AUC Department of Music STUDY GUIDE and PRACTICE EXAM for the MUSC 180 Placement Exam, How to Read Music The following placement exam is designed to assess the musical abilities of incoming students who wish to pursue studies in Music Theory I, Sight Singing, and Applied Lessons. Upon successful completion of this exam with a score of 75% or higher, students will be eligible to test out of MUSC 180, How to Read Music. Students who do not pass this exam will be required to take MUSC 180, How to Read Music in order to enroll in Music Theory I, Sight Singing I, and Applied Lessons. The exam is divided into two parts: ear training/sight singing and written music theory. The exam will be offered to students before the semester begins and during the first week of each semester. Students should contact the music department coordinator for test dates. For supplemental study materials the AUC bookstore has Foundations of Music and Musicianship by Damschroder and students may use online resources such as Ear Training This part of the exam will be completed in a one-on-one meeting with a member of the music department faculty. The exam may include any of the following skill exercises: 1. The instructor will determine the student’s voice range. 2. The student will be asked to match the pitches played on the piano by singing back the notes. The instructor may play a motive or complete melody and ask the student to sing it back. 3. The instructor will play harmonic or melodic intervals on the piano and the student will be asked to identify the intervals. 4. The instructor will provide a starting pitch from which the student will be asked to sing the major scale, and the natural minor scale. 1 Sight Singing This portion of the exam is designed to assess a student’s ability to identify pitches on the music staff. In this part of the exam students will be given a 4-8 measure score they have never seen in either the treble or bass clef. Students will be asked to chant (speak) or sing the solfège syllables (do – re – me – fa – sol – la – si – do) out loud and in the correctly notated rhythm. It will not be expected that students are able to match pitch for this exercise, but is encouraged: Melody Example 1, major key: Melody Example 2, minor key: Rhythm Example 1, simple meter: Rhythm Example 2, compound meter: 2 Written Skills Instructions: Students preparing to test out of MUSC 180 How to Read Music should use this practice exam to study. This exam represents the proficiency that students acquire upon completing MUSC 180 How to Read Music. It also represents the knowledge base that students are required to perform at if they wish to continue in Music Theory I, Sight Singing I, or Applied Instruction. Example 1: On the spaces below the staff, indicate the pitch name (letter name or solfège name) for numbers 1-4. 1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ Example 2: 3. What is the name of the note value in Example 2, letter A? _______________ 4. What is the name of the note value in Example 2, letter B? _______________ 5. What is the name of the note value in Example 2, letter C? _______________ 6. What is the name of the note value in Example 2, letter D? _______________ Example 3: 7. What is the name of the rest in Example 3, letter A? _______________ 8. What is the name of the rest in Example 3, letter B? _______________ 9. What is the name of the rest in Example 3, letter C? _______________ 10. What is the name of the rest in Example 3, letter D? _______________ 3 Write the following key signatures on the staff below: 11. B Major 12. C♯ Major 13. E♭ Major 14. A♭ Minor 15. G Major 16. F♯ Minor 17. The organization of pulses or beats into weak and strong groups is called ______________. 18. A mechanical device that creates a tick from 40 to over 200 times per minute, and is a common tool for improving the performance of a musician is called a _________________. 19. What dynamic marking is defined as very soft and is indicated by the following symbol: _______________. 20. What dynamic marking is defined as loud and is indicated by the following symbol: _______________. 21. What dynamic marking describes the process of becoming gradually louder and is indicated by the following symbol: _______________. Example 4: Provide an enharmonic respelling of the following pitches: 22. 23. 4 Example 5: 24. In Example 5, letter A, write a minor second (m2) above the given note. 25. In Example 5, letter B, write a perfect fourth (P4) above the given note. 26. In Example 5, letter C, write a major third (M3) below the given note. 27. In Example 5, letter D, write a diminished fifth (dim5) above the given note. Example 6: 28. For example 6, letter A, explain what the numbers in the time signature mean, how does it indicate the number of beats? 29. For example 6, letter B explain what the numbers in the time signature mean, how does it indicate the number of beats? 30. On the staff below write the requested major and minor triads in root position. A♭ Major B minor D minor E Major 5 On the staff below write the requested scale in its ascending order only. Provide either the key signature and/or accidentals. On line A below the staff name the notes using their alphabetic names indicating sharps and flats. On line B below the staff indicate the interval between the notes as either a whole step (W) or half step (H). 31. C minor A. _____ B. _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ 32. E major A. B. _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ Identify the following symbols or terms by name and/or explain how the symbol or term functions. 33. What is the full name of the symbol above:_______________________________________ 34. What is the function of the symbol above:________________________________________ 35. What is the full name of the symbol above:______________________________________ 36. What is the function of the symbol above:________________________________________ 6