A. Schmidta · B. Haasdonka Reduced Basis Approximation of Large Scale Parametric Algebraic Riccati Equations Stuttgart, June 2015 a Institute for Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation, University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70569 Stuttgart/ Germany {schmidta,haasdonk}@mechbau.uni-stuttgart.de www.agh.ians.uni-stuttgart.de Abstract Optimal feedback control problems for partial differential equations (PDEs) can be tackled by applying the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) theory to the spatially discretized equations. The solution to the control problem is then obtained by solving an Algebraic Riccati Equation (ARE). However, especially in multi-query scenarios for parametric problems, this procedure can become very expensive since the ARE is a quadratic matrix equation of the same dimension as the underlying discretized system. In this paper, we present the application of the Reduced Basis (RB) method for parametric AREs (RB-ARE). We focus on the basis generation where we propose a new algorithm called “Low Rank Factor Greedy” algorithm and on the residual based error estimation. Furthermore, we investigate the error induced by using the reduced ARE solution as a surrogate for the expensive high dimensional solution in the LQR problem by giving rigorous bounds on the cost functional, state and outputs. An offline/online decomposition of the RB-ARE procedure will result in a computationally efficient scheme. Keywords Reduced Basis Method, Optimal Feedback Control, Algebraic Riccati Equation, Low Rank Approximation Stuttgart Research Centre for Simulation Technology (SRC SimTech) SimTech – Cluster of Excellence Pfaffenwaldring 5a 70569 Stuttgart publications@simtech.uni-stuttgart.de www.simtech.uni-stuttgart.de A. Schmidta , B. Haasdonka 2 1 Introduction The Algebraic Riccati Equation (ARE) is an important equation that frequently arises in control, filtering and state estimation problems. The most popular application is certainly in the field of optimal feedback control for linear and time invariant (LTI) systems, with the special case of the linear quadratic regulator (LQR), see e.g. [32]. The goal to find an optimal control that transforms feedback information of the system into suitable control signals for steering the system into a desired state can be solved by finding the solution of an ARE. Other applications, like the optimal sensor placement or linear quadratic Gaussian balanced truncation also require the solution of AREs, see [22, 37]. Many physical, biological or other technical phenomena are modeled in terms of partial differential equations (PDEs). Often they depend on one or more parameters describing for instance material coefficients, geometric properties or quantifying uncertainties. For computational purposes one usually discretizes the PDE in the first place, which typically results in large discrete systems. Formulating the AREs for those systems leads to quadratic matrix equations with the same dimension as the underlying discrete system. Hence, solving this equation can be a very challenging task, especially in multi-query scenarios like in real-time contexts or on small computing devices such as micro controllers. In the recent decades a lot of very efficient solvers for the ARE have been developed. We refer to [6] for a review of the state-of-the-art solvers. The focus of this paper is to apply model reduction techniques to the ARE in order to obtain approximate solutions rapidly and with reliable error bounds. One reduction technique that has proved to work very well for parametric partial differential equations is the Reduced Basis (RB) method, cf. [16, 17, 40]. Extensions to the open loop optimal control of PDEs have been carried out in [28] or [38]. The RB method is divided in a computationally expensive offline part where a problem adapted low dimensional solution space is constructed from high dimensional solutions for suitably selected parameter values. The original problem is then projected onto this low dimensional space, which results in small equations that can be solved rapidly online for different parameters. This expensive procedure pays off during the online phase where solutions to the problem can be obtained rapidly with a complexity ideally completely independent of the high dimension. A crucial ingredient in all certified RB methods are a-posteriori error estimators that can be cheaply evaluated along with the reduced solution. Such error estimators are used in the online step for the verification of the approximation quality as well as in the offline step for choosing the worst approximated element in a greedy loop, cf. [12, 14]. Although we are not directly dealing with partial differential equations, we adopt the basic RB methodology for the parametric ARE scenario (RB-ARE). In the following section we briefly present the basic setup and establish the notation used throughout this paper. In Section 3 the reduction is explained and a new algorithm for the basis generation is presented, followed by a discussion of approximation error statements in Section 4. We will focus on an a posteriori error estimator between the true and the approximated solution of the ARE, but we will also establish a link to the feedback control problem by providing rigorous bounds for the cost functional and the state if the approximation to the ARE is used as a surrogate for the true solution. The online performance is ensured by a complete offline/online decomposition of the procedure, which is explained in Section 5. Numerical examples in Section 6 show the performance of our approach. We conclude in Section 7 with final remarks. 2 Problem Setting Throughout this article we are considering the following parametric Algebraic Riccati Equation for the unknown solution P (µ) ∈ Rn×n : A(µ)T P (µ)E(µ) + E(µ)T P (µ)A(µ) − E(µ)T P (µ)B(µ)B(µ)T P (µ)E(µ) + C(µ)T C(µ) = 0. (1) The matrices E(µ), A(µ) ∈ Rn×n , B(µ) ∈ Rn×m , C(µ) ∈ Rp×n are given and the solution matrix P (µ) is sought. We allow parameter dependency on all data matrices, with a parameter vector µ from a bounded parameter set P ⊂ Rq . Furthermore, we require that E(µ) is invertible for all parameters. Due to the direct link of the data matrices in equation (1) to dynamical systems, we call n the state dimension, m the number of inputs and p the number of outputs of the system, see also Example 2.1 below. Reduced Basis Approximation of Large Scale Parametric Algebraic Riccati Equations 3 Equation (1) consists of n quadratic equations for n2 unknowns. Hence the solvability is not clear unless additional assumptions and requirements are posed. One possibility is to require the following properties for the matrices A(µ), B(µ) and C(µ), cf. [32, 34]: rk[λE(µ) − A(µ), B(µ)] = n, T T T rk[λE(µ) − A(µ) , C(µ) ] = n, ∀λ ∈ C with <(λ) ≥ 0, (Stabilizability) (2) ∀λ ∈ C with <(λ) ≥ 0, (Detectability) (3) for all parameters µ ∈ P where rk(S) denotes the rank of the matrix S. As proven in [34], condition (2) and (3) guarantee the existence of a unique solution P (µ) ∈ Rn×n of the ARE (1) with the properties P (µ) = P (µ)T , E(µ)−1 (A(µ) − B(µ)B(µ)T P (µ)E(µ)) is Hurwitz. P (µ) 0, (4) Here, the expression P 0 denotes positive semidefiniteness of the matrix P . A matrix is called stable (or Hurwitz), when the real parts of all eigenvalues are strictly less than zero, i.e. all eigenvalues are located in the open left complex half plane. The unique solution with the properties (4) is called “stabilizing solution” of the ARE. For improved readability we omit the explicit notion of the parameter dependence in the following sections and come back to the full parametric problem in Section 5, where the offline/online decomposition is explained. One of the main application for the ARE, which is also our main interest, is the feedback stabilization of LTI control systems. Example 2.1 Consider the following LTI system in descriptor form: E ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t), y(t) = Cx(t) (5) with matrices E, A ∈ Rn×n , B ∈ Rn×m and C ∈ Rp×n . Systems of this form typically arise after the spatial discretization of time dependent partial differential equations, see for example [13, 27]. The function u(t) is called “control” of the system and serves as an input variable that can be chosen to alter the dynamics in a specific way. The function y(t) is called “output”. One possible scenario that is used in many applications is the linear feedback control (also called LQR) of (5), see e.g. [3, 5]. This means that one wants to find a linear control law of the form u(t) = Kx(t) with the feedback gain matrix K ∈ Rm×n that steers the system from an initial state x(0) = x0 to the origin x∗ = 0. Since there are potentially many different ways to achieve this, one additionally requires the minimization of a cost functional Z ∞ J(u) := (y(t)T Qy(t) + u(t)T Ru(t))dt, (6) 0 where the matrices Q ∈ Rm×m , R ∈ Rp×p are symmetric and positive definite weighting matrices. Without loss of generality, Q and R can be set to the identity matrix Im respectively Ip , because otherwise a transformation ỹ = Q1/2 y and ũ = R1/2 u can be applied. Therefore, in all of the following we assume Q = Im and R = Ip . It can be shown, that the problem of minimizing (6) can be solved by setting u(t) = −B T P Ex(t) where P is the unique symmetric and positive semidefinite solution to the ARE AT P E + E T P A − E T P BB T P E + C T C = 0. (7) Since spatial discretizations like the finite element method for linear PDEs lead to large LTI systems and hence to large AREs, a fast and reliable approximation of (7) is the key ingredient for solving parametric LQR problems in multi-query or real-time scenarios. Remark 2.2 Note that we are discussing the ARE in its generalized form (1) and (7), i.e. with explicit dependence on the mass matrix E. This is due to the fact that the underlying control systems result from spatial semidiscretizations of time dependent partial differential equations (PDE), which naturally leads to mass matrices in front of the time derivatives in the ordinary differential equations (ODEs) for A. Schmidta , B. Haasdonka 4 the state. Since we are assuming invertibility of E, equation (5) can be left multiplied by E −1 , resulting in −1 −1 ẋ = E | {z A} x + |E {z B} u, Â y = Cx. (8) B̂ Formulating the ARE for this equation yields the standard form of the Riccati equation ÂT P + P Â − P B̂ B̂ T P + C T C = 0 (9) Many solvers for systems in the generalized form (7) internally transform the system to the standard form (9). Since the multiplication of A with E −1 would destroy important properties like sparsity or symmetry, usually a Cholesky factorization (or more generally an LU-factorization) E = LLT is used together with a state transformation x̃ := LT x. x̃˙ = L−1 AL−T x̃ + L−1 Bu, y = CL−T x̃. The explicit formation of the matrix product L−1 AL−T is avoided in favor of the solution of linear systems by forward and backward substitution. We refer to the overview article [6] and the thesis [46] for further information. We will assume that the systems under consideration are stable, i.e. E −1 A has only eigenvalues in the left open complex half plane. Unstable systems can be preprocessed by finding a matrix H such that E −1 (A − BH) is stable and by replacing A with A − BH in the remainder of this article. Note that this is always possible due to the controllability assumption (2). If not otherwise stated, we will denote k · k = k · k2 as the Euclidean 2-norm for vectors and induced operator norm of an operator. Further, for a matrix A = (aij )ni,j=1 ∈ Rn×n , we define the Frobenius p Pn norm kAkF = tr (AT A), where tr(A) := i=1 aii is the trace function. The eigenvalues of A are denoted by λi (A) where we will impose a descending ordering of the real parts <(λn (A)) ≤ · · · ≤ <(λ1 (A)). Another important property for matrices is the logarithmic norm, cf. [9, 49]. The logarithmic norm of A is defined as ν[A] := lim h→0+ kIn + hAk − 1 . h (10) In the case k · k = k · k2 , the logarithmic norm can be calculated as ν[A] = λ1 ( 12 (A + AT )). The logarithmic norm has the property, that it is directly related to the decay of the norm of the matrix exponential eAt , i.e. for any induced norm k · k it holds keAt k ≤ eν[A]t , t ≥ 0. (11) A proof for this well known inequality can for example be found in [19]. We will make use of this property in Section 4.1.1, for proving the stability of the reduced controller in the full dimensional LTI system. A matrix A with ν[A] < 0 is called dissipative. Usually we consider systems with mass matrices E. The logarithmic norm for those systems is defined as ν[E −1 A]. For symmetric E one can employ the Cholesky factorization to show that the calculation of ν[E −1 A] can be equivalently performed by finding the eigenvalue of the generalized eigenvalue problem 21 (A + AT )x = λEx with the largest real part, see also [39]. Reduced Basis Approximation of Large Scale Parametric Algebraic Riccati Equations 5 3 Reduction Approach In cases where the number of inputs m and the number of outputs p is small compared to the number of degrees of freedom n of the underlying system, the solution matrix P to the ARE (1) often can be approximated by a low rank factorization of the form P ≈ ZZ T with Z ∈ Rn×k and k n. This is possible due to a fast decay in the singular values of P . In the contributions [2, 35, 42, 53] theoretical justifications for this observation are carried out, especially for the Lyapunov equation with low rank right hand side. Lyapunov equations are closely linked to the ARE, since for example a classical Newton approach for solving the nonlinear equation (1) results in a loop where Lyapunov equations with a low rank structure have to be solved, cf. [4, 6]. Hence, P inherits this property. The fact, that the solution can be efficiently represented by low rank factors implies that the solution manifold of the parametric low rank factors Z can be approximated by linear spaces of much lower dimension than the original system dimension n. Hence, a projection of Equation (1) on the relevant subspace might lead to a much smaller problem that can easily be solved by standard techniques. Projection based methods for the Lyapunov equation are discussed for example in [44] and were extended to Krylov and rational Krylov subspace methods in [24, 48]. Articles concerned with projection based solution algorithms for the ARE are for instance [20, 25, 26]. For the parametric case, in [31] the RB method for large and sparse Lyapunov equations has been presented. A general class of projections can be described by a pair of biorthogonal matrices V, W ∈ Rn×N with T W V = IN and N n. The columns of W span the N dimensional subspace W := colspan(W ) ⊂ Rn and hence any matrix P̂ ∈ Rn×n with colspan(P̂ ) ⊂ W can be written as W G for some matrix G ∈ RN ×n . Since the solution matrices of the ARE are always symmetric, one has the additional requirement P̂ = W G = GT W T = P̂ T . Hence, the matrix P̂ can also be written as P = W ḠW T for a symmetric (and positive semidefinite) matrix Ḡ ∈ RN ×N . In the following, we will write Ḡ = PN , since this will be the N dimensional approximation to the full solution P . Substituting the solution P by its approximation P̂ := W PN W T (12) in the left hand side of equation (1), we arrive at R(W PN W T ) = AT W PN W T E + E T W PN W T A − E T W PN W T BB T W PN W T E + C T C, where we introduced the residual R(·) of the ARE. Requiring a so called Galerkin condition1 V T R(P̂ )V = 0 leads to the reduced ARE T T T T ATN PN EN + EN PN AN − EN PN BN BN PN EN + CN CN = 0, (13) where the reduced matrices are defined as EN = W T EV, AN := W T AV, B = W T B, CN = CV. (14) Equation (13) is of dimension N × N and can be easily solved by using standard methods like a Hamiltonian approach, which is implemented in the function care in MATLAB. The projection based factorization naturally defines a low rank approximation for the full dimensional solution matrix: We can calculate the low rank factor Ẑ by employing an eigenvalue decompoT sition of the small matrix PN = UN SN UN and by setting 1/2 Ẑ := W UN SN ∈ Rn×N , (15) which yields P̂ = Ẑ Ẑ T , since 1/2 1/2 T Ẑ Ẑ T = W UN SN SN UN W T = W PN W T . Instead of forming the whole and usually dense n × n matrix P̂ through (12), the low rank factor (15) is used. 1 See for example [44] A. Schmidta , B. Haasdonka 6 Remark 3.1 We want to briefly compare the presented RB-ARE reduction approach to the classical projection based model reduction techniques for dynamical systems such as Krylov-subspace methods, balanced truncation or proper orthogonal decomposition, cf. [1]. We will again consider systems of the form (5). All these model reduction approaches are based on the projection of the state to a subspace, whose basis is defined by the columns of a projection matrix V ∈ Rn×N . If we now introduce a reduced state xN (t) ∈ RN and approximate x(t) ≈ V xN (t), we can substitute the high dimensional state in equation (5). Restricting the residual to be orthogonal to another test space, defined by a matrix W ∈ Rn×N , e.g. after introducing a Petrov-Galerkin condition, we end up with the reduced system ( W T EV ẋN (t) = W T AV xN (t) + W T Bu(t) yN (t) = CV xN . (16) Abbreviating EN := W T EV , AN := W T AV , BN = W T B and CN := CV reveals the link to the reduced ARE (13). Defining the minimization target Z min ∞ kyN (t)k2 + ku(t)k2 dt (17) 0 shows, that equation (13) solves the reduced LQR problem (17),(16). Although the reduced closed loop system T EN ẋN = (AN − BN BN PN EN )xN is optimally controlled by chosing PN as the solution to the reduced ARE (13), the reconstruction P̂ := W PN W T must not necessarily yield a good approximation to the solution P of the full dimensional ARE (1) if only state snapshots are used for the generation of the basis, see for example [7, 47]. This will be the motivation for our basis generation procedure, see 3.1. We finish this section with a useful property that allows verifying zero error whenever the projection matrix contains the whole (low rank) solution space of the ARE. Proposition 3.2 (Reproduction of Solutions) Let V, W ∈ Rn×N with W T V = IN be given. Let the symmetric and positive semidefinite matrix P ∈ Rn×n be the unique solution to the ARE (1) and assume colspan(P ) ⊂ colspan(W ). We assume that (AN , BN ) is stabilizable and (AN , CN ) from (14) is detectable. Then it follows P = W PN W T where PN solves the reduced ARE (13). Proof Due to symmetry of P and the assumption that colspan(P ) ⊂ colspan(W ), there exists a symmetric and positive semidefinite matrix G ∈ RN ×N with P = W GW T . Using the definition of the ARE, we get AT W GW T E + E T W GW T A − E T W GW T BB T W GW T E + C T C = 0. Multiplying this equation with V T from left and V from right yields T T T T ATN GEN + EN GAN − EN GBN BN GEN + CN CN = 0, (18) where the matrices are defined as in (14). Due to the assumption of stabilizability and detectability of the reduced matrices, the reduced equation (13) has a unique positive semidefinite and symmetric solution PN . Since both G and PN satisfy the same Riccati equation, we can conclude G = PN and hence P = W PN W T . t u Reduced Basis Approximation of Large Scale Parametric Algebraic Riccati Equations 7 3.1 Low Rank Factor Greedy Besides biorthogonality W T V = IN we have not yet made any further assumptions on the matrices W, V . There are many possible ways how a basis can be constructed. In a parametric scenario, the reduced basis (RB) approach has proven to work well for the approximation of partial differential equations, see for example [12, 40, 43, 55]. The goal in all RB methods is to split the calculation in an offline/online scheme, where the online computation time ideally does not depend on the high dimension n. This is achieved by accepting a possibly expensive offline phase, where a problem adapted solution space is constructed which then allows the fast solution in the online phase. Rigorous error bounds that are likewise fast to evaluate are the key ingredient for justifying the approach online. The standard approach for constructing the reduced basis works in a greedy fashion as it has been introduced for RB methods in [55]. The greedy procedure is an iterative algorithm that tries to uniformly minimize the approximation error on a training set Ptrain ⊂ P by subsequently adding vectors constructed from the worst approximated element to the basis. A crucial ingredient in all greedy approximations is the choice of a suitable error indicator for selecting the worst approximated element. There are several possible choices, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. One possibility would certainly be the true approximation error. However, this is often not possible, since the evaluation in each iteration would be too expensive as the true solution for all training parameters would be required. A better approach makes use of error indicators that are cheaply computable for all parameters in the training set Ptrain . We propose a new algorithm for the construction of a subspace for the RB-ARE method which we denote Low Rank Factor Greedy (LRFG) procedure. The pseudocode is listed in Algorithm 1. The basic structure of the algorithm follows the greedy-principle: In a loop the error indicator is evaluated for all elements µ in the training set Ptrain ⊂ P and for the current reduced basis, that is spanned by the columns of V . If the algorithm determines a maximum error indicator value beneath a given desired tolerance ε, the loop terminates and the basis construction is complete. The biorthogonal counterpart W is chosen as V , which is a suitable choice since V itself has orthogonal columns. Otherwise, the parameter µ∗ ∈ Ptrain of the worst approximated solution for the current basis is selected by finding the parameter µ∗ that maximizes the error indicator and the high dimensional low rank factor Z(µ∗ ) is obtained by a suitable solution algorithm for the ARE. Although the low rank factorization itself is only an approximation to the true solution, we will assume that the error is negligible compared to the model reduction error. The next step consists in finding the relevant information in the low rank factor Z(µ∗ ). As a preprocessing step, only the part which is perpendicular to the current basis Z := (In − V V T )Z(µ∗ ) is considered. Afterwards the remaining information in the column space of Z is compressed and added to the basis. We propose two different ways for extracting the relevant information. Both rely on the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD, sometimes also called principal component analysis) technique which also appears for example in the basis building procedure for time-dependent problems, see e.g. [18, 56]. The idea behind POD is to find orthogonal vectors z̃l ∈ Rn that capture the essential information in the columns of Z ∈ Rn×k = (z1 , . . . , zk ). Mathematically speaking, we seek the solution of the following constrained maximization problem: max z̃1 ,...,z̃l ∈Rn k l X X |hzj , z̃i i|2 , subject to hz̃i , z̃j i = δij , for i, j = 1, . . . , l (19) i=1 j=1 where h·, ·i denotes the standard inner product in Rn . Problem (19) can be solved by setting z̃i = ui for i = 1, . . . , l, where ui ∈ Rn are the first columns of the matrix U1 in the thin singular value decomposition Z = U1 SU2T , with S = diag(σ1 , . . . , σk ) ∈ Rk×k and U1 ∈ Rn×k with orthogonal columns. In the following we will call z̃i POD modes. Often one does not want to prescribe the number of elements that should be returned by the POD, but a tolerance εI for the error for the approximation by the first POD modes. This can for instance be implemented by determining the smallest natural number l that satisfies 1 − E(l) < εI , where Pl σ2 E(l) := Pri=1 i2 , i=1 σi r := rk(Z). (20) A. Schmidta , B. Haasdonka 8 This function represents the “energy” of the snapshots captured by the first l POD modes. We will denote by (z̃1 , . . . , z̃l ) = Z̃ = POD(Z, εI ) the POD method applied to the matrix Z with a prescribed inner tolerance εI and POD1 (Z) denotes the first dominant mode returned by (19) for l = 1. We refer to [56] for more information on POD in the context of model reduction. The first possibility that we propose is to only add the first dominant mode z̃1 = POD1 (Z) in each iteration of the greedy loop (add one). This clearly results in a very good basis but comes with high computational costs, since in each iteration the error indicator must be evaluated and a POD must be performed. We hence propose an alternative that will lead to a potentially larger basis but results in a faster offline phase: In each iteration of the greedy loop, we add more information to the basis by extending it with the vectors resulting from the POD technique with prescribed tolerance εI (add many). This basis generation approach will in most cases result in larger bases but lower the offline computation time. This theoretical expectation is confirmed by our numerical experiments, see Section 6.2. In practice, the algorithm must certainly be extended at some points. For example it must be ensured that the algorithm terminates with a reasonably sized basis. This can be achieved by prescribing a maximum number of basis elements or by using techniques such as adaptive basis enrichment or ppartitioning, cf. [15]. Algorithm 1: Low Rank Factor Greedy Algorithm (LRFG) for the basis generation. Data: Initial basis matrix V0 , training set Ptrain ⊂ P, tolerance ε, mode ∈ {add one, add many}, error indicator ∆(V, µ) (, inner tolerance εI ) Set V := V0 . while maxµ∈Ptrain ∆(V, µ) > ε do µ∗ := arg maxµ∈Ptrain ∆(V, µ) Solve the full dimensional ARE for the low rank factor Z(µ∗ ) Set Z⊥ := (In − V V T )Z(µ∗ ) if mode == add one then Z̃ = POD1 (Z⊥ ) else Z̃ = POD(Z⊥ , εI ) Extend the current basis matrix V = (V, Z̃) Return V . 4 Error Estimation A crucial ingredient in certified RB methods is the validation of the procedure by means of error bounds. They should be rigorous and cheaply computable, which means that in the ideal case the evaluation complexity of the bound is independent of the high dimension n. The main result in this section is a computable a-posteriori error bound for the error between the approximated and the true solution to the ARE. The application of the bound however requires the knowledge of several constants that are very expensive to calculate. As a remedy we state bounds for those constants and show how interpolation based methods can be used to achieve fast (but nonrigorous) approximations to those constants. Based on the bound for the ARE we discuss suboptimality results for the cost functional, the state and the outputs of the optimal feedback control problem, if the approximation to the ARE solution is used as a surrogate for the full dimensional solution. A complete offline/online decomposition of the procedure allows the calculation of the approximation and the corresponding bounds in a complexity independent of the high dimension n and thus ensures a good online performance. Reduced Basis Approximation of Large Scale Parametric Algebraic Riccati Equations 9 4.1 A-Posteriori Error Estimator for the Parametrized ARE In this section we present a new residual based error estimator for approximations to the generalized ARE (1). We recall the definition of the residual of the ARE for P ∈ Rn×n : R(P ) := AT P E + E T P A − E T P BB T P E + C T C. (21) n×n The ARE can be seen as a nonlinear problem defined on the Banach space R . We make use of a generic theorem that can be found in [8], and which can be used to derive a-posteriori residual based error bounds for nonlinear problems. We begin with a rigorous statement and later relax the assumptions to allow online efficient computations. Theorem 4.1 (Residual Based Error Bound (Rigorous)) Let P̂ ∈ Rn×n be an approximation to the unique positive semidefinite and stabilizing solution to the ARE (1). Set Y (P̂ ) := A − BB T P̂ E and assume that the matrix E −1 Y (P̂ ) is stable. Define the linear operator LP̂ := DR|P̂ : LP̂ : Rn×n → Rn×n : N 7→ Y (P̂ )T N E + E T N Y (P̂ ) (22) and the constants γ := kL−1 k = supkSk=1 kL−1 (S)k and ε := kR(P̂ )k. Define the function P̂ P̂ L(α) := sup kLP̂ − LX k, (23) X∈B̄α (P̂ ) where B̄α (P̂ ) ⊂ Rn×n denotes the closed ball of radius α around P̂ in Rn×n . If the inequality 2γL(2γε) ≤ 1 (24) is valid, the following upper bound for the error between the true solution P and the approximated solution P̂ holds γε ≤ 2γε. (25) kP − P̂ k ≤ 1 − γL(2γε) Proof Since the residual (21) is quadratic in P it is Fréchet differentiable with derivative DR|P̂ = LP̂ . This operator is an isomorphism whenever the matrix E −1 Y (P̂ ) is stable, which is true due to the assumptions. This follows from the solution theory for Lyapunov equations, see e.g. [21]. We hence can define the constant γ = kL−1 k. The proof then follows the lines in [8, Theorem 2.1]. Note that the final P̂ bound stated in [8] is the inequality kP − P̂ k ≤ 2γε. The potentially sharper bound kP − P̂ k ≤ occurs in the proof, but the assumption 2γL(2γε) < 1 is used to get the upper bound 2γε. γε 1−γL(2γε) t u The application of Theorem 4.1 requires the knowledge of the constants γ, L(·) and the norm of the residual ε, all depending on the n dimensional data. In order to get an error bound that only depends on the RB dimension N , we state the following theorem, where the constants are replaced by computable upper bounds. Proposition 4.2 (Computable Error Bound) Let the assumptions of Theorem 4.1 be valid. Assume further, that rapidly computable upper bounds γ ≤ γN , ε ≤ εN are available. Then it holds: 1. The function L(α) in Theorem 4.1 can be bounded by L(α) ≤ 2αkBk2 kEk2 2. If the condition 2 8kEk2 kBk2 εN γN ≤1 (26) is valid, the following computable bound holds kP − P̂ k ≤ ∆P := 1− γN εN 2 4γN εN kEk2 kBk2 ≤ 2γN εN . (27) A. Schmidta , B. Haasdonka 10 Proof We start by having a closer look at the definition of L(α): L(α) := kLP̂ − LX k sup X∈B̄α (P̂ ) = sup sup k(E T BB T (X − P̂ )S)T E + E T S(BB T (X − P̂ )E)k X∈B̄α (P̂ ) kSk=1 ≤ sup sup 2kEk2 kBk2 kX − P̂ kkSk X∈B̄α (P̂ ) kSk=1 ≤ 2αkBk2 kEk2 . Here B̄α (P̂ ) is the closed ball with radius α around P̂ . The application of Theorem 4.1 requires a validity criterion (24), which is satisfied due the upper bound for L(α) derived before and ε ≤ εN , γ ≤ γN : 2γL(2γε) ≤ 2γN 2(2γN εN )kBk2 kEk2 (26) 2 = 8γN εN kBk2 kEk2 ≤ 1 Hence Theorem (4.1) is applicable and results in the upper bound kP − P̂ k ≤ 1− γN εN 2 4γN εN kBk2 kEk2 (26) ≤ 2γN εN . t u In the following sections we see how suitable upper bounds εN and γN can be obtained, such that an online complexity independence of n is guaranteed. We want to emphasize, that the above bound can theoretically be made arbitrarily sharp, as the residual norm ε is directly dependent on the quality of the reduced space. In particular, if the validity criterion (26) is not valid, the reduced space should be improved (e.g. by some additional greedy steps or by rerunning the greedy procedure with lower tolerances). A simple but important consequence of the Propositions 3.2 and 4.2 is the correct prediction of zero error when the reduced space contains the complete low rank factor for a given parameter: Corollary 4.3 (Zero Error Prediction) Let the assumptions of Proposition 3.2 hold, i.e. in particular colspan(P ) ⊂ colspan(W ). Assume that εN := ε. Then ∆P = 0. Proof From Proposition 3.2 we can conclude P̂ = P and hence R(P̂ ) = 0 resulting in ε = 0 and hence ∆P = 0 from Proposition 4.2. t u We want to provide a short comparison of existing error bounds for the ARE and want to highlight the difference to the bound stated in Proposition 4.2. All existing error bounds are restricted to the case where E = In , hence our bound generalizes the existing work. Thus, to be able to compare our result to theorems stated in the literature, we set the mass matrix to the identity. Articles devoted to residual based error bounds for the ARE can for example be found in [11, 29, 30, 52]. We will briefly discuss two existent bounds and compare them with the result obtained in Proposition 4.2. In [30] an error bound is provided for answering the question whether an additional Newton refinement will improve the approximative solution to the ARE. Their resulting error bound has a very similar structure to our bound. Theorem 1 (Bound 2’ in [30]) Let A − BB T P̂ be stable and assume that kP − P̂ k < 1/(3kBk2 γ) and 4γ 2 kBk2 ε < 1, where γ and ε is defined as in Theorem 4.1. Then kP − P̂ k ≤ 2γε 1+ p 1 − 4kBk2 γ 2 ε ≤ 2γε. Reduced Basis Approximation of Large Scale Parametric Algebraic Riccati Equations 11 The application of this theorem requires the a-priori bound on the difference of the unknown correct solution and the approximated solution. Since we want to find a-posteriori error bounds that provide rigorous predictions to the true error, this assumption is not feasible in our setting. However we note that the resulting bound has similar structure to the bound in Proposition 4.2. A potentially better and sharper bound has been developed in [52]. Theorem 2 (Theorem 5.1 in [52]) Let P̂ be the approximate unique Hermitian positive semi-definite solution P to the ARE. Assume that A−BB T P̂ is stable. Define the linear operator L : Hn×n → Hn×n by LH := (A − BB T P̂ )T H + H(A − BB T P̂ ), H ∈ Hn×n where H = {H ∈ Cn×n : H = H̄ T } is the set of Hermitian matrices. Let R̂ := R(P̂ ) be the residual and let k · k be any unitarily invariant norm. If 4kL−1 kkL−1 R̂kkBk2 < 1 then kP − P̂ k ≤ 2kL−1 R̂k. This bound is potentially smaller than our bound. This can be seen after splitting the norm kL−1 R̂k ≤ kL−1 kkR̂k. However the application of this theorem requires the calculation of the norm kL−1 R̂k which (to our best knowledge) cannot be performed in an online efficient manner. 4.1.1 Stability and Closed Loop Behaviour A crucial requirement for the applicability of Proposition 4.2 is the stability of the matrix E −1 Y = E −1 (A − BB T P̂ E). In terms of the LQR problem this is equivalent to the asymptotic stability of the closed loop system E ẋ = (A − BB T P̂ E)x, (28) which should be ensured either by a-priori or a-posteriori analysis. Furthermore, we will see in the next chapter that the decay of the LTI system (28) is closely linked to the calculation of upper bounds for the constant γ. We begin with a simple consequence of the properties of the logarithmic norm of the matrix E −1 Y . Proposition 4.4 (Sufficient Condition for Stability by Exponential Bounds) Let the matrix E −1 A be stable and set Y = A − BB T P̂ E. Then the matrix E −1 Y is stable whenever one of the following requirements is valid 1. ν[E −1 Y ] < 0 2. ν[E −1 A] + ν[−E −1 BB T P̂ E] < 0 3. ν[E −1 A] + kE −1 BB T P̂ EkF < 0. −1 −1 Proof If ν[E −1 Y ] < 0, the stability follows from keE Y t k ≤ eν[E Y ]t → 0 as t → ∞. The inequality ν[E −1 Y ] = ν[E −1 A − E −1 BB T P̂ E] ≤ ν[E −1 A] + ν[−E −1 BB T P̂ E] implies the second statement. Finally, the bound ν[E −1 BB T P̂ E] ≤ kE −1 BB T P̂ Ek ≤ kE −1 BB T P̂ EkF proves the last result. t u For more details and proofs of the used properties for the logarithmic norm ν[·] we refer to [49]. Applying this Lemma requires an efficient way to calculate the logarithmic norm ν[E −1 A]. This can for example be implemented efficiently by employing the inverse power iteration. Furthermore, more sophisticated methods like the successive constraint method or the min-Θ approach allow the rapid calculation of lower bounds of stability factors with a complexity independent of n which could as well be applied to our situation, see for example [23, 40]. Especially the last criterion of Proposition 4.4 is A. Schmidta , B. Haasdonka 12 easy to check a-posteriori since it only involves the calculation of the norm of kE −1 BB T P̂ EkF which can be efficiently performed due to a possible offline/online decomposition, see Section 5. Note that the above Lemma has only limited applicability, since the logarithmic norm of a stable matrix E −1 Y can be positive. A more detailed analysis indeed shows, that the value ν[E −1 Y ] is an indicator for the transient growth at time t = 0, since d E −1 Y t ke = ν[E −1 Y ], k dt+ t=0 where dtd+ is the upper right-hand derivative, see for instance [21, Prop. 5.5.8]. Hence ν[E −1 Y ] > 0 only shows that the norm of the matrix exponential initially grows and it does not make any predictions −1 for the long term behaviour of keE Y t k. Proposition 4.4 furthermore indicates, that the scaling of the matrix B could be a way to ensure stability for the closed loop system whenever the requirement ν[E −1 A] + kE −1 BB T P̂ Ek for the application of Proposition 4.4 is not fulfilled. However, for example in the LQR application the matrix B directly determines the influence of the control. Decreasing the norm of B thus leads to weaker control impact, which is not always desirable when for instance a fast stabilization should be achieved by feedback control. We will discuss this phenomenon by an example in Section 6.2. 4.1.2 The Constant γ One of the main ingredients in the error estimation theory shown in the previous section is the constant γ. It is crucial to have a good upper bound or a suitable approximation γN since it enters the validity criterion and the resulting error bound for the ARE. We will see that a direct calculation of γ is not feasible in an online context, since it would involve the solution of a large scale Lyapunov equation with high rank right hand side, what can only be realized with high computational effort. We recall the definition of γ: −1 −1 γ = k DR|P̂ k = sup k DR|P̂ (X)k. (29) kXk=1 The derivative of the ARE at the point P̂ is a generalized Lyapunov operator (see also the definition in Equation (22)): DR|P̂ (X) = LP̂ (X) := Y (P̂ )T XE + E T XY (P̂ ), (30) where Y (P̂ ) = A − BB T P̂ E. If not otherwise stated we will omit the explicit dependence on P̂ and write L(X) and Y . Theory and numerics have been extensively studied for the generalized Lyapunov equation, cf. [24, 35, 41, 42, 50, 51]. The following lemma gives an explicit formula and computational procedure for the norm of the inverse operator L−1 . Lemma 4.5 (Calculation of γ) Let E −1 Y be stable. It holds γ = kL−1 k = kHk where H is the unique solution of the generalized Lyapunov equation Y T HE + E T HY = −In . t u Proof See for example [51]. Note that this Lyapunov equation is of dimension n. Thus the computational demands are high as the right hand side has no low-rank structure which indicates that the solution cannot be approximated efficiently by low rank factors as in the ARE case, and projection based model reduction techniques and solution algorithms will likely fail. Since γ = kL−1 (−In )k, an explicit representation of the inverse operator L−1 is a good starting point for deriving upper bounds for γ: Lemma 4.6 Let Y, E ∈ Rn×n such that E is nonsingular and E −1 Y is stable. Then the inverse operator for (30) is explicitly given by Z ∞ −1 T −1 L−1 (X) = −E −T e(E Y ) t Xe(E Y )t dtE −1 . (31) 0 Reduced Basis Approximation of Large Scale Parametric Algebraic Riccati Equations 13 Proof The proof exploits the equivalence of the generalized Lyapunov equation (30) and the Lyapunov equation in the case where E is nonsingular. The latter is defined as L1 (X) := (E −1 Y )T X + X(E −1 Y ). For this representation, a result from [33] shows, that the inverse operator is explicitly given by Z ∞ −1 T −1 L−1 e(E Y ) t Xe(E Y )t dt. (X) = − 1 0 On the other hand, we can easily verify L(X) = L1 (E T XE) and hence we have Z ∞ −1 T −1 −1 −T −1 −1 −T L (X) = E L1 (X)E = −E e(E Y ) t Xe(E Y )t dtE −1 0 t u which proves the claimed result. Remark 4.7 A more detailed discussion of γ reveals deeper insights to interesting properties of the closed loop LTI system with E = In ẋ = (A − BB T P )x, x(0) = x0 . (32) The discussion in [29] shows that there is a close link between the “damping” of the solution of (32) and γ: √ γ = max kx(·, x0 )kL2 ([0,T ],Rn ) kx0 k=1 This equivalence shows that large γ values indicate a bad damping of the closed loop solution. In the following we will discuss different possibilities to approximate γ. We will divide this in rigorous bounds and non-rigorous estimates, where the latter will lack an analytic justification but still may be accurate and are rapidly computable. The explicit formula (31) in Lemma 4.6 shows that γ −1 can be bounded once a bound for the matrix exponential eE Y t is available. We state one possibility which is based on the logarithmic norm. Lemma 4.8 Let ν = ν[E −1 Y ]. If ν < 0, the upper bound γ ≤ γN,1 := − kE −1 k2 2ν (33) is valid. Proof After bounding the explicit solution formula (31), it follows Z ∞ (E −1 Y )T t (E −1 Y )t γ = kL−1 (−In )k ≤ kE −1 k2 e e dt 0 Z ∞ −1 ≤ kE −1 k2 keE Y t k2 dt 0 Z ∞ kE −1 k2 ≤ kE −1 k2 e2νt dt = − . 2ν 0 t u The calculation of kE −1 k can be done without an explicit formation of the inverse matrix, by using 1 the equality kE −1 k = σmin with σmin denoting the smalles eigenvalue of E. Note that the logarith−1 −1 mic norm ν[E Y ] = ν[E (A − BB T P̂ E)] is not available in the online phase without solving an expensive n dimensional eigenvalue problem. However, by using the same arguments as in the proof of Proposition 4.4, ν[E −1 Y ] can be replaced by the upper bound ν[E −1 A] + kE −1 BB T P̂ EkF as long as the latter is less than 0, which can be calculated in O(N ): A. Schmidta , B. Haasdonka 14 Corollary 4.9 Let P̂ ∈ Rn×n . If ν[E −1 A] + kE −1 BB T P̂ EkF < 0, the upper bound γ ≤ γN,2 := − kE −1 k2 2(ν[E −1 A] + kE −1 BB T P̂ EkF ) (34) is valid. Although many problems that describe physically stable phenomena yield LTI systems with ν[E −1 A] < 0, the closed loop system with the applied feedback control must not be dissipative. In this case the bounds in Lemma 4.8 and Corollary 4.9 cannot be applied and other approaches must be used. We furthermore note that this bound might lead to bad approximations when E 6= In . Usually the mass matrices E are sparse and have band structure, but the inverse often is dense and has a large norm. As the inverse enters the bound quadratically one would expect a bad estimation. Indeed, the numerical experiments in Section 6.2 confirm the expectation. Hence, other approaches must be employed for estimating or approximating γ. Besides the rigorous error bounds presented above, one can also use interpolation methods that may not lead to rigorous bounds but provide very efficient and often quite accurate approximations. Let {µ1 , . . . , µM } = Ptrain,γ ⊂ P be a finite set of training parameters with corresponding values (γ(µi ))M i=1 computed by solving the generalized Lyapunov equation of Lemma (4.5). The goal is then to find a function Γ (µ) : P → R that interpolates between the calculated γ values. If the points in Ptrain,γ are located on a grid in the parameter domain, techniques like linear, cubic or spline interpolation can be employed to construct Γ (µ). Large parameter dimensions or a fine grid resolution for Ptrain,γ can result in a very large number of training points such that the procedure might become too expensive, even for the offline phase. A better and more flexible approach is to use scattered data interpolation techniques such as kernel interpolation. With those methods, the sampling points must not be located on a structured set but can be chosen for example as random elements from the parameter domain. The idea behind those techniques is to define a kernel function k(x, y) and weights α = (αi )M i=1 , such that the interpolation takes the form Γ (µ) := M X αi k(µ, µi ), with µi ∈ Ptrain,γ . i=1 Once suitable weights αi are calculated, the interpolation can be evaluated rapidly for new values µ. We use so called thin plate splines as kernel functions k(x, y) = kx − yk ln(kx − yk) as they turn 2 out to provide good results. Other possible choices are Gaussian functions k(x, y) = e−kx−yk/σ or p multiquadratic radial basis functions k(x, y) = 1 + akx − yk2 . The weights can be determined by solving the linear equation Kα = g, where K = (k(µi , µj ))i,j=1,...M , g := (γ(µi ))i=1,...,M and α = (αi )i=1,...,M . For more details concerning the scattered data approximation by using radial basis functions we refer to the monograph [57] and to [36, 58]. 4.2 Error Bounds for the LQR Problem The optimal feedback control problem for LTI systems is certainly among the most interesting applications of the ARE. We recall the LQR problem as it was introduced in Example 2.1: Z ∞ J := min (y(t)2 + u(t)2 )dt, E ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t), y(t) = Cx(t), x(0) = x0 . (35) u 0 As it was shown, this problem can be solved by setting u(t) = −B T P Ex(t) with P being the solution to the ARE (1). Clearly, using the reduced controller û(t) := −B T P̂ Ex(t) in the full dimensional problem (35) results in suboptimal behaviour but may represent a viable solution in practice. Denoting ˆ and ŷ, we derive rigorous bounds for the corresponding quantities for the reduced controller by J,x̂ ˆ J − J, kx(t) − x̂(t)k and ky(t) − ŷ(t)k. All results are based on the a-posteriori error bound for the reduced solution to the ARE. Reduced Basis Approximation of Large Scale Parametric Algebraic Riccati Equations 15 4.2.1 Suboptimality-Bounds for the Cost Functional The optimal feedback control u = −B T P Ex minimizes the cost functional Z ∞ x(t; P )T C T Cx(t; P ) + u(t)2 dt, J(P ) := Z 0∞ = x(t; P )T (C T C + E T P BB T P E)x(t; P )dt, (36) 0 where x(t; P ) is the solution of the closed loop LTI system with the feedback control law u(t) = −B T P Ex(t; P ): E ẋ(t; P ) = (A − BB T P E)x(t; P ), x(0; P ) = x0 . (37) The goal will be to quantify the error J(P̂ ) − J(P ). For that purpose, the following result shows how the value of J(P ) can be efficiently calculated without the numerical quadrature of the cost functional. Lemma 4.10 (Calculation of Cost Functional) Let the matrix E −1 Y (X) with Y (X) := A − BB T XE be stable. The value of J(X) can be calculated through J(X) = (Ex0 )T Q(Ex0 ) (38) where Q is the unique positive definite solution of the generalized Lyapunov equation Y (X)T QE + E T QY (X) = −G(X), (39) with G(X) := C T C + E T XBB T XE. If X is the true solution P of the ARE, it furthermore holds P = Q. −1 Proof Rewriting equation (36) with the explicit solution x(t; P ) = eE Y (X)t x0 yields Z ∞ T (E −1 Y (X))T t E −1 Y (X)t J(X) = x0 e Ge dt x0 . {z } | 0 =Q̃ The matrix Q̃ is the unique solution to the Lyapunov equation (E −1 Y (X))T Q̃ + Q̃E −1 Y (X) = −G. Substituting Q̃ = E T QE yields equation (39) and (38). t u The following proposition gives an upper bound for the difference between the values of the cost functional for the true controller and the reduced controller: Proposition 4.11 (Error Bound for the Cost Functional) Let P be the correct solution to the ARE (1) and let P̂ be an approximation to P such that the bound from Proposition 4.2 is valid. Then the following bound for the cost function values holds J(P̂ ) − J(P ) ≤ ∆J := J(P̂ ) − xT0 E T P̂ Ex0 + kEx0 k2 ∆P . Proof The knowledge of the solution P allows a simple representation of J. J(P ) = xT0 E T P Ex0 . This yields J(P̂ ) − J(P ) = J(P̂ ) − xT0 E T P Ex0 = J(P̂ ) − xT0 E T P̂ Ex0 − xT0 E T (P − P̂ )Ex0 ≤ J(P̂ ) − xT0 E T P̂ Ex0 + kEx0 k2 ∆P . t u A. Schmidta , B. Haasdonka 16 Observing J(P̂ ) = xT0 E T P̂ Ex0 and ∆P = 0 from Corollary 4.3 in the case where the approximation is exact, the zero error prediction follows: Corollary 4.12 Let all assumptions of Corollary 4.3 hold. If colspan(P ) ⊂ colspan(W ) the error indicator correctly predicts zero error ∆J = 0. Proof According to 4.3 it holds ∆P = 0. Furthermore, by Lemma 4.10 it follows J(P ) = J(P̂ ) = xT0 E T P̂ Ex0 what proofs ∆J = 0. t u In order to apply the bound stated in Proposition 4.11 the value of the cost functional J(P̂ ) for the reduced controller must be calculated. This can be done in several ways. The naive approach involves the integration of the closed loop ODE system with the reduced controller up to a final time T , where the solution is almost zero and does not contribute to the cost functional anymore. However, this approach requires a very fine time discretization due to the fast initial solution behaviour in the closed loop LTI system. Furthermore, the online independence of n is violated. However, the high dimensional system can be replaced by a suitable reduced order model for the closed loop state ODE, and the cost function value can be approximated by using the reduced surrogate model. We have tested this approach and ended with bad results, since the quality of the reduced order model must be very good to capture the state behaviour for the cost functional in a satisfactory way. Looking again at the right hand side of the generalized Lyapunov equation (39) reveals a low rank structure. The matrix G can be factorized as C T G = F F, F := ∈ R(p+m)×n . (40) BT P E Hence, as already pointed out in the introduction, the solution Q is likely to have a low rank structure as well, allowing the efficient approximation as in the ARE case. We employ the same technique as in Theorem 4.1 for deriving an a-posteriori error estimator for the generalized Lyapunov equation: Theorem 4.13 (RB-Approximation of Generalized Lyapunov Equations) Let E, Y, G ∈ Rn×n , and assume that E −1 Y is stable2 . Let N ∈ Rn×n be the unique and positive definite solution to the generalized Lyapunov equation L(N ) = −G, where L(N ) := Y T N E + E T N Y. Assume N̂ ∈ Rn×n is an approximation to N . Define the residual εL and γL by εL := kY T Q̂E + E T Q̂Y + Gk, γL := kL−1 k. Then the following bound kN − N̂ k ≤ ∆L := γL εL is valid. Proof The proof follows the lines in Theorem 4.1. Note that the validity criterion for applying the theory from [8] in the linear case is always fulfilled, since L(α) = 0 and hence 2γL L(2γL εL ) = 0. t u We will not discuss the theory in more detail since it would be a wide reproduction of the theory developed for the ARE. Especially we emphasize that a computable version of this theorem can be established completely analogously to Proposition 4.2 by replacing the quantities with their corresponding computable upper bounds. In [31] a very similar result to Theorem 4.13 for the RB approximation of generalized Lyapunov Equations is developed. Especially the stated error bound in [31] follows from Theorem 4.13 when E and A are assumed to be symmetric, hence Theorem 4.13 can be understood as a generalization. By using Theorem 4.13, the quantity J(P̂ ) in Theorem 4.11 can be replaced by its approximation together with the error from the a-posteriori error estimator 4.13. 2 Note that Y is now an arbitrary matrix and not the closed loop matrix A − BB T P̂ E. Reduced Basis Approximation of Large Scale Parametric Algebraic Riccati Equations 17 Corollary 4.14 (Cost Functional Error Bound) Let Y = A − BB T P̂ E such that E −1 Y is stable and G = F F T as in (40). Let Q̂ ∈ Rn×n be an approximation to the solution of the generalized Lyapunov equation (39). Let the assumptions of Theorem 4.13 and Proposition 4.2 be valid. Then the following bound is valid: J(P̂ ) − J(P ) ≤ ∆J,2 := xT0 E T (Q̂ − P̂ )Ex0 + kEx0 k2 (∆P + ∆L ). (41) Proof Using the same arguments as in 4.11 it follows: J(P̂ ) − J(P ) ≤ J(P̂ ) − xT0 E T P̂ x0 + kEx0 k2 ∆P . By using J(P̂ ) = xT0 E T QEx0 with Q being the solution of the generalized Lyapunov equation (39) and by choosing a suitable approximation Q̂ together with its error bound ∆L it follows J(P̂ ) = xT0 E T Q̂Ex0 + xT0 E T (Q − Q̂)Ex0 ≤ xT0 E T Q̂Ex0 + kEx0 k2 ∆L , t u which proofes the claimed bound (41). The question remains, how a suitable approximation for Q can be found. If we define Q̂ := W QN W T we can follow the lines as in Section 3 and conclude with a reduced Lyapunov equation T YNT QN EN + EN QN YN = GN , (42) where YN := W T Y V , EN := W T EV and GN := W T GW . It turns out, that the basis constructed for the approximation of the ARE is also a good choice for approximating the Lyapunov equation for the cost functional value J(P̂ ). 4.2.2 State and Output Bounds Usually one is not only interested in the value of the cost functional but also in the outputs of the system. We use the error bound for the approximate solution to the ARE to define the following state error bound between the controlled system with the optimal LQR controller and the suboptimal controller. Proposition 4.15 (State Error Bound) Let E, A, B, C define a controllable and observable LTI system with ν := ν[E −1 A] < 0. Let P be the solution to the corresponding ARE and let P̂ be an approximation to P such that the validity criterion (26) from Proposition 4.2 is satisfied. Define the systems E ẋ(t) = (A − BB T P E)x(t), x(0) = x0 and ˙ E x̂(t) = (A − BB T P̂ E)x(t), x̂(0) = x0 . (43) Let C̃ := kExk∞ = supt≥0 kEx(t)k be known. Then the error e(t) = x(t) − x̂(t) can be bounded by 1 νt 1 νt ke(t)k ≤ ∆x (t) := C̃kE −1 BB T k∆P e − 1 exp e − 1 kE −1 BB T P̂ Ek , ∀t ≥ 0. (44) ν ν Proof The explicit solutions for x(t) and x̂(t) are given through Z t −1 −1 x(t) = eE At x0 − eE A(t−s) E −1 BB T P Ex(s)ds, 0 Z t −1 E −1 At x̂(t) = e x0 − eE A(t−s) E −1 BB T P̂ E x̂(s)ds. 0 Hence the error fulfills Z t −1 e(t) = eE A(t−s) E −1 BB T (P Ex(s) − P̂ E x̂(s))ds 0 A. Schmidta , B. Haasdonka 18 Z = t eE −1 A(t−s) E −1 BB T (P Ex(s) − P̂ Ex(s) + P̂ Ex(s) − P̂ E x̂(s))ds. 0 Taking the norm on both sides and application of the triangle inequality gives Z t −1 keE A(t−s) kkE −1 BB T k kP − P̂ k kEx(s)k ds ke(t)k ≤ | {z } | {z } 0 ≤∆P t Z keE + −1 A(t−s) ≤C̃ kkE −1 BB T P̂ Ekke(s)kds. 0 Applying Gronwall’s inequality results in Z t Z t −1 −1 keE A(t−s) kdskE −1 BB T P̂ Ek ∆P . keE A(t−s) kds exp ke(t)k ≤ C̃kE −1 BB T k 0 0 If we now use the dissipativity of the matrix A, we find Z t Z t 1 νt A(t−s) eν(t−s) ds = ke kds ≤ e −1 , ν 0 0 which completes the stated error bound. Clearly, this bound greatly depends on the behaviour of the uncontrolled systems. Especially if ν[E −1 A] is close to zero, the bound can become very large and not useful anymore. Finally, we can use this state bound to define an error bound for the outputs of the system: Corollary 4.16 (Output Error Bound) Let the assumptions of Proposition 4.15 hold. Define the outputs y(t) = Cx(t) and ŷ(t) = C x̂(t). Then the difference can be bounded by ky(t) − ŷ(t)k ≤ ∆y (t) := kCk∆x . Furthermore, each individual error in the output components can be bounded by |yi (t) − ŷi (t)| ≤ k(cij )nj=1 k∆x (t), i = 1, . . . , m. 5 Offline/Online Decomposition The key to the efficient calculation of the important quantities is an offline/online strategy which relies on the parameter separability of the data and system matrices, this means we assume representations of the form A(µ) = C(µ) = QA X qA ΘA (µ)AqA , B(µ) = qA qB QC X QE X qC ΘC (µ)CqC , E(µ) = qC Qx0 x0 (µ) = QB X X qB ΘB (µ)BqB qE ΘE (µ)EqE . (45) qE q Θxx00 (µ)x0qx . 0 qx0 =1 This structure allows the precalculation of many parts of the residual norm and other quantities in an offline step. The online step then only requires matrix operations with complexity depending on the quantities QA , QB , QC , QE , Qx0 and the dimension of the reduced system N . Hence, those numbers should be preferably small. Reduced Basis Approximation of Large Scale Parametric Algebraic Riccati Equations 19 Calculating the Residual Norm The calculation of the residual norm ε(µ) can take an excessive amount of time for large n. This is due to the matrix multiplications that are necessary for forming the residual matrix and the calculation of the norm. We will now show how the residual can be obtained in a complexity completely independent of the high dimension. Clearly the induced 2-norm of R(P̂ (µ)) is not feasible for large scale applications, since this would require the knowledge of the largest eigenvalue of an n × n matrix. A better choice involves the Frobenius norm, which is an upper bound √ √ εN (µ) for the induced 2-norm of a matrix. Indeed, the norm equivalence inequality kAk ≤ kAkF ≤ nkAk indicates, that it does not differ moreqthan a factor n from the 2 norm of A ∈ Rn×n . The calculation of the Frobenius norm kR(P̂ )kF = yields tr(R(P̂ )T R(P̂ )) kR(P̂ ))k2F = 4 tr(C T CAT P̂ E) − 4 tr(E T P̂ BB T P̂ EAT P̂ E) − 2 tr(E T P̂ BB T P̂ EC T C) + tr(E T P̂ BB T P̂ EE T P̂ BB T P̂ E) + 2 tr(E T P̂ AAT P̂ E) + 2 tr(E T P̂ AE T P̂ A) (46) + tr(C T CC T C) We here made extensive use of the identity tr(ABC) = tr(CAB) and tr(AT B) = tr(AB T ). If we now use the definition of the reconstruction of the reduced solution P̂ = W PN W T , we can exploit the structure further and identify matrices that can be treated by an offline/online decomposition: tr(C T CAT P̂ E) = tr(W T EC T CAT W PN ) tr(E T P̂ BB T P̂ EAT P̂ E) = tr(W T EE T W PN W T BB T W PN W T EAT W PN ) tr(E T P̂ BB T P̂ EC T C) = tr(W T EC T CE T W PN W T BB T W PN ) tr(E T P̂ BB T P̂ EE T P̂ BB T P̂ E) = tr(W T EE T W PN W T BB T W PN W T EE T W PN W T BB T W PN ) tr(E T P̂ AAT P̂ E) = tr(W T EE T W PN W T AAT W PN ) tr(E T P̂ AE T P̂ A) = tr(W T AE T W PN W T AE T W PN ). All underlined matrices are of dimension N ×N and parameter separable and can be assembled rapidly. For instance the product W T EC T CAT W can be treated in the following way3 : W T E(µ)C T (µ)C(µ)A(µ)W = QE X QC X QA X j i k l (ΘE ΘC ΘC ΘA )(µ) W T Ei CjT Ck Al W . | {z } i=1 j,k=1 l=1 =:Mi,j,k,l Note that this sum only requires matrix operations on N ×N matrices once the parameter independent components Mi,j,k,l are calculated. All other parts in the Frobenius norm containing P̂ can be treated in a similar way. The last summand tr(C T CC T C) is decomposeable into tr(C(µ)T C(µ)C(µ)T C(µ)) = QC X j i k l (ΘC ΘC ΘC ΘC )(µ) tr(CiT Cj CkT Cl ), i,j,k,l=1 where again a precalculation of all parameter independent traces tr(CiT Cj CkT Cl ) allows the rapid calculation. We see that the overall complexity for the calculation of the Frobenius norm in the online step is O(Q4C + N + N 3 (QE QA Q2C + Q2E + Q2B + Q2A + QE QA + Q2E Q2C )). (47) Hence, if the parameter independent components are precalculated and stored in an offline phase, the Frobenius norm of the residual can be assembled in a complexity independent of n. The calculation time depends quartic on the number of terms in the expansion of C(µ) and quadratically on C(µ), E(µ) and B(µ). 3 We use the abbreviation (Θ1 Θ2 )(µ) := Θ1 (µ)Θ2 (µ). A. Schmidta , B. Haasdonka 20 Calculating the Error Bound for the Parametric ARE The computable error bound for approximations to the ARE as stated in Proposition 4.2 can be calculated online in a complexity independent of n. We have already seen that the Frobenius norm of the residual can be calculated online. Furthermore, we assume that a rapidly computable approximation γN (µ) is available. An upper bound on the validity check 8kE(µ)k2 kB(µ)k2 εN (µ)γN (µ) ≤ 1 can also be decomposed in an offline/online fashion. To see this, we again make use the fact that the Frobenius norm is an upper bound for the Euclidean norm: kE(µ)k2 ≤ kE(µ)k2F = QE X j i (ΘE ΘE )(µ) tr(EiT Ej ), i,j=1 kB(µ)k2 ≤ kB(µ)k2F = QB X j i (ΘB ΘB )(µ) tr(BiT Bj ). i,j=1 Hence, the bound can be calculated online in a complexity independent of n once tr(EiT Ej ) and tr(BiT Bj ) is precalculated and stored offline. If QE = 1 or QB = 1, the direct calculation of kB(µ)k2 = 1 1 (ΘB (µ))2 kB1 k2 and kE(µ)k2 = (ΘE (µ))2 kE1 k2 might yield sharper validity criteria, since the Frobe√ nius norm can differ from the Euclidean norm by a factor of n. Calculating the LQR Bounds Online We will now see how the bounds for the error in the cost functional can be calculated efficiently online, see Proposition 4.11. We will assume for simplicity that an RB approximation for Q̂(µ) takes the form Q̂(µ) = W QN (µ)W T , with the same basis matrix W as for the approximation of the ARE P̂ (µ) = W PN (µ)W T . Then it follows Qx0 xT0 (µ)E(µ)T (Q̂(µ) T − P̂ (µ))E(µ) x0 (µ) = QE X X k l (Θxi 0 Θxj 0 ΘE ΘE )(µ)JTi,k QN Jj,l , i,j=1 k,l=1 where Ji,k := W T Ei x0k ∈ RN ×1 . Furthermore, the norm kE(µ)x0 (µ)k can also be calculated efficiently: Qx0 2 T T kE(µ)x0 (µ)k = x0 (µ) E(µ) E(µ)x0 (µ) = QE X X k l (Θxi 0 Θxj 0 ΘE ΘE )(µ)xT0i EkT El x0j , i,j=1 k,l=1 where again a precalculation and storage of all components xT0i EkT El x0j can accelerate the computation. The online calculation of ∆x and ∆y can be performed efficiently when QE = 1. Under this assumption, the matrix norm kE(µ)−1 B(µ)B(µ)T k can be bounded by the Frobenius norm: kE(µ)−1 B(µ)B(µ)T k2 ≤ kE(µ)−1 B(µ)B(µ)T k2F = tr(E(µ)−1 B(µ)B(µ)T E(µ)−T B(µ)T B(µ)) = 1 1 ΘE (µ)2 QB X j i k l (ΘB ΘB ΘB ΘB )(µ) tr(Bi BjT E1−T E1−1 Bk BlT ). i,j,k,l=1 The other term kE(µ)−1 B(µ)B(µ)T P̂ (µ)E(µ)k can also be estimated similarly, by again using the Frobenius norm and the trace identities used also for the residual. Reduced Basis Approximation of Large Scale Parametric Algebraic Riccati Equations 21 6 Numerical Examples We will now present three examples that will show the performance of the RB-ARE approach and the bounds developed in Section 3 and 4. All examples were performed in Matlab with the toolbox RBmatlab4 . The solution to the AREs in the offline phase and for comparison purposes were calculated by using the package MESS5 . 6.1 Overview of the Examples Our examples for parametric ARE scenarios are all related to optimal feedback control problems for parabolic partial differential equations that model heat transfer phenomena. We give a brief description of the models and show how they can be transformed to standard LTI systems, which then should be controlled by applying a feedback control with weighting matrices Q = Ip and R = Im . As pointed out in example 2.1, the problem can be handled by solving the corresponding ARE, which will be subject to our numerical investigation. The purpose behind the first two examples is to highlight the different performance and behaviour of the theoretical bounds developed in Section 4 for different discretization techniques, namely the finite difference (FD) method and the finite element (FE) method and different model complexities. FD discretizations yield LTI systems with E = In . This allows us to employ the rigorous bounds for the constant γ, developed in Section 4.1.2 and to prove the stability of the reduced controller, if employed as a controller for the full dimensional system, by Proposition 4.4. On the other hand, the FE discretization is characterized by E 6= In which technically will still allow the computation of an upper bound for γ, but as we will see in the experiments the values are very pessimistic due to kE −1 k entering the bound. For small systems, the elimination of E by inversion or by employing suitable state space transformations based on Cholesky (or LU) decompositions would be a possbile remedy. However this is not always recommended or even impossible due to fill in effects unless the explicit inversion is avoided by adjusting the algorithms to make use of forward and backward substitution. Hence we must rely on interpolation techniques that lack rigorosity for the resulting error bounds but provide very rapid and accurate approximations. Finally, the last example has a very high dimension and serves as a benchmark example for demonstrating the runtime benefit when using the RB-ARE approach. An overview of all models is given in Table 1. Model Name FDM Thermalblock Rail n 3600 3721 20209 m 1 2 6 p 1 2 7 dim P 3 4 3 |PT | 729 600 400 E = In yes no no tfull [s] 1.7 6.6 243.5 ∅ rk(Z) 80 203 1578 Table 1: Overview of the experiments with corresponding dimensions and properties. State dimension n, number of inputs m, number of outputs p and dimension of parameter space dim P. Furthermore the average time for the solution of the detailed ARE tfull and the average low rank factor rank is given, based on 10 calculations for different parameters. Two Dimensional Heat Transfer with Distributed Control The first “simple” model describes a two dimensional heat transfer with distributed control and homogeneous Dirichlet zero values. Denoting the spatial coordinates as ξ = (ξ1 , ξ2 ) ∈ Ω := (0, 1)2 , for given µ ∈ P and T > 0 we seek a function w(·, ·; µ) : Ω × [0, T ] → R solving wt (ξ, t; µ) − µdiff ∆w(ξ, t; µ) + µadv · ∂ξ1 w(ξ, t; µ) = B(ξ; µ)u(t) 4 5 in Ω × (0, T ], (48a) RBmatlab can be freely obtained via www.morepas.org. MESS (Matrix Equation Sparse Solver) has been gratefully provided by J. Saak from the MPI Magdeburg. A. Schmidta , B. Haasdonka 22 ΩB ΩC (a) Sketch of the setting for the fi- (b) Initial value. Dark red repre- (c) Time t = 0.5. The parameters sents values close to 1 and dark blue in the upper row are (0.4, 0, 1), in nite difference model. is 0. the lower (0.4, 5, 1). Left is uncontrolled, right controlled. Fig. 1: Setup for the finite difference model (FDM). w(ξ, t; µ) = 0 w(ξ, 0; µ) = w0 (ξ; µ), on ∂Ω × (0, T ] on Ω. (48b) (48c) The function B(ξ; µ) = µB 1ΩB (ξ) determines the influence of the controller u(t) on the control domain ΩB , where 1ΩB (ξ) is the characteristic function on the set ΩB := [0.4, 0.6]2 . Finally, we will consider a partial measurement of the state on a subdomain ΩC = [0.8, 0.85] × [0.05, 0.95]: Z s(t; µ) = w(ξ, t; µ)dξ, t ∈ [0, T ]. (49) ΩC The initial value was set to w0 (ξ; µ) = sin(πξ1 ) sin(πξ2 ). The system depends on three parameters µ = (µdiff , µadv , µB ), stemming from the parameter set P = [0.1, 2]×[0, 10]×[1, 15]. The first parameter µdiff determines the heat coefficient. Small values lead to a slow thermal diffusion which makes the problem harder to control. The second parameter is the velocity of the heat transport in ξ1 direction. We will use the last parameter µB to change the control influence. In Figure 1 the setup is sketched and the controlled state is shown for two different parameter choices. The differential equation is semidiscretized in space by using central finite differences on a uniform grid with equidistant step size in each spatial dimension. This yields an n = n2ξ = 3600 dimensional ODE system, where nξ denotes the number of discrete points in the interior of the domain in one spatial dimension. The boundary values are not explicitly mapped by the discrete representation. 2 X d qA 1 ΘA (µ)AqA x(t; µ) + ΘB x(t; µ) = (µ)Bu(t) dt q =1 (50a) A x(0; µ) = x0 (µ), y(t; µ) = Cx(t; µ), (50b) (50c) 1 2 1 with ΘA (µ) = µdiff , ΘA (µ) = µadv and ΘB (µ) = µB . Thermalblock Model with Finite Element Discretization The second “complex” model describes a heat conduction in the two dimensional domain Ω = (0, 1)2 with insulation, i.e. homogeneous Neumann boundary values, on the boundary part Γ1 = ({0} × [0, 0.5]) ∪ ([0, 1] × {0}) ∪ ({1} × [0, 0.5]). On the remaining edges Γ2 = ∂Ω \ Γ1 we impose homogeneous Dirichlet boundary values. In this example we control the system with distributed controls on two subsets ΩB1 and ΩB2 by using two distinct control functions u1 (t) and u2 (t). For a fixed parameter µ ∈ P and T > 0 we seek the solution w(ξ, t; µ) of the following PDE: ∂t w(ξ, t; µ) − ∇ · (a(ξ; µ)∇w(ξ, t; µ)) = 5(1ΩB1 (ξ)u1 (t) + 1ΩB2 (ξ)u2 (t)) on Ω × (0, T ], (51a) Reduced Basis Approximation of Large Scale Parametric Algebraic Riccati Equations 10 Ω2 8 Γ2 7 6 ΩB1 100 y1 (t,µ) y2 (t,µ) 9 ΩB2 5 4 Output yi (t,µ) Ω1 23 80 60 40 20 3 Γ1 2 ΩC1 ΩC2 1 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Time t 0.8 1 (b) Controlled state at time t = (c) The value of the uncontrolled (a) Setup for the thermalblock ex- 0.05. (solid) and controlled (dashed) outperiment. puts. Fig. 2: Setting for the thermalblock experiment. The state plot and the output are plotted for µ = (1, 2, 10, 4). ∂ν w(ξ, t; µ) = 0 w(ξ, t; µ) = 0 w(ξ, 0; µ) = w0 (ξ; µ). on Γ1 × (0, T ], on Γ2 × (0, T ], in Ω. (51b) (51c) (51d) The function a(ξ; µ) = µ1 1Ω1 (ξ) + µ2 1Ω2 (ξ) determines the heat coefficient in the two subdomains Ω1 and Ω2 with values µ1 , µ2 ∈ [1, 5]. The measurements are taken near the lower boundary on two regions ΩC,1 = [0.2, 0.3] × [0.05, 0.15], ΩC,2 = [0.7, 0.8] × [0.05, 0.15] and can be individually weighted by coefficients µCi : Z 1 µC w(ξ, t; µ)dξ, t ∈ [0, T ], for i = 1, 2. si (t; µ) := |ΩC,i | ΩC,i i The complete setting is depicted in Figure 2 together with a controlled example realization. Overall, the system depends on four parameters µ = (µ1 , µ2 , µC1 , µC2 ) ∈ [1, 5]2 × [1, 20]2 . The spatial discretization is now performed by using finite elements with linear ansatz functions on a regular triangular grid, resulting in an n = 3721 dimensional system of the form E 3 X d qA x(t; µ) = ΘA (µ)AqA x(t; µ) + B(u1 (t) u2 (t))T , dt q =1 (52a) A x(0; µ) = x0 (µ) y(t; µ) = 2 X qC ΘC (µ)C qC x(t; µ) (52b) (52c) qC =1 1 2 3 1 where the coefficient functions are given as ΘA (µ) = µ1 , ΘA (µ) = µ2 , ΘA (µ) = 1, ΘC (µ) = µC1 and 2 ΘC (µ) = µc2 . In particular the boundary values are now explicitly included in the expansion of A(µ). In this example, the initial value is chosen to be 10 everywhere. Optimal Cooling of Steel Rail Profiles The last example under consideration has been developed to optimize the active cooling of hot steel profiles. This problem arises in rolling mills and is considered in order to achieve high production rates, where a fast cooling is crucial. The cooling is accelerated by spraying water through 7 nozzles onto the hot steel rod. Measurements at 6 different positions on the outside of the steel profile are used to ensure even temperature distribution throughout the cooling process to avoid unwanted deformations or brittleness. We refer to [5, 45, 54] for more information about the modeling and the exact description A. Schmidta , B. Haasdonka 24 of the control problem. The system is semidiscretized by applying linear finite elements, which results in the following system of ordinary differential equations.6 E ẋ(t; µ) = µA Ax(t; µ) + Bu(t), x(0; µ) = x0 , y(t) = µC Cx(t; µ). We artifically parametrize the model by introducing parameters µA and µC . The first parameter µA ∈ [0.1, 10] describes different thermal conductivities of the material and µC ∈ [1, 100] can be used to adjust the cooling speed. (a) Coarse grid of the cross section of the rail profile. (b) Examples of the temperature distribution and the isolines in the uncontrolled case. The left plot shows the initial temperature distribution, the right at time t ≈ 45s. The rightmost plots shows a finer grid. Fig. 3: Grid and example of temperature distribution for the rail model. The plots were taken from [45]. 6.2 Numerical Results Basis Generation Results We first examine the results from the LRFG basis generation algorithm, where we compare the methods add one and add many as they were proposed in Section 3.1. The algorithm was initialized with the desired tolerance ε = 10−6 and the inner tolerance was set to εI = 10−4 . We use the normalized residual ∆(V, µ) := kR(P̂ (µ))kF . kC(µ)T C(µ)kF (53) as error indicator. This measure is also frequently used to quantify the approximation quality in iterative solution algorithms for the ARE, cf. [6, 46]. Due to the offline/online decomposition, ∆(V, µ) is cheaply evaluable, even in cases where the number of training elements |PT | is quite large. The resulting basis sizes in Table 2 show that the basis for the add one mode is smaller but the basis generation times confirm the expectation that the smaller basis comes with much higher offline costs. The basis construction with the add many also requires less solutions of high dimensional AREs. The smaller basis size may become crucial in applications where only limited storage is available or where the performance is very critical. Figure 4 shows two insights to the greedy procedure. We see in Figure 4a a nice exponential decay for the residual based error indicator (53) for all examples under consideration and for both modes. Especially for the rail model, the results are hard to distinguish. Comparing the very similar decay in the true relative errors in Figure 4c to the relative residuals used as an error indicator during the basis building procedure indicates that (53) indeed is a good indicator for the true error. Figure 4b shows the compression achieved by the POD in the inner iterations. Due to the fast singular value decay, the low rank factors can be efficiently represented by only ≈ 20 − 30 POD modes 6 The system matrices can be downloaded on https://portal.uni-freiburg.de/imteksimulation/downloads/benchmark/Steel Profiles (2838881). FDM Thermalblock Rail 101 10−2 10 25 200 Elements Max. Normalized Residual Reduced Basis Approximation of Large Scale Parametric Algebraic Riccati Equations 100 −5 10−8 0 0 50 100 Basis Size 1 150 2 3 4 5 6 Outer Greedy Iteration 7 (b) Low rank factor sizes and the number of vectors returned by the POD in the greedy iterations. (a) Decay of error indicator during the basis building procedure. The solid lines are for the add one mode, dashed lines are add many. Maximum Relative Error 100 True Error Error Indicator 10−2 10−4 10−6 0 50 100 Basis Size (c) True relative error kP (µ) − P̂ (µ)kF /kP (µ)kF for the Thermalblock model plotted over increasing basis sizes, calculated on a random test set containing 10 parameters. Fig. 4: Basis generation results. The dashed line is the algorithm with the mode add many, the solid line is add one. for reaching the desired tolerance εI . Note that the basis generation times in Table 2 do not include the time for preparing the calculation of the γ values in cases where interpolation technique is applied. We will see later on in this section that this significantly increases the offline time. We will use the bases generated by the “add one” method in the following experiments. Model Name FDM Mode add one add many Basis Size 131 158 Gen. Time [s] 439.4 47.8 #ARE Solves 71 11 Thermalblock add one add many 122 141 813.8 91.4 31 7 Rail add one add many 109 158 15187.1 856.1 50 3 Table 2: Basis generation results for all experiments. A. Schmidta , B. Haasdonka 26 5 10 4 −2 µ1 Stability criterion 0 3 0 −4 −6 2 1 0 5 10 µB 15 20 −10 5 10 15 µC 1 (a) Stability criterion for the FDM model with µdiff = 0.1 (solid), µdiff = 0.3 (dashed) and µadv = 0. (b) Stability criterion plotted for varying parameters µC1 and µ1 . The other parameters were set to µ2 = µC2 = 1. Fig. 5: Investigation of the sufficient stability criterion (54) that was stated in Proposition 4.4. Stability Considerations One property that is desired not only in applications but also for theoretical purposes is the stability of the matrix G = E −1 (A − BB T P̂ E), where P̂ = W PN W T with PN being the solution to the reduced ARE. The stability of G is a crucial ingredient for the error estimator developed in Section 4, since it ensures the solvability of the generalized Lyapunov equation that serves as a basis for the calculation of γ. Note that by using the full dimensional solution to the ARE (1), i.e. P̂ = P , the stability is always guaranteed. In Proposition 4.4 we have developed a strategy for proving the stability of G by using the dissipativity of E −1 A. The resulting computable condition ν[E −1 A] + kE −1 BB T P̂ EkF < 0 (54) is related to the controller influence on the dynamics of the system. In order to see this, we plot the value of the left hand side of the stability criterion (54) for varying parameters for the FDM and the Thermalblock model in Figure 5. For the FDM model the parameter µB scales the input, i.e. the control. Large values lead to more influence of the controller and make the stability criterion invalid. A similiar behaviour can be seen in Figure 5b, where the value of (54) is plotted for the Thermalblock model for varying parameters µ1 and µC1 . Increasing µ1 causes faster heat conduction and hence a fast stabilization whereas the value of µC1 changes the controller influence again. However, we see that for large subdomains of P we can conclude stability by using the criterion (54) in both models. Furthermore, all of our calculations led to stable closed loop systems, also in cases where the criterion (54) was not applicable. This was checked by calculating the largest eigenvalue of G. Note that (54) is only a sufficient condition that must not hold for stable systems. Calculation of Gamma For the error estimation, the factor γ or suitable approximations to it are required. Though, its calculation is a tough problem. We have seen in Section 4.1.2 that the exact value can be calculated by solving a generalized Lyapunov equation with high rank right hand side and by taking the 2-norm of the solution. However, this approach is very expensive and cannot be performed online. We hence have stated two alternatives for the calculation: An upper bound γN,2 (Corollary 4.9) and a kernel interpolation based on radial basis functions. We begin by checking the applicability and the results of the upper bound in Corollary 4.9 for the FD model. The bound greatly relies on the dissipativity of the system, since we can only apply the upper bound when ν[E −1 A] + kE −1 BB T P̂ EkF < 0. Since this term occurs in the denominator of the bound, values close to zero make the bound useless. Nevertheless, the FD model has nice stability properties as we have seen before and the bound predicts Reduced Basis Approximation of Large Scale Parametric Algebraic Riccati Equations 27 the correct values of γ very accurately as indicated in Table 3. Applying the bound for the thermalblock model with FE discretization yields a large factor kE −1 k2 in the numerator of the upper bound, which makes it useless for practical applications although it still may be rigorous. We hence focus on an interpolation based method for calculating approximations to γ. We calculated the kernel weights offline for a varying number of random sample points in the parameter domain P and validate the interpolation on a test parameter set Ptest with 50 random points. As radial basis functions we choose so called “thin-plate splines”: k(x, y) = kx − yk2 ln(kx − yk). The results are given in Table 4. The decreasing error indicates a good approximation for increasing sample sizes, but this comes with a very high computational effort in the offline phase. We furthermore note that due to memory limitations a direct calculation of γ(µ) for the rail model was not possible. Note that the solution to the Lyapunov equation for calculating the constant has no low rank structure and is dense. The development of other bounds or good approximations for very large applications will be part of our future research. The offline phase for the interpolation method was performed on a random but fixed training set. This can be improved by using techniques like Kriging or by making use of heuristic strategies for choosing smart sampling parameters, cf. [36]. γ FDM Thermalblock (µ) Effectivity N,2 γ(µ) Mean Max Min 1.1524 1.9263 1.0002 1036.1761 2757.3814 261.7055 Table 3: Effectivities for the upper bound for γ(µ). Training Set Size meanµ∈Ptest ρ(µ) maxµ∈Ptest ρ(µ) Offline Time [s] 10 0.80701 0.98885 16922 20 0.086894 0.17583 35033 50 0.077703 0.2057 87608 70 0.068529 0.13961 122820 100 0.048615 0.12525 170233 N (µ)| Table 4: Relative error ρ(µ) := |γ(µ)−γ and calculation time for the kernel interpolation of the γ γ(µ) values in the thermalblock setting. Error Bounds for the ARE The main theorem in this paper is the a-posteriori error bound for reduced solutions of the ARE, stated in Theorem 4.1 and its computable version in Proposition 4.2. We will now test the quality of the bound and define therefor a test set Ptest ⊂ P consisting of 50 randomly chosen parameter values. Instead of checking the absolute error bound, we define the relative error estimator ∆P,rel (µ) := ∆P (µ) kP̂ (µ)kF , for ease of comparison of the results for the different models. For the calculation of the γ values we choose the exponential bound 4.4 for the FD model and the interpolation for the Thermalblock model. Note that the latter does not yield rigorous results but provides excellent approximations to the error bound values when the correct γ value is used. We begin by checking the validity and the decay of the error estimator for the FD model and the Thermalblock model for increasing basis sizes, see Figure 6a. The maximum relative error is nicely decreasing with increasing basis size. Furthermore we see, that the validity criterion (26) is fulfilled even for relatively small basis sizes. Looking at Figure 6b however reveals, that the bound overestimates the true error by a factor of ≈ 200, but the characteristics in the true error are nicely reproduced by the error estimator. The relative true errors in the ARE solutions for the rail model A. Schmidta , B. Haasdonka 10−5 FDM Thermalblock 103 10−7 100 10−9 10−3 10−6 kP (µ) − P̂ (µ)kF ∆P (µ) Error maxµ∈Ptest ∆P,rel (µ) 28 10−11 0 20 40 60 80 Basis Size 100 120 (a) Relative error estimator for increasing basis sizes (thick) and corresponding validity criterion (thin). The estimator is valid when the validity criterion is beneath the black dotted line. 0 10 20 30 Parameter Index 40 50 (b) Absolute value of the true error and the estimated error for the FD model over a random subset of parameters. Fig. 6: Results for the a-posteriori residual based error bounds. are all in the range of 10−4 to 10−5 . Note that the true error in the Frobenius norm kP (µ) − P̂ (µ)kF can be calculated efficiently by only using the low rank factors, such that the formation of the high dimensional matrices P (µ) and P̂ (µ) can be avoided. Unfortunatelly, it was not possible to apply the rigorous error estimation procedure, since the calculation of the corresponding γ values exceeded the memory capacities. The benefit of using the RB-ARE approach for parametric scenarios becomes clear when regarding the calculation times and the speedup. All simulation times for the reduced ARE vary in a range between 10ms for the FD model and 20ms for the Thermalblock example, including the error estimation and residual calculation. Hence, the speedup factor is approximately 160 for the FD model and 360 for the more complex Thermalblock example. Large problems like the rail model yield large speedups in the magnitude of 500 − 1.000. LQR Error Bounds Finally we discuss the results that were developed for the LQR framework if the approximation from the RB-ARE approach is used as a surrogate for the true solution. The bound for the cost functional turns out to be too pessimistic. A basis size of ≈ 40 already results in a numerically zero relative error (J(P̂ ) − J(P ))/J(P ) for the FDM and Thermalblock model, whereas the bound 4.14 predicts a guaranteed relative error of 10−3 . One possible explanation for this behaviour is the diffusivity in the models, because errors in the suboptimal controllers are smoothed by the dynamics of the system and hence lead to almost identical behaviour. We lastly discuss the state error bound in Proposition 4.15. It is increasing monotone and tends 1 −1 BB T k∆P . Applying this bound for the FD model to the limit ∆∞ x = limt→∞ ∆x (t) = −ν[E −1 A] C̃kE ∞ −6 with µ = (0.5, 1.5, 3) results in ∆x = 0.39 · 10 . The true maximum difference maxt≥0 kx(t) − x̂(t)k is 1.22 · 10−10 . Hence also this bound can be pessimistic but still is a rigorous upper bound. Particulary the long term behaviour is not captured well by this bound, since the true error exponentially decays to zero. However, our results show that the RB-ARE approach yields very accurate results in all examples when comparing the true errors. 7 Conclusion In this paper we have studied the application of the RB approach for the approximation of large scale AREs in a parametric scenario. After developing a suitable reduced surrogate equation a new algorithm was proposed for the basis building procedure. The quality of the approximation is validated by rigorous and non-rigorous error estimations for the solution to the ARE. Furthermore a performance Reduced Basis Approximation of Large Scale Parametric Algebraic Riccati Equations 29 bound has been developed, proving the feasibility of the reduction approach in the optimal feedback control (LQR) setting. Splitting the procedure in an online/offline phase allows an online complexity completely independent of the dimension of the original problem. Experiments with two dimensional heat conduction problems show the benefit of applying the reduction technique in multi-query scenarios. The whole procedure greatly relies on the assumption of low rank approximability of the solution to the ARE, which is feasible in many scenarios where the number of inputs and outputs is very small compared to the number of states. This assumption is crucial, but an extension of the approximation to systems with high dimensional controls or outputs is certainly of great interest. Another interesting application is the combination of the presented RB-ARE approach together with an approximated state estimation for example by using a Kalman filter, see [10]. 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