+ Formative Assessment for Science Teachers Erin Marie Furtak, Ph.D. University of Colorado + Everyday Assessment A.k.a. assessment for learning, or the various formal and informal ways teachers get information about and act upon student thinking as part of their daily practice (Atkin & Coffey, 2003) Should Can be a seamless part of ‘good teaching’ take many forms, including: Asking questions to tap student thinking Structuring activities to elicit student ideas Listening to group or classroom discussions Using clicker questions Looking at student work and giving feedback …and…and…and… 2 + 3 a.k.a. Formative Assessment In Edu-jargon, we call everyday assessment formative assessment, or activities in which students share their developing ideas while learning is in progress so that instruction can be modified to help students reach learning goals. Student Teacher “The feedback loop” + 4 Formative Assessment Often described as consisting of three steps: What do you want students to learn (goal)? What do the students know now (activity)? How can students move from their present understanding to learning goals? (feedback) (NRC, 2001) + 5 Formative Assessment A meta-analysis has shown that the third step – providing feedback - has a positive effect on student learning. Highest learning gains observed for lower-achieving students Not the ‘silver bullet,’ but an important way to differentiate instruction and help all students to learn (Black & Wiliam, 1998) 6 + 7 My Work in Formative Assessment I have explored formative assessment from multiple perspectives: Research Assistant Primary Investigator Teacher Professional Developer Science Teacher Educator These perspectives have helped me bring evidence to bear on my book on formative assessment, published in July 2009. + 8 Overview Formative Planning Assessment in Action for Formative Assessment Step One: Setting Goals Step Two: Finding Out What Students Know Step Three: Anticipating Feedback Three Formats for Formative Assessment ‘Big Idea’ or ‘Driving’ Questions Predict-Observe-Explain Multiple-Choice Closing Thoughts + Formative Assessment in Action 7th grade Physical Science Class Students have just completed an investigation in which they have investigated the motion of balls on flat and inclined ramps. Formative assessment: Student responses to and discussion about a multiple-choice question in which the answers were linked to common student ideas 9 + 10 Show Video Start at 17:00 As you watch the video, follow along with the transcript posted online. Pay attention to: How did the teacher find out what students were thinking? What idea(s) were shared by the students? In what way(s) did the teacher provide the students with feedback? + 11 PAIR-SHARE: What did you notice about… How did the teacher find out what students were thinking? What idea(s) were shared by the students? In what way(s) did the teacher provide the students with feedback? + 12 POLL #1 What kinds of questions are best for getting students to share their thinking? A.Yes/No B.Fill-in-the-Blank C.Open-Ended D.Rhetorical Questions Questions + 13 Overview Formative Planning Assessment in Action for Formative Assessment Step One: Setting Goals Step Two: Finding Out What Students Know Step Three: Anticipating Feedback Three Formats for Formative Assessment ‘Big Idea’ or ‘Driving’ Questions Predict-Observe-Explain Multiple-Choice Closing Thoughts + 14 Planning for Formative Assessment Step 1: What do you want students to learn? Set overarching learning goals (i.e., what students should know and be able to do) based upon curriculum framework/syllabus. Design a formative assessment for each stepwise goal. + 15 Unit on mass, volume, and density + 16 Planning for Formative Assessment Step 1: What do you want students to learn? Each learning goal should involve some kind of performance by which students can demonstrate their understanding. Use “Bullseye” to prioritize important concepts to include in your stepwise learning goals. 17 Planning for Formative Assessment Step 1: What do you want students to learn? + 18 Planning for Formative Assessment Step 1: What do you want students to learn? More mass + 19 Planning for Formative Assessment Step 2: What do the students know now? Plan an activity at the places in your unit where students need to have met learning goals before moving forward. Start by building a safe classroom climate conducive to formative assessment. Ask high-quality questions. Use a variety of activities. + 20 Planning for Formative Assessment Step 2: What do the students know now? ‘One-Stop Shop’ for learning about student misconceptions: www.nsdl.org Click on ‘misconceptions’ link in upper corner on any of the science literacy maps + 21 Planning for Formative Assessment Step 2: What do the students know now? + 22 Planning for Formative Assessment Step 3: Anticipating Feedback Types of feedback: Verbal/Discussion Giving students information to move them toward learning goals Writing Pointing out areas for improvement, things students have not thought about yet, etc. Softball pitcher example + 23 Planning for Formative Assessment Step 3: Anticipating Feedback Providing feedback is the most important step in formative assessment since it is the action that helps students move toward learning goals. Unfortunately, it’s also the hardest step because it requires teachers to: Know the content, Know students’ common prior ideas & responses, and Have a plan for helping students adapt those ideas into more accurate ones. + 24 Planning for Formative Assessment Step 3: Anticipating Feedback Don’t Can kill yourself! use rubrics to score formative assessments, but it can take a long time. Research suggests that scoring interferes with students paying attention to feedback Walk around the classroom, listen to students talk, think about their conversation as you plan next lesson. + 25 Planning for Formative Assessment Step 3: Anticipating Feedback Involving It Students in Feedback doesn’t always have to go through you! Create opportunities for students to discuss criteria for high-quality work. Make these criteria public: Write on butcher paper and post Make copies of exemplars and distribute. Let students practice scoring work with rubrics. Encourage students to self and peer-assess. 26 Small piece will float, large piece will Sink.(Sinking and floating has to do with an object’s size.) Ask students to think of examples of large things that float and small things that sink. Ask students how changing shape and size affects the property of density. + 27 Step 3: Feedback Reviews of Educational Research: Kluger & deNisi, 1996: The Power of Feedback Hattie & Timperley, 2007: The Effects of Feedback Interventions on Performance Furtak, Seidel, Iverson & Briggs, 2009 (Inquirybased teaching): More Guidance = More Learning Finding: The impact of feedback on student performance is dependent upon its nature and quality. Low impact: Evaluative, contingent praise High impact: Hints, information on how to improve performance + 28 POLL #2 Which of the following is an example of ‘high-impact’ feedback? A. That’s right, you’re smart. B. I see a mistake here. Do you see it? C. Compare your answer to Jose’s and see how they are similar and different. D. That’s wrong. You should work harder. E. Next time think about… + 29 Overview Planning for Formative Assessment Step One: Setting Goals Step Two: Finding Out What Students Know Step Three: Anticipating Feedback Formats ‘Big for Formative Assessment Idea’ or ‘Driving’ Questions Predict-Observe-Explain Multiple-Choice Concept Maps Evidence-to-Explanation + ‘Big Idea’ Formative Assessments + 31 ‘Big Idea’ Formative Assessments The Purpose is to periodically find out what students know as it relates to the overarching goal of your unit. Have students write in their science notebooks. Use different colored pen when returning to the question. + 32 Please answer the following question. Write as much information as you need to explain your answer. Use evidence and examples to support your explanation. Why does it cost so much to drive a car? Why does our water taste so bad? Where does our trash go? Why do things sink and float? + 33 ‘Big Idea’ Formative Assessments + 34 ‘Big Idea’ Formative Assessments + 35 QUESTION Take a moment to think: What are some ‘big ideas’ you teach that you might be able to adapt into ‘Big Ideas Questions?’ Type ideas into the Question Box + Predict-Observe-Explain + 37 Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) Purpose: To find out what students know by having them make predictions about a novel phenomenon A.K.A. PEOE What are the different predictions? How did the students support these predictions? What evidence do you have in support of the different predictions? + 38 Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) 39 40 + 41 QUESTION Take a moment to think: What are some demonstrations/activities that you might be able to adapt into a Predict-Observe-Explain? Type ideas into the Question Box + Multiple-Choice Questions + 43 Bad/Good Multiple Choice Questions To generate discussion, use items that have more than one correct response. These items are terrible for summative assessment purposes, but great for formative purposes because they force students to argue about their ideas. + 44 From dylanwiliam.net + 45 Multiple-Choice Questions Another approach is to use questions which are related to students’ common ideas about science: Linked to ‘big idea’ questions, Written clearly and in language that is easy for your students to understand, Include one alternative response that is the scientifically correct explanation, and Include a set of distracters that are linked to students’ common prior ideas and misconceptions about the big idea. + 46 + 47 POLL #3 + 48 + 49 Multiple-Choice Questions Helpful for teaching students how to take apart and respond to multiple-choice questions Sources for questions: - TIMSS released items - PISA released items - NAEP released items + 50 + 51 POLL #4 Which of the following is NOT a feature of a formative assessment multiple-choice question? A. Answers are written in ‘student words.’ B. Answer D is ‘I don’t know.’ C. Distracters are linked to student misconceptions. D. Item is clearly written. + Food For Thought + 53 Summarizing Teachers’ Experiences At each step of the formative assessment process, teachers are met with multiple challenges: Beliefs: Related to how students learn and what approaches to teaching are most effective Knowledge: Related to teachers’ background knowledge about the subject Practice: Related to teacher’s ability to enact the formative assessments; however…. The interaction of beliefs, knowledge, and practice come to a head at the most important step in the formative assessment process: FEEDBACK. + If formative assessment is such a great idea, why aren’t more teachers doing it? My experiences suggest that teachers are enacting some aspects of formative assessment: Setting learning goals, and Eliciting student ideas. Feedback is the least enacted by teachers (Furtak, 2006; Furtak & Ruiz-Primo, 2008; Furtak et al., 2008; Ruiz-Primo & Furtak, 2006; 2007). My explanation: teachers aren’t giving feedback because it’s the hardest part. 54 + 55 Why is Giving Feedback So Hard? Beliefs Believing the teacher is instrumental to help students learn Knowledge Knowing common student ideas and misunderstandings, and what examples will help students Practice Knowing what teaching strategies will address common student prior ideas/misconceptions Recognizing student ideas under the veil of student talk Providing feedback on-the-fly + 56 Realizing Formative Assessment Formative Assessment does not need to take a lot of time – even 5 minutes can give you a lot of information about student thinking. Use formative assessment to engage in a conversation about student ideas and teaching strategies with your colleagues. Develop/find a formative assessment Everyone enacts it Bring samples of student work to a meeting & discuss + Other Questions? Thank you! erin.furtak@colorado.edu http://spot.colorado.edu/~furtake