence The student Assessmentrequired for Achieveddemonstrates See below for a - types of possible microcontroller Understanding The evidence is to be understanding of advanced concepts (compulsory). selection from could be presented by each used in the design and the list in EN 4gathered from student in a final construction of (see the COA) individual report that See below for a electronic environments. e.g. - annotating demonstrates the selection from photos or student’s personalised Note- this level requires the list in EN 5(1) component the student to describe circuit understanding of the function varying, e.g. advanced concepts of diagrams selected concepts and depending how - capacitor types electronics and components. and where it is - reporting on - npn transistors advanced operational used in a circuit. the results of function of components - sensors (LDR, an experiment Note- a report is (2) analogue in practical contexts. photodiode, required which should investigation and digital thermistor, -a mix of short contain and identify all Describe- e.g. give a signals, microphone). the required evidence brief account, say what practical and (3) Logical AND - actuators for Achieved and it looks like or does, give formal tests and OR additional evidence for details- ‘what is it like?’ (relay, DC and statements in Merit &/or Excellence if ‘what does it do?’. motor, solenoid, assignments programming, these grades apply. servo). over a period Refer to EN 2 for (4) power and of time. guidance. heat dissipation. Concept (1) Evidence shows that the student understands how a component’s role can vary in a circuit. e.g. resistors, capacitors or transistors. Examples: a resistor used to limit current to an LED, but also used in a potential divider; a capacitor used Evidence could include: - annotated schematics. - labelled photos. - video clips (student interview or student presentation). Student pastes evidence (or provides video evidence) into their final report. The student demonstrates in-depth understanding of advanced concepts used in the design and construction of electronic environments. Explain- e.g. give a reason or reasons, interpret, clarify, say why or how something works, uses ‘because’, ‘so that’ , provides examples etc. The student demonstrates comprehensive understanding of advanced concepts used in the design and construction of electronic environments. Note- this level requires the student to use advanced concepts to discuss the implications of multiple variables on the performance of electronic environments and to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using different components to achieve desired advanced operational functions. Discuss- e.g. analyse, examine in detail to reach a decision, take more than one perspective, compare and contrast, justify choices, identify issues, suggest improvements. Refer to EN 2 for guidance. Refer to EN 2 for guidance. The student describes different roles for component types in different parts of a circuit by labelling a circuit diagram or photo with the descriptions of the component’s different roles, or explaining these verbally in a short video. The student explains in terms of its function as part of the circuit’s subsystems, how a component’s role can vary. Evidence for Merit plusThe student discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using different component types (not ‘brands’) to achieve a required advanced function in a circuit. e.g. ‘this resistor here does this, whereas this resistor over here is used for this function’ etc. Repeat for other e.g. this resistor does this particular job by (explain how it works in the circuit subsystem) and this job by (explain how it achieves this different function). Note- this level requires the student to use advanced concepts to explain electronic environments and the advanced operational function of components in a practical context. This could be a report written about a particular circuit diagram, or a detailed explanation in a short video. e.g. discussion of the merits of using different transistor types and subsystem configurations for a particular job in a circuit, such as amplifying a signal to a speaker. This could be a report written about a particular circuit diagram, or a detailed presentation by the student recorded in video format. Page 2 of 5 Internal assessment resource Digital Technologies 2.47 for Achievement Standard 91374 for filtering as component types. well as timing. Concept (2)Evidence shows that the student understands the meaning of digital and analogue as applied to signals. Concept (3)Evidence shows the student understands logical AND and OR statements and functions. Evidence could include: -report from a practical session. - labelled schematics showing waveforms. - video clips made by the student. -written report based on research of information. Student pastes evidence (or provides video evidence) into their final report. Evidence could include: - result of a practical assessment in which the student explores AND, OR and simple Student pastes results from their assessment into their final report. Repeat for other component types. The student can describe analogue and digital signals using sketches and a brief report from practicals in which different signals are generated and observed. Schematics and sketches should be included. The student can explain the difference between analogue and digital signals in terms of how information is coded and show how a analogue signal value can be digitised (3-bit). The student describes the difference between logical AND and OR statements and can construct truth tables (based on their practical work). The student can explain how AND and OR functions can work together in applications. The student can also give examples of where analogue and digital signals are used in real-world applications. Evidence for Merit plusThe student can discuss wider applications in technology of analogue and digital signals and compare the advantages and disadvantages of using each, where either can be used. Digital and analogue radio or LP vs CD might be rich topics to explore here. Evidence for Merit plusThe student can analyse some real-world applications in terms of their logic functions and design simple logic circuits using AND and OR gates given a scenario e.g. design a car seat belt alarm set-up. Page 3 of 5 Internal assessment resource Digital Technologies 2.47 for Achievement Standard 91374 combinations of these gates in terms of their inputs and outputs. Concept (4)Evidence shows the student understands the concept of power and heat dissipation. Components (compulsory)Microcontroller (different types). Evidence could include: -notes from experiments with light bulbs or heating coils - an assignment using provided component data. - an assignment involving power calculations. Student pastes results from their experiment and/or assignments into their final report. Evidence could include: -an assignment in which the student looks at the different Student pastes findings from their assignment and/or practical exercise into their final report. The student can describe what power and heat dissipation is in terms of their experimental results and their research and can perform simple calculations involving power. Evidence for Achieved plusThe student can explain how power is related to circuit values (V, I, R and t) and perform calculations with these values involving real problems e.g. calculating the value and rating of a resistor supplying a set of Christmas tree lights. Evidence for Merit plusThe student can discuss in detail and compare the ways in which power requirements are met for different applications e.g. sound systems, heating and lighting systems. A typical assignment might be to study alternative energy options for a house in terms of power requirements and supply options. The student can also explain why it is important to consider power requirements when thinking about output devices (e.g. motors) and the subsystems that they are part of. The student can describe (name and give examples of the use of) two different microcontrollers in common use. The student can briefly explain how two different microcontrollers can be programmed to perform a simple function in a circuit. The student can discuss different practical applications in the real world for of microcontrollers and compare the advantages of using different types in these applications. Page 4 of 5 Internal assessment resource Digital Technologies 2.47 for Achievement Standard 91374 types of micros in use. -a practical in which the student programmes two kinds of micros. Components (selection)- capacitor types - npn transistors - sensors (LDR, photodiode, thermistor, microphone). - actuators (relay, DC motor, solenoid, servo). Demonstration of these components working, from which the student makes notes. Circuits could be made up to involve several of these components at once. Student pastes their written account from the practical demonstration(s) into their final report. The student can describe what these components do in the circuit(s), in their own words. The student can explain how components work together in subsystems to create an overall new function and what factors can change this function. The student can discuss and justify the relative merits of choosing different components and configurations of components for a particular practical application e.g. a timer or a simple amplifier. e.g. explain how an RC network works and can be modified. At least two examples of subsystems should be reported on. Page 5 of 5