New Temp CricketSat Assembly Using Proto Board and PCB Board 3/17/04 1 Read this entire document before starting 1. Start assembly with the socket only for the circuit show on page 3. Do not put the 555 IC in the socket until instructed. 2. Lay out components neatly. See the socket layout on page 4. Notice the notch on the socket. Place it on your protoboard on the left side. Be sure to keep the top of the socket open so that you can insert the IC. 3. Use only the hookup wires purchased in the kit package. 4. Do the first test with C1 = 0.1 uF. 5. Use the four pin socket for the TX433 and the two pin socket for the thermister. 2 12/12/03 v.20 5 vdc Power Supply Temperature Sensor 5 vdc regulated Output To Tx R3 = 680 D2 Notes: C8 should have a good temp coeff. (polystyrene/polypropylene) Do not use ceramic for C8 3 555 Socket 1 8 8 1 7 2 2 7 3 6 6 3 4 5 5 4 Top Bottom 4 1. After you have the circuit assembled on the protoboard, check all of the connections for continuity and resistance as seen in the circuit. 2. When the check is complete in step 1 and is correct, insert the 555 with the notch or dot on the 555 at the same end as the notch on the socket. 3. Connect the battery. The LED should glow a constantly. 4. Use the audio amplifier to test if the circuit is oscillating. 5. 6. Connect the TX433 transmitter and antenna as shown on pages 6 & 7. Have the instructor check the transmitter output with HT receiver. 5 CricketSat Temperature Circuit +9v C11 5+v C5 + 1 U6 Vout 10uF 3 Vin .1uF 5v regulator 78L05 2 Gnd U4 Tx433 +9v U3 LM555 R3 = 680 D2 Notes: C8 should have a good temp coeff. (polystyrene/polypropylene) Do not use ceramic for C8 +9v 6 Antenna Bare or insulated wire 7” 7” ANT VCC IN GND 90 0 Circuit Diagram GND ANT 9 VDC Proto Board Actual Circuit 7 1. You are now ready to start the design of the CricketSat for assembly on the printed circuit board (PCB) in your kit. 2. See page 9 for example of layout on PCB. 3. Do not put any components on the PCB. 4. Finish the design on the diagrams on pages 10 & 11 before assembling any parts on the PCB. 5. Use the 4 pin an 2 pin sockets for the TX433 and the thermistor. 8 TX433 to be mounted in socket PC Board TX433 Socket (If used) 555 Timer Socket Radio Shack Cat No. 276-159B Back Side Mounting of Sockets Front Side 9 Practice Layout 276-159B Radio Shack BACK 10 Practice Layout FRONT 11 CricketSat Parts List 03/17/04 System Sch Part CategoryDesig Part Description Part Type/Value Vendor Part # Qty Temperature Capacitor C7 Capacitor Cap, 0.1uF, Mono, 50v, 20% Jameco 25523 1 Temperature Capacitor C9 Capacitor Cap, 0.1uF, Mono, 50v, 20% Jameco 25523 1 Tx Capacitor C10 Capacitor Cap, 0.1uF, Mono, 50v, 20% Jameco 25523 1 Vreg Capacitor C11 Capacitor Cap, 0.1uF, Mono, 50v, 20% Jameco 25523 1 Temperature IC 555 U3 IC, LM555CN timer LM555, IC Timer Jameco 27422 1 Tx Resistor R10 Resistor, Carbon, 10k 10k, 5%, 1/4w Jameco 29911 1 Temperature Resistor R8 Resistor, Carbon, 3.3k 3.3k, 5%, 1/4w Jameco 30672 1 Temperature Resistor R3 Resistor, Carbon, 680 ohms 680, 5%, 1/4w Jameco 31499 1 Temperature LED D2 LED, LF3330, Green LED, Green Diffused (XC556G) Jameco 34761 1 Vreg Regulator U6 Linear Regulator, 5v, 100mA 78L05, Linear Regulator, 5v, 100mA Jameco 51182 1 Temperature Battery Clip 9v Bat Snap, 6", 26 AWG,2 Prong Jameco 109153 1 Tx Resistor Pot R9 10k Cermet trim pot Jameco 182836 1 Vreg Capacitor C5 Capacitor Jameco 198838 1 Temperature Thermistor R7 Thermistor Jameco 207036 1 Temperature Socket U3 Socket Socket, IC, Machined, 8 Pin Jameco 521570 1 Temperature Circuit Board Printed Circuit Board Generic vector board (2/pkg) Rad Shk 276-159b 1 Tx Antennas 18 AWG solid wire - 7-1/4" long Rad Shk 278-1217 1 Temperature Tx Capacitor Transmitter Cap, 0.1uF, Polypropylene 433 MHz Transmitter Module Digikey Q Kits P3104-ND TX433 1 1 C8 U4 Capacitor TX433 10k Cermet trim pot Cap, 10uF, Radial, 16v, 20% 10k ohm thermister @ 75 deg F 12