at CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 1 2 THE WILLIAM CHALMERS LEGACY MICROWAVE ENGINERING AT CHALMERS Chancellery member William Chalmers (1748-1811) had amassed a considerable fortune from the East India Company’s trade with other countries, in­­­cluding China, during the latter half of the 18th century. Inspired by fellow Freemason Pehr Dubb, he left his entire estate to Sahlgrenska Hospital in Gothenburg and for the founding of an “industrial school for poor children who had learned to read and write”. The Freemasons’ Orphanage Trustees in Gothenburg were assigned the task of administering the will and after several years of discussions regarding a framework for the school, the Chalmers School of Arts and Crafts was finally opened on November 5, 1829. The principal of the school was Carl Palmstedt. During the first year the school had three teachers and 10 students. Over the years the school expand­ed and eventually became a university with 2,700 employees and almost 10,000 students. At Chalmers University of Technology more than a hundred employees are engaged in research related to microwaves such as devices, subsystems, systems, and applications at frequencies ranging from below 1 GHz extending to beyond 1THz. External partners in the Gothenburg area employ at least 5000 people in large companies such as Ericsson, RUAG, Saab Microwave Systems, Emerson Rosemount TankRadar, Huawei as well as numerous small, startup, companies. Internationally, there is an increasing number of cooperating companies see page 22. In this leaflet we present the departments and the specialized centers, where the work is performed. Some examples of current research projects are also shown. Good research work is always based on a solid educational effort. Chalmers offers competitive master and graduate programs in the field of microwave, photonics and space engineering. 3 CONTENTS: Dept. of Signals and Systems ....................................................... 5 Dept. of Microtechnology and Nanoscience ..............................6 Dept. of Earth and Space Science .............................................. 8 Advanced Receiver Development ................................................ 9 Biomedical Electromagnetics ...................................................... 10 Emerging Microwave Technologies .......................................... 11 High-Efficiency Power Amplifiers ............................................... 12 Low-Noise HEMTs and Amplifiers ............................................ 13 Metamaterials and -Surfaces ...................................................... 14 Microwave Wide-Bandgap Technology ................................... 15 MIMO Antennas ............................................................................. 16 MMIC Design: Frequency Generation ..................................... 17 MMIC Design: Multifunctional Circuits .................................... 18 Terahertz Technology ..................................................................... 19 Ultra Wide Band Antennas (UWB) ........................................... 20 Microwave and Millimetrewave Measurements Capability . 21 GigaHertz Centre ........................................................................... 22 Chalmers Antenna Systems VINN Excellence Centre ........ 23 Nanofabrication Laboratory ......................................................... 24 Myfab ................................................................................................. 25 PhD and Postdoc Programmes ................................................. 26 Master’s Programme in Wireless, Photonics, and Space Engineering ........................ 27 4 Dept. of Signals and Systems The Department of Signals and Systems performs microwave research within two research groups, i.e. the Antenna group and the Biomedical Electromagnetics group. Their laboratory resources cover an anechoic chamber for tradional radiation patternmeasurements, and a reverberation chamber for measuring performance of wireless terminals and stations such as mobile phones. ANTENNA GROUP Areas of research: –MIMO antennas –UWB antennas and antenna arrays –Metamaterials and -surfaces Staff: 17 Contact: Prof. Per-Simon Kildal, Chalmers BIOMEDICAL ELECTROMAGNETICS GROUP –Microwave imaging for biomedical applications –Microwave hyperthermia for cancer treatment Contact: Assoc. Prof. Andreas Fhager Homepage: 5 Dept. of Microtechnology and Nanoscience MICROWAVE ELECTRONICS LABORATORY The focus is on applications of research in high frequency devices and integrated circuits. Our most important laboratory resources cover a dedicated III-V process line and a world-class microwave measurement equipment for frequencies up to and beyond 300 GHz. Areas of research: –Terahertz semiconductor devices and circuits –Ultra-low noise devices –Agile materials and microwave components –Terahertz metrology and applications Staff: 45 Contacts: Prof. Herbert Zirath Prof. Jan Grahn Homepage: microwave-electronics 6 TERAHERTZ AND MM-WAVE LABORATORY At the Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory we conduct research on new materials, devices and circuits for appli­ca­tions in the microwave, millimetre wave and terahertz fre­quen­­ cy region. Our research finds applications in radio astrono­ my, atmospheric science, radar sensors, THz-imaging systems, and future wireless communication systems. Areas of research: –Terahertz semiconductor devices and circuits –Low noise superconducting devices –Agile materials and microwave components –Terahertz metrology and applications Staff: 20 Contacts: Prof. Jan Stake Homepage: 7 Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences Advanced Receiver Development ADVANCED RECEIVER DEVELOPMENT GROUP Instrumentation for Environmental Science and Astronomy – from GHz to THz The Group for Advanced Receiver Development (GARD) works on technologies and instruments for Radio Astronomy and Environmental Science. Our receivers are based on latest advances in physics and technology. The work comprises material and thin-film technology, fabrication of components, system integration. Constant improvement in instruments’ performance provides deeper knowledge about Universe and better understanding of our planet- Earth. Staff: 14 Contact: Prof. Victor Belitsky Homepage: –R&D on terahertz sensors, amplifiers, thin-film and micromachining technologies –Complete millimetre and THz receiver systems (100 GHz– 2 THz) –In-house fabrication of THz mixers based on superconducting electronics using thin film technology –In-house micromachining of all copper waveguides for SubMM Waves and THz –In-house cryogenic Low Noise Amplifiers development Applications –Environmental science and atmospheric research, e,g PHOCUS, Odin –Radio astronomy ground based (APEX, ALMA) or space borne (HERSCHEL) Contact: Prof. Victor Belitsky ALMA band 5 cartridge SondRad 557 GHz receiver on PHOCUS rocket Micromachined 1.32 THz waveguides for APEX T2 receiver 8 SHeFI receiver (100 GHz–1.4 THz) on APEX telescope 9 Biomedical Electromagnetics Emerging Microwave Technologies Research aiming at developing diagnostic and treatment tools based on microwave technology for application to breast cancer detection, stroke diagnostics and hyper thermia treatment of cancer tumors. Activities span from design and development of algorithms and systems to clinical trials. Ferroelectrics and multiferroics in agile microwave devices –Varactors – Tuneable filters, matching networks, phase shifters, delay lines – Voltage-controlled oscillators (VCO) using ferroelectric varactor – Tuneable film bulk acoustic resonators (FBAR), FBAR base filters, VCOs – Gas sensors Passive microwave components in RFICs and MMICs Contact: Assoc. Prof. Andreas Fhager Startup company: Medfield Diagnostics AB, Diagnosing stroke. Microwave system developed in collaboration with the company Medfield Diagnostics for stroke diagnostics. The system consists of measurement electronics and a wearable antenna array Multiferroic Bismuth Ferrite film over interdigital gold electrodes for sensor applications 4” multiproject silicon wafer with integrated tuneable microwave ferroelectric and passive components developed at the Chalmers Nanofabrication Laboratory Contact: Prof. Spartak Gevorgian High Q-factor parallel-plate ferroelectric varactors VCO based on tuneable ferroelectric delay line Microwave hyperthermia. System for phase and amplitude control of a micro­wave based system for microwave hyperthermia. The clinical system under development is intended for treatment of tumors in the head and neck region 10 Breast cancer detection. Prototype antenna system where active microwave imaging is investigated Silicon substrate integrated Bragg reflector used in tuneable FBARs based on paraelectric phase ferroelectrics. Q-factor more then 350 at 5.4 GHz, tuning more than 3% 11 High-Efficiency Power Amplifiers Low-Noise HEMTs and Amplifiers – High efficiency and wideband power amplifier design techniques – Transmitter architectures for future wireless applications – Integration of analog and digital techniques for lineariza- tion and efficiency enhancement –InP HEMTs for ultra-low noise –Emerging InAs HEMTs for ultra-low power Applications: - Radio base-stations and point-to-point radio links - Advanced radar transmitters –Cryogenic InP HEMT MMIC process up to 200 GHz –Cryogenic ultra low-noise amplifiers with best performance in class Contact: Assoc. Prof. Christian Fager Wideband and efficient 1-3 GHz digitally controlled dual-RF input power amplifier 30 Spectrum [dB] 20 10 Without linearization 0 Generalized Memory Polynomial (GMP) −10 −20 −30 Vector−switched GMP −10 Highly efficient RF pulse width modulated class E power amplifier 12 −5 0 Frequency [MHz] 5 10 Pre-distortion linearization of a Doherty power amplifier using our Wideband modulated measurements of a high efficiency trans­mitter proposed Vector-Switched modeling approach architecture Highlights: –InP HEMT 4–8 GHz cryogenic hybrid LNA with record noise performance of 1.2 K (Schleeh IEEE EDL 33, 664, 2012) –First demonstration of InAs/AlSb HEMT cryogenic hybrid LNA (Moschetti IEEE MWCL 22,144, 2012) –Demo of 0.5-13 GHz InP HEMT MMIC LNA with 3 K noise temperature (Schleeh IEEE TMTT 60, 206, 2013) –Design, production and delivery of 30 cryogenic ultra-sensitive LNAs for European Space Agency Cooperation: Low Noise Factory ( Contacts: Prof. Jan Grahn Cryogenic 24-40 GHz InP HEMT MMIC Cross-section of 130 nm InP HEMT Assoc. Prof. Piotr Starski Cryogenic 4-8 GHz InP HEMT LNA design 13 Meta-Materials and -Surfaces Microwave Wide-Bandgap Technology –­Artificial surfaces (AMC, EBG, soft and hard) –Wideband low-­loss low-­cost gap waveguides –­Gap waveguide based packaging technology –EM modeling and method developments Exploring wide bandgap semiconductor technologies in microwave applications by developing processes, devices, models, characterization methods, and integrated circuits. Contact: Assoc. Prof. Niklas Rorsman Applications: –­Millimetre and submillimetre wave systems –Radio links, car radar Contacts: –­ Prof. Per-­Simon Kildal per-­ –­Dr. Rob Maaskant Ridge gap waveguide 180° hybrid power divider 14 Groove gap waveguide filter Packaging of microstrip filter WBG microwave varactors: SiC varactors for load modulation and reconfigurable circuits with a tuning range of 5:1 and a breakdown greater than 100 V 11–20 GHz demonstrator of ridge gap waveguide (left). Computed field distribuons at different frequencies. Waves are seen to follow ridge between 11 and 20 GHz. No metal contact is needed between textured surface and smooth lid. This is advantageous for applications above 30 GHz GaN HEMT: Two 3”-GaN HEMT wafers processed at Chalmers WBG MMICs: A fully integrated X-band tranceiver realized in the Chalmers GaN MMIC process 15 MIMO Antennas MMIC Design: Frequency Generation –Measurements in reverberation chamber –Emulation of Rayleigh fading environments –EM modeling including processing and modulation –Efficiency, radiated power, receiver sensivity, diversity gain, capacity, throughput Applications: –General multiport antenna arrays –Mobile phones and other wireless terminals and stations Contacts: –Adj. Prof. Jan Carlsson –Prof. Per-­Simon Kildal per-­ – Low phase noise voltage controlled oscillators with wide tuning –Frequency multipliers for millimetre-wave frequency generation Applications: –Communication systems, radars, etc. –Sources for millimetre wave and submillimetre-wave Contact: Prof. Herbert Zirath Startup company: Gotmic AB, Measurement set-­up for passive measurements in reverberation chamber Computed fading field in reverberation chamber, and high performance shielded chamber for sensitive measurements of actve terminals 16 Measurement set-­up for active throughput measurements of WLAN system in two connected reverberation chambers Low phase noise VCOs : -118 dBc/Hz @100 kHz off-set for a 7GHz VCO, 10-13GHz VCO with phase noise <-98dBc/Hz @100 kHz V-band frequency source based on 7 GHz InGaP HBT VCO and an mHEMT _8 multiplier Wideband frequency tripler designed for 20-30GHz VCO flip-chip based E-band source 17 MMIC Design: Multifunctional Circuits Terahertz Technology Fully integrated RF-frontends for millimetre-wave application based on active devices (FET and HBT types, III-V and Si) Applications: –52 GHz, 60 GHz, E-band, 120 GHz, 220 GHz communication –Remote sensing for 118, 183, 220, 340 GHz Contact: Prof. Herbert Zirath Startup company: Gotmic AB, –Terahertz sources such as Schottky varactor and Hetero-­ structure Barrier Varactor frequency multipliers –Terahertz detectors and heterodyne mixers based on Schottky diode technology and Hot Electron Bolometers (HEB). –Semiconductor materials and devices for high frequency applications –Graphene electronics –THz imaging and measurement techniques 220 GHz antenna integrated receiver: antenna+3-stage LNA+mixer+frequency multiplier Contact: Prof. Jan Stake Herschel Space Observatory, courtesy D.Ducros, ESA Startup company: Wasa Millimeter Wave AB 60 GHz RX/TX chip-set 18 60 GHz module Packaged 220 GHz receiver MMIC 170 GHz Schottky diode frequency doubler Microwave graphene field effect transistor Integrated high power terahertz diode multiplier (HBV) 19 Ultra Wide Band Antennas (UWB) –Beam-­forming arrays and array feeds –Multiband antennas –Co-­design with low noise amplifiers (LNA) –Cryogenic technology in collaboration with Onsala Space Observatory (OSO) State-of-the-art microwave and millimetre wave measurement laboratory for both devices and circuits Applications: –Square-kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescopes –VLBI2010 radio telescopes –Satcom terminals, radio links –Medical imaging Contacts: –Assoc. Prof. Jian Yang, –Assoc. Prof. Marianna Ivashina, –Prof. Per-­Simon Kildal, per-­ 1.2–13 GHz compact log-periodic folded-dipole antenna developed for SKA. It is named the eleven antenna because it consists of parallel dipoles in eleven configuration, directivity is 11 dBi, RL > 11 dB, and more than decade bandwidth (11>10) 20 Microwave and Millimetre wave Measurements Capability Setup for measuring system noise temperature of eleven antenna with LNAs in cryostat at OSO Four differential LNAs integrated on rear side of ground plane of eleven antenna Measurement capabilities: –On-wafer characterization from DC to 325 GHz –Network analyzers from 3 Hz to 325 GHz –Large signal characterization with waveforms measurements and load/source pull, both active and passive. –Phase noise and 1/f noise characterization –Spectrum analysis up to 220 GHz –Fourier Transform Spectroscopy up to 8 THz –Coherent tunable sources up to 1 THz –FIR laser sources up to 3.5 THz –Characterization of modulated signals (fast oscilloscopes, arbitrary wave generators, etc) –Thermal characterization including IR microscope –Assembly lab including wire bonder and flip chip Contacts: Dr. Mattias Ferndahl Dr. Serguei Cherednichenko Noise parameter measurements setup Oscillator noise measurement setup 24 GHz loadpull setup with thermal probe station On-wafer measurement setup 21 GigaHertz Centre An international consortium between Chalmers and leading companies for bringing research advances in microwave engineering and components faster to industry Research projects: –Energy-efficient MIMO transmitters –GaN HEMT MMIC design & characterization –GaN HEMT oscillators –Extremely low noise InP HEMT MMICs and THz GaAs Schottky diode integrated circuits Chase is a ten-­year agreement between Chalmers, compa­ny partners, and the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA), to carry out research and innovation in antenna systems technologies. Partners: Arkivator, Bluetest, Elekta Instrument AB, Ericsson AB, Food Radar Systems AB, Gapwaves AB, Kapsch Trafficom AB, Medfield Diagnostics AB, Micropos Medical AB, Qamcom Techn. AB, RUAG Space AB, Smarteq Wireless AB, Volvo Car Corp., Västra Götalandsregionen, Chalmers, SP Techn. Research Inst. of Sweden, Royal Inst. of Techn., Telenor A/S System targets: –Cellular radio base stations –Microwave/mm-wave radio links –Defense radar systems –Sources and receivers for space applications MIMO Terminal Present joint projects: – Gap waveguide frontend demonstrator – Microwave hyperthermia – Sensor systems – Multi-antenna techn. for wireless access & backhaul – Antenna Systems for V2X Communication – Next Generation Array Antennas –Capacity Optimization of LTE Wireless Systems Using OTA Testing with Statistical User-Data Contact: Centre Director Prof. Jan Grahn, Partners: COMHEAT 22 Chalmers Antenna Systems VINN Excellence Centre Contact: Dr Staffan Sjödin,­en/chase Microwave tomography Reverberation chamber 23 Nanofabrication Laboratory Myfab – access to success The Myfab node at Chalmers, the Nanofabrication Laboratory, is a world-class university cleanroom for research and fabrication of micro and nano-technology. The laboratory is operated by MC2 as an open facility for external as well as internal academic and industrial interests. Myfab is the Swedish national research infrastructure for micro and nano fabrication. The infrastructure includes 600 instruments, and has 600 scientists and over 80 companies active in academic research and product development. The processing techniques include thin film deposition, wet and dry etching, oxidation, thermal treatments, and various advanced analysis methods. Special emphasis is placed on lithography where several optical systems and two electronbeam lithography tools are available. Contact info: Dr. Peter Modh, Head of Nanofabrication Laboratory Jeol Ebeam system capable of 4 nm spot size REALIZE YOUR NANOVISION Through Myfab you gain access to Sweden’s most advanced and comprehensive micro and nano technology research equipment, in the precisely controlled process environments of cleanroom facilities at MC2 at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Ångström Laboratory at Uppsala University and Electrum Laboratory at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. These three nodes share common resources, knowledge and opportunities. Our highly skilled personnel is available to assist you or to provide training in using cleanroom tools. Myfab will give you the opportunity to develop and realize your own unique micro and nano vision. Contact: Thomas Swahn, Director Myfab The lab staff, ready to help with processing issues 24 Spectroscopic ellipsometer for multilayer film characterization MBE system for advanced epitaxi 25 PhD and Postdoc Programmes We encourage international graduate students and postdocs to join our research groups. From experience it is verified to be rewarding for them as well as for us. Half of the PhD students with us are international. For research programmes, see this brochure. PhD courses (also for master students): –Empirical Modeling of Microwave Devices Teaches methods for empirical device modeling, i.e. for development of small and large signal models from mea­surements and physical understanding of dominant device mechanisms. –Microwave Network Analysis, Filtering, and Matching Teaches advanced methods of analysis and design for non-distributed and distributed microwave networks. –Numerical Simulation of Semiconductor Devices Provides deep theoretical background and broad know ledge about the benefits and different areas of applica tions for physics-based simulation of semiconductor devices (TCAD). –High-Speed Transistors Focus is on the physical understanding of how materials, processing, and component design affect the electrical 26 characteristics of a semiconductor device. Emphasis is on the transistors (MESFET, HEMT, BJT, HBT, and MOSFET). –Nonlinear Microwave Circuits & Simulation Techniques It covers transient and steady-state methods for compu­ ting the response of nonlinear circuits. The outcome is thorough understanding of how a modern nonlinear microwave simulator works. Contacts: Prof. Herbert Zirath, Prof. Jan Stake, Assoc. prof. Hans Hjelmgren, Master’s Programme in Wireless, Photonics, and Space Engineering The programme starts with five compulsory courses. Through semi-compulsory courses, students can specialize in wireless, photonics or space engineering, or a combination thereof. To provide opportunities to study related fields, there is also a wide range of elective courses. Engineering students specializing in Microwave Engineering will learn to analyze and design passive and active microwave components and circuits (directional couplers, amplifiers, antennas, mixers, etc.) for different applications, including radar and wireless communication systems. A solid physical understanding is reached through a combination of lectures, assignments, projects, and laboratory exercises. There is also a close connection to local and worldwide companies in microwave engineering. Happy engineering students show their microwave radio link system. Study period 1 & 2 A balanced frequency quadrupler (x4) designed in the MMIC course by a former master student (Morteza Abbasi) Year 1 Year 2 Study period 3 & 4 Microwave courses: ElectromagAntenna Fundamentals Engineering netic Waves – Microwave Engineering Microwave of & Engineering Photonics Components –Active Microwave Circuits Laser –Antenna Engineering Engineering Active Micro­ Space Wireless and wave Circuits –Design of Monolithic Microwave Science Photonics Radar and System Systems Remote Integrated Circuits (MMIC) Techniques Engineering and Sensing Applications –Mm-Wave and THz Technology Semi-compulsory courses, select 3–7 of 12 Contact: Assoc. Prof. Hans Hjelmgren, Study period 1 & 2 Design of MMIC Mm-wave & THz Techn. Optoelectronics Fiber Optical Communic. Satellite Communic. Satellite Positioning Semiconduct. Devices Wireless link project Study period 3 & 4 Master’s Thesis 27 Chalmers University of Technology conducts research and education in the main engineering sciences as well as in technology related mathematical and natural sciences. Researchers, graduate engineers and architects, engineers, technicians and ship’s officers receive their education at Chalmers. Chalmers has about 10 000 students. The pursuit of new knowledge and improved technology has characterised Chalmers since its foundation in 1829 in accordance with the testament of William Chalmers, director of the Swedish East India Company. Our driving force is inspired by the joy of discovery and the desire for learning. Behind all that Chalmers accomplishes, the hope persists for particpating in sustainable development – both nationally and globally. Two thirds of the university’s budget relate to research and about a thousand research projects are conducted on an ongoing basis, many of them at the forefront of international development. Research and education are conducted in close contact with industry and society to meet the demands of the world around. TWO CAMPUSES – Chalmers has two pleasant university campuses in Göteborg. Campus Johanneberg close to the city centre and Campus Lindholmen on the North bank of the river Göta Älv. MAJOR RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES – Onsala Space Observatory is a Swedish National Research Facility for advanced radio astronomy, located 45 kilometers south of Göteborg. The Observatory is also involved in the APEX projects, a new radio telescope in Chile. The Nanofabrication Laboratory is a state-of-the-art cleanroom and a European transnational access facility. THREE SCIENCE PARKS – Chalmers Science Park houses research departments of major enterprises. Chalmers Innovation houses newly-started innovative high technology companies, mainly emenating from research and study programmes at Chalmers. At Lindholmen Science Park, a unique and growth-oriented interplay is being developed within the areas of mobile data communications, intelligent vehicles and transport systems as well as media and design. CLOSE CO-OPERATION WITH UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG Particularly within mathematical sciences, environmental and information technology research and education. Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden, +46 31 772 1000, 28 Chalmers, Communication & market, 2013 CHALMERS