Kulp Out of District Use Form

Ithaca High School – Performing Arts Center
1401 Cayuga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Managed by the Ithaca Department of Arts Education
Rental Application for Out of District Use
Name of event:
Name of organization:
Contact Name:
This person must be on site or designate a stand-in contact who will be on site for the duration of the building use.
Billing Address:
Briefly describe the event (dance, theatre, lecture, etc):
Date(s) of Event:
Overall Time Requested:
Start: _____________________
End: _____________________
Time of Event:
Start: _____________________
End: _____________________
All rooms, and spaces will be locked before and after the requested start and end times. Please allow yourself enough time to set up and clean up
the space and remove personal property.
Is this event open to the general public?
Will you charge admission?*
What are the ticket prices? (Tickets may only be sold from the box office, which incurs an additional rental fee)
Estimated attendance:
Estimated number of performers/ people onstage:
Will there be children under the age of 18 backstage? (1 Chaperone must be present for every 12 kids)
What is the length of the event?
Is there an intermission? How long?
Will there be a post- or pre-show reception?
Will concessions be sold?
(Concessions may only be sold in the concession area, which incurs and additional rental fee)
Merchandise sales are not permitted.
Please check all the spaces and equipment you are interested in using for your event:
Kulp Auditorium
Black Box Theatre+ ___________
Basic Stage Masking (Kulp Only)
House Curtain (Kulp Only)
End Stage Seating Layout (Black Box)#
Band Room+ ___________
Orchestra Room+ _________
Chorus Room+ ___________
Men’s Dressing Room
Women’s Dressing Room
Basic Stage lighting
Up to 5 chairs on stage
Conductor’s Podium
Single Microphone (Speech)
Single CD Player (Sound Playback)
Subject to approval and an additional charge #Change in seating layout is negotiable
Advanced stage lighting and sound discussed on page 2
Will you be bringing any items or equipment with you? (Scenery, props, furniture, etc)
* If an admission fee will be charged, the organization must certify in writing that the proceeds will be expended for a
non-profit educational or charitable purpose.
The Ithaca City School District’s Board of Education and its authorized officers and employees retain final authority,
at all times, regarding permission to use school facilities, including but not limited to Building “A”.
INSURANCE: Property and liability insurance will be required in the amount of $100,000 Property and $1,000,000 Bodily Injury and Personal
Liability. A certificate of insurance to be presented with this application must evidence such coverage. The Ithaca City School District must be
named as the Certificate Holder as well as an additional insured (under Description of Operations). The laws of New York State and the
regulations of the Ithaca City School District Board of Education of Ithaca, New York limit use of school property by non-school groups for
meetings and performances. See policy.
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Ithaca High School – Performing Arts Center
1401 Cayuga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Managed by the Ithaca Department of Arts Education
Rental Application for Out of District Use
Will you need loading dock access?
The following fee schedule applies to use of Building “A” by not-for-profit organizations. Fees for the use of Building
“A” by for-profit organizations (if authorized) shall be determined by the District on a case-by-case basis.
Base Rental Fees for Kulp Auditorium or the Black Box Theatre:
Daily Rental: $600/Day – A Day constitutes 8 hours of supervision time
Extra Hours: $90 per hour due to overtime payments
The following spaces are available for an additional charge due to extra time needed to clean:
Dance Studio: $50/day
Concessions Area: $50/day
Reception (Lounge) Area: $50/day
Choir Room: $100/day
Orchestra Room: $100/day
Band Room: $100/day
The following equipment is available for an additional charge:
Advanced Sound SystemDescribe any needs in addition to playback and single microphone. Be specific with quantities. Price is dependent on needs.
Advanced Stage LightingDescribe any lighting needs beyond general stage wash and lights up and down.
(i.e. Specific looks, programming cues, or altering the rep plot.) Price is dependent on needs and lighting expertise.
Folding Tables. QTY:
Music Stands QTY:
4 Step Choral Risers. $100.00 (8 sections)
Subject to availability.
Steinway Grand Piano. $75 Tuning Fee
Digital Projector/Screen: $100/day (Only available in Kulp)
Cyclorama: $50 (Only available in Kulp)
Upright Piano. $75 Dollar Tuning Fee.
Audio recording: $75/event
Black Scrim: $50 (Only available in Kulp)
Additional technical personnel may be required at the discretion of the Director of Fine & Performing Arts.
Do you have any additional needs, questions, or comments?
Signature of Applicant
Date of Application
* If an admission fee will be charged, the organization must certify in writing that the proceeds will be expended for a
non-profit educational or charitable purpose.
The Ithaca City School District’s Board of Education and its authorized officers and employees retain final authority,
at all times, regarding permission to use school facilities, including but not limited to Building “A”.
INSURANCE: Property and liability insurance will be required in the amount of $100,000 Property and $1,000,000 Bodily Injury and Personal
Liability. A certificate of insurance to be presented with this application must evidence such coverage. The Ithaca City School District must be
named as the Certificate Holder as well as an additional insured (under Description of Operations). The laws of New York State and the
regulations of the Ithaca City School District Board of Education of Ithaca, New York limit use of school property by non-school groups for
meetings and performances. See policy.
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