Using “Forensics” to Reach Your Full Zeta Potential

Using “Forensics” to Reach Your
Full Zeta Potential
Changing Primary Coagulants at UVWTP
Michael Rau
Central Utah Water
Conservancy District
Water Treatment Forensics
• Look at clues to better understand treatment process
• Increased understanding enables optimization
UVWTP History
• Achieved Partnership for Safe Water Phase 4 in 2003
UVWTP History
• Continued optimization of treatment processes
UVWTP History
UVWTP History
Direct Filtration Chemical Strategy
• Aluminum Sulfate 6-9 mg/L
• Cationic Polymer 3-3.5 mg/L
Conventional Treatment Chemical Strategy
• Ferric Chloride 6-9 mg/L
• Cationic Polymer 3-4 mg/L
Alum vs. Ferric
Aluminum Sulfate
Ferric Chloride
Zeta Potential
Zeta Potential
UVWTP Conventional w/ Ferric
• Switch to Ferric and conventional was seamless
• Noticed 2 small differences
• slightly higher filter effluent turbidity despite
excellent settled turbidity
• Sed NTU ~ 0.25
• Filter Eff NTU ~ 0.035 vs. 0.025
• more negative ZP than expected after chemical
Zeta Potential
Jar Testing
Replicate Full Scale Plant
• Ferric 7.5
• PEC 3.75
ZP -6.4 mV
• PEC 3.75
ZP -2.5 mV
• PEC 3.75
• Ferric 7.5
ZP -5.5 mV
• Ferric 7.5
• PEC 3.75
ZP -1.8 mV
• Ferric 7.5
• PEC 3.75
ZP -6.9 mV
Full Scale Implementation
Full Scale Implementation
• PEC injection moved 12 feet downstream of Ferric
• 6 seconds between Ferric and PEC
Full Scale Implementation
Within minutes…
Full Scale Implementation
A few hours later… the filters rejoiced!
Settled Turbidity was unchanged.
Full Scale Implementation
About one month later…
Coagulated ZP was back to ~ -6
Filter Effluent NTU back to 0.035
Full Scale Implementation
• Plant flow had almost doubled.
• 6 seconds had become 3 seconds
• Decided to move the PEC
injection further downstream.
Full Scale Implementation
This required some creative plumbing…
Full Scale Implementation
Mission critical garden hose.
Full Scale Implementation
• Plant chems were 10 mg/L Ferric and 4 mg/L PEC
• PEC application point was the only change
• Zeta Potential changed from -6.5 to 0 mV
• We were actually overdosing
• Cut PEC dose to 3.75, ZP = -2.6 mV
Full Scale Implementation
And the filters rejoiced!
What does this mean?
Is it anecdotal?
Could it be site/matrix specific?
What is the cause of the chemical interference?
Similar Results at Other Treatment Plants
Ashley Valley Water Treatment Plant – Vernal, UT
• 3.5 mg/L FeCl3
ZP was -3.8 mV
and 2.5 mg/L of PEC, resulting
• Moved PEC injection 11 ft. (~12 sec.)
downstream of FeCl3
• Same chem doses, resulting ZP was +4.0 mV
• Reduced PEC dose to 2.0 mg/L, resulting ZP of
-3.1 mV
Similar Results at Other Treatment Plants
Perdue Water Treatment Plant – San Diego, CA
• Jar tests showed ZP change from -7.6 mV to
-3.2 mV by feeding PEC 10 seconds after FeCl3
Similar Results at Other Treatment Plants
Perdue Water Treatment Plant – San Diego, CA
• Decreased PEC dose by 1 mg/L – Achieving same
ZP and WQ as before chemical injection change
• PEC adjustment = $21,000.00 per year savings
Wrap Up
• Moving PEC downstream eliminated Ferric interference
• Floc/Sed was unaffected by change
• Achieved better ZP with less chemical
• Filter performance improved as result of charge
• We don’t know cause of chemical interference
• Results verified at 3 different treatment plants
• Water Treatment Forensics – Look at all clues to
understand what is really happening