University of Sussex School of Law, Politics & Sociology Research Directory The Research Directory of the School of Law, Politics and Sociology The purpose of this Research Directory is to provide a snapshot of the research activities of the School's staff across its three Departments: Law, Politics and Sociology. Listed alphabetically, each researcher has provided a thumbnail sketch of his/her particular research interests. The School's mission is to generate and disseminate new knowledge and critical understanding about the societies in which we live, including explaining how those societies are and should be constructed, ordered and regulated. In so doing, it seeks to have a positive impact on society regionally, nationally, and internationally. An interdisciplinary ethos is central to the School's strategy. We are committed to capitalising on the synergies that arise from having three closely-related disciplines in the same School and to strengthening further our links with the disciplines elsewhere in the University and beyond. Professor Stephen Shute Head of the School of Law, Politics and Sociology 2 KEY Law Politics Sociology Dr Sabina Avdagic Prof. Jo Bridgeman Sabina Avdagic's main areas of research interest are comparative labour markets and welfare states. Sabina’s current research is focused on employment performance, the politics of labour market reforms and the political causes of income inequality. Prof. Craig Barker Craig Barker is a public international lawyer with specific research interests in immunities from jurisdiction, international criminal law and the use of force. Craig’s current research is examining responsibility discourses in international law and interdisciplinary dialogues of responsibility. Jo Bridgeman’s primary research interest is in healthcare law, with a focus upon the care of children and engaging with issues of family, tort and criminal law. Jo’s approach is theoretical, drawing upon and developing the feminist ethic of care, and empirical, emphasising the importance of recognising, within the legal framework, the experiences of those providing care. Dr Qingxiu Bu Qingxiu Bu's research interests lie in the fields of transnational business law, corporate finance law, corporate liability, global antitrust law, international business and human rights. Ms Stephanie Berry Dr John Child Stephanie Berry's research interests lie in the fields of human rights and minority rights. In particular, freedom of religion, intercultural tolerance and dialogue, the rights of religious and 'new' minorities, multiculturalism and international law, racial and religious discrimination. John Child's research interests centre on criminal law theory and doctrine, and particularly the internal structuring of offences and defences within the general part. Dr Susan Collard Miss Kimberley Brayson Kimberley Brayson’s research interests lie in the area of human rights in theory and practice; legal theory; political theory; feminist theory; autonomy; legal and political subjectivity; the European Convention on Human Rights; Muslim women and secularism. Susan Collard’s research interests relate to contemporary French politics, and more specifically to the politics of culture and heritage during the Mitterrand presidencies. Susan has also more recently developed an interest in the exercise of voting rights by European citizens resident in other EU Member-States. 3 KEY Law Politics Sociology Dr Elizabeth Craig Mr Paul Eden Elizabeth Craig's research interests lie primarily within international human rights and comparative law, with a particular emphasis on the development and application of European minority rights law. Paul Eden's principal research interests lie in the areas of international law and commercial law. At present, Paul is focussing on the (war) crime of apartheid and the interpretation of plurilingual treaties. Dr Mark Davies Dr June Edmunds Mark Davies research interests are primarily in the fields of professional negligence & conduct, education and the law and science and law. June Edmund's research has generated a specific interest in human rights and Islam, in particular, the politics of the hijab in Europe and the rise of claims-making among European Muslims to the ECtHR. Prof. Gerard Delanty Gerard Delanty’s research is in the general area of historical and political sociology, with particular reference to modernity in global perspective. He is also specialized in social and political theory and the history and philosophy of the social sciences. Dr Rekha Diwakar Rekha Diwakar's research interests include Indian politics and public policy, comparative politics, especially electoral competition and voting behaviour, size of the party systems, civil service reforms in developing countries, and research methods in political science. Dr Benjamin Fincham Ben Fincham’s research interests span a fairly wide range of areas including studying work in unstable employment environments and the relationship between work and mental health. In addition he is developing projects on gender, sex and sexuality in the Centre for Gender Studies. Dr Lucy Finchett-Maddock Lucy Finchett-Maddock's areas of research interest include theory, property, civil liberties and human rights and environmental law. 4 KEY Law Politics Sociology Dr Maria Mercedes Frabboni Dr James Hardie-Bick Maria Mercedes Frabboni's research interests include copyright law and the creative industries; collective licensing of copyright; law & fashion; art law; law and economics of intellectual property; competition law and economics; economic analysis of the creative industries. James Hardie-Bick's research interests include social theory, self-identity, crime and deviance and ethnographic research. Prof. Stuart Harrop Dr Thomas Frost Thomas Frost's research interests centre upon the following main areas - continental philosophy, transitional justice and post-colonialism, the intertwined history of the law and theology. Stuarts Harrop's research interests are particularly in the areas of international regulation and policy relating to biodiversity management and climate change. Dr Olli Hellmann Dr Andres Guadamuz Andres Gaudamuz's research areas are in the fields of copyright, open licensing, creative commons, intermediary liability, open source software, cloud computing, virtual worlds, networks and internet regulation. Olli Hellmann's main research interests include political corruption, political party organisation, and party systems. Olli studies these issues in the social and political context of the developing world. Dr Tamsin Hinton-Smith Dr James Hampshire James Hampshire's research interests include politics of immigration in liberal democracies, migration policy and policymaking in the UK and Europe, border controls and digital technologies, racial politics and anti-racism, citizenship and naturalization policies Tamsin Hinton-Smith's main research areas include gender, social inequalities, qualitative methods, and participation in adult learning and employment; particularly lone and teenage parents, and widening participation in higher education. 5 KEY Law Politics Sociology Prof. Dan Hough Dr Tarik Kochi Dan Hough analyses issues of corruption and anti-corruption, both within the UK and also the wider world. Dan also works on issues of devolution and constitutional change, as well as left wing politics in particular and German politics more generally. Tarik Kochi's main areas of research are legal and political theory, critical theory, international law, contemporary problems of war and global violence and the relationship between law and capitalism. Mr Laurence Koffman Dr Helena Howe Helena Howe's research interests lie in intellectual property law, land law and environmental law and, in particular in the areas where these intersect. Helena is particularly interested in notions of obligation, duty and responsibility as they relate to these areas of law. Laurence Koffman's research interests include sentencing and penal policy, youth justice and diversion, anti-social behaviour orders, the politics of criminal justice, crime surveys and rural crime and the law of contract. Dr Phoebe Li Dr Michael Kearney Michael Kearney's research interests are broadly in the area of public international law, particularly international humanitarian law, international criminal law, and human rights. Phoebe Li is interested in exploring the interface between world trade, intellectual property, and technology regulation, and the extent to which this can be used to embody human rights claims under globalisation. Mr Craig Lind Prof. Heather Keating Heather Keating's main areas of research are the criminal law and family (especially child) law and the role played in each by the concept(s) of responsibility. Craig Lind's research focus is concerned with the relationship between culture, sexuality and legal regulation (particularly in the realms of family law). Craig has been researching the way in which sexual identity is understood in other cultures and the ways in which western regulatory regimes impact upon those identities. 6 KEY Law Politics Sociology Dr Emily Lydgate Mr Donald McGillivray Emily Lydgate is interested in the relationship between trade liberalization and domestic regulatory autonomy, particularly with regards to fundamental non-market values such as environmental preservation and social justice. Prof. Chris Marsden Chris Marsden's current research focuses on intermediary liability, cloud computing, virtual worlds, network neutrality, internet regulation, self- and co-regulation and telecoms law. Prof. Luke Martell Donald McGillivray's research interests fall generally within the areas of land use and environmental regulation, including the intersection of these fields (especially access to land for recreational and environmental reasons). Mr Francis McGowan Francis McGowan’s research interests are broadly within the areas of European Political Economy and European Union Policy Making. Of particular interest are issues surrounding energy and climate policy at the national and EU levels. Luke Martell's research interests are in socialism, social movements, alternative societies and global politics. Dr Hannah Mason-Bish Hannah Mason-Bish's research interests are in hate crime policy, gender/disability and victimisation and social constructionism. Prof. Susan Millns Sue Millns' main research interests lie in the areas of European and comparative public law, constitutional law, human rights and feminist legal studies. Dr Laura Morosanu Prof. Alan Mayhew Alan Mayhew is an economist specialising in problems of economic transition and integration in central and eastern Europe as well as economic policy and budgetary issues in the European Union. Laura Morosanu's research interests are in the areas of migration and ethnicity, with a particular focus on social relations and socialisation practices. 7 KEY Law Politics Sociology Ms Verona Ni Dhrisceoil Dr Amir Paz-Fuchs Verona Ni-Dhrisceoil's principal areas of research lie in language rights in international human rights law, implementation of the ECRML, comparative language legislative regimes, the relationship between law and language in post- conflict societies and finally, conceptual and practical difficulties with language rights. Amir Paz-Fuchs primary research interests are privatisation and outsourcing, human rights, social rights and social justice. and legal and political philosophy. Dr Alison Phipps Dr Kai Oppermann Kai Opperman's primary research interests lie in the areas of foreign policy analysis, the domestic politics of European integration, referendums in European integration, British and German foreign and European policy. Dr Emanuela Orlando Emanuela Orlando's primary research interests lie in the areas of EU and international environmental law and environmental governance. Alison Phipps is primarily interested in the politics of the body, in particular as they play out around issues to do with gender, violence, sexuality and health. Dr Emily Robinson Emily Robinson specialises in modern British politics and history. Emily writes about political identities and the politics of time, including tradition, nostalgia, progress and modernity. Prof. Malcolm Ross Dr Abenaa Owusu-Bempah Abenaa Owusu-Bempah is primarily interested in the relationship between the law of evidence, criminal procedure, and the right to a fair trial. Malcolm Ross' research interests include European Union Law, with special reference to the interface of market and social objectives, a vital question now that treaty goals include a 'highly competitive social market economy'. 8 KEY Law Politics Sociology Dr Susie Scott Prof. Aleks Szczerbiak Susie Scott has research interests in self-identity and interaction, Goffman’s dramaturgical theory and Symbolic Interactionism. Dr Lizzie Seal Lizzie Seal's research interests include women who kill, gender and crime, capital punishment, cultural criminology, and historical criminology. Prof. Stephen Shute Aleks Szczerbiak's research interests include central and east European politics, political parties and electoral politics, contemporary Polish politics and society, the impact of European integration on domestic politics and the politics of lustration and de-communisation. Prof. Erika Szyszczak Erika Szyszczak's research interests are EU competition law, state aid, liberalisation, services of general economic interest. Stephen Shute's research focuses on criminal law and criminal justice and explores these areas from a theoretical, empirical, critical, historical, and comparative perspective. Dr Charlotte Skeet Charlotte Skeet's research is in the areas of gender, constitutional law and governance (particularly human rights and devolution); feminist legal theory; comparative law; law and society; law and development, post-colonial legal theory and legal "Orientalism." Prof. Paul Taggart Paul Taggart's research interest include European political parties; Euroscepticism; the domestic politics of European integration and populism. Dr Adrian Treacher Adrian Treacher's research interests lie in the fields of French foreign policy and of the foreign and security policy of the European Union, as well as European security. Mrs Teresa Sutton Teresa Sutton's research interests span land law, ecclesiastical law and legal history. 9 KEY Law Politics Sociology Dr Kenneth Veitch Dr Catherine Will Kenny Veitch's areas of research interest include sociology of law; legal and social theory and the welfare state. Prof. Richard Vogler Richard Vogler's main research interest is in comparative criminal law and justice, particularly in the fields of policing, due process, lay participation and imprisonment. Catherine Will’s research interests lie in the sociology of science and technology, specifically on the idea of evidence and the appeal of prevention. Empirically, Catherine has mostly worked on healthcare and medical work, but is also interested in questions about science, statistics and public involvement in a wide range of professional and policy areas Mrs Joanna Wilson Miss Lara Walker Lara Walker's research focuses on cross border family law at both the regional and international level. Dr Mark Walters Mark Walters' principal research interests lie in the field of criminal law, criminology and criminal justice. More specifically, Mark specialises in the study of hate crime and restorative justice Prof. Paul Webb Jo Wilson's research interests fall in the area of commercial law generally but with particular reference to domestic and international bank regulation and the rights of the insured under an insurance contract. Dr Jingchen Zhao Jingchen Zhao's research specialism is within corporate law, corporate social responsibility and corporate governance, and I also contribute to research in the areas of insolvency law, international trade law, contract law and commercial law. Paul Webb's research interests lie in the field of representative democracy, with a particular focus on British and comparative party politics, and electoral processes. 10 The School of Law, Politics and Sociology will be moving to the Freeman Building in 2014 11 Contact Us School of Law, Politics and Sociology Friston Building 121 University of Sussex Brighton BN1 9SP Telephone: UK: 01273 678655 International: +44 1273 678655 Fax: UK: 01273 873162 International: +44 1273 873162 Email: Twitter @sussexlaw @sussexpolitics @sussexsociology 12