Web page resumes fall into two categories: individuals who build a

Web page resumes fall into two categories: individuals who build a personal web page and bring it to
the employer’s attention; and companies that allow you to enter your details either into their standard
resume form or by cutting and pasting your file on to their site. The resume is then indexed and stored
on their site for future employers to search through. If you intend to set up your web page as a
substitute resume, you must apply the same level of professionalism that you would to a conventional
resume. The key difference with a web page resume is that you can include far more information,
provided that it is appropriately indexed and the site is easily navigable. However, the initial key pages
of the site should convey all the critical information of a conventional resume. Use the extra potential of
a website for additional optional information in links that employers can choose to follow. Keep in mind
that website resumes become public documents, which potentially can be accessed by anyone,
including your current boss.
This document was written Wednesday, November 14, 2012.
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