2/19/14 Things you should know when you leave… ECE 340 Lecture 13 : Optical Absorption and Luminescence Class Outline: • Band Bending • Optical Absorption Key Questions • How do I calculate kinetic and potential energy from the bands? • What is direct recombination? • How do I describe the process of direct recombination? M.J. Gilbert ECE 340 – Lecture 13 Band Bending Band Bending The energy bands are not constant in fields! We can use elementary physics to determine the potential energy… Electron Kinetic Energy (E – Ec) Total Electron Energy T.E. = K.E. + P.E. P.E. Potential Energy = Ec - Eref Hole Kinetic Energy (Ev – E) Instead, they move as a function of position. x Eref • We need energy equal to the band gap to break bonds and excite carriers to the conduction band. • If we only impart enough energy to promote an electron then it simply sits in the conduction band. • Extra energy allows carriers to move. M.J. Gilbert ECE 340 – Lecture 13 Electron Kinetic Energy (E – Ec) Total Electron Energy T.E. = K.E. + P.E. Potential Energy = Ec - Eref Hole Kinetic Energy (Ev – E) P.E. The potential energy: − qV But previously we said: Ec − Eref x Eref V =− 1 (Ec − Eref ) q V Electrostatic potential x M.J. Gilbert ECE 340 – Lecture 13 1 2/19/14 Band Bending Band Bending But we can still determine more… Total Electron Energy Electron Kinetic Energy (E – Ec) T.E. = K.E. + P.E. Potential Energy = Ec - Eref Hole Kinetic Energy (Ev – E) P.E. By definition, we know: V E = −∇V 1 dEc 1 dEv 1 dEi = = = q dx q dx q dx E 0 -L We know that : Ef – Ei = Eg/4 = 0.28 eV From the bands, we know that in this region it is ptype. E −E F cm 2 µ p = 459 V − sec k bT 0.28 10 0.0259 3 -L 0 L 0 L V 1 (Ec − Eref ) q x -L ECE 340 – Lecture 13 Finally, let’s determine the kinetic and potential energies at the different 3 2 points… Ec E 0 L For electrons: • Total energy increases as we move up in a band. • KE = E – Ec. • PE = Ec – Eref = Ec – Ef. For holes: • Total energy increases as we move up in a band. • KE = Ev – E. Carrier • PE = Eref – Ev = Ef – Ev. Electron 1 = 10 e M.J. Gilbert 2 x Band Bending x What is the resistivity in the x > L portion of the semiconductor? = 4.96 × 1014 cm −3 1 Let’s sketch the electrostatic potential inside the semiconductor: M.J. Gilbert There is still more information that we can determine… E = −∇V We can find the 1 dEc 1 dEv 1 dEi electric field… = = = q dx q dx q dx N A = p = ni e Ev • Choose the Fermi level as the reference energy. x ECE 340 – Lecture 13 Band Bending i 1 Ei Ef • It is silicon maintained at 300 K. V =− x M.J. Gilbert Assume that: 3 2 Ec Consider the following band diagram: • Ef – Ei = Eg/4 at ± L and Ef – Ei = Eg/4 at x = 0. x Eref Electrostatic potential Let’s try an example… ρ= 1 = 27.5Ω − cm qµ p N A ECE 340 – Lecture 13 M.J. Gilbert 1 Ei Ef Ev 1 2 3 KE (eV) PE (eV) 0 0.28 Electron 2 0.56 0.28 Electron 3 0 0.84 Hole 1 0 0.28 Hole 2 0.56 0.28 Hole 3 0 0.84 ECE 340 – Lecture 13 2 2/19/14 Optical Absorption Optical Absorption We can use optical absorption to determine the band gap… Who cares what the band gap is anyway? Recall the two different bandstructures… Direct Gap Indirect Gap • Many materials properties are very sensitive to the value of the band gap (carrier concentration). • Knowledge of the band gap allows us the possibility of designing devices which use transitions across the band gap to generate photons of specific wavelengths. • Can we use the opposite process to measure the gap? M.J. Gilbert ECE 340 – Lecture 13 M.J. Gilbert ECE 340 – Lecture 13 Optical Absorption Optical Absorption How can we use optical absorption to measure the band gap? If a beam of photons hits a semiconductor, there should be some predictable amount of absorption… Life of an excess carrier… This should depend on materials parameters: • Thickness • Energy of photons (a) Absorb a photon to create an electron-hole pair. (b) The electron loses its excess energy back to the lattice. (c) The electron recombines with the hole in the valence band giving off a photon. Monochromator • ħν > EG can be absorbed in the semiconductor. • Why are some materials transparent to photons at certain energies? – Excites electron from the full valence band to the relatively empty conduction band. – May initially have excess energy but will eventually thermalize to the thermal equilibrium velocity. – Eventually will recombine. – If the band gap is too large, then no photons are absorbed and no electrons are promoted from the valence band to the conduction band. – Photons not absorbed simply pass through the material. M.J. Gilbert ECE 340 – Lecture 13 I0 IT Detector • A beam of photons (photons/cm2*s) is directed at the sample of thickness, l, where the beam only contains photons of wavelength, λ. • The intensity of the transmitted beam can be calculated by considering the absorption in any increment dx. • Since the photon has no memory of how far it has travelled, the probability of absorption is constant. − dI (x ) = αI ( x ) dx M.J. Gilbert Degradation of intensity is proportional to the intensity remaining at x. ECE 340 – Lecture 13 3 2/19/14 Optical Absorption Optical Absorption This equation is easy to solve… I0 IT Monochromator Detector I ( x ) = I 0 e −αx Optical processes are not only important for characterization but also for device technology. Let’s begin to think about some simple optical processes in semiconductors… We could use light to excite and EHP in a direct gap material (fluorescence): • Light would need energy of at least Eg. • Electrons lose energy and move to conduction band edge. • Electrons recombine giving off a photon. • Process is very quick. • 1 photon absorbed = 1 photon emitted. • α is the absorption coefficient and has units of cm-1. • There is negligible absorption at long wavelengths (hν small) and considerable absorption of photons with energies greater than EG. M.J. Gilbert Process can be slower… (phosphorescence) When light is turned off the luminescesce can last for seconds or even minutes! ECE 340 – Lecture 13 M.J. Gilbert ECE 340 – Lecture 13 Direct Recombination Direct Recombination Depending on the bandstructure, electrons may recombine directly or indirectly… This equation is hard to solve, let’s simplify… • Direct recombination occurs spontaneously – constant in time. • Decay of excess carriers should be exponential. • Decay of electrons is proportional to the number of electrons and holes remaining at time t and a proportionality constant for recombination, αr. But we want the net rate of change in the conduction band electron concentration… dn t = α r ni2 − α r n t p t Thermal generation Recombination rate dt rate () g i = α r n0 p0 = α r ni2 Let’s make some assumptions: 1. Excess e-h pairs created by short flash of light. 2. Initial electron and hole concentrations are equal. 3. They recombine at an equal rate. (δn = δp) M.J. Gilbert () () Rewrite this in terms of equilibrium n and p and excess n and p… dδn(t ) = α r ni2 − α r [n0 + δn(t )][ p0 + δp(t )] dt = −α r (n0 + p0 )δn(t ) + δn 2 (t ) [ ECE 340 – Lecture 13 ] • Assume low level injection and a small amount of excess carriers. • Assume the material is extrinsic (p-type). Now we can easily solve this equation… dδn(t ) = α r ni2 − α r [n0 + δn(t )][ p0 + δp(t )] dt = −α r (n0 + p0 )δn(t ) + δn 2 (t ) [ δn(t ) = Δne ] −α r p0t = Δne − t τn Where we define the recombination lifetime, or minority carrier lifetime… τn = 1 α n p0 1 τp = α n n0 or τn = M.J. Gilbert 1 α n (n0 + p0 ) • Excess majority carriers decay at same rate as minority carriers. • There is a large change in the minority carrier concentration, but a small one in the majority carrier concentration. ECE 340 – Lecture 13 4 2/19/14 Direct Recombination Let’s visualize this decay of carriers… • This sample is doped with 1015 cm-3 acceptor atoms. • The intrinsic carrier concentration is about 106 cm-3 in GaAs. • Minority carrier concentration is ~ 103 cm-3. • 1014 cm-3 EHP are added to the system. • Figure shows the decay lifetime of the excess populations for a carrier recombination lifetime of 10 ns. M.J. Gilbert ECE 340 – Lecture 13 5