Implementation of Microprocessor-based Power System Stabilizer Zlatka Te ec KON AR Electrical Engineering Institute, Zagreb, Croatia Power electronics and control department Abstract — In this work, I present our experience gained through implementation of the IEEE PSS2B type of power system stabilizers (PSSs). The work describes a particular case of implementing this type of PSS in microprocessorbased digital voltage regulator with limited processing resources. The following issues have been elaborated: (i) choice of sampling time and its influence on the performance of the PSS and on the processor utilization, (ii) selection of the lead-lags time constants and their influences on the noise amplification and (iii) scaling associated with the integer arithmetic. The abovementioned problems have been analyzed by simulations and experimentally on a laboratory power plant, and appropriate solutions have been proposed. Finally, the PSS2B has been implemented on real power plants, and a simple method for field verification of tuned PSS2B parameters is explained. T I. INTRODUCTION he power transfer capability in power systems is, among others, limited due to low frequency electromechanical oscillations within frequency range between 0.1 and 4 Hz. These oscillations can arise due to the lack of damping of the systems mechanical mode and are additionally generated due to the usage of high gain fast-acting automatic voltage regulators (AVRs). To provide damping of the oscillations, supplementary excitation control subsystems have been developed. Among others, power system stabilizer (PSS) is probably the most frequently used device for providing damping of the above mentioned power oscillations. The PSS basic function is applying an additional signal to excitation system, creating electrical torque that damps out low frequency power oscillations in the range of 0.1 to 4 Hz. At the beginning of the nineties, manufacturers [1], [2], [3] offered dual input digital PSS based on integral of acceleration power [4]. It is known as PSS2B type of power system stabilizer in IEEE Std 421.5 [5], [6] (PSS2B in further text). This structure of PSS has significantly improved performances of power systems comparing to the previous PSS3A type [6]. Although the problems associated with the design of power system stabilizers have been well documented in the literature, problems related to their implementation in the microprocessor systems were left undocumented in large part. However, during commissioning of PSS, one is facing problems related to interfacing, noise and performance of PSS. Noise level and performance problems are closely associated with capability of digital system in use, i.e. compromises on the number of bits in use, the use of integer or floating-point arithmetic and the sampling time. Our intention is not to deal with the well known PSS2B structure, but present some of the problems that we have experienced during implementation and commissioning process. It is presented how the choice of sample time, selection of lead-lags time constants and scaling associated with integer arithmetic affects the performance of the PSS, the quality of the PSS output signal and the processor utilization. The paper is structured as follows. The second section presents structure of an existing digital voltage regulator (DVR) within which PSS2B has been implemented on real power plants. Basics of PSS2B structure and tuning of the parameters are briefly presented in the third section. For testing damping effects of PSS detailed simulation model of the power plant is developed and presented in section four. The fifth section presents the problems occurred during implementation of PSS2B structure in existing DVR and shows applied solutions. The last section of the paper contains field results of implemented PSS2B and the useful practical steps used during its commissioning. II. DIGITAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR The synchronous generators within the power plants are equipped with digital voltage regulator based on the KON AR microprocessor system for the control and regulation of excitation systems [7], [8], Fig. 1. The PSS2B described in this article is implemented in DVR replacing the previously used PSS3A IEEE type of PSS. The microprocessor system is built around a programmable central processing unit (CPU) that enables real-time execution of control and regulation tasks. Modular hardware environment is based on MC68302 microprocessor [9] and industrial VMEbus system. Software environment is comprised of software for design and development of application program, system software support and software utilities [8], [7]. Software for design and development of application program is based on graphical block-diagram oriented programming package. PC generator variable measurem. AD / DA Converter s VME bus Excitation transformer measuring and thyristor control measurement regulation gate control output amplifier control and monitoring protection CPU thyristor converter I/O bus DVR control system GS Station battery deexcitation synchronous generator common AC service Control panel digital I/O communication superimposed control system field flashing Figure 1. Structure of the digital voltage regulator The system software consists of real-time kernel and system programs. Real-time kernel handles tasks according to the pre-emptive fixed priority-based scheduling policy [10], [11]. It can be shown [10], [11] that with this policy scheduling a set of n periodic tasks is feasible if: 1 PUB = Ci ≤ n 2 n −1 , T i 1≤ i ≤ n (1) where PUB = processor utilization bound, Ci = computation time of task i, Ti = sample time of task i and n = number of tasks. The current implementation involves 9 tasks what gives PUB of 0.72. It can be shown [10] that the scheduling of this particular task set is feasible even when PUB approaches 0.88. However, due to the fact that certain margin is needed for proper operation during possible increase of voltage frequency (generator run away), it has been decided to limit allowed processor utilization bound to 72%. III. PSS2B STRUCTURE AND TUNING The block diagram of the PSS2B power system stabilizer is shown in Fig. 2. This two inputs PSS is compound of two parts. The first part is a filter that derives the integral of accelerating power from speed and electrical power of the synchronous generator according to electro-mechanical equation: 1 1 (Pm − Pe ) = Pacc = , (2) 2H 2H where ω = rotor speed, H = generator inertia constant, Pe = electro-mechanical (air-gap) power, Pacc = accelerating power and Pm = mechanical power. In practice, the speed signal is the result of calculation of the frequency of a terminal voltage. The resulting integral of accelerating power has the characteristics of speed at lower frequencies and electrical power at higher frequencies. In this way the integral of accelerating power on interesting frequency range replaces speed signal and avoids usage of toothed wheel/speed transducer. According to most recent literature [5], [12], [13], [14] parameters of the filter’s part do not change significantly depending on system parameters and their values are given in TABLE I. The ramp tracking filter time constants T8 and T9 are selected to provide enough attenuation at all shaft torsion frequencies and in the same time is able to track a ramp in electrical power change. If the filter time constants satisfy relation T8/T9=N (Fig 2.) stabilizer exhibits zero steady-state error when the mechanical power is ramped. Figure 2. Block diagram of the PSS2B Signal of the integral of accelerating power is input to the second part of PSS2B consisting of three conventional lead-lag filters specified with time constants T1 – T5 and T10. Time constants of the lead-lag filters are selected to compensate for phase lag of the system at frequencies of interest. System phase lag is determined by measuring frequency response of transfer function between terminal voltage (Vt) and voltage reference (Vref) and depends on synchronous machine parameters, variation in loading condition and system parameters. TABLE I. PSS2B SETTINGS Tw T6 N T8 T9 Max=Min KS1 KS2 10s 0 4 0.5s 0.125s 0.1 T7 T1 T2 T3 T4 T10 2Hs 0.3s 0.12 0.25s 0.05s 0.05 1 0.99 T5 KS3 0.01 6 IV. SIMULATION MODEL OF A POWER PLANT AND PSSS2B For the purpose of testing PSS2B performance and determining initial PSS parameters before implementing it within DVR on real power plant, a simulation model of the power plant in MATLAB/Simulink simulation software was developed. The power plant consists of a single machine equipped with control systems and connected to infinite bus. The simulation model uses continuous sample time. Simulation model of the real power plant is shown in Fig. 3. Synchronous machine block from MATLAB/Simulink SimPowerSystems [15] is used to represent a simulation model of the synchronous generator connected to an infinite bus (Three-phase programmable voltage source block) through three-phase transformer and transmission line. Figure 3. Simulation model of the real power plant, parameters of synchronous generator listed in APPENDIX I Vref Vref Pe, PSS Pe, PSS Pe, no Pss Pe, no Pss (p.u.) (p.u.) 0.95 0.95 Magnitude (dB) 40 1 1 0.9 0.9 LEAD LAG 1 Bode Diagram LEAD LAG 2 LEAD LAG 3 Pacc to PSSout 30 20 10 0 0.85 0.85 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 34 33 Time (s)34 Time (s) 35 35 36 36 37 37 Figure 4. Dynamic active power signal response of a step Figure 4. Dynamic active power signal response of a step change in voltage reference of 3 % , with and without PSS change in voltage reference of 3 % , with and without PSS DVR is modeled in accordance with the structure of digital voltage regulator installed on the real plant [8]. PSS2B shown in Fig. 2 was integrated in simulation model of DVR. Parameters of PSS are selected to compensate for phase lag of the system in the frequency range between 0.1 and 2 Hz. Selected parameter values are given in TABLE I. Fig. 4 shows dynamic active power signal response of a 3% step change in voltage reference with and without PSS2B. It is obvious that the developed PSS produces good damping of low frequency power oscillations (local mode). It has to be emphasized that response in Fig. 4 is obtained within the simulation that uses continuous sample time. Discretization and process noise typical for real DVR will affect real response of the PSS. V. PSS2B IMPLEMENTATION The PSS2B is integrated into the existing application program of DVR by adding additional program module. The program module was developed within the task executed with time period (sample time) of 3 ms. Preliminary tests of the implemented PSS2B were performed on physical model of a single machine infinitebus power system available in the laboratory (synchronous generator parameters are given in APPENDIX II). The physical model had similar DVR and application program as the real power unit on which PSS had to be implemented. During preliminary tests several problems occurred. The first one was high level of noise in PSS2B output signal, and the second one was undesired high contribution of the PSS2B program module to total processor utilization (load). The problems and applied solutions are presented hereafter. A. Noise problem In many cases, parameters of lead-lag filters are optimally tuned in frequency range between 1 to 3 Hz, but at the same time they can produce very high gain at range of sampling frequency. During the tuning process of PSS, one has to be aware that the amount of noise in PSS output signal is among other things a function of the leadlag filter gain at frequency near the sample frequency, and the value of input signal to the lead-lag, especially in the case of digital systems with integer arithmetic. Phase (deg) -10 90 45 0 -2 10 -1 10 0 1 2 10 10 Frequency (Hz) 3 10 10 Figure 5. Bode response of lead-lag filters Let us consider lead-lag filters with time constants listed in TABLE I. Bode response of the lead-lags is given in Fig. 5. The lead-lags are discretized with sample time of 3 ms. Although Bode response shows that PSS optimally compensate for system lag in the frequency range between 0.1 to 3 Hz, it has too much lead on higher frequency. From the magnitude response of third lead-lag block we can see that this lead-lag filter in the range of the sampling frequency contributes to the total PSS gain with factor 15 and in the same time, at interesting frequency range (0.1 – 4Hz) it produces no significant phase lead. Fig. 6 shows voltage reference step change response of internal PSS signals along the sequence of considered three lead-lag filters without PSS in function. Input to first lead lag is actual signal of integral of accelerating power. It is obvious that third filter because of high gain contribution at range of sampling frequency adds significant level of noise to the PSS output signal. Such PSS output signal causes noisy field voltage that finally produces noisy reactive power, i.e. PSS is in this case almost ineffective due to the need of using low gains. input,Pacc after LEAD-LAG3 after LEAD-LAG2 after LEAD-LAG1 200 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 -250 1 1.5 2 Time (s) 2.5 3 0.3s+1 0.25s+1 0.05s+1 0.12s+1 0.05s+1 0.01s+1 LEAD-LAG 1 LEAD-LAG 2 LEAD-LAG 3 3.5 Figure 6. Dynamic response of internal PSS2B signals where accelerating power is an input B. Processor utilization problem The implementation of PSS2B within the task with 3ms sample time caused the increase of PUB beyond allowed 72%. The PSS2B contributed with almost 10%. Therefore, we have to search for more appropriate solution. C. Applied solution To solve the problem related to high processor utilization almost all program elements within PSS program module was moved to slower task executed with time period of 12 ms. For this reason lead-lag filter time constants T1-T5 and T10 had to be retuned with respect to new sampling period. To solve problem related to high level of noise in PSS output signal we first additionally smoothed the signal of integral of accelerating power by running input low pass and washout filters within faster task with time period of 3 ms. Second, we retuned lead-lag filters with taking into account influence of lead-lags parameters at range of sampling frequency. In systems with integer arithmetic and limited number of bits reducing the entire available numerical range further contributes to the noise level and affects characteristic of filters in use. So, to additionally reduce noise level in PSS output signal we scaled internal signals of PSS in the way that signals that enter lead-lag filters have as great value as possible. That means one has to judge maximum and minimum value of each internal PSS signal and than multiply the signal in accordance with assumed limits. Output of third lead-lag, of course, has to be divided with multiplying factors. After described changes were applied, the noise level was considerably reduced and processor utilization was reduced to 70%. PSS2B in applied solution contributed to the processor utilization with only 2.5%. TABLE II. FINAL PSS2B SETTINGS Tw T6 N T8 T9 Max = -Min KS1 KS2 T7 T1 T2 T3 T4 T10 T5 KS3 2H s 0.08 s 0.025 s 0.08 s 0.025 s 0.3 0.4 20 400 output PSS signal Pacc after LEAD-LAG1 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 COMMISSIONING OF PSS2B During commissioning of PSS it is necessary to (re)tune and verify PSS settings before putting PSS in service. In practice, this includes measuring frequency responses of the system (i.e. transfer function Vt/Vref), tuning of lead-lag blocks parameters, PSS gain verification and tests of generator responses on step in reference voltage [12], [16], [17]. System frequency response is measured using additionally developed utility within application program of DVR. Simple utility adds a small sinus signal in voltage reference and determines frequency response of the system by recording phase shift between terminal and reference voltage at frequency range 0.1 to 5 Hz. 10s 0 4 0.5 s 0.125 s 0.1 1 0.99 frequency after applying a small step in reference voltage while generator is synchronized on grid and without PSS in service. Namely, PSS2B parameters for certain operating point are optimally tuned if: (i) the signal of integral of accelerating power is in phase with speed signal (i.e. terminal voltage frequency), and (ii) the phase shift between output PSS signal and signal of integral of accelerating is approximately the same as measured system phase lag at frequency range of the local oscillations. If recorded signals have mentioned phase relation, PSS2B can be put in service without fear that it will jeopardize the stability of power system. Fig. 7 shows signals of electric power, integral of accelerating power and PSS2B output in case when PSS2B is out of service. Fig. 8 shows the same signals in -300 -400 phase lead from lead-lags 4 5 6 7 Time (s) 8 9 10 4 x 10 Pe, no PSS 1.2 Pe (pu) VI. PSS lead-lags parameters ware initially set to values obtained during simulation process (TABLE I) but additionally tuned considering guidelines given in part V. Also, difference between simulated and measured frequency responses wares take into account. New PSS settings are listed in TABLE II. Quick on-field check of PSS parameters can be made by recording output PSS2B signal, signal of integral of accelerating power and signal of terminal voltage PSS signals (pu) So, if we want to obtain effective PSS, time constants of the lead-lag filters have to be carefully selected in respect to gain that the filter produce in the range of sampling frequency, even if it means lower lead-lags phase lead. 1.15 1.1 1.05 4 5 6 7 Time (s) 8 9 Figure 7. Dynamic response of active power, PSS2B internal and output signal (3% step change in voltage reference without PSS) 10 100 50 PSS signals (pu) REFERENCES output PSS signal Pacc after LEAD-LAG1 [1] [2] 0 -50 [3] phase lead from lead-lags -100 [4] -150 4 x 10 5 6 4 7 Time (s) 8 9 [5] [6] Pe 1.2 Pe (pu) 10 1.15 [7] 1.1 1.05 4 5 6 7 Time (s) 8 9 10 [8] Figure 8. Dynamic response of active power, and PSS2B internal and output signal (3% step change in voltage reference with PSS) situation when PSS2B, implemented with all specified changes in section V, is in function. We can see that level of noise in output PSS signal is very low and also that implemented PSS provides good damping of local mode electromechanical oscillations. VII. CONCLUSION Emphasis of the paper is on presenting practical solutions of the problems that we have experienced during implementation process of IEEE PSS2B type of PSS within DVR with limited processing resources. We showed that simulation made without taking into account the target microprocessor system can lead to poorly tuned PSS. Additionally, we presented necessary steps to achieve the reduction of noise level of PSS output signal with minimum demands on processing resources. Furthermore, the simple method of on-site verification of proposed PSS parameters is described. 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