342 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON UIXRASONICS. FERROELECTRICS. A K D FREQUENCY CONTROL VOL 35. N O 3. MAY I9XX Precision Surface-Acoustic-Wave (SAW) Oscillators Abstract-Since theirintroduction in 1969, surface-acoustic-wave (SAW) oscillators have found increased usage in a wide variety of military and commercialapplications.However,typicalmilitarysystem requirementshavecontinuallydictatedthatimprovements in overall oscillatorperformance he realized, e.g., betterlong-termfrequency stability; lower phase noise levels, both near to and far from the carSAW oscilrier; improved vibration sensitivity; etc. The evolution of latortechnologyoverthe past 17 years is first described andthena review of the current state of the art for high-performance SAW oscillators is presented. This review draws heavily upon the authors' own experience and efforts, which have focused upon the development of a wide variety of SAW oscillators in response to numerous high-performance military system requirements. 4) The inherent ruggedness of the device, since its frequency is established by the periodicity of the interdigitaltransducerand/orreflectorpatternsonthe surface of the substrate, and not the physical dimensions of the device. 5) Finally,theconsiderableeffortthathasgoneinto the development of BAW oscillators over the last 60 years,especiallyimprovements in quartzsubstrate material, substrate cleaning and processing technology, and devicepackagingtechniques,hasleveraged the effort to develop precision SAW oscillators ~71. I. I N I R O D U C T I O N INCE the first reported use of a surface-acoustic-wave (SAW) delay-line oscillator asa means to characterize delay-timevariationwithtemperaturefor LiNb03 [ l ] , there has beenconsiderable interestevidenced in both SAW delay-line and resonator-based oscillators. Much of this attention has focused on applications involving radar, [2]-[6]. avionic,andsatellitecommunicationsystems Closelyassociated with thisinteresthasbeen acorresponding drive to improve oscillator performance, especially in the critical areas of long-term frequency stability, phase noise, and vibration sensitivity. Although there are many reasons behind this high level of interest, the five principal motivating factors are as follows. Fig. 1 shows a simple block diagram for a generalized SAW stabilized feedback-loop oscillator design of the type described by Leeson [S]. Althoughindividualoscillators will differ in their specifics, they all share the following common features: 1) one or moreloop amplifiers ( G , , G,) of sufficient gain to overcome total feedback loop losses: 2 ) some means for gain limiting (compression) within the feedbacklooptoinsurestableoscillation (in many instances this gain-limiting action may actually occur in the 3) secondstage or highlevelfeedback-loopamplifier); provisions for gain and phase adjustment within the feed3 dB (2-4 dB) of back loop toestablishapproximately (nominally 3 dB of gain excess small-signal gain compressionwhenequilibrium is reached)and 27r.W net phaseshift, where N is an integer; 4) feedback-loop signal sampling, which may be either capacitive, resistive, etc.; Fundamentalfrequencyoscillatoroperationspanand S ) a buffer amplifier (G,) to isolate the feedback loop ning the range of 100 M H z to 2000 MHz. This wide fromloadvariations.Theneedforelectronicphaseshift range of operationaffordsreducedcost,size,and in the feedback loop to provide frequency modulation and powerconsumptionwhencomparedtoalternative a low-pass filter at the oscillator's output to suppress sputechniques,suchasfrequencymultiplicationifilterrious harmonic signals may or may not be necessary deing/amplification,usingamuchlowerfrequency pending upon specific performance requirements. bulk-acoustic-wave (BAW) oscillator. The SAW devicemay be either a two-port delay line or SAW delay-line or resonator-based oscillators offer resonator, as illustrated in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b).respecfrequency stability approaching that of quartz-crystively, or a one-port resonatoras shown in Fig. 2(c). When tal BAW oscillators. The choice between delay lines used in a "pseudo two-port'' configuration, as shown in and resonators offers the designer considerable flexFig. 3(b), the transmission characteristic of the one-port ibility in selecting modulation range and phase noise resonatorisdominated by thestatictransducercapacilevel. tance C;,. This is illustrated in Fig. 4(a). A parallel inducThe relative easeofSAWdevicefabrication and tor may be used to tune-out C;,, and the result is shown in compatibilitywithmoststandardmicroelectronic Fig. 4(b). Theresponse near the acoustic resonance is now processing techniques. very clean, but the low insertion loss at both high and low freauencies Dresents Droblems. Even when used in a conManuscript recelved April IO. 1987: revised June 20. 1987. ventionalimpedance-controlled(negativeresistance) osThe authors arc with thc Raytheon Research Divi\ion, 131 Sprin? Street. Lexington. M A 02 173. shown thatas cillator circuit, such in Fig. S , probthese IEEE Log Number 8719303. persist, lems along with a marked sensitivity to circuit S 0885-3010/8810500-0342$01.OO O 1988 IEEE PARKER A N D MONTRESS:P RECISION 313 SAW OSCILLATORS I l I Electronic Frequency L- Control Fig. 1 . Block diagram of feedback loop oscillator. r- t l 6 **a U l! Fig. 2 . Two-port and one-port SAW devices, (a) Two-port delay line. (h) Two-port resonator. ( c ) One-port resonator. 344 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS,F ERROELECTRICS.A NDFREQUENCYCONTROL. VOL. 35. NO. S. MAY 1988 6 6 (b) Fig. 3. One-portSAWresonator. (a) Electrical equivalent circuit. (b) “Pseudo two-port” electrical connection for one-port resonator, including external inductor L , to tune out static transducer capacitance C,:. PEN-84-83 FREQUENCYIMHZ) - W -90 v) a 40 35 n 1 400 200 1000 800 600 -lao FREOUENCY (MHz1 (a) PEN-84-84 v) L 0 W -0 0 W 40‘ I I 200 , l 400 I 1 I 600 1 800 l I I - 180 1000 FREOUENCY ( M H z ) (b) Fig. 4 . Insertion loss and phase responses for “pseudo two-port” resonator connection shown in Fig. 3(b). (a) Without inductor L,. (b) With inductor L,. 345 PARKER ANDMONTRESS:PRECISIONSAWOSCILLATORS a d - 8 0 0 ~ ” ’ -40 -20 0 1 I I 20 40 60 ’ I I ‘ 80 100 120 140 TEMPERATURE(“C) Fig. 5 . Schematic diagram of Pierce oscillator circuit, including one-port SAW resonator. Fig. 6 . Fractionalfrequencychangeversustemperaturefor ST-X cuts of quartz. A T , BT, and other material properties-for example, propagation loss [ 181, [ 191 and the influence of metalization thickness upon the frequency-versus-temperature characteristic [20]mustalso be takenintoaccount in designing adevice, especially for frequencies above 500 MHz. The primary advantage accruing from the use of SAW oscillators in the 100 MHz to 2 GHz frequency range is that the SAW oscillator provides frequency stability similar to that obtained from a BAW oscillator while simultaneously eliminating the complex frequency multiplication/filtering/amplification chainsrequiredwhenusing low-frequency BAW oscillators (10-50 MHz) to realize stable VHF, UHF, and microwave sources. Over certain portions of the single-sideband phase noise spectrum the fundamental frequency SAW oscillator provides superior 1 ) The availabilityofatemperature-stablefamilyof performance in comparison to a multiplied BAW oscillasubstrateorientations(ST-cut,Xpropagating,and tor.However,thetemperatureandlong-termstabilities relatedsinglyrotated Y-X cuts) [ 121. Fig. 6 com- that have been demonstrated to date for SAW oscillators pares the frequency-versus-temperature behavior for are not quite as good as those obtained with high-quality thesurface-acoustic-wave ST-X cut [l21 andthe lower-frequency BAW oscillators. bulk-acoustic-wave BT (6 mode) [l31 and AT (c The planar construction and considerable performance mode) [ 141 cuts. The ST-X cut turnover temperature flexibility afforded by SAW resonators and delay lines add is denoted by To in the figure. new dimensions to high-frequency oscillator design. 2) The exceptionally goodstabilityandagingassociHowever, it was our experience that until a reproducible ated with quartz duetoitsextensivedevelopment long-term stability of f1 PPM/year was achieved, milfor BAW oscillators (71. itary system designers were not willing to consider SAW Table I summarizes several important material properoscillators (resonators primarily) as a viable alternative to ties for auseful range of quartz substrate orientations[ 151, the BAW oscillators that were routinely finding applica[16]. The rotation angle 8 is defined in Fig. 7 relative to tion in most radar and avionic systems. Our own efforts crystal. It should be the x - , y - , and z-axes of the quartz to achieve this objective led directly to the use of SAW emphasized, however, that the entrees contained in Table resonator-basedoscillators in several systems. Now the I are only nominal design values. Accurate device design most important areas for fruitful improvements to oscilto a specific frequency and turnover temperature can only lator performance appear to be reduced vibration sensitivbe accomplished as an “iterative” procedure based upon ity, along with additional across-the-board improvements actualdevicefabricationandtesting, with appropriate in single-sideband phase noise levels. photomask corrections to “fine tune” the device’s elecIn the following sections of the paper we describe the trical properties. Obviously the process is aided by prior current state of the art for high-performance SAW oscilSAW deexperience gainedin the design and testing of devices with lators.Discussionsofbasicoscillatordesign, similar characteristics. This point is further illustrated in vice and oscillator packaging, frequency setting, and freFigs. 8 and 9 , which indicate the dependence of substrate quency stability (short- and long-term) are included. (baresurface)turnovertemperature upon rotationangle 11. SAW OSCILLATOR DESIGNAND COMPONENTS (e) of the cut (121 and the effect of aluminum transducer metalization thickness and operating frequency upon surThe basic feedback oscillator circuit of Fig. 1 is particface-acoustic-wavevelocity [ 171, respectively.Many ularly well suited for two-port SAW devices and is gen- parasitics. As aresult,one-port SAW oscillatordesigns [4], [6], [9]-[l l] have been more difficult to implement thantwo-portdesigns,especiallyforfrequenciesabove 500 MHz. For these reasons the majority of SAW oscillator designs, including our own, have used two-port delay lines or resonators in a basic feedback-loop configuin setration.Thisapproachprovidesconsiderableease up and also allows for simple diagnosis in the event that problemsareencountered in initialoscillatorperformance. This feature of the feedback-loop oscillator architecture will be described in more detail later. Although SAW oscillators may be designed using any piezoelectricsubstratematerial,quartzhasreceivedthe most attention for two primary reasons. 346 0 0 0 0 0 42 75 3x 0 35.0 32.0 0 0 3158.8 3154.3 3152.0 3150.1 3160.5 0 U 0 0 3157.0 3152.3 3 l4Y.Y 31An.o 3157.6 21 56 84 132 0.001 16 0.0012s 0.00 I29 0.00134 0.001 S5 Z NIA 3160 I 0 0 0 0 0 , , , , , , , , a l , , , , , , , I , , vrna 3150 -Y I c 3140 0 3 e E I 3130 c u s W > 3120 3110 3100 0 c . . 05 l . . s . . . s a 1 .o n * 15 o # a 2.0 FREQUENCY (GHz) Fig 9 . Dependence o f quartzmetalized surfnce veloc~tyupon lrequency. a i t h aluminum metal thickness as parameter. Adapted from 1171. ~ ~ -20 ( I 0 I I 20 I I 40 I 60 I I 80 120 I I 100 I I I ] erallythemostcommonlyusedconfigurationfor SAW oscillators. Either delay lines or two-port resonators can be used. It is also particularly convenient to choose componentsthatwork in a 50-Q environment. By using amplifiers, couplers, and otherelectroniccomponentsthat have SO-Q input and output impedances, the proper conditions for oscillationcanbequicklyestablishedwitha vector RF network analyzer. By breaking the oscillator loop at anyconvenientlocationtheopen-loopgainand transmissionphase of thecombinedoscillatorcomponentscanbereadily established.Theconditionsfor oscillation are that there be net small-signal gain through the loopandthatthetotalphaseshiftaround the loop bean integermultipleof 27r. Typicallythesmall-signalopenloopgain is set to 3 & I dB.Theequilibriumoscillator loop power can be determined by increasing the network analyzer test signalpowerlevel until gaincompression gives 0 dB of open-loop gain. By observing the gain and 347 PARKER A N D MONTRESS.P RECISIONSAWOSCILLATORS 12 GROUPS OF FINGERS A 10 FINGERS IN EACH GROUP phase conditions at frequencies other than the desired oscillation frequency, the potential for spurious oscillations can also be evaluated. The simplest SAW oscillator may contain only an amplifier, a SAW device, an output coupler, and a means of setting loop phaseshift, e.g., a short length of coaxial cable. The saturation of the loop amplifier provides the necessarygaincompression.Morecapableoscillators may contain a buffer amplifier, electronic phaseshifter, amplitudelimiter,oranyoftheothercomponentsshown in Fig. 1. The key features of the transducersforaSAWdelay line designed for oscillator applications are shown in Fig. 10. For goodfrequency stability the delay line shouldhave as long a delay time as possible. However, the delay line must also provide a filtering function to limit the amplitude response of the delay line to a relatively narrow frequency range. The long transducer on the left in Fig. I O serves this purpose and the center-to-center distance between thetransducersdetermines the delaytime 7,q. To ensure that only one frequency can satisfy the oscillation conditions at any given time, the combined length of the two transducers should be no less than approximately 90 percent of the center-to-center distance between the two transducers. It is generallydesirable to limitthetotal number of fingers in each transducer to about 120, thus the long transducer is usually thinned into a ladder-type structure [21] as shown in the figure. This gives a device withonlyabout 5-6 percent of the active acoustic area covered with aluminum in the transducers. Additional fingers can be used to achieve lower insertion loss, but this increases the undesirable influence of the metal on turnover temperature, triple transit reflections, and frequency accuracy. A number of factors, such as propagation loss, physical size, and phase errors between groups of fingers contributetolimitingthelengthofaSAWtransducer.While these upper limits have never been thoroughly explored, ourexperiencehasshownthatsingle-modedelaylines 800 withcenter-to-centertransducerseparationsupto 120 FINGERS wavelengths are readily achievable at frequencies below 1 to 1.5 GHz. At 400 MHz an obtainable delay time for a single-modedelayline is about 2 p . Atypicaldelay line will have an insertion loss of - 20 dB (in a 50-0 system) if 120fingers are used in eachtransducerandthe acoustic aperture is approximately 200 wavelengths. A delay-line oscillator is particularly useful wherea relativelylargetuningrange is desired. A SAWoscillator can be tuned over roughly the l-dB bandwidth of the SAW as indevicewith a simpleelectronicphaseshiftcircuit dicated in Fig. 1. For asingle-modedelaylinethe 1-dB ~ )is. - 7~ bandwidth is approximately equal to 1 / ( 2 ~ ~This times larger than the I-dB bandwidth of a resonator with an equivalent group delay. Thus for deviceswith the same phase slope (group delay), the delay line has about three times the tuning range of a resonator [22]. in Fig. I O uses quarter-waveThetransducerdesign length-widefingers. In productionthislimits the maximum frequency of the delay line to about 1.3 GHz if opticalphotolithography is used.However, splitfingers (one-eighth-wavelength wide) operating at the third harmonic can also be used, and this increases the upper frequency limit to about 1.9 GHz. If the so-called shallowbulk-acoustic-wave (SBAW) mode [23], [24] is used, the frequency can be further increased to above 3 GHz. Though delay lines have certain attractive features, the focal point of our owneffort to develop high-stability lownoise SAW oscillators has become the two-port resonator. Resonators offer the highest Q (largest group delay) and thereforethebestfrequencystability. Fig. 11 showsthe basic characteristics of the two-port resonator design that in ourlaboratory.Typically, hasbeenusedextensively approximately 50 quarter-wavelength-widefingersare used in each transducer, andtheacousticaperture is in therange of 130-200wavelengths.Thereflectorsare made up of 1000 etched quarter-wavelength grooves that deep.Grooved aretypically 1 percentofawavelength gratingsgivebetterfrequencystabilitythanmetalgratings since the only metalin the active acoustic area comes from the transducers. In our resonators the aluminum in 348 IEEE TRANSACTIONSONULTRASONICS.FERROELECTRICS,ANDFREQUENCYCONTROL.VOL. 1000 GROOVES - r- I -50 FINGERS Fig. 11. Representativetwo-port l l 35. NO. 3. MAY 1988 GROOVES IOoo U -50 FINGERS SAW resonatordesignshowingtypicaldimensions wavelengths. expressed in terms of acoustic +l 80 -180 Fig. 12. Measuredinsertion loss andphasecharacteristics for 425-MHz two-port SAW resonatordesignas Fig 11. the transducers is usually about 1 percent of a wavelength thick and is recessed into etched groovesof the same depth as the gratings. A unique feature of this design is the large space between the transducers ( 200X). This gives an equivalent cavitylengthofabout 350 wavelengths. A consequence of this large cavity lengthis that the resonator will support threecavitymodes. A typicalplot of insertion loss and transmissionphase is shown in Fig. 12 for a425-MHz two-port SAW resonator. The threeresonances are clearly evident, but notethatthephase of the twoouterresonances is shifted by 180" fromthephaseofthecenter peak. For mostfilterapplicationsthethreepeakswould be unacceptable, but for oscillators the phase reversal totally eliminates the outer peaks from consideration if the oscillator loop phase is adjusted for the center peak. The large cavity length reduces the fraction of the cavity covered by metal to about 7 percent, and in most cases eliminates the need to apodize the transducers [ 2 5 ] ,even for the relatively wideapertures used in our designs. Some evidenceoftransversemodescanbeseenonthehighfrequency side of the resonance peaks in Fig. 12, but they have little or no effect onoscillatorfrequencystability - illustrated i n since they are well outside the I-dB bandwidth. Another advantage of a large cavity size (both width and length) of the is that it increasesthepower-handlingcapability resonator [26]. Devicesbasedon this design havetypicallyexhibited 4-10 dB of insertion loss, dependingon frequencyand package type. The unloaded Q, Ql, is usually 80-95 percent of the material limited value and the loaded Q, Q, is about one-third to three-quarters of Q,. For ST-cut quartz Q, is inverselyproportional to the the materiallimitto F , (in MHz)and is given by the resonantfrequency expression Q,,, = (1.05 X 107)/F,). (1) Theequivalentcircuit of atwo-portSAWresonator is shown in Fig. 13, and the typical range of component values is shown in Table I1 for devices in the frequency range 300-1000 MHz. C,, representsthestaticcapacitance of eachtransducer.Theone-portresonatorshown in Fig. 2(c) is not as convenient to use as the two-port resonator in most applications, but it does have the advantage that lower values of R , can be obtained for an equivalent number of fingers [ 2 5 ] . PARKERAKDMOKTRESS:PRECISION 349 SAW OSCILLATORS +15VDC 1 I _L _L 2 Fig. 13. Equivalentcircuit for two-port S A W resonator. TABLE I1 TYPICAL R A N G EOF VALUES FOR TWO-PORT SAW RESONATOR E QUIVALENT-CIRCUIT PARAMETERS 50 Q 0.5 mH 0.05 f F 1.0 pF < < < < R, < 350 fl L , < 1.5 mH C, < 0.2 f F C,,< 3.0 pF The photolithographic requirements are essentially the sameforresonators as for delaylines,butthereareno effective resonator designs that work at harmonics of the grating periodicity, i.e., there is no groove equivalent to asplitfinger.Alsoshallow bulk acoustic wavesdo not work well in resonators (it is difficult to design efficient reflectors), so there are no tricks to obtaining higher frequencies. Therefore, in production, SAWresonatorsare limited to a maximum frequency of about 1.3 GHz with optical photolithography. Of course, this upper limit may be increased through the use of E-beam lithography, although this is not yet a fully developed production techniquefor SAWdevices.The low endofthefrequency range is set at about 100 MHz by the large physical size of thedeviceandthe ready availability of high-quality BAW resonators. ThoughtheSAWdevicehas by far the largest delay time or phase slope of all the oscillator components, the other components still play an important role in the frequencystabilityofaSAWoscillator.Incomparisonto low-frequency BAW resonators the higher frequency SAW devices have a one to two order-of-magnitude lower Q, and therefore the other oscillator components have a proportionately greater influence on the frequency stability of the SAW oscillator. To minimize the influence of theloopamplifieronfrequencystability,theamplifier shouldhavea very large bandwidth (low Q) andshould use negative feedback for greater gain and phase stability. It is convenient to work in a 5 0 4 environment, and there are a number of commercially available TO-S packaged amplifiers that have demonstrated excellent performance in SAW oscillators. Fig. 14 shows a circuit diagram of a typicalhigh-performancehybrid MIC amplifierthathas active current biasing of the RF transistor. The best performance is obtained if bipolar silicon transistors are used, FETs. since they give lower flicker noise levels than GaAs (See Section V for a further discussion of noise levels in amplifiers.) A somewhat simpler amplifier circuit using a Darlington pair is shown in Fig. 15, and it has also demonstratedgoodperformance in SAWoscillators.These circuits can have bandwidths greater than 1 GHz, are very stable over timeandtemperature,andare well behaved 3 Fig. 14. Schematic diagram of broadband hybrid circuit amplifier suitable for high-performance SAW oscillator applications. P TI CB Rf . OUT Cac Fig. 15. Schematic diagram of br0adbar.d hybrid circuit amplifier suitable for moderate performance SAW oscillator applications. when driven into gaincompression.Alsotheirperformance is not particularly sensitive to a source or load that is not exactly 50 Q.In most cases the SAW devices cannot be designed to have input and output impedances of 50 Q , even though they are intended to work in a 50-Q environment. Commercial amplifiers such as the Avantek UTO-502 and Watkins-Johnson A5 perform very well in SAW oscillator applications and have been employed where size requirements were such that printed circuit board mounted components could be used. Generally, the other necessary componentssuch as high-quality 50-Q couplers,phaseshifters, and buffer amplifiers are also readily available. SAWoscillatorsbuiltentirely with commercially availableamplifiersandpowersplittershavedemonstrated state-of-the-art performance when high-quality SAW devicesareused. However,performancerequirementsor size constraints can sometimes not be met with commercial components and custom-designed circuits may be required. The entire SAW oscillator can then be assembled on a single hybrid circuit, and this has been a major direction of our own effort recently. The novel “all-quartz 350 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS. Fig. 16. Photograph FERROELECTRICS. ANDFREQUENCY CONTROL. VOL 35. NO 3. MAY 1988 of two-port SAW r e s o n a t o r m o u n t e d o n TO-8 cold-weld package header prior to s e a l i n g package” (AQP) for the SAW device (see Section 111) is particularly appropriate for hybrid circuits. The TO-8 type enclosure is most appropriate for printed circuit board mounting applications where discrete packagedcomponentsaregoingtobeusedtoconfigurethe P ACKAGING 111. SAW DEVICE overall oscillator. If small oscillator size is a design obThe long-term frequency stability (aging) of a SAW os- jective, then an alternative packaging technique is essencillator is intimately related to the SAW packaging techtial. The incorporation of an unsealed SAW device into a nology used. Earlyresultsconcerningthelong-termstaresistance weld-sealed hermetic package, along with elecby organic troniccomponents,does bility of SAW oscillatorsweredegraded not lenditselftogoodlongmaterialsthatwereusedfor SAW substratemounting 3-15 term frequency stability applications. Typically within the packaging enclosure [27]. After it became ap- PPM/year aging ratesareroutinelyachievedusingthis parent that an ultra-clean, high-vacuum-sealing technique technique, an unacceptably high level of aging for many was requisite toobtainsatisfactoryagingresults,steady applications. An alternative packaging technique for SAW improvementsweremade as reported in a successionof devices has been reported in the literature [37], [46], [50][53]. Theseearlyattempts toencapsulate SAW devices papers (261,[28]-(471. Excellentperformancehasbeen obtainedfordevicesthathave been cold-weldvacuum using an all-quartz package concept met with somewhat 16 limited success. To the best of our knowledge, either the sealed in aTO-8orequivalenttypeenclosure.Fig. shows a typical TO-8 type cold-weld package (HC-37U) aging performance achieved did not compare at all favorcontainingatwo-port SAW resonatordevice.Afterthe ably with that obtainable using the aforementioned coldappropriate cleaning procedures, including UV/ozone weld package-sealing technique, or else they were very [48], the header and cover are placed in a special set of difficult to fabricate. sealing dies within cryogenically a pumped vacuum More recently our own efforts to develop a two-piece, chamber. An extended bakeout period (6-24 h) at an el- all-quartz package (AQP) sealing technique which would evated temperature ( > 360°C) prior to package sealing is be compatible with high vacuum processing has led to the essential if good device aging is to be achieved [49]. (See approach shown schematically in Fig. 17 (471. The SAW Section V . ) The dies arethen brought together under pres- substrate is typically 0.6 in long, 0.5 in wide, and 0.035 is sure and special knife edges deform the lips of the header in thick.The identicallyorientedquartzcoverplate as the SAW and cover to accomplish an essentially intermetallic bond generallyofthesamelengthandthickness that is hermetic. substrate, but somewhat narrower to allow electrical con- PARKERAND 35 I MONTRESS PRECISIONSAWOSCILLATORS -T- SUBSTRAI'E COVER I - . EXPOSED BUSBARS GLASS FRIT (h) Fig. 17. Schematicdlagrdm o f all-quam package tor SAW &\ice\. a) Cross-sectional view. ( b ) Top view. Fig. 1R. Photograph olsealed all-quartz packaged 401-MH7S A W revjnator nections to theexposedbusbarsconnectedtothe SAW devicetransducers. A glassfrit is thenusedtosealthe two quartzplatestogether in a vacuum chamber. Both vitrifying and devitrifying frit types have been used. Fig. 18 contains a photograph of an all-quartz packaged 400MHz SAW resonator device. The technique has beenused successfully to package both SAW resonatorsanddelay lines. A number of sealed all-quartz packages have been subjected to both coarse-leaktesting(bubbletester) and fine-leaktesting (heliumbombing) with anultimate instrument detection limit of - 6 X I O - ' ' atm-cc/s with no measurable leaks observed. The transparency of the package cover assists in the obscrvation of coarse leaks due to eitherinadequatefritcoverageorbubblesdeveloping within the frir during thc sealing process. Several all-quartz packaged devices have been repeatedly subjected to temperature cycling over the -40°C to +8O"C rangewithoutanyleaksdeveloping as aconse- 352 1 -40 -33 - 2 0 I 1 I I I I I I 1 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 TEMPERATURE ("Cl Fig. 19. Typical fractionalfrequency change versus temperature for allquartz packaged SAW resonator device. Heating and cooling rates were approximately 1"C/min. TABLE 111 SEALING-INDUCEDRESONANTFREQUENCY SHIFTS FOR ALL-QUARTZ PACKAGED SAW RESONATORS 187MHz 2 Devices Resonant Frequency Shift (kHz) 350 MHz 40 Devices Ave. Range Ave. +25 +20 to +30 +l4 Range + 5 to + 2+0l 2 401 MHz 3 Devices 353-397 MHz 20 Devices Ave. Range Ave. 0 to +25 +1l 425 MHz 5 Devices Range + 7 to + 18 Ave. Range + 15 -10 to +30 sensitivity while maintaining excellent long-term oscillaquence of these temperature excursions. Fig. 19 shows a tor stability. typical resonant frequency versus temperature characterThe aging, phase noise, and vibration sensitivity charisticfora310-MHz AQPSAWresonatordevice.The maximum hysteresis between heating and cooling runs is acteristics for both cold-weld and AQP packaged devices only 1 PPM, typical for the 1"C/min heating and cool- are discussed in Section V. ing rates used for the measurement. Similar results have IV. FREQUENCY ACCURACY been observed for devices packaged in cold-weld-sealed Most, if not all,oscillator specificationsplacelimits to thesametemperature TO-8enclosuresandsubjected cycling. upon the acceptable frequency tolerance due to all causes. Typicallymorethan +250 PPM is considered fairly reA typical frequency shift of +35 PPM (e.g., approximately 14 kHz for a 400-MHz SAW device) has been laxed, +25 to +250 PPM is considered moderately tight, observed to result from the all-quartz package sealing pro- whilelessthan +25 PPM is considered quite stringent. 111 sum- A major factor in achieving good overall frequency tolcess when applied to aSAWresonator.Table marizes our measured package-sealing induced-frequency erance is an accurate initial set-on of the oscillator's frequency. Generally, two issues are involved in the proper shifts for a number of SAW resonators designed for opset-up of an oscillator to a particular frequency: 1) fabrieration in the 187-425 MHzfrequencyrange.Thisfrecating the SAW device (resonator or delay line) with sufquencyshift is somewhat lessthanthattypicallyfound ficient accuracy to guarantee that the oscillator's desired for devices packaged in cold-weld-sealed TO-8 type enoperatingfrequencyfallswithinthel-dBinsertionloss closures, and eliminates completely those frequency shifts associated with device mounting and wire bonding tech- bandwidth at the intended operating temperature, and 2) that provisions are made to adjust the net loop transmisniques in the cold-weld-sealed TO-8 typepackage as well. Another benefit of the all-quartz package is the consid- sion phase in order to establish oscillator operation at the erable latitude it affords in the choice of SAW substrate appropriate initial set-on frequency. The second issue inis dependent upon how much mounting materials and techniques sinceit provides a her- volvescircuitdesignand effort (and money) one is willing to put into the task of metic enclosure for the SAW device. This holds out the accuratelyadjustingtheoscillator'sinitialset-onfrepossibility for further reducing SAW oscillator vibration + + PARKER ANDMONTRESS:PRECISIONSAWOSCILLATORS 353 Before Etching quency. For example, a 400-MHz SAW resonator oscilAlummum Electrodes lator’s specification might require f 1 PPM set-on accuracy. At thisfrequencyatypicalresonatorgroupdelay (78)might be about 9 ,us, thusrequiringanincremental phaseadjustmentcapabilityofapproximately 0.5” to achieve this level of frequency set-on accuracy. This can usually be accomplished using either tapped meander line or lumped-element phaseshifter circuit design techniques. The problem of accurate device fabrication presents an entirely different situation. Typically, only f200 to i-500 After Etching PPM control of a SAW resonator’s frequency is possible Aluminum Electrodes after initialfabrication.Thewideresonantfrequency range is due to substrate-to-substrate variation as well as a lack ofperfect control over processing variables such as IDT groove depth, metalization thickness, accurate alignment Grooved Reflector Quartz Substrate Grooved of the devicewith the substrate, etc. Also, depending upon (b) thepackagingtechniqueused,mountingstressesand Fig. 20. Cross-sectional views illustrating reactive ion-etching process for package sealing can lead to additional uncontrolled shifts a SAW resonator. (a) Recessed electrodes before etching. (b) Recessed in a device’s resonant frequency. Much of the foregoing electrodes after etching. discussion also applies to SAWdelay line devices as well; however,theirinherentlywiderbandwidthusuallyalleprocedureinorderto accuratelyset theresonantfreviates most fabricational tolerance effects. Reactive ion etching (RIE) with CF, is commonly used quency of sealed devices. As a direct result of our exploitation of the RIE trimtoaccuratelytrimaSAWresonator’scenterfrequency afterinitialfabrication[54]-[56]. Fig. 20 illustrates the ming technique, we are now able to accurately fabricate techniquefor arecessedtransducerconfiguration. The AQP devices to & 10 to +50 PPM accuracy in the 200trimming process depends upon the fact that quartz etches 800 MHz frequency range. We are currently working on post-seal trimming techniques to improve this accuracy to approximatelyseventimesfasterthanaluminum.The technique is unidirectional, that is, it may only be used to i- l to +_ 10 PPM, since for voltage-controlled oscillator trimthedevicedown in frequency. An analysis carried applicationsanevenmorestringentfrequencytolerance is necessary to maintain proper oscillator operation over out on a 465-MHz SAW resonator design indicates that the sensitivity is approximately - 3 to -6 PPM/A. Thus the full tuning range. very little material is actually removed from the substrate V . FREQUENCYSTABILITY surface. We have applied the process to a large number of devices in the 300-1000 MHz frequencyrange with The frequency stability of a precision SAW oscillator excellent results. Generally, we try to limit the maximum is one of its most important performance parameters. After trimming required to 100-200 PPM. If more trimming is the initial frequency of an oscillator is accurately set, it necessary a corrected photomask is first procured in order mustthenstaywithintheallottedfrequencyrangeand to reduce the absolute amount of frequency trimming re- also exhibit specified spectral characteristics. In this disquired. Recently more than 50 350-MHz AQP resonators cussionoffrequencystability,theobservedfrequency wereallfabricatedandsuccessfullytrimmedusingthis changes of an oscillatorwill be classified as either systemtechnique with no observed degradation in performance, atic or random effects. Systematic effects are such that a e.g., phasenoise,aging,etc.Thesedevices wereall given set of conditions will have a predictable effect on trimmedusingthefixtureshown in Fig. 21. The fixture oscillator frequency. For example, the frequency-versushas provisions for in situ monitoring of the resonant fretemperaturecharacteristicofanoscillatorfallsintothis quency during the etching process and also has a built-in category. Certain aspects of long-term stability (or aging) dc proportionalcontrolheaterthatpermitstrimming also fall into this category in the sense that observation of an oscillator’s frequency for a period of time may allow whilethedevice is maintained atitsspecifiedoperating ob- one to accurately predict the magnitude and direction of or turnover temperature. Using this fixture we have tained excellent results for sealed AQP resonators where future frequency shifts by extrapolating from past performore than 60-70 percent of the sealed devices possess an mance. Random effects, on the other hand, are different insertionlossresponse in which the 1-dB bandwidth (at in that the prediction of the magnitude and direction of a operating or turnover temperature) includes the intended frequency change at a specified time is not possible. Here fixed oscillator frequency. This is equivalent to _+ 15 PPM onlystatisticalparameterssuch as spectraldensitiesor controlovertheresonantfrequency for thesealeddevariancescanbeused.Systematiceffects will bedisvices. Typically a sealing-induced upward frequency shift cussed first. of + 10 kHz (i-4 kHz) was observed for these devices. The parameter that has one of the largest effects on a This sealing-induced shift can be anticipated in the trim SAW oscillator’s frequency is temperature. This was dis- -7- 354 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS, FERROELECTRICS. A N D FREQUENCY CONTROL, VOL. 35. NO. 3 , MAY 1988 Fig. 21. Photograph of fixture used for reactive ion etching of SAW devices. Fixture permits in siru monitoring of frequency duringtrimmingprocess. DC proportionaltemperaturecontrollersallowtrimming to be carriedout at device'sturnover temperature. spect to timeis large enough, asecond type of temperature effect knownasdynamictemperaturedependencebecomes important [6 l ] . Here a fractional frequency change of temperature is proportionaltothetimederivative caused by stressesproduced in thequartzsubstrate by time-dependent temperature gradients. The magnitude of the dynamic temperaturecoefficient is strongly dependent on the details of the SAW substrate mounting and packaging, but for the ST-cut family the dynamic coefficient A F / F = A ( T - T,))' (21 usuallyfalls in therangeof 1 to I O X IOPh/"C/s [62]. where A is the quadratic temperature coefficient. The coef- The sign of this coefficient can be either positive or negficient A is not a strong function of cut angle and has the ative. value -35 X 'C)*. However, as approximate of After the static temperature dependence, the next largmentioned earlier,otherparameters,suchastransducer est contributor to frequency error is long-term stability or metalization and the sensitivity of various circuit paramaging. Frequency shifts that occur over a long period of eters to temperature, canalso influencethetemperature time(weeks to years)areusuallycaused by relaxation dependence of the oscillator's frequency. There are other phenomena in or around the SAW device. Stress relaxacuts of quartz that give somewhat better temperature station in mounting structures or transducer metalization are bility [ 1.51, [57]-[60]but their use has not become widecommoncauses of long-term frequencydrift,asareadspread because the improvement is only on the order of a sorptionanddesorptionofforeignmaterialsonthesurfactor of 2 or 3. Furthermore, the cut-angle tolerances are face of the SAW substrate. These processes usually prosubstantially tighter, thusmakingthesubstratesconsidfractional duce a frequency shift that increases erably more expensive to fabricate. logarithmically with time.The high frequency(smaller The frequency-versus-temperature characteristic shown wavelength) of SAW devices as compared to BAW resoi n Fig. 6 is referredto asthestatictemperaturedepennatorsmakessurfacephenomenasignificantlymore imdence and applies only if the time rate of change of tem- portantandwillperhapslimit the long-termfrequency perature is slow. If the derivative of temperature with re- drift of SAW oscillators to levels that are one to two or- cussedearlier, andthebasic frequency-versus-temperatureCharacteristic ofST-X quartz was shown in Fig. 6. Thischaracteristic is largelydetermined by thecut of quartz. The turnover temperature T,, can be varied over a range of temperatures by choosing the proper cut angles. The fractional change in frequency for temperature variations about To is given to a good approximation by PARKER A N D MONTKESS:P RECISION 355 SAW OSCILLATORS I l I -05 0 l HIGH TEMPERATURE BAKE 0.5 20 60 40 80 100 l TIME (WEEKS) Fig. 2 2 . Long-term fractional frcquenc) stability of five TO-8 packaged 4 2 5 - M H z S.4W resonator oscillators. M a x i m u m bake temperature is shown for each SAW resonator. oscillators ders of magnitude larger than that of precision 5 - or 10MHz BAW oscillators. A high-temperature bake priorto the sealing of the SAW device is veryimportant for goodlong-termfrequency stability (491. and this is illustrated in Fig. 22. This figure shows the time-dependent fractional frequency change in partspermillion (PPM) for five cold-weld TO-S sealed 425-MHz SAW resonators operated in oscillator circuits. The maximum bake temperature prior to sealingis shown in the figure for each SAW device. For temperatures above 360°C there is a substantialimprovement in. long-term frequency stability. (Note the order-of-magnitude change in scalebetweentheupperandlowercurves.)Amaximum frequency change on the order of a few tenths of a PPM over a period of two to three years of operation at a constant temperature of 60°C is typical for both TO-8 packagedand AQPresonators in the150-MHz to 500MHz range. As will be discussed in more detail later, there are also random frequency fluctuations that contribute to long-termfrequencystability 1451. and thesecannotalways be ignored when the systematic drift is reduced to a - low level. The random frequencyfluctuationsevident in the lower two curves of Fig.22 are not significantly larger than the systematic drift, but for delay-line oscillators in the same frequency range this is not true 1451. For delayline oscillators i n the same frequency range this is not true [45]. For delaylines it is notusual toseerandomfrequency fluctuations on the order of I PPM over a period of two years, even though the systematic drift may only be on the order of a few tenths of a PPM/year. For SAW resonators in the 700-1000 MHz range we haveobservedthatthelong-termfrequencydrift is significantly worse than that measured for comparably packaged400-MHzresonators.Fig.23showstypicalaging curvesfor five TO-S packaged(high-temperaturebake) SAWresonators in thisfrequencyrange.Similarresults have also been obtained for high-frequency AQP resonators. At this time it is not clear why this strong degradation in long-term stability occurs with the increase in frequency, but it should be noted that the phase slope (group delay) decreases by a factor of 4 for every doubling the of resonator's frequency. This significantly increases the im- 356 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS. FERROELECTRICS, A N D FREQUENCY CONTROL. VOL 35. NO. 3 , MAY 1988 portanceofthephasestabilityoftheoscillator's nonacoustic components. Another very important systematic effect is acceleration or vibration sensitivity. Like dynamic temperature dependence, vibration sensitivity is strongly dependent on the details of how the SAW device is mounted and packaged. Acommonlyobservedlevel of vibrationsensitivity for ST-cut SAW devices is A F / F = 1 x 10-9/g [63]. Levelsas low as 1 X 1O-Io/g havebeen observed, but the the levelcanalsobe as largeas 1 X lO-'/g.Though magnitudeofvibrationsensitivity is smallcomparedto temperatureeffectsandlong-termdrift,itsimportance arisesfromitsinfluenceonspectral purity in a high-vibrationenvironment.Asinusoidalvibration will create discrete FM sidebands on an oscillator signal, and random vibration will cause random sidebands. This latter effect will be discussed further whenthetopicofrandom-frequency fluctuations is considered. There are also other parameters that can influence oscillator frequency. For example, the typical AQP device is sensitivetoatmosphericpressureatalevel of 1-3 PPM/atmosphere.TO-8 packageddevicesaresubstantiallylesssensitive. The frequency ofa SAW oscillator will also vary with dc power supply voltageby something on the order of 0.1-10 PPM/V depending on the type of SAW device used and the voltagesensitivity of the phaseshift through the oscillator circuitry. Load impedance can alsoinfluencetheoscillator'sfrequency, but this effect can be reduced to under a few tenths of a PPM for a 50percent change in load resistance if a high Q resonator is used along with a good output buffering circuit. Random-frequencyfluctuations are more difficult to quantify than systematic effects since one cannot simply state that the frequency will change a certain amount in a given situation or in a specified time. Even the standard deviation, a common statistical parameter, isnot typically applied to random-frequency fluctuations since, for some common noise processes, its value will depend on either the number of samples or the total length of the measurement time. The mostcommonparameters now used to characterize random-frequency fluctuations are either phase or frequency spectral densities and the two-sample [a]. Thespectral densityoffre(orAllan)variance quency fluctuations SAF(f ) is simply the magnitude of the mean squarefrequencyfluctuation in a l-Hz bandwidth at the noise or carrier offset frequencyf. SAF(f ) is given in unitsof Hz2perl-Hzbandwidth.Thepower spectral density of phase fluctuations S , ( f ) is the mean squarephasefluctuation in a l-Hz bandwidth andisrelated to S A F (f ) by S J f ) = S*F(f)/f2. (3) S , ( f ) is given in units of radians' per l-Hz bandwidth. 1 X asmallangleapproxIf S,( f ) is lessthan imation can be made and S, ( f ) may be interpreted as the double-sideband noise-to-carrier ratio. The quantity 6:( f ) is used to denote the single-sideband noise-to-car- - rierratio in dBc/Hz [65], and is expressed in terms of S m ( f ) by 6:(f) = 10 log ( % A f ) / 2 ) . (4) Strictly speaking, 6: ( f ) should only be used if its value is less than -20 dBc/Hz, but it is commonly used even for much highervalues. S, ( f ) and SAF(f ) are, of course, not limited to smallvalues,sinceit is onlythe interpretation of phase (or frequency) fluctuations as FM sidebands that is limited to small values. Another parameter used to quantify random-frequency fluctuations is the Allan variance 0;( T ) [66]. This parameter is the average value of one half the square of the fractional change in frequencybetweentwoadjacentfrein atimeinterval r. quencymeasurements,eachmade Actually the parameter most often specified for an oscillator is the square root of the Allan variance,U,,( T ) , which is conceptually easy to understand as 0.7 times the average fractional frequency change for the time interval T. In most free-running (non-phase-locked) SAW oscillators the spectral densities have a characteristic power law dependence on the noise (or offset) frequency f. This dependence is illustrated in Fig. 24 for S4( f ) and SAF(f ) . Normallythe (whitefrequency)and f-' (flicker phase) sections of S, ( f ) are not present simultaneously, and in most SAWoscillatorsthe f - I section is absent. For each characteristic slope in Fig. 24 one can calculate values of u v ( r ) from either S , ( f ) or S A F (f ) [64]. Fig. 25 shows thatc r y ( r ) has a powerlaw dependence on r that is analogous to-that of the spectral density dependence on f. Thepowerlawdependenceon f (or r ) is generic in nature,andforindividualoscillatorstheexponents may not beexactlyintegers(orhalf-integers) but may vary above or below the indicated values. The sources of phase or frequencynoise in SAW oscillators(acousticoscillators in general)aregenerally not well understood. In some cases the noise source maybe external to the oscillator, such as frequency noise caused by randomtemperaturefluctuationsorvibration.However, in many cases the noise is spontaneous in the oscillator and is generally thermal in origin. One of the better understoodsources of noise is thermalvoltagefluctuations, or Johnsonnoise. To helpunderstand how frequency fluctuations arise it is instructive to use the model of Leeson [g]. Fig. 26 shows a typical SAW oscillator in both the open- and closed-loop configurations. If an RF signal at the intended oscillator frequency and powerlevel is passed through the oscillator components in the openloop configuration, phase fluctuations will be imparted to the RF signal.The thermallygeneratedvoltagefluctuations due to Johnson noise will be added to the RF signal and will cause both amplitudeandphasefluctuations. However, one of the oscillator components will be operating in a gain compression mode, and this tends to suppress the AM noise. S, ( f ), or the double-sideband noiseto-carrier ratio, for Johnson noise is given to a good approximation by S, ( f ) = 2GFKT/P,, (5) - f-' 357 PARKERANDMONTRESS:PRECISIONSAWOSCILLATORS +-+--L Open-loop A+ +- 26 FKT PO l 1 I - I I I IFlicker I White I Phose I Phase I l l 1 1 I Random !Flicker IWhite Wdk Freq I Freq. Freq. I l f 1 I - f Fig. 24. Characteristic power law dependence of simple oscillator spectral densities. t 2GFKl Po f Fig. 26. Spectral density of phase fluctuations for SAW oscillator i n both open- and closed-loop configurations. white Phase I I I I I I 27r. The oscillator frequency then tracks the phase variations and the white phase noise becomes white frequency noise. This imparts a 1 / f ' slope to the oscillator's phase noise as shown in Fig. 26 (see ( 3 ) ) . For resonators,f, can also be expressed as z I I Fllcker I white I flicker I Random I Phase 1 Freq. I Freq. I Walk Freq. ' Fig. 2 5 . Characteristicpowerlawdependence of simpleoscillatorfractional frequency stabilities. where G is the compressed power gain of the loop amplifier, F is the noisefactor of theamplifier, K is Boltzmann's constant, Tis the temperature in "K, and P, is the carrierpowerlevel (in watts) at the output oftheloop amplifier. For 6:( f ) (in units of dBc/Hz) this becomes C ( f ) = -174 + G + F - P, (6) where G and F are expressed in dB and P , is in dBm. For offset or noisefrequenciesfarfromtheoscillator frequency this noise level is the same for both the open- and closed-loopconditions.SinceJohnsonnoise is independent of noise frequency, this results in a flat spectrum for S,( f ), as shown in Fig. 26, and is referred to as white phase noise. As the noise frequency gets closer to the oscillator frequency, a significant difference in phase noise levels appears for the open- and closed-loop cases. At a noise frequency f,equal to 1 /( 27r7,), where 713is the group delay or phase slope of the acoustic device, the phase fluctuations caused by the Johnson noise begin to influence the oscillatorfrequencythroughtherequirementthatthe Dhaseshift around the IOOD must be an inteeer multiDle of f,= Fo/(2Q~). (7) which is equal to one half the 3-dB bandwidth of the resonator. Since the open- and closed-loop noise levels are significantly different close to the carrier, it is important to distinguishbetweenthe two. Therefore from this point on S,( f ) willbe used todenoteclosed-loop(oscillator) phase noise while S;( f ) will be used to denote open-loop phase noise. Thus for Johnson noise S$( f 1 = 2GFKT/P, (8) and or %(f) = [ 2 G ~ K T / P , I I [ ( F ~ ~ / ( 2 Q L+f )1)1' . (10) To reduce oscillator phase noise caused by thermal noise, the noise factor and required gain of the amplifier should be minimized and P,, should be maximized. Close to the carrier, 7R (or Q,, ) alsobecomes a factor.However, it should be noted that increasing 7,. or 0 , (for a given O , , ) 358 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON LLTRASONICS. FERROELECTRICS. AND FREQUENCY CONTROL, will increasetheinsertion loss of theSAWdeviceand more amplifier gain will be required. For resonators, the optimum noise level in the white frequency range is obtained if the insertion loss is approximately 6 dB 1291. For noise frequencies even closerto the carrier, another type of noise process sets in. This process usually has a 1 lfdependence in S,$( f ) and is commonly called flicker or 1 lfnoise. This process is fundamentally different from Johnson noise in that it is usually not a noise voltage but a direct modulation of the phaseshift through one of the oscillator components. If the transition to 1 /f noise, fcl, in Fig. 26 occurs at a frequency less than or equal to fT, there will be no region in S,( f ) that has a 1 lfdependence. If fa is greater than f,. there will be a 1 /f region but no 1 /f2region. For most SAW oscillators, f, < and as shown in Fig. 26 the 1 /f dependence in S$ (f) becomes a 1 / f 3 dependence in S, ( f ) . Note that for these conditions a 1 /f dependence in Si( f ) results in a 1 /f dependence in S A F (f ) since the oscillator frequency will track the open-loop phase variations. While little is known about the causes of l/f noise in SAW oscillators, we do know that it is usually the SAW of flicker noise. The device that is the dominant source open-loopconfiguration in Fig. 26 is particularly useful for determining the source of 1 /f noise since the oscillator components can be measured individually. Typically a good-quality silicon bipolar transistor amplifierwill have 3 dB of gain compression)of 6‘( f a flicker noise level (at = 1 Hz) = - 135 dBc/Hz. For lessgaincompression the amplifier flicker noise levelwill usually be even lower. SAW resonators or delay lines, however, are typically in the - 130 to - 110 dBc/Hz range atf = 1 Hz [67]-[71]. Since 1 lfnoise is generally a modulation process, and not caused by an additive voltage noise, increasing the loop power level does not result in a reduction of noise level and usually has little effect at all [67], [68]. The 1 lfphase noise in SAW resonators appears to be caused by fluctuations in the resonant frequency, and it has been observed thatchanging QL by impedancematchingalso has little effect on theoscillator’sphasenoiselevel(721.Only if theamplifier (orsomeothernonacousticcomponent) is the dominant noise source will an increase in QL result in reduced oscillator flicker noise. The source, or sources, of 1 /f noise in SAW devices have not yet been identified, but it has been clearly established that fabrication variables do influence the I lfnoise level 1691, [70]. Generally there is considerable scatter in noiselevelsamongotherwise“identical”devices, so it is diHicult to make accurate predictions of 1 lfnoise levels.However, sufficientnumbers of deviceshave been measured to provide some general guidelines for estimating approximatenoiselevels.Thefactthattheaverage valueof C ’ ( f = 1 Hz) is roughlyconstant ( - 125 dBc/Hz) for SAW resonators over the frequency range of 100 MHzto 1000 MHzresults in anapproximate F: dependencefor S, ( f ) [72],[73].Frommeasurements made on a large number of devices, an empirical relation in has beenderivedforestimatingflickernoiselevels fT, - VOL. 35. NO. 3 , MAY 198X SAW resonator oscillators S,( f ) = [2 F:] /f’ X (11) where F,, is in Hz. Actual noise levels may be as much as a factor of two or three less than the value calculated from (1 1) or even several orders of magnitude larger, but most of our resonators fall within a factorof 3 of this estimate. Equation (1 1) hasbeenfoundtoapplyequallywellfor BAW resonators [72], [74], [75]. For most SAW resonator oscillators. wheref,, IfT, (10) and ( 1 l ) can be combined to give an expression for the to a overallphasenoisespectrumwhichisvaliddown noise frequency of about 0.1 Hz SJf) = + (&/f3) * [2GFWP,I [ ( F 0 / ( 2 Q ~ f ) ) *+ 11 (12) where a = 2 X IO-”‘. Fig. 27 shows 6:( f ) for a 500MHz SAW resonator oscillator over the noise frequency range of 1 Hz to 10 MHz. As is common in many SAW oscillators,there is little or noregion of 1 / f * dependence, and the noise spectrum is comprised primarily of flicker noise ( 1 / f 3 ) and the white phase noise floor. For thisoscillator,G = 15.8 (12 dB), F = 4 (6 dB), P,, = 0.1 W ( +20 dBm), F, = 500 MHz, QL = 6000, and (Y = 8 X (experimentally determined). The spectral density of flicker frequency noise can be converted to uy(7 ) [64] by using the relation U\.(.) = [ 2 ln ( 2 ) 7 k,/F,] 1/2 (13) where k , = S , ( f ) f ’ . Combining (1 1) and ( 1 3) gives an estimate of cy(7 ) for SAW resonator oscillators u,(7) =5 X lo-’” F , (14) where again F,, is in Hz. Note that uy( 7 ) is independent of measurement time 7 for flicker frequency noise. This is commonly referred to as the “flicker floor.” An expression similar to ( 1 1) has also been empirically derived for delay line oscillators [76] and is given by S,(f) = 2 X 10-13/(7:f3) (15) where 71:is in seconds. As with resonators, this is only an estimate of flicker noise level and there will be substantial variation from device to device. Note that the flicker noise in delay lines does not depend on device frequency, but only on the delay time 7R. The 1 / T ; dependence in (15) has not been firmly established and may not be valid over a wide range of 7 ? [71], but for values between 0.5 and 2 ps it does give reasonable results for the observed flicker noise level in delay-line oscillators. I n a high-vibration environment. which is often present in airborne and missile applications, the close-to-carrier phase noise maybe dominated by the effect of vibration onoscillatorfrequency[63],[77]. If the vibration is sinusoidal, the induced single-sideband noise-to-carrier ratio, in dBc, will be Pssb/P,, = 10 log [irF,1R)/(2h,)123 (16) PARKERAND 359 MOKTRESS: PRECISION SAWOSCILLATORS -20 I I 1 1 10 1o2 -200 l Id :c? f l? 1 o6 (Hz) Fig. 27. Single-sideband phase noise-to-carrier ratio for 500-MHz S A W oscillator. where y is the vibration sensitivity of the SAW oscillator, g is the peak acceleration in g ’ s (units of acceleration equal to the Earth’s gravitational acceleration). For a random vibration h, is the vibration frequency, and where G is the spectraldensityoftheappliedvibration level in g2/Hz at frequency f . The vibration sensitivity y is in fact a vector and must be defined for three mutually orthogonal axes [78]. As mentioned earlier, for SAW devices y is generally in the range of IO-]* to 10-9/g for each axis. For frequencies very close to the carrier( f < lop2Hz) it has been observed that SAW oscillators tend to exhibit a l /f4 dependence in S , ( f ) which corresponds to a random walk in frequency ( S A F (f ) cc 1 / f 2 ) . Fig. 28 shows typicallevels of random-walknoisefordelay-lineand resonator oscillators near 400 MHz [45]. The presence of this random-walk noise causes random frequency fluctuations to appear in aging data (two-year measurement pef l PPMfordelaylinesand riod)atlevelsaslargeas about fO.05 PPMforresonators.Random-walkfrequency fluctuations have also been observed in BAW oscillators [79] and were traced to temperature fluctuations. However, the randomwalk noise level in SAW oscillators is in most cases toolarge to be caused by temperature fluctuations. It has not yet been determined whether other environmentalfactorsmaybecausingthesefrequency fluctuations or if the noise originates in the SAW device as it does with flicker noise. One final point worth noting is the effect of frequency multiplication on oscillator noise. Regardless of the source N increases of thenoise,multiplication by afactorof S , ( f ) by N’; or for d:( f ) the effect of multiplication is to add 20 log ( N ). Since the white phase noise floor of SAW oscillators is comparable to thatofquartz-crystal BAW oscillators, the process of multiplying a BAW oscillator up to SAW frequencies will cause the multiplied noise floor to be substantially higher than a SAW oscil- IO - - 8 - - 400 MHz SAW DEVICES 0 Delay Llne A Delay Line B 6 - - 4 - @ 2 U ma - 0 so-2 - - - -4 - -6 - -8 - Fig. 28. Spectraldensity of frequencyfluctuations for several 400-MHz SAW oscillators. lator’s noise floor. However, in the flicker frequency region of the noise spectrum the opposite is true. Here the result of using a factor of N higher oscillator frequency is toraisethephasenoiselevelof N4 (see ( 1 1)) whereas multiplication by N will increase the phase noise level by only N 2 . For vibration-induced phase noise the increase 360 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS, FERROELECTRICS, AND FREQUENCY CONTROL, in noiseisthesamewhethertheoscillatorfrequency is increased or frequency multiplication is used (see (17)). The only relevant parameters here are the respective vibration sensitivities for the two oscillators. VOL. 35, NO. 3. MAY 1988 cases the frequency window for all causes over ten years may be as tight as & 10 PPM. Obviously a requirement at this level can only be met if the oscillator is ovenized or temperature compensated [80] and aging rates well under k 1 PPM/year canbeconsistentlyachieved.FurtherVI.A PPLICATIONS more, the oscillator's frequency must be accurately set in TheSAWoscillatorapplicationsthathavebeenadorder not to use up a significant fraction of the frequency dressed over the years by the authors have primarily been window with set-on errors. In the authors' experience the in high-performancesystems.Theseapplicationshave importance to system performance of reduced oscillator generally fallen into two broad categories; namely, air de- noiselevelshasbeensufficientincentivetosustainthe or positionlocation fenseradarsystemsandnavigation effort to improvethelong-termstabilityandfrequencysystems.Theperformancerequirements placed onthe setting technology of SAW oscillators. This effort has paid SAW oscillators canbesubstantiallydifferentforthese off,and SAWoscillatortechnology is now available to twocategories.Modemradarsystemsrequire verylow meet these requirements. phase noise levels for noise frequencies greater than apIn ground-based radar systems the vibration levels are navigation relatively low, and space and weight requirements are not proximately 1 kHz.Forcommunicationand systems the most stringent specifications on phase noise particularly tight. Here TO-8 packaged SAW devices and performance are for noise frequencies less than approxiprintedcircuitboardelectronicshavebeen acceptable. mately l kHz. In both cases the requirements for medium- However, in airborne applications the vibration levels are andlong-termfrequencystabilitycanbequitedemandquite high and space and weight limitations are tight. This ing. We will first address the use of SAW oscillators in is an area of current interest. In a missile environment the radar systems. vibration level may be as high as0.2 g2/Hz in the 50-Hz 40-50 dB degraIn a modem air defense radar the Doppler shift of the to 3-kHz range, and this will lead to a dation in phase noise over this frequency range for a highreturn signal is used to distinguishmovingtargetsfrom quality SAW resonator oscillator with a vibration sensistationarybackground.However, in thepresenceofa strong stationary return signal it is very important that the tivityof 2 X lOW9/g. An importantarea ofcurrent retransmitted signal (and hence the return signal) have very searchisthereductionofvibrationsensitivityinSAW oscillators.Inadditiontovibrationsensitivity,sizeand low noise sidebands so that a weak but frequency-shifted target return can be detected. Typically this requirement weight are also important considerations, and here theuse manifestsitself in phasenoisespecificationsforboth ofhybridcircuittechnologyis ofconsiderableinterest. transmitter and receiver oscillators that are very stringent The all-quartz package is particularly attractive for use in for noise frequencies greater than about 1 kHz. The main hybrid circuit SAW oscillators since it offers state-of-theadvantage of SAW oscillators for this type of application art long-term frequency stability in a small volume and in a package configuration convenient for hybrid circuits. It is that quartz-crystalstabilitycanbeachievedathigher is also compatible withavarietyofmountingmaterials frequencies,andthereforelessfrequencymultiplication is needed to achieve final transmitted frequencies at L- or and techniques that might be used for reducing vibration X-band. A lower multiplication factor means a lower noise sensitivity. Fig. 30 shows a 400-MHzhybrid circuit SAW [8 l ] . floor. Fig. 29 shows a typical phase noise requirement for oscillator using an all-quartz package SAW resonator In navigation or communication system applications the an X-band radar and the predicted performance of a 500MHzSAWoscillatorfollowed by a times 20 multiplier phasenoiserequirementsfornoisefrequenciesgreater with theoretical performance. The measured phase noise than approximately l kHz are not usually very tight, but of the 500-MHz oscillator shown in Fig. 27 was used as it is for frequencies less than about 1 kHz where the stathebasisforcalculatingthemultipliedSAWoscillator bilityrequirementsarestringent.Ingeneral, multiplied noise in Fig. 29. If a 10-MHz BAW oscillator were used low-frequency BAW oscillators give the best noise peras the master frequency source instead of the SAW oscil- formance for these applications since lower close-to-carlator, an additional multiplication factor of 50 would be rier noise levels are obtained by multiplying a high-qualrequired,andthiswouldresult in afurthernoise floor ity low-frequency BAW oscillator than by using a higherdegradation of 34 dB. frequency SAW or BAW oscillator with less multiplicaIn some cases, low-noise SAW oscillators are replacing tion. However, some position location applications have lumped element L-C oscillators. In these instances the re- been addressedwheresizeand/orpowerconsumption quirementsformedium-andlong-termstabilityare not constraints have precluded the use of long multipliedfilter very stringent. In one application the frequency window chains. In one case a major requirement was that a very smallfixed-frequencyoscillator in the 350-475 MHz was large enough that neither frequency trimming of the SAW devices nor temperature control was needed for derangehaveafrequencystability of 3 X lo-'' formeasurement times ranging from l to 100 S . The first step in vicesfabricatedon ST-cut quartz. However, more often than not oscillator requirements are derived with the perachieving this is,of course, good temperature control,but even when this is accomplished the oscillator must have formanceof BAW oscillators in mind and themediumor betterthan 3 aninherentfrequencystabilityequalto andlong-termstabilityspecificationsaretight.Inthese PARKERANDMONTRESS:P RECISIONSAWOSCILLATORS 36 1 Typical X-Band Exciter Requirement -20 I 2 a % -40- - 60- - -a0 k - 1 00 - -120 -140 - - -160 180 -200 500 MHz Hlgh Power SAW Referencedto X-Band I l 10 lo' 13 lo" f Id 1I 1 GE (Hz) Fig. 29. Single-sideband phase noise-to-carrier ratio for typical X-band radar exclter requirement and predicted perforn1anc.e o i 500-MHz S A W oscillator after multiplication by > ; N . Fig. 30. Photograph of hybrid circuit 400-MHz SAW resonator oscillator. partsin 10". This is not at alldifficultforamultiplied low-frequency BAW oscillator, but this performance level canalso be met by a high-quality SAW resonatoroscillator.Fig. 31 showsthemeasuredfractionalfrequency stability uv( 7 )of a 425-MHz resonator oscillator for meaI O ms to over 1 X 10' S . surement-timesrangingfrom This oscillator comfortably meets the required frequency stability. - A second position location application required a 400 15 min of MHz oscillator with a frequency stability over 1 X and maximum deviation of f 2 X lop9 about the average slope over 15 min [81]. Again a major concern is temperaturecontrol,butoncethis is achieveda SAW resonatoroscillatorcancomfortably meettherequirement.Fig. 32showsthemeasuredfractionalfrequency change of a 425-MHz SAW oscillator for a period 362 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS,F ERROELECTRICS,A NDFREQUENCYCONTROL, VOL. 35, NO. 3, MAY 1988 h P v 10‘0 FLICKER FREQUENCY RANDOMWALK FREQUENCY 10” l I 1 102 I 103 101 I I I I 102 I 104 10 T (seconds) Fig. 31. Fractional frequency stability of 425-MHz SAW resonator oscillator. 1.S LL oa 1.o -1 % P c 2 Q Q 05 l -2 0.0 -3 4.5 0 I I I I 2Ooo 4000 6000 8WO 10000 TIME (seconds) Fig. 32. Observed temperature and fractional frequency change with time for 425-MHz SAW resonator oscillator. of 1 X lo4 S (2.8 h). With a temperature stability of +l X 10-30C, the SAW oscillator frequency was stable to about 1 part in lo9 for the entire measurement period. VII.CONCLUSION At thistimeSAWoscillatorshaveestablishedthemselvesasviableVHF, UHF, andlowmicrowavefrequency sources. They offer medium- and long-term frequencystabilitiesapproachingthoseusuallyassociated with low-frequency quartz-crystal BAW oscillators, while at the same time offering substantial improvements when compared to multiplied BAW oscillators over certain portions of the phase noise spectrum. Furthermore, two-port SAW devices are very convenient and easy to use in feedback-loop oscillator circuits. The proper oscillation conditions for this type of oscillator are readily established and problemscanberapidlydiagnosed.Inmanycases alternative technologies are pushed to their limits in complexity and performance in order to meetlownoiserequirements. The much simpler SAW oscillator can many timescomfortablymeetthenoiserequirements and will It is ultimately lead to a more reliable frequency source. theauthors’beliefthatSAWoscillators will eventually become the standard frequency source for many applications requiring stable oscillators in the VHF, UHF, and low microwave frequency ranges. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are grateful for the valuable contributions of the following individuals to the research and development reported herein: Mr. M. Bennett, Dr. J . Callerame, Ms. J. Columbus, Dr. J. Greer,Mr. P. Harkins,Mr. J . Lang, Mr. M. Loboda, and Mr. E. Sabatino. The authors are also indebted to Regina Guerin for her patience in preparing this manuscript. REFERENCES [ l ] 1. D . Maines, E. G . S . Paige, A. F. Saunders,and A . S . Young, “Simple technique for the accurate determination of delay-time variations in acoustic-surface-wave structures.” Electron. Lerrs., vol. S . no. 26, pp. 678-680, Dec. 27, 1969. 121 H . Eschler, L . Sanchez-Hermosilla, W . E. Bulst, and P. Schucht, “Design and construction of SAW oscillators for secondary radar sys- PARKERANDMONTRESS:PRECISIONSAWOSCILLATORS terns,” in Proc.32ndAnn.Symp. on FrequencyControl. 1978,pp. 58-65. 131 W. J. Tanski, R . A. St. Cyr. P. G. Dragonetti, and E. G . 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Musha. “I/ffrequency Huctuation ofaquartzcrystaloscillator and temperaturefluctuation,” in Proc. 35th Ann. Symp. on Frequency Control, 1981, pp. 484-491. [BO] M . F . Lewis,“TemperaturecompensationtechniquesforSAWdevices,” in Proc. IEEE Ultrusorz. Symp., 1979, pp. 612-622. [Sl] G . K . Montress. T. E. Parker, and J . Callerame. “A miniature hybrid circuitSAWoscillatorusing an all quartz packaged resonator,” i n Proc. IEEE Ultrason. S v n p . , 1985, vol. 1 , pp.277-282. Thomas E . Parker (”79-SM’86)was born in Natrona Heights. PA, o n September 17, 194.5. He receivedtheB.S.degree i n physicsfromAllegheny College in 1967. He receivedthe M . S degree i n 1969and the Ph.D. degree i n 1973, both i n physics, from Purdue University. His doctoral thesiswasa Brillouin scattering study of acoustoelectric domains in GaAs. In August 1973 he joined the stafl of the RaytheonResearchDlvision.working with the GcneralizedFiltersandMicrowaveAcoustics(now Stable Sources) Group. lnltially his work was mainly related to the dcvelopment of improvedtemperaturestablesurface wave materials. Hewas responsible for the development of the fused silica-lithium tantalate structure, which not only has higher piezoelectric coupling, but also has only one-tenth the temperaturesensitivity ofST-cut quartz.More recently he has been responsible for the sur~ace-wave-controlled oscillator programat the Research Division.His primary interest has been frequency stability. with emphasis on l l f n o i s e , temperature stability, and aging. Dr. Parker is a member of the IEEE, Sigma Pi Sigma, and Sigma X I . He has served on the Technical Program Committees for both the UltrasonicsSymposiumandtheFrequencyControlSymposium.Hcwas FInanceChairmanforthe1980UltrasonicsSymposiumand is thecurrent Finance Chairman for the Frequency Control Symposium. Gary K . Montress (S’66-M’76-SM’87) was born in East Orange,NJ, o n April 10, 1947. He re- ceived the B.S.E.E., M.S. E . E . , Electrical Engineer, and Ph.D. degrees from theMassachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, in 1969.1971.1971,and 1976. respectively. From1969to 1972,while at MIT. he was a Teaching Assistant i n thc ElectricalEngineering Department.where he taught courses on s o l d state electronics and circuit design and also pursuedresearch i n the area of p-n junct~onbreahdown phenomena. From 1972 to 1975 he was a n Instructor i n the Electrical EngineeringDepartment,teachingandsupervisingcourses in solid-state physicsandmicroelectronics.From 1975 to 1976. while a Research Assistant in theResearchLaboratoryforElectronics at MIT. he completed his Ph.D. thesis research and dissertation in the area o f wlid-state microwavedevices.From1976to 1984 he wasamemberoftheprofcssional staff at the United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford. CT, where he was involved in research anddevelopmentactivitlesrelatedtosolidstateelectronics,SAWfrequencycontrol.and signal processingcomponents, and GaAs material and device technologies for SAW and electronic device applications. Since October 1984 he has been a membcr of the professional staff at the Raytheon Research Division. He i \ currently engaged in researchanddevelopment activities relatedto stableVHF,UHF.and microwave frequency sources, including both SAW and dielectric resonator based oscillators andsynthesizers.Hisresearch interejth also include thedevelopmentof low noise hybridand !vlMIC circuitry using \ilicon bipolar transistors, for applicationto extremely low noise frequency sources operating in the 100-MHz to 20-GHz frequency range. Dr. Montress is a member of Eta Kappa N u , Sigma X I . andTau Beta Pi. His IEEE activities include currently serving as an oHicer o t the Boston Chapter of UFFCS and as a member of the Technlcal Program Commlttcc for the annual Ultrasonics Symposium.